Weather Rain today, somewhat cooler in west portion tomorrow. Y Lit ian i~atli Editorial Something TO Think About .. Balkan Democracy r VOL. XLIX. No. 142 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS __________________________________ wwmw im 800 Attend Peace Talks As Mussolini Spurns F.D.R. Plea i r Sanctions Against Fascist Aggressors Urged Here By Lockwood And White Isolationists Hit 'Imperialist' Bloc More than 800 students and faculty members heard divergent plans for American foreign policy in the face of the world fascist menace yester- day as the All-Campus Peace Com- mittee and the Michigan Anti-War Committee, unable to agree on a common front, put forth their pro- grams at different times from dif- ferent locations. Assistance to the democratic na- tions which stand in the path of fas- cism's advance is imperative if American peace and democracy are to be retained, Rev. Horace White of the Plymouth Congregational Church and Charles E. Lockwood, Democratic candidate for Regent in the recent election, told a gathering of 600 on the steps of the main library yester- day afternoon. The meeting was sponsored by the All-Campus Peace Committee. "As students and people responsible for forming thought in the world, there are certain things we must be conscious of," Rev. White declared. "There are those who say we have no responsibility to maintain democ- racy abroad, and that President Roosevelt had no business to send his note to Hitler and Mussolini last week. I think these people are the same ones who do not want to keep democracy in America. I don't be- lieve American democracy can be maintained in a vacuum." Rev. White asserted that the gov- erning cliques of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy have consciously pur- sued a policy of building up a bloc of fascist nations in the world. He pointed to the systematic conquest of the weaker democratic countries one after another by Germany, Italy and Japan in europe, Africa and Asia and the steady growth of the powei' of the Rome-Berlin-Tokio axis. In response to the threat to the Unitied States contained in these developments and in fascist penetra- tion of South .America, Rev. White urged cooperation with those na- tions "who think as we do." He ad- vocated the application of economic sanctions against the fascist nations, and the extension of credit and ma- terial aid to the democracies. Mr. Lockwood discussed the peace (Continued on Page 6) Barry To Face Buckeyes' Ace In First Test Michigan Hurler Competes With OSU's Dagenhard In Game At Columbus By HERB LEV COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 20 (Spe- .cial to The Daily)-Michigan's base- ball hopes, brightest since the gala days of 1936 when Berger Larson, Steve Uricek and Co. led the Wolver- ines to an undisputed Big Ten cham- pionship, meet their first big test here tomorrow when the Varsity faces Ohio State in the opener of a two game series. Coaches Ray Fisher of Michigan and Fritz Mackey of Ohio were each banking on the aces of their respec- tive staffs for the mound chores in the Conference inaugural for both teams. For the Wolverines it wiil be slender Jack Barry, the soft-spok- en junior who has advanced from the relief role he held last season t the top of the staff by virtue of his fine showing on the southern train- ing trip. Hiis opponent will be big Johnny Dagenhard, for the past two years one of the leading hurlers of the Conference. Same Michigan Lineup The Wolverine lineup will be the same as the one which played through most of the spring trip. Leo Beebe will do the catching, hard-hitting Elmer Gedeon will be on first and Pete Lisagor, Capt. Walt Peckin- paugh and Mike Sofiak at second, short, and third respectively. The _ ..0 -. . .... : _ ... _ _ ~ - . Rejects Peace Plea Suit Brought By Miehigras Against Rival Plan Injunction To Force California's Exposition To Restriin Operations Charge Exposition Copies Carnival The executive committee of the 1939 Michigras filed suit yesterday to obtain an injunction against the Golden Gate International Exposi- tion for "unfair competition," it was revealed yesterday by Donald Bel- dne, '39E, general chairman of the committee. The brief of the suit filed by the committee charged that the San Francisco fair, operating simultane- ously with the local carnival, would cause irreparable damage to the trade of the Michigras, stating that if the Exposition continued opera- tion during that period, it "would lead many established and prospec- tive patrons of the Michigras to be deceived and/or confused and mis- led by the staging of a similar fair coterminously with the Michigras, thereby causing the plaintiff to suffer irreparable loss to its good will and established business." An injunction will also be sought against the Golden Gate Exposition to compel the fair "to cease and de- sist publishing any statements or in- formation which would tend to mis- lead the general public into believ- ing that the Exposition is in any way connected with the Michigras." The brief charged further that the Exposition was "obviously similar in its appeal to the general public, and is copied after the Michigras." " The financial success of the carni- val, proven in past years, would be jeopardized if the Exposition were not restrained from operation, the com- mittee stated. The committee seeks an order. enjoining the San Francisco fair from being conducted on May 5 and 6 Gilbert Wins Scholarship William J. Gilbert, Grad., has been offered a scholarship at Woodshole College, Cape Code, Mass., for the, sunimer session. Gilbert is an assist- ant instructor in the department of botany.