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April 22, 1939 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-22

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rp 22, MR.S,



P*i~ FWZ

Bill Sawyer's Orchestra



At Tuddle Jump', April 29

Eighth Project
To Broadcast
for HalfHour
Floor Show To Be Given
By Freshman Women;
To UseOriginal Songs
Bill Sawyer's orchestra will play
for the "Puddle Jump," eighth an-
nual Freshman Project, which will
be held from 9 p.m. ,to 12 p.m. Sat-
urday in the ballroom of the League,
Betty Fariss, general chairman, an-
First League Broadcast
"Puddle Jump" music will be broad-
cast from 11:30 p.m. to 12 p.m. over
WJR. This will be the first time in
the history of the League that an
orchestra has been broadcast, ac-
cording to Miss Ethel McCormick, so-
cial director of the League.
Freshman women will present a
floor show during the intermission.
Some original songs have been writ-
ten for the show, and dance routines
will carry out the theme of the dance.
Frances Aaronson, dance chairman,
announced that one of the dances
will satirize Britain's Neville Cham-
berlain and his ever-present um-
brella. Another dance routine will
be based on the lyric of an original
song written by Gwendolyn Dunn and
June Wales, "Puddle Jump."
Central Committee Listed
A total of approximately three
hundred dollars has already been
collected from freshman women,
Peggy Polumbaum, chairman of fi-
nance, said yesterday. " Production
expenses are paid from this amount
and it is imperative that every fresh-
man woman be contacted, she said.
The central committee, consists of
Miss Fariss, Ruth Parsons, assistant
chairman, Miss Aaronson, Miss Po-
lumbaum, Lois Basse, decorations
chairman, Jane Bates, costume chair-
man, Isabel Balfour, ticket chairman,
Patricia adley, chairman of rec-
ords, and Betty Whitely, publicity





Alumna Is Head Of Tientsin Hospital

In 1920 a Chinese woman gradu-
ated from the University medical
school. Few of her classmates would
remember the name of Dr. Mei Ing
Ting, but in the memory of Mrs.
Frederick Jordan, Dean of Women at
that time, Dr. Ting holds a place
which few others equal.
Perhaps it's because of her amaz-
ing record as director of the Tientsin
Woman's Hospital that Dr. Ting is
so warmly remembered-more prob-
ably it's because of the keen sense of
humor, decisive personality and out-
standing intelligence which she dis-
played as a student.
Returns To China
The number of women in the medi-
cal school in 1920 was still smaller
than today, and the number of Chi-
nese women narrowed down to one
-Dr. Ting. As a freshman she ef-
fectively ended all male opposition by
turning to the men in her class and
stating in her precise Oriental fa-
shion, "If you think your rude con-
duct can dissuade me from following
the medical profession you are mis-
Two years' internship in Detroit
and Philadelphia hospitals complet-
ed her medical training, and she re-
turned directly to China. The sud-
den death of Dr. Phoebe Stone, also a
graduate of this University, made it


--- I

school for girls. The school had been
run by a religious group and wa:
very old-fashioned. Acting both a
director and medical advisor, Dr
Ting put the school in good working
order within a few years.
To combat tuberculosis among the
children of Tientsin, Dr. Ting started
a goat farm and has since provided
all her patients with goats' 'milk. In
addition to that she has a family of
four-two nieces and two nephews-
all of whom she is educating, and
intends, to send to America.
A Barbour Fellow
In 1929 Dr. Ting returned to the
University as a Barbour Fellow. In
stead of using her two years in work-
ing for a Ph.D.-the customary thing
-she spent her time collecting in-
formation for a book on pre-natal
care. In returning to China she went
by way of Italy (and the rest of Eu-
rope) and collected information from
the hospitals in every country which
she visited.
On the boat she met an old banker,
a friend of her father's, who became
interested in her work and later pub-
lished her book in pamphlet form,
making it possible for Chinese women
to purchase the book for a few cents.
That book was the- first of its kind in,

