T ICIG AN DAILY sUN1AY, APRIL , 199 E MICHIGAN DAILY MUSIC , ' Edited and managed by students of the University of ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control of udent Publications.' Published every morning except Monday during the niversity year and Sumni r Session., Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ie for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All ghts of republication of all other matters herein also served. lntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as cond class mail matter., Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, .00: by mail, $4.50.. yPRESNTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI8ING BY National Advertising Service,.Inc. College Publisbers Representative 420 MADISoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. ChMCAGO - BOSTON * Los ANGELts - SAN FRANCISCO fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor.. Editorial Director City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Book Editor . Women's Editor Sports Editor .. Editors . Robert D. Mitchell ,- . Albert P." Mayio . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert '. Fitzhenry . . S. R. Kleiman S .' Robert Perlman . . . Earl Gilman S . Wiliam Elvin . . Joseph Freedman . . . Joseph Gies . . Dorothea 'Staebier . . Bud Benjamin F.,_,_.. Business Department Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegeman Advertising Manager . . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Mariani A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: NORMAN A. SCHORR The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers 01Y. To The Right Or The Left?. A LETTER to The paily Thursday takes several of the economics facul- ty to task. The gentlemen were scored for imply- ing in an "off the record" interview that a reviv- al of business confidence might "mitigate our economic ills." "Reformist" measures short of actual upheav- al of capitalist society, the writer charged, were but temporary impediments in the way of a senile economy, tottering to its grave. Extreme though it may be, this view epitom- izes a segment of campus opinion. As such it demands a critical appraisal. Sensitive men, shocked by the apparent cal- lousness of post-war capitalism, have long re- volted against economic individualism. Con- fronted with the arguments of neo-classical economists to the effect that men's actions gov- erned by natural forces of price and competi- tion tend toward a normal equilibrium, they have retorted with the indictment that there Is no competition. If we are to believe Berle and Means, Thor- stein Veblen, John T. Flynn and others, the in- dictors are approximately correct on this point. Price as the infallible regulator has indeed lost iuch of its significance. In an economy where hree-fourths of productive wealth is said to re in the hands of monopoly or quasi-monopoly it is scarcely surprising to find prices, in the face of declining demand, falling but 20 per cent over the depression in the cartel-controlled steel in- dustry, causing production and employment to plunge 80 per cent. Nor can we blame those who decry this fundamental phenomenon of the age. Their mistake, however, has been their assump- tion that the only alternative to the evils of monopoly capitalism is collectivism, their refusal to admit the possibility of restoring competition and unfettered price to the marts of trade. The question is no longer one of either edging to ward collectivism or simply standing still, as leftists have intimated, but rather whether the movement, if any, will be to the "right" or to the "left." The issue is one of government regu lation versus government operation. By regu- lation, of course, we mean enforcement of com- petition. And whether government is to be tli umpire enforcing the rules or the quarterback calling the plays may well be for our generation to decide. The leading exponent of the former is perhaps Louis Brandeis. Visioning the society of the' future as composed of smaller, decentralized units 'tith much of the charm of life in smaller groups restored, he pleads for an economy from monopoly by rigid enforcement of competition. Such an economy would combine the administrative effi- ciency of smaller controlling units with the tech.' .nological advantages of large plants. The error of the leftists is their assumption that monopoly is the inevitable concomittant of the machine age. After all there is no reason to beileve that the evils of monopoly are insep- arably .welded to the advantages of large scale industry. And government-enforced comntition TODAY Radio City Music Hall in tabloid version of Wagner's Die Walkure. Erno Rapee conductor. 