Cloudiness today, continued
cool; tomorrow warmer.
Sirt igan
The Student
Lacks At The Forties. .
I P.
Three Professors
Keynote Parley's
Survey Of Forties
Speakers Offer Different
Outlooks For Student
During The Next Decade
Student Discussion
Panels Begin Today
Three professors yesterday opened
the University's annual three-day
gabfest as they told some 500 students
in the Union what they felt the "For-
ties" held in store for the United
Both Prof. John E. Tracy of the
Law School and Prof. George C. S.
Benson of the political science de-
partment keynoted this Spring Parley
on "The Student Looks at the For-
ties" with an optimistic picture of
what they hoped for, while Prof.
John F. Shepard of the psychology
department was pessimistic over what
the next decade would be like.
Six Panels Today
The Parley will reconvene at 2:15
and 7:30 p.m. today in the Union
with the six discussion panels on
American Foreign Policy. Govern-
ment and Economics,. Religion, the
University Student, American Culture
and Science and Civilization meeting
The complete student panel, with
the place of each session is as fol-
American Foreign Policy, Room
316, Martin Dworkis, '40,student
chairman; Joseph- Gies, '39, Jack
Sessions, '39, Sam Weisberg, '39, and
Jay Shafrann, '40, student speakers.
Government and Economics, Room
319-321, James Dusenberry, '39, stu-
dent chairman; Clarence Kresin, '39,
student speaker.
Religion, Room 323-325, G. Dekle
Taylor, '40, student chairman; Daniel
Suits, '40, president of the Student
Religious Association, student speak-
University Student. Room 302,'
Frank Rideout, student chairman;
Ronald Freedman, '39, and William
Centner, Grad., student speakers.
Faculty Will Take Part
American Culture, Room 304, Ber-
nard Friedman, Grad., student chair-
man; Elliott Maraniss, '40, Harvey
Swados, '40, John Brinnin, '41, Irvin
Lisagor, '39, Richard Bennet, '39, and
Edward Jurist, student speakers.
Science and Civilzation, Room 305,
Earle Luby, '39, student chairman,
J. Anderson Ashburn, student speak-
In addition to the student members
of the panel given above, a faculty
panel will attend each discussion
section to take part in the discussion
and to present the view of the facul-
ty member as he looks at the forties.
The Parley will reconvene finally'
(Continued on Page 2)
Bridges Probed
As Communist
Presents Optimistic View
-Daily Photo By Bogle
State Employe
Tax Held Valid
In Mock Trial.
Rubsam And Adams, Law
Students Awarded
Case Club Prize
A mock court consisting of two
members of the Michigan Supreme
Court and a State bar examiner
handed down a 2-1 decision stating
that the Federal government may tax
the income of a state employe today
in the annual Case Club finals in the
Law School, part of the 15th annual
Founder's Day.
Justice Henry M. Butzel and Thom-
as F. McAllister and State Bar Ex-
aminer Edward A. MacDonald heard
the case and after Justice BUtzel de-
livered the decision of the Court,
awarded an $80 prize to the winners,
John Adams, '40L, Marshalltown, Ia.,
and John Rubsam, '40L, Jackson and
$70 to the losers, Roy Steinheimer,
'40L, Hutchinson, Kan., and Robert
Solomon, '40L, Grand Rapids. These
prizes come, from the Henry M.
Campbell Award.
The real case has already been
passed upon by the United States
Supreme Court. Before this decision
was made, the Case Club finalists
had- completed their briefs and it
was deemed best to allow them to pro-
ceed with their arguments, omitting
a consideration of the high court's
latest ruling.
More than 300 alumni, judges, law-
yers, faculty members and students
gathered in the evening for the 15th
annual Founder's Day Dinner in
honor of Donor William W. Cook who
made the present Law School and
Lawyers' Club possible.
Retiring Dean Henry M. Bates in-
troduced Regent Crowley who pre-
sented billets to the senior members
of the Lawyers' Club and announced
new Dean Blythe Stason. Regent
Crowley also gave a testimonial to
Dean Bates.
