Weather Unsettlied, continued' cold today; tomorrow cloudy and warmer. 0 4r Sir 4 fIat Editorial The Editors Do Some Telling... Spring Parley Time Is Here . VOL. XLIX. No. 138 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1939 PRICE FiVE CENTS Poland Welded Into Britain's Anti-Nazi Bloc, Commons Told Col. Beck Leaves England; Poland Is At Liberty To Make Other Pacts Nazi Spy Search Begun In England LONDON, April 6.-(P)-Prime Minister Chamberlain welded Poland into the French-British anti-aggres- sion front today and took steps to purge Britain of German spies. Then he left for Scotland on an Easter fishing trip. Before adjourning the House of Commons for its Easter recess until April 18, the Prime Minister an- nounced that Britain and Poland had agreed to go to each other's aid "in the event of any threat, direct or indirect, to the independence of eith- er." 'Halt Hitler' Bloc He added that conversations were proceeding with a view to adding other nations to the , "Halt Hitler" bloc. Sir Samuel Hoare, the home secre- tary, disclosed that a German spy hunt had been going on in England, Informing the House that three al- leged Nazi spies had been expelled from the country within the past few weeks. The length of the Prime Minister's vacation will depend on the inter- national situation, momentarily tens- est in the Adriatic with three Italian warships in the Albanian port of Du- razzo and Albanian reservists mo- bilized to try to repel what some quarters believed was impending Italian occupation. It still was remembered here, on the 22nd anniversary of the United States' entry into the World War, that the conflict broke out during a British bank holiday. Arrange For Recall Before -leaving for Aberdeenshire, Chamberlain arranged for the im- mediate recall of Parliament in the event of an emergency and assured the country that all necessary pre- cautions were being taken. Col. Joseph Beck, Polish foreign minister, concluded his visit to Eng- land with an inspection of British naval power, bound now to help de- fend Poland's independence under the reciprocal accord which supplants the one-way pledge Chamberlain dis- closed to the House of Commons last Friday. (France, a partner with Britain in (Continued On Page 2) Nation Watches Army Parades Veterans March On 22nd War Anniversary WASHINGTON, April 6.-P)-In the midst of its greatest peace-time expansion, the Army paraded men and munitions before millions of spectators today-just 22 years after the United States entered the World War.- Veterans of that conflict tramped behind troops and tanks in Army Day parades in scores of cities. Their presence, Europe's recurrent crises, and Administration efforts to bolster land and air defenses quickly with a $552,000,000 emergency out- lay combined to give new and grim significance to the annual martial occasion. In -the National Capital, 20,000 marchers, disregarding a drizzle, par- aded before Secretary Woodring, mili- tary and naval officials, and foreign dignitaries. Conspicuously missing from a group of naval attaches of several nations was Germany's Lieutenant General Friederich von Boetticher. He would have been diplomatically out of place, the embassy explained, inasmuch as the displaymarked theanniversary of a declaration of war against Ger- many. In the van of the parade marched an infantry company from nearby Fort George G. Meade, Md., attired in a new slate blue uniform which the Army is considering substitut- ing for the familiar olive drab. Five Killed As Passenger Ends British Visit See Amnesty For Niemoeller, Schuschnigg BERLIN, April 6.-()P-Admirers and supporters of Germany's two best-known prisoners-the outspoken parson, Martin Niemoeller, and the former Austrian chancellor, Kurt Schuschnigg-looked forward hope- fully today to Adolf Hitler's birthday, April 20. All hoped that, in the outpouring of sentiment which is expected to char- acterize that day, there might be word from the Fuehrer which would open the gates of Sachsenhausen concen- tration camp for Niemoeller, and free the one-time Chancellor who has been in custody since the Austrian ansch-. luss, March 13, 1938. There has been no official word, however, of forthcoming amnesty. Pessimists point out that most pre- vious amnesties in Nazi Germany have been for members of the party in- terned for lagging faith or other in- fractions of Nazi policy. Niemoeller was first arrested Jan. 7, 1937, and went into Sachsenhausen in March, 1938, in custody of the Gestapo (secret police) despite the court's refusal to give him a further sentence on charges of attacking lead- ers of the state and using the pulpit improperly. The Gestapo