{ Debaters Seek Big Ten Title At Evanston Five varsity ien debaters left yes- terday for Northwestern University where they will defend the Big Ten championship title which they have held for the last two years. Making the trip were Louis Poplinger, '39, William Muehl, '41, Sidney David- son, '40, Jack Shuler, '40, and Robert Rosa, '39, who werehaccompanied by Arthur Secord, coach. Each team will meet four opposing teams on the question, "Resolved, That the United States Should Cease To Use Government Funds (Includ- ing Credit) For the Stimulation of Business." Davidson and either Pop- linger of Muehl will constitute the affirmative squad and will meet teams from Northwestern, Wisconsin, Chi- cago, and Illinois. The negative team of Rosa and Shuler will debate Ohio State, Purdue, Minnesota, and Iowa. Two rounds will be held this afternoon and the final two will take place tomorrow morning. In last year's Big Ten Conference meet, Oliver Crager, '39, and Shuler, '40, defeated four schools and Rosa, '39, and Harry Schniderman who graduated last year and is now at the Harvard Law School won three out of four contests. Lindbergh Advises, U.. Plane Boost WASHINGTON, April 20.-(IP)- Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh .ad- vised army, navy and civilian aero- nautic officials today that, the Unit- ed States should use every effort to clinch world leadership in plane de- velopment. Reporting to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics on strides made by Germany and other nations, the flier was said by officials to have advised more emphasis on research in the United States. Lindbergh attended the session of the NACA Executive Comnittee, of which he is a member, after a 25- minute talk at the White House with President Roosevelt.' Some of his hearers quoted him as To View or t( +M Spring Parley ( Session; 500 Are ?pens 8th Expected T oday A' 'A Senators Shelve Parley Leader 'Baby Dies' Bill LANSING, April 20. B-')- The Senate shelved the Baldwin Bill, which would create a "little Dies com- mittee" of state investigating author- ities to sift so-called seditious activi- ties, today. Detroiti Senators insisted that the measure be returned to committee} long enough, at least, to permit repre- sentatives of the Civil Rights Fed- eration to receive a hearing. Sen. Charles C. Diggs, Democrat, Detroit, said 17,000 protested the bill in a mass meeting sponsored by the Fed- eration in Detroit recently. The Senate adopted a resolution fixing May 11 as the legislature's ad- journment date. The measure went to the House, where it was expected to remain in committee until calen- dars are sufficently clear to make a more definite prediction of the time it will take to dispose of a mass of unfinished legislation possible. BENITO MUSSOLINI Germany Displays Might With Military Parade On Fuehrer's Birthday ROME, April 20. -(P)- Premier Benito Mussolini today cited plans for a world exposition in, Rome in 1942 as proof that Italy expected at least three years of peace, but de- clared that President Roosevelt's pro- posal .for ten-year nonaggression guarantees was absurd. "If we were cherishing obscure ag- gressive designs, we would not be dedicating ourselves . . . to work of such vast proportions," Il Duce told directors .of the exposition assembled to report on their progress. Mussolini used one sentence to pose the uncertainty of a reply to Presi- dent Roosevelt's appeal of last Sat- urday and to emphasize the policy of the Rome-Berlin axis as one of peace. Berlin Sees Record Military Show BERLIN, April 20. -(})- Reichs- fuehrer Adolf Hitler, in a display of armed might obviously intended to impress a nervous world with the vastness of Nazi preparedness, cele- brated his fiftieth birthday today with the greatest military parade in Berlin's history.. , For four and one-half hours the clatter of grim engines of destruction the tramp of 40,000 soldiers and the roar of squadrons of warplanes dinned into the ears of several hundred thousand spectators. Enthusiastic Nazis said. that the throngs that lined. the three-mile route along the "Avenue of Splendor", Berlin's new boulevard from the old Imperial Castle, to the Technology School, exceeded 1,000,000. Diplomats Report Nazi Poll Of Nations PARIS, April 20.