Charles P. Megan, prominent Chi-
Aago lawyer, was speaker of the eve-
ning, talking on "The Lawyer in Pub-
lic Life." He gave a testimonial to
Prof. Edson Sunderland who helped
give the state of Illinois its present
Civil Practice Act which greatly sim-
plifies pleading. Mr. Megan recount-
ed the duty the lawyer owes to the
public and told of the changes in law
which now are aimed to expedite
Prof. Pick Will Talk
To Fraternity Men
The second in a series of music
appreciation hours sponsored by the
Interfraternity Council will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow at Psi Up-
silon house, it was annodnced yester-
day by Robert Canning, '39, secretary
of the Council.
The discussional topic of the hour
will be "Nationalism in Music." Prof.
flamis Pick of the music school will
lead the discussion, illustrating his
remarks with recordings.
Professor Pick is noted as a violon-
cello soloist, , performing with the
16th Honors
To Be Friday
University Of Minnesota's
President Guy S. Ford'
Will Be Chief Speaker
800 High-Ranking;
Students To Attend'
The sixteenth annual donors Con-
vocation, honoring 800 students who
have achieved high scholarship rat-
ings during the current academic
year, will be held at 11 a.m. Friday
in Hill Auditorium with President
Guy Stanton Ford of the University
of Minnesota as principal speaker, it
was announced yesterday by Dean of
Students Joseph A. Bursley, chair-
man of the committee of Honors Con-
Dean Bursley will preside at the
Convocation, to which President
Ruthven will welcome the honor stu-
dents and guests. Prof. Charles L.
Jamison of the business administra-
tion school, representing the honor
societies, will introduce Dr. Ford.
Classes To Be Dismissed
Classes will be dismissed at 10:45
a.m. to allow students to atend the
convocation with the exception of
clinics where only those students re-
ceiving honors will be excused.
The Honors Convocation gives
recognition to senior students who
have attained at least a "B" aerage
and hold rank in the highest ten per
cent of the senior classes in the vari-
ous schools and colleges of the Uni-
versity; other undergraduates who
have attained an average equivalent
to at least ;half "A" and half "B";
graduate students selectedhfor dis-
tinguished scholarly work done at the ,
University; and recipients of special;
scholarship awards
Schoolmasters To Attend
Delegates to the Schoolmasters'
Convention have been especially in-
vited to attend the Convocation, ;
which has come to be a regular part1
of the program of the Convention.;
Dr. Ford was elected to the Presi-
dency of Minnesota last October, suc-
ceeding Lotus D. Coffman who died
Sept. 22. Former Dean of the Minne-
sota Graduate School, Dr. Ford came
there from the University of Illinois
in 1913.
Dodge Employes
Strike In Detroit
DETROIT, April 21.-(JP)-Approx-
imately 2,000 employes of the Dodge
truck division of the Chrysler Cor-
poration were forced into idleness to-
day as the result of a dispute between
the company and the CIO-affiliated
United Automobile, Workers Uunion.
Plant officials said the dispute, con-
cerned the classification of a worker.
R. J. Thomas, president of the
CIO-UAW, said the men would re-
turn to work Monday.
Thomas also announced that the
first meeting of the CIO-UAW execu-
tive board since the Cleveland con-
vention would open in Toledo Mon-
The advisory council of the execu-
tive board of the rival independent
UAW, headed by Homer Martin, to-
day was considering an invitation to
re-affiliate with the American Fed-
eration of Labor.
High School 'Girls
Aid Cancer Drive
Forty high school girls will con-
duct the first Cancer Tag Day drive
today when they canvass the town,
selling lapel clips in an effort to raise
funds for the educational work of
the Women's Field Array of
American Society for the Control of
The drive is sponsored by the Field
Army, whose motto is "Fight Cancer
With Knowledge."
Eight sergeants, with four cor-
porals on each committee, wil work
under Mrs. W. S. Peck and her group
selling tags today. Hope Tappe,
Nancy Cress, Susan Peirsol, Sally
Barnwell, Angela Dobson, Nancy Fur-
stenberg, Julietta Blume and Nancy
Griffin have been chosen committee
Working under their direction are
Joyce Livermore, Suzanne Springer,
Edith Jensen, Mary Lou Andrews,
Joyce Hall, Betsy Shaw, Mary Lee
Dooper, Sally Maurice, Jeanne Mau-
rice, Shirley Mattern, Eleanor Wile,
Lucy Purdom, Jo Carol Moore, Eu-
nice .Mintz, Patty Hume and Rosalini
Bonnie Bevan, Freddie Schoenfield,
Betsy Alling, Joanne Peck, Julie Fur#
stenberg, Sally Platt, Susan Alling,
(Continued on Page 5)
House Upholds
Money Powers
Democratic Bloc Is Solid
In Support Of Measure;
Bill Is Sent To Senate
WASHINGTON, April 21.-(/P)-
The Administration won a victory to-
day when the House approved a bill
continuing the President's broad
monetary powers for two years.
