' Ff.DTT THE H I A N iDIL T ma i s ar''ral. es i9-9 PAGE FOT.iTR THU1~DAT, AP~TL ~, 19S9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - I --/ .....,y . " rI - =+ .. AIRH e ..naro flU~D4~~ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every inorning except Monday during the University year and Sumni r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPREENTEb POR NATIONAL ADVERTISINO BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Represeuative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y, CNcIAO -SA'OSTON, Los OArGtES -SAN rRANCiSCo Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor. . Editorial Director . City-Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor. , Associate Editor, Associate Editor Book Editor . . Women's Editor. Sports Editor . iEditors Robert D. Mitchell . Albert P. May1o Horace W. Gilmore Robert 1. Fitzhenry S S. B. Kliman * Robert Perlman . . Earl Gilman S . William Elvin . . Joseph Freedman * . Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. Philip W. Bucen Credit Manager ..* Leonard P. iegelman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxte NIGHT EDITOR: JACK CANAVAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Two Schools Toughen Requirements .. . r Wo UNIVERSITIES, Yale and Col- umbia, announced last week that they are planning to reassess academic values in order to make college studies more rigid. Their programs of reform are intended to dispell the opinion that a college diploma is the heritage of everyone who matriculates, however little work he may do. Yale and Columbia are trying t escape being labelled "pipe" universities. Yale will try to check the abuses of its "read- ing periods," two-week intervals during which students are released from formAl lectures and recitations. The reading-period plan, instituted eight years ago, was designed to afford oppor- tunity for students to work on original essays and theses or to round out knowledge in major fields in preparation for final comprehensive examinations. The reading period has basically the same purpose as the tutorial system to be started here next fall: to allow the student a greater measure of freedom in choosing subjects that are of inter- est to him. It offers a release from arbitrarily assigned subjects and formal classroom work. However, as the Yale Daily News has said, there is "the blind but determined minority who re- gard the fortnight solely as two additional weeks 3f vacation." There are the playboys who look upon two weeks without classes simply as two weeks during which to forget college. By their abuse of the reading period, the play- boys have dug their own scholastic grave. Yale has resolved to "crack down" on "the blind but determined minority." It is, as statistics show, a helplessly small minority. Fully half the students remain on campus during the period and many others go home to study. About five per cent, however, spend their time in Bermuda or Florid or in Canadian ski resorts. The Yale Daily News has warned that if this minority insists on sun- bathing in the South or skiing in the North, the' university will turn its attention to those more worthy. Columbia's plan is to limit the higher degrees to a select few who have proved their merit by running a gauntlet of stiff courses. Only those persons who have attained a "B" average in undergraduate work, who have passed a rigid English test and who can read and write a foreign language will be permitted to register as candidates for higher degrees. The new restric- tion will be applied first, as a test, to graduate courses in the history department next semes- ter. As voiced by Prof. Charlton J. H. Hayes, the aim of the more stringent requirements is to force a new.valuation of the Ph.D. degree. "The degree was, and should be, considered as an award," he says, "to which any person in anz profession who has a great intellectual curiosity may aspire . . . At present there are too many candidates who regard attainment of the doctor's pegree as a life's work in itself rather than as d preparation for a life's work." We see, then, two universities which are attempting, to escape the American notion of a democratic higher learning that accepts every rrnrn T lr nlr .. tnr n,a rr nnnasfa ,ihac. Modern Science Three weeks ago, Prof. Percy W. Bridgman, Harvard's well known physicist and research scientist, looked up over a row of test tubes and retorts and gave an ultimatum-the surprising thing about that ultimatum was that he declared it against the citizens of totalitarian states be- cause their countries declared ultimatums. Tut, tut, Professor-isn't that being a tiny bit hypo- critical? An Ultimatum As A Protest .,. Professor Bridgman's objection centered around the fact that science was being misused in the totalitarian states and that it was being directed toward their own aims. He says, "In partiular, the totalitarian states do not recognize that the free cultivation of scientific knowledge, for its own sake, is a worthy end of human endeavor, but have commandeered the scientific activities of their citizens to serve their own purposes," and, further, "I have decided from now on not to show any apparatus or discuss my experi- ments with the citizens of any totalitarian state. A citizen of such a state is no longer a free in- dividual but he may be compelled to engage in any activity whatever to advance the purpose of that state. The purposes of the totalitarian States have shown themselves to be in irreconcil- able conflict with the purposes