PIAGE MUR. THE MICHIGAN DAILY TMSDAT, MU, 18, 109 RAG! ~OT31~ TTJ~STh~Y, .LiPRJL ~8, 18~9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY , . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under hie authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumn r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at .Ann Arbor, Michigan, ." second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, s4.9o; by mail. $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI81NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publshers Representative 420 MADION AE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO. BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SANl FRANCISCO Mem be?, ARssociatedk Collegiate Press, 1 938-3 9 Board Managing Editor.. Editorial Director City Editor -:. . Associate Editor Associate Editor . ., Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor. . Women's Editor Sports Editor-. of Editors Robert D. Mitchell Albert P. Maylo Horace W. Gilmore . Robert 1. ?itzhenry * . S. R. ]Kliman . . Robert Perlman *. . Earl Gilman * . Wlliam Elvin . . Joseph Freedman * . .Joseph Gies S. Dorothea Staebler . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: CARL PETERSEN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Roosevelt To The Dictators.., THEATREThe1939 Draetmat c Season By NORMAN KIELLLThe Pigeon," "Yellow Jack;," "Shoemaker's Holiday," and "Excursion." Now he will be seen Your theatre reporter feels himself to be in in Paul Vincent Carroll's current N.Y. succes, an analogous position with some muezzin calling "The White Steed." Mr. Carroll, you will re- the good people together for prayer. For the member, wrote "Shadow and Substance," which 1939 Ann Arbor Dramatic Season, marking the won the Drama Critics' Award last year for the tenth anniversary of the opening of the Lydia best foreign play. Mr. Kane appeared as the Mendelssohn Theatre and the ninth for the infirm canon in "The White Steed" while it drama festival promises to be the most exciting played on the road but left the cast when the and stimulating season we have had here. show opened on Broadway. It will be a pleasure With such stars as Philip Merivale, Gladys to have Mr. Kane on campus again. Cooper, Whitford Kane, Harry Irvine and James Most of George Bernard Shaw's plays are Bell, who can not help but feel excited? And worthwhile. Count "Captain Brassbound's Con- with such plays as "Here Come The Clowns," version" among them. And with Gladys Cooper "The White Steed," "Captain Brassbound's Con- to play Lady Cicely, this contemporary classic version," "American Landscape," and the should well be able to hold its own. Although the American premiere of "No War in Troy," who comedy was written in 1899, it still reads extra- can help wishing the season had already started? ordinarily well. Shaw's satire and humor are Mr. Merivale is to star in the last-mentioned always well placed, and his thrusts at the world play. Written by the French dramatist, Jean in this play still have contemporary meaning. Giraudoux, "No War In Troy" has already met "American Landscape," which is billed for the with critical acclaim in Budapest and Paris. Mr. second week of the season, comes from the pen Merivale has wanted to play the role of Hector of Elmer Rice, who wrote "Counsellor-at-Law," for some time now, and Ann Arbor welcomes the which Play Production did earlier in the year, opportunity it gives him. the Pulitzer Prize winner, "Street Scene," and When your reporter saw Philip Barry's "Here "The Left Bank," and "Judgment Day." "Ameri- Come the Clowns," last Christmas, he thought it can Landscabe" was given a New York produc- to be, excluding the superb "Abe Lincoln," the tion last November under the aegis of The Play- most stimulating and thought-provoking drama wrights Company, which has presented so far in New York. Casting James Bell to succeed "Abe Lincoln" and "Knickerbocker Holiday," Eddie Dowling in the leading role of the stage- and which has for its members Robert Sherwood, hand Clancy was sheer casting genius. Replacing Maxwell Anderson, S. N. Behrman, Sidney How- Mr. Dowling will be a tough assignment for Mr. ard, and, of course, Elmer Rice. Bell, but with a background that includes "Lucky The supporting casts for all the productions Sam. McCarver," "The Last Mile," "Lily Turner," give promise of well-rounded bills. Doris Dalton, "The House Beautiful," and "Tobacco .Road," Mary Moris, Dorothy Sands, Wesley Addy, Den- Mr. Bell should prove to be just the man for the nis Hoey, Joanna Roos, Emmett Rogers, and role. Edgar Kent are ample evidence. Emiline Clark Whitford Kane is always welcome in Ann Roche will again design the sets for all the shows Arbor which has seen him in (among others) and Agnes Morgan will again direct. It Seems LTo M By HEYWOOD BROUN It seems to me that recently I saw something And, curiously enough, people from all over in the papers about columnar pontification. the room begin to wander over and join the Sometines it is thrust upon the commentator throng. They sit in rapt attention, and nobody and is not truly a garment ever asks the question, "How do you know all into which he stepped of his that?" Such a query would be in bad taste and own accord. ruin everything. Just the other day I saw a base-s At the moment almost any ball writer hold a man who works in a bank newspaperman is likely, when he moves out of the positively enthralled while he discussed the office, to be confronted with financial position of Nazi Germany. a query by his friends who No wonder the newspaper man, columnist or are not literary but merely not, finally puts on his coat and goes out into engaged in trade. These the night feeling like a statesman. Indeed, when outlanders are almost cer- he rides home to New Rochelle he feels a little t a - . ,, startled not to find Chamberlain's commuta- European situation? tion ticket to Munich resting in his breast I know one journalist who invariably replies, pocket. "You know just as much about it as I do." That And so I will make my own prediction as to never gets him off the hook. He goes on to explain the estate of the world from now until Jan. 1, that there is no *cret information floating 1940. I do not think a general war will occur about the city room in which he works and that within that period. The hope of peace lies largely he reads the same headlines and the same news in an articulate and definite attitude upon the columns as those who have no connection what- part of American leaders. Once we bgin to say soever with the daily press. that both sides are wrong and that there is And, even so, the Wall Street brokers and the nothing to choose between the dictators and the shirtmakers continue to ask for an answer. democracies we are giving a go-ahead signal to A newspaperman is only human, and under Hitler and Mussolini. sufficient provocation he begins to sound ort Much harm is done by those who insist on and say what is going to happen next week and picking this present moment to bring up the next year. He talks learnedly of axises and priv- fact that we took America by force from the ate understandings. Sometimes he may even get Indians and that our dealings with Mexico in into the rate of exchange and the balance of the matter of territory were not above reproach trade. in the days before the civil war. You f of By Sec Terry .n . r PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S message to Hitler and Mussolini asking them to pledge that they will maintain peace in Europe for ten years at least was a shrewd gesture in many ways. In a situation made the more tense as a result of an openly expressed intention on the part of the Nazis to present Danzig to Hitler on the occasion of his fiftieth birthday this Thursday, it would be ridiculous to think that the President felt Hitler and Mussolini would agree not to attack any of the 31 nations listed by him in his message. Coming as it did, after the incident at Warm Springs, Ga., when the President told friends that he would come back in the fall "if we don't have a war," and after he had emphatically ap- proved an editorial in the Washington Post which interpreted that phrase as an announce- ment to the Axis that America must be con- sidered in any further drives to extend their hegemony, the message was at once a challenge to aggressors and a rallying call foi' popular rati- fication at home of a policy of participating in the democratic front to stop Hitler. There will undoubtedly be much opposition at home to the President's action on the part of convinced isolationists who still believe in effect that Europe is another planet, distant enpugh to preclude our involvement in a general conflagration, if we wish to keep out of it. But it is still to our best interests to keep ourselves from war by doing all within our power to pre- vent war in Europe. This is the President's inten- tion, and his tactic is in underlined contrast to that of Wilson, who at the outset of the first world war pleaded to Americans to preserve a strict neutrality, and by so doing announced to European powers that the United States would not take sides. 1917-1918 proved in tragic ways how successful we could be in keeping out of war once it had started. Slowly, belatedly and reluctantly Chamberlain and Dala~lier have been forced through the pressure of public opinion at home to build a protective front against Germany and Italy. It is an action long overdue. Undertaken by the governments who have up until now followed policies of abetting the fascist march, it is an action which quite naturally is regarded with suspicion by the countries most seriously threatened by Hitler and Mussolini. They have seen Spain, Albania, Ethiopia, and Czechoslo- vakia handed over to the Fascists by these same countries, and they will require a more positive assurance of protection than the "mays" and "alights" of Chamberlain before they take any action calculated to arouse Nazi displeasure. Yugoslavia has announced to England and France that she does not desire an Anglo-French guarantee, Greece, menaced by the Italian troops in Albania, has expressed a wish for neutrality. Turkey leans toward England and France but she is wary, mindful of the exasperating policy of Chamberlain, who is still refusing to denounce the Anglo-Italian agreement, "pleading for pa- tience" as the New York Times put it, and this ten days after Albania was forcibly made a part DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) f Detty Oppenheim, Prof. H. B. Phillipe Walter Rabbin A. P. Savides Mary Louise Sharkey Gerald Tienl Leopoldo ToralballaC G H. Wannier Manuscripts to be entered in the1 Hopwood Contests must be in the English office, 3221 A.H., by 4:30 p.m.1 Wednesday afternoon, April 19. ! R. W. Cowden. Attention is called to the SouthernI Counselors' Training Institute June 13-27, conducted by the Director of Camp Sequoyah, Ashville, North Carolina and others. Courses in per- sonal counseling and guidance, camp administration, folk dancing, equita- tion, arts and crafts, nature lore, etc are given;' Cost: board and rooms $25; Tuition: $15. Complete an- nouncement on file at the Univer- sity Bureau of Appointments and Oc- cupational Information, 201 Mason Hall: Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. ' The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of. the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is giv-i en in each case: County Welfare Agent B. Salaryf range: $2.50-5.00 per day, April 19. (Open only to residents of Lenaweet County). Highway Equipment Inspector I. Salary range: $150-190, April 19. 1 Buyer III. Salary range: $250-310,1 April 21.1 Housekeeper and Cook B. Salary range: $105-125, April 22.r Steam Electric Operating En- gineer I. Salary range: $150-190, April 22. Attendant Nurse Cl. Salary range:1 $95110, April 22. Plumber Helper B. Salary range: $105-125, April 22.t Psychiatric Nurse Instructor I. Sal- ary range: $150-190, April 24. Medical Storekeeper I. Salary range: $150-190, April 26. Paper Buyer I. Salary range: $150- 190, April 26. Highway Engineer III. Salaryt range: $250-310, April 28. Janitress D. Salary range: $75-30, April 29. ' Pianist C. Salary range: $80-100, May 2. The Bureau has also received notice1 of the following United States Civil Service Examination. Last date for filing application: May 15. Alphabetic Card-Punch Operator. Salary: $1,260.r Academic Notices Business Administration 104 stu- dents will report to Mr. Meacham as soon as possible to receive assign- ments for second semester work. Playwriting students, English 85, 150, and 298. The instructional pro-t duction of three one-act plays di-, rected by Mr. Crandall will be at1 8:30 Tuesday, April 25, in 4203 A.H. Kenneth Rowe.< Red Cross Water Safety InstructorsI Course: April 20, 25, 26, 27 and 28 at< Intramural Pool, 7 to 9 p.m. given byE William C. Lucey, Field Representa- tive of National Red Cross. Prospective Applicants for the Com- bined Curricula: The final date for1 the filing of applications for admis- sion to the various combined cur- ricula for September, 1939, is April1 20. Application forms may be filled1 out in Room 1210 Angell Hall. Medi-1 cal students should please note that application for admission to, the Medical School is not application for1 admission to the Combined Curricu- lum. A separate application should be made out for the consideration of the Committee on Combined Cur- ricula. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr.+ Duncan McVicar Gage will be held on April 18 at 2 p.m. in the East Council Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Gage's field of specialization is Physics. The title of his thesis is, "The Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Boron Trifluoride." Professor E. F. Barker, as Chairman of the Com- mittee, will conduct the examination. By direction of the Executive Board, the Chairman has the privilege of in- viting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral candidates to at- tend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. Concerts Recital Postponed. The piano re- cital by Albert Zbinden, pianist, pre- viously announced for Tuesday night, April 18, has been temporarily post- poned. Exhibitions cases through April 22. Open dailyr from 9 to 5 p.m. The public is in-c vited. Lecturest University Lectures: Dr. Otto Heller, Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School of Washington University, St. Louis, will lecture on "The Meaning of Goethe" this evening at 8:151 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe- atre, and on "Ideas and Ideals Against Facts and Figures in Educa- tion" on Wednesday, April 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe- atre under the auspices of the De-3 partment of German. The public ist cordially invited. Mathematics Lecture. Professor T. Nakayama will speak today, from 4-6 p.m., 3011 A.H., on "Frobeniusean Al- gebras." University Lecture: Mr. T. H. Mar- shall, Reader in Sociology in the Lon- don School of Economics at the University of London, will lecture ont "The Rise and Fall of Local Com- munities" today at 4:15 p.m. in Natu- ral Science Auditorium under thel auspices of the Department of So- ciology. The public is cordially in- vited to attend. Martin Loud Lectures: Dr. Ralpht W. Sockman, minister of Christt Church, New York City, well-knownt author and prominent public speak- er, will deliver the Martin Loud Lec- tures at the First Methodist Church on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs- day evenings of this week at 7:30 p.m. The series is entitled "The American Way," and the individual! lectures are entitled "What is it?" on Tuesday; "Present Problems"' on Wednesday; and "New Horizons" onl Thursday. Nd admission charge. Lecture: Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, Minister, Christ Church, New York City, will lecture on "Is There an American Way to Peace?" on Thurs- day, April 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Michigan Union Ballroom under the auspices of the Student Religious As- sociation. University Lecture: Dr. Paul R.s Cannon, Professor of Pathology at t the University of Chicago, will lec- ture on "Some Aspects of Respira-x tory Infection" on Tuesday, April 25, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Audito- rium under the auspices of the De-s partment of Chemistry. The public 1 is cordially invited to attend. Events Today Michigan Union Life Membership'st are now being given out in the Busi- ness Office of the Union to all stu- dents who have finished the equiva- lent of four years. Please bring yourP present Treasurer's receipt as meansr of identfiication. Hours: 8-12 a.m. 1:30-5 p.m. ' Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation at 11'a.m. today in the amphitheatre of the Rackhamt Building, at which Dr. Eino Saari, Professor of Forestry at the Univer- sity of Helsinki, will speak on "For- estry in Finland." All students in the School of Forestry and Conser- vation are expected to attend and others interested are cordally invit- ed to do so. Christian Science Organization: 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students, alumni and faculty are invitedto at-1 tend the services. The Student Senate will meet in the Michigan Union tonight at 7:30 p.m. No agendas will be mailed out before this meeting. Michigras: There will be a meetin of the booth representatives from each house, tonight at 7:30 in the Union. All those who have not turned in a list of needed materials will please bring it to this meeting. The Bookshelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet this afternoon at 2:45 at the home of Mrs. David M. Lichty, 922 Olivia Ave. Mrs. Thomas J. Mitchell is assisting hostess. The Beginning Class in Social Danc- ing will meet at the regular time. The Intermediate Class in Social Dancing will meet at 7 o'clock in- stead of 7:30 on Wednesday, April 19. Coming Events International Center Program: Tuesday, 7:15 p.m. Speech Clinic. All foreign students who feel .they need help with any part of the Eng- lish language are invited to attend. Wednesday, 7:15 p.m. Music hour in the recreation room of the Center. Thursday, 4 p.m. Tea. Members of the Disciples Guild will be the guests of the foreign and American students of the Center. 7:15 p.m. Speech Clinic. r71n m T - a raal -r mn n.--n will be given in the lounge of the Center. The Psychological Journal Club will meet Thursday, April 20, at 8 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. "Recent Con- tributions to Theories of Learning will be discussed by Barbara Sher- burne, James Klee, William Gilbert, Charlotte Shohan; summary and Critique by Professor John F. Shep- ard. The English Journal Club will hold its regular meeting Thursday eve- ning, April 20 at 8 o'clock in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Mr. Giovani Giovannini will speak on the subject of "Tra- gedy." All who are interested are in- vited to attend. Research Club will hold its annual Memorial Meeting on Wednesday, April 19, at 8 p.m. in the Amphithe- atre of the Rackham Building, with the members of the Women's and Junior Research Clubs as guests. Pro- fessors C. H. Langford and Otto La- porte will memorialize C. S. Pierce and J. Willard Gibbs. Phi Sigma: Meeting Wednesday evening, April 19, 1939 at 8 p.m. in the Graduate Outing Club Room of the Rackham Bldg. There will be an election of officers. Dr. J. L. Carr will speak on the Correction of De- linquencies in Children. All members are urged to be pres- ent. Refreshments. Cerele Francais: There will be a meeting on Wednesday, April 19, at 7:30 in Room 408 R.L. The merits of American and European films will be discussed. Astronomical Motion Pictures: A selection from the motion picture films taken at the McMath-Hulbert for students electing astronomical Observatory will be shown, primarily' courses, at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19, in the Natural Science Au- ditorium. The films will comprise sunrise and sunset phenomena on the moon, a total eclipse of the sun, and numer- ous examples of solar prominences in motion. All Pi Lambda Thetans who de- sire transportation, in cars provided by the chapter, to the state confer- ence at Jackson, Saturday, April 22, please call the recording secretary at 2-1231, before Thursday, April 20, to make your reservation. The Arts and Travel group of A.A.U.W. will hold a meeting at 7:30 Wednesday evening, April 19 at the Michigan League. This is for all members of both junior and senior groups who are interested in any phase of arts or travel sections for next year. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19. Mr. Adolf Voigt will speak on "Artificial Disintegration of Uranium into Light Elements." Zoolody Seminar: Mr. T. P. Haines will report on "Variation of Skulls of some Snakes of the Family Colu- bridae and its probable Significance" on Thursday, April 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Ampitheatre of the Rackham Building., Chemical Engineers: There will be an election meeting of the A.I.Ch.E. Wednesday, April 19, Room 1042. Pro- fessor Pettyjohn will address the meeting following the election of officers. Crop and Saddle: Spring tryouts for, new members Wednesday, April 19. All girls wishing to try for mem- bership call 8925 before Wednesday noon for details. Interior Decoration Group of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the Michigan League. Professor Cather- ine B. Heller, a member of the In- terior Decoration Department of the University, 'will discuss the proper se- lection and hanging of pictures. Graduate Students planning to at- tend any of the dancing parties given by the Graduate Council in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall must have their identification cards stamped at the Administration Office in the Rack- ham Building between 9-12 a.m. or 2-4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, or 9-12 a.m. on Saturday. The next informal dance will be Saturday, April 22, from 9-12 p.m. Graduate students will not be ad- mitted to this dance without their approved identification cards. One person of each couple or single pa- trons must be a graduate student. Luncheon for Students to meet Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, at 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, at the First Metho- 4 WE Witnessed a classic demonstration of the American Way in Washington, D.C., Satur- day night, when President Roosevelt arrived at the Willard Hotel for the annual Gridiron Din- ner. Word had gone out that the President was due, and despite a steady downpour which had flushed the street of the usual loiterers, small bands of curious people stood huddled beneath, newspapers and umbrellas, behind a cordon of wary cops, waiting for a glimpse of their leader. All traffic had been diverted, and no one was allowed within half a block of the hotel entrance as plainclothed and uniformed police brusquely ordered the expectant onlookers to scram or get behind the lines. A few minutes later, a motorcycle squad led a large black sedan down the broad street, fol- lowed by a long touring car. As the procession drew up to the curb, several men, presumably G-men and secret service agents, hopped out of now have seemed to make it. Where there is re- luctance to join the anti-fascist alliance, it is a reluctance based on distrust of Chamberlain and Daladier. There is no question that they must go, that their new policy is not wholeheartedly favored by themselves or their class, but it has been pushed upon them. In the meantime, President Roosevelt has announced to the world at large and the states now being wooed into alliance against the fascists that the United States will undpubtedly favor the victims of any aggressive action of the axis. In a sense, the President has by his direct appeal which cut the last car and trotted to positions which had evidently been pre-assigned. They lined up with their faces to the crowd across the street, their eyes keenly alert for anything remotely suspi- cious. Then, a full minute or two later, the President, supported by two aides, stepped out of the sedan into a circle of more guards, and walked lamely into the hotel. A newsboy, drenched by the rain, waved a paper whose headlines read, "Berlin to Reject President's Plea." A few hours earlier, Mr. Roosevelt had startled an apprehensive world with a concrete proposal for peace, sent to the two men in whose hands the destiny of this generation lies, Hitler and Mussolini. It was a diplomatic coup for the cautious democracies, and people in France and England were reported to have cried with the same relief they felt in 1917 when the Yanks committed themselves in another situation of like import. Now, only an edition later, the President was going into the Willard Hotel to hear himself and his administration lampooned by Washington newspaper correspondents. He was to hear Columnist Raymond Clapper say, "There are no more rabbits in the hat. It is as empty as the tot that didn't have a chicken in it. Business is being appeased-with an axe." He was to take a personal part in one skit which involved a man haled into traffic court for "back-seat driv- ing," for trying to tell Congress and everyone else what to do, relying upon his great charm to see him through. That's what we mean by a demonstration of