t and most important non-athletic activity
st college campuses is the student news-
Owned, edited and managed by under-
tes,it has often been called the most prac-
f all extra-curricular activities because its
embers receive training for future profes-
newspapering or (if headed for other
learn the valuable lesson of how news-
and public opinion are made. More
0,000 collegians labor on 744 college
spers. Of these, 55 per cent are weekly
s, 30 per cent are published less often
eekly, 9 per cent are semi- or tri-weekly,
per cent are dailies. On printing alone
spend between $2,500,000 and
),000 annually.
ent Roosevelt was a college newspaper editor.
is his name on the plaque in the Harvard Uni-
r "Crimson" office.
Campus news is gathered by reporters who'
visit all offices, attend student and faculty
meetings. Interviews provide facts for many
stories. Here Florence Colver, editor of the
Woodbury College Woodberries, is getting
news about the loan fund. Reis-Cunningham
Late news breaks are covered by
the telephone. Many editors check
stories by telephone to assure ac-
curacy in articles turned in by re-
Collegiate Digest Photo by Sheeline
In approximately 7 per cent of the college news-
papers, local news is supplemented with press as-
sociation wire news. Most of these papers serve as
morning dailies for the college community. Night
Editor Morton Jampel of the University of Michi-
gan Daily is taking the latest teletype flash.
Editorial and news policies of the papers are set at sessions like this one in the Uni-
versity of Michigan "Daily" office. Here staff divisional heads discuss their problems,A
determine the future policies to be followed. At these sessions the managing editor
or the editor usually tells staff members what's wrong with the last issue of the paper,
outlines improvements and revisions that should be made in future issues.
Policies set at editorial board meetings are combined with th
porters and feature writers by copy-desk workers who edit a
"make-up" all pages. The copy-desk chief lays out the page
what position shall be given to each story. Copy-desks like tI
Emory University "Wheel" are usually semi-circular, with th
in the "slot".
4ost important to the life of the college news-
aper is the work of its advertising and circula-
on departments, for their work pays the bills
- often leaving some left over for pay for staff
embers. Their chief duties are sol;citing ad-
ertising from local merchants, selling subscrip-
ons to students and faculty members, carrying
n correspondence with national advertisers
nid their national advertising representative.
kpproximately 60 per cent have no subscrip-
on worries, for that number are placed on the
istitution's activity fee ticket through which
:udents support all campus activities. Business
affs of the larger college newspapers are or-
anized in much the same manner as the pro-
issional newspapers, on the smaller papers
hey are most often just two- or three-man de-
artments operating from one desk in the edi-
Drial office. An increasingly importart busi-
ess staff activity is the making of buying sur-
eys among students
Advertising salesmen are trained in schools like this one being con-
ducted by Philip W. Buchen, business manager of the Michigan
paper. In these classes the salesmen are told what sales stories to
give to.advertisers, and are given facts and figures about student
buying gathered by the newspaper's research department.
Many papers offer advertisers complete layout Then the ad layout is taken to the customer for his approval. Salesmen are also trained to Subscription campaigns are usually con-
and copy service. Michigan Daily artist Toby help advertisers plan merchandising campaigns to tie-in with their advertising in the stu- ducted during registration periods. The price
Davis is here designing an ad for a prospective dent newspaper. Here the University of Minnesota Daily's business manager, Gar Od- ranges from $1 to $4 a year, depending up-
customer. This additional service to advertisers laug, is conferring with the manager of Perine s Book Store about his future advertising on the frequency of publication and the size
has increased the total advertising of the papers program. Leading local advertisers are school supply, clothing and service stores. of the student body.
Largest circulation ever attained
newspaper has been maintained
the University of Minnesota D
average daily circulation of 14,
Students get their copies in theii
Collegiate Digest Photo by Gol
* business and editorial staffs have fin-
eir work, the printer begins his impor-
of getting the type set, the headlines,
matter and advertising placed in the
forms, and the finished paper printed.
zr cent of the college newspapers own
n plants, so 61 per cent are printed by
:ial printers, 30 per cent by local news-
md one per cent go to other cities with
rk. Many papers maintain two editorial
one on the campus for the gathering of
ws and one at the printer's plant for the
nd editing of late news. Most college
ers are printed on regular newsprint
>ut 26 per cent use highly glossed
The college papers are keeping pace with the general publication
trend in using more and more news pictures. Many have developed
efficient photo staffs and complete picture-taking equipment. This
is the laboratory of the Harvard University Crimson, one of the first
to be installed by a college newspaper. This paper and many others
-give their readers spot picture coverage- Digest Photo by Harvard Crimson
The University of Michigan Daily is one of the few college papers that owns its own en-
graving plant, housed in its $200,000 student publications building. Photos taken as late as
11 p. m. can be engraved for use in the next morning's paper. This shop assistant is photo-
graphing a picture with the special engraver's camera. After he has photographed it on a
plate glass film he will "print" it on sensitized metal, bevel the cut, mount it and deliver it
to the make-up man.
Cuts, type and advertisements are assembled on the make-up man's
"stone'' for final placement in the page forms. Make-up men follow
the layouts furnished them by the copy-desk chief or managing
editor. On many papers students get actual shop experience by
putting the type pages together, as these staff members of the Val-
oaraiso University orch are doing. Collegtate Digest Photo by Plehn
After the forms are locked up and okehed, they are p
press and tomorrow's newspaper comes rolling off all re
tribution by carriers. This Duplex-Flatbed press in the
versity of Michigan Daily plant will turn out about 2,50
hour. Many of the smaller papers are printed on slower
are fed by hand.