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February 19, 1939 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-19

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Predicts Chinese Alumna Dictators' Influence In Selection Art Cinema Shows
)f Hitler Wants Medkal Of Pope Minimized By Throop Comedies Today
"A4 f 0 I "The Comedy and Buster Keaton" is

The Cardinals who will meet later
this month to elect a successor to
Pope Pius XI realize the danger of
choosing a figurehead pope, Palmer
A. Throop of the history department
said in an interview yesterday, and
will probably not be influenced in
their selection by the pressure cer-
tain to be exerted by Hitler and Mus-
solini. Mr. Throop has recently done,
research work in the Vatican Library
Although 34 of the 62 Cardinals
are Italia*s and might be presumed
to support the election of a pro-Fas-
cist pope, Mr. Throop predicted that
the curia's consideration of the
strength of the Catholic Church will
overbalance the political maneuvers
of the Rome-Berlin axis. The Cardi-
nals, Mr. Throop said, realize that
the election of a pro-Fascist pontiff
will greatly weaken the prestige of
the Catholic Church. -
Pope Pius was remarkable, Mr.
Throop said, in being able to preserve
a benevolent neutrality with the Fas-
cists. He did not support Fascism,
and yet did not strongly antagonize
Fascist leaders.
Women Debaters
Tryouts for women's varsity de-
bate will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday
in Room 3209 Angell Hall, Mrs. Fred-
eric 0. Crandall, coach, announced.
A five-minute argumentative speech
is required for the tryout. The topics
to be used are "Resolved: That the
Government Should Cease Using Gov-
ernment Funds, Including Credit for
the Stimulation of Business" and "Re-
solved: That All Women Whose Hus-
bands Are Gainfully Employed Can-
not Work for Compensation."
Union Tryouts Announced
An important meeting of sopho-
more tryouts for the Union will be
held at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the stu-
dent offices of the Union, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Paul Brickley,
'39, Union president.

The new pope will be Italian and
will continue the policies of Pius XI,
Mr. Throop believes. He cites the sup-
port given by the Italian Cardinals
to Pius' opposition to the Italian anti-
Semitic measures as an indication
that the curia is not under the sway
of Mussolini.
Neither Il Duce nor Hitler, Mr.
Throop observes, desires the election
of another leader like Pope Pius, who
was outspoken in his criticism of the
Nazi regime and who waged a bitter
crusade against Nazi attempts to
subordinate the church. In Vatican
newspaper, "L'Osservatore," the late
Pope constantly asserted his principle
of the church's "hypernationalism,"
stressing that the people owe fully
as much to the church as to the state.
Men At Pay-Off Ball
To Sport Corsages
Michigan men will blossom forth
this Friday at the annual Pay-Off
Ball when campus gold-diggers re-
move debts incurred during the past
social season.
Sponsored by Mortar Board, a spe-
cial flower shop will be opened this
week in the League where stronger
members of the weaker sex can pur-
chase corsages, at only 10 cents, for
their brawny Friday evening com-
To prevent masculine embarrass-
ment, the corsages will not be com-
posed of the customary violets, or-
chids and pansies, but will consist of
daintily-arranged celery, radishes
and brussels sprouts. Thus, a League
press agent revealed, the Pay-Off Ball
will satisfy sungry stomachs as well
as hungry hearts.
Verein To Hear Wheeler
Prof. Benjamin Wheeler of the
history department will present an
illustrated lecture entitled "Bayrische
Schlosse und Burgen" at 8 p.m. Tues-
day at the League. This lecture is
the third in a series sponsored by
the Deutscher Verein.

Beauty Box
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In this little pink and blue box are assembled all the
essentials for loveliness to help you follow faithfully
your daily routine to help you build that basis of true
beauty . . . healthy, well-cared for skin.
This value will introduce you to the quality of Elizabeth
Arden's complete cosmetic line, which we offer
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