took Schuschriigg into custody "for his own safety" and held him in his own home for a time, then removed him to a two-room suite in the Metropole Hotel, Vienna Gestapo headquarters. There have been fre- quent rumors, none of them con- firmed, of his removal from the head- quarters. Senate Passes School Aid Bill on Rural Vote COL. JOSEPH BECK Honor Faculty Men In Names Of Dormitories Prescott, Hinsdale, Green And Tyler Are Names Chosen For New Units Four prominent faculty members of earlier years were honored yes- terday when new dormitories were named for them. The action had been approved by the Regents, March 31, but no announcement was made at that time. Charles Ezra Green, who died in 1903 after serving for 30 years as professor of civil engineering, pro- vided the name for the dormitory facing Willard St. The first dean of the engineering college after its separation from the literary college in 1895, he was known as the author of graphical methods for discove'ring stresses in structures. The unit facing E. University Ave. was named after Burke Aron Hins- dale, second incumbent of the chair of the Science and Art of teaching. A noted historian, Professor Hinsdale was described by those who knew him as a "forceful thinker and speaker and extremely influential in Univer- sity affairs." Moses Coit Tyler, who gained fame upon awakening the couptry to the study of its own literary history, pro- vided inspiration for the name of the unit fronting on Church St. Author of "The History of American Litera- ture, 1607-1765," he served here for many years before joining the faculty of Cornell University. The last of the dormitories, which is the south unit of the group, was named after a nationally recognized chemist, Albert Benjamin Prescott. A member of the faculty for 40 years, he was professor of organic chemistry, director of the chemical laboratoryi and first Dean of the College of Phar- macy. hitchis And F.D.R., Conference Reported WARM SPRINGS, Ga., April 7.- (P)-Robert M. Hutchins, youthful president of the University of Chicago who has been mentioned prominently as possible choice as the new chair- man of the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission, was reported to have conferred here tonight with President Roosevelt. No word was given out on the con- ference, nor was it even made public that he was here. Officials would not discuss the matter in any way. The fact that the young educator came all the way to Warm Springs for the interview gave rise to specula- tion that an appointment was near at hand Hutchins is a close friend of Wil- liam O. Douglas, former SEC head who was just confirmed as associate justice of the supreme court, Col. T. R. Roosevelt Bars Defense Of Philippines DETROIT, April 6-W)-The Phil- ippine Islands were excluded from the "territory and possessions" the United States should be willing to fight for, in an Army Day address given here today by Col. Theodore Roosevelt, former governor-general of the Phil- ippines. Baruch Urges Sale Of Arms Cash Basis Economic War's Failure Will Lead To Military Strife, Says Financier Borah Argues Plan Destroys Isolation WASHINGTON, April 6.-()-Ber- nard M. Baruch, noted financier and adviser of presidents, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today that the best way to keep America out of war was to make its vast resources available to all belligerents who can pay cash and carry the goods away-. Clapping an embargo on sales to belligerents would prove disastrous to American economy, he asserted, and embargoing one belligerent would be a form of economic warfare likely to lead this country into actual military war. Supports Pittman Therefore, to the vast delight of Chairman Pittman (Dem.-Nev.), he gave eloquent support to the latter's proposal that the "cash and carry" provision of the present act be extend- ed to all American products, includ- ing actual implements of war, which under present law would be embar- goed. Testifying at a committee hearing into proposed changes in the Neutral- ity Act, Baruch frankly acknowledged that his plan would be advantageous to nations able to pay cash and haul the goods away in their own ships, and disadvantageous to others. "But after all," he said, "that rule holds good in normal commerce. I do not see that we are required to ad- just all inequalities of that sort." Scornfully, he disputed the theory, held by many, that American partici- pation in the next war was inevitable. We can keep out, he argued, and moreover we can do so without ignor- ing "faithlessness" on the part of other nations. Should Not Be Timid In answering questions put by Sen- ator Borah (Rep.