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April 06, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-06

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RaIn, probably some snow;
cold tomorrow.


Sir g


Two Schools
Toughen Requirements ..



Grier Elected
Vice- President
New President Promises
To Keep Senate In Line
With Student Sentiment
Stutz Turns Post
Over T4 Reichard
William F. Grier, '39, Progressive
Coalition, was elected president of the
Student Senate at the opening meet-
ing of the new session at the Union
last night. Martin B. Dworkis, '40,
Independent - Labor - Liberal, was
chosen vice-president and leader of
the Senate minority.
Upon his election Grier issued the
following statement: "I would like
to urge each and every member of
the Student Senate to enter eacn
meeting with an open mind and vote,
not according to preconceived dic-
tates, but rather on the basis of ma-
terial and evidence presented demo-
cratically at the meetings.
"There is no room for bigoted ra-
cial, religious or political prejudices
in such an organization as this, which
has as its main purpose representa-
tion of student thought on the
University campus.
"Every effort shall be made by my-
self and the Ways and Means Com-
iittee to formulate and direct the
policy of the Senate according to the
originally stated purpose of the or-
ganization, namely, to reflect campus
opinion on all matters significant to
the student body."
After the meeting Grier and Dwor-
kis announced the following com-
mittee appointments: Ways and
Means; Grier, chairman, Dworkis, G.
Robert Harrington, '40, Robert Perl-
man, '39, and Clarence Sahlin; Edu-
cation: John O'Hara, '39, chairman,
Paul C. Robertson, '40E, James Ke-
hoe, and James Tobin, '41.
Subsidization: Joseph Gies, '39,
chairman, Abraham J. Goodman, '41,
and Raymond Dwyer, '41; Tolerance:
Casimir Soka, '40, and James Ham-
mond, ' 40A, co-chairmen; Hugo
Reichard, '39, -Ethel Norberg, '40,
James Frankel, '41, and Harold Os-
terweil, '40; and Ensian Price Com-
mittee: Donald; Counihan, '41, Jack
Grady, '42, and JohnHulbert, '40.
Stimson urges1
U.S. Neutrality
e Revamped
Former Secretary Of State
Tells Committee ControlE
Should Go To Executive
WASHINGTON, April 5.- (/P) --a
Henry L. Stimson, former Republican
Secretary of State, demanded today
that the United States, for its own
protection, reserve the right to name
and boycott the aggressor in a foreign
"If I saw a dangerous situation ap-
proaching step by step," he asserted,
sharply rappiig his knuckles on the
table of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, "I wouldn't wait until it
killed off the last knight that stood
between us and safety before taking
economic action."

Stimson, with this statement, op-
ened what many expect to prove the
session's bitterest congressional bat-1
tle, a fight already turning upon the
question whether the Neutrality Acta
should be so amended that the Presi-
dent will have wide discretion in,
formulating this nation's policy to-
ward a foreign conflict.
Stimson argued that he should. The
present act, he said, had built up
abroad the false psychology that
Americans were insensible to cruelty'
and aggression and too timid to wish
their government to make decisions
which might be necessary ot their
future interest. The law, he said, had
encouraged aggression by nations
which have rejected the traditional
code of national behavior.
To correct the situation, he sug-'
gested that most of the Neutrality
Law be repealed, and that instead
the President, in the case of war
which threatens American interests,
be empowered to name the aggressor
and stop commerce with the country
named. He would not object, he
added, if such action were conditioned
upon the approval of Congress, but