Specifically, the measure would ex-
tend from June 30, 1939, to June 30,
1941, the President's right to devalue
the dollar an additional nine per cent,
the treasury's $2,000,000,000 stabiliza-
tion fund, and the. authority to buy
newly mined domestic silver above
world prices. The bill went to the
From start to finish, the fight over
the bill was one of party against
party. Republicans were' aligned
solidly against the measure.
But the heavy Democratic majority,
once more under the control of its
leadership, supported the bill almost
to a man. It beat down methodically
every Republican attempt to amend
the measure.
The minority focused its chief op-
position against the dollar devalua-
tion provision and twice went down to
defeat on amendments to strip it from
the bill.
It was the Republicans' contention
that business is hesistant for fear the
President might suddenly reduce the
gold content of the dollar another
pine per cent.
Democrats took the stand that the
mere existence of the devaluation
power exerted a stabilizing effect on
international trade and reduced the
threat of currency depreciation wars.
The Administration must have the
power to adjust its currency, they
said, in case foreign nations tamper
with their money.
The stabilization fund, employed to
steady the exchange value of the dol-
lar, encountered only one Republican
amendment, which was quickly
brushed aside,
Precedent-Breaking Laws
Throws $343,200,000
Into Huge War Machine
Decrees Lengthen
Work Week Hours
PARIS, April 21. -()- France
threw $343,200,00 into her war ma-
chine today with precedent-shatter-
ing decree laws which lengthened the
work week to 45 hours and levied a
new one per cent sales tax.
The new laws created an "arma-
ment tax" of one per cent on all cash
transactions, limited profits from in-
dustries working for national defense,
reduced ordinary government ex-
penditures and established new reg-
ulations to increase production in
private business.
Finance Minister Paul Reynaud in
a broadcast to the nation tonight
termed the new laws a "test of force
between the totalitarian regimes and'
our government of liberty."
The new revenues are expected to
bring in $396,000,000, but $52,800,000
of the amount will pay the national
wheat office's deficit.
The government will tax profits
from the armament industry, Rey-
naud said, by a progressive scale ex-
tending from 50 to 100 per cent of
the profits over certain levels. These
taxes will be in addition to regular
income and production taxes.
The new measures were designed
to meet two pressing needs:
1. Additional revenue to pay the
cost of mobilizing hundreds of thous-
ands of French reservists now calledZ
to the colors and the cost of pre-
cautionary measures during the in-
ternational tension, and
2. For new revenue to pay the ris-
ing costs of armaments, including
new equipment for the army, navyt
and the air force.
Reynaud. announced the 45-hour
work week was being instituted to
combat the efforts of a "country next"
to ours" whose workmen have been
placed on a 60-hour schedule. He pre-
sumably meant Germany.
The new work week compares with
the 40-hour week which was applied
generally in France when the Social-4
ist Leon Blum was premier. This1
work week already had been length-
ened, however, in the national de-7
fense industries.1
Reynaud said frankly that with
hundreds of thousands of reservists
called to the colors during the re-,
curring crises, those left behind must
work harder to supply France with,
the necessary war materials.
Debaters Lose
BdigTen Meet
Rosa And Shuler Secure
Varsity's Only Victory
Michigan's hopes for retaining the
Big Ten debating championship title
for this year were shattered when
two squads lost three out of four
conference debates yesterday after-
noon at Evanston, Ill. Four debates
remain on the schedule for this morn-
In the first two rounds Michigan's
negative team of Robert Rosa, '39,
and Jack Shuler, '40, won their de-
bate from Purdue and lost to Ohio
State on the conference question,
"Resolved, That the United States
Should Cease To Use Government
Funds (Including Credit) For the
Stimulation of Business." Sidney
Davidson, '40, and Louis Poplinger,
39, who made up the affirmative
squad were defeated by Wisconsin
and Northwestern.