-Ida.), who advocates the embargo method, Baruch made it clear that in his opiniorr America would not be timid about standing up for its own rights. "I think," he said, nodding his white head to the rhythm of his words, "that anyone who thinks America won't fight when the interests of this hemisphere and America are involved is badly mistaken. Germany made that mistake once." Borah contended that Baruch's plan was not neutrality at all, "not by twenty sea miles," and the financier readily assented. "Neutrality?" he said, "There ain't no such animal." For the first time in the Commit- tee's hearings, obviously breeding a (Continued from Page 2) Convict Tries Legal Escape SAN FRANCISCO, April 6.-(A')- Convict J. L. Stewart tried a new way today to get out of Alcatraz. He called the government's "Rock" un- constitutional. Serving a 28-year sentence from Texas for forgery, he filed a petition seeking release on the contention Alcatraz was not created by an act of Congress. Sandwichmen Battle Mayor To Save Jobs NEW YORK, April 6.-(I')-A little gray-haired man from a bowery flop- house has blocked Mayor F. H. La- Guardia's effort to banish 3,000 sand- wich men and women from the side- walks of New York. It was the Mayor's idea that these walking advertisements who carry signs fore and aft would annoy the thousands of visitors expected for the New York World's Fair. When a policeman told seventy- two-year-old George Walters he would have to give up his profession, the veteran sandwich man looked up a lawyer. He'd heard that was the thing to do. The result: Legal action protesting the ban as unconstitutional and a temporary injunction issued in Supreme Court. Walters' suit, a char- ity legal case, was followed by a mass meeting of sandwich men in the Labor Temple. Peace Strikers Invite Notables To Speak Here Roosevelt, Ickes, Murphy Endorse April Meeting And Express Regrets Speakers, including Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Paul de Kruif and Melvyn Douglas of the Hollywood Committee of 56, have been invited to address the All-Campus Peace Committee peace strike April 20. President Roosevelt, Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes and At- torney-General Frank Murphy have already replied to the local commit- tee's invitation, endorsing the meet- ing and expressing their regrets at not being able to appear in Ann Arbor April 20 for the peace strike. The letter from Stephen Early, the Presi- dent's secretary, stated "Your court- esy in inviting the President to ad- dress the All-Campus Peace Com-, mittee on April twentieth is greatly appreciated." Similar communications have been received from Mayor Fiorello H. La- Guardia of New York, columnist Hey- wood Broun, ex-Secretary ofBState Stimson, Drew Pearson and Bishop McConnell and Dorothy Parker. Miss Parker's letter said, ". . . the only way to peace is through action; and that action lies in a concerted fight against fascism." New AFL-CIO Clash Forecast Urban Attack Recall LANSING, Representatives Appropriation; Economy Pledge April 6.-(/)-The Sen- Secret Negotiations May Bring Italian Control Of Albania ate approved a supplemental appro- priation of $2,500,000 for public school aid today and sent the House bill providing the grant to Governor Dick- inson for his signature. The Senate vote was 26 to 2. The only opposition came from Michigan's two largest cities, which would not benefit directly from the appropriation. Rural Senators voted as one man for the measure, which is designed to help "poor" school dis- tricts. Sen. Earl W. Munshaw, Grand Rap- ids Republican, led the attack on the appropriation. He told the Senate public school boards had ignored school aid limitations "because they knew ful'well this legislature would be generous and that the State of Michigan would again be a Santa Claus." "The Republican Party pledged the people of Michigan economy in the campaign last fall," Munshaw de- clared. "Is this economy? Are you being consistent?" He attributed the one-sided senti- ment to "pressure" upon legislators from outstate educators, and warned that schools, like other agencies of government, must learn to live within their budgets. Europe At A Glance Rome: King Zog insists on Al- banian sovereignty as Italian ships occupy port of Durazzo. Secret ne- gotiations forecast. London: Britain begins drive to clear Nazi agents out of country. Announces mutual defense pact with Poland.