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April 19, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-19

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AP~fl4 19, 1939


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumn cr Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The 'Associated Press is exclusively entitled to ,the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. 'All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
4.00; by nall, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publiibers Represeuative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938.39

Board off
Managing Editor
Editorial Director.
City Editor .
"Asgcia 6'Edtor
Associate Editor
Asociate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Book Editor,
Women's Editor.
Sports Editor - .

Robert D. Mitchell
* rAlbert P. byo
*Horace W. ,,0111ore
S Robert I. Fitzhenry
. R. Kleiman
* Robert' Perifinan
. . Earl Gilman
. William Elvin
. . Joseph Freedman
* . .Joseph ties
Dorothea Staei'fer
. . Bud Benjamin

Business Department
business Manager . Philip W. uchen
Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . * William L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager . EAeen jean Dean
Women's service Manager . Marian A. Bater
The editorials published in The Mticigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
J11stice . .
R ECENTLY several lists recording the
number of lynchings in the United
States in 1938 were published. But in spite of
their length, they were 94l incomplete; hot one,
as far as we know, included the name of John
Lewis Smith.
Smith was a sixteen-year-old Negro in Bir-
mingham, Alabama, who was accused of a sex
crime against a seventeen-year-old white girl.
There were good reasons for believing that he
was innocent, for in his trial behind closed doors
in Birmingham, the jury, without a single Negro
on it, deliberated three hours, a record on cases
of this kind, and finally came back with verdict
of ten years in prison. If Smith had been guilty,
they certainly would have immediately demand-
ed his execution, it is reported that after repri-
mand from the judge, th'e jury retired again and
later delivered the final verdict of ninety-nine
What happened then is not clear, but before
sentencing the prisoner, the judge stepped from
the room. He returned, sentenced the prisoner,
and had him led out. In the corridor, the father
of the victim stood waiting and although court
officials still swear that the man had been
searched three times, as if by prearrang~enent,
the guards conducting the prisoner moved away
to the sides and the father shot the defenseless
boy and killed him. Although arrested for the
crime, a grand jury immediately set him free.
This is the justice which is the supposed bul-
wark of Afnerican Democracy!
--Jean Brodie

The Editor
Gets Told
To The Left.. ..
To the Editor:
On April 4th the Daily carried an editorial by
Jack Canavan apparently intended as a reply to a
letter by Leila Robinson, 15rinted on March 30th.
The editorial might be divided, roughly, into two
sections, one economic and the other social and
ethical. Although in passing it might be men-
tioned that the former part did not really answer
the letter, this writer wishes to consider the lat-
ter part.
Mr. Canavan admits a preference for the evils
of monopoly capitalism to those suspected great-
er evils (what they are he doesn't say) of a col-
letive state. Is Mr. Canavan aware that mono-
poly capitalism, in extremis, is Fascism, with
the -mask off? Is he then aware that he prefers
rampant militarism, pogroms, book-burning, the
suppression of human dignity?
He says that if those capitalists in control are
"greedy and heartless" . . . how much more
likely are the men who necessarily control the
collectivist economy, ruled by the same human
motives and unchecked by the still automatic
if impaired controls of capitalism, to use their
power to exploit and coerce?" Such an assertion
proceeds either from ignorance of the political
and social structure of a social collectivism (for
in such a state the political power is democratic
because economic power is vested in all the
people) or from a wish to obscure the rea
Obviously it is easy to agree with Mr. Cana-
van that human nature is imperfect and that
too many of us dwell in intellectual and spiritual
darkness. But one must not necessarily con-
clude, therefore, that no changes should be
wrought in society. Neither Mr. Canavan, nor the
rest of us can afford to wait for such changes
until men attain perfection of mind and soul.
For the longer we wait, the harder it will be for
these very values he cherishes to survive.
The competitive nature of our capitalist world
turns citizen against fellow-citizen in the struggle
for existence; and in the larger theatre of the
world, nation against nation, in armed struggle
for hegemony of markets, that smaller and
smaller groups may prosper while others serve
then or perish. A premium is placed upon cupid-
ity and deception.
A significant and vital interpretation of relig-
ious ethics compels one to realize that only if a
socialist society emerges can we hope to practice
those precepts best summed up in the Golden
Rule. Let those who strive for the attainment of
the brotherhood of man (for we do not seem Yo
have it now) not disniiss criticism of an immoral
social order as "fonenting suspicion and stir-
ring up class strife." They would be better ad-
vised to listen with intelligent open-mindedness
to a critique of disintegration and an assertion
of hope for the peculiarly human destiny of man.
-R. S.
Ddn~t Ask A Red
To the Editor:
For those bewildered souls who may be seeking
an answer to the inoientous question posed in
the Daily April 4-"To the Right or to the
Left?"-may we offer the following conservative
advice: Don't ask a Red. It is the orthodox eco-
nomists themselves as well as leading industrial-
ists of our time who have most ably exposed the
fallacies -involved in the solution suggested by
Mr: Canavan.
Mr. Canavan agrees with most radicals when
he asserts that modern large scale production
has largely done away with free competition in
industry. He disagrees with them when he re-
jects social control as a solution and insists upon
reviving competition through government regu-
lation, a program which he says has never been
In suggesting a program which has never been

