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February 14, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-14

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131r1 a


w and colder with
-y winds today.

The Witch . .
Let's Air
The Air Force .

XLIX. No. 94






_ _

Liberal Justice
Brandeis Quits
Highest Court
At AgeOf 82
Washington Speculates On
Successor To Judgeship;
Westerners Seek Post
Stephens, ,ratton
Are Possibilities

Up In The Air

Staff W riter Analyzes Gen. Franco 's
Position On Diplomatic Checkerboard

itzenberg Nam
Director Of Dorn
Under New Sstc

Series To Outline Effect
Of Barcelona's Capture
Upon European Powers

I .

WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-(P)-As-
sociate Justice Louis D. Brandeis,
noted defender of social and economic
experimentation in the field of gov-
ernment, stepped down from the Su-
preme Court today and into retire-
ment at the age of 82.
With characteristic simplicity, the
tall, ascetic jurist, whose gray eyes
have peered down from the bar of the
tribunal for 23 years, wrote to Presi-
dent Roosevelt in a one-sentence an-
nouncement of his withdrawal.
"Pursuant to the Act of March 1,
1937, I retire this day from regular
active service on the bench," he said,
(The Act he referred to enables
Federal judges who have reached the
age of 70 and have served 10 years to
retire at full ay. A Supreme Court
judge's pay is $20,000 a year).
Washington, torn for several years
by a deep-seated conflict between the
New Deal and its critics, reacted to
Brandeis' announcement with a spon-
taneous and unstinted expression of
praise for the Justice's achievements,
in which both camps joined.
And, just as promptly, came the us-
ual outburst of conjecture and specu-
lation as to who his successor would
be. Within an hour, Western Sen-.
ators were demanding that a Wes-
terner be given the place. The names
of Judge Harold Stephens of the Dis-
trict of Columbia Court of Appeals, a
resident of Utah, and Circuit Judge
Sam Bratton of New Mexico were
mentioned in this connection.
But, since President Roosevelt has
sometimes ignored sectional demands]
in his appointments, other possibili-
ties were not overlooked, such as So-;
licitor General Robert H. Jackson'j
Attorney General Murphy, and Dean1
James M. Landis of the Harvard Law
Varsity M lub
Is Successful
In I1stAppeal
Group Of Student Athletes
Assumes Importance
In University Life
An appeal from Michigan athletes
to end smoking at basketball games,
madeast night at the Illinois game,1
was successful for the first time where
countless other efforts in the past
have persistently failed.
'The appeal was made by the Var-
sity M Club through the coopera-
tion of Bob Canning, '39, head cheer-
leader. The club also announced its
plans for between-the-halves enter-1
tainment at future home games.
With the establishment of the Var-
sity M Club last November, the move-
ment for an organized group of un-,
dergradate M winners has culmin-
ated into a body that is rapidly as-1
suming an important place in the
extra-curricular life of the Univer-]
Composed of athletes who have
won their varsity M, the club was
founded at the close of this year's
football season by Ralph Heikkinen,
'39, Ed Kirrar, '38, Irvin Lisagor, '39,
John T'ownsend, '38 and Harold
Nichols, '39.
The first group that undergrad-
uates athletes have formed to pro-
mote their interests and influence the
course of athletics at Michigan, the
Varsity M Club seeks to establish
friendship among all M winner:" and
to form a medium for the expression
of the common sentiments of M men
in issues that arise in connection withl
athletics at Michigan.
Realizing that the Graduate Mt
Club was a loosely knit organization
that could accomplish little because
of its size and lack of unity, several

M winners, seeking to bring Michi-t
gan athletes and Michigan athletics(
closer together, started the movementt
several years ago. It was only lasti
fall that enough cooperation and in.-
terest could be found on the campus

With the fall of Catalan and Min-
orca to the armies of Generalissimo
Franco, diplomats, historians, journ-
alists and interested citizens of all
nations have been forced to change
and embellish the old diplomatic shib-
boleths and landmarks. The post-
Munich world belongs with the dodo
bird and the dinosaur, but the Mun-
ich mentality remains: the tramp of
marching soldiers and fleeing women
and children has echoed resoundingly
in the capitals of the world, creating
new fears of war, new uncertainties
on the jittery continent and new
puzzles for the rulers of destinies
to unravel.
The fall of Barcelona, the largest
city in Spain, an important port and
industrial center, was the match that
lit the fuse. Insurgent victory, rest-
ing almost completely upon superior-
ity of arms, planes and tanks, came
as the climax of a drive that started
last December. With all but one-
fourth of continental Spain under
their control, Franco and his advis-
ors, proceeding on the premise that
the war is over, have already begun
plans for the future organization of
the country.
From Madrid and Valencia, how-

ever, came notices this week from
Loyalist Foreign Minister Julio del
Vayo and General Miaja, military
governor for Central Spain, that
"despite the. gravity of the present
situation," the republican armies were
ready to "fight on for liberty to the
. The starting-point, then, for a sur-
vey of post-Barcelona Europe, and
for a summary of the foreign events
that transpired in the two-week peri-
od in which the Daily was not pub-
lished, is the position of insurgent
Spain. Previously General Franco has
declared that he sought to create a'
totalitarian state, after the German
and Italian models. The position of
Franco Spain in international af-
fairs is tied to this question of totali-
tarian control. Will Italy now with-,
draw her troops and leave Franco
to work out his own destiny? Or
will General Franco merely be the
head of a puppet state, controlled
and exploited by the Rome-Berlin
Italy has made several pledges tc
the British that she would withdraw
from Spain; but at the same time, the
Italian press has on several occa-
sions made no bones about the per-
manence of the penetration of the
Iberian peninsular.
The Financial News of London es-
timated in January that Italy has
spent 2,500,000,000 lira and Germany
(Continued on Page 3)

Chamberlain Infers That
British Recognition Of
Insurgents Is Imminent
LONDON, Feb. 13.-(;P)-Prime
Minister Chamberlain indicated to-
day that British and French recog-
nition of the Insurgent regime as the
sole authority in Spain was imminent
and defended British assistance to
the Insurgents in negoations for sur-
render of Minorca.
Under opposition questions in the
House of Commons, Chamberlain
refused to promise that the House
would be consulted before recogni-
tion of Insurgent Generalissimo
Franco, asserting sharply, "The Gov-
ernment must take the responsibility."
Britain, he said, was in close con-
tact with France and, with the situa-
tion in Spain changing so rapidly, he
could not give assurance against rec-
The French Council of Ministers
was expected to consider and perhaps
decide on recognition tomorrow. The
British cabinet may decide Wednes-
(A German information service,
Dienst Aus Deutschland, intimated
Franco had assured Reichsfuehrer
Hitler the Rome-Berlin axis comes
first in the thougĀ±. of the Insur-
gents as they look for connections
(Continued on Page 3)

New Director

Regents Select N:
As Board Of Gc
To Supervise l
Reject City's I
For Financi;

-'Enian Photo by Bayless
* * *
Illinois To Win
over Michigan
Harmon's 15 Tallies Keep
Wolverines In Running
Until Visitors Pull Ahead
Fresh from the tonsilitis ward, Il-
linois' brilliant Pick Dehner pulled
his teammates together in the final
minute last night to smother a threat-
ening Michigan rally and hand the
Wolverine cagers their fifth Confer-
ence defeat, 35 to 28.
"He's a sick boy," said Illini Coach
Doug Mills before the game after
which the Big Ten's best center pro-
ceded to make his mentor look bad by
playing 38 minutes of great basket-
ball-38 minutes in which he scored
16 points and proved to be just the
tonic to inspire his mates when in-
spiration was needed.
And in that second half, Doug
Mills' boys did need something. After
a see-saw first period which resolved
itself into a scoring battle between
Dehner and Michigan's Tom Harmon.
the Illini began to pull away as their
pivot man teamed with Bill Hapac,
another "sick boy," to run up a six-
point lead with eight minutes left to
But Capt. Leo Beebe regained his
eye to hit twice ar'i Harmon con-
nected once bringing the score to 28-
30 with Illinois clinging to that bare
margin desperately. Then their de-
fense tightened in the nick of time,
the Wolverine shots began to gotwild
(Continued on Page 6)
Russell To Speak
Here Saturday
The first speaker in a series of
three lectures on the subject of "The
Existence and Nature of God," Dr.
Bertrand Russell, prominent British
author, will talk at 8:15 p.m. Satur-
day in the Graduate School Audi-
In connection with this series, four
open forums are to be held at Lane
Hall, the first at 8 p.m. today, con-
ducted by Kenneth Morgan, director
of the Student Religious Association,
in which the problem of God will be
discussed as an introduction to the
Dr. Russell will present tl-e agnos-
tic's point of view on the question.
The following speakers, the Rt. Rev.
Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen and Prof.
Reinhold Niebuhr of the Union Theo-
logical Seminary will represent, re-
spectively, the Catholic and the Pro-
testant point of view.;

-- i Vvi1 Vi11 KGN Vu i f9$G +i)

Thousands Throng St. Peter's
To Do Homage To Pope Pius

Prof. Sanders'
Resigns Post
After 40 Years

Largest Crowd In Vatican
History Passes Pontiff's
Bier; Burial Is Today
VATICAN CITY, Feb. 13 -(RP)-
Ancient grottoes under St. Peter's
Cathedral were made ready tonight
to receive the body of Pope Pius in
a triple coffin.
Thousands on thousands of faith-
ful passed reverently before the Pon-
'tiff's bier in the vast cathedral while
workmen cleared an underground
vault for the burial tomorrow eve-
The stream of humanity that came
in the rain to venerate the Pope was
smaller than yesterday's great throng.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13--(R-)-
' Congress adjourned today out of
respect for Pope Pius after both
houses had adopted resolutions
expressing sorrow and shock at
his death.
But worshippers shuffled through the
basilica throughout the day.
The scene at the Vatican consti-
tuted the largest public manifesta-
tions of respect ever shown a dead
Pope in the cathedral, partly because
Rome has nearly doubled in popula-
tion since Benedict XV died in 1922.
Estimates of the number of per-
sons who had passed the bier first in
the Sistine Chapel and, starting yes-
terday, in St. Peter's, ranged from
nearly' 500,000 upward.
Trainloads of pilgrims came from
Italian cities and from outside the
Milan, where Pius XI as Achille
Cardinal Ratti was Archbishop be-
fore he became Pope, sent many pil-
grims. A large delegation came from
The burial ceremony tomorrow will
be broadcast to the world by radio,
but the public will be excluded, only
Cardinals and other prelates, the
Papal Court, the diplomatic corps,
Roman Patricians and other invited
dignitaries will see the ceremony.
Tl ,e body will be placed in coffins

of zinc-lined cypress, lead and elm
in the apse before the altar of the
chair where funeral masses are sung
for the late Pontiff daily, instead of
in the choir chapel, as were his pre-
'It was expected that the cathedral
would be opened to the public tomor-
row from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. prior to
the burial ceremony.
The ceremony will begin at 4 p.m.
(10 AM.E.S.T.). The Pontiff will be
taken from the open bier and placed
in the' inner, cypress coffin A brass
tube containing a script of the eulogy
recited at the burial ceremony and
copies of medals coined during his
pontificate will be placed at his feet.
Hoytmen Open
Indoor Season
Here Tonight

Dorms Will Hit
House Owners,
Figures Reveal
(Editor's Note: This is the first of a
series of brief articles on the dormitory
situation as it now is and as it will' be
after the new units are opened.)
Ann Arbor's landladies will be dealt
a staggering blow when the dormi-
tory units now under construction
are available for use.
The rooming house proprietors will
lose 16.4 per cent of their male under-
graduates and 11 per cent of their
women residents to the new dorms,
figures released by the President's
office reveal.
At present 444, or only 5.3 per cent,
of the men enrolled here live in
dormitories. The dorms trail fraterni-
ties, which provide 1,343 or 16.2 per
cent with residence; 750, or 9.07 live
at home, and 5,726-69.2 per cent of
the total-live at rooming houses.
Women students have a far higher
percentage of their number now liv-
ing in dormitories. Including Couzens
Hall, approximately 27.3 per cent
are dorm residents, or a total of over
960. Sororities take another 10.3
per cent or 364. Three hundred and
eighty-three, 10.8 per cent, live at
home. That leaves slightly over 1,807,
or 51.4 per cent, to the rooming
When the new program is com-
pleted there will be no change in the
figures for fraternities, sororities or
homes. But the proportion of men
living in dormitories will skyrocket
from 5.3 to 21.8 while the figures for
dormitory women will increase from
27.3 to 37.3.
Union Welcomes
New Freshmen
A reception for freshmen entering
the University thisrsemester will be
held from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. tomor-
row in the small ballroom of the
Union, it was announced yesterday
by James V. Halligan, '40F&C, Union
social chairman. The reception will
be held in conjunction with the cus-
tomary Union Coffee Hour, Halligan
The reception will climax a series
of official welcomes extended to the
new students during the past few
days, Halligan stated. On Friday, fol-1
lowing the routine conferences with
advisors, the freshmen were greeted
by. Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Clar-
ence Munn of the football coaching
staff in the Union. An invitation to'
the Wednesday reception is extended
to the campus at large, Halligan said.

Wolverine Squad
Is Favored To

Of 40

Nazi Trade In South America
Hurts Britain, James Declares

A squad of 40 men, the largest ever
to represent Michigan in an indoor
dual meet, will see action at 7:30 p.m.
today as the current version of a
Wolverine track team as presented by
CoachsCharlie Hoyt makes its debut
at Yost Field House.
A band of Michigan State athletes
and a number of Field House records
that appear doomed to fall will pro-
vide the opposition for Coach Hoyt's
newest aggregation of cinder stars.
The Spartans, who lost to Notre
Dame, 65-30 Saturday night, are not
expected to offer much opposition for
the Hoytmen but the evening's pro-
ceedings should serve to give notice
of just what can be expected of the
Michigan will not be at top strength
for the meet as Stan Kelley, who
tangled with a Union butcher knife
to the extent of a badly cut finger,
and Tom Jester and Norm Purucker,
who are handicapped by colds, are
not expected to face the starter's gun
in their specialties.
The Spartans are favored in only
one event, the 60-yard dash, in which
co-captain Wilbur Greer is expected
to repeat his triumph of last year, the
only victory State was able to sal-
vage from the 681/2-26% rout.e
Leading, the parade for Michigan
will be the ever dependable Big Bill
Watson, who will be shooting for his
own indoor Michigan and Field House
record of 51 ft. 2% in. Michigan
State's Kiljon, Bremer and Bruckner
are not expected to push the Wolver-
(Continued on Page 6)
Grades For Lit Students
To Be Ready Thursday

Prof. Henry A. Sanders, '90, whos,
retirement after more than 40 years
of active service as a member of the
Latin and Speech departments was
announced last week, will leave to-
morrow with his wife and daughter
for a vacation cruise to the West
Indies and to Central and South Am-
erica. Prof. Gail E. Densmore has been
named by the Board of Regents to
succeed him as head of the speech
Holder of two degrees from the
University, Professor Sanders has
been on the faculty almost continu-
ously ,since 1893, when he became an
instructor in the Latin department.
In 1915-16 and again from 1928 to
1931 he was given leave to accept a
postion as director of the Classical
School of the American Academy at
Rome. Upon his return in 1932 he
was named chairman of the Depart-
ment of Speech and Linguistics, a
position he has held until the present
Professor Sanders is well-known
for his research on papyri and an-
cient manuscripts. In 1931 he was
chosen by the Archeological Society
of America to deliver its annual series
of Charles Elliot Norton'lectures, be-
coming the second American to be
thus honored by the organization.

A new administrative organization
linking all present and projected dor-
mitories with Prof. Karl Litzenberg
of the English department as direc--
tor was announced by the Board of
Regents between semesters,
Regents also rejected a request
from the City of Ann Arbor that
the University contribute toward the
support of city services. Through a
letter to the City Council from Presi-
dent Ruthven, the town was informed
that the contribution could not be
made. No explanation was given for
the action although President Ruth-
ven offered to present an explana-
tion to a Council committee at their
Mrs. Ellen S. Stanley will retain
her post as business manager of the
dormitories, it was announced.
Board Of Governors
A board of governors of nine mem-
bers was named to supervise in resi-
dence halls, under the chairmanship
of Dean H. C. Anderson, director of
student-alumni relations. Ex-officio
members will , include Shirley W.
Smith, vice-president and secretary
of the University; Prof. Joseph A.
Bursley, dean of students; and Miss
Alice C. Lloyd, dean of women.
Other members of the board will
be Prof. Carl G. Arandt of the speech
department, Prof. John W. Eaton of
the German department, Prof. Charles
L. Jamison of the business adminis-
tration school, Prof. Roger L. Morri-
son of the engineering college, and
Prof. Margaret E. Tracy of the eco-
nomics department. Terms will be on
a three-year basis.
In addition, each "house" or In-
dividual dormitory unit will have 4
director, student advisors, proctors
and the necessary housekeeping force.
The Michigan house plan, as drawn
up, is designed to give the student
"experience in communal living" and
"informal training in the enrichment
of personality" necessary "If he is to
become a citizen of the world," ac-
cording to Dr. Frank E. Robir.:
assistant to the presdent of the Ui,
Have Individuality
Despite the centralized adminis-
tration of all dormitories, continued
effort will be made to give each hous
a distinct individuality, Dr. Robbins
said. To make the houses "homes In
the best sense of the word," the Uni-
versity 'will seek to provide art ob-
jects, browsing libraries, cultural
stimuli as soon as possible.
With two exceptions, all names be-
stowed on new residences at this time
will honor individuals prominent In
the University's history.
Besides Allen and Rumsey houses,
already in use, the Michigan Union
quadrangle for men will include seven
other "house" units.
The dormitory located on the cor-
n(j. of Thompson and E. Madison
Sts. will bear the name of Robert
Mark Wenley for the late professor
of philosophy whose home was not
far distant. The central dormitory
on Thompson Street and thetwo4
top floors over the central commons
will have the title of "Michigan
Adams Hos
Next to the north along Thompson
Street will be Henry Carter Adam
House, named for the noted profes-
sor of political economy and finance
who died in 1921. The unit on the
northwest corner of the quadrangle
will be called tentatively "Chicago
House" in recognition of efforts o,
Chicago alumni, to raise funds for a
future dormitory unit.
Alfred Henry Lloyd, former pro-
fessor of philosophy, dean of the
graduate school and one-time acting
president, will be honored in the nam-
ing of the northeast hall. Along the
eastern side of the quadrangle are
two units which will be named for
Alexander Winchell, teacher pf many
sciences in the early days from 1853

to 1891, and George Palmer Williams,
a member of the first University
faculty in Ann Arbor.
The new women's dormitory south
of Mosher-Jordan Hall is to be known
Ac 'M n. arm Tni-i C abr-nll ff ,1

The increase in volume of German
trade in South America is at the ex-
pense of the United Kingdom and
her dominions, not the United States,
Prof. Preston A. James of the geo-
graphy departme:t declared in an in-
terview yesterday. In fact, he said,
American trade is actually expanding
in Latin America.
"When we speak of economic pene-
tration of South America by Nazi?
Germany, we sadly neglect some of
the major facts and issues involved
in Latin American commerce," he
We must realize. he nointed nut.

other hand, the tropical countries,
such as Brazil with its large coffee
and cacao exports to the United
States, attempt to maintain a very
warm relationship to the United
It cannot be expected, however,
that we should import cotton from
Brazil when we, ourselves, have a
surplus of cotton at home. Brazilian
cotton, therefore, must be exported
to those nations, such as Japan and
Germany, who have very little raw
materials at home and are willing to
exchange their manufactured goods
for the raw materials of South Ameri-r
ca. Germany by her system of aut-

Student Committee To Support
Connable Candidacy For Regent

With Harry Kipke, former foot-
ball coach, and half-a-dozen other
candidates already working for the
two Republican nominations to the
Board of Regents, the race took an-
other turn last week when Ralph
Heikkinen, '39, All-American foot-
ball star, announced formation of a
student committee which will active-
ly suport the candidacy of Alfred
Connable of Ann Arbor.
The committee is composed of
T-Teikkinen Philin W .:phewhn '1T.

"He has not been out of college so
long as to find it difficult to under-
stand student problems. He has
shown an enthusiastic and continued
interest in University problems, show-
ing a spirit of tolerance and an un-
derstanding of student needs."
"He appreciates the viewpoints of
the undergraduates, alumni, Univer-
sity administration and the people of
the state who make the University

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