fAE :r THE; M1CHJ'G .N DAILY iiA .; si;:u..s fl i9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summi .r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is 'exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at'Ann Arbor, Michigan; as second class mall matter. Subscriptions during regular -school year by carrier, $4.00; by mall, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIO1AL ADVERTISINO BY' National Advertising Service, Inc. 4 College Publishers Re'presaetative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEw YORK; N. Y. CHICAGO BosroN -'Los ANGELEs .-SAM FRANCiSCo Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Book 'Editor. Women's Editor Sports Editor . oard of Editors Robert D. Mitchell Albert P, May1o Horace . W. Gilrore Robert I. Flitzhenry B R. Kleiman 'Robert Perlman E -arl Gilman William Elvin Joseph Freedman * .Joseph CGies . Dorothea Staebler 'Bud Benjmin Business Department Business Manager. . . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager .. . Leoiard P. Sigelma Advertising Manager . . William L. Newan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON L. LINDER x I The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Editors Do Some T'-elling . rr HE FOLLOWING editorial expresses I the sentimentsof 17 out of 21 junior and senior editors of the Daily.These staff-mem- bers are: the editorial director, Albert P. Mayio; the city editor, Horace W. Glinore; associate editors, Robert I. Fitzhenry S.R. Kleiman, Robert Perlman, Earl Gilman, William Elvin, Joseph Freedman, Joseph Gies; night editors, Dennis Flanagan, June Harris, Morton Jampel, Morton Linder, Elliot Maraniss, Carl Petersen, Norman Schorr and Stan Swinton. The editorial by the managing editor which appeared in Wednesday's -Daily has com- pletely confused the issues that arise from the unfortunate conditions under which the staff has been laboring this last year. The question is not one of "leftist or so-called liberal point of view" as against "conservative." Basically there are two issues involved: (1) whether the Daily is to be a free and responsible student newspaper as opposed to an Administration-controlled publica- tion; and (2) whether the democratic process shall operate within the editorial staff as opposed to the arbitrary exercise of authority by one man. Waving the red herring as the managing editor did in his editorial Wednesday merely aggravates problems that must be solved if the Daily is not to deteriorate.from its position as a "Pacemaker" among American college dailies. The managing editor's editorial stated that discussion of the Daily situation has appeared recently in local Communist and labor journals. This, coupled with his charge that a "leftist" pressure group has been attempting to control the Daily, carries the barely concealed implication that those members of the staff who oppose the managing editor's administrative methods are a group of radicals whose opposition is based upon political differ- ences. The fact is that the signers of this editorial range in their political beliefs from a Republican on the right to supporters of New Deal reforms on the left. They disagree widely in their views on many questions, but upon one thing they are agreed: that is, the role a student newspaper should play on the campus of a state university. it is upon this matter that they disagree with the managing editor. It is important- for us to point out the im- plications involved in our belief in a free and responsible student newspaper. First, the selection of the upper editorial staff by the Board in "Control of Student Publications must be based upon established criteria of merit and not upon the political views of the applicants.{ Second, a free student newspaper means that1 there shall be no4faculty or professional "adviser" who will have the power to control i any man- ner the policy of the paper. Responsibility, how- eYer is the concomitant of freedom, and student editors must accept this. We ask only that the student editors be allowed to exercise self-disci- pline in the management of the Daily. The managing editor in his editorial Wednes- day charged that we who oppose his methods are attempting to use the paper as "a mouthpiece for certain political, religious and racial propa- on the paper." This allegationloses Its force when these facts are known: (1) 'entrance to the Daily staff is open to the entire student body. (2) no student who has tried otit for the staff in the past four years has been cut from the staff, with the exception of one individual whQ was removed this year for other than political reasons. Reduction of the staff has been entirely through voluntary withdrawals. The obvious inference is that there are few conservatives on the editorial staff because con- servatives lack sufficient interest to remain on the staff. An ominous threat of political regimentation of Daily staff members appears, however, in the managing editor's editorial in these words: "There is plenty of excellent student material for edi- tors next year provided these men are not propa- gandized into destroying their own future." It was against this background of friction and distrust that 17 out of 21 junior and senior editors last month advanced a proposal to insure a greater measure of democracy in the selection of editors and in the operation of the Daily. The plan provides that the authority now resting in the managing editor be transferred to a board of five or seven