Weather ing temperature today; to- morrow continued fair. giltPian IX. No. 98 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEB. 18, 1939 z luthven Flays Jniversities Which Strive or u bicity takes Plea For 'Sound' News That Tells Real Story Of Our Colleges peaks To Alumni In New York City NEW YORK CITY, Feb. 17.-(Spe- I to The Daily)-Striking at insti- ions of higher learning whose of- ials win cheap publicity by "dis- rering" new educational plans or declaring professors are narroiw- nded and students primarily in- ested in sex or communism, Presi- it Ruthven made a plea tonight for md, interpretative news which tells true story of university activity. Speaking before a formal banquet the University 6f Michigan Club of w York, Dr. Ruthven declared that is one of the inconsistencies of social order that we legislate Lainst medicine men who' may en.- iger our physical well-being and at same time encourage educational rlatans anal careerists whose nos- ms menace our efforts to improve r minds." Ridicules Publicity Stunts en. Burton K. Wheeler, '05L, of ntana was second speaker on the gram. Lyman Bryson, '10, profes- of education at Teachers' College, lumbia University, acted as toast- ster. Vothing is more simple, useless, : at the same time more dangerous an institution of higher learning to notice in public print designed promote "sale" of the university to public, to potential students and potential benefactors, Dr. Ruthven Relief Problem Demands Sound EconomicPlanning Greatest Portion Of Unemployment Load Will Remain Even When Prosperity Returns, Declares Writer (Editor's Note: This is the first of a series of articles written in collabora- tion with members of the economics department dealing with the problem" of relief in America.) By JACK CANAVAN America today is a nation on relief. Victims of economic forces seem- ingly beyond control, 21,947,000 per- sons representing some 6,854,000 households are public dependents and one person in six looks to the govern- ment in staving off starvation. If all the able-bodied unemployed were to find jobs tomorrow, it is estimated, three-quarters of this re- lief load would yet remain. Clearly this transcends mere emergency treatment, and experts agree, a sound long-range campaign to attack the problem is in order. That the burden of relief is still being shouldered in a temporary, make-shift fashion seems self-evi- dent. For the most part, this terrific burden of dependency has been treated on an emergency basis. The federal share of the cost of relief has not been written into the regular budget to be met through taxation but has been financed with borrowed money. Within the states the financ- ing of relief has been even less cer- tain and in many the relationship be- tween state and local units appears hopelessly confused.: The result, of course, is terrific waste of public funds through over- lapping, uncoordinated administra- tion, and, perhaps more important, needless suffering where local facili- ties are inadequate. In the background lurks the old bogey: the business man's chronic fear of an unbalanced federal budgetaand consequent reluc- tance to embark on new ventures. From this predicament springs what many believe to be a vicious para- dox: unemployment relief, as financed today on an emergency basis, entails vast government borrowing; such borrowing, many argue, undermines business confidence in profit expect- ations, and loss of confidence, in turn, means curtailed investments, reduced production and resulting armies of unemployed swelling the relief rolls. The effect of this tremendous bur- den can scarcely be exaggerated. The total cost of public relief between 1933 and, 1937 was set by the U. S. Senate Committee on Unemployment Relief at $13,500,000,000, of which ten billion dollars came from the federal treasury and $3,500,000,000 from state and local sources. For 1937 alone, the total relief bill was estimated by the committee at $3,122,000,000, about two-thirds of which was furnished by the federal government. This represents 'about seven per cent of the national income. Obviously this is a staggering load for any economy to bear. Yet any re- duction, under the present set-up, would mean human suffering and human costs intolerable in a civilized society. The reiedy, economists agree, (Continued on Page 6) S Highway Men Given Warning Of Slim Budget Prophesying that he could get na- nal publicity on an educational pan" which would have studentssen- ras freshmen and graduates as sen- 's provided pictorial magazines uld illustrate it "with snappy photo- aphs of shapely drum majorettes," Ruthven said that only transitory ins could result.0 .ontributions which came in would >resent temporary enthusigsm and t a growing understanding of the als and needs of the institution, blic interest would prove of little .ue and students attracted would )bably be undesirable, he stated. Stop Cheap Exploitation 'The inherent weakness of this >e of publicity for institutions of her education is that it continually is the college short . . . Those who uld place (these institutions) in position of