Tau Beta Honors
Twenty Engineers
A t Initiation Rites
Twenty undergraduates in the Col-
lege of Engineering were initiated into
Tau Beta Pi, engineering scholastic
honor society, Tuesday night. Harry
M. Merker, superintendent of manu-
facturing in Parke, Davis and Co.,
was named an honorary member of
the society.
The initiates are: Richard M. Ad-
ams, '40E, Raymond H. Barnes, '40E,
Herbert G. Blumberg, '40E, C. Owen
Brodes, '40E, Joseph S. Cardillo, '39E,
David G. Cushing, '40E, Frank J.
Feely, Jr., -'40E, Charles H. Forbes,
'40E, Robert H. Jeffers, '40E, Edward
H. Lebeis, Jr., '39E, and Wesley R.
Powers, '40E.
Other men taken into the society
were: Fred L. Shands, '40E, Hadley
J. Smith, '40E, Robert R. Smith, '40E,
John M. Stone, '41E, Douglas P. Tracy,
'40E, Vaino J. Vehko, '40E, Ben H.
Vine, '40E, John A. Weller, '40E, and
James C. Wills, '40E.
Local Churches
Pl an Services
For Good Friday
Reverend John A. McEvoy
Will Be Guest Speaker
At St. Thomas Church
Ann Arbor churches will observe
Good Friday with traditional three
hour services from noon until 3 p.m.
Among them will be the union wor-
ship in the First Methodist church
and three hour devotions in St. An-
drews Episcopal church and St.
Thomas Catholic church. The Rev.
John A. McEvoy of the University
of Detroit will be the speaker at the
St. Thomas church.
All of these services will begin at
12 noon. Afternoon programs will be
held at 1 p.m. at St.. Paul's Luth-
eran church, at 1:30 p.m. t the Zion
Lutheran church and from 1 p.m. t
3 p.m. at the Trinity Lutheran
The union service to be held at
the Methodist church is arranged by
the Ministerial Association and will
include brief sermons based on the
seven last words of Christ. The pro-
gram will trace the last events in
Christ's life beginning with Christ
in the upper room and ending at Cal-
vary, through the use of music and
Sermonettes, based on the last
words of Christ will be presented by
seven ministers, each taking one word,
in the following order: the Rev. C. W.
Carpenter of the Second Baptist
church, Rev. Howard Busching of the
West Side Methodist church, the Rev.
Frederick Cowin of the Church of
Christ, Disciple, the Rev. Theodore
R. Schmale of the Bethlehem Evan-
gelical church, the Rev. H. P. Marley
of the Unitarian church, Dr. Edward
W. Blakeman, University counsellor
in religious education and the Rev.
Charles W. Brashares of the First
Methodist church.
Frankel Wns*
Jane Grills Places Second
In Inter-Class Tilt
James Frankel, '41, speaking on
"The Chicago Free Press" won the
first intra-departmental speech con-

test of the semester yesterday. Jane
Grills, '41, took second place with
her essay entitled, "Quiz Craze."
Describing Chicago as fed by the
most "prejudiced" newspapers in the
country, Frankel pleaded for toler-
ance of the "Chicagoan who seems
dogged in his political opinions."
The present quiz craze is just an-
other fad, Miss Grills stated in her
speech. Games played by television
will probably come next, she prophe-
Other finalists in yesterday's con-
test were: Beth O'Roke who spoke
on "Women Architects," Marvin Eger
whose address was entitled, "Another
German-Goebbels," Mary Meloche
who talked on "The University Auto
Ban," and Robert Baker who 'dis-
cussed "The United States of Eu-
Argus Camera To Reward
Technic Contest Winner

Danie Suits
Chosen New
SRA Leader
England Welds Halt Hitler
Ring With Poland; New
Axis Aggression Feared
Overnight War Scare
Created By Admiral
Daniel Suits, '40, was elected presi-
dent of the Student Religious Associa-
tion Council last night. Other officers
chosen for the coming year were Jean
Fairfax, '41, vice president; and
Grace Volkman, '41, secretary.
The 10 other menbers elected to the
Council are: Constance Bryant, '40,
William Clark, '42, Clayton Manry,
'42, Roberta Moore, 40, Frances Blu-
menthal, '41, James Vicary, '40, Leon-
ard Schley, '42, Herbert Leake, '42,
William Muehl, '40, and Jane Wilson,
Eight more members of the Council
are still to be elected; two represen-
tatives from the Hillel Foundation,
the Newman Club, the Protestant In-
ter-Guild Council, and the Oriental
Suits, who is from Kirkwood, Mo.,
has served as vice-president of the
Association during the past year. He
is the. editor of the recently-estab-
lished "Religious Forum." Miss Fair-
fax, from Cleveland, has been active
in the "Work Holidays" sponsored by
the Association, the Saturday Dis-
cussion groups and the committee on
racial relations. Miss Volkman, who
is from Brooklyn, N.Y., has been
acting secretary for the past few
The Council is the governing body
of the Student Religious Association,
and officers of the Association are
automatically members of the Coun-
cil. The new president is president of
the. entire Association as well. They;
take office after Spring Vacation.
With this election over a new sys-
tem will be used hereafter. Instead
of having thenew Council chose' by .
the outgoing one the Assembly,-a'
representative group of members of
the various committees and activities
at Lane Hall-and the outgoing Coun-
cil will jointly choose the new group.
U.S. -Turkey
Conclude Pact
Roosevelt Signs Letter
To Effect Provisions
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., April 5.-
(M-)-President Roosevelt signed a pro-
clamation late today putting into
effect a trade agreement between the
United States and Turkey.
He also signed eight minor bills,
seven of them relating to theDistrict
of Columbia. The eighth extends the
time for retirement of cotton pool
participation trust certificates.
The trade pact with Turkey had
been signed by representatives of the
two countries at Ankara on April 1.
Officials here said details would be
given out in Washington.
In addition to the proclamation, the
President sent a letter to the Secre-
tary of the Treasury authorizing him
to put the pact's provisions into effect.
The President's only other official
act of the day was the signing of a
proclamation setting aside May 1 as
"child health day."

