/, TH't d . ;N DAILY High School PupilsToday THE MICHGAN DA-L Championship Debate And Music Festival Attract Students To Ann Arbor (Continued from Page 1) Auditorium tonight have won their way to the finals from 228 squads who started in the competition last fall. Neither of the schools has been. represented in the finals of the state championship more than once and neither has been awarded a cham- pionship., The Flint affirmative consisting of William Siegel, William Pierce, and Watson Pierce was coached by Har- old t. Hawley of Flint Cefitral High School. Mr. Hawley's team was de- feated by a Big Rapid'a squad last year in the finals. Stuart Main, Raymond Davis, and Robert Gibson, coached by John W. Postma of Battle Creek High School compose the negative team. A Battle Creek squad lost to Lincoln High School of Ferndale in the '34 finals, The debate is conducted annually by the Michigan High School Foren-j sic Association, a division of the Uni- versity Extension Service. Arthur Secord of the Service, and varsity debate coach, is manager of the For- ensic Association. Gold watches, donated by the De troit Free Press will be awarded to each of the six debaters participat- ing in tonight's event. Bronze trophy cups will be awarded to the two teams, and also tt Detroit Central High School and Harrisville High School, semi-finalist teams. G. M. Minton directed the Detroit squad and A. H. Warner coached the Harrisville team. Dr. Charles A. Fisher, director of the Extension Service, will be chair- man of the debate. The judges will be Dr. Harry G. Barnes of the State University of Iowa, Prof. Gaul E. Densmore, head of the department of speech and Prof. Carl G. Brandt of the same department. A band concert by the University of Michigan Band, under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli will pre- cede the debate. The concert will open with "The Victors. The pro- gram will consist of: "Bravada, Paso Doble" by Curzon; "Overture to Il Matrimonio Segreto" by Cimarosa; "There's Something About a Soldier" by' Noel. Gay; "Fruhlingstimmnen Waltzes" by Johann Strauss; "A Michigan Fantasy" arranged by Donn Chown; "Rhythms of Rio" by Ben- nett; and "Varsity" by Moore. HJligh School T eamns To V i.Fr State Championship T onigh t 2E.h 11 < -S y. Pcreabove aethe debaing teams of Flint Centrland Batl Ceek High Schoolssrioso state- wide elunination contest, who will vie for the Michigan debating championship tonight in Hill Auditorium. In the upper row, left to right, is the affirmative team, William Siegel, William Pierce and Watson Piere. Below is the negative team, Raymond Davis, Robert Gibson and Stuart Main. By HERVIE HAUFLER A special low-rate tax on millions of, dollars worth .of intangible pro- perty, including stocks, bonds and bank deposits, is proposed in a pamphlet, "Taxing Intangibles," pre- pared by Prof. Robert S. Ford, direc- tor of the Bureau of Government. In Michigan intangibles are now taxed under the general property tax, Professor Ford explains, but rela- tively few are assessed because most tax officials and taxpayers feel that the tax is unjust. He suggests a rate only about 10 per cent as high as the general property tax. Evasion of the existing intangibles tax is a simple matter, he observes, since the owner must report it for taxation. The evader of the tax does not consider his action. a violation of the law, but, rather as "self-help" in correcting a great injustice. Other states have corrected this situation, Professor Ford, writes, by three methods. These include: exemp- tion from property taxation, with the income, such as interests and divi- dends, subject to a general income tax; exemption from property taxa- tion, with the income from the in- tangibles subject to a special income tax; or by a special low-rate property tax, as in use in Ohio. It is nearly always assumed that greater revenues will be obtained by the adoption of such a low-rate, wide- ly distributive program. "However," Professor Ford warns, "this may or may not occur. The rate of taxation under such a tax is usually around two or three mills, which is only 10. per cent as high as the usual general property tax." He adds that "The primary motive in urging the change from the gen- eral .property tax to a low rate on in- tangible property is to broaden the distribution of the tax burden on property." Efficient collection of the tax, as in Minnesota and Ohio, have increased the revenue from intangible property. The low-rate tax program was pro- posed to the State legislature in 1937, but proved defective in several legal requirements. .However, the bill con- tains a number of commendable features, he believes, and if certain of the defects are corrected, it will do a great deal to improve the taxa- tion of intangibles in this state.. Prof. Willard Chosen President Of Sigma Xi Officers elected for the next bien- nuim by Sigma Xi, honorary scien- tific. research fraternity, are: Prof. Hobart H. Willard of the chemistry department, president; Prof. Mal- colm H. Soule of the bacteriology de- partment; vice-president; Prof. Rus- sell A. Dodge of the engineering mechanics department, 'treasurer; and Prof. Franklin L. Everett of the engineering mechanics department, secretary. Three members elected to the council were: Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer of the physics department; Prof. Heber.D. Curtis of the astronomy de- partment; Prof. Heber D. Curtis of the astronomy department, and Prof. Chester B. Slawson of the minera- logy department. Profn Iord Proposes LowRate Tax On Intangible Properties Scholmasters Meet Here Today IUAW To Vote On AFL Merger Martin Indicates Approval Of Executive Board DETROIT, April 27.