. T.EMICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY N' 1. li Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Surnnir Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press ins exclusively entitled to the use for republication of- all news dispatches credited to it or, not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class nail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mlail, $4.50. RtPRFSENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AvE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGOSBOSTON" LOS ANGELES " SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 to do with the activities going on about the campus. This year an attempt has been made to present all activities of the campus in an inter- esting manner and in good placement. That this aim has only partially been fulfilled is evidenced by the more prominent positions given in gen- eral to those stories in which certain other edi- tors were interested; for example, the American Stident Union and the war in Spain. But that on the whole the paper has succeeded in present- ing student activities more completely was at- tested by the credit given the Daily for its cooper- ation in recent public speeches by the President of the Union, the President of Congress, and the President of the Interfraternity Council, and in a letter by the President of the League. There is, however, plenty of room for improvement in this field. The basic problem for the Daily is whether it is to be a strictly non-partisan paper represent- ing every student point of view or whether the group now making the greatest issue of censor- ship is to use the paper as a mouthpiece for cer- tain political, religious and racial propaganda, denying others the same privilege under the spurious argument that the paper lacks cohesion and strength because of a diffusion of editorial opinion. Metropolitan papers owned and read by members of certain political and social groups may be excused for playing up only one side of a question. It is not the function of a University paper, howeVer, to pander to only one section of student opinion. That a certain group of stu- dents having like social and political ideas has realized the possibilities of a controlled Daily as a means of furthering those ideas is evidenced by the lengths to which they have gone to intimi- date and coerce any of opposing beliefs and by the fact that conservative members of the stu- dent body hold very few jobs on the paper. This unhealthy condition of affairs undoubtedly con- tributed to the awakening of the conservatives and to their fight last Friday that won for them a majority of the new positions in the Student Senate. The managing editor regrets that he has not been credited with administering the paper ac- cording to his own personal convictions. Such, however, has been the case, which should have been proven.by the fact that he has not changed his objectives under the most unpleasant pres- sure. That he has not been able to accomplish more in his aim to make The Daily truly repre- sentative of all students and more completely non-partisan is due to the opposition of certain groups carrying their own banners. Robert Mitchell to accept the bitter a!Heywo od Brou n I have been reading recently of the tribula- tions of Martin Dies. It seems to me that he is sore at heart. And there are portions of his estate which are calculated to enlist the pity even of those who have criticized him. It is said that certain ones have smeared him. This may be so. The fact still re- mains that in other quarters he has been buttered. Wash- ington had his Valley Forge, and the Congressman from Orange, Texas, must learn with the sweet. B Managing Editor Editorial Director. City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate. Editor Book Editor-. Women's Editor Sports Editor . oard of Editors Robert D. Mitchell * Albert P. May10 Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitihenry S. I. Kleiman . Robert Perlmnan . . Earl Glman * William Elvin Joseph Freedman Joseph Gies Dorothea taebler * Burt Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . ,. . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager - . . Wi~liam L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Wo men's Service Manager , . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON C. JAMPEL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writer* only, The Editor Does Some Tel.ing.. MUSIC DURING the last few days the man- aging editor of the Michigan Daily has been under attack by certain pressure groups- on the paper and on the camPus. In justice to campus opinion, the matters that they have discussed should be brought into the open and discussed from another point of view. What.. has been said about the editor personally can be checked with the Board in Control of Student Publications. What has been said, ,;bout this year's conduct of the Daily, however, is most im- portant to every student in the University. It is significant in this discussion that the attacks have appeared in 'the "Left Review," publication of the Young Communists' League, and in the "Washtenaw Progressive,'3 published by the Ann Arbor Trades Council and other Pro- gressive Bodies of Washtenaw County. In the former, the comilaints of the anonymous auti- ors state that "he (the editor) kept continually interfering with the editorial matter, kept letters out of the Forum column, dictated the play of certain stories and censored others . . ." Some facts concerning these allegations should be made clear. In regard to the editorial censorship, it should be pointed out that of the approximately 195 editorials which have appeared since : last Sep- tember, 135, or about two-thirds, have been writ- ten by the group of editors who align themselves with the leftist or so-called liberal point of view on the campus as follows: Gies, 22; Kleiman, 20 Haufler, 18; Mayio 17; Perlman, 15; Swinton, 10; Jampel, 7; Petersen, 7; Schorr, 5; Fitzhenry, 5; Maraniss. 