Albania Calls Out Army To Resist
Threatened Italian Attack; Bri-tain

Fairfax Is Vice-President;
Volkman Is Secretary;
Name Ten Councilmen
Will Be Installed
Following Vacation
LONDON, April 5.- (P) -Prime
Minister Chamberlain staved off a
political crisis at home tonight and
carried still further measures to
throw an "anti-aggression ring"
around Germany.
British officials watched closely re-
ports of an impending military occu-
pation of Albania by Italy. They ad-
mitted the possibility Italy might be
working in harmony with Berlin in a
new axis stroke designed to thwart
Britain's "Halt Hitler" plans.
(In Belgrade, usually well informed
circles said Wednesday night that
Italy already had informed Yugo-
slavia of her intention to occupy Al-
bania and place the country under
Italian protection. Belgrade heard
Italy intended to begin occupation
during the night).
An overnight war fright created by
a speech by Earl Stanhope, First
Lord of the Admiralty, indicating
that the British Navy on Tuesday
took emergency precautions against
air raids, was dissipated in Parlia-
ment by an apology and an explana-
A request by Chamberlain that the
speech be suppressed, Parliamentary
discussion and a subsequent an-
nouncement that "the speech may
now be 'publshed" overshadowed for
the moment the British-Polish ne-
gotiations for a defensive alliance.
Polish quarters said tonight that
the British-Polish mutual defense al-
liance against aggression "became
effective" today after Polish Foreign
Minister Joseph Beck, Chamberlain
and Viscount Halifax, British Foteign
Secretary, had held their third talk
in two days.
Chamberlain was expected to make
an announcement tomorrow in the
House of Commons on the progress
Poland and Britain were said to
have "agreed on the principle of
solving the Jewish question in Po-
land with the hope that practical
measures will follow."
Strikers Resume
Dormitory Work
Work on the Union dormitory quad-
rangle project was resumed yester-
day when 70 workmen of the Local
Laborers' Union, No. 959 returned to
their jobs after intercession by agents
of the international union. The settle-
ment ended a two-day walkout affect-
ing almost 250 men.
The strike was called by the local
union Tuesday in protest against the
alleged failure of J. A. Utley Co., the
contractor, to recognize the wage rate
paid mason tenders and employment,
on the basis of union referral slips.
'Y7 -5"7

Off Home Political


Threatens Albania I

Mussolini Reported Ready To Force

Creation Of Additional Protectorate
TIRANA, Albania, April 5.-(P)--Albanian authorities said tonight that
they had taken "suitable military precautions" to maintain the tiny king-
dom's independence.
(In Belgrade, capital of neighboring Yugoslavia, reliable quarters heard
reports Wednesday night that Italy had informed Yugoslavia of her inten=
tion to occupy Albania and place her under Italian protection. It was re-
ported Italy intended to begin occupation during the night.)
King Zog and his cabinet sat up late tonight studying Italian plans for
strengthening a 20-year defensive alliance Italy and Albania signed in 1927.
Foreigners here, learning that Italians were leaving Albania in large
numbers, expressed considerable concern over the immediate situation.
An heir to the throne was born this morning to Queen Geraldine, and
this was accepted immediately by the country's simple inhabitants as an