Chicago and Illinois will meet the
affirmative team this morning and
the negative team will debate Minne-
sota and Iowa. William Muehl, '41,
will undoubtedly take the place of
Poplinger on the affirmative team.
A panel discussion and forum on
the topic "What Type of Education
Will Best Prepare the Man of the
20th Century" was held last night.
One man from each of the Big Ten
schools took part in the panel. Rosa
represented Michigan.
Dickinson Studies Report
Levies Arms
Britain Prepares To
May Ally Russia
England Disregards Polish
Objection; Russia Asks
Lineup Against Japan
Rumania May Yield
To U.S.S.R. Plan
Senator Asks r
Tax Collections
In Talky Herer
McCallum Tells Meetingt
Michigan Needs No New
Levies; Urges Reforms
A plea to swell state revenues byt
insuring collection of current taxes,
not by imposing new levies, was
voiced here last night by State Sen- t
ator George P. McCallum, chairmanC
of the Senate Tax Committee.
Speaking before 200 members of
the Michigan Real Estate Associa-
tion and the School of Business Ad-
ministration at a joint conference on
"The Problems of the Old House,"t
Senator McCallum defended the re-k
vised Civil Service Bill passed by the
Senate, urged centralization of tax1
administration, and outlined im-
provements in taxation of intangibles,
sale of tax delinquent property, andt
collection of sales, liquor and inheri-
tance taxes.
"Michigan needs no more taxes,"
he declared. "What we do need is a
more frugal, careful administration
of those we have."
Approximately four million dollars
yearly could be added to Michigan's]
revenues if sales tax collection ma-
chinery were tightened, Senator Mc-
Callum claimed. Although the presentc
law providing for payment of sales
tax on automobiles at time of pur-
chase has solved the problem in this
field, he said, the law must be extend-
ed to other commodities sold on in-
Creation of a central tax adminis-
trative department combining all col-
lection agencies with a competent
commissioner appointed for ten years
would improve general revenue col-
lections by 25 million dollars, Senator
McCallum declared.
Collection of inheritance taxes be-
fore costly litigation whittles estates,
would also add from three to four
million dollars annually to the trea-
sury, he added. The Senator also
visioned an additional million in reve-
nue if a central liquor dispensary
were created to replace state retail
liquor stores.
By eliminating "ordinary day la-
borers" from civil service rolls, the
civil service reorganization bill passed
by the legislature should pare another
$900,000 from the public payroll, he
LaFollette Reports
On Nazi Terrorism
WASHINGTON, April 21.-(p)-
Two first-hand observers, fresh from
Germany, described 'to a Congres-
sional committee today an atmos-
phere of Nazi "terror" which they
said prevailed there although abhor-
red by a large majority of the Ger-
man people.
Former Governor Philip LaFol-
lette of Wisconin and D. Robert Yar-
nall, Philadelphia manufacturer, gave
accounts of "nersecution of non-
With Soviets O n Alliance;
LONDON, April 21-(M)-Great
Britain was reported reliably tonight
to have accepted as "a basis for nego-
tiations" a proposal by Soviet Russia
for establishment of an Anglo-
French-Russian military alliance.
Despite Polish objections to such
an alliance, it was believed Britain
and France were prepared to resur-
rect the Triple Entente of the World
War and even to meet Russia's in-
sistence that it be aligned against
Japan as well as Germany and Italy.
Seek To Enlist Turkey
A high authority said Rumania
had indicated to the two western
European powers she would not stand
n the way of the Soviet proposal.
Poland, Rumania and Greece al-
eady hold British-French guarantees
of their independence and negotia-
tions have been proceeding to enlist
Turkey and Russia in the bloc.
An authoritative source said the
recommendation of a flat, reciprocal
military alliance was made by Soviet
Foreign Commissar Maxim Litvinoff
o Sir William Seeds, British Am-
assador in Moscow..
Britain, though favoring a less
binding agreement, instructed Slr
William to accept the recommenda-
tion as "a basis for negotiations."
Await Hitler Speech
No announcement was expected
until after ChancellorHitler has ad-
dressed the Reichstag next Friday.
t was believed an" Anglo-rench
agreement with Turkey probably
would be announced at the same
The problem now is to get Poland
to agree to the Soviet proposal, it was
said. Russia formerly ruled parts of
both Poland and Rumania.