5; and Harris, 3. Of the some 60 remaining, 33 might be classed as conservative, including '14 by Mitchell. The others were con- tributed by many writers and in many cases were also of a leftist point of view. A quick survey of the editorial columns, therefore, fails to substan- tiate any claim of censorship. Arguing from a stand for freedom of speech, the complaint by the liberals is actually founded Oi the fact that the managing editor has attempted to give ex- pression to the many conflicting points of view existing on the campus, rather than allowing the leftists the sole right of editorial hobby-riding. There has been a further charge that a faculty censor is contemplated. When the present editors came into office last spring, they found that there was much agitation on the part of the faculty for an official director because of the many complaints that the paper was being used as a mouthpiece for certain,,pressure groups. The- present managing editor has been criticized for removing an editorial attacking this stand off, the part of the faculty. Such an editorial would have gone far to bring about the faculty adviser it was deploring, and who is not now being con- templated. -and might well have deprived the junior editors of the privileges of independent editorship next year. There is plenty of excellent student material for editors next year provided these men are not propagandized iftto destroying their own future. The second complaint, that "he kept letters out of the Forum column," is quickly disposed of by the statement that even the most interested ncrson could not! insist that everv letter- submi- By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Mozart: Die Zauberfloete (Complete Opera in 2 Acts, K.620). Sung in the original German. Issued by the Mozart Opera Society in two, volumes. Act I, in VM-541, 9-12", $13.54; Act II in VM-542, 10-12", $14.25. Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra,.Sir Thomas Beecham conducting. As a brilliant complement to the great Glynde- bourne sets of Figaro and Don Giovanni, Victor finally releases in America the first complete recorded version of Mozart's The Magic Flute. Only the spoken dialogue is omitted, and this, it is promised, will be printed in the set booklet. The music itself, which led Beethoven to call Zauberfloete "Mozart's greatest work," is entirely uncut. And though the whole runs to 37 record sides, it is comforting that Victor has priced the individual discs at $1.50 rather than at the usual $2.00. Even more comforting is the thought that, of all the isthandling The Magic Flute might have received at the hands of performers and re- corders, it has emerged in a brilliantly conceived and executed recording that leaves little to be desired..We have not heard every record, but there seems to be, no let-up anywhere in the superb work of Sir Thomas Beecham and the orchestra, from whom we have good, hearty Mozart, robust yet not affected. The ensembles, both orchestral and vocal, perform clean'ly and with eloquence. Of the Berlin Opera soloists, Erna Berger is outstanding as the Queen of the Night, singing her famous aria fluently and with satisfying ease. Tiana Lemnitz as Pamina, Wil- helm Strienz as Sarastro, Gerhard Huesch as Papageno, all give well-rounded performances. Helge Roswaenge, the Tamino, at times waxes vocally violent, but his performance as a whole is at least satisfactory. But throughout there is but one star-Mozart, whose music for this rather whimsical libretto is as dramatically mov- ing as it is melodious. Bach: "Triple" Concerto for Clavier, Flute, Violin, and Strings, in A minor. 6 sides, 12", in Victor Album 534, $6.50. Yella Pessl (harpsi- chord), Frances Blaisdel (flute), William Kroll (violin), & Orchestra, Carl Bamberger conduc- tor. Another "first recording" of a' work 'by a great master and therefore valuable to every collector, though, per so, the Concerto is hardly to Bach what The Magic Flute is to Mozart. In style it is another Brandenburg Concerto-ii fact, it parallels exactly the instrumental com- bination of the Fifth-and, if not quite as im- posing musically as its more famous brethren, it still is exhilarating Bach. Students will be inter- ested especially in the fact that all three move- ments are based on thematic material derived from the composer's earlier works--the Allegro and Finale both deriving from an A minor Pre- lude and Fugue for Clavier, and the Adagio fromn the corresponding movement of the Third Organ Sonata, in D minor. The performance, sorry to say, is far from meeting the demands of the music. (EIDITOWS NOTE: There have been everal Still, there is one factor in his situation con- cerning which he has reason to complain. "The Mikado" has been with us much of late, and sa we are all reminded of the unfortunate plight of the lord high executioner who was embar- rassed by the fact that he could not very well execute himself. And so it is with Dies. As chief investigator he is under the handicap of being unable to submit himself to cross-examination at his own hands. And that really presents a difficulty. He has been subject to accusations both open and covert. Like any other patriotic politician his natural instinct would be to answer by saying, "Summon me before the proper tribunal, and I will answer anything which may be asked without fear or equivocation." But as things stand the proper tribunal is his own committee, and it would look a little silly for him to shake a finger at himself and inquire, "Where were you on the night of Independence Day, Martin Dies?" But I think a way out could be found. Mr. Dies could ask to be relieved of his duties, only tem- porarily you understand, and in this interval he might pick a member of the House of his own faith and kidney to act as substitute. Then with- out fear or favor Martin could step into the wit- ness box, and answer some of the baseless rumors and charges which have been bruited about. The, public is curious to know, and I am sure he is anxious to answer. It has been said that the re- luctance of the Dies committee to make anything more than a perfunctory investigation into Fascist activities in this country lies in the fact that the chairman himself is sympathetic to Hit- ler's conception of Aryan superiority. Mr. Dies could answer that. And I am certain that he would be only too glad to tell America just why he permitted George Sylvester Viereck to take a long vacation in Germany instead of appearing before the Dies committee. And nobody but Dies is in a better position to explain why this distinguished friend of the Nazi regime has not even yet been summoned to tell of his activities, if any. Again the charge has been made that Mr. Dies and his associates blew themselves to a partisan fishing trip 3 i building up a hue and cry that Secretary Frances Perkins should be impeached. Representative Thomas, of the committee, did introduce such a resolution in the House, and not a single member of the bi-paitisan group -which looked into the matter voted to bring about impeachment pro- ceedings. They found no evidence. Mr. Dies, of course, would be delighted to explain that. And possibly the chairman in his role as a free and frank witness might suggest some check upon his idolitors who say that the committee dis- covered Communists in high places in the New Deal. Mr. Dies should either do that or give the names and the proof to back this sweeping asser- tion. So such material stands upon the long record. To be sure, there were those who were stigma- tized as "Communistic," but that loose phrase covers many sins and also many virtues. Tt is rather more wide than a barn door, and the steeds of many colors can be driven through the entrance to such an all-embracing barn. Indeed, a Philadelphia speaker recently declared that Monsignor John A. Ryan and Mrs. Roosevelt were "The reddest of the Reds." THEATRE By N. W. EDDY Persons who direct amateur theatricals in foreign languages are poor insurance risks, and so uncertain become their teinpers that they are poor insurance risks, and so uncertain become their tempers that they are shunned alike by friend and. foe. For braving these peills, and for making the Spanish comedy of Martinez Sierra such intelligible good fun, high praise should be meted the co-directors, Ermelindo Mercado and Charles Staubach of the University Spanish de- partment. Under their guidance, the cast of stu- dent actors made the misadventures of a straw hat on an August night provide both edifica- tion and amusement. The acting honors for the evening go to Mar- garet -Bryant, wlose petulant charm well matched the mood of the comedy. One wonders why her very considerable dramatic gifts have not been more frequently utilized in plays in her native tongue. She was given sympathetic support by Alfred Hower, as the jaunty and mellowly cyni- cal male lead. If the grandmother's 80 winters were carried a little too lightly by Janet Park, never have 70 years been shagged with more abandon than by Helen Lapitsky in the role of the family servant. A pleasant two-minutes were provided by Angelo Flores as a brash Don Juaii, 4AA4 114I1?s AF A Ego 80 r0ts (Editor -Note: what comes after sophomore? That's right: JUNIOR.) AS we take up our story of Looie again, we find him seated more; or less comfortably in a soft chair inI Room 302 Union. But, since it doesI not quite befit the majestic dignity of the Union and its accompanyingi steam-shovels to use the Palais Flautz appelation, "Looie," we shall hence- forth refer to him as Mr. Untermeyer. Mr. Untermeyer is a poet. And Mr. Untermeyer is an anthologist, which does not mean he is interested in the development of the human race, al- though he might very well be. This, much we assume you know. But, whatj you do not know is that this same! Mr. Untermyer, this poet, this anthol- ogist, is also a gourmet of no mean repute, which does not mean that he is of a ravenous appetite, although he night very well be, but rather that he is somewhat of a connoiseur in the1 art of preparing rare delicacies, such as ham-on-rye, chopped-herring-a- la-Minsk, and cream of lentil soup. So Mr. Untermyer is a gourmet or shall we say a chef-par-excellence. Yes, we shall say. So President Ruth- ven is having a birthday celebration ind decides to have a few friends out to his farm for dinner. So PresidentI Ruthven hears about Chef Unter- myer's proclivities. So Chef Unter- myer agrees to prepare the meal. Or perhaps it would be better