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April 19, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-19

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Spring Parley Seend As Valuable
Agency For Student Discussions

Michigan League.'
American and Europe

The merits oft
can films will be

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

E. W. Blakeman Praises
Activity Of Sessions;
Inaugurated In 1931
Beginning in 1931, the' annual
Spring Parley of the University has
provided an active section for student
discussion, Dr. Edward W. Blake-
man, faculty sponsor and adviser to
the Parley, said today. This year's
sessions will be held on Friday, Satur-
day and Sunday this week in the
Union. -
The first Parley featured President
Ruthven, Rabbi Leo Franklin of Con-
gregation Beth-El in Detroit, nine
local 'clergymen, six faculty members
and three well known religious auth-
orities as leaders of the round table
discussion. There were no regular
speeches and no specified topics. The
leaders initiated the discussion, which
was intended to run along religious
The second Parley was on "Person-
al Philosophies," with a faculty panel
of 17 persons and a student commit-
tee of 110 members. A special com-
mittee of students had made plans
an entire semester in consultaion
with faculty members and students
leaders to draw up plans for the Par-
ley. The present conferences are still
conducted along these same lines.
The third Parley on "What Con-
Camp Positions
Work Groups Are Located
In Six Key, Regions
Positions in Work Camps sponsored
by the Friends Service Committee will
be filled by application to Mr. Elmore
Jackson, who will be at Lane Hall
this afternoon.
The Work Camps are located in six
key positions in the United States, in
the areas where major economic and
social readjustment is taking place.
The Michigan camp is in Flint. and
is devoted to a study of the prob-
lems surrounding the automotive in-
dustry. Other camps are located in
the TVA area, the California ship-
ping center, the- Pennsylvania coal
district, the Georgia cotton planta-
tions and in the Mississippi Delta
Mr. Jackson has been in charge of
the Quaker Work Camps for several
years and has been especially success-
ful in bringing together the leaders of
local industry and labor leaders for
discussions at the Camps.
Camp life is designed to provide
opportunities to study local commun-
ity problems, to engage in active
physical labor on a constructive pro-
ject and to live in a community where
the cooperative spirit is realized in
group living.
University students have been active
id" th'sc Canms ifr 'eeit yeai's and
have been enthusiastic in their praise
of the unique opportunities offered
in camp..
Alumini Group Offers
Harvard Scholarship
A tuition scholarship to Harvard
Graduate School of Business Ad-
ministration will be given by the De-
troit alumni club' for the semester
beginning next September. The
award will be based on undergradu-
ate attainment and. personality. Re-
quirements include a degree of bach-
elor of arts or science, and gradua-
tion from a Michigan college, or
residence in the state.

Applications for the scholarship
are being received by the secretary
of the Harvard Business School Al-
umni Club of Detroit, Stuart Gal-
braith, 410 Dige Bank Bldg.
Finlandia Male Chorus
Will Appear In Detroit
The Finlandia Male Chorus, com-
posed of 75 singers from various chor-
al societies all over Finland, will give
a concert at 8:30 p.m. next Wednes-
lay, in Orchestra Hall, Detroit. This
is the group's first American concert
The chorus is conducted by Prof.
Ueikki Kidmetti, former director of
the Helsinki University Chorus which
was heard here last year, and is spon-
sored by the Finnish government. It
will be part of the Finnish exhibit in
the New York World's Fair.