12-1, KDKA, WOWO New York Philharmonic Symphony, Jose Itur- bi pianist, John Barbirolli conductor. Overture to "The Merry Wives of Windsor" (Nicolai, "White Nights" Prelude for Orchestra (Bonner) (first performance), piano Concerto No. 1 in E flat (Liszt), Symphony No. i (Sibelius).3-5 WJR. New Friends of Music Orchestra, Fritz Stiedny conductor, Rosalyn Tureck, Harry Cumpson pianists. Concerto for Two Pianos in C minor No. 2 (Bach), Symphony No. 91, E flat (Haydn). 6-7, WOWO. Bach Cantata Series, Alfred Wallenstein Con- ductor. Cantata 182. 7-7:30, WOR. -Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Lawrence Tibbtt baritone, Franco Ghione conductor. Overture to Cimarosa's Secret Marriage, Prelude to Wagner's Die Meistersinger, tidbits. 9-10, WJR. MONDAY 'Curtis Institute of Music. 3-4, WADC. Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harri- son conductor. 3-4. WXYZ. School of Music Graduation Recital, Ruth Krieger cellist Celia Chao accompanist. Sonate (Locatelli), Concerto in C major (D'Albert), Waldesruhe (Dvorak), Serenade (Zamazeuich), Elfentanz (Popper). 8:15 School of Music Audi- torium. WOR Symphony, Eric DeLamarter conductor. Carnival Overture (Dvorak), Mock Morris (Grainger), L'Arlesienne Suite (Bizet). 9:30-10, CKLW. TAJESDAY University Concert Band, Betty Correll trom- bonist, W. D. Revelli conductor. Overture to "The Secret Marriage" (Cimarosa), Prelude to Lohen- grin (Wagner), "Bravada, Paso Doble" (Curzon), Caprice (Pryor); "Voices of Spring" (J. Strauss), Rhythms of Rio (Bennett), Capriccio Italien (Tschaikowsky), Three Chorales (Bach), Mannin Veen (Wood), Marches. 8:30, Hill Auditorium. WOR Symphony, Benno Rabinowitz violinist, Alfred Wallenstein conductor. Mendelssohn Vio- lin Concerto. 9:30-10, WOR. Toronto Symphony, Reginal Stewart conduc- tor. 9:30-10:30, CKLW. WEDNESDAY Twilight Organ Recital, Palmer Christian or- ganist. Toccata per l'Elevazione (Frescobaldi), Two Chorale Preludes (Bach), Prologue Tragi- cus (Karg-Elert), Good Friday Music from Parsifal (Wagner), Golgotha (Malling), Hour of Consecration (Bossi), Crucifixion from Passion Symphony (Dupre). 4:15, Hill Auditorium. School of Music Graduation Recital, Nancy Dawes pianist. Partita No. II in C minor (Bach), Florida-Suite for Piano (Sowerby), Sonata, Op. 58, in B minor (Chopin). 8:15, School of Music Auditorium. THURSDAY University Symphony, Thor Johnston conduc- tor. Schubert's C Major Symphony (No. 9), Good Friday Scene from Parsifal, Elgar's Enigma Var- iations. 8:30, Hill Auditorium. WOR Sinfonietta, Nicolai Berezowski conduc- tor. Schubert's C major Symphony (No. 6).;8:30- 9, WOR. FRIDAY .Brahms Requiem, St. Thomas Choir, NBC Symphony, T. Tertius Noble conductor. 2 p.m., WXYZ. SATURDAY Cincinnati Conservatory Orchestra, von Kreis- ler conductor. Corelli's Third Concerto Grosso, Bach's Second Brandenburg Concerts. 11-12, WJR. Metropolitan Opera in Wagner's Tristan. Mel- choir, Flagstad, Thorborg, Janssen, List, Bod- ansky conductor. 1:40, WXYZ, WOWO. NBC Symphony, Bruno Walter conductor. Faust Overture and Siegfried Idyll of Wagner, Mahler's First Symphony. 10-11:30, KDKA, WXYZ. of the letter implies, how Inuch more likely are the men who necessarily control the collectivist economy, ruled by the same human motives and unchecked by the still automatic if impaired con- trols of capitalism, to use their power to exploit and coerce. The paternal hand of government, substituted for the "unseen hand" of the classi- cal economist, appears to become the clenched fist to bully dissenters into line. It is important in this respect that we remem- ber the late Justice Cardozo's pregnant warning of "the dangers that wait upon the abuse of power by officialdom unchained." To argue with Max Lerner that men must be educated to use power wisely is not, in the light of events abroad, to prove that they can be so educated. Education, however, is a word fraught with significance for men of good will who would make the most of the raw