-UP-Diplomatic sources tonight reported that Ger- many, preparing a reply to President Roosevelt's nonaggression appeal, had asked several of the 31 nations men- tioned in his message whether they considered themselves menaced by Germany. Diplomatic sources pointed out that (Continued on Page 6) Schoolmasters To Meet Here RALPH ERLEWINE Ford Charges Budget Deficit State's Most Pressing Problem saying it was vital that the United States develop superior types of mili- tary and civil aircraft. The tenor of his remarks was that quality was more essential at present than quan- tity. Reduction of Michigan's rapidly in- creasing deficit and the balancing of the budget constitute the most press- ing problems in state finance today, Prof. Robert S. Ford, director of the Bureau of Government, declared in a pamphlet, "Financing Michigan's Government," issued by the Bureau this week. Actual costs of state government have increased only nine per cent, Professor Ford revealed, but state grants to local government units in the form of state aid or shared taxes have increased by 58 million dollars, or 178 per cent. In 1938 the actual costs of state government amounted to 83 millions, while the amount returned to local units was 91 millions. "Thus the state," Professor Ford writes, "is now contributing more to the financing of local government than is actually spent for state government." Since such new taxes as the sales tax and liquor revenues have not aug- mented the state's income sufficient- ly to meet the drain of tax money to local units, the state deficit will probably amount to about 25 million dollars by the close of the present fiscal year on June 30, he predicted. "It is clear that if the deficit is to be reduced," Professor Ford ex- plained "a choice must be made be- tween curtailed appropriations and increased taxes." The major por- tion of the increase in the cost of government since 1930 has been due .i -- i 4 f C 7 1 4 J Sta te Supreme Court Justices Jude Case Club Final Today o the increase in expenditures by he state for relief administration, >articipation in the federal social ecurity program, and in state grants o local units for education, high- vays, welfare and relief. Professor 'ord believes that little can be ac- mplished by an economy program 'hich ignores these items. Any material reduction will have ,o be confined to education and velfare, he stated, because highway expenditures are protected by the onstitutional amendment prohibit - ng expenditure of proceeds of the weight and gas taxes for any pur- ose other than highways. Nor can ubstantial savings be gained from overnment payroll cuts. [lousing Group [lears McCallum AddressToday Senator Opens Conference On 'Old House' Problem; Will Probe State Taxes An address by State Senator George ?. McCallum on "The Tax Situation n Michigan" will highlight the edu- rational conference on "Problems of he Old House," being sponsored to- [ay in the Union by School of Busi- ess Administration and the Michi- gan Real Estate Association. Senator McCallum, a member of the Gover- nor's Tax Study Commission, will peak at a banquet at 6 p.m. in the Union. Regent David H. Crowley will de- iver an address of welcome to mem- bers of the conference at a luncheon at noon in the Union to which Arthur P. Bassett, president of the Michigan Real Estate Association, will respond The conference will be divided into a morning and afternoon session, with Judson Bradway, president of the Judson Bradway Real Estate Co. o Detroit, leading the discussion a each session. Interested student have been especially invited to at tend all discussion meetings which will be held in the Union. The morning session, opening a 10:15 a.m., will consider "The Com petition of Rental Housing," wit opening comments by Dr. J. Biol Philipson, chief market analyst a the Federal Housing Administratio. in Chicago; and "The Threat of Tech nological Progress in Construction, with comments by Dean Wells I. Ben- nett of the architecture college. . The afternoon session, beginnin at 2 p.m., will consider three genera problems related to the old house Three Faculty Members To Give Conservative, Liberal,_Radical Views Chairman Erlewine To Keynote Session The ninth annual Spring Parley will convene at 3:30 p.m. today in the North Lounge of the Union when an expected attendance of over 500 and a panel of 16 students and 38 faculty members will meet for the opening session of the three-day dis- cussion of "The Student Looks at the Forties." Ralph Erlewine, '39, general chair- man, will formally open the Parley and outline its objiectives, while Dr. E. W. Blakeman, counselor in reli- gious education will greet the Parley in,the name of the University. Three faculty speakers, presenting the con- servative, liberal and radical phi- losophies for the forties, will then speak. Prof. John E. Tracy of the Law School will present the conser- vative point of view; Prof. George C. S. Benson of the political science department, the liberal point of view; and Prof. John F. Shepard of the psychology department, the radical point of view. After a short discussion session, following the three speakers, the Par- ley will adjourn at 5:30 p.m. to re- convene at 10:15 a.m. tomorrow, at which time eachof the six discussion panels-American Foreign Policy, Government and Economics, Univer- sity Student, Religion, American Cul- ture and Science and Civilization- will meet in their separate rooms. Discussion at the panel meetings will be initiated by the student chairman, the student speaker, who will pre- sent a student's view of the forties and a faculty speaker who will pre- sent his view of the forties. Discus- sion will continue through the morn- ing, afternoon and evening sessions tomorrow, and a synthesis of opinions advanced during the Parley will be reached at the Sunday morning ses- sion. in a statement to The Daly last night, Erlewine said: "I sincerely hope that the students of the Univer- sity of Michigan will avail themselves