CIE 1111CHIC-AN DAILY r THE MIChIGAN DAILY Filipino Student Charges Japan . ie tteni nds In ldei aendence Library Books nre Called n i Rn _Ir er V Ie11l 11 In accordance with the Regent's re i7atin that"f't~rat Th n Conant Describes Cluni Monastery ~~j the J\f 0 I& V 1.-!rrat"Gi 'Yat 9t A: I) w. fittished yesterday by lrof. Kenneth J. Conant, of Har- vard University's Graduate School of Design. By PAUL CHANDLER. Japan today is pouring thousands of its citizens into the Philippine Is- lands, is securing a strangle-hold on the island foreign trade, and may soon make a move to take over com- plete control of the Philippine govern- ment, Justo A. Matutino, graduate student from the Islands, declared in an interview yesterday. But the Filipinos aren't particular- ly worried over the possibilities 'of Japanese domination, Matutino said. Many of the native citizens feel that Japan would be a better imperial master than the United States, he asserted.I The Japanese are of a similar racial type to the Filipinos, they are located in a geographical position favorable to the islands, and they have an un- derstanding of the Oriental type of economic civilization, Matutino ex- plained. Japan has outdistanced all other nations except the United States in the race for hemp, sugar and tobacco exports from the Philippines, even though they did not make a bid for the trade until many years after other countries. Within the last few years they have taken over 35 per cent of the foreign business enterprise within the Islands. Island are admifing that Japai may make an attempt to seize the Philip- pines after they achieve their inde- pendence from the United States in 1946, Matutino said. One of the University of Philip- pine's professors is openly advocating Japanese control of the Islands, main- taining that Japan has a more sym- pathetic knowledge of the Oriental zed culture of the Philippines than the United States. This same professor also points to the geographical proximity of Japan to the Philippines, and to the steady increase of Japapese immigrants as reasons why domination by Japan is likely. Today, however, the Filipinos are mainly concerned with preparing their country for an independent existence when they sever their allegiance to the United States in 1946, Matutino ,stated. He said that one of the greatest problems facing the Islanders is to build themselves an economic system that will function smoothly without help or subsidization from American officials or business men. The Filipino government is working out plans for a reciprocal trade policy to be enacted with the United States. It will be designed to place trade on a 50-50 basis between the two coun- tries, and will replace the present agreement by which the United States sells more to the Islands than it buys. Another difficulty will be to find some means for the natives to shoul- der the tax burden which will fall on the Philippine government after 1946., The United States will withdraw its financial help gradually, and by 1961, the Island government will pay all its own expenses. A national defense program will also have to be planned. This is partly being taken care of today by a volun- tary army., Matutino is one of twenty Filipino men and women studying at the Uni versity. He is not subsidized by his government.- Today the Filipino government sends as many students to colleges in Japan as to -the United States. Flying Club Plans $50 Solo Project A project to solo members of the University Flying Club at $50 each will be initiated at a meeting of the club to be held at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union. Members of the club will also be offered a flat rate of four dollars per hour in the training ship. The pro gram is intended to begin this semes- ter. All students interested are in- vited to attend the meeting. Also included in the meeting will be a discussion of airport operation conducted by a Civil Aeronautic Air- port Investigator. Fountain Pens RIDER'S 302 S. State St. Typewriters je uann Aro fora n b Cease nce of more This was the second of two Universi- than a week must first return- all ty lectures given by Professor Conant, borrowed books," Samuel McAllister, who is a member of the Medieval associate librarian, announced that students still having books in their possession must return them at once. He added that failure to return books before the vacation will render the student liable to an extra fine, Any one who has special need for certain books between now and the beginning of Spring Vacation may retain those books by applying at the charging desk. Special permission to draw books during vacation, pro- vided they are not in general de- mand, may be obtained at the charg- ing desk. The General Library will be open during Spring Vacation as usual from 7:45 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily, with the following exceptions: the two study halls in the building will open from 10 a.m. to noon and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily and the graduate reading rooms from 9 a.m., to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily. The departmental libraries will be open from 10 a.m. to noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Sunday service will be con- tinued, Mr. McAllister stated. Organist To Play At Dark Thomas Curtis, '39, a student of Prof. Palmer Christian, and organist of the First Church of Christ Scien- tist, Ann Arbor, will appear as guest: recitalist Sunday afternoon, April 16 in the Duke University Chapel, Dur- ham, N. C. Academy for research excavations at Cluny, in the Rackham Building. Examples of Cluniac sculpture and, the rn-estorations of the design of the ancient monastery building were shown by Professor Conant. He de- scribed the Moslem influences on Cluniac architecture and the ad- vances, such as the pointed arch, which the medieval architects had in- corporated into the chapels. -I @Iy Lcmarr' Wants To Race All Turtles A challenge to Ann Arbor turtle- racers was issued yesterday by May- nard Cohen, '41, owner. of the East Huron Street champion, "Hedy La- mnarr." Cohen, who plans to enter "Hedy" in the National Intercollegiate Turtle Races to be held April 21 in the Uni- versity of Detroit Stadium, would like to establish a definite claim to the title "University of Michigan Turtle- Racing Champion." He invited all local turtle-tracksters to compete with his hard-shelled filly. 'King Pin' Is Published "The King Pin," a novel by Helen Finnegan Wilson, '32, winner of the highest award in the 1938 Avery and Jule Hopwood contest, was officially "released" yesterday by the Mac- Millan Company, publishers. Student Opinion PollI Uses h Gallup Mfh os not in the numerical statbstics derived from them, but from the analysis of what different "groups" on campus thought or did on the subject, Vicary said. To the question, "Should the University offer a course designed to prepare students for the problems of mariled life?" 90 per cent of the stu- dent body answered "yes:' This veri- fied the interest anticilpa ted by those persons who were planning the Mari- tal Relations Series last year. When asked, "Is there a need for more opportunities for friendly rela- tions with the faculty?" the affirma- tive reply was given by 80 per cent. The efforts being made by such or- ganizations as Congress, Union Cof- fee Hours, and SRA are considered, as "well-aimed activities" in filling this gap. The Bureau of Student Opinion has conducted five polls and has cal- culated a margin of error of less than 6 per cent. Its ultimate aim, now that a high degree of accuracy has been achieved, is to trace trends in student life and in their ideas through successive polls on closely re- lated questions. The results of these various polls, together with interpretations of them by persons qualified to judge them will appear in The Daily im- mediately after Spring Vacation. Pathologists In U i versity Hospital Attend :11'eetiing Dr. Robert J. Parsons and Dr. Carl V. Weller of the Department of Path- ology in University Hospital are now in Richmond, Va., where they are at- tending various meetings in the field of pathology and cancer research. Mexican Filn To Be Shown 'IO i~eCAdveniturie (Continued from Page 1) hostile natives, he was able to take films of every phase of their life: strange religious rites; the prepara- tion of rough "manta" cloth, made from tie fibrous bark 'of the helocin tr; the making of "balehe," their only fermented bevei-age; and the numerous hunting parties. Before beginning his overland trip to the Lacandone region, Danner took private instructions from a gov- ernment Maya expert at the Universi- ty of Mexico, Mexico City, for six weeks, a course which proved in- valuable to him during the next two months. Many harrowing experiences dogged the trail of the young adventurer after he had plunged beyond the fringe of civilization. His precious films were in danger of becoming watersoaked whenever his packhorses slipped in crossing swift rivers or treacherous bogs. His native guides were rebellious, and turned back, leaving him in an uncharted wilderness, even befcke they - were sure the Lacandones had actually been located. Then, when finally facing leaders of the wild tribe, Danner had the greatest diffi- culty in persuading them to allow him to live with the tribe. BEER and SKITTLES and other aspects of Ann Arbor. ... However. . ."-The Daily 25 cents at the bookstores. Contemporary Illustrators Influenced By America Ia =-r _... -riPisow xrvirRR I In CHICAGO Welcome Mich- gan Students! Every Friday -- College Nite Saturday and Sunday Matinee Dancing3:30 I I