tried Mr. Canavan puts himself definitelyunder
obligations to indicate what the specific measures
of such a program would be. Instead of meeting
this obligation he departs at once from the issue,
mumbling into his beard about "the abuses of
officialdom unchained."
But for the benefit of those interested in the
real issues, may we not ask Mr. Canavan to1
come back and tell us more about his plan of
"government-enforced competition"? Perhaps
we may safely assume, since Mr. Canavan ad-I
mits the need of breaking the hold of monopolies,
that his program would include an attack upon
monopoly price structure. In many cases then
the government would intervene to lower prices.
What then? Would industries not be forced to
cut wages in order to maintain profits? Would
government intervene again at this point to im-
pose wage cuts upon organized labor?
If, on the other hand, industry should attempt
to cut costs by improving the efficiency of pro-
duction, Would not this repeatedly involve the
expenditure of new capital in ever-improving
technical equipment until marginal firms should
be forced to the wall? And would not competition
between the surviving firms advance until tb
condition of monopoly again obtained? Certain-
ly Mr. Canavan does not believe that a state of
competition can remain static. Or again, if gov-
ernment should intervene by making extensive
loans to marginal industries, what then?
Most economists are agreed that these margi-
nal or high-cosi enterprises represent a financial
position which is not sound, which should be
liquidated, and which eventually must be liqUPi-
dated in the course of technological progress;
and that government support of such enterprises
only drains off part of our resources into nnnrn-