senior editors to be selected by the Board in Control on the basis of merit. These men will select from among themselves the managing editor, city editor, editorial director and other senior editors who will necessarily be selected on the basis of judgments of journalistic ability formed during two-and-one-half years of close association. This board of editors will decide all matters of policy by majority vote and will hold its members responsible for their actions between its frequent and regular meetings. The purpose of the board of editors is not merely to provide for democratic discus- sion of editorial policy, but to insure a fully discussion of editorial policy, but to insure a fully representative and impartialDaily. By "impar- tial" we mean that a majority decision of the board of editors shall determine editorial policy with provision for complete freedom of expres- sion for opposing points of view. A regular "Dis- senting Opnions" column shall be the channel for a minority on the editorial staff. And above all, the forum column must welcome criticism of editorial policy on the part of readers. However, the current controversy over the role of the Daily and its internal structure and opera- tion cannot be settled in these columns. Ve therefore recommend that a thorough investiga- tion of the Whole situation be made by an im- partial student-faculty committee which shall have the opportunity to gather facts and outline a blueprint for future years. -Albert P. Mayio Spring Parley Time Is Here . . APRIL 21-23 has been announced as the date of the annual Spring Parley meeting, an event which has enjoyed much suc- cess in past years. Briefly the Parley is the an- nual occasion when students and faculty meet together to discuss our social and economic problems on a common level. This announce- ment is significant at this time because it comes during a period of both national and interna- tional unrest. It is opportune because it offers us a means of discussing every view-point that has arisen out of these fast-changing world con- ditions. The ultimate success of this year's Parley will be achieved if the student and faculty members attend rig come to realize that only through open- mindedness and a spirit of give and take can any future :problemss be solved. The college student comes to a university with an insatiable desire for an introduction to, and an analysis of, na- tional and world problems. This spirit of open- mindedness is a priceless attribute of most first year students. Some of us retain this impartiality of mind. Others of us assume a passive attitude towards current problems and live life to its superficial fullest. But the majority of our ranks soon fit into the pattern of one or another politi- cal philosophies and there remain throughout four or more long years of college. It is toward this lack of curiosity, this set way of interpretation, that Spring Parley appeals each year. These campus town-imeetings offer the opportunity for those of us who have Rock of Gilbraltar viewpoints to temporarily relinquish these ways, and for a few days open-mindedly consider the many sides of our political, economic and social enigmas. Only by close adherence to this practice can Spring Parley continue to serve its purpose. Whether your political views be reactionary or radical, conservative or liberal, the coming Parley is an opportunity for you to take an in- ventory of your ideas, and find for yourself a, clearer picture of the problems we are facing. -Bud Gerson Wisconsin Cancels A Track Meet .. . T IS ENCOURAGING to note that although the South holds steadfast- ly to its self-appointed principle of racial intol- erance the North continues to make progres' towards equal recognition of the races. The latest example of this to hit the public prints is the case involving the University of Wis- consin, upholding a growing northern tolerance towards the Negro, and Missouri University, representing the southern concept of racial dis- crimination. Because Missouri University barred Ed Smith, colored Wisconsin hurdler, from a scheduled triangular track meet at Columbia, Mo., the Wis- consin athletic department announced this week that the entire Badger team has been with drawn The Editor Gets Told (EDITOR'S NOTE: The editor wishes to grate- fully acknowledge the receipt of letters from the following men. Because of lack of space, only the one letter will appear. Robert F. May, '39E Doug Hayes, '39 Harold Davidson, '39 Lorne Meisel, '39 William Newnan, '39 Jack Blackburn, '39 -Robert Mitchell.) Critic Does Some Telling To the Editor: Being a peace-loving music critic at heart,' I much dislike to add my voice to the rumpus over on Maynard Street-it all seems rather juvenile and silly. But precisely therein is the way in which the opinion of the slow-but-sure-thinking majority, conservatively liberal without being either radical or reactionary, is always easily subdued by the agitating minority. To a true, liberal, the existence of several viewpoints toward any one problem is so natural and unalarming a fact that he seldom-takes the trouble to come to blows with the narrow-minded partisan, who can conceive of and endure only one opinion-his own-and so must be always agitating for its predominance over the opinions of others. I That is why the "Letters to the Editor" have always shown such a sizable proportion of opinion in agreement with the policies of the narrow- minded partisans whom you, Bob