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April 18, 1939 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-18

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TUESDAY, Arnm i8; im


TA+ExL ', EE


(Editor's Note: Junior Herb Lev fol-
lowed his baseball beat into the not-
so-sunny South during the vacation
and herein pens memoirs of a Wol-
verine hegira.)J
Dixie Doings...
of the Dixie sun, seven of typical
Ann Arbor weather . . . But still
seven of the eight games were played
and everything went well . . . The
tiresome trip through the rain from
Columbus to Wake Forest via Charles-
ton . . . Wake Forest with one of
the finest college ball parks in the
country . . . About 50 fans in the
Wake Forest stands but more than
500 peering through the fence . .
Little Oscar, the colored lad who al-
most succeeded in talking Beebe into
taking him along as a bat boy .
Encountered in Charleston, Oscar was
anxious to visit his grandma in South
Carolina,. .
Lou Weintraub, star third base-
man on the Wolverine champion-
ship nine of 1929 looking spry in
infield practice despite a long
layoff . ,. Lou accompanied the
team in hope of getting in shape
for an attempted minor league
come-back . . . He formerly
played with Jersey City in the
International League . . . Big
Bill Steppon making an Ealrl
Averill debut at Wake Forest with
a home run his first time at bat,
but the southern scribes gave
credit for the blow to Pete Lisa-
got whom Bill had replaced.. .
Elon College and its hospitable
football hero, fullback Joe Gollen-
back, a jovial fellow who did a great
job squiring the boys around . . .
Acclaimed an All-American at Eton,
Joe was asked why he chose his alma
mater above the neighboring Duke
"Board, room, tuition and books
were the same as Duke's offer," Joe
replied, "but here they also gave me
a guarantee that I'd graduate" .
Only one umpire at Elon, and that
gent having a difficult time through-
out . . . He'd stand back of the plate
until there were men on bases, then
move behind the pitcher . . . Les
Veigel, excited at dating an Elon
Campus beauty, cuts himself in a
hurried shave and rushes back to the
dorm in time to find that Evashev-
ski has made off with his conquest
. . The Elon publication claiming
that Michigan would give their stal-
warts a "hard battle".

Golf, Net Squads Return Victorious;
Nine Breaks Even On Southern Trip

Pirates Defeat


Michigan Swimmers
Excell In DAC Meet



Returning home with an even .500
record, three victories, three defeats
and a tie in seven starts, Ray Fish-
er's Varsity baseball team today
looked forward to the season opener,
against Ohio State at Columbus Fri-
In brief here's a resume of what
happened on the southern trip:
Michigan 4, Wake Forest 4-A pitch-
ing duel between Michigan's Jack
Barry and the Deacons' strikeout,
artist, Jimmy Byrne. Rookie Bill
Steppon's homer almost won in the
ninth, but the southerners dead-
locked it in their half, and things
went even until darkness forced a
halt after 11 innings.
Michigan 16, Elon 6-Russ Dobson
showed a great improvement in hold-
ing the Christians down, but still has-
n't lived up to his potentialities.
Sophomore Lyle Bond relieved Russ
in the seventh and held the opposi-
tion completely at bay . . . Smick,
Beebe and Pink led a 20 hit attack.
Michigan 10, Washington and Lee
4-Smick in a comeback held the foes
to two hits in seven innings. Pink
led hitters.
Michigan at V.M.I-Rain after
three innings with the Wolverines
ahead 2-1.
Virginia 2,, Michigan 1-A fine
hurling job by Barry, who lost on
two tough breaks, a disputable home
run in the second and a passed ball
by Evashevski in the 9th with the
bases loaded.
Georgetown 12, Michigan 11--
Sophomore Bond faltered in ninth
after hurling good ball throughout-
Michigan bats clicked but to no avail.
Maryland 4, Michigan 2-Poor in-
field support cost Smick a well earned
victory. Big Dan held the Terrapins
to four hits, and proved definitely
that he is back in form.
Michigan 6, Maryland 0-Barry
was the complete master of the situa-
tion as he gained revenge for the pre-
vious day's defeat by pitching four-
hit ball. Gedeon led the attack with
a pair of homers.
Netters Drop One
Winding up a triumphant tour
through the South with a 9-0 win
over Duquesne, last Saturday, the
Wolverine netmen returned to Ann
Arbor with five victories against a
lone defeat, suffered at the hands of
John Kidwell and Sam Durst led
the squad with five wins and one
loss apiece. Each player was defeat-
ed in the match against Virginia,
which Michigan lost 9-0.
Opening Against Washington and
Lee, April 10, the Weirmen registered
an easy 6-3 victory. Jim Tobin, John
Kidwell, Sam Durst and Ed Morris
chalking up triumphs in the singles,
with the doubles teams of Capt. Don
Percival and John Kidwell, and Steve
Woolsey and Ed Morris adding to the
In a match shortened because of
rain, the Wolverines scored an ab-

breviated win over V.M.I:, 4-1. To-
bin, Kidwell, Durst and Morris were
the victors.
The Wolverines suffered their only
defeat of the trip, April 12, when they
were outplayed by a superior and