materials of human nature. Significant is the philosophy of the late Pope Pius XI, in regard to what he termed "the fallen state of man." If the fault is more with individ- uals than with the external form of society, re- form, as he preached, n ust come in the last analysis from within the individual, rather than from without. No society can transcend the limi- tations of the individuals who compose it. Would it not be wiser, then, for certain stu- dents in American universities to place less em- phasis on undermining economic individualism,, fomenting suspicion and stirring up class strife, and turn ,their attention to spreading the gospel of humanity, enlightenment and tolerance which are synonymous with religion and liberal edu- catinn? What America reall niei i ino+- es o Me Hleywood Broun If I were to say that all Americans who hate Fascism should form a united front on that issue I would be accused of boring from within. It might even be charged that. the plan was to get honest liberals and conservatives within a stockade and ;then convert them to radicalism or mow them down. Such an accusation would be highly embarrassing to me, since. in all truth, I have nt the slightest intention or even wish to overthrow American traditions and institutions by armed violence or otherwise. Fortunately, even if my word carried any im- portant weight, it would not be necessary for me to say a word about the need of unity. Hitler himself is doing the job of forcing his adver- saries into a common fold. I cite a recent press association dispatch from Prague which read, "Nazi authorities today banned a list of Ameri- can publications, from Bohemia and Moravia, inluding the magazines Ballyhoo, Commonweal, Judge, Life, the Nation, Look and Liberty and the newspapers Daily Mirror, Daily Worker, Jew- ish Daily Forward and Staat-Zeitung of New York. Oddly Assorted iedfellows This is certainly a chowder of highly assorted fish.It is strange indeed to find Oswald Garri- son Villard swimming fin to fin with Barnarr Macfadden in the same tureen. And I never ex- pected to see Henry Luce lie down with Earl Browder. The Mirror doesn't like the Daily Work- er, and its distaste is returned in kind, but theif juices mingle in the succulent stew dished up by the Nazis. They are all in the same boat. Indeed, they are all verboten. The candor of the Fascist censors is all the more surprising because America at the moment has heard a great deal from some liberals and practically all Socialists against any closing of the ranks in the face of the Nazi menace. In- deed, the chief thunder of these preachers anC publicists has been against those in high or low places who were intemperate enough to speak disparagingly about Der Fuehrer. They them- selves seldom mention him and then only in whispers. This is called the policy of appease- ment, and, according to its devotees, it is the only way in which we can avoid war. The idea, as I unerstand it, seems to be that if a tiger comes bounding toward you in a clearing you must drop whatever weapons you hold, stand stock still, close your eyes and say in a wheedling voice, "Nice kitty! Nice kitty!" When you finally open your eyes, according to this theory, you will find a playful Persian cat purring at your feet. And naturally all the pro- ponents of appeasement believe that we should give up the eagle as our national symbol and adopt the ostrich, That Communist Label Sme have asserted that if we can rid our coun- try of all radicals of any sort Hitler will be pleased and go a little easy on America. But the question remains as to who is "Communistic" in the eyes of the Nazis. If you will check back on the forbidden .list from Prague you will find that it contains a Catholic magazine, a Commun- ist daily, a mildly liberal journal of opinion, a German language paper, a Jewish paper, a pic- ture book, a raw food manual and a couple -of comic weeklies. In other words, anybody who isn't an out-and-out Nazis is "Communistic" as far as Hitler is concerned. And it might be well to add that the policy of appeasement and "be respectful to Hitler and Mussolini" has worked so badly that a man who has only recently quit his post as an American -major general is galloping about the country making speeches which would be hailed with en- thusiasm at the Berlin Sports Palast. It is