WASHINGTON, April 18.-If ever there was
an opportune moment for the forces of peace
throughout the world to join together in a plea
to the governments of Germany and Italy, it is
in the next ten days which must elapse before
Herr Hitler answers before the German Reichs-
tag the proposal of President Roosevelt.
Throughout the world the importance of the
interval is recognized in many influential quar-
ters and in many capitals, and it would not be
surprising if in the interim the Pope at Ronme
were prevailed upon to lend the great weight of
his position to the efforts initiated by the Presi-
dent of the United States.
If the Pope, while not necessarily entering into
the details of the President's proposal, were to
endorse the spirit of Mr. Roosevelt's unddrtak-
Ing and wish it well, such a move could not but
have a profound influence in Italy and perhaps
to some extent in Germany.
The United States Government is maintaining
an attitude of complete detachment from all
endeavors which may be made in the direction
mentioned, because the position taken here from
the outset is that governments everywhere should
express themselves or remain silent as they
please without any suggestion or intimation
from the American Government. For the last
thing the Government here would wish to see
is any artificial lining up of governments for or
against the proposal.
Delay Gratifying
The fact that a formal reply has been delayed
for ten days is in itself a gratifying event, be-
cause it emphasizes the serious nature of the
American intervention and the great potentiali-
ties of moral force when spoken so plainly as
in the President's message. Too many things are
at stake for a blunt reply or an impulsive action
to be taken, for, while the form of the message
or the plainness of the language might have been
disconcerting to the Berlin and Rome Govern-
ments, the truth is Herr Hitler and Signor Mus-
solini riight well think twice before rejecting
the American proposal, which, they are asked to
note, is related as much to economic readjust-
ment as it is to the idea of a truce against ag-
So far as the cabled reports from Berlin and
Rome are concerned, it is apparent the news-
papers there have not grasped the meaning of
the American offer. The Fascist and Nazi editors
seem to think the proposal merely asks Germany
and Italy whether they will assure the world
against attack on the 31 countries listed. T
President plainly said he would also ask Britain
and France and the other countries to give
similar assurances to Germany and Italy. It was
not a trick question or one-sided query, but a
bilateral proposal in every sense.
Kellogg-Briand Pact Involved
The American action is the culmination of
events which have directly affected a treaty
signed by the United States and all the principal
nations of the world formally renouncing war
as an instrument of national policy. This was
known as the Kellogg-Briand Pact. Use of force
in i'ecent months has seemed to make the Kel-
logg-Briand treaties a dead letter. Since the
United States Government-incidentally, under
a Republican Administration-promulgated and
negotiated these treaties, it is America's concern
now whether these treaties can be relied upon
any more as a basis of intercourse in the world.
It is conceded here that the disturbances in
Europe have grown out of economic maladjust-
ments. Hence, any program that seeks peace
must recognize that the United States, with its
vast resources and supply of gold, can be of im-
mense help in restoring economic stability. It is
this angle of the President's proposal which may
mean more to Germany and Italy than how to
deal with the formal question he asks abbut
aggression. For, if there is to be revision of the
economic side, then the basic reason for reaching
out to annex territory disappears.
Economic Aid Important
Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini have a re-
markable opportunity to gain for their peoples
something which, up to now, it has not been

deemed possible would be offered by the United
States, because, ever since the war, the cause of
international cooperation in economic matters
has been growing less and less popular in Ameri-
ca. It will be recalled that, in 1933, President
Roosevelt virtually terminated the World Eco-
nomic Conference in London. Today, such a world
conference would be attended by the United
States and pushed by the President in every
way possible, because events have changed since
1933 and the need for an international economy
to help America's own employment situation is
much better understood by the Administration.
The Roosevelt proposal is far-reaching, be-
cause the more the other governments study it,
the more they will perceive that this is a genuine
approach to a system of world economic coopera-
tion based on moral rather than physical force.
cannot be restored, because the conditions of pro-
duction which once made such an era possible
no longer obtain. This is a view which we share
not only with radicals but also with orthodox
economists, e.g., with such men as Friedrich A.
von Hayek and Lionel Robbins of the London
School of Economics.
The general conclusions of these economists
as to how capitalism functions may not be recoil-
ciled with the legitimate needs of the nennl hut