competitors or attempt exploit education as if it were a ent medicine either fail to appre- te schools as places where people icate themselves or are guilty of worst kind of quackery." ?ublicity which explains the na- e and uses of education scientifi- ly and sanely, however, is extreme- lesirable. he told the alumni gath- 1g. Such publicity entails publi- ion of the results of staff members' dies and keeps before the world successes of specific institutions measured against the ideals of an egrated and comprehensive phi- >phy of education, uch publicity is necessary to cre- and build for a university a read- and listening public, Dr. Ruthven lared. This public, which should perly center in the alumni, pro- es a fundamental interest in the ool and educational movements t ; is not deceived by "the surface, rents temporarily set up in 'the at pool of human thought by the, .d of agitators and self-advertis- Callaghan Tells Republican Attitude As Three-Day Conference Is Concluded Rural road improvement faces a stiff battle for additional funds in this "economy-minded" State Legis- lature, Sen. Miles Callaghan of Reed City, declared in a panel discussion on Farm and Resort Service Roads at the closing session of the 1939 High- way Conference yesterday in the Union. To meet this obstacle of obtainirg more money for secondary roads, Chippewa County Engineer L. F. Levin suggested a property tax would seem the only way to attain lthe much-needed improvement discussed by Senator Callaghan. Stanley M. Powell, legislative coun- sel for the Michigan State Farm Bureau, and W. G. Armstrong, former national president of the Rural Mail Carriers Association, pointed out that doctors, mail carriers and school buses are often unable to go through and not caring for secondary roads con- stitutes a definite menace to public safety and progress. The use of sand treated with cal- cium chloride was advocated by Genesee County Engineer John H. Dennis as a more effective and eco- nomical method of combatting the. problem of icy roads. U.S. Protests Japan' sTaking Hainan Island Joins With France And Great Britain In Protestj Against Her Occupation TOKYO, Feb. 17.-(I)-The Unit- ed States again joined France and Britain in parallel action in the Far East today when Ambassador Joseph C. Grew asked for an explanation of Japan's occupation of Hainan Island off the South China coast. A. forign .office spokesman said Foreign Minister Hachiro Arita re- plied to Grew in the same manner as he had to similar questions within a few days from the French and British ambassadors. His reply was that occupation of the island, 750 miles west of the Philippines, was "intended to streng- then the Japanese blockade of the South China coast and is not going beyond requirements of military necessity." (In Washington a State Depart- ment official said that Grew acted on State Department instructions and' that his inquiry was to be of a politi- cal nature. (Under-Secretary of State Sumner Welles said Grew reported he had received a repetition of former state- ments that Japan has no territorial ambitions in China and that her oc- cupation of Hainan would not go be- yond military necessities). Varsity Tank Team Renews O.SU. Rivalry Buckeyes Out To Revenge Tie In Last Meet; Team Balance To Decide Tilt Tomski's Return Aids Wolverines By MEL FINEBEG COLUMBUS, O.-Special to The Daily-Michigan and Ohio State will renew the warmest swimming feud in America at 4 p.M. today in the spacious Ohio State Natatorium amidst a tension created by innuen- does, insinuations and rampant title- hopes. Ohio State has taken this meet seriously and hopes to make it a very happy afternoon by finishing in time for a supper of Wolverine meat. The Buckeyes are still seething over Ahe judge's decision which gave Michi- gan a free-style relay victory and en- abled the Wolverines to eke out a 42- 42 tie. Inflamed by editorial com- ment in local papers, the Bucks are seeking revenge. Want Decisive Victory Balm for their wounded eg will come only if they are able to salvage a decisive victory in their home pool. It is interesting to note that Clarence Pinkston, against whom Ohio direct- ed so much criticism. for his part in the last meet, has been asked to be a judge today. But retribution seems a little be- yond Ohio State potentialities. The return of the Detroit native, Walt Tomski, appears to have strengthened the Wolverines so that Matt Mann can distribute his team power more strategically. It is team balance that will ulti- mately decide the meet. A majority of the first place winners can be de- termined before the meet. Al Patnik and Johnny Higgins should win the dive and breast stroke respectively for Ohio; Tom Haynie or Jimmy Welsh can win both of the distances and Walt Tomski, Bill Beebe, Charley Barker and Bill Holmes are all cap- able of winning the 50. Two Events Doubtful The doubtful events are the back stroke, the 100-yard free style and both relays. In the last meet, Ohio's Harold "Curley" Starihope whipped Charley Barker and Bill Beebe in the1 new I-M Pool record of 1:38.7. If either or both of the Michigan sopho- mores can whip the Buckeye hope, the entire complexion of the meet will be changed.