-t Warsiw: Officials say that de-j spite agreement with England, Poland will attempt to remain a good neighbor. Paris: Rumors of new Italians troop movements in Spain cause French and British ambassadors to order "clarification." Berlin: High officials here saidE that new moves were meant simply to "teach Chamberlain a lesson." Belgrade: A new angle was un- covered as well-informed sources say Italy plans occupation of Al- bania as warning to Greece and Yugoslavia to stay out of Anglo- French blocs. Hamilton Sees Graft Behind State Gambling New Legislation Intended' To Prevent Publication Of BettingInformation LANSING, April 6. - P)- The1 House of Representatives aimed a blow at commercial gambling today as Rep. John F. Hamilton, Dem., De- troit, charged that graft and hypoc- crisy have permitted gaming houses to flourish in this state. The House approved in committee] of the whole the Hamilton Bill mak- ing it a misdemeanor to: transmit or publish any information concerning betting odds or on which betting odds might be based. The prohibition; would apply to, telephone and tele- graph companies, radio stations, wire services, newspapers and any other, medium that might disseminate such information. The bill was set for a final vote tomorrow. Hamilton charged that funds for a legislative investigation of gambling] were choked off last year because the; investigating committee threatened' sensational disclosures. He declared that for seven months following com- pletion of the inquiry, gambling con- tinued almost uninterrupted in Wayne County although the commit- tee had submitted to law enforce-1 ment agencies the addresses of estab- lishments it identified as housing handbooks for illegal betting on horse races. "I told the Governor and the Attor- ney General who were serving at that time that they were grandstanding," Hamilton declared. "I will say right sere that you can't have open gam- bling without the passing acqui- escence of every state official from the Governor on down." He did not mention the names of the persons to whom he referred. Californiia Greets Denmark's Royalty LOS ANGELES, April 6.-(R)-The ruddy-faced heir to the throne of Denmark and his princess, pretty and carefully tailored, arrived amid a booming 21-gun salute today for a five-week good-will tour of America. The royal visitors-Prince Frederik and Princess Ingrid-are determined to visit as many Danish-Americans as possible as they speed from city to city in the interests of their country and its commerce. Otherwise they are not sure exactly what they want to do, but the Crown Prince said he was anxious to see "everything in this country." Scientists Coax Hens To Lay Colored Egg Martin With Duce Seeks To Halt British Plan By Strengthening Mutual Defense Treaty Warships Patrol Adriatic Shores ROME, April 6.-(P)-Diplomats foresaw arrangements tonight for a "defensive" Italian occupation of Al- bania while Italian warships pa- trolled Albanian shores and mysteri- ous negotiations proceeded in Rome and Tirana. Officials were silent, but in foreign circles there were reports that the conversations in the two capitals had reached a conclusion. Foreign observers reasoned that the ultimate aim in strengthening the defensive alliance between the two countries was three-fold. 1. To give Italy firmer control over Albania than she now enjoys, with greater facilities for developing Albanian' resources. 2. To prevent encirclement of Italy and Germany by a ring of alliances Plans To Confer Green At Capital Sane Sex Education Iii Schools Is Advocated By Dr. Forsythe Sane sex education in the schools should be the answer of teachers tol the "misinformation, unwholesome curiosity, and undesirable attitudes" which so many young people bring to their boy and girl relationships, de- clares Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, di-; rector of the University of Michigan Health Service, in a recent publica- tion of the University's Division of Hygiene and Public Health. Sex education has been confused,j evaded, and attacked only by indirec-' tion in the past, Dr. Forsythe points out. "Sex problems," he asserts, "have not been well handled but .. . nevertheless in this field lies one of the greatest responsibilities of the well-rounded program for school health work." A sharp departure from traditional attitudes should mark our presenta- tion of sex proiolems to young people, Dr. Forsythe declares, adding that such teaching should be done by teachers of science, sociology, and Reason, he says, can control the be- havior resulting from the pleasant relations between boys and girls the) same as it controis eating of candy, drinking and automobile speeding. The relationships between males and females should be understood by young people, Dr. Forsythe declares. They should be made to realize, he+ says, that controlled pleasures of their experiences are