-by David Lawrence-

s -

Willie's Little
A recent issue of the Chicago Tri-
bune carried an editorial entitled
"The American Insane Era," which2
bluntly accused members of the Ad-
ministration of being "play boys . .
making a game for their own delight
out of the needs and resources of the
country." Aside from the gratuitous
assumptions and far-fetched conclu-
sions of this particular editorial, the
underlying theme, a defense of and
justification for poor oppressed capi-
talists, is important as an index of
a dangerous tendency.
We neither want to attack nor to
defend the Tribune's postion on the
merits of the capitalistic system, nor
on the unworthiness of the present
Administration. Steps toward a redis-
tribution of wealth might not be the
worst possible inclination for a gov-
ernment. Neither are we completely
satisfied that the New Deal has not
done some good. But these are not the
things we wish to contest. The point
is that the editorial represents an
aspect of what seems to have become
a regular practice of the Chicago
Tribune. Such statements as this one
are typical of the practice: "Only a
few of the railroads have anything for
the stockholders. Many of them have
nothing for their bondholders and
are in receivership. All of them are
bled by taxation." The obvious impli-
cation is that railroads are bankrupt
because of the imposition of exces-
sively high taxes by the federal gov-
ernment. In point of fact it is well
known that most of the railroads
were in the hands of receivers before
the present administration took office.
This dishonest use of facts to mis-
lead the reading public is an insid-
ious and thoroughly contemptible
practice. Yet the Tribune invariably
does it. Tribune writers almost -in-
evitably confine their use of the facts
and statistics involved in a story
strictly to those which completely
support their particular polint of
view; never are adverse facts admit-
ted to consideration. And sadly
enough, most of the supposedly
straight news reporting suffers from
the same perversion, so that there is
hardly a part of the paper free from
the taint of falsity and misconstruc-
The policy is positively dangerous.
For, though a free press may be a
blessing,-that freedom, abused by the
distortion of objective truth in favor
of a particular class or group, becomes
a curse.
That the policy represents a tend-
ency in American journalism is evi-
dent to anyone who reads thought-
fully in any variety of newspapers.
That the policy cari and ultimately
will result in positive harm to the
paper itself should be equally evi-
dent. The decline and fall of the
Hearst empire was not solely the re-
sult of its owner's extravagances. Just
the kind of "yellow journalism"
against which we have protested
played a large part in that now well-
known collapse.
Therefore, it is not only in the in-
terests of a more truthful and ethi-
cal journalism that we decry such
flagrant malpractice. It is to the in-
terest of the newspapers themselves
to look towards future circulation
and advertising, and think twice
about trying to fool all of the people
all of the time.
-Notre Dame Scholastic
Martin Plans Vote
On AFL Affiliation
DETROIT, April 18.-(P)-Associ-
ates of Homer Martin, president of
an independent United Automobile
Workers Union, began preparations
today for the union membership poll

on proposed affiliation with the
American Federation of Labor.
Martin, who received an AFL char-
ter from President William Green in
Washington yesterday, said there to-
day he would ask his executive board
and the membership to approve his
acceptance next week.
Seeking release of an estimated
$100,000 in United Automobile Work-
er's funds, counsel for Martin's union
filed a motion in circuit court today
asking the dissolving of a temporary
injunction restraining the Martin or-
ganization from using the money.
the astonishing notion of "govern-
ment-enforced competition, a positive
program of laissez-faire." This has us
stumped. Our dictionary defines
laissez-faire as "non-interference"
and we can't make out whether "en-
forced non-interference" would be
"interference" or whether it would be
some other kind of animal.
One word more. We believe that
Mr. Canavan's social arguments are
even more damaging to his cause than
those suggested by his economic pre-
mise. For example he says that the
individual "who values his intellectual
and spiritual freedom" will prefer
the evils of monopoly capitalism to
what he suspects are the greater evils
of the collective stake. But does he
show how or why intellectual and
spiritual freedom, while concomit-
ant with political democracy, would
not be concomitant also with indus-
trial democracy? As to his belief in
"the fallen state of man," we need
not take issue with it, but we refuse
to swallow the notion that "no society