quite true that Daniel did succeed in appeasing wild beasts, but I do not think that any of the hush- hush boys who have come to judgment here can get away with it. I am all against sending Ameri. cans to fight Fascism abroad, but I am equally opposed to the complacent appeasement policy of letting it flower here. THEATRE' By NORMAN KIELL In a week that has seen Shakespeare, Gilbert and Sullivan and the New Masses Cabaret of Friday night, theatre-conscious Ann Arbor has much to be thankful for. It is with Friday, night's affair that we are concerned at this moment. It was Ann Arbor's opportunity to contribute to the national drive toward $30,000 to prevent suspension of the pub- lication of the New Masses. It was gratifying to see the response; perhaps popular demand will call for another such performance. For the program furnished one of the pleasant- est evenings we have had. As guest artists, The Detroit Contemporary Theatre sent Mr. Al Nay- lor and Mr. Leo Mogul to perform some of their established hit routines. In "Britannia Waives The Rules:" the two sida, takea-cuf n Chamher-_ (Continued from Page 7) heard so favorably on Good Friday for several years. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: The premiated drawings submitted 'in the national competition for the Wheaton College -Art Center are be- ing shown in the third floorExhibi- tion Room, College of Architecture. Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sundays, through April 4. The public is cor- dially invited. Exhibition of Paintings by David Fredenthal and Helen May, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Alumni Memorial Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March 24 through April 7. Lectures University Lectures: Professor Ken- neth J. Conant, of Harvard Univer- sity, will give illustrated lectures on "The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem" on Monday, April 3, and "The Mon- astery of Cluny" on Tuesday, April 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts. Harland Danner, Michigan athlete, will, present a lecture on "Life with the Lacandones" at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre, Wednesday, April 5, at 8:15 p.m. This lecture will be illustrated with motion pictures tak- n during Manner's recent visit among the primitive Lacandone In- dian tribe of southern Mexico. Tick- ets will be on reserve at the box of- fice Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- diay, This lecture, sponsored by La Sociedad Hispanica, will be in Eng- ish. University Lectures: Dr. Otto Heller, Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School of 'Washington University, St. Louis, will lecture on "The Meaning of Goethe" on Tuesday, April 18, at 8:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe- atre, and on "Ideas and Ideals Against Facts and Figures in Educa- tion" on Wednesday, April 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithe- atre under the auspices of the De- partment of German. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Eta Kappa Nu: Meeting in the f Union tonight at 7 p.m. for actives and 7t30p.m. for pledges. Room will be posted. ryTalk by Mr. Jean Paul Slusser on the Exhibition of Paint- ings by Helen May and David Fred- enthal, presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association; Alumni Memorial Hall, today at 3:30 p.m. Choral Union Rehearsal. The re- hearsal of the Choral Union on Sun- day, April 2, will be fr both men and women, at 2:30 o'clock, at the School of Music. Professor I. L. Sharfman will speak on "Racism and Democracy" at the Hillel Forum tonight at 7:30. All are welcome. Coming Events German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief infor- mal talk by Dr. Hans Hecht on, "Die praktische Durchfuhrung des Sterilisationsgesetzes in Deutsch- land." Faculty, College of Engineering: Weather" and the old-timer, "Back in Hackensacky, had the customers tapping it out. The Wolfsons, Bernice and Buddy, presented two modern dances, "Vaude 1" ,and "Vaude 2." The former was amusing and clever, the latter, set to a Gershwin prelude, had flow and continuity. Sam Shep- low at the piano with "If Gilbert and Sullivan Were Elinor Glyn," had a certain infectious quality and nimble Dwight Fiskian touch that with prac- tise and polish will develop into sethi