--(P)-Offi- cials of the Independent United Au- tomobile Workers Union prepared today for a poll of the Union's mem- bership on the question of affiliation with the American Federation of La- bor. Homer Martin, president of the independent UAW said a majority of the executive board had approved a referndum. No date for the vote has been set.. Four thousand employes of the Briggs Manufacturing Co., idle yes- terday in a dispute between the CIO-UAW and the company regard- ing time allowances for securing tools and reporting for work, returned to their jobs today. Emil Mazey, president of Briggs Local 212 of the CIO-UAW, said members of the Local will meet Sat- urday afternoon to discuss the dis- pute and "30 unsettled" grievances and vote whether to call a strike. "We're going to make every effort to settle these matters peaceably," said Mazey. "We don't want to strike if we don't have to. The men want- ed to walk out this morning and we had all we could do to keep them at; work." The Chrysler Corp. today an-; nounced another extension of 60 days of the Corporation's contract withj the UAW. The expiration date waso advanced to June 30.1 Ie ti f i t E (Continued from Page 1) at 2 p.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall. Others on the program are Prof. Shir- ley W. Allen of the Forestry School; Raymond Courtright, golf coach; L. F. Dow of the French department; Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer, chair- man of the German department and Otto G. Graf, also of the German de- partment; Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the School of Education; Prof. Lewis G. Vander Velde of the history department and Prof. Henry M. Ken- dall of the geography department. Also on the program are Dr. Eu- gene B. Elliott, Michigan State Sup- erintendent of Public Instruction; Harlan C. Koch, assistant director of the University's Bureau of Coopera- tion with Educational Institutes; E. J. Soop, field secretary of the Univer- sity Extension Service and John M. Trytten, acting principal of Univer- sity High School. Tne Schoolmasters' meet will con- tinue tomorrow morning on com- munity and school curricular ac- tivities with seven conferences and a demonstration and instruction lec- ture on Early American Dancing. Dean Jame B. Edmonson of the School of Education opened the Tenth Annual Conference on Teach- er-Education yesterday morning. Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the School of Education summarized the results of a ballot on controversial issues in; programs of Student teaching. The poll consisted of the opinions of 500 members pf the faculties of nine in- stitutions. Discrepancies between the practices of schools and what faculty members believe should be done are due to the failure of institutions to formulate a philosophy of education, faculty cooperation, excessive loads on critic teachers, persistance of demonstration work' of an outmoded type, and failure to protect the best interests of pupils, Professor Schor- lipg said. The recent inquiry by the New York Board of Regents into the character and costs of public education in that state was outlined by Prof. Arthur B. Moehiman of the School of Educes- tion at the luncheon meeting in the Union. The study, supervised by Dr. Luther Gulick of Columbia Universi- ty, was in, nine sections. Four dealt with high schools, teacher personnel, state aid in school costs and Wilson's concept of education, were classified by Professor 'MoehlIman as excellent. The survey recommended, he con- tinued, that New York did not need a state university but rather an im- proved system of elementary and secondary education. Also stressed was the need of a central agency to control and reorganize school and to revise the curriculum to meet modern needs. A lack of personal guidance and counseling exists in many of the uni-' versities today, Prof. George E. Car- rothers of the School of Education said in the .opening address of the afternoon session. The University of Michigan is pri- marily concerned with the academic problems of its freshmen and sopho- mores, Prof. Arthur Van Duren, chairman of the academic counselors,, said. Though there are a few dis- appointments in the present counsel- or system, he declared, as a whole it is capable of filling the need for sat- isfactory relations between students and University. Puppet Show* To Play Here Exhibit To Be Displayed In Mendelssohn Theatre The Kingsland Puppets, owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Cedric R. Head of New York, will be presented in a version of "Alice in Wonder- land" 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in' the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. In ad- dition to the actual production, an exhibition of old and foreign pup- pets, representing years of collection, will be featured, according to How- lard A. Kenyon, director of the the- atre. Among the puppets to be displayed are several museum pieces. These in- clude Oriental shadow figures, 18th century Italian figures and one of the few puppets to be allowed out of the Imperial Japanese Puppet Theatre at Osaka. The production which will be pre- sented in conjunction with the Mich-' igan Schoolmasters' Convention is intended primarily for children, but interested adults are invited to at-1 tend. Medical Faculty Memberst Plan To Attend Meeting Nine members of the medical fac- ulty will attend a joint meeting of the American Society of Clinical In- vestigation and the American Asso- ciation of Physicians, May 1, 2, 3 at Atlantic City, N.J. Those planning to make the trip are Dr. C. C. Stur- gis, Dr. Frank N. Wilson, Dr. Henry Field, jr., Dr. Franklin D. Johnston, Dr. Arthur C. Curtis, Dr. A.M. Gold- hamer, Dr. Jerome W. Conn, Dr. Frank H. Bethell and Dr. Richard H. Freyberg. State High Schools On University Day High school students from all parts of the state will visit the University tomorrow in the second of a series of three "University Days." I The program to be offered the visit- ors will feature conferences with de- partmental heads and tours of the University. The confernces are de- signed to enable high school students to gain a picture of life in the Univer- sity and to plan a suitable course of study. The following faculty mem- bers are among those who will par- ticipate in the conferences: Ira M. Smith, University registrar, Lloyd S. Woodburne, assistant dean of the literary college, Assistant Dean Al- fred H. Lovell of the College of En- gineering, Dean Henry M. Bates o the law school and Dean Clare E. Griffin of the business administra- tion school. Other faculty men who will confer with high school students are Deran Russell W. Bunting of the dentistry school, Dean Wells I. Bennett of the College of Architecture, Dean Sam- uel T. Dana of the forestry school and Earl V. Moore, director of the music school. Alice Lloyd, Dean of Women, will conduct conferences on extra- curricular activities. ' The day's program will also be highlighted by a series of tours of the University, including visits to the museums, the observatory and the athletic plant. Dean Joseph A. Bairs- ley will deliver a short talk to the visitors at 12:30 p.m. at a luncheon in the Union. The visit will be con- cluded by a coffee hour at 5:15 p.m. in thensmall ballroom and terrace of the Union. i t. Our Button Expert pops frp with this! Ay28 - pound pull will yank the buttons from most:shirts. Takes, twice this much on Arrow shirts. A small detail, perhaps, but it's small details all along the line that make Arrows America's .best- selling shirts. $2 up. State Street on the Campus R W Flight Student Makes Initial Distance Hop By being the first of the .20 stu- dents enrolled ini the Civil Aeronau- tics Authority's flight training course to make his cross country flight, Frederick A. Maxam, '39E, seemed likely to win the honor of being, the first to obtain a private pilot's license. Taking off from the Ann Arbor Airport with an instructor Wednes- day, Maxam flew to Detroit, Pontiac and back to his starting point. By taking this flight, Maxam entered on the final stage of the CAA training course for which he will need five hours of cross country flying time, made in flights to strange fields and over triangular and point to point courses. The first test for a private pilot's license will be given at the Ann Arbor air carnival as a climax to a drama- tization of the entire training course which the students must undergo. In order to take this test the students must have amassed 35 hours of flying time and since the entire group has, already soloed it is possible that many may be ready by the end of the month. The University's Flying Club has also started instruction in its own training course along lines similar to those of the CAA. Besides those who originally enrolled the group now includes Robert C. Milton, Grad., Paul W. =Theriault, 41E, Ned Fuller, '39E, and Allen Andrews. '39E. Hinkle Elected Cap tain Walter J. Hinkle, '40, was elected captain of Scabbard and Blade, na- tional honorary military society. CARRO Our Button Expert pops up 'with this! A 28-pound pull will yank the buttons from most shirts. Takes' twice this much on Arrow shirts. A small detail, perhaps, but it's small details all along-the line that make Arrows America's best- selling shirts. $2 up. SINCE148., STATE STIREET RB 01 I .. . Williams Stresses Value Of Roll Call (Continued from Page 1) quate medical care, he emphasized the importance of federal medical aid and such measures as hospitali- zation and group insurance plans. Civil Liberties, which are gener- ally regarded as intrinsic to our democracy are being violated in many ways every day, Professor Williams stated. Labor legislating aimed at severe limitation on the strike activi- ties of labor are passed in many state legislatures, political minorities are suppressed by such measures as the "short ballot" bill now pending in the State, dissenting groups are sup- pressed by the Dies Committee and its counter-parts throughout the country and attempts are made to. prevent those on relief from voting. QUEEN 0F. THlE WSSISS1PPf.. Dorothy Lamour as the singing, swinging shown rbe Ki~jgsIad' Ma rouees 1 AL ICE in Wonderland r. - I- I What is your .9. on Style? (For Men Only) y- - -dMMI&.- d and PUPPET demonstra- White handkerchiefs should always be worn with white shirts.. ......YES .....NO Answer: Although white hand- kerchiefs are perfect with white shirts, there's a steadily increasing trend toward col- ored handkerchiefs that har- monize or contrast with your tie. Arrow handkerchiefs, 25c up. Arrow ties, $1.00 & $1.50. Shirt sleeves should fall be- low the cuff of your suit coat. ___..YES _...NO Answer: Yes, from one-quar- ter to three-quarters of an inch of your shirt cuff should show beneath your coat sleeve. And the best shirt to show is an Arrow. $2.00 up. _ _ T y Q. How close to ground should trousers hang? A. Pegged trousers should hang just low' enough to touch your instep at the bot- tom laces. Straight-cut trousers should touch between the bottom lace and the back of the toe cap, and should have one slight "break" above the instep Q. Is there such an animal as a comfortable pair of shorts? A. There is . . . and they're Arrow shorts. Arrows haven't the center seam you find in so many shorts - the seam that makes shorts chafe and ride up. Arrow shorts, 65c up. Undershirts, 50c up. --mop, --qop- I I Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Matinee Only Saturday, April 29 2:30 P.M. I . I - , 7 t *.--.uIf E