s VOL. XLIX. No. 140
Retirement Incomes: A suggestion
has been made that questions, con-
cerning various phases of retire-
Pment incomes as they affect members
of the Faculties be submitted to the
Business Office, with the understand-
ing that the questions are to be an-
swered in the University Record. This
arrangement might serve to clear up
any misunderstandings or problems
on this subject. Will you please,
therefore, send to me any such prob-
lems and I will try to answer them or
will refer them to the Carnegie Foun-
dation for the Advancement of
Teaching or The Teachers Insurance
and Annuity Association for solution.
Herbert G. Watkins.
M. Gomberg Scholarship and Paul
F. Bagley Scholarship in Chemistry.
These scholarships of $200 each are
open to juniors and seniors majoring
in chemistry. Preference will be giv-
en to those needing financial assis-
tance. Application blanks may be
obtained in Room 212 Chemistry
Building and must be filed not later
than May 1.
Unidentifiable mail is being held in
Room 1, University Hall, for the fol-
lowing addressees
Dr. H. J. Akorma
Mrs. A. Behage
Ian Bell
Frances Bomgardner
Robert O. Brock
Marietta Avis Brown
William Caheche
Vera Carter
Ann J. Carver
Jridine O. Crardall
Julius J. Greenberg
Sara Grof
Miss P. Heller
Winifred Leonard
Prof. Edgar Grim Miller, Jr.
'Dr. Joseph W. Nadal
Detty Oppenheim
Prof. H. B. Phillipe
Walter Rabbin
A. P. Savides
Mary Louise Sharkey
Gerald Tien
Leopoldo Toralballa
G. H. Wannier
Manuscripts to be entered in the
Hopwood Contests must be in the
English office, 3221 A.H., by 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday afternoon, April 19.
R. W. Cowden.
Attention is called to the Southern
Counselors' Training Institute June
13-27, conducted by the Director of'
Camp Sequoyah, Ashville, North
Carolina and others. Courses in per-
sonal counseling and guidance, camp
administration, folk dancing, equita-
tion, arts and crafts, nature lore, etc.
are given. Cost: board and room
$25; Tuition: $15. Complete an-
nouncement on file at the Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information, 201 Mason
Hall: Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. '
The University Bureau of Appoint-
inents and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Michigan Civil Service Examinations.
Last date for filing application is giv-
en in each case:
County Welfare Agent B. Salary,
range: $2.50-5.00 per day, April 19.
(Open only to residents of Lenawee
Highway Equipment Inspector I.
Salary range: $150-190, April 19.
Buyer III. Salary range: $250-310,
April 21.
Housekeeper and Cook B. Salary
range: $105-125, April 22.
Steam Electric Operating En-
gineer I. Salary range: $150-190,
April 22.
Attendant Nurse Cl. Salary range:

Plumber Helper B. Salary range:
$105-125, April 22.
Psychiatric Nurse Instructor I. Sal-
ary range: $150-190, April 24.
Medical Storekeeper I. Salary
range: $150-190, April 26.
Paper Buyer I. Salary range: $150-
190, April 26.
Highway Engineer III. Salary
range: $250-310, April 28.
Janitress D. Salary range: $75-30,
April 29.
Pianist C. Salary range: $80-100,
May 2.
The Bureau has also received notice
of the following United States Civil
Service Examination. Last date for
filing application: May 15.
AlphabeticCard-Punch Operator.
Salary: $1,260.
Quaker Work Camps: Mr. Elmore
Jackson, of the American Friends
Service Committee, will be in Ann;
Arbor today to interview students who
wish to know more about the Quaker
Work Camps. Appointments may be
made at Lane Hall.
Ushers: Juniors On Parade. Girls
wishing to usher for "Juniors On
Parade" at the Lydia Mendelssohn
mlne n + a _-I,