stitutes an Education, Leadership, In-
telligence, Personality, Character, Re-
sponsibility?" was attended by 300
students. Breakfast and dinner meet-
ngs were held.
The next Parley discussed "What
Can We Believe?" with conferences
1on War and the Student, Sex and the
Family, Capitalism and Social Change
and Religion and the Church. This
was followed, in 1935, by "Values In-
volved in Social Conflict" with dis-
cussions covering war, academic free-
dom, race discrimination, and politi-
cal philosophy.
The last three Parleys have dis-
cussed "Tomorrow-what Shall We
Make of It," "A Program for Our
Times," and, last year, "Our Univer-
sity, Milestone or Millstone."
This year's Parley will discuss "The
Student Looks at the '40's." Discussion
panels will center. about Government
and Economics, International Af-
fairs, Education, Religion, Art and
33 Engineeres
Mae Survey
Tour Of East
Scenic spots, including modern
power plants and the New York
World's Fair were visited by 33 en-
gineering students and two faculty
men on the nine day eastern engineer-
ing tour sponsored by Eta Kappa Nu,
honorary electrical engineering soci-
ety, during Spring Vacation, Ken-
neth J. Mudie, '39E, said yesterday..
The group, accompanied by Prof.
Melville B. Stout and Charles, W.
Spooner of the engineering school, be-
gan their tout here on Friday, April
7, with a banquet at the Union.
'1'hey left Ann Arbor by chartered
bus Saturday morning, and travelled
directly to Niagara Falls for an in-
spection of the 325,000 horsepower
Niagara Falls Power plant and a view
of the Falls by night.
Alumni Welcome
In Schenectady, the group was
welcomed by the University of Michi-
gan Club of Schenectady with a
banquet in their honor. In Schenec-
tady they also visited the General
Electric laboratories. Here they were
shown one of the few mercury tur-
bines ever constructed and were giv-
en a demonstration of the latest tele-
vision receivers.
Arriving in New York early Tues-
day morning, they visited the long
distance department of the American
Telephone and Telegraph Company
and saw demonstrations of the new
coaxial cables and picture transmis-
sion by wire.
A trip through the World's Fair
grounds was taken in the afternoon.
A World's Fair commissioner provid-
ed a special guide. Only a few of the
buildings wee completed. They in-
spected Radi, City in the evening.
Warships Visited
On the way to Washington, D.C., a
stop was made in Kearny, N.J., to see
22 destroyers, tankers and battle-
ships being constructed at the U.S.
federal drydock and shipyard.
In Washington, lours of govern-
ment buildings, the Bureau of Print-
ing and Engraving, a visit to a ses-
sion of Congress were arranged and
a scenic tour of Arlington cemetery
was taken.
On the return trip to Ann Arbor. a
stop was made in Pittsburgh for a
special trip through the Westing-
house laboratories and a tour of the
Homestead Steel Plant.
The estimated cost of the entire trip
per man was about $40, Kenneth Mu-
die announced. It is hoped that the
eastern tour will become an annual
St dent Injured By Auto
Helen Lapitsky, '41, of Port Huron
was slightly injured yesterday morn-

ing when she walked into the side
of a car at South University and
Washtenaw avenues. She was taken
to the University Hospital for obser-
vation, and was found to have no

(Continued from Page 4)
Dancing will meet at 7 instead of 7:30
The Swing and Sway Sessions spon-
sored by the League Undergraduate
Fund to be held in the League Ball-
room will begin tonight at 8 o'clock.
The Arts and Travel group of
A.A.U.W. will holdravmeeting at
7:30 p.m. this evening, at the
Michigan League. This is for all
members of both junior and senior
groupsawhoare interested in any
phase of arts or travel sections for
next year.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. today.
Mr. Adolf Voigt will speak on
"Artificial Disintegration of UraniumI
into Light Elements."
Crop and Saddle: Spring tryouts
for new members today.
All girls wishing to try for mem-
bership call 8925 before Wednesday
noon for details.
Executive Conmittee meeting of the
American Student Union at 4 p.m.
on Wednesday, April 19, at the
Coming Events
The Psychological Journal Club will
meet Thursday, April 20, at 8 p.m. in
the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. "Recent Con-
tributions to Theories of Learning
will be discussed by Barbara Sher-
burne, James Klee, William Gilbert,
Charlotte Shohan; summary and
critique by Professor John F. Shep-
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon,
April 20, in the Observatory lecture
Glee Club Returns
From Spriin Tour
Having traveled more than 1600
miles, the Varsity Glee Club, under
the direction of Prof. Iavid E. Mat-
tern of the School of Music, returned
to Ann Arbor Sunday after its long-
est spring trip in recent years.
Climax of the tour was a concert
and dance program Friday night at
Hotel Commodore, New York City,
arranged by the University of Michi-
gan Club of New York. Thomas E.
Dewey, prosecuting attorney of New
York City, and former active mem-
ber of the glee club, was invited to
attend, but was unable to come at the
last moment.
The trip was made possible, accord-
ing to Carl A. Viehe, '39, business
manager of the glee club, through
the cooperation and support of num-
erous University of Michigan Clubs
along the route.