Mitchell, have had to fight this year, when really the majority of campus opinion is opposed to those policies though unfortunately inarticulate as far as the Daily "agony column" is concerned. The recent election shows how the campus at large feels, though still only a small portion was represented. It is not, however, with ideologies themselves that I am concerned. As far as they go, I think it is healthier for youthful opinion, which must balance in our society the opinion of our tired and disillusioned elders, to tend toward the far left rather than to the right. What I, as an occasional contributor to the Daily's Page 4 and as a general reader, do want to emphasize is the truth of Mitchell's statement in his editorial of April 5, that: "The basic problem for the Daily is whether it is to be a strictly non-partisan paper represent- ing every student point of view or whether the group now making the greatest issue of censor- ship is to use the paper as a mouthpiece for cer- tain political, religious, and racial propaganda, denying others the same privilege under the spurious argument that the paper lacks cohesioi and strength because of a diffusion of editorial opinion." Any sane person knows that the Daily must be non-partisan, and anyone who reads the Daily knows that this year it has been dngerously and disgustingly partisan, except for the efforts of Mitchell and one or two others. And one needs not to be on the "in" with the Board in Control to realize that the Board is not working for an official censorship, alla fascisti, has not reverted to a reactionary ideology, but is merely fighting along practical lines to solve the present problem, which is to keep the present partisan bloc fror. gaining complete control and to preserve the Daily as a free, non-partisan expression of cam- pus opinion and activity. This letter might well end there, but it hap- pens that one aspect of the afore-mentioned partisanship has affected my official relation- ship with the Daily. Two years ago, when I first tried my hand at writing tangibly of intangibles, I was no doubt spoiled by being allowed, as 'a specialist member of the staff, to decide when., what, and how much to write about music. Under the handicap of knowing more about my subject than about how to sugar-coat it for intellectual children; and with the perhaps mistaken belief that some people cared about music as well as the war in Spain, that it was more important that Manuel de Falla had written good music than that he happened to be a prisoner in Rebel hand, I used to ramble through a whole column on page 4. This year I was informed at the outset that times had changed, that a whole columnful of type on one subject didn't make a nice looking page, that I must needs be shorter and sweeter. Since musical terminology contains such long words, and since one can't discuss a musical work as concisely as a sit-down strike, I wondered, but tried to do my best, for I sincere- ly agreed that on a crowded page a whole column of music was perhaps too much. But that was not the end. All year it has been increasingly diffi- cult to get an article in at all, that was neither embarrassingly cut nor delayed. In the last two months I have submitted seven articles that were entirely ignored-not, I believe, maliciously, but simply because the sub staff members in charg.e of the page were too full of their own affairs. If this attitude toward the arts is the best one for the Daily I am much mistaken. And to be constructive as well as destructive, I should like to suggest that the Daily pursue a policy parallel with that of the better metro- politan papers. If the New York Times can devote two pages every day to the arts, it seems to me that the organ of the University of Michigan, which enjoys advantages in the arts greater than those of most large cities, could afford one half- column every day. Let this space be permanently tically imperative for the school to act in this manner. The faculty adopted a resolutidn oppos- ina narticination of anv Wiconnsin nafh+ir It Seems To Me By HEYWOOD BROUN Woodrow Wilson's name is used frequently of late, and mostly as a horrible example. The story is re- told of how he promised to keep us out of war and then dragged us into conflict. The latter half of the statement is far from being wholly accurate. The causation was rather more complicat- ed. But it is convenient in the popu- lar mind to simplify all things into the terms of individuals. Thus the Kaiser started the war, and Wilson ended it by bringing in America. Who won the war has always been a lively topic of discussion. Some say it was the British blockade, while others assign the laurels to a single selection of the American armed forces. Indeed, a book about the vic- tory was published under the title "With the Help of God and a Few Marines." "The Colonel is more generous than usual," commented an army officer. "This is the first time he has ever admitted that the leathernecks had any collaboration whatsoever." But it is my notion that the Four- teen points won the war. They set a goal which was acceptable and de- sired by so many that the fighting seemed futile. Still, if Woodrow Wil- son won the war it can hardly be de- nied that he lost the Peace Confer- ence. Here, however, I would give an assist to Borah and Johnson and any other remaining stalwarts who killed the League of Nations. Rot In, The Roots And in all fairness to Woodrow Wilson it must be admitted that even though