of this opportunity to show the world that they are individuals who can think creatively as well as critically." The complete faculty and student panel and faculty advisory boards follows : American Foreign Policy; Martin Dworkis, '40, student chairman; Tom Downs, '40L, student speaker; Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the English department, faculty speaker; advisory board members--Prof. Everett S. Brown of the political science de- partment; Prof. Arthur Smithies of (Continued on Page 6) Hoytmen Leave ITo Meet Iini ,I Roy Steinheiner, '40L and Robert Solomon, '40L, who will face John Rubsam, '40L and John Adams, '40L in the Case Club finals at 2:30 p.m. today in the Law School. Dr. At G. S. Ford To Speak Honors Convocation The Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will hold its fifty-third annual meet-' ing in Ann Arbor Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 27 to 29. The club is composed of high school adminis- trators and teachers throughout the state. Two addresses by Dr. Guy Stanton Ford, president of the University of Minnesota, one for the annual Hon- ors Convocation of the University at 11 a.m., Friday in Hill Auditorium and the second at the Schoolmasters' annual banquet at 6 p.m. Friday in taTniro mllhfln iurlyierh By WILLIAM B. ELMER Three members of the Michigan Supreme Court, Justices George E. Bushnell, Henry M. Butzell, and Thomas F. McAllister, will preside to- day at' the annual Law School Case Club finals, to be held at 2:30 p.m.. today in Hutchins Hall. The con- test will be open to the public. Whether the Federal government can levy an income tax on the salaries of state employes will be the question before the judges. John Adams, '40L, and John Rubsam, '40L, will plead the case for a fictional plaintiff, a state tax commissioner who paid an income- tax on his salary to the de- fendant, a Federal collector of in- ternal revenue, who will be defended by Roy Steinheimer, A4L, and Rob- ert Solomon, '40L. The history of this income tax question traces back to the McCulloch vs. Maryland tax case, in which Chief Justice Marshall delivered his key- note decision. In that case it was stahlished that a state has nn right, School celebrates Founder's Day in honor of the late William W. Cook, who made the present Law Quad- rangle possible. Following the Case Club finals a Founder's Day banquet will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Law Club dining room, with retiring Dean Henry M. Bates as toastmaster. Charles P. Megan, prominent Chicago lawyer and former president of the Illinois and Chicago Bar Associations, will be the principal speaker. His topic will be "The Lawyer in Public Service." The Cases Club was started about 15 years ago, according to Bruce Smith, '39L, as a voluntary club open to law students who wished to gain practice in actual courtroom work. Since then five clubs have been formed for freshmen and four for juniors. Preparation for these cases is de- signed to acquaint the law student with the law library, research meth- ods, and the technique required in drafting briefs. Presentation affords v,. ,. h la .a 1a,.m n zritami+ .nt A n r _ f d Dr. Sock man Urges Nation r s StayNeutral l; Country Drifting Into War, Speaker Holds In Final Martin Loud Lecture "Absolute neutrality is the best pro- gram for collective peace action in the future for the United States," Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, of Christ Church,E NYC, said in a lecture in the Union1 ballroom yesterday.t Dr. Sohkman delivered the final Martin Loud Lecture, the series were based on three aspects of "The Amer- ican Way."l Asserting that in our present posi- tion and under our present policy, we are drifting directly into war, Dr. Sockman urged that the devices us- ually employed to create a pro-war attitude be adopted for the cause of peace. Quoting former resident Her- bert Hoover, he said, "We must wage peace as men in the past have waged war." Among the concepts that could be adapted to the campaign for peace for America, Dr. Sockman declared "patriotism" to be outstanding. Whenever this concept is employed, he said, it suggests thoughts of past or future wars, but it should logically :1 . e f t s 'a h t l- h n aI g al At Champaign Squad Of 25 Is Chosen For Meet Tomorrow; Gedeon Misses Journey By DICK SIEBK The Wolverine track. team leaves late today for Champaign, Ill., where they will open the outdoor campaign against Illinois tomorrow. Coach Charley Hoyt has named 25 men to make the trip. While the Wolverines are expected ,to polish off the Illini without too much trouble, just how well they will do remains much a matter of con- jecture. Unseasonably cold weather, "the worst in my experience," accord- ing to Coach Hoyt, has kept the Michigan squad indoors and the Wol- verine mentor does not know what his men can do over the stiffer outdoor distances and in the added events. The Hoytmen will also be without, the services of Elmer Gedeon, Big Ten hurdles champ, who is in Colui- bus with the baseball team. This leaves Stan Kelley, Jeff Hall, Bob Barnard, and Sherm Olmsted to split up 120-yard high and 220-yard ow hurdles duties against Dick Ris- 'Ensian Payments Today; Priee Due To Rise Balance payments for the Michi- ganensian must be paid before 5 p.m.