SIX THUhSDAY, A?1~TL 2~O, 1939
Two Awards
To Be Offered
700 High School Students
Expected At 18th Yearly
Journalism Convention
Two scholarships in journalism
named in honor of Prof. John L.
'rumm, chairman of the journalism
department will be offered at the
18th Annual Convention of the Michi-
gan Interscholastic Press Association
to be held here May 4-6 under the
auspices of the journalism depart-
About 700 high school students
from throughout the state are ex-
pected at this year's convention.
Among those prominent persons who
will speak are Herbert O. Crisler, H.
C. L. Jackson of the Detroit News,
Helen Bower of the Detroit Free Press,
Arthur W. Stace of the Ann Arbor
News, Prof. John Shepard of the psy-
chology department, Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department,
Milo Ryan of the journalism depart-
ment of Wayne University, Professor
Brumm, Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of
the journalism department and Prof.
Donald Haines of the journalism de-
In addition to the general sessions,
group meetings will be held to dis-
cuss particular problems. Among
these will be "clinics" at which ques-
tions of high school journalism will
be discussed under the leadership of
Reading Taste
Mere Is Low,
Heller Asserts
Thee American population has a
decidedly low standard of literary
culture, asserted Dr. Otto Hellr,
Dean Emeritus of the Graduate
School of Washington University, St.
Louis, in an interview yesterday, in
spite of the fact that there is a mass
tendency in America towards read-
ing and an abundance of young writ-
ers with ability. Substantiating this
statement, he mentioned that there
were only two execlent magazines
which do not have to struggle for
their existence, "Harper's Monthly"
and the "Atlantic Monthly."
Interested in educational move-
ments because of the 46 years spent
at Washington University, and hold-
ing as many as five positions at once,
including editor of university publi-
cations, head of the German de-
partment and head of the depart-
mnent of general literature, Dr. Heller
has spent this year in lecturing. Since
his retirement last year, he has ad-
vocated the spreading by schools of
more classical or good literature to
change the attitude of the American
people. He. feels that the teachers
should occupy themselves more with
literary interests in order to educate
the 'people. - . s
Although he has only been in Ann
Arbor for two days, Dr. Heller said
that he was very impressed by the
large teaching body of the collegiate
division. Too often, he stated, most
of the men connected with a univer-
sity devote themselves to professional
schools, and the college of literature
and science has to content itself with
only a small fraction of the total fac-
German Play
Set To Opeii
Deutscher Verein Presents
Comedy Monday Night
Preparations for the annual Ger-
man play sponsored by the Deutscher
Verein are rapidly drawing to a close
for the performance at 8:15 Monday
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
according to Dr. Otto G. Graf of the
German department and director of
the play.
The play, Ludwig Fulda's comedy,
"Die Gegenkandidaten," is a satire
of post-war Germany politics in which
a husband and wife are nominated
by rival parties for candidacy to the
Landstag, Dr. Graf said.
Rehearsals have been going on-
since March, and by Sunday evening,
the dress rehearsal, all will be in
readiness, Dr. Graf hopes. Tickets will
be available at Wahr's bookstore, the
German department office and from
all German instructors.
British Preview A ir Raid Warnings
Fresh Air Camp
Yields Material
Realizing the unusual opportuni-
ties of the camping situation for in-
tensive study of human adjustment,
the University of Michigan Summer
Session is again offering courses in
education- and sociology at the
University Fresh Air Camp for Boys
this summer. The camp, which is lo-
cated 25 miles north of Ann Arbor on
a chain of nine small lakes, is man-
aged by a University committee, of
which Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee is
Fifty Candidates
Fifty candidates, mostly men, will
be selected to profit from the ex-
perience and study of the camp ses-
sion from June 19 to Aug. 19. A few
especially qualified women may also
take courses there although no pro-
vision will be made for their resi-
dence in the camp. Men students,
however, will live witli the boys and'
act as counselors. Not only will the
training provide for creative expres-
sion, functional participation and
group thinking, but it will also al-
low the students to help in the
general administration of the camp,
Professor Menefee stated.