At A Glance
n 4, Wake Forest 4
(11 innings)


Michigan 16, Elon College 6
Michigan 10, Washington
Lee 4
Virginia 2, Michigan 1
Georgetown 12, Michigan 11
Maryland 4, Michigan 2
(first game)
Michigan 6, Maryland 0
(second game)


Palmer took another three markers
from Fishburn and Friedman. In
the other foursome. Blackweli de-
feated Michigan's Jack Emery, 2-1,
by virtue of a 76, and Tom Tussing
was unable to garner any points from
Creason. In best ball play, Creason
and Blackwell defeated Tussing and
Emery, 2-1.
Coach Courtright's men gained a
measure of revenge for the tie that
Clemson College held them to last
year by soundly walloping them, run-
ning up the largest point total of the
trip. The entire Michigan team
scored under 80, with Palmer and Jim
Loar sharing medal honors with 74's.
The Wolverines made a clean sweep
of individual and best ball matches.
Jack Emery equallea par 72 to bag
medal honors in the Georgia Tech
meet. All Wolverines won their in-
dividual matches except Jimo Loar'
who lost 2 points to Cook's 74.
The fourth straight win was scored
at the expense of Tennessee, 14-7.
This time, Loar was low scorer with 74
followed by Tom Tussing with 77.
Palmer continued his winning streak
by defeating Wise, 2%/-.

Four Red Hurlers Combed
For 15 Hits In Opener
CINCINNATI, April 17.- (P) -
Cincinnati's Redlegs almost ended
their opening day victory famine to-
day, but finally succumbed 7 to 5 as
the Pittsburgh Pirates rapped five
markers across the plate in the last
two innings of the National League's
centennial campaign inaugural.
It was the seventh straight opener
lost by the Reds, and was a tough one
for the 30,644 fans to accept, for the
Cincinnatians had a three-run edge
going into the fatal eighth.
The Buccaneers exploded a four-
run bomb in that frame, however, at
the expense of Bucky Walters, who
had relieved Johnny Vander Meer in
the third. Five hits, including
doubles by Vaughan and Young,
rolled off the Pirate bats in the big
Pittsubrgh.....002 000 041-7 15 2
Cincinnati .....200 011 100-5 10 1
Blanton, Brown and Mueller, Ber-
res; Vander Meer, Walters, Davis,
Grissom and Lombardi.

Three University of Michigan swim-
mers swam on an all-Michigan 400-
yard free style relay team which bet-
tered the established world's record
for the event by exactly four seconds
at the annual Detroit Athletic Club's
exhibition last Saturday.
Charley Barker, Gus Sharemet, a
freshman, Bill Prew, a Wayne Uni-
versity yearling and Walt Tomski
turned in the phenomenal time of
3:27.2 as compared to the old mark
of 3:31.2. An all-star team of Otto
Jaretz of Chicago, Billy Quayle of
Ohio State, Ed Kirar, former Wolver-
ine captain, and National A.A.U.
hundred-yard champion Peter Fick
also bettered the old mark with a time
of 3:29.8.

Joe Louis Flattens
Challenger In First
LOS ANGELES, April 17.-(IP)-
Joe Louis successfully defended his
heavyweight boxing championship
tonight by knocking out 36-year old
Jack Roper in two minutes and 20
seconds in the first round of their
scheduled 10-round bout.
It was one of the quickest knock-
outs in a heavyweight title fight on
record. Louis polished off Max
Schmeling in less time but probably
no more effectively.
A left hook started Roper on the
way out. He staggered under the
impact of the blow but clinched to
weather the storm. The 36-year old
challenger pounded Louis with rights
and lefts in a brief flurry but Louis
turned the tide swiftly.