genuinelyientertairing. The high-water mark of the eve- ning came with the presentation of three scenes from Louis MacNeice's farce, "Out of the Picture." Mr. Mac- Neice is an English poet, translator, essayist, novelist and leftist; but with- al, a poet with a double-edged satir- ical mind. In the first of the scenes presentedArthur Klein, Karl Klaus- er, and Edward Jurist did the trav- esty on buying and selling which proved, to" one spectator at least, that MacNeice is our modern Dean Swift. Mr. Klein was superb as the auction- eer who finally sells the priceless pic- ture for three dollars and an auto- graph. In the second scene, "The Ivory Tower," Mr. Klauser portrayed There will be a meeting of the Facul- ty on Monday, April 3, at 4:15 p.m.,; in Room 348, West Engineering Bldg. The program for this meeting in- cludes the consideration of a recom- mendation from the Committee on Scholastic Standing as to Honor Points for graduation and for the Home List; a report from the Stand- ing Committee, and routine business. Faculty, School of Education: The regular luncheon meeting of the, fac- ulty will be held Monday noon, April 3, at 12:15, Michigan Union. The Women's Research Club will meet Monday, April 3, 1939 at the Univerity Hospital. Please meet promptly at 7:30 in Room 1016 of the Hospital. The speakers will be Miss Dorothy Ketcham and Miss Dor- othy Bese. Junior Research Club. The April hysics. will speak on "Auditory Fa- 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Mr. R. H. Nichols, Department of hysics, will speak on "Auditory Fa- tigue with Reference to Measurement of Subjective Harmonics," and Pro- fessor H. L. Kohler, Department of Mechanical Engineering, will speak on "Recent Advances in Piston Ring Design." The Graduate Education Club will meet Monday, April 3, at 4 o'clock in the Graduate Education Library, University Eelementary School. Dr. Fritz Red and Dr. George Myers will speak on Guidance. All graduate students taking work in Education are cordially invited to attend. Re- freshments will be served. The Romance Languages Journal Club meeting will be held in Room 408 on Tuesday, April 4 at 4:10 p.m. Program: Professor J. N. Lincoln: An Aljamiado Iitinerary. Professor M. S. Pargment: Tourgueneff and Merimee. Students: Final payment must be made on all tickets for Union Travel Bureau Spring Vacation Excursion by Monday, April 3 at 5 p.m. Tickets must be picked up April 4 and 5. Chemistry Colloquium will meet Wednesday, April 5 at 4 p.m. in Room 300 Chemistry Bulding. Mr. C. A. Murray will speak on Alteration of the Surface Properties of Charcoal and Carbon Black and Mr. C. R. Dut- ton will discuss Built-up Films of Fatty Acids on Metals. Eastern Engineering Trip: The $21 prepayment for the trip must be paid to Miss Bannasch, Room 274, West Engineering Bldg., Monday or Tuesday, April 3 or 4. Spanish Play: "Sueno de una Noche de agosto," a modern three-act com- edy by G.(Martinez Sierra, will be presented (in Spanish) by La Socied- ad Hispanica at the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre, Tuesaay, April 4, at 8:15 p.m. All tickets will be reserved and may be obtained at the box of- fice Monday and Tuesday. A special reduction will be made for those who hold La Sociedad Hispanica lec- ture tickets. Congress District Presidents:' Be- ginning Monday, April 3, the regu- lar weekly meetings of the District Council will be held at 5 p.m. every Monday. The Westminster Guild supper par- ty in honor of Miss Elizabeth Lein- bach will be held Wednesday, April 5, at 6:30 in the Michigan Union. SReservations mustbe made5through !Jeanne Judson, phone 6959, before Monday night. Monday Evening Dramatic Club: Faculty Women's Club, 7:30 Monday at the Union. Students: All students planning to go home through the superior Rail excursions, must have their final payment in by 5 p.m. on Monday, April 3. The bureau is holding open especially for those who have not made their last minute arrange- ments. Crop and Saddle will have a supper ride Tuesday. Members are to meet ift front of Barbour Gym at 5 p.m. Phone the President or Secretary be- fore Tuesday if you cannot attend. Bookshelf and Stage Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet on Tuesday, April 4, at 2:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. William W. Sleator, 2503 Geddes