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

150, and 298. The instructional pro-
duction of three one-act plays di-
rected by Mr. Crandall will be at
8:30 Tuesday, April 25, in 4203 A.H.
Kenneth Rowe.
Ed. D101 at 8 a.m. and Ed. B120 at
3 p.m. Will not meet today.
Francis D. Curtis
Red Cross Water Safety Instructors
Course: April 20, 25, 26, 27 and 28 at
Intramural Pool, 7 to 9 p.m. given by
William C. Lucey, Field Representa-
tive of National Red Cross.
Prospective Applicants for the Com-
bined Curricula: The final date for
the filing of applications for admis-
sion to the various combined cur-
ricula for September, 1939, is April
20. Application forms may be filled
out in Room 1210 Angell Hall. Medi-
cal students should please note that
application for admission to the
Medical School is not application for
admission to the Combined Curricu-
lum. A separate application should
be made out for the consideration of
the Committee on Combined Cur.
Graduation Recital. Marian Karch,
harpist, Monroe, Mich., will give a re-
cital in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music, Thursday evening, April 20,
at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of Mu-
sic Auditorium. The public is invit-
ed to attend.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
The premiated drawings submitted
in the national competition for the
Wheaton College Art Center are be-
ing shown in the third floor Exhibi-
tion Room, College of Architecture.
Open daily, 9 to 4, except Sundays,
through April 19. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Exhibition of Drawings and Models
by Jack Williams, architect and in-
dustrial designer of Detroit, will be
shown in the ground floor corridor
cases through April 22. Open daily
from 9 to 5 p.m. The public is in-
Martin Loud Lectures: Dr. Ralph
W. Sockman, minister of Christ
Church, New York City, well-known
author and prominent public speak-
er, will deliver the Martin Loud Lec-
tures at the First Methodist Church
on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs-
day evenings of this week at 7:30
p.m. The series is entitled "The
American Way," and the individual
letures are entitled: "Present Prob-
lems" today and "New Horizons" on
Thursday. No admission charge.
Lecture: Dr. Ralph W. Sockman,
Minister, Christ Church, New York
City, will lecture on "Is There an
American Way to Peace?" on Thurs-
day, April 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Michigan Union Ballroom under the
auspices of the Student Religious As-
University Lecture: Dr. Paul R.
Cannon, Professor of Pathology at
the University of Chicago, will lec-
ture on "Some Aspects of Respira-
tory Infection" on Tuesday, April 25,
at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Audito-
rium. The public is cordially invited
to attend.
Events Today
Research Club will hold its annual
Memorial Meeting tonight at 8 p.m.
in the Amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building, with the members of
the Women's and Junior Research
Clubs as guests.
Prof. C. H. Langford and Otto La-
porte will memorialize C. S. Pierce
and J. Willard Gibbs.

Phi Sigma:
Meeting this evening at 8 p.m. in
the Graduate Outing Club Room of
the Rackham Bldg. There will be an
election of officers. Dr. J. L. Carr
Will speak on the Correction of De-
linquencies in Children.
All members are urged to be pres-
ent. Refreshments.
Chemical; and Metallurgical En-
gineering Seminar.
Mr. James H. Wiegand will be the
speaker at the Seminar for graduate
students in Chemical and Metallur-
gical Engineering today at 4 o'clock
in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His
subject is "Design Calculations of
Gas Absorption Towers."
Astronomical Motion Pictures: A
selection from the motion picture
films taken at the McMath-Hulbert
for students electing astronomical
courses, at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Observatory will be shown, primarily
Natural Science Auditorium.
The films will comprise sunrise and
sunset phenomena on the moon, a
total eclipse of the sun, and numer-


Germany's Van ited
Air Force .. .


A NUMBER of magazine articles re-
cently have told the American Publ4c
that Germany's military air force far exceeds in
efficiency and size that of the United States and
of the other countries of the world. It is inter-
esting in the face of the particular emphasis on
the relative inferiority of this country's air force,
to note an article which appeared recently in
Ken Magazine. -
Written by a staff writer, the article states
that while the number of war craft actually
existing in Germany quite possibly reaches a
figure of about 10,000, not one of them is capable
of flying longer than 15 hours. This figure is
compared with a minimum requirement of 5,000
hours for engines of all American fighting ships.
In the light of this, the Germans are very ap-
parently not aiming at enduring in their air-
craft. In fact, according to the Ken article, the
sole purpose of the German airplane is to be
able to carry a maximum bomb load to any one
of the great European centers, drop it and re-
turn, after which the plane is junked.
Two facts were offered in proof of the general
statement of this lack of endurance. One was the
publicity flight from Berlin to New York and
back of a giant German airship which was
powered not with German motors, but with
American-manufactured Pratt and Whitney en-
gines. The second was that of Bruno Mussolini's
flight to Rio de Janiero in an Italian ship closely
resembling the German type described. The



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