- In the century, the two best hun- dred men in the country will tangle with the important first place points possibly deciding the meet. Quayle had no competition here on Jan. 20, a situation which no longer exists. (Continued on Page 3) Student Control Of Dartmouth Daily Is Assured Arbitration Committe e's Report Ends 18-Month Battle Over Ownership HANOVER, N.H., Feb. 17-(Special to the Daily)-An 18-month contro- versy between the administration of Dartmouth College and the editors of The Dartmouth over the ownership and control of the student "daily has apparently ended with a settlement that assures a student-owned and administered newspaper. The settlement came about through President Ernest Hopkins' acceptance of the recommendations made by a three-man arbitration committee con- sisting of Dean of Freshmen Robert C. Strong and O'Brien Boldt, '39, former editor-in-chief of The Dart- mouth, who chose as the third mem- ber and chairman of the committee, Maurice S. Sherman, '94, editor of the Hartford Courant. Under the terms of the agreement, the corporation stock of the paper, now held by the editor-in-chief, the business manager and a Maine attor- ney, will be turned over to an eleven- man board of proprietors to consist of the top-ranking four members of the editorial staff, the top-ranking three members of the business staff, "a member of the college faculty to be appointed by the faculty, an ad- ministrative officer of the college to be appointed by the President, a member of Palaeopitus (student hon- nrarv oranization) tn h ehnsn by Azana Urges Speaks ere Today Peace Terms With Franeo Spanish President Admits That Further Resistance Will Prove 'In Vain' Loyalists Ask For Clemency Promise PARIS, Feb. 17.- (P) --Manuel Azana, President of Government Spain who has pleaded the futility of further resistance to Insurgent Generalissimo Francisco Franco, was reported tonight to have demanded BERTRAND RUSSELL that his Government make peace on*# any terms. Azana again conferred with For-Author I il eing Minister Julio Alvarez Del Vayo Author s and was believed still trying to per- suade him to abandon further de- Wil Be Heard fense of the one-fourth of Spain the Government still holds. An aide ofwid the President said Azana had insist- ed "resistance in vain." Informeddiplomatic quarters said Noted British Philosopher were pushing peace negotiations at To Lecture On Space Franco's capital, Burgos. Alvarez And Problem of God Del Vayo, who flew here from ov- erment Spain, apparently was wait- ing for the outcome of the reported Bertrand Lord Russell, ndted Brit- negotiations. ish author and philosopher, will de- It was believed they were being liver two lectures at 11 a.m. and 8:15 carried on as closely as possible on p.m, today in the Graduate School the lines of Spanish Governmen Auditorium. His first lecture, "Space Premier Juan Negrin's "three points," altered only to eliminate his demand in Modern Philosophy and Physics," for a plebiscite to let the people of will be presented under the sponsor- Spain decide what kind of govern- ship of the philosophy department, ment they want, and the second, "The Existence and Insurgent assurances to Britain, Nature of God," in which he will pres- diplomats said, apparently have sat- ent the agnostic's view of the prob- isfied another of Negrin's conditions lem, will be one of a series of three for surrender, his demand for dis- on that general subject, sponsored by missal of foreign soldiers from Spain the Student Religious Association. No and for a regime free of foreign in- admission will be charged for either fluence. lecture. Succeeding lectures on the SRA U. S. Refuses Recognition series will be delivered Friday by The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen of WASHINGTON, Feb. 17.-(A)-The the Catholic University of America United States will not recognize Gen- and Thursday, March 2, by Prof. eral Franco's Government for the Reinhold Niebuhr of Union Theologi- time being and sees. no necessity for cal Seminary. a precipitous decision on the ques Lord Russell began his philosophic tion. activities at the turn of the century This official attitude was disclosed With a study of GMerman Social De- today by Sumner Welles, Undersecre- \octhyanth publGsrmng ofi - tar ofStaewho also said at a press mocracy and the publishing of his tary of State, whoaso prssy"Philosophy of Leibnitz." In the conference there was no possibility succeeding 10 years he turned his at- of joint Pan-American action on tention to mathematics to find if recognition,_ _there w ere valid reasons for regard - ing , mathematics as true, and his " "Principia Mathematica," published Romie Awaits in 1910 was the result of the long years of research. .,S.Cards Convinced that man's public duty is toward mankind as a whole, Lord Russell, at the close of the war left Will ,Be First Americans the purely academic life and turned -eehis attention to world problems. To Vote In Election Works on Soviet Russia, China, rela- ROME, Feb. 17-4M)-Dennis Card- tivity, the atom, industry, education inal Dougherty, Archbishop of Phila- (Continued on Page 2) delphia, and George Cardinal Mun- Hitler Don't 'Low No delein, Archbishop of Chicago, are ex- pected to arrive here tomorrow night, Reckless Drivin' There the first American Cardinals ever to reach Rome in time to vote in the election of a Pepe BERLIN, Feb.,, 17.