{ --

Interviews Set
For Orientation
Tuesday Will Be Deadline,
For Advisors' Petitions.
Interviewing for positions as orien-
tation advisors will be held from 3
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday and Fri-
day in the Undergraduate offices of
the League, Patricia Matthews, '40,
orientation chairman, announced yes-
Both senior and junior advisors for
next year's freshmen women will be
interviewed, Miss Matthews said.
Eligibility cards should be presented
at the time of the interview. Those
women who are scholastically meli-
gible now, but who expect to be el-
gible at the close of the present se-
mester may also be interviewed.
Maxine Baribou, '40, has replaced
Jane Dunbar, '40, as assistant to the
orientation chairman. Other assis-
tants are: Claire Ford, '40, Dorothy
Nichols, '40, and Jane Elspass, '40.
The dead-line for petitions for or-
ientation advisors is Tuesday. No
petitions can be accepted after that
day, Miss Matthews said. Petition
blanks may be secured from the
League and they should be placed in
the petition box in the Undergradu-
ate offices.
Convention To Be Held
Five members of Alpha Delta Pi
sorority will attend their convention
in Columbus, Ohio this weekend. The
members attending the meeting are
as follows: Marion Conde, '41; Phyl-
lis Hoffmeyer, '41; Jane Ann Rather.
'39, Betty Cornell, '42 and Frances
Hubbs, '40. They will leave for the
convention Friday, April 21 and will
return Sunday, April 23.

Varsity Night Dance Luncheon Will Be Given
To Be Held Today Alpha Chi Omega will hold their
traditional alumnae luncheon at
12:30 p.m. at the League. Mrs. Paul
The hir Varity Nigh da c *Krause of Detroit is in charge
honoring the swimming and wrest-_KraueofDetroit __sincharge
ling teams will be held from 9 p.m'cial chairman of the Union, has an-
to midnight today in the Union bail-I nounced. Tickets, at one dollar, may
room, James Halligan, '40F&C, So- be reserved at the Union desk.


possible for her to step directly into
the position of director of the Tient-
sin Women's Hospital-as well as the
supplementary posts of supervising
nurse and head surgeon.
Establishes Nursing Home
Her first step as director was to
establish a nursing home in con-
junction with the hospital. Original-
ly a publicly supported institution,
there had been no funds for several
years and the building and quality
of care had suffered accordingly.
Under Dr. Ting's directorship a new
building has been built, as well as the
nurses' home and a children's hos-
pital-all with private funds. The

KODAKS from $3.95
Here's your chance to get your favorite Kodak or Brownie
at amazingly reduced prices. Sweeping reductions have
been made on practically all of the Eastman cameras we
feature. Come in and look them over today. Enjoy better
snapshooting at less cost.


Hospital Is Bombed

Seven Dances
Will Be Given


Included in the seven dances being
given tonight are two formals, being
given at the Alpha Omicron Pi and
Alpha Kappa Kappa houses.
Chaperoning the Alpha Kappa
Kappa dance will be Dr. and Mrs. N.
K. Thomas and Dr. and Mrs. Willis
Brown. Earl Stevens and his orches-
tra will play. The Spring Formal
being given by the Alpha Omicron Pi
sorority will be chaperoned by Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Foster.
An informal radio dance is being
given at the Chi Omega house from
9 p.i. to 12-p.m. Members of Gam-
ma Phi Beta are celebrating the ar-
rival of a new "vic" tonight witli a
record dance. Chaperoning will be
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilson and Mr.
and Mrs. J. L. Wessinger.
Infor'mal dances will also be given
at the Lambda Chi Alpha and Phi
Beta Pi houses. Prof. and Mrs. W.
W. Gilbert; Prof. and Mrs. W. C.
Steere and Prof. and Mrs. A. J. Eard-
ley are chaperoning the Lambda Chi
Alpha dance. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph
G. Smith and Dr. and Mrs. John
Brazer will chaperon the "hard times"
dance and party being given by Phi
Beta Pi.
Harvey Judson and his orchestra
will play for the pledge formal being
given by the Triangle fraternity to-
night. Chaperoning will be Prof. and
Mrs. C. W. Spooner and Prof. and
Mrs. C. H. Siebert.
Hligh School Girls
Aid Cancer Drive
(Continued from Page 1)


Iraduats To .fi
Guests Of Honor
A4t Dance Tionright
An informal dance for all graduate
students will be given from 9 p.m. to
midnight today in the Assembly Hall
of the Rackham Building, Margaret
P. Hayes, Grad., secretary of the
Graduate Council and general chair-
man of the dance, announced yester-
Admission to the affair will be 25
cents per person. Games will be of-
fered in the Conference Room, and
punch and cookies will be served,
Miss Hayes said.
All guests must present their iden-
tification cards stamped with "Grad-
uate" before entering. Cards may be
stamped by bringing them into the
Graduate Offices during office hours
Kathryn P. Kerr, Grad., and Eliza-
beth Kassab, Grad., will serve at the
refreshment table. The dance is the
second in the regular series spon-
sored by the Council. Other infor-
mal dances will be given May 6 and
May 13, while May 20 has been set
as the date for a formal affair.
JGIP Petitioning
Will EndMonday
All petitions for cental committee
positions for the 1940 Junior Girls
Play must be presented at the League
not later than noon Monday, Betty
Slee, '40, chairman of Judiciary Coun-
cil, announced yesterday.
Interviewing for those women wish-
ing chairmanships will be held from
3 p.m.. to 5 pim. Tuesday and We-
nesday, and from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Thursday and Friday. Eligibility
cards must be presented at the time
of the interview, Miss Slee said.