Michigan 6, Washington and Lee 3
Michigan 4, V.M.I. 1
Virinia 9, Michigan 0
Michigan 8, George Washington 1
Michigan 6, Maryland 3
Michigan 9, Duquesne 0
* *j *
Michigan 11, South Carolina 7
Michigan 15x, Clemson 2%/
Michigan 14, Georgia Tech 4
Michigan 14, Tennessee 7


powerful Virginia team, 9-0. John
Kidwell was the only singles player
to carry his match to three sets, while
in the doubles, the second and third
teams forced the Virginians to three
Following this defeat, the netmen
returned to their winning ways by
downing George Washington Univer-
sity, University of Maryland, and Du-
quesne University in quick succession.
George Washington was trounced
by the score of 8-1, with Jim Tobin
dropping the only game. His oppon-
ent was Ed Johnson, one of the out-
standing collegiate netmen in the
Maryland and Duquesne were easy
marks for Michigan, as they were
trimmed by the respective scores of
6-3 and 9-0.
Golfers Undefeated
Michigan's all-veteran golf team
chalked up four straight victories
with no losses, and had two matches
rained out. on the second annual
spring tour.
The Wolverines defeated South
Carolina, 11-7; Clemson, 151/2-2/2.;
Georgia. Tech, 14-4; and- Tennessee,
14-7. Scheduled matches with Geor-
gia and Cincinnati were cancelled be-
cause of weather conditions.
Michigan's Capt. Bob Palmer won
medal honors in the first meet of the
season which was against South Ca-
rolina, April 9. His 75 won three
points from Friedman of South Caro-
lina while Lynn Riess also blanked
Fishburn of the losers.
In the best ball play Riess and

Ten Reasons Why College Students
Make Money Selling Fuller Brushes
1. Everybody needs and uses brushes every day of their lives. "Head
to foot - cellar to attic."
2. Fuller Products are guaranteed, trade marked, staple necessities.
3. Fuller men represent the largest house of its kind in the world.
Their methods and products must be right.
4. Fuller's 98 necessities, recently drastically reduced, are priced from
25c to $3.95. Price range fits everybody's pocketbook. Sales for 1938
were $12,625,000.
5. Fuller, in 32 years, has spent millions of dollars in advertising -
Fuller dealers cash in on this. Ask your neighbor's opinion of Fuller
quality and service.
6. A free brush given on each call makes Fuller men welcome in
millions of homes. Appointment system.
8. Fuller men daily receive orders from over 50% of their calls.
9. "As long as there is dust and dirt, brushes are needed."
10. Fuller dealers are in business for themselves. Restricted territory

There is nothing better for
campus wear than our new
three-button sport coat with
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Camel Hair Coats $15.00
To match or for contrast. All
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Covert $4.95
Gaberdine $5.95
Compare Our Prices
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LEXINGTON and a chance to ap-
ply some of the knowledge gar-
nered from Professor Dumond's his-
tory courses to practical advantage
Finding difficulty fitting the
scenes from "Brother Rat" into the
V.M.I. campus, but finally getting
things straight . . . Gedeon's long
homer at V.M.I. going for naught as
rain stopped proceedings after the
third .. .
Strange But True Department:
Picking up a javelin for the first
time on the way to the ball field,
Paul Shu, V.M.I. outfielder and
football star astounded everyone
by tossing the spear 175 feet . .
That was on Tuesday . . . Satur-
day the newspapers reported that
Shu won the javelin event for the
cadets in a dual meet with a 187
foot throw .
Charlottesville and the aristocra-
tic atmosphere on the Virginia cam-
pus . . . A fluke home run robbing
Jack Barry of a well-pitched game
. . . The clout was fully six feet
wide of a post marking the left field
foul line, and many of the Virginia
ball players called it a cheap vic-
tory . . . Reaching Virginia i time
for their Spring Formal and arry
Clinton and the baseball and tennis
teams getting a blanket invite .
Southern hospitality
BACK to this fellow Barry, what-
ever doubt there existed as tc
who was the Wolverines leading pit-
cher was dispelled as silent Jack came
through in brilliant style in his three
appearances, establishing himself as
an almost sure starter in the Big
Ten opener at Ohio Friday . . .
Georgetown and more cold weathe!
and the best meals on the trip . .
Speaking of eating, Harold Floersch.
senior outfielder, topped off his final
Southern jaunt in grand style once
again ranking far ahead of his team-
mates in the knife and fork league
. . . It became so bad that the boys
would avoid Harold at the table to
be sure of full portions .
Considerable major league
atmosphere at Maryland The
Terrapins boasted a lineup in-
cluding Eddie Johnson, son of
the immortal Walter at second
base, Hugh Keller, brother of
Yankee Charley and Fritz Maisel,
Jr.,, son of the old Yankee star-
in the outfield, and Sherry Rob-
ertson, nephew of Clark Griffith
and brother-in-law of Joe Cronin


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- - I


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