It was felt generally, however, that
Poland would have no objection to
receiving supplies from Russia-but
my Polish-Russian alliance was said
to be out of the question.
It was believed in London diplo-
matic circles that Russia had offered
an outright military alliance basis
because she feared she might be
caught by a joint German-Japanese
Britain's original suggestions to
Russia were secret, but have been re-
ported as including a Soviet pledge
of aid for Poland and Rumania with
only the Red air fleet.
Michigan ine
Buckeyes Score 3-1 Win
Behind 4-Hit Hurling
COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 21.-
(Special to The Daily)-A big right-
handed pitcher named Johnny Dag-
enhard and a diminutive second base-
man named Gene Meyers combined
to put a large dent in Michigan's
baseball hopes, as they led Ohio
State to a 3-1 victory over the Wol-
verines in the Big Ten opener here
Gagenhard, defeated three times in
the past by Michigan despite the fact
that he has ranked near the top of
the Big Ten pitchers for the past two
years, was in rare form today as he
held the Wolverines to four hits,
three of them of the scratch variety.
Meyers found Michigan's Jack
Barry a "cousin" as he connected for
three singles and a long sacrifice fly
in his four trips to the plate and drove
in all the Buckeye runs.
Failure to capitalize on several
golden opportunities in the late in-
nings, when Dagenhard began to have
trouble with his control and his in-
field support went haywire at the
same time, was largely responsible
for the Michigan defeat. All togeth-
er, 10 Wolverines were left stranded
on the base paths.
Barry, who worked the first seven
(Continued on Page 3)
I -s -3-u 0 1-4 --0 ,---
Perkins Grants
To CIO Leader
WASHINGTON, April 21.-(P)--A
new phase of the Harry Bridges de-
portation case began today when
Secretary of Labor Perkins prepared
to give the West Coast CIO leader a
hearing on charges that he is a Com-
Immigration officers in San Fran-
cisco, Portland and Seattle, Miss Per-
kins said, have been ordered to as-
semble all affidavits and informa-
tion in the case for a speedy hearing.
She said the date of the hearing
would depend on how quickly this
data could be assembled.
The deportation of the CIO leader,
who came to the United States from
Australia in 1920 and figured in the
1934 West Coast longshoremen's
strike, would depend, Miss Perkins
asserted, upon whether the govern-
ment was able to prove that he was a
member of the Communist Party
when served with a deportation war-
rant a year ago, and that the party
advocated the overthrow of the gov-
ernment by force and violence.
Bridges denied membership in the
Attorney General Murphy
To Begin Fighting Trusts
WASHINGTON. Anril 21.---_
Roosevelt Peace Bid And Foreign
Scene Reviewed By Staff Writer
Events on the international scene
moved rapidly and dramatically in
the two weeks since the beginning of
Spring Vacation. Highlight was
President Roosevelt's bold stroke for
world peace by seeking assurances
from Germany and Italy that their
armies would not invade countries
now independent for at least 10 years.
The Roosevelt request. embodied in
identical messages sent to Hitler and
Mussolini last week, stated that if
the two dictators were willing, he
would call the nations of the world
into conference to provide that all
nations have access to the raw ma-
terials and products they needed and
to ease the "crushing burden of arma-
(According to an Associated
Press dispatch reprinted in full
in yesterday's Daily, Benito Mus-
solini rejected the President's
President declared that the possibili-
ty of war was a matter of definite
concern to the United States and the
rest of the Western Hemisphere, and
that the time was opportune to ap-
peal for peace inasmuch as the ten-
sion of the past few weeks had mom-
entarily relaxed and "no troops are
at this moment on the march."
In most European circles it was
felt, according to reports from the
Associated Press, that the appeal at
this time was a good strategic move,
on the grounds that now was the
time, if ever, to achieve peace.
Most interesting of the reactions
was that reported from Berlin by Otto
D. Tolischus, of the New York Times.
According to Mr. Tolischus, Ger-
man official and unofficial opinion is
unanimous inhviewing Roosevelt's
message to Chancellor Hitler and
Premier Mussolini as "merely a propa-
gandistic trick" designed to saddle
the responsibility for a new war on
Germany and Italy."