natural, biologic, healthful, and proper, not more or less sinful, shameful, undesirable and improper. Such an understanding of sex prob- lems is not all that is needed to con- trol behavior, says Dr. Forsythe, but it does correct misinformation and improve attitudes. In addition to this understanding, he points out, parents and teachers should not only pro- mote socially approved relations be- tween boys and girls, but should teach them that there is a deadline of intimacy, kissing for instance, be- yond which unmarried people can- DETROIT, April 6. -(P)- An- nouncement today by Homer Martin that he plans to confer with William Green, American Federation of Labor president, at Washington next week, forecast a direct AFL-CIO clash in the automobile industry. Martin is president of the Inde- pendent United Automobile Workers, separate from the UAW led by R. J. Thomas which is recognized by the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Restless delegates to the CIO United Automobile Workers' Convention reached the bottom of a stack of con- stitutional amendments, selected St. Louis as the next convention city and wound up their 11-day session with a new harmony pronouncement. The final session heard President Roland J. Thomas read a resolution which he said the executive board of Homer Martin's rival faction adopted looking toward affiliation with the AFL. "The only way auto workers will ever go into the AFL," the president .said, "is by union of the AFL and CIO." Stone Casing Cui From Living Heart ROCHESTER, Minn., April 6.-OP) -Her heart freed, through surgery from a hardened calcium case, Mrs. Matt Lyon of Rochester, Minn., first woman to undergo a rare "stone heart" operation here, late today was reported in a "very satisfactory" con- dition. A half inch layer of calcium, as ROME, April 6.--King Achmed Zog of Albania tonight was un- derstood to have sent an urgent message to Premier Benito Mus- solini, warning him that the Al- banian people would resist any Italian attempt to destroy their independence by means of an armed occupation. by making Yugoslavia fearful of any British or French overtures for an accord such as the Anglo-Polish mu- tual defense agreement. Bring Pressure On Greece 3. To bring pressure on Greece to prevent her granting naval bases to Britain in case the latter found her Mediterranean island of Malta too vulnerable because of its nearness to Italy. Whether King Zog had accepted Italy's proposals was impossible to ascertain immediately. Tirana had reported that Italy made proposals which exceeded concessions the king was prepared at first to make. These were believed to be military, bc- onomic and financial. Foreign minister Count Galeazzo Ciano received Yugoslav minister Bochko Christitch for a long talk. In light of Belgrade dispatches, Ciano was believed to have given assur- ances that Yugoslavia wo*d be safe from molestation if she accepted a new situation in Albania. Field Marshal Hermann Wilhelm Goering, Chancellor Hitler's right- hand man, who has been vacationing at San Remo, announced he would leave tomorrow for the south of Italy. There, it was said, he would board a ship for Tripoli. Premier Mussolini flew to the mili- ary airport of Jesi, near Ancona on he Adriatic, a point which overlooks ,he sea toward Albania, and flew 'ack to Rome after a swift tour of inspection. King Zog Confers (In Yugoslavia, neighbor of both Italy and Albania, informed persons predicted Italy would occupy the Al- banian coastline to seal up the Adri- atic and warn both Yugoslavia .and Greece to stay out of Great Britain's proposed anti-aggression ring). King Zog, ruler of primitive little Albania, conferred with the Italian minister to Tirana, Francesco Ja- comoni, while diplomats heard that Gen. Zef Sereggia, Albanian minis- ter to Rome, saw Italian Foreign Min- ister Count Galeazzo Ciano. Nothing was available in Rome's of- ficial circles, however, to indicate what problems are involved in the so-called proposed strengthening of the 1927 Italian alliance with the tiny Balkan kingdom. Three Italian warships-a cruiser and two destroyers-arrived in the morning at Durazzo, Albania, but up to early evening the reported Italian intention to land troops in Zog's realm apparently had failed to ma- terialize. (A Belgrade dispatch said Italian destroyers were reported darting about the harbors of San Giovannia Di Medua, in northern Albania, and Valona in the south). Diplomatic parleys, the army staff talks in Innsbruck, Germany, be- (Continued on Page 6) BELSVILLE, Md., April 6.-(AP)- Just to show it can be done, a couple of government scientists have coaxed hens to lay colored Easter eggs.