he made mistakes of judg-. ment at Versailles, the meeting was marred by a fault which was funda- mental. This same flaw has shaken the sense out of all meetings of the sort from the beginning of time. Peace conferences come only after wars, and wars consume both judgment and mercy. Accordingly, a peace con- ference under such circumstances never brings about peace. It hands down, instead, the hanging verdict of a victor. There is no reason why the world should make this same mistake twice within a generation. Accordingly, the palpable and proper time for a peace conference is here and now. The nations are not formally engaged in a general conflict, but war is just around the corner. Even if hostilities can be staved off the peoples of the earth will continue to cower upon the slopes of a volcano which grumbles and spits fire. No single man and no single coun- try can be effective in calling all to -the council table.. It seems to me that a most logical collaboration would be for the Vatican and the White House to join in an invita- tion to the nations to pool their hopes and fears and aspirations into com- mon discussion. The plan is not visionary, since the call would come from the leader of the country which is, at least potentially, the most pow- erful of all in its material resources.; The Pope would speak as the spiritual head of the largest organized Church in the world. *i Isn't It 'Our Peace?' We have been told that this is not? our war. But some who say that add the menacing word "yet." I say that it is most distinctly our peace, and I would add the imperative word "now" Even the mosthhardshell isolationist' must admit that even though we managed to stay out of a world con- flict, we could hardly escape some measure of its consequences. Alarms and panics have touched us already. Perhaps we do not live close to the crater, but we dwell at least upon the lower slopes of the volcano.1 A call from the Pope and the Presi- dent to a peace conference would surely enlist the support of many na-' tions, though it might quite possibly meet some rebuffs as well. Yet even that contingency would not altogeth- er destroy the usefulness of such a gathering. We should then have a' $ clearcut differentiation between the leaders who work for peace and the' rulers intent upon war. reserved, and a committee consisting of the writers on drama, screen (Swa- dos should have been heard much more often this year, on Hollywood as well as foreign films), painting, boobs, and music be responsible for Sdecidingamong themselves as to who' is to use it each day. I'm beefing be- cause I've not had all the space I wanted this year, and yet even less attention has been given to the other arts all of which should have a regu- lar-not a spasmodic-place on the Daily editorial page. -Wlliam J. Lichtenwanger That Sixty Dollar Fee . To the Editor: We wish to congratulate the ASU upon its recent resolution condemn- ing the sixty dollar entrance fee for student pilot training. Such a fee, if imposed, may well close the profes- sion of civil aeronautics to thousands of capable youths throughout the Notices To -The Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on April 17 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 Angell Hall. Agenda: Report of the University Commit- tee on Student Conduct, J. A. Bursley. Report of the University Commit- tee on Student Affairs, J. A. Bursley. Report of the Committee on the Honors Convocation, J. A. Bursley. Report of the Committee on the Henry Russel Award, Margaret El- liott. Subjects offered by Members of the Council. Reports of the Standing Commit- tees: Program and Policy, Edmonson. Educational Policies, Duffendack. Student Relations, Vedder. Public Relations, Allen. Plant and Equipment, Gram. Note to Seniors, Jie Graduates, and Graduate Students: Please file application for degrees or any spe- cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi- cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive a de- gree or certificate at Commencement in June. We cannot guarantee that the University will confer a degree or certificate at Commencement upon any student who fails to file such application before the close of busi- ness on Wednesday, May 17. If ap- plication is received later than May 17, your degree or certificate may not be awarded until next fall. Candidates for degrees or certifi- cates may fill out cards at once at office of the secretary or recorder of their own school or college (students enrolled in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, College of Architecture, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Fores- try and Conservation, please note that application blanks may be ob- tained and filed in the Registrar's Of- fice, Room 4, University Hall). All applications for the Teacher's Cer- tificate should be made at the office of the School of Education. Please do not delay unt the last day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and certificates must be lettered, signed, and sealed and we shall be greatly helped in this work by the early filing of applications and the resulting longer period for preparation. The filing of these applications does not involve the payment of any fee whatsoever. Shirley W. Smith. Library Hours, April 8 to 15: I During the SpringRecess the Gen- eral Library \ill be open as usual from 7:45 a.m. to 10 p.m, daily, with the following exceptions: the two study halls in the building will be open from 10-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. daily and the Graduate Reading Rooms from 9-12 a.m. and 1-5 p.m. daily. The hours of opening of the De- partmental Libraries will also be 10- 12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. Sunday Service will be discontinued during this period. Wn. W. Bishop, Librarian. Academic Notices Freskmen, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Freshmen may- not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, April 8. In adminis- tering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are considered freshmen. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued illness. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean. Students, College of Engineering: This is the final week for dropping courses without record. Signatures of classifiers and instructors should be obtained before Saturday, April 8. A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Sdents, College of Engineerng: The final day for removal of incom- pletes will be Saturday, April 8. A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Students, 'School of Education: Courses dropped after today will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circumstances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. Practice Actuarial Examinatioi, Part I, will be given Wednesday, April 12, 2-5, for anyone who desires to take it. Prospective Applicants for the Com- bined Curricula: The final date for the filing of applications for admis- sion to the various combined cur- ricula for September, 1939, is April 20. Application forms may be filled out in Room 1210 Angell Hall. Medi- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 138 erature with Continental Back- grounds. April 29, 9-12 a.m. English Litera- ture 1700-1900. May 3, 2-5 p.m. English Litera- ture' 1550-1700. May 6, 9-12 a.m. English Litera- ture, Beginnings to 1550. All those intending to take the ex- aminations should communicate with me by April 15. N. E. Nelson, Secre- tary, Committee on Graduate Work. Seminar in Analysis (Math. 302). Will meet today at 4 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: The premiated drawings submitted in the national competition for the Wheaton College Art Center are be- ing shown in the third floor Exhibi- tion Room, College of Architecture. Open daily, 9 to 4, except Sundays, through April 19. The public is cor- dially invited. Exhibition of Paintings by David Fredenthal and Helen May, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Alumni Memorial Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March 24 through April 7. Lectures University Lectures: Dr. Otto Heller, Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School of Washington University, St. Louis, will lecture on "The Meaning of Goethe" on Tuesday, April 18, at 8:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe- atre, and on "Ideas and Ideals Against Facts and Figures in Educa- tion" on Wednesday, April 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe- atre under the auspices of the De- partment of German. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation at 11 a.m. to- day in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building, at which Pro- fessor Adalbert Ebner of the Univer- sity of Munich, will speak on "For- estry in Germany." All students in the School of Forestry and Conserva- tion are expected to attend and oth- ers interested are cordially invited to do so. Coming Events International Center Spring Vaea- tion: The Center will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily throughout va- cation. Saturday, April 8. Intramural night. Any foreign students and their American friends may make use of the Intramural Building at 8 o'clock p.m. There will be a swim- ming tournament for both men and women. Sunday, April 9. 7 p:m. There will be an informal social hour. There will be bridge, other games, and in- formal singing. Tuesday, April 11. 8 a.m. The group will leave by bus for a trip through Jackson Prison, to a Battle 'Creek food factory and to the Kellogg Sani- tarium. Any-students interested in joining this tour should sign up in the office of the International Cen- ter at once-not later than Monday morning, April 10. Wednesday, April 12. 2 p.m. A basketball tournament will be played at the intramural Building. Thursday, April 13. 12 noon. The group will leave Ann Arbor for a trip through the Starr Commonwealth for Boys at Albion. Any students in- terested in joining this tour should sign up in the office of the Inter- national Center at once, or not later than Monday morning, April 10. Wednesday, April 12. 2 p.m. A basketball tournament will be played at the Intramural Building. Friday, April 14. 10 a.m. The group will leave the International Center for a hike. All foreign stu- dents and their American friends are invited to join. 8 p.m. There will be the usual recreation night, including games, bridge playing, and other info!'mal entertainments. Saturday, April 15. 2 p.m. The Metropolitan O p e r a Company's broadcast will be listened to in the lounge of the Center. J. R. Nelson. Tau Beta Pi. There will be a regu- lar dinner meeting at the Union on Tuesday, April 18, at 6:15 p.m. Pro- fessor Briggs of the Economics De- partment will speak on "The Rela- tion between Accounting and En- gineering." The Michigan Christian Fellow- ship will not hold its regular Sun- day meeting on April 9 or 16. Physical Education, Women Stu- 4 I