Tutorial System
Applications Due
Monday,_May 1
Junior, Senior Students
With Average Of 'B' Are
EligibleTo Enter Field
Students wishing to apply for ad-
mission to the Degree Program for
Honors in Liberal Arts must leave
their names at the office of the Dean
of the literary college before 4:30
p.m. on Monday, May 1, it was an-'
nounced yesterday from the Dean's
About 100 students, with not more
than 30 of these from the junior class,
will be included in this plan. Ad-'
mission to candidacy requires that
the students have completed two years
of college work with an academic
average of B, completion of group'
requirements and special examina-
Applicants will be given interviews
with the Honors committee during
the first week of May. Subsequent-
ly, students will be asked to write
qualifying examinations in English
and one foreign language, as required
by the plan.
Students will be notified before the
end of the second semester whether
they have been admitted to the hon-
ors program. Those admitted will
report to the Board of Tutors in Sep-
tember, 1939 at which time the pro-
gram will be inaugurated.
Student Symphony
To Present Concert
In Hill Auditorium
The fourth in a series of free con-
certs will be presented at 6:30 tonight
in Hill Auditorium by the University
Symphony Orchestra under the direc-
tion of Thor Johnson.
The University Symphony, com-
posed of 92 students and now enter-
ing its second 50 years on campus,
is considered by critics one of the
finest organizations of its kind in the
country. The program tomorrow night
will feature Wagner's "Good Friday
Spell" from his sacred music drama,
"Parsifal," and will include Shubert's
Symphony Number Seven in C major
and Elgar's "Enigma," Variations on
an Original Theme, Opus 36.
An important part of the musical.
life at the University, the Symphony,
in addition to its series of concerts,
assists the Choral Union annually at
its appearance before the Christmas
Sliderule Registration
Voted By Engineers
The Engineering Council last night
voted to set up machinery for regis-
tration and identification of all eni-

Left Bloc Fails
To Put Leb run
Out Of Office
VERSAILLES, April 5. --(P) A
tumultuous National Assembly today
elected President Albert Lebrun to aI
second seven-year term despite op-f
position of Leftists struggling against
the semi-dictatorial Daladier govern-
Premier Daladier's campaign to
make the election a demonstration ofc
national unity during the presentE
European tension fell short .of thei
nark when violent Socialist and Corw
munist uproar greeted the result.
Shouts of "Resign! Resign!" followed
the announcement of Lebrun's selec-
Jules Jeanneney, president of the
Senate and presiding officer of the
National Assembly-the Senate and
the Chamber of Deputies-had ,to
close the meeting because of the up-
roar without giving the complete offi-
cial list of the votes.
With no serious rival, 67-year-old
Lebrun received 506 of the 910 votes
cast, the remainder being distributedE
among party favorites. Selection oft
Lebrun, who had expressed a person-1
al preference to retire, broke a half-
century tradition of one term presi-
Spring Parley
To Be Headed
By E rlewine
Campus Groups Approve
Plans; General Session
To Feature Faculty Men
Ralph Erlewine, '39BAd, former
chairman of the executive committee.
of the Spring Parley, was elected gen-
eral chairman at a meeting of repre-
sentatives of campus groups held yes-
terday in the League.
The Parley will be held Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, April 21 to 23
in the Union. The general topic for
the meet is, "The Student .Looks at
the '40's."
Members of the group, who chose
Erlewine by a unanimous vote, also
unanimously approved the plans for
the technique of the Parley. This in-
cludes proposals to select three facul-
ty members to address the general
session which will open the Parley on
Friday. Each of these men will pre-
sent his views of the 1940's as seen
from each of the viewpoints, conserv-
ative, liberal and radical. Following
this, the meeting will be thrown open
to general discussion from the floor.
On Saturday, the six separate panel
discussion will meet. Each will have a
chairman and a panel composed of
faculty and students. One faculty man
will present his views of the panel
topicsand what he expects in the
1940's. He will be followed by a stu-
dent speaker who will present the
student's viewpoint. The discussion
will then be opened to those attend-
ing and proceed through the after-
noon and evening sessions. Several
faculty men will also serve on the
panel to answer specific questions

occasion for a tremendous wave of in-
einse nationalism.
"We are a small country, butproud
of our independence," was a repre-
sentative comment. "We are deter-
mined to preserve it at all costs."
The Italian proprietor of Tirana's
leading hotel and his Italian staff
left the country after closing the
Demands Severe
As the cabinet studied the Italian
proposals, the belief spread that they
exceeded any concessions Albania
was prepared to mate, and that the
military precautions were taken on
this account.
Albania, a wild and undeveloped
country of 10,629 square miles and
a population of one million, has been
independent since 1912.
ROME, April 5.- W) -Reports
spread in. Rome that Italian occu-
pation of Albania was imminent to-
Foreign circles heard that an im-
portant announcement might be
.ade before morning.
There was an air of excitement in
the capital.
Negotiations Begin
ROME, April b.-(P)-Intense ne-
gotiations between Italy and Al-
bania were reported tonight as re-
ports spread through Rome that
Italian troops were ready to occupy
Albania at any moment.
Expectations of an imminent Itali-
an move in the Adriatic were height-
ened by a conference at Innsbruck,
Germany, between Gen. Alberto Pa-
riani, chief of Italy's general staff,
and Col. Gen. Wilhelm Keitel, chief
of the high command of the German
armed forces.
Though foreign circles heard an
important announcement might be
made before morning, there was no
official confirmation of any impend-
mng action against mountainous Al-
,ania across the Adriatic.
Inquiries at Brindisi, where Italian
troops are concentrated at the heel of
the Italian boot only 80 miles by sea
from Albania, brought the reply that
no soldiers had left the port.
Special importance was attached to
;he Italian-German military talks be-
cause of Pariani's connections with
Ministers Confer
(In Berlin it was announced Pari-
ani and Keitel would confer again
tomorrow at Innsbruck).
Gen. Zef Sereggia, the new Al-
banian minister to Italy, flew back
to Rome after a hasty trip to Al-
Usually reliable sources said he
conferred immediately with Foreign
Minister Count Galeazzo Ciano, pre-
sumably on proposed "strengthening
of the Italian-Albanian alliance"
which Italians say King Zog has re-
Sereggia was accompanied by
Francesco Jacomoni, Italian minister
to Tirana.
Albania, a rugged state of 10,629
square miles with 1,003,124 inhabi-
tants, has been under strong Italian
influence for years with Italy in-
terested both in a foothold on the
Adriatic's East coast and in Albania's
oil resources.
Testimonial Banquet
Given For Miss Leinbach

Wsar Cris is been tinlikely
If Albania, Is Invaded

Long Doubts Italy's Threat
Will Arouse Democracies
From Alleged_'Lethargy'
An Italian invasion of Albania
would probably not result in a gen-
eral European crisis, Prof. Dwight C.
Long of the history department as-
sured in an interview last night.
In view of the recent territorial
grabs by Germany, which evoked no
more than sharp exchanges of diplo-
matic notes, he explained, there is
no reason to suppose that the de-
mocracies will see fit to take action
now. Italy, sensing thisblethargy,
merely wants to "grab before the
stop-aggression movement affects
Italy," he added.
If Mussolini, always the opportu-

of Italy, as Albania and Italy con-
trol the narrow Strait of Otranto at
the mouth of the Adriatic. Regard-
less of Yugoslav frierdship treaty
with Italy, her position would be pre-
carious, he indicated.
No serious change in the general
European balance of power would re-
sult from Italian penetration of Al-
bania, Professor Long asserted. Al-
though Britain's foreign office has
made it clear that it would consider
such invasion a violation of the Italo-
British friendship pact, he added, it
has evinced no show of force to back
this stand.
No one can be sure now, Professor
Long stated, what Chamberlain's
next move will be: it is possible, of
course, that he may seize this op-
portunity as the propitious one to
stop the recent wholesale map altera-
tions; but, with France still reticent,

Contrary to the common belief that
Elizabeth Leinbach is in failing
health, Miss Leinbach appeared to
1.... , ..14. - 4.I


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