of free States." When the professor states that "cessation of scientific intercourse with the totalitarian states serves the double purpose of making more diffi- cult the misuse of scientific information by those states and of giving the individual opportunity to express his abhorrence of their practice," we wonder whether he may not be making a mis- take. It has seemed that in the past few years some of the states to which Bridgman raises objection have turned out rather notable achievements in science, regardless of whether one approves of the nation's political policies or not-but peihaps we are subscribing to the wrong "Popular Sciences" magazines. Against Totalitarian Ultimatums In answer to the Bridgman ultimatum, two undergraduate papers, the "Minnesota Daily" and the "Harvard Crimson," have expressed op- posing views, with the latter, the one Bridgman props against the sugar bowl every morning, tak- ing a stand against him. The "Minnesota Daily" says, "Professor Bridgman's attitude seems en- tirely justified. By turning over to the dictatom the products of scientific advance in a democ- racy, the dictators are being given the means by which to continue their campaigns against democracy." "The Harvard Crimson" sees far-reaching and disastrous effects in the declaration. "By endeav- oring to combat fascism by means of a typical fascist tecnique, the learned professor is setting a precedent which may easily lead to less harm- less abuses of the American tradition of free- dom. From prohibition of fascists in specific lab- oratories to a prohibition extending to graduate courses is no long step; from there the virus may spread to whole universities, and then go on t6 infect the entire educational system. Thus do such efforts to eliminate totalitarianism breed of themselves the germ they seek to destroy." -The Dartmouth o RECORDS] Richard Strauss: Caecilie (Op. 27, No. 2), and Seitdem dein Aug' in meines schaute (Op. 17, No. 1).2 sides, 10", V-1967, $1.50. Kirsten lag . stad (soprano, in German), accompanied by Ed- win McArthur. Two more Strauss songs, the latter hitherto unavailable in electrical record- ings, recorded several years ago in Europe and just now released in America. Here, as ever, Mie. Flagstad's marvelous musicianship and vocal abilities, her habit of singing what the com- poser actually wrote rather than using his vocal line as the starting point for a free fantasia of "emotion," are evident. Perhaps her perform- ance is a trifle more smooth, and recorded with better balance, on her later disks, but the effects of the present record are stirring enough. Martini it Tedesco: Plaisir d'Amour; Cottrau: Santa Lucia. Beniamino Gigli (tenor, in French and Neapolitan) with orchestral accompani- ments conducted by John Barbirolli and Dino Olivieri. 1 side each, 12", V-15348, $2.00. Critical comment is hardly necessary here. Gigli is Gigli; no one else living today can achieve simultan- eously the heights in tonal beauty and the depths in musical logic as he can. If you like your singing well seasoned with garlic, you'll thrill to these Italianate lyrics-to Cottrau's folksongish barcarolle, with its typical and lov- able emotionalism, more than to the less voluble and more destructible Romanza of the eighteenth cenutry "German Martini." Saint-Saens: Havanaise, Op. 83. Jascha Heif- etz (violin) and London Symphony, John Bar- birolli conductor. 2 sides, 12", V-15347, $2.00. The first recording with orchestral accompaniment of one of the fiddler's old stand-bys. Heifetz' tone is luminous and seductive, matching well the slinky. insinuating appeal of Saint-Saens rhythms. Saccharine as the piece is, however, the soloist keeps it within the limits of good taste. A flawless recording job adds to the excellence of the total effect. "Where the need for beauty and the response to it are alive in youth real education is going on. Education is, after all, the expression of a prac- tical hope that young men and young women will find what they can do best, throw them- selves into the doing, and realize the whole of life and not merely part of it." University of Pitts- Y.:,. . ~ _ TODAY in WASHINGTON -by David Lawrence- WASHINGTON, March 20.-War in Europe, or else bigger and bigger armaments to scare off Hitler and draw Mussolini away from his ally, very much as the Italians threw into the discard the famous triple alliance which before 1914 joined them to Germany and the Austro-Hungar- ian Empire-these are almost the only contin- gencies spoken of here as possible sequels to the seizure of Czecho-Slovakia and her gold. Is there another way? There are other alternatives, which, but for the political influence of "isolationists" in the United States, would now be engaging the atten- tion of the world. The trouble which Europe has faced since the ill-fated Versailles Treaty has been to no small extent the outgrowth of the greed and selfishness of Great Britain and France in their absolute refusal to treat the German Re- public fairly and justly, loading impossible repar- ations on the backs of the German people and keeping the country in a state of economic sub- jection by exhausting demands for cash and raw materials as punitive payment for the war. The colonies which were wrested from Ger- many in Africa and elsewhere were put by the Versailles Treaty under "mandates" which were supposed to be a sort of "trusteeship" and were not to constitute a permanent annexation of territory to the countries appointed as trustees. Faced by economic strangulation and a debase- ment of their monetary system, the Germrf people were peresuaded to believe that, by abandoning their republic and accepting Nazism, they would be liberated from economic adversity. Today, they support the Nazi rulers because there is no certainty that the allied nations would treat them any more fairly now or after the next war than they did in 1919. What is needed today is a second peace confer- ence, to undo the wrongs imposed by the Versailles Treaty and to assure economic stability for Eur- ope by the removal of the trade barriers, without which action, as Mr. Wilson foresaw, there could be no lasting opportunity for the smaller coun- tries to survive even though granted political in- dependence. The only instrumentality sufficiently disinter- ested in the world which can act as mediator to- day and summon the nations to a second peace conference is the United States Government. If Mr. Wilson were alive today and head of the Government, he would not hesitate to mobilize. by radio and the press the public opinion of the world back of a concerted effort to all peoples to prevent war, and he would perceive that the real way to prevent war is to recognize the sources of friction and boldly seek to remove them. Were President Roosevelt to adopt this course, he would face, in America, a strong faction which would regard this as "meddling" and would de- nounce it as a means of entangling ourselves. Thi "isolationist" group succeeded in wrecking the. League of Nations by keeping America from join- ing it, even though, in 1920, the Republican Party contained a large number of prominent men who insisted in public declarations that a vote for Harding meant a vote for the League with reser- vations. After Mr. Harding was elected, the Re- publican leadership took the position that the people had repudiated the League, reservations and all. Premier Poincare, believing that America had withdrawn her moral support and every pos- sibility of furnishing any aid to Europe in solv- ing her troubles, promptly set about to recreate a system of military alliances. From that mo- ment forward, the Geneva League was brushed aside and the theory of a concert of nations to maintain peace was discarded in favor of the old balances of power which now have brought exact- ly the fate for Europe that Presidet Wilson pre- dicted when he urged in 1919 American entry into the League. The question of which course will eventually drag America into war-an active policy of medi- ation with an attempt to bring moral force to bear by showing the German people a prograni that will tempt them to abandon Nazi rule, or a passive policy of drifting and waiting for a World War in which Canada on the north and the Latin- American states on the South would inevitably get us entangled isan open one at the moment. Either course has its dangers and risks, but it may well be asked whether a genuine effort to bring justice to bear in Europe by a second peace con- ference, with economic opportunity and financial aid definitely in the picture, as a concrete pro- gram for peace is not after all worth the effort as a means of preventing another adventure in "organized murder," as Lloyd George called the last war. Demnocracy Institute With the principles of democracy being chal- lenged throughout the world, the inauguration of a Democracy institute at Northwestern's sum- mer session is a step toward a fuller understand- ing of the factors involved in this all-encom- passing ideological conflict. All abstract ideas, such as democracy, become emburdened with superimpositions that tend to make the original principle vague. Today, though' everyone talks about democracy, few seem to have a clear conception of the term's meaning and implications. It is as an attempt to counter- act this hazy thinking that the Democracy insti- tute should have its most value. Prominent thought leaders in the fields of I. 'THEATRE By JAMES DOLL In New York When Spring Vcation coincides with Easter week, you can see more shows in New York than almost any otherI week in the year. Practically every show has an extra Monday matinee and at least three: "Outward Bound," "Hellzapoppin," and "What a Life," have matinees every day. "The Little Foxes" provides Tallul- ah Bankhead with the best part she has had in any modern play, in New York. Lillian Hellman, author of the highly successful "The Children's Hour," shows a grasping family build- ing a huge business at the expense of other relatives. Carl Benton Read plays a capitalist again just as well as he did last year in the Drama Sea- son's "The Ghost of Yankee Doodle." "The Philadelphia Story" h a s brought success alike to Philip Barry, its author; Katharine Hepburn, its featured player; and the Theatre Guild which produced it. None of them have been conspicuously successful the last few seasons. In it Barry. re- verts to the mood of "Holiday" and "The Animal Kingdom" rather than the more serious attitude of "Here Come the Clowns." While the reviewers were unani- mous in their praise of Judith Ander- son's performance in "Family Por- trait," they seemed uncertain of the play. However, it has had champions' in many quarters. Robert Benchley,+ in "The New Yorker" was especially+ enthusiastic about this study of Christ1 as seen through the eyes of his moth- er and the rest of his family. "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" has been one of the season's biggest dramatic+ successes. Raymond Massey may still be seen as Lincoln in the years be- fore he reached the White House. Robert Sherwood has managed'to use Lincoln as a commentator on our own times without straying far from Lin- coln's own speeches. "Oscar Wilde" is perhaps more note- worthy for Robert Morley's perfor- mance in the name part than for the play itself, although Wilde's career is treated with understanding and taste. Morley made a conspicuous success as Louis XVI in the movie "Marie An- toinette." "Outward Bound" is the play, fami-E liar to all Little Theatre audiences, which shows an assortment of pass- engers on a boat bound for the here- after. Revived with an all-star cast; it has proved as thrilling to audiences as it first did fifteen years ago. Revise Tax System1 The federal tax system has long been regarded inadequatae and un- necessarily muddled by many treasury and governmental officials. Now, 'with4 Secretary Morgenthau urging a re- vision of the syzstem, in an attempt to replace this hodge-podge with aI method approaching a systematized tax law, officials are in the bewilder- ing and uncomfortable state of agree- ing on what should be done, but fear-I ing the political consequences of do- ing it. I Secretary Morgenthau's model tax idea is based on a careful survey andI study of the situation. Prof. Roswell1 Magill of Columbia University spentI over a year compiling his recommen-£ dations. His successor, John W. Hanes, continued his work, and has been urging the revision with little success up to the present time. i The new tax system contains three' major changes. First, the tax base is1 broadened to include millions who doI not now pay direct taxes. Rates in the productive middle bracket on in- comes from $10,000 to $80,000 are in- creased. The highest surtaxes are de- creased and the method of collection' is simplified. The second revision is the scrap- ping of corporate taxation schedules and all corporate taxes, save a gradu- ated income tax, which is to give special preference to smaller busi- nesses. The last step is the abandon- ing of all nuisance and excise taxes and the replacement of them by the direct income tax conducted on a broader base. Some of the most desirable changes are in the field of exemptions. Sal- aries of state employees certainly should be taxed, as the recent Supreme Court decision allows. The allowable deduction of $400 for chil- dren should be extended until the children are twenty-one, instead of only eighteen. For those who send their children to college, this time is the period of greatest expense. Necessary tax revision should not be hindered by the fears of alienat- ing politicians. Taxes, as they stand today in many cases, work directly I against certain groups, and assist in the formation of strong political fac- tions and machines that are unde- sirable in both their social and eco- nomic aspects. Too long taxes have been tossed on here and added there with the result that taxes have become burdens. Re- vision of the taxation system may not lighten the burdens, but it will cer- tainly throw the load upon those best able to stand it. -The Daily Kansan DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. ence, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, April 8. In adminis- tering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are considered freshmen. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued illness. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean. Students, School of Education: Courses dropped after Friday, April 7, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circum- stances. No course is considered of- ficially dropped unless it has been re- ported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. All June Graduates in the College of Architecture, Schools of Educa- tion, Forestry, and Music should fill in grade request cards at Room 4 U.H. between April 3 and April 7. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsibility for late grades which may prohibit gradua- tion. Students, College of Engineering: This is the final week for dropping courses without record. Signatures of classifiers and instructors should be obtained before Saturday, April 8. A. H. Lovell, Secretary. 'Students, College of Engineering: The final day for removal of incom- pletes will be Saturday, April 8. A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midseester reports are due not later than Friday, April 7. More cards if needed can be had at my office. These reports should name those students, freshman and upperclass, whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schoolssorucol- leges of the University, should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. '1 E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean. Students wishing to make applica- tion for admission to the Degree Pro- gram for Honors in Liberal Arts should leave their names in the Of- fice of the Dean of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts by 4:30, May first. Seminar in Analysis (Math. 302). Will meet Friday at 4 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Final Doctoral Examination of Mr. D. B. O. Savile will be held today at 9 a.m. in Room 1139 Natural Science Building. Mr. Savile's field of spe- cialization is Botany. The title of his thesis is, "Nuclear Structure and Behaviour in. Species of the Uredi- nales." Professor E. B. Mains, as as Chairman of the Committee, will conduct the examination. By direc- tion of the Executive Board the Chairman has the privilege of invit- ing members of the faculty and ad- vanced doctoral candidates to at- tend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. Final Doctoral Examination of Miss Violet L. Wu will be held today at 2 p.m. in the West Council Room, Rackham Building. Miss Wu's field of specialization is Physics. The title of her thesis is, The Infra-red Ab- sorption Spectrum of Propane." Pro- fessor E. F. Barker, as Chairman of the Committee, will conduct the ex- amination. By direction of the Ex- ecutive Board the Chairman has the privilege of inviting members of the faculty and advanced doctoral can- didates to attend the examination and to grant permission to others who might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum. Prospective Applicants for the Com- bined Curricula: The final date for the filing of applications for admis- sion to the various combined cur- ricula for September, 1939, is April 20. Application forms may be filled out in Room 1210 Angell Hall. Medi- cal students should please note that application for admission to the Medical School is not application for admission to the Combined Curricu- lum. A separate application should be made out for the consideration of the Committee on Combined Cur- ricula. Concerts Orchestra Concert. The University Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, Conductor, will provide a program of numbers by Schubert, Wagner, and Elgar, tonight at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill (Continued from Page 2) through April 19. The public is cor- dially invited. Exhibition of Paintings by David Fredenthal and Helen May, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Alumni Memorial Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March 24 through April 7. - Lectures University Lectures: Dr. Otto Heller, Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School of Washington University, St. Louis, will lecture on "The Meaning of Goethe" on Tuesday, April 18, at 8:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe- atre, and on "Ideas and Ideals Against Facts and Figures in Educa- tion" on Wednesday, April 19, at 4 15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe- atre under the auspices of the De- partment of German. The public is cordially invited. Events Today School of Education Seniors: A meeting of all seniors of the School of Education for the purpose of elect- ing class officers will be held this afternoon in 2436 University Elemen- tary School, at 4:10 p.m. Vocational Guidance Talk: Stu- dents interested in graduate work are urged to attend a talk to be given by Dean Yoakum of the Graduate School, to be held in conjunction with the regular Union Coffee Hour in the Union Small Ballroom today from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Dean Yoakum will speak on "The Value of gradu- ate work as a mean of preparing for the business world." Athena: Initiation and pledging to- day at 4:00 in the Michigan League. I Old members and officers please come at 3:30 if possible. Call 23159 if you find the time inconvenient, as we would like to have everyone there. Coming Events international Center Spring Vaca- tion: The Center will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily throughout va- cation. Saturday, April 8. Intramural night. Any foreign students and their American friends may make use of the Intramural Building at 8 o'clock p.m. There will be a swim- ming tournament for both men and women. Sunday, April 9. 7 p.m. There will be an informal social hour. There will be bridge, other games, and in- formal singing. Tuesday, April-11.. 8 a.m. The group will leave by bus for a trip through Jackson Prison, to a Battle Creek food factory and to the Kellogg Sani- tarium. Any students interested' in joining this tour should sign up in the office of the International Cen- ter at once-not later than Monday morning, April 10. Wednesday, April 12. 2 p.m. A basketball tournament will be played at the Intramural Building. Thursday, April 13. 12 noon. The group will leave Ann Arbor for a trip through the Starr Commonwealth for Boys at Albion. Any students in- terested in joining this tour shold sign up in the office of the Inter- national Center at once, or not later than Monday morning, April 10. Wednesday, April 12. 2 p.m. A basketball tournament will be played at the Intramural Building. Thursday, April 13. 12 noon. The group will leave Ann Arbor for a trip through the Starr Commonwealth for Boys at Albion. Any students interested in joining this tour should sign up in the office of the Interna- tional Center at once, or not later than Wednesday, April 12. Friday, April 14. 10 a.m. The group will leave the International Center for a hike. All foreign stu- dents and their American friends are invited to join. 8 p.m. There will be the usual recreation night, including games, bridge playing, and other informal entertainments. Saturday, April 15. 2 p.m. The Metropolitan O p e r a Company's broadcast will be listened to in the lounge of the Center. J. R. Nelson. Forestry Assembly: There will be an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation at 11 a.m. Friddy, April 7, 1939 in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building, at which Pro- fessor Adalbert Ebner of the Univer- sity of Munich, will speak on "For- estry in Germany." All students in the School of Forestry and Conserva- tion are expected to attend and oth- ers interested are cordially invited to do so. Senior Engineers: The last day for placing orders for the Senior Class ring is Friday, April 7. Orders and Lfitting are being akenn a rr Pat_ 4-