Ave. Mrs. Charle E. Koella is assisting hostess. Michigan Dames. The general meeting featuring the "Do's and Dont's" program will be held in the League Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock. The essential characteris- tics of dress will be demonstrated in an original play. A complete basic wardrobe will also be fashioned. An invitation is extended to all Michi- 6:30 p.m., Miss Frances Wang will speak to the Guild on The Student Movement in China. Informal dis- cussion will follow the address. First Methodist Church. Morning Worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W Brashares will preach on "Palm Sun- day." St. Andrew's EpiscopalChurch, Palm Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Com- munion; 9 a.m. Breakfast and Study Group for students, Harris Hall; 9:30 a.m. Junior'Church; 9:30 a.m. Pri- mary Easter Pageant in Children's Chapel; 11 a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 7 p.m. Stu- dent Meeting, Harris Hall short service of Evening Prayer, followed by Open House. Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45 a.m. at Stalker Hall. Wesleyan Guild Meeting at the Church. Supper at 6 o'clock.,At 7 o'clock Mrs. Teresa May Merrill, of Detroit will present "The Rock" in a dramatic reading. First Congregational Church, Rev. Leonard A. Parr. 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Dr. Parr will preach on: "The Mirror of Christ's Mind." VI "His Idea of Him- self." 6 p.m. Student fellowship will be held. The Student fellowship will be the guests of the Luteran Fellow- ship. Holy Week Services will be held in the Church on Wednesday evening at 8 with music by the Junior Choir; and on Thursday at 8 p.m. a Candle- light Communion Service will be cele- brated, with music by the Senior Choir. . First Baptist Church: 10:45 p.m. Dr. John Mason Wells will speak on "Palm Sunday Meditations." 7:30 p.m. The chorus choir and special soloists will give the Easter Cantata, "Calvary" in the Church auditorium. Roger Williams Guild: 6:15. p.m. Prof. Bennett Weaver will speak to students on "The Reading of Litera- ture." Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Mr. Paul H. Todd of Kalamazoo, and chair- man of the State Public Utilities Commission will speak on "Can the Government Trust the People?" Question period to follow. Special anthem by choir. 7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union: "Students Politics"-a round-table discussion led by new and old mem- bers of the Student Senate. Chair- man, Mr. William Jewell. First Presbyterian Church, 1432 Washtenaw Ave.: 10:45 a.m., Morn- ing Worship Service. "Beyond Trage- dy" will be the subject upon which Dr. W. P. Lemon will preach. The Westminster Guild: 6 p.m., The Westminster Guild, student group, will meet for supper and a fellowship hour. At the meeting which follows at 7 o'clock the group will divide into two sections. Miss ,Helen Anderson will review the book ".Reaching for the Stars" by Nvorah Waln and also other recentbbooks on Germany. In the second group the subject "The Mark of an Integrated Personality" will be discussed and a Bernreuter Test will be given. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Liberty at Third. Carl A. Brauer, Minister. Palm Sunday- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 9:30 a.m. Lenten service in the German language. 10:45 a.m. Morning worship and sermon. Subject: "Our King." 6 p.m. Gamma Delta Student Club ksupper and fellowship hour. 7 p.m. A four reel film on "India" will be shown in the church parlors under auspices of the Student Club. The public' is invited. No 'admission charge but asilver offering will be taken. Holy Week Services- Wednesday, 7-9 p.m. Registration for Holy Communion. Maundy Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Preparatory service. 7:45 p.m. Holy Thursday Com- munion in English. Good Friday, 1 p.m. Good Friday service with sermon in English. Sub- ject: "He Saved Others, Himself He Cannot Save." service. Good Friday, 7:30 p.m. Prepara- tory service. 7:45 p.m. Good Friday Communion in the German language. First Church of Christ Scientist, 409 So. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Unreality." Golden Text: Proverbs 30:8. Sunday School at 11:45. Reformed and Christian Reformed DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN