THE MICHIGAN DAILY F FRI~Y:APIL 1 13 Classified Atom-Smasher' Opens New Rooms Needed Fields For Physical Research For Delegates F : 7 .State High School Editors ______Will Meet May 4 Sis When more than 700 editors of Michigan high school papers come to S::"Ann Arbor for the annual Michigan Interscholastic Press Association Con- be ference May 4, the housing facilities y, available here will be taxed beyond nd capacity, according to Wilfred B. - '::Shaw, director of alumni relations. Realizing the lack of housing facili. - ties here, President Ruthven appoint- in, ed Mr. Shaw to head a committee in ny an attempt to solve the problem. de The contingent expected next week ag will be the largest ever to visit Ann By MORT LINDER Arbor, Mr. Shaw said, and although "Aren't those atoms small enough? What do they have to smash them fraternities, sororities and the dor- S. for?"-this from a wondering young lady upon being explained the intri- mitory system have been extended as r, cacies of the physics department's pride and joy: the cyclotron . . . oblig- far as possible to house them, there caisoftephsc are still 200 student for whom no ing physicists lurking in the neighborhood quickly explained the machine lodging hasbeen obtained. Most of 0; has opened up entirely new fields of research to the physical and bio- these are girls and hence further re- er logical scientist . . . above machine rebuilt from one first constructed at stricts the acceptable lodging. It is ez, the University two years ago . . . men in charge: Prof. James M. Cork and hoped, Mr. Shaw said, that private ,; Dr. R. L. Thornton (picture above) . . . cyclotron bombards target element landladies or faculty members will EI. with particles of heavy hydrogen . . . particles given spiral motion by offer to take some of these girls. E. accumulation of high voltage pressures and a 90-ton magnet . . . travel at The committee consists of Prof. a speed of 18-20 thousand miles per second and are discharged directly into Karl Litzenberg of the English de- of the target, knocking off pieces of that substance or being absorbed by it partment, Miss Jeannette Perry, as- m . . a new substance, or isotope is created ... study of these atomic sistant dean of women, Assistant m changes and of the effects of radiation from the bombardment process and Dean Olmstead of the engineering from the artificially created elements is an offhand answer to the afore- school, Miss Esther Griffin, Univer- ul mentioned young lady's query . . . sity housing inspector, 'Dean Henry C. Anderson of the engineering ts school, Prof. Donal H. Haines of the W A Created department of journalism and Mrs. in W P .Ias CregwtoY1ealtII Ruth Trezise of the bureau of alumni g relations. The committee has been t, Administrator Larned Caims considering a plan to set up a tem- ti1 porary dormitory in Barbour Gym for the girls, Mr. Shaw said, but this The Works Progress Administra- others have been reconditioned by would not take care of any appreci- tion has created new wealth for the WPA workers. A total of 545 new pub- able number of them. citizbns of Michigan, according to lic buildings and additions to build- ctAbr of Michigans accrdingto. ings were erected as projects, and e Aber E. Lamed, state administrator.! more than 2,000 were reconditioned Re eder' W i Assst in In a recent summary of WPA work, or modernized. Of these new build- ee he revealed that 9,850 miles of roads ings, 51 were schools and 189 were 'n Education Burean ar and streets have been constructed in recreational buildings such as audi-n in the three year period ending July 1, toriums, stadiums, gymnasiums, and d 1938. "These projects," he said, "have fire houses. Prof. Ward G. Reeder of Ohio State es been responsible for a substantiail ex- Facilities for outdoor recreational University, author and authority in i- tension and improvement of public activities in Michigan were increased the field of education, will act as properties and facilities for public through WPA projects to the extent special assistant to the Bureau of Co- nt use." of 63 new athletic fields, 31 swim- operation with Educational Institutes m "Much that has been accomplished ming pools, five golf courses and 306 from April 17 to June 1, it was an- al by WPA has not been entirely appre- tennis courts. nounced yetserday by Prof. George E. e. ciated, according to Mr. Lamed, for 'Remarkable work of a non-con- Carrothers, director of the Bureau. s "WPA has been an agency of ac- struction type has also been done by Professor Reeder, who is on leave a complishment rather than one of the WPA administrators, Larned from Ohio for this quarter, will visit :h idle boasting." pointed out. Almost 59,000,000 pounds the high schools of the state in d In addition to new roads, 186 high- of foodstuffs were distributed to needy line with the Bureau's accrediting way bridges have been built, and 159 families, and two and one-half mil- program. lion articles were produced in sew- ing room projects. It is estimated acres of land were converted into golf r ~that° 2,200,000 garments were given courses. D ~re ctoryto men, women and children on re- The remainder of the projects were lief throughout the state. concerned with building ice-skating Airports and landing fields, fifteen rinks, ski jumps and forest trails, as in number, were constructed, cover- well as several parks and play- ° WANTED ing 1,671 acres of land. More than 300 grounds. WANTED-Any Old Clothing. Pay $5 to $500. Suits, overcoats, mink, Per- sian lambs, diamonds, watches, a rifles, typewriters and old gold. Phone and we will call. Cadillac - LAST TIMES TODAY - 9458 388 A LOVE MORE WANTED - TYPING P ®W E R F TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M. A EA Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone 5689. 271 FOR SALE k FOR SALE-Encylopedia Brittanica," latest edition, with case, for sale. Substantial saving. Telephone 7735 or 6422. ¢05 ,: t"' ,: MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN ..;.,. MISCELLANEOUS HENRY F O N D A RA4PH BEILAMY' WASHED SAND and Gravel, -Drive- -STARTING SATURDAY- way gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 17 .m. CASH PAID for your discarded clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S. Main. 311 Made for HOME DECORATORS-Decorating, Each Other <. 9 painting. Budget plan if desired. Ldn, DAVID O.SEZNC Dial 7209 181, ......... .~Something new You prec shir Arr was 01.1 REB Cp RD41A' 7t(fab 4 U gE R9uar E t the con V TED t O w Shia 3prng 9kOflIt " C TOIGHT util.100 rf ,rom s9.30'iftl .O at the union a311oo0 State Street To Succeed Bowers No Goldfish Gulpers "ere, Despite 'Time' Time, the weekly newsmagazine, marched on in the wrong direction this week when it reported that a University of Michigan student had swallowed 25 goldfish, Julius Aisner, '41, the student in question, told the Daily yesterday. Started as a practical joke during the recent fish digesting epidemic, the tale of Aisner's feat was spread throughout the country by a national news service. A friend in Pennsyl- vania's Ffanklin and Marshall Col- lege telephoned the fish story to the Boston Post, Aisner revealed. He de- nied eating even one goldfish. Chemical Ballet Termed Success By Prof. Willard The most spectacular event on the program of the recent American Chemical Society meeting in Balti- more was an unique and entertaining chemical Ballet, according to Prof. Hobart H. Willard of the chemistry department. The purpose of the ballet, the pro- gram stated, was to contribute to what might be called "streamlined chemical education." Nordmeyer And Bemient Go To Chicago Meeting Prof. Henry W. Nordmeyer", chair- man of the German department, leaves today for Chicago to attend the 22nd annual meeting of the Asso- ciation of Modern Language Teach- ers of the Central West and South. Prof. Newton S. Bement of the French department will also attend the meeting DANCING t -Armory - Auspices of Company K TONIGHT and Saturday HERB "RED" RITZ and his band. Every Friday and Saturday. - -_ . .s> I Alexander W. Weddell (above), of Virginia, now ambassador to Ar- gentina, has been named ambas- sador to Spain, succeeding Claude G. Bowers, who represented the United States during the Republi- can regime. i 7 i _ Michigran Grad Plans New Bill Proposed Legislation Plans Standardized Barhering Dominic Dascola, holder of a bach- elor's and a master's degree from the University of Michigan is preparing a model barber and cosmetology bill to be submitted to the State Associa- tion of Barbers, he announced recent- ly. The purpose of the proposal, Da- scola explained, is to "raise barber- ing from a trade to a profession," by reorganizing the State cosmetology and barber boards, and instituting uniform conditions of sanitation and supervision in State barber shops. Dascola, who is the most recent member of a family which has claimed barbers for 140 years, and who formerly was noted for being the youngest registered hair-cutter in the country, is at present the pro- prietor of the "Esquire Shop" on Liberty St. He was connected with the Union Barber Shop for six years prior to his purchase of his new shop. He received a degree of Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and one of Master of Science in Speech from the University. I 9 r I T .. r 3 , r t k' : F E r FR UIT ROLL ., , P " woo Rdich fruit center Creamy. vanilla toasted nuts. surrounded by rich, and covered with 49c a Rol I ON SALE AT ALL Superior Dairy tores 332 South State -- 1211 South University - 207 South Main MARSHALL C-UT-,RATE 231 S. State - At The Head of Liberty Phone 5933 - We Deliver OUR EVERYDAY PRICES -___ __ E .. .. 1 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low prices. 9 under the sun u don't have to play golt to ap- ciate the new Arrow sports ts, slax and pullovers. Hand- ne and functional in design row sportswear is tailored for nfort and simplicity. Color- fast, shable and Sanforized-shrunk brie shrinkage less, than 1%)- rantees you interminable fit-and nplete satisfaction. Shirts and in a large range of comple- ntary and contrasting colors.. rts $2 up.. Slax $3.95 up. !w_ neck knitted pullovers in two- colors at $1 and $2. urs for fun under the sun with rf it hasn't an Arrow label, it isn't an Arrow. I I EASTMAN AGFA or 6 "Buy the Economy Size" B Modess .... $1.00 11e 30 40 Low Cut-Rate Prices Kotex . . Tampax .. 48c . 98c 40 .98 CIGARETTES Popular Brands 115 ctn. Plus tax lncludes Lucky Strikes, Camels, Chesterfields, Ral- eighs, Old Golds, Spuds - FILMS COLGATE PALMOLIVE DENTAL CREAM SHAVE CREAM Lather or Brushtess LARGE 1 GIANT - * LARGE 2 ; GIANT SIZE I SIZE ~' TSIZE $~ IZE 1939 Stock, Genuine Pennsylvania 3 for 98c. $3.89 dozen Feminine Requisites! Phone 5933 We Deliver L- CO LGAT CASHMERE BOUQUET TOOTH POWDER jSOAP SIZE 1W SIZE '331 NOW 2fORg17 / CO LGAT E VASELINE SHAVE CREAM HAIR TONIC Lather or Brushlss 111E E~GIANT LARGE 7; GIANT SIZE ASIZEIZ SIZE SIZESIZE r Try-NEW1 AE HALO CASHMEREHMO NBU09 SH AMPOO & BOUQUET FREE: H A ND .L OTIO N BUY LARGE SIZE-- LARGE SIZE 1f MEDIUM SIZE FREE GIANT SIZE 35 BOTH FOR 491 BOTH FOR 3$ is COLGATE s CASH MERE PERF lVUEOI Er * BOUQUET SOAPS . TALC FOR 15 EE 15 * *E' icrr at Liberty C H ARM IS LGATEOR w w a& o s_-aA_ O R - I I .