-(3)-Reihs- fuehrer Adolf Hitler set 50 miles an United States embassy officials to- hour today as the proper top speed for night completed arrangements to re- good Nazis on German highways and ceive the prelates. called reckless driving a "crime Today, o4e of official mourning for against the nation." all Italy fIr the death of Pope Pius Opening the 1939 automible show, XI, Premier Mussolini and his min- he also announced that: "Raw ma- isters, King Vittorio Emanuele and terials we used to import from abroad Queen Elena attended a special fune- no longer are necessary to us even if al mass in the 340-year-old church of they are unrestrictedly at our dis- Sant' Andrea Della Valle. posal" because of successes in the The sixth of the nine consecutive four-year plan for self-sufficiency. funeral masses was sung in St. Peter's. Speaking in the exhibition hall be- Cardinals will celebrate the final fore Nazi officials, manufacturers and three-Angelo Maria Cardinal Dolci' workers, the Fuehrer promised that the first tomorrow and Alessio Cardi- "road gangsters, highway bandits, car nal Ascalesi, Archbishop of Naples, stealing and murderers" would be next on Sunday. eradicated mercilessly. Health Service Is Swamped As Epidemic Continues. Here The campus epidemic of an un- University of Illinois authorities last known respiratory tract infection week were forced to close the medical, swept on yesterday despite continued dental and pharmacy schools because efforts of the Health Service to check an epidemic described as "mild influ- it. The disease continues to affect enza" has affected one-fourth of the about 15 students daily. students and faculty in those schools. The number of students affected Chicago health officials were con - during the 10 days of the epidemic templating closing public schools runs well into the hundreds, not throughout the city. runsingelludinto the hundr led, nto Reports rumored that the epidemic counting students who have failed to might be a reoccurrence of the serious report to the Health Service. "Spanish influenza" of 1919, but this Hope for quick curbing of the epi- was denied by Dr. Forsythe. demic was dimmed yesterday when Meanwhile students continued to Health Service doctors reported they flock to the Health Service only to be knew little or nothing about the na- turned away for lack of facilities, Illinois Relays Draw Hoytmen; Cagers Seek Victory In Chicago, ryouts To Be Held 'or NewDaily Staffn ryouts will be held in the Publi- ons building at 1:30 p.m. today a new department which will be anized in The Daily this semester. his department which will con- t the exchange work of the news- er, including indexing and filing, function under the direction of a ried exchange editor. Compe- >n for the editorship will be con- ted until May when, the regular ly appointments are made. idemic Keeps 50,000 n - e .1,, By TOM PHARES A crippled Michigan basketball squad takes the floor at Chicago to- night grimly intent upon salvaging something from the wreck that was once their Big Ten title-race aspira- tions. Chicago's last place Maroons' are the opposition and as one ardent fan has put it-"if we can't beat Chi- cago, we can't beat anybody." It may not be as simple as all that, however. Even though the MaroonsI have won but one game this season, they have not been beaten badly and this may be their night to cut loose. Certainly the Wolverines will not win on luck. Their luck has been all, bad thus far. Tonight they will be without the services of ace center Jim Rae, who injured his back again in last Monday's Illinois game; re- serve center John Nicholoson is also at home sick, and two men have been taken by ineligibility. Forward Tom Harmon, the Michi- gan scoring leader, will head the Wolverine drive for victory number three. Harmon is sixth in Conference scoring at present with 64 points and By DICK SIEILK With the Illinois Relays acting as the magnet, 28 Michigan trackmen along with some 450 other athletes from 40 midwest colleges and univer- sities are drawn to Champaign today for the sixteenth annual running of the "nation's largest indoor track event". The squad, larger by six men than Coach Charlie Hoyt took along to the carnival last year, looms even strong- er than that of a year ago which dominated the individual events and placed high in the relay events.' Defending individual champions are Elmer Gedeon in the 75-yard high hurdles, Capt. Bill Watson in the shot put, and Wes Allen in the high jump. Wolverine combinations will be entered in five of the relay events on the program, and all have excellent chances of taking down champion- ships. The defending Michigan cham- pionship 320-yard shuttle hurdles team of Elmer Gedeon, Stan Kelley, John "Hootchie" Kutsche and Shbrm