room. Miss Marjorie Williams will
continue her discussion on "Variable
Stars" by Gaposchkin. Tea will be
served at 4:00.
Choral Union Rehearsal. There will
be a Choral Union rehearsal on
Thursday evening, April 20, at 7
o'clock, in the School of Music Audi-
torium, for both men and women;
and every, Thursday thereafter until
the May Festival performances.
All Pi Lambda Thetans who de-
sire transportation, in cars provided
by the chapter, to the state confer-
ence at Jackson, Saturday, April 22,
please call the recording secretary
at 2-1231, before Thursday, April 20,
to make your reservation.'
Chemical Engineers: The date of
the A.I.Ch.E. election meeting has
been changed from Wednesday to'
Thursday, April 20. Professor Petty-
john will speak following the elec-
tion of officers. Time: 7:30, place:
Room 1042.
The Annual French Play: The
Cercle Francais will present "Ces
Dames aux Chapeaux Verts," a mod-
ern French comedy in one prologue
and three acts by Albert Acremant,
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
Friday, April 28 at 8:15 p.m.
All seats are reserved. Tickets will
be on sale at the box-office April 27
and 28. A special reduction will be
made for holders of the French Lec-
ture series cards.
Cercle Francais meeting will be held1
on Thursday, April 20 at 7:30 at the

Phi Epsilon Kappa meeting on
Thursday, April 20, at 9 p.m. in Room
325, Michigan Union. Officers for
the coming year will be elected at
this time. All members are urged to
be present.
Graduate Students planning to at-
tend any of the dancing parties given
by the Graduate Council in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall must have their
identification cards stamped at the
Administration Office in the Rack-
ham Building between 9-12 a.m. or
2-4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, or
9-12 a.m. on Saturday.
The next informalfdance will be
Saturday, April 22, from 9-12 p.m.
Graduate students will not be ad-
mitted to this dance without their
approved identification cards. One
person of eaci couple orsingle pa-
trons must be a graduate student.
Tap Dancing Class: The elective tapi
dancing class will meet on Monday
and Thursday at 4:30.
Archery Club, Women Students:
The first meeting of the club will be
Case System
Three-Year Day Course
Four-Year Evening Course
Member of the Association of American
Law Schools
College Degree or Two Years of
College Work with Good Grades
Required for Entrance
Transcript of Record Must Be Furnished
Morning, Early Afternoon and
Evening Classes
For further information address
Registrar of Fordham Law School
233 Broadway, New York


held on Thursday, April 20 at 4:30 ing: There will be a meeting of the
in the Women's Athletic Building. Executive Council of Assembly on
Anyone interested is invited to at- Thursday, April 20, at 4:15 in the
tend. Tea will be served. . League council room.
Women Students: A class in Life The election meeting of thg A.I.Ch.E.
Saving will be given on Monday and will be held Thursday, April 20, at
Wednesday at 3:00. Register in Of- 7:30 in the East Engineering Bldg.
fice 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Assistant Professor E. S. Pettyjohn,
of the Department of Chemical En-
Assembly Executive Council Meet- gineering, will speak.


Finlandia Male Chorus
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1939 - 8:30 P.M.
Tickets $1.10 - $1.35 - $1.65 Boxes $2.20

State Street - Ann Arbor



Ten Reasons Why College Students
Make Money Selling Fuller Brushes
1. Everybody needs and uses brushes every day of their lives. "Head
to foot -- cellar to attic."
2. Fuller Products are guaranteed, trade marked, staple necessities.
3. Fuller men represent the largest house of its kind in the world.
Their methods and products must be right.
4. Fuller's 98 necessities, recently drastically reduced, are priced from
25c to $3.95. Price range fits everybody's pocketbook. Sales for 1938
were $12,625,000.
5. Fuller, in 32 years, has spent millions of dollars in advertising -
Fuller dealers cash in on this. Ask your neighbor's opinion of Fuller
quality and service.
6. A free brush given on each call makes Fuller men welcome in
millions of homes. Appointment system.
8. Fuller men daily receive orders from over 50% of their calls.
9. "As long as there is dust and dirt, brushes are needed."
10. Fuller dealers are in business for themselves. Restricted territory





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