It is sm l wonder then that.
most recent acquisition was an X- ing the attack on Tientsin one
ray machine toward which Dr. Ting the first occurences was the. blow
pas been working for several years. up of the front portion of her h
The positions of director, head pital. Dr. Ting later moved her
nurse, and surgeon of a hospital seem tients to the English concessi
inadequate to keep Dr. Ting busy. where they were attended by a c
Her first "extra-curricular activity" siderably reduced staff-the rest h
was to take charge of a training ing fled north.
i --- ----- --

During the war, Dr. Ting incur
the special hatred of the Japanese
reporting the results of her labo
tory tests of certain candies impor
by the pro-Japanese which contai
a small amount of opium. As a
suit of her activities the mercha
which sold this candy werei
It is small wonder then that d


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Your lovely furs deserve the best protection--
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Joey Smith, Martha Lee McCracken,
Rosemary Aldrich, Mary Winton, El-
eanor Barker, Elizabeth Swisher,
June Sandenberg, Mary Reichert and
Virginia Brooks complete the list of
AssistingMrs. Peck on the project
have been Mrs. T. R. Peirsol, Mrs.
Paul Barker, Mrs. Elliot Barnwell,
Mrs. L. A. Tappe and Mrs. C. E. Grif-
University students are particular-
ly urged to lend their support to the
sale today, Mrs. Marvin H. Pollard,
head of the local chapter, requested.
While there will be no sellers on cam-
pus, opportunities for buying tags
wil be offered in the business sec-
tions surrounding the University


You Say It's eSpring!"
Says '"It's" Fur
Storage Time!

Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Forum. Dr. Hans Gerth
will speak on "Jews in Nazi Germany."
Monday; Tuesday, Wednesday, 1 to 5 p.m. -
Popular election of Hillel Council. Voting
at Lane Hall and the Hillel Foundation.
Friday, 8:00 p.m. Sabbath Services. Sermon
by Dr. Rabinowitz on "The United Jewish
Appeal Drive."
1432 Washtenaw Avenue. Dial 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D. Minister.
Elizabeth Leinbach, Assistant
Palmer Christian. Director of Music.
9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all
age groups.
9:30 A.M. Sunday Morning Levee of the
Mr. and Mrs. Club.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service.
"Adventures in Contentment." Sermon by
the Minister. Student choir.
10:45 A.M. Nursery for small children during
the Morning Worship Service.
6:00 P.M. The Tuxis Society will meet for
the last time this Spring in the Vance
6:0'0 P.M. Westminster Guild supper and
fellowship hour. Prof. Albert Hyma of the
History department of the University will
speak at the meeting at 7 o'clockr on the
topic, "Can the Church Save Europe?"
8:00 P.M. The Sunday Evening Club will
meet in the Lewis parlor.

Cnas.w . Brashares,m inister.
Earl Sawyer, Minister
9:45 A.M. Student Class at Stalker Hall.
10:40 A.M. Church School for beginners and
primary department.
10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares'
subject will be "Better Than Good."
The special music is "Sanctus" from "St..
Cecilia" by Gounod. The solo in this will
be sung by Warren Foster.
6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild at the Church.
A panel discussion on the parley theme,
"The Student Looks at the Forties," led by
students attending the parley. Fellowship
hour and supper will follow.


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10:30 a.m. Sunday Service
11:45 a.m. Sunday School for pupils up to the
age of 20 years.
7:30 p.m. Wednesday Evening Testimony
Free Public Reading Rooms at 206 East
Liberty St. open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
512 E. Huron.
John Mason Wells, D.D., Stated Supply.
Dr. Howard Chapman, University Pastor.
9:30 A.M. The Church School.
10:45 A.M. Judge E. J. Millington of Cadillac,
Pres., Mich. Baptist Convention.


I Spec ials


Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
432 South Fourth Avenue

Dial 8498


9:30O A.M. (Chuirch School.

1 111

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