_jCRjG;AN JAILY FRIDMAP1rrJl 21 THEIC-IAN..:TL THDE MICHIGAN DAILY Propaganda In The Press N0 2: Card-Stacking, Or Em phasis, A Favorite Device And A Hard One For Readers To Detect Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumis r Session. Member of the Associated P ess The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, #4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Erc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADioON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - OSTON - Los ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 B Managing Editor . Editorial Director . City Editor r, Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor-. Women's Editor, Sports Editor . oard of Editors * , . Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. May1o * . . Horace W. Gilmore . . . Robert I. Fitzhenry . . . . S. R. Kleiman . . . . Robert Perman " + Earl Gilman . . . William Elvin . . . . Joseph Freedman . . . Joseph Gies . . . . Dorothea Staebler * . . Bud Benjamin I I I s I I Business Department Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. siegelman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . H felen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: JACK CANAVAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Something To Think About .. . T HE TWO MEETINGS yesterday which drew less than 1,000 stu- dents to demonstrate for peace, each presenting a different program to reach a common goal, indicate a concrete need for a year-round campus peace program. One day is not sufficient to bring forth the divergent views relative to the contemporary world crisis; a complete program of lectures and forums is essential to enable all approaches to this problem to be presented intelligently and fairly. The announcement that efforts are being made to bring the former president of Cchoslo- vakia, Edouard Benes, to Ann Arbor, is a com- mendable step in the right direction. It is only in this way-by open, complete and democratic discussion that Michigan students may form rational conclusions for themselves as to how to attain a peaceful world for themselves and all men. - Norman A. Schorr Balkan Democeracy . . W ITH GERMANY consolidating her new position in Central Europe on the basis of a war economy, demanding almost continuous expansion, it is quite probable that the next German attack, under whatever guise it may appear, will center upon the Balkans. To "make the Balkans safe for Wehrwirt- schaft" (war economy), the Nazis are forced to attain two essential ends. First, the Balkan feudal-capitalist economic system must be re- placed by economic totalitarianism. Secondly, the peasants, the, vast mass of the Balkan popu- lation, must be converted to the fascist ideology. The economic system of the Balkans that existed during the hey-day of the Little Entente depended mainly upon world trade in the open market, which, in the pre-Hitler day, meant dependence upon Britain and France. To take the Balkans away from British and French dom- ination, therefore, their system of world trade must be replaced by the totalitarian barter sys- tem; they must be made entirely dependent upon Germany, a totalitarian state, for economic sur- vival. But Balkan economic 'dependency -upon Ger- many in time of peace is not enough. German might and order can easily maintain economic. and possibly even political rule. over the Bal- kans in peace time. But the Germans are well aware that during war, the smouldering Balkan desire for freedom could, by a well-organized system of sabotage and rebellian cripple Ger- many's economic program in these countries. The Balkan peasant, therefore, must be con- verted to fascism. This, at first glance, should appear rather simple. The Balkans are wretchedly poor, and fascism gains adherents rapidly under such con- ditions. As Peter F. Drucker, southeastern Euro- pean correspondent for a number of British papers, points out in an article in a recent issue of Harper's Magazine, only 20 per cent of the Hungarian peasants have any land whatever that could possibly support them. In Rumania, the vast majority of the peasants are no more than By JOSEPH GIES One of the most popular forms of propaganda used by the American press, and one of the hardest to detect, is the form of distortion known as Card-Stacking, or Emphasis. It is compara- tively easy to make varying interpretations on the same facts by emphasizing certain aspects of them, or even frequently to present diverging news accounts of the same facts without being accused of deliberate falsification. Numerous examples could be given. When a body of crackpots labelling themselves the "Paul Reveres" made a march on Washington to halt the Reorganization Bill's passage last spring, the New York Herald-Tribune, which sympathized with their purpose, counted 1,400 Paul Reveres; The New York Post, which didn't, only 200. The Post seems to have been eminently fair at that, however, for the Associated Press and Time Magazine reported 142 and 150 respectively. All papers indulge in this sort of figure-jug. ling. In the May Day Parade in New York in 1936, the Post, favorable to organized labor, re- ported between 200,000 and 250,000 marchers. The New York Times only counted 40,000 and called the parade "the quietest in years." May Day in 1938 found the New York press divided on the number of marchers as follows: Times, 50,000; Sunday News (liberal), over 100,000; Herald-Tribune, between 50,000 and 100,000; Daily Worker, 200,000. The New York Post sug- gested in commenting on the discrepancy, "Among papers of such various shades of political slant, one cannot expect a united front of adding machines." The student anti-war demonstrations of April 26, 1936, were "not so large and impressive as had been predicted," to the New York Times, al- though 500,000 students, double the number of the previous year, participated. Speaking of the New York Times, a peculiarly insidious form of Emphasis was noted by George Seldes in November of 1937. A story from Wash- ington was headed "J. L. Lewis To Move Near White House," and told of the C.I.O. chief's mov- ing three blocks nearer the Presidential. resi- dence, the insinuation being that the action had political significance. None of the other papers mentioned this aspect of the change in the Lewis menage. The Times alone considered it worth emphasis. Tribune's Heads Stereotyped The Chicago Tribune's heads on election re- turns invariably run to such phraseology as "Yes- Men Bite Dust In Primaries" (Sept. 1,' 1938); other newspapers in general used a less obvious slant. Incidentally, one of the yes-men referred to above was Senator McAdoo of California, who bit the dust before Sheridan Downey, whose ad- vocacy of $30 per Thursday was a form of sledge- hammer propaganda appeal which carried every- thing before it. According to the Tribune, the California election "was a tremendous upset in the calculations of the White House purge com- mittee{;for it showed that, instead of being able to defeat the non-rubber stamps, the President was not always able to save his yes-men." This was the news story of the election, not an editor- ial comment on it. Yet, in sober fact, Downey and Governor Olson are men of distinctly more lib- eral calibre than their predecessors. The Tom Mooney issue in the gubernatorial race received no comment in the Tribune. An extreme form of distortion by emphasis is complete omission. This negative propaganda device has been very frequently used by the press; its effect, of course, is to avoid battle when weakly-armed. When George Sokolsky, Scripps-Howard feature writer, was exposed by the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee last summer as the recipient of $28,000 from the Na- tional Manufacturers Association for writing a series of articles attacking the C.I.O., no men- tion of the incident appeared in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, which uses Sokolsky's stuff. The newspapers that did report it followed an old rule of the ethics which guide American journal- ism by neglecting to connect Sokolsky's name with his newspaper column. There are many, many examples of the same thing, often on much bigger issues, in the his- tory of the American press. The treatment given Secretary Ickes' recent attacks on the newspapers is typical. Senator Minton's similar speeches last year were also given a minimum of reporting (although it must be said that the Chicago Tri- bune printed the Senator's scathing attack on it of Oct. 29 last year in full, merely appending a note saying it was filled with falsehoods). At- tacks on each other invariably summon the pub- lishers' ethics to the conspiracy of silence; no newspaper everprintscanything derogatory to another paper, unless there are exceptional cir- cumstances. Newspaper strikes are nearly always taboo of mention. The New York Times is one of the few papers that breaks this rule. The treatment of the various Senate investiga- tions of corruption and monopoly of the past 25 years has always been the minimization of the committee findings, combined with the other techniques of Name-Calling and ridicule em- ployed against Pujo, Pecora, Nye, Walsh, Wheel- er, Black or whoever was in charge. Anti-New Del papers in 1936 played up the Literary Digest polls showing Landon leading Roosevelt, even after it was demonstrated by an analysis of the Digest methods that the poll was in error. But the Fortune Magazine poll of May, 1938, one of the most thorough analyses of the President's popu- larity ever made, was omitted completely from the New York Sun, the New York Journal, the New York Times, and naturally by the Hearst, McCormick and other reatcionary papers throughout the country. The New York Post, commenting on the omissions, said frankly, "We're for the New Deal and so we have a sharp eye for New Deal items." The Fortune poll itself, as a matter of fact, was a masterpiece of subtle emphasis. The re- sults of the poll, according to the magazine, were evidence that America was "for Roosevelt in spite of the New Deal," in other words, for the President personally but against his policies. The trick by which this conclusion was apparently reached lay in the use of questions chiefly con- cerning discredited portions of the New Deal, such as the court reorganization plan and the executive reorganization bill, and omission of such issues as the WPA, the NYA, the CCC and other agencies and policies which have received general approval. another Tribunism Before leaving the matter of Emphasis, one more Tribunism: in the recent Chicago mayor- alty campaign, Col. McCormick tacitily support- ed Mayor Kelly; although Kelly is a Roosevelt man, he is, by one of the curiosities that make politics interesting, also a McCormick man, as well as a friend of Cardinal Mundelein. McCor- mick did not attack Ditsrict Attorney Courtney very strongly; however, for victory for the Kelly- Nash machine was a foregone conclusion. In effect the Tribune was impartial on the cam- paign except for one singular quirk; among the various candidates was the ever-present Big Bill Thomason, Col. McCormick's worst enemy. What the Tribune did with Thompson's candidacy was simply nothing-his name never appeared, and has not for years, in the Tribune columns. A meeting at which Thompson and other candi- dates spoke was fully reported with no mention of him. A petty and vicious piece of Emphasis which was initiated by the Scripps-Howard papers just prior to the Democratic primaries last year was the limelight thrown on Tommy Corcoran and Ben Cohen, two of President Roosevelt's advisers. To attack Roosevelt personally was considered suicidal in many sections of the country, but if a. couple of "underground" New Deal schemers could be made out to be running the government without ever running for election it would help a lot in the fight against the "purge." Corcoran and Cohen were ideal: a Catholic and a Jew, deadly stereotypes in the deep South. Emphasis has the largest variety of degrees, is practiced the most widely, and can be pre- sented in the guise of objective fact most easily of all forms of propaganda. If you find your newspaper constantly reporting a certain politi- cal trend, repeatedly stressing a purported evil, ceaselessly beating a particular drum, and find that the other side of the question or the other angle to the issue is left untouched, take the trouble to look somewhere else. As the New York Times has said, propaganda itself i's not an evil, a monopoly of it is. Only the eclectic newspaper reader can hope to balance the various lines of Emphasis into a synthesis of objective fact. TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence - WASHINGTON, April 20.-Catho- lic and Protestant clergymen of pro- minence have joined in asking Con- gress that 10,000 children of Ger- mans affected by religious and poli- tical persecution be permitted to en- ter the United States in each of the years 1939 and 1940. Hearings on a bill to make this possible begin today. Some of the sponsors of the movement are Car- dinal Mundelein of Chicago, Canon Anson Phelps Stokes of the Protest- ant Episcopal Church, Governor Leh- man of New York, President Hutch- ins of the University of Chicago and President Ray Lyman Wilbur of Le- land Stanford University, Herbert Hoover, former Governor Landon, Frank Knox of Chicago, Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, Mary E. Woolley, and George Rublee, who represented the United States in the negotiations with Germany recently with refer- ence to refugees. The plan is, of course, wholly a hu- manitarian measure, but it'has stirred up some scattering opposition on the part of those who feel that the chil- dren, when grown, would be compet- itors of American-born children. The legislation is backed by Senator Bob Wagner of New York, Democrat, and Representative Edith Nourse Rogers of Massachusetts, Republican, and will be considered in a non-partisan way, In Washington, "The Pathfinder," a weekly publication of large circula- tion throughout the country, which has been conducting a campaign in behalf of the bill, says: "According to the best estimates available, there are about 75,000 Ger- man children in distress. Such auth- oritative sources as the American Friends Service Commnittee say that America's proposed total of 20,000 admissions could be chosen from. 50,- 000 of the 75,000 iin distress. Approxi- mately only half of these 50,000 are Jews, the rest being in Nazi disfavor because they may have one or more Jewish grandparents or because their parents are politically outlawed. This means that all faiths are represented and that all groups in the United States have reason to take active in- terest in the Wagner-Rogers propos- al. Children Arouse Sympathy "Of the hundreds of thousands of Europeans who are refugees or poten- tial refugees, the children arouse the greatest sympathy. With life still stretching before them, they find themselves shorn of opportunity, shorn of education and in some cases shorn even of the right to play, the right to enjoy sun and grass."' The plan provides for Great Bri- tain and the Netherlands and other' countries to admit as many of the' children of refugees as possible, and, in the case of the United States, ade- quate guarantees are to be given that the care and support of the children will be guaranteed by individual Americans before admission is grant- ed. What will happen to the parents, of course, is a problem that cannot be determined, but each year for the next five or ten years, no doubt,] some of these parents will wait their< chances on the regular quota admis- sion, and they will have the knw-' ledge that their children at least arel growing up in free America. Economic Argument Weak The relatively insignificant total to be admitted-10,000 a year-will hardly affect the economic status of' the 130,000,000 persons in the United States, and the argument of future economic competition is not given ' much weight by most members of Congress. America has received from Ger- many some of the finest types of citi- zens. Back in 1848, when Germans fled here to escape political perse-. cation, there came the fathers and mothers of some of the best families in the United States today, judged from any standpoint of measurement. Indeed, history shows that the Ger- man population which emigrated to-' the United States in the last 90 years has enriched the American nation. given to those who own, has become so great that there is not enough pur- chasing power left to those who live by working. They say that the result- ant disruption of the economic struc- ture makes the struggle over how goods are distributed acute. They say that Fascism is the sociological re- action to the reality of economic breakdown. They say they have reas- ons for believing this, which reasons they are anxious to present. They in- vite Mr. Canavan to debate these questions. The leftist sees difficulties in de- veloping a technique for democratic, control of collectively owned produc- tive properties. The difficulty of at- tempting democratic control of pro- ductive properties should not pre- clude making that attempt. In view of t he fact that an owner or owners of a large enterprise may shut it down when such action is a- gainst the interests of thousands, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 142 Notices Note to Seniors, June Graduates, and Graduate Students: Please file application for degrees or any spe- cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi- cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive a de- gree or certificate at Commencement in June. We cannot guarantee that the University will confer a degree or certificatenat Commencement upon any student who fails to file such application before the close of busi- ness on Wednesday, May 17. If ap- plication is received later than May 17, your degree or certificate may not be awarded until next fall. Candidates for degrees or zertifi- cates may fill out cards at once at office of the secretary or recorder of their own school or college (students enrolled in the College of Literature, Science, andethe Arts, College of Architecture, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Fores- try and Conservation, please note that application blanks may be ob- tained and filed in the Registrar's Of- fice, Room 4, University Hall). All applications for the Teacher's Cer- tificate should be made at the office of the School of Education. Please do not delay until. the last day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and certificates must be lettered, signed, and sealed and we shall be greatly helped in this work by the early filing of applications and the resulting longer period for preparation. The filing of these applications does not involve the payment of any fee whatsoever. Shirley W. Smith. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Facul- ty on Monday, April 24, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering Bldg. Topics for consideration will be: Pro- posed Program for a Naval ROTC; Recommendation from the Engineer- ing Council regarding a new Honor Committee; Report of Faculty Disci- pline Committee; and Requirement of a Curtain Standard in English. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds. to loap on modern well-located Ann Arbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Scholarship in Spanish. Bryn Mawr College is offering two resident schol- arships paying $400 each for the coming year, avaliable to graduates of an institution of recognized stand- ing. For information and applica- tion blanks address the Office ofs the Dean of the Graduate School, Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. The Bureau has had notice of the following Civil Service Examination: Pianist C, which is open to men and women. Qualification requirements: One year of experience in playing the piano as an accompanist, and com- pletion of the twelfth school grade and three years of regular training in piano music or equivalent train- ing. Existing vacancy in this class is for part-time service at the Girls' Training School at Adrian. Examin- ation to be held on May 13, 1939. Applications postmarked after mid- night, May 2, 1939 will not be ac- cepted. Further information may be obtained at the office of the Bureau. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational 7nfor- oration. 201 Mason Hall. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Economics 124 will not meet this morning. William Haber Geology 11: Excursion Saturday morning will start from the east en- trance of Natural Science Building. I D. Scott. Exhibitions Exhibition of Drawings and Models by Jack Williams, architect and in- dustrial designer of Detroit, will be shown in the ground floor corridor cases through April 22. Open daily from 9 to 5 p.m. The public is in- vited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Paul R. Cannon, Professor of Pathology at the University of Chicago, will lec- ture on "Some Aspects of Respira- tory Infection" on Tuesday, April 25, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Audito- rium. The public is cordially invited to attend. Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Genevieve Stearns, Research Asso-. ciate Professor of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine, University of Iowa, will speak to the students of biological chemistry and others in- terested on some phases of mineral metabolism on Monday, April 24, at 4 p.m. in the East Lecture Room (nezzanine floor) of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Stu- dies. Events Today Anatomy Research Club Meeting: The April meeting of the Anatomy Research Club will be held in Room 2501 East Medical Building at 4:30 p.m. today. The meeting will con- sist of reports by members of the staff of the recent Anatomy Meet- ings in Cambridge, Mass. Dr. B. M. Patten will report on General Aspects of the Meetings. Dr. W. L. Whitaker will report on papers in Endocrinology. Dr. A. Barry will report on papers in Embryology. Dr. R. T. Woodburne will report on papers in Neurology. Tea will be served at 4 p.m. in Room 3502. All interested are in- vited'to attend. The Westminster Guild will hold a Scavenger Hunt tonight at 9 p.m. promptly. Stalker Hall. Class in "Through the New Testament" at 7:30 p.m. at the Methodist Church under the leadership of Dr. C. W. Brashares. Spring Party at 9 p.m., following the class, at Lane Hall. Informal. Ray Carey's orchestra will play and there will be games. Friday services tonight at the Hillel Foundation. At 8 p.m. Dr. Rabino- witz will speak on "War and Peace." Zeta Beta Tau will act as host at the social following the services. Coming Events Biological Chemistry Seminar, Sat- urday, April 22, 10-12 a.m., Room 319 West Medical Building. "The Sulfur- Containing Amino Acids of the Pro- tein Molecule-Their Determination and Biological Relationships" will be discussed. All interested are in- vited.- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in" the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. q Editorial Writer Misunderstands Radical Reasoning, Reader Holds Safe f lying Sound cooperative effort between the airlines themselves and the Civil Aeronautics Authority, rather than luck, is to be credited for this year's splendid record of safety in winter flying. The CAA reports that in the period from Dec. 12 to March 20 the domestic lines flew 128,162,050 pass- enger-miles with but one fatal acci- dent. Of this impressive total, 50,000,- 000 passenger-miles were flown by the threc transcontinental systems of American, United and TWA and by the north and south service of East- ern Air Lines without a single forced landing. On the basis of airplane miles flown the lines operated 12,909,995 miles in the winter of 1935-36 with eighteen fatalities; 14,218,367 miles in 1936-37 with twenty-eight fatalities, and 14,- 824,274 miles in 1937-38 with nineteen fatalities. The past winter, however, they flew 17,863,370 miles with only four fatalities. The figures, as retir- ing Chairman Noble of the CAA points out, show how successfully a iighly competitive business, pushira its development at a phenomenal rate, still can cooperate with a Federal agency and get results. American hats should be off to both the airlines and the Authority. -The New York Times sible is it to spread "the gospel of humanity, enlightenment and toler- ance which are synonymous with religion and liberal education?" Why is "economic individualism" so neces- sary to all that man considers good? If not considered an attempt of a small narrow group to usurp the use of The.Daily to serve their nefarious ends, the leftists will debate Mr. Canavan. This. might lead to a better understanding of world problems. Such a purpose may not be worthy of the efforts of the young men and women who are to become the leaders of their generation, nor of interest to them. We are, however, in a Universi- ty, and with the world approaching the brink of disaster, it seems as though it might be a proper function 1 To the Editor: As is usual when a conservative or reaction- ary writer attempts a "critical appraisal" of an "extreme" radical view, Mr. Canavan in his edi- torial of Sunday, April 2, shows a complete lack of understanding of the reasoning which leads "radicals" to the conclusions they reach. To re- phrase opinions of that school of economic "authorities" whose record of prediction in the past ten years has been pitiful is hardly the making of a "critical appraisal." To make "subtle" jibes at leftist and liberal economists, and to end with an appeal for individual virtue, makes it appear that desire for approbation is thought to be more important than desire for, understanding. Mr. Canavan's mistake, however, has been in the doctrine of Jefferson and the American popu- lists. The democratic movement there, according to Drucker, has been largely fostered. by the "Americanski," returned American emigrants. Their continued touch with democracy is main- tained by their friends and relatives, working in America; free from nolice and nolitical censor-. his statement of the leftist position. This is a common device in argument. Credit your oppon- ent with something that he does not believe and then proceed to show him wrong. The leftist does not hold that monopoly resulting from lack of competition is the basic cause of our economic troubles. He has other reasons for believing that we have a "senile economy, tottering to its grave." Monopoly and restricted competition re- sult from more fundamental causes and are secondary. If regulation were to restore compe- tition, which the leftist surely believes impos- sible, the cause of economic stagnation would not be removed if the leftist analysis is correct. Leftists make no assumption "that monopoly is the inevitable concomitant of the machine age" nor that "the evils of monopoly are in- separably welded to the advantages of large scale industry." They do say; however, that the evils in society are due to the. private ownership and control of productive property which is used in large scale industry. They do say that when the operation of industrial equipment is for the purpose of producing profit and not the satis- fa a ---- German Play: The Deutscher Vere- in will present "Die Gegenkandida- ten," a satire on party politics by Ludwig Fulda at the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre, Monday, April 24 at 8:30 p.m. Reserved seats are 50 cents, unreserved seats 35 cents. Box office open from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Monday, April 24. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at the Northwest door of the Rack- ham Building at 3 p.m. They will hike along the river for trio hours and then gather at the Island where they can play baseball and other out 4 I