Six Hours Maximum'
Six semester hours will constitute
the maximum load for any one stu-
dent. All courses taken carry gradu-
ate credit*and will be presented by
faculty members of the .University
Summer Session. Two student coun-
selors, under the supervision of ex-
perienced head counselors, will guide
the activities of six to eight boys.
Approximately half 'of the student's
time will be spent in preparation of
the work required by the courses,
while the remaining time will be al-
lotted to participation in the camp-
ing program with adequate time for
Preference in the choice of the 50
counselors will be given to: students
majoring in education, sociology;
public health and allied fields. Pre-
vious camping, teaching and group
work experience will also be. selective
factors. Senior standing. in'an ap-
proved college will be a minimum
scholastic requirement but graduate
students will receive preference:
Publication tn the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Gorpy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.
(Continued from Page 4)
Attendance is compulsory for those
intending to be in the program.
Varsity Glee Club: There will be
no rehearsal tonight.
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 'this afternoon in the
Observatory lecture room. Miss Mar-
jorie Williams will continue her dis-
cussion on "Variable Stars" by Ga-
poschkin. Tea will be served at 4 p.m.
Choral Union Rehearsal. There will
be a Choral Union rehearsal this eve-
ning, in the School of Music Audi-
torium, for both men and women;
and every Thursday thereafter until
the May Festival performances.
Cercle Francais meeting will be held
tonight at 7:30 at the Michigan
League. The merits of American and
European films will be discussed.
Phi Epsilon Kappa meeting on
Thursday, tonight, 9 p.m. in Room
325, Michigan Union. Officers for
the coming year will be elected at
this time. All members are urged to
be present.
The Peace Rally under the direc-
tion of the All-Campus Peace Com-
mittee will be held today at 4:15 p.m.
on the Library steps, or in the Na-
tural Science Auditorium in case of
rain or bad weather.
Tap Dancing Class: The elective tap
dancing class will meet on Monday
and Thursday at 4:30.
Archery"Club, Women Students:
The first meeting of the club Will be
held today'at. 4:30 in the Women's
Athletic -Building. Anyone interested
is invited to attend. Tea will be
League House Girls: There will be
petitioning for League House of-
- *e~m SJt' in t tA Ut .J&A P f-
Any League House girl'is eli-I
gible provided she intendsf to live in
a League House next year. Interview-
ing will be held Friday in the Under-
graduate Office from 3 to 5.
Assembly Execuiive Council Meet-
ing: There will be a meeting of the
Executive Council of Assembly today
at 4:15 in the League council room.
Interior Decoration Group of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet at
3 o'clock this afternoon at the Michi-
gan League. Professor Catherine B.
Heller, a member of the Interior Dec-f
oration Department of the Univer-
sity, will discuss the proper selection
and hanging of pictures.
Corning Events
The Wesleyan Guild will have a
Spring Party at Lane Hall Friday
evening from 9 to 1. Music by Ray
Carey's orchestra, and games will
be available. Tickets on sale by
committee members and at Stalker
Hall. The Congregational Student
Group has been issued a special in-
The Annual French Play: The
Cercle Francais will present "Ces
Dames aux Chapeaux Verts," a mod-
ern French comedy in one prologue
and three acts by Albert Acremant,
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Friday, April 28 At 8:15 p.m..
All seats are reserved. Tickets will
Pictorialist Will Present
Demonstration At League
AxelBahnsen of Yelow Springs,
0., will give a demonstration of pho-
tography sponsored by the Ann Ar-
bor Camera Club at 8 p.m. Wednes-
day in the League. Tickets are on
sale at local camera supply stores.
Mr. Bahnsen, one of the country's
most noted pictorialists, is rated sec-
ond among American exhibitors in
number of prints shown in interna-
tional salons. During the last five
years he has had 740 prints accept-
ed in 224 salons.
be on sale at the box-office April 27
and 28. A special reduction will be
made for holders of the French Lee-
ture series cards.
