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April 27, 1939 - Image 1

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New Tariff

No. 147





iors, 800.

British Conscription May Curb
War Threats,_Cross Declares


Ford To Talk

England's Fleet Movement
Termed Concrete Proof
Of Anti-Fascist Policy

University Of Minnesota's
President Will Address
High-Ranking Students
Jamison To Speak
For Honor Groups
Eight hundred students who have
achieved high scholarship rating dur-
ing the current academic year will
receive public recognition in the six-
teenth annual Honors Convocation at
11 a.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
President Guy Stanton Ford of the
University of Minnesota will be prin-
cipal speaker a the ceremony. Dean
of Students Joseph A. Bursley, chair-
man of the committee of Honors
Convocation, willpreside and Presi-
dent Ruthven will welcome the honor
students and guests,.
Dr. Ford will be introduced by
Prof. Charles L. Jamison of the School
of Business Administration, who will
represent the honor societies.
Most classes will be dismissed at
10:46 am. so that students can at-
tend the Convocation. Exceptions
from this rule are clinics in which
only students receiving honors will
Partipants in the Honors Convo-
cation will be senior students who
ve Attained at least a "B" average
anid hold rank ini the highest ten per
cenrt of the senior classes in the vari-
ous schools and colleges -in the Uni-
versity; other undergraduates who
have attained an average equivalent
to at least half "A" and half "B";
graduate students selected for dis-
tinguished scholarly work done at the
University; and recipients of special
scholarship awards. -
Delegates to the Schoolmasters'
Convention, which begins today, have
been invited to. attend the Convoca-
tion, which has come to be a feature
of the annual convention..
Dr. Ford was elected to the presi-
dency of Minnesota last October, suc-
e Louis D. Coffman.
A former dean of the Minnesota grad-
uate school, Dt. Ford came there
from the University of Illinois
House Studies
State College
Building Bonds
Committee To Investigate
Award Of All Contracts
To One Financial Firm
LANSING, April 26.-( P)-Bond
issues for the construction of build-
ings at State colleges and universities
today fell under the scrutiny of a
House of Representatives investigat-
ing commttee.
Inforrmed sources said projects at
the University of Michigan, Michigan
State College, the Michigan College
of Mining and Technology, the teach-
ers' colleges and normal schools were
being studied.,
John A. Hannah, secretary of the
State Board of Agriculture and Mich-
igan State College, said he under-
stood the committee wanted to learn
from him why one financial institu-
tion had received all the bond busi-
ness allied with the self-liquidating
financing of construction project at
East Lansing.
"I wont be able to speak for the
other institutions but Michigan State
College gave all that business to one
company because no others seemed
to want it,' Hannah said.
He said the company did not un-
derwrite the bonds but developed a
market for ihem, $2,700,000 worth,
on a fee basis.
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president
and secretary of the University at

Ann Arbor, said the institution was
"ready to cooperate" with the in-
vestigators and predicted the com-
mittee would find the bond transac-
tions at Ann Arbor were "satisfac-
tory" He said the University dis-
posed of $3,000,000 worth of revenue
bonds through the one company "at'
the lowest fee ever paid by the
University for similar service."
Official Regent Canvass
Confirms GOP Victory
LANSING, April 26.-VP)--The De-
partment of State disclosed today
the official canvass of the April 3

Curbing the dictators' territorial
ambitions and strengthening the an-
ti-fascist front were among the many,
far-reaching effects of Britain's con-
scription measure predicted by prof.
Arthur L. Cross of the history de-
partment in an interview last night.
Chamberlain's strong stand will
possibly quiet Europe's war nerves,
at least for a short time, Professor
Cross declared. The sudden decision
to send the British fleet eastward
from Malta represents more concrete
evidence of England's determination
to match force with force, he stated.
Professor Cross indicated that such
a defiant attitude at this strategic
time (before Hitler's Reichstag'
Prof. Williams
Explains Human
American Student Union
Roll Call To Be Subject'
For Meeting In Union
Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the
English department, recently voted
"most popular professor" will speak
on the seven-point program of the
Human Rights Roll Call at an open
meeting of the American Student
Union to be held at 8 p.m. today in the
North Lounge of the Union. t
The Roll Call, endorsed by Presi-
dent Ruthven and a large body of
faculty members, is sponsored by the
ASU and is a declaration of demo-
cratic principles designed as a solu-
tion of the problems facing our coun-
try. ASU chapters throughout the
country are trying to unite members
of the college community behind sim-
ilar programs.
The program provides for the elim-
ination of illiteracy and the estab-
lishment of equality of educational
opportunity, the support of cultural
activities accessible to the people,
social insurance, public medical care,
slum clearance and housing, conser-
vation, guarantee of civil liberties and
equal political and religious rights to
all American citizens regardless of
race, color or creed.
Professor Williams will explain the.
national implications of these. seven
points with special emphasis on the
place of the college student in main-
taining the aims expressed. Tomorrow'
the Roll Call will be offered to the
student body for their signatures.
Heads Chosen
For Tag Day,


speech tomorrow) should do more to
curb the dictators' war zeal than
any other move. He added, however,
that Hitler's unpredictability, amply
demonstrated by his recent coups in
central Europe, precludes definite
predictions. Hitler's ambitions in
Poland, however, now becoming more
ominous, may be curbed >y the Bri-
tish move, he said.
Another effect of conscri tion in
England, Professor Cross believed, is
the strengthening of the anti-fascist
allied bloc, and especially the en-
couragement of France, which has
been feverishly arming during the
past few months.
The Nazi snub of the British am-
bassador to Germany, Sir Nevile
Henderson, sent to effect a tentative
conciliation, will probably reinforce
the lines of Roosevelt ati-fascist
backers in this country, Professor
Cross declared. Nazi reception of
the Yugoslav foreign minister with
high military honor, while the Bri-
tish emissary was allowed to cool his
heels and wait for a hearing, must
certainly tighten allied opposition to
the Rome-Berlin axis, he continued.
The Labor minority in Qommons,
which has consistently fough Cham-
berlain policies, is now beginning to
weaken and allow its anti-fascist
feelings to overpower their anti-war
ideals, Professor Cross concluded, to
the end that Chamberlain's majority
in the Commons has been strength-
ened rather than weakened by the
conscription measure.
Airport Design
Will Be Subject
Of Conference
Aviation Executives And
Government Officials'
Expected At Meeting
Major aviation executives, govern-
mental officials, and airport man-
agers from every part of the nation
are expected to be in attendance at
a 'three-day conference on airport
construction and design to be held
at the University June 7 to 9.
Collaborating with the University
in sponsoring the meeting will be the
National Aeronautical Association,
the National Association of State
Aviation Officials, the American As-
sociation of Airport Executives, and
the Michigan State Board of Aero-
nautics. The active participation of'
the Civil Aeronautics Authority has
also been assued for the confer-
The selection of Michigan as the
site of the national conference is a
result of work done by the Universi-
ty's civil engineering faculty for the
CAA last summer. Furthermore, the
University was one of the institutions
selected by the CAA to offer their
flight training course. In preparation
for th'e meeting a soil paving research
unit has been set up here, and a
manual on airport construction has
been prepared.
It is expected that the coming con-
ference will. focus attention on the
problems of airport development and
will enlist the aid of aviation indus-'
try. Discussions at the conference will
deal with airport design, construc-
tion and planning, selection of sites,
soil studies, paving and soil stabiliza-
tion, and airport buildings, lighting,;
and marking.;
Darby Wins Award
Dr. William J. Darby, jr., of the
University of Arkansas will receive the
Sigma Xi fellowship, it was an-'
nounced yesterday. Dr. Darby is the
co-author of nine papers in Biologicalt
Chemistry and holds an M.D. degree.

Bill Is Signed
By Roosevelt
Woodring Announces Plan
To Weed Out Officers
Unfit For Active Service
571 New Airplanes
OrderedBy Army
WASHINGTON, April 26.-()-
With a speed which surprised the
Capital, President Roosevelt today
signed into law the $549,000,000 War
Department appropriation bill, and
immediately thereafter the Army
High Command placed a record-
breaking order for 571 warplanes at
a cost of more than $50,00,000.
Moreover, Secretary of War Wood-
ring, declaring that he wanted to as-
sure the American people as to the
"readiness and adequacy" of the
Army, disclosed steps to weed out the
over-aged and physically unfit among
the service's 12,500 officers.
However, 'it was noted that the
President, in a speech today to a
White House conference on children's
problems, emphasized his recent plea
anew by quoting from it. He pointed
out that he had told Hitler and Mus-
solini that "the leaders of great na-
tions have it in their power to liberate
their people from the disaster tht
The warplane purchase, announced
by Louis"Johnson,assistant secre-
tary Fof war, was the initial step in
a program\ to treble the army's air
strength by increasing it to 6,000
The order was split among five
manufacturers, and there were ad-
ditional orders for engines and
equipment. In the late day rush,
officials said details would be with-
held until tomorrow.
Five types were ordered-four-en-
gine bombers, single-engine pursuit
planes, fast climbing "pursuit inter-
ceptors," attack bombers and a small
number of photographic planes. Avia-
tion sources understood some of the
"fighter" craft, l'|fitd"*fd 6lii
down bombers, would be able at least
to approach 400 miles an hour.
Edith Atwater
To Play Here
Two Other Cast Additions
To Drama Season Made
Edith Atwater, New York and
Hollywood star, has signed toappear
as Andromache in the Dramatic Sea-
son's opening presentation of "No
War In Troy!", it was announced
Two other, cast additions were an-
nounced at the same time. Ellis Bak-
er, who played here two years ago
in "Tonight At 8:30," has been con-
tracted for an appearance in "Ameri-
can Landscape," and Grace Matthews
will come here to act in "No War
in Troy!", "The White Steed" and
"Here Come the Clowns."
Miss Atwater, a noted actress, was
featured with Gertrude Lawrence in
"Susan and God," and played in
"The Masque of Kings," "The Coun-
try Wife," "Springtime for Henry,"
"Brittle Heaven," "The Black Crook,"
and "This, Our House." 'She was re-
cently seen in the motion picture,
"We Went to College."

Tickets for the season are still on
sale at the Garden Room of the
League. "

Students Urged
To Participate
In Ionors Plan
Interest shown by the student body
in the Degree Program for Honos
in Liberal Arts, the tutorial plan to
be "inaugurated here in September,
has been very gratifying, Dr. Lloyd
S. Woodburne, assistant to the dean
of thehCollege of Literature, Science
and the Arts, said in an interview
Some of the students who inquired
concerning this course during the
past year have not made application
for admission, he continued. Students
wishing to be ' considered as candi-
dates must leave their names in the
office of the dean by Monday, May 1.
Some people may have believed
that they were automatically elimi-
nated by the requirements for ad-
mission, Dr. Woodburne said, but a
careful reading of these requirements
will indicat'e that few of them are
stated in a form which permits no
deviation. He suggested that the pur-
pose of the qualifications is to as-I
sure the Board of Tutors that stu-
dents admitted will be capable of
carrying on the independent work
necessary. If the committee has this
assurance, a small deviation from
the published requirements will not
prevent a student's admission.
Announcement of the names of
tutors cannot be made until the{
adoption of the college budget, he
said. However, it is expected that the
seminars offered will include two,
in social studies, two in language and
literature and one in science, he con-
Watson Leads
20 Tracknen
To Penn Meet'
Ken -Doherty In Charge
As Squad Seeks Relay
And Individual Titles
Michigan's track cavalcade, 20
strong, will leave this afternoon to
compete tomorrow and Saturday in
the outstanding meet of the Eastern
outdoor track season, the Penn Re-
lays in Philadelphia.
The Wolverines, under the direc-
tion of Ken Doherty in the absence
of head coach Charley Hoyt, are en-
tered in six relays and in seven in-
dividual events.
Capt. Bill Watson is the lone de-
fending champion for the Wolverines.
Big Bill won the broad jump last year
when he leaped 24 ft. 11%1/ in. after
failing to beat his nemesis, Francis
Ryan of Columbia, in the shot put by,
a mere three inches. Watson and
Ryan will meet again tomorrow with
the meet record of 51 ft. 6 1/8 in.
almost certain to fail.
Watson is also entered in the dis-
cus thraw in which event he finished
,third in 1938. Bill Faymonville of
Notre Dame, who set a new meet
record with his 157 ft. 1%'/2 in. in win-
ning last year, is also entered and
will offer the Michigan ace his great-
est competition.,
Since Elmer Gedeon has again
chosen to cast his lot with the base-
ball team, Stan Kelley has the hurd-
ling duties all to himself and he will
(Continued on Page 6)
Taber Fights
Permanent Relief Agencies