to recon- struct the actual scene in which The1 Chef agrees to cook for The Prez. (The scene is President Ruthven's home. Tea cups are strewn all over the floor. Saucers too. In a corner are piled four students who took advan- tage of President and Mrs. Ruthven'sc Wednesday afternoon hospitality. LouI (Mr. Untermyer) and Alex (President Ruthven) are seated on the floor. The blocks are in an awful mess.) Alex: Now, Lou, anyone can tell you' that snakes are more artistic than1 poetry. Lou: Aw, gwan, whoever heard of making an anthology of snakes? Alex: Well, whoever heard of a poem in the grass? So there. Anyhow, to- day is my tenth birthday and I'ma having a little party. I would very much like you to come if you would bring the food. Lou: Oh, that would be delightful. I'll bring it, if I can cook it and don't have to eat it. . Alex: Fine. And please don't bring any poetry. Just the food.-. Lou: I won't bring my poetry if you don't bring your snakes. Hold on! Just a minute-I've just got an in- spiration for a piece in my next an-a thology-how do you like this: "I think that I have never known a snake as lovely as a poem." Alex: If I had a snake that smelled that bad, I'd sell it to one of the local1 restaurants. Lou: Okay. Never mind this small - talk about snakes; what about the meal? What shall I prepare? Filet mignon a la trochee? Puree of ana- pest soup? Salad Cesura? Creme det dactyl? Or liverwurst? Alex: How about snake chops? Lou: That's enough. I'll surprise you. No, no, don't coax me; it's going to be a surprise. SoChef Untermyer takes over the Ruthiven farm kitchen and. keeps everybody in the dark as to what the menu is going to be. So all the guests are seated around the table and every- body is wondering what rare treat The Chef is going to spring on them. So in marches The Chef in a bulging white apron and a flowing white cap1 carrying a tray. He puts the tray on the table and stands back with folded arms and a satisfied grin. So the guests look at the bowl in the middle' of the table and then look at The1 Chef and then back to the bowl. No1 one moves. The bowl is filled with beer, and goldfish are wiggling about with unsteady fins. So The Chef steps up and says: "It's absolutely the latest thing. A man at Harvard ate 42 and a Middle- sex man ate 67. Where is that old Michigan spirit? So they all went to the Hill Billy, Except the Chef and The Prez, who stayed behind and ate snake chops. OFF THE UNTEPIRMYER C l" Best young writers he met on campus: Elliot Maraniss and Harvey Swados, who are collaborating on a book reviewing American Literature since 1929 . . two most interesting women: Gabrielle Arison and June Harris, the latter whom he has never met but whose clever verse took his fancy as did Diana Barrett's (Moul- ton) "Beer and Skittles" . . . Kimon Friar takes down top honors in his estimation as possessing "one of the most alert young minds I have ever come across . . ." regards this visit as the most stimulating he has ever spent on any college campus . intended to find time to add a couple of chapters tothe book he is writing but was only able to finish a couple of pages - .- . -Junior his 6 ft. 4 in. of brawn capsized by an IJJJonent roughly hIalf his Ieft. (Continued from Page 2) ence, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, April 8. In adminis- tering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are considered freshmen. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continuedf illness. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean.] Students, School of Education: Courses dropped after Friday, April 7, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circum- stances. No course is considered of- ficially dropped unless it has been re- ported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. All June Graduates in the College of Architecture, Schools of Educa- tion, Forestry, and Music should filla in grade request cards at Room 4 U.H. between April 3 and April 7., Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsibility for late, grades which may prohibit gradua- tion. History 138 and History 140: The' Midsemester Make-up examination will be given Wednesday, April 5, at 4 p.mn., in Room G, Haven. "Psychology 34 Thesis writing will be in Room 231 Angell Hall, Wednes-{ day evening at 7 p.m." Students. College of Engineering:I This is the final week for droppingI courses without record. SignaturesI of classifiers and instructors should be obtained before Saturday, April 8. A. H. Lovell, Secretary, Students, College of Engineering:i The final day for removal of incom- pletes will be Saturday, April 8. A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Friday, April 7. Mores cards if needed can be had at myI office. These reports should name thoseI students, freshman and upperclass,I whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations.1 Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University, should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean. Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in English will be given this spring on the following dates: April 6, 2-5 p.m. American Litera- ture with Continental Backgrounds. April 29, 9-12 a.m. English Litera- ture 1700-1900. May 3, 2-5 p.m. English Literature 1550-1700. May 6, 9-12 a.m. English Literature, Beginnings to 1550. All those intending to take the ex-' amiations should communicate with1 me by April 15. Norman E. Nelson, Secretary. Committee on Graduate Work. Concerts Graduation Recital: Nancy Dawes,' pianist, of Big Spring. Texas, will be card in a graduation recital program in partial fulfillment for the require- ment of the Master of Music degree, Wednesday, April 5, at 8:15 o'clock, in the 'School of Music Auditorium. The public is invited. Orchestra Concert. The University Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson, Conductor, will provide a program of numbers by Schubert, Wagner, and Elgar, Thursday, April 6, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. The general public is invited to attend without admission charge. . Exhibitiois Exhibition, College of Architecture: The premiated drawings submitted in the national competition for the Wheaton College Art Center are be- ing shown in the third floor Exhibi- tion Room, College of Architecture. Open daily, 9 to 4, except Sundays, through April 19. The public is cor- dially invited. Exhibition of Paintings by David Fredenthal and Helen May, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Alumni Memorial Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March 24 through April 7. Lectures Miss Helen Bower of the Detroit Free Press will give the seventh of the Journalism Supplementary Lecture Series at 3 o'clock today in Room E, Haven Hall, speaking on the subject "Women in Journalism." The rmblic iS inv tr atre under the auspices of the De- partment of German. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Chemistry Colloquium will meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 300 Chem- istry Building. Mr. C. A. Murray will speak on Alteration of the Surface Properties of Charcoal and Carbon Black and Mr. C. R. Dutton will dis- cuss Built-up Films of Fatty Acids on Metals. Biological Chemistry Seminar, to- night at 7:30 p.m., Room 319 West Medical Bldg. "The Utilization of Carbohydrate - Intermediary Meta- bolism" will be discussed. All in- terested are invited. 1939 Mechanical Engineers: Mr. J. H. Belknap, Manager of Employ- ment and Training for Westinghouse will give a group talk in Room 243 at 8:30 a.m. today, after which ap- pointments will be made for irdividu- al interviews to immediately follow. "A New Car in a New World"-a preview sound motion picture giving advance information on a revolu- tionary new lightweight car soon to be commercially available. Rackham Auditorium tonight, at 8 p.m. Spon- sored by the University of Michigan Transportation Club. 'Admissiongfree to the public. University Girls' Glee Club: Re- hearsal tonight in League at 7:15. No rehearsal tomorrow evening. Bring eligibility cards. The Student Senate will meet to- day in Room 319 of the Michigan Union. All Senators should add to General Pending Business on .their agenda a resolution urging approval of the Michigan Daily staff's suggest- ed reorganization program. University of Michigan Flying Plub: There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Union. Mr. Aldous, C.A.A. airport investigator, will discuss air- ports and their operation. An important business meeting will be held. All members and others in- terested in the club are asked to at- tend. The Michigan Dames' Homemaking Group will meet in The Rackham Building this evening at 8 o'clock. Newcomers' Section of the Faculty Woinen's Club: All members are in- vited to a tea at the home of Mrs. A. Franklin Shull, 431 Highland Road today from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Coming Events Spring Vacation Tours: Foreign students and their American friends are reminded of the two tours during spring vacation which are being spon- sored by the International Center: (1) Tuesday, April 11, the group will leave the International Center at 8 o'clock in the morning to visit the Prison at Jackson. From there they will go to Battle Creek where the Kellogg Food Factory and te Battle Creek Sanitarium will be visit- ed. The trip will last all day and will cost $2.10. (2) Thursday, April 13, the group will leave the International Center at 12 o'clock noon to visit the Starr Commonwealth for boys at Albion. The trip will cost 50 cents. It is necessary to sign up for one or both of these trips by Friday, April 7, in the office at the International Center. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: Members who have signed up for the trip to Selfridge Field for Army Day, Thursday, April 6, will g eet in front of the East Engineering wuilding at 8:30 Thursday morning. School of Education Seniors: A meeting of all seniors of the School of Education for the purpose of elect- ing class officers will be held in 2436 University . Elementary School on Thursday, April 6, at 4:10 p.m. Education DIOO. Rehearsal Thurs- day at 4 p.m. in U.E.S. auditorimn for all participants in the Assembly. Please be prompt. The rehearsal will last 30 minutes only. Senior Engineers: The last day for placing orders for the Senior Class ring is Friday, April 7. Orders and fittings are being taken at Burr, Pat- terson and Co., 603 Church Street. Ask to see the ring which is on dis- ulay there, Because three weeks are required to make the rings, it is desired that work be started during Spring vaca- tion. May Festive Tickets. The "Over- the-Counter" sale of all unsold tick- ets for the May Festival, will begin Monday, April 17, at 8:30 o'clock, in the moria. atthe d-en prap i noir_, odf DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicatiop in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.lM.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. 4 I I 4