Women Students: A class in Life
Saving will be given on Monday and
Wednesday at 3:00. Register in Of-
fice 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
The Graduate Outing Club will go
bicycling Saturday, April 22. The
group will meet at 3:30 p.m. at the
Campus Bicycle Shop, 510 E. Wil-
liam. They will take a short ride
along the river to Delhi and back.
Sunday there will be the usual out-
ing. Faculty and graduate students
are invited.
1939 Dramatic Season Tickets: Mail
orders are being received this week
for season tickets for the spring Dra-
matic Season which opens May 1
and closes June 17. Address orders
to the 1939 Dramatic Season, Gar-
den Room, Michigan League Bldg.
Counter sale of tickets opens Mon-
day, April 24 at 10 a.m. in the Garden
Keep The Home Fires Burning is a means of setting off air raid
sirens in London. This temporary building blazed up "splendidly" and
set the warnings screaming in a demonstration watched by crowds,
apprehensive of the future.
Varied Uses Of Fluorescent
Substaiices ited By Wilard
Burr, Patterson & Auld
603 Church Street
A study of the fluorescent proper-
ties of various chemical substances
has lead to many useful applica-
tions of this spectacular phenomena
both in the field of science and in
industry, Prof. Hobart H. Willard of
the chemistry department pointed
out recently.
Many chemical compounds, when
exposed to ultra violet light, reflect
the "invisible" light as a visible glow
similar to that emitted by a. radium
dial watch. This glow is known as
Perhaps the ymost publicized use of
fluorescent properties is in the in-
vestigation of forgeries by police lab-
oratories. Two documents, when ex-
amined under ordinary light may
appear identical even to the expert,
yet when the same samples are viewed
under fluorescent light, a striking
difference may often be observed.
The difference in appearance under
the ultra violet light is due to fluores-
cent ingredients which'appear iden-
tical under ordinary light, but which
fluoresce differently.
Modern industry, Professor Wil-
lard stated, has also found fluores-
cent to be useful in many fields of
practical application. Such sub-
stances have made possible the pres-
ent type of television receiver known
as the cathod ray projector. In this
type projector, a fluorescent screen is
bombarded with a stream of invisible
electrons, The energy from these
high-speed electrons excites the flu-
orescent material on the screen; and
a visible image results.
A new type of electric lamp recent-
ly placed on the market makes use of
fluorescent substances to give illumi-
nation. The lamp consists of. a tube
in which a mixture of argon gas and
mercury vapor are present. When this
mixture is excited by an elecrtic cur-
rent, some visible light and consid-
erable ultra violet light are emitted.
The inside surface of the tube is
coated with various fluorescent ma-
terials which convert the invisible ul-
tra violet radiations into visible light
of a color depending upon the ma-
terials used. The color of the re-
sulting light can thus be made either
almost monochromatic or mixed to
produce light closely resembling day-
A knoweldge of fluorescent proper-
ties has also greatly aided prospect-
ing for certain minerals, Professor
Willard indicated. Several types of
metallic ores, such as those of tung-
sten, emit' fluorescent radiations
when exposed to ultra-violet light.
With the aid of a portable ultra-
violet ray lamp, veins of ores can
easily be located. Under the influ-
ence of these rays the minerals sought
are seen to glow.
11L'CLb tuut&y ILL, L11C ullut:1 KCtLuuW;u Vk^
Chesterfield's Happy Combination (blend) of the
finest American and Turkish tobaccos satisfies millions
because it gives them smoking pleasure they get from
no other cigarette. Refreshing mildness, better taste
and more pleasing aroma are Chesterfield's feature
You can count on a swell crowd of congenial student
fellow-travelers, of course. For these fine ships of Holland
rate first choice for pleasant accommodations, shipboard fun
on deck or dance floor - and for food that makes you wish
the voyage were longer !
( STCA means eiher Student TourisiClassor Student Third Class Association)
Express Hope
Peace Conference
WASHINGTON, April 19.-(A)---
A "prayerful hopes" for a world peacej
conference was expressed today by
bishops composing the administrative
board of the National Catholic Wel-
fare Conference.
STATENDAM, June 91, 2,; July 1-
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VOLENDAM s :£ uly I
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