Denounced In House
WASHINGTON, April 26.-()-
Denouncing President Roosevelt's
government reorganization plan as
"destructive and demoralizing," Rep-
resentative Taber (Rep., N.Y.) asked
the House today to reject it.
He introduced a concurrent reso-
lution calling for disapproval. The
reorganization act provides that
presidential reorganization orders be-
come effective in 60 days unless they
are disapproved by both houses of
Taber said that consolidating the
government's relief agencies with
permanent branches of the govern-
ment, as proposed by Mr. Roosevelt
was designed to make the relief
agencies permanent.
"It is ridiculous and demoralizing
in every way," he' said, "and will
bring the level of the permanent ac-
tivities down to the level of the relief.
agecies which have been a dis-
Administration leaders were highly
confident that Taber would be un-
able tn ssmble a mainritr in sun-





Conscription Pl

Sears Speaks
To Sigma Xi's
New Initiates
Scientific Honor Fraternity
Inducts.152 Members
At Annual Dinner Here
Prof. Paul B. Sears, head of the
botany department of Oberlin Col-
lege, addressed members of Sigma Xi,
national honorary scientific frater-
nity, at the annual initiation ban-.
quet held at 6:20 p.m. yesterday in
the Union. The fraternity inducted
152 initiates. %
Professor Sears spoke on "Science
and the New Landscape," a discus-
sion of the ecological and social prob-
lems involved in reshaping the Ameri-
can landscape for civilization. The
topic is related to the subject of the
recently published book, "Who Are
These Americans?"
Sigma Xi was organized for the
purpose of encouraging original in-
vestigation of pure and applied sci-
ence and for the promotion of friend-
ship among those engaged Itnre-
search.. Memibers are selected from
nominations submitted by staff mem-
bers in the department of specializa-
tion. Staff members and graduate
students who have demonstrated
ability in research, usually through
publication of noteworthy character
are elected to full membership in the
organization. Seniors and graduates
who have exhibited high scholarship
together with a promise of aptitude in
research may be elected to associate
membership and may later be ad-
vanced to full membership.
Roland Vokac, '29, chief of paving
research, Technical Bureau in Bar-
ber County, was elected to full mem-;
bership. Two alumni advanced from
associate to full membership were
Charles R. Burrows, '23, research en-
gineer of the Bell Telephone Labora-
tories, New York City; and Walde-
(Continued on Page 2)
Annual Meetin g
Convenes Today
First Day Of Conference
Is Highlighted By Talks
Of Leading Educators
The Tenth Annual Conference on
Teacher-Education, sponsored by the
School of Education, will open today
in the Union. This is the first of
the programs in connection with the
Schoolmasters' C lu b convention
which is being held here today, to-
morrow and Saturday.
The morning meeting will have for
its subject "Controversial Issues in
Teacher-Education," with Dean J. B.
Edmonson as chairman.
At 12:15 p.m. in Room 222 of the
Union there will be a lulncheon meet-
ing of members of the State Board
of Education and officers and staff
members of colleges and junior col-
leges. At this meeting Prof. Arthur
B. Moehlman, of the School of Edu-
cation, will speak on "Significant
Findings of the Regents' Inquiry in-
to the Character and Cost of Public
Instruction in the State., of New
The afternoon meeting will be held
at 2 p.m. on the Second Floor Ter-
race of the Union. Among those par-
ticipating will be Arthur Van Duren,

jr., Chairman of Academic Counsel-
ors, whose topic will be "Purposes,
Plans, Accomplishments, and Dis-
appointments in Counseling as Seen

Chamberlain Adop
Stand In Effort T
Attempts At Don
German Diplo
Snub British I

LONDON, April 26.-()-The Br-
tish government, in a, supreme effort
to demonstrate its determination to
resist "any attempt at general domi-
nation," announced today its decision
to adopt peacetime conscription 'fo
the first time since the 17th ceittury
rule of Oliver Cromwell.
As his government majorit chee
and the Labor opposition Jeered,
Prime Minister Chamberlain told the
House of Commotis the government
had decided to ask powers to summon
all youths in their 21st year for six
months' ,military training,
Tomorrow he will present to Parli-
ament a motion expressing approval
of the government's decision "to In-
troduce as soon as possible a system
of compulsory nilitary training aa
announced April 26." The Labor op-
position announced it would fight
both the motion and the subsequent
bill. Full dress debat on the issue
is scheduled for tomorrow.
Labor members 'of Parki iet -In
special session tonight framed a
strongly worded amendment to the
government motion saying the con.
scription' proposal' "is further evi-
dence that the government's conduct
of affairs throughout these critical
times does not merit the confidence
of the country or of this House."'
The amendment, to be offered by
opposition leader Clement Attlee,
would call for the government's resig-
nation if adopted, but Chamberlain
was expected to push through his
motion by a safe margin and follow
up with the conscription bill next
BERLIN, April 26.-IP)-Heavily-
militarized Nazi Germany was repre-
sented tonight as "not in the least
impressed" by Great Britain's new
compulsory military service, which
was called a "quieting measure for
At the same time British Ambassa-
dor Sir Nevile Henderson succeeded
after a two-day delay in conveying
to Chancellor Hitler through a sub-
ordinate a message about British mo-
tives for taking the unprecendented
peacetime step, but Hitler was sai.
already to have finished his anxious-
ly-awaited Friday speech and to be
unwilling to change what he intend-
ed to say.
"It is the provocative nature 01
the move and not its military aspect
that interests us," a. governinet
spokesman .said concerning the Bri-
tish conscription ,announcement.
OTTAWA, April 26.-(P)-Defense
Minister Ian Mackenzie, introducing
in the House of Commons the gov-
ernment's $63,000,000 defense pro-
gram for the present year, announced
today that pilots of Britain's Roya
Air Force will rfeceive training iJ
Canada with the Royal Canadia
Air Force.
Under an agreement between the
Canadian and British government
Mackenzie said, British pilots, w12
train at the Trenton and Camp Bor-
den establishments in Ontario. The
plan will operate for three years
with not more than 50 pilots coming
over in any one year.
Angell To Tal
On Germany
Sociologist Speaks Tonighi
At Lane HallMeeting
Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociol-
ogy department will discuss the 'Ger
many of today, in all its phases fro
economics to the church problem, a
8 p.m. tonight in Lane Hall at a
open meeting sponsored by the Amer
ican League for Peace and Denoc-

Professor Angell toured Germany
last Oct. 1 to Jan. 1. He spent the
major portion of his time studying
at the University of Heidelberg.
In an interview with The Daily
upon his return, Professor Angell de-
prihpd the severe teonnnmic condi-

Drive Will Raise Funds
For Fresh Air Camp
Chairmen of the five committees
that will take charge or Tag Day, one1
of Michigan's oldest traditions, to
raise funds to send needy children to
Fresh Air Camp, were announced yes-
terday by Howard Holland, Grad.
Tom Adams, '40, will be in charge
of all men volunteers for the tag
sale, all fraternity, dormitory and
cooperative contributions and of all
men's organizations on campus. Rob-
erta Moore, '40, will lead all women
volunteers, and all sorority, women's
dormitory and league house contribu-
Clarence Kresin; '39, was named
to take charge of merchant solicita-
tion this year. Robert Hartwell, '39-
BAd, will organize the publicity work,
and Herbert Leake, '42E, will be in
charge of miscellaneous itefis of pro-
Germans Welcome

5,200 High School Musicians
Will Gather Here For Festival




Five thousand high school students
-and all of them musicians-will
overrun Ann Arbor this weekend in.
a gargantuan Michigan Music Festi-
The combined efforts of 29 com-
mitteemen, who have been working
for more than six months, will be
culminated when hundreds of auto-
mobiles, station wagons, and buses
from throughout the state start their
strange pilgrimage tonight to bring
the thousands of students and their
thousands of instruments to Ann
A housing committee is hurriedly
completing arrangements for renting
mnre than 300 hone t ing the

an increase of 2,000 over last year,
and an increase of 20 high schools.
Twenty-six national musicians and
music teachers will come to Ann
Arbor to see the Festival and evalu-
ate the events. k
The Michigan Festival is unique
among such state-wide high school
affairs in that it is not a contest.
Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and Wis-
consin hold state music contests. The
local Festival, according to Prof.
William D. Revelli, chairman of the
entireaffair, will not be a competi-
tion of the student musicians against
each other, but a competition against
a standard of excellence in the minds
of the adjudicators.
Meanwhile local huinesnplace

by a Representative of a
Liberal Arts."

College of


NEW YORK, April 26.-(P)-Secre-
tary Ickes asserted tonight that Ger-
mans now taking "shelter" in the
United States were welcome here and
had seen in their homeland "the dev-
astating results that follow the
assassination of character, the mur-
ring .. nrylf s FL. ny -_-y.~l - , 4

United Jewish Aid
Drive Opens May 1
The local drive to raise funds for
the United Jewish Appeal for Refu-
gees and Overseas Needs will begin.
M'nnda' _Mnax 1 nd r rm for A10av

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