1939 TIDE MI I, AN DAILY European Travelling Once More Calls Summer Vacationists. Maybe French Politics And Art Works Attract Tourist . '.-.- Natural Beauty Of German Landscape Remains Old Landmarks Of Paris Lure American Student Travellers To Capitpl For the traveler who wishes to escape the hurly-burly of American life, a trip to France via the Panama Canal, Hawaii and India on a slow moving cattle boat with plentiful stopovers at little-known ports offers the only solution. The average Frenchman takes his politics more seriously than the Daily editorial writers. It is almost im- possible to sit down at a cafe and not discourse violently on the Pre- mier's latest move. In order to safeguard your digestion, the travel editor advises a judicious choice of the cafe which should be in the quar- ter of the city which represents your opinions. However the forewarned traveler may with persistence get to see the classical views of Paris. There are accommodations with a wide price range. In the little French hotels, living quarters are inexpensive and kept scrupulously clean. The Ameri- can Express office, where English is spoken, tickets bought for the Folies- Berger'es, and sight-seeing trips ar- ranged, is an oasis for Americans. The Louvre is a few blocks away. Here, close by, are the Tuileries where the French children enjoy the daily marionnette shows. . Cross the seine into the artists' quarter, the students' rendezvous, theK Royalist meeting place-the Left Bank. On a warm afternoon, one walks aimlessly along the side of the river perusing the books found in theY stalls. In the evening, there is thec theatre, the nightclub, the cafe and a1 "must" on every traveler's list, thet Opera.t Versailles can be reached by a 20- minute ride in a bus. The Palace isf coldly clay.Ical but Marie Antoinette's< Petit Trianon where she played shep-x herdess is much more appealing rl This is a village in the Black Forest of Bavaria. Ger many, once a favored land of American visitors, draws few tourists these days, and this summer will probably see travel there more curtailed than ever. The beauty of the German countryside remains unchanged, how ever, and tourists will again find scenes like that pic- tured to reward them for their visit, Tourists Flock To Riviera The Island of Ste. Marguerite, near Cannes on the French Riviera, is at- tracting many visitors since the re- cent showing of the educational film* "The Man in the .Iron Mask." Here it was that during the reign of Louis 14th, in this rock-bound monastery, rising out of the sea, one of the strangest mysteries of French history was lived out for 40 years by the "Man in the Iron Mask," whose tragic identity still is unknown. everywhere are as a rule extremely courteous and patient with the stam- mering French of the foreigner. They, have a ready wit and iake interest- I its marked simplicity. The French I ing conversationalists. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all member of the University. Copy received at the office of 'the Assistant to the President until 3:30 - P.M.; 1:00 A.M. on Saturday. Near East Is Tourist Mecca Palestine Likely To Be Free Of Disturbance Palestine today is a land of pi- oneers, a land of vibrant, clashing life amid a background of ancient glory. And to the traveler who wished to see living adventure amid the mysticism of the Near East, Palestine -is the place to go. This summer, it is predicted, Pales- tine will be quiet--that is, free from the open Arab-Jewish disturbances that have created such havoc. But Palestine is never free from the in- trigue, from the international com- plications that are created by the land's strategic location. It is that which the traveler can see and, if he is interested, can enjoy. The traveler can first see the new Palestine-the Palestine created by' the immigrants. He can see the wells that are so essential to life that have been dug there, the irrigation ditches that are so necessary to the land's agriculture, he can see the verdant olive and citrus groves. He can see the cities, the new and the old. He can see Tel-Aviv, the metropolis grown overnight by the Jewish im- migrants. He can see the modern life-the tall buildings, the high- ways, the movie palaces, the hospit- als, the transportation facilities in this all-Jewish city. He can see Jaffa, the city of the Arabs, the an- cient and now modern port, by which Palestine is chiefly linked to the out- side world. The traveler can visit Jerusalem, the "holy city" of three religions. He can see the new city and then only a few steps away go back into biblical days into the an- cient section with its oriental streets and houses, its bazaars and its dis- cord. Avignon Popes Patronized Art Their Palace Is One Of Old World's Beauties High above the strong, swift tide of the Rhone, at Avignon in southern France, there stands the Palais des Papes, the most magnificent and im- posing structure of its kind in the world. Built in the XIVth century, most of it during a period of 25 years, with the walls 13 feet thick, this awesome fortress - palace - cathedral was for nearly 70 years the papal throne and from it during that time there reigned seven French popes, all of whom were the chief patrons of art throughout France during that cen- tury. Clement V The first of the Avignon popes was Clement V, born at Bordeaux, and later archbishop there. Through him the Gothic choir of the St. Andre's Cathedral at Bordeaux, and the Ca- thedral of St. Bertrand-de-Com- minges were built. His successor, John XXII, built, or helped to build, the most beautiful bridge of the Middle Ages at Cahors, where he was born. Benedict XU Begins The building of the Palais des Papes was really begun by Benedict XII and finished 25 years later by Innocent VI, after Clement VI had added the beautiful conclave gallery, the Pontifical Chapel and the Au- dience Chamber, as well as rebuild- ing the church of his former abbey, La Chaise Dieu, in the Forez moun- tains. Here he also built his own magnificent monument. Avignon is within a few miles of the French Riviera and accessible to the many medieval Roman towns of southern France, all of which present a never-ending pleasure to the travel- ler. ; (Continued from Page 3) whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University, should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean. Freshmn, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, April 8. In adminis- tering this rule, students with less than '24 hours of credit are considered freshmen. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continuedf illness. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean,. Students, School of Education: Courses dropped' after Friday, April 7, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circum- stances. No course is considered of- ficially dropped unless it has been re- ported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. All June Graduates in the College of Architecture, Schools of Educa- tion, Forestry, and Music should fill in grade request cards at Room 4 U.H. between April 3 and April 7. Those failing to file these cards will assume all responsibility for late a grades which may prohibit gradua- tion. Concerts Student Recital. Ruth Krieger, Seattle, Washington, violoncellist, will give a recital in partial fulfillment for the requirements of the degree Master of Music, Monday, April 3, at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music Auditorium on Maynard Street. Celia Chao will play her piano accompani- ments. The general public is invited to attend. Bind Concert. The University Band, Williamt D. Revelli, Conductor, will give a concert under the auspices of the University School of Music, Tues- day, April 4, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium, complimentary to the general public. An interesting pro- gram has been provided, commemor- ating the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Band. Organ Recital. Palmer Christian, University organist, will present a specially interesting program Wed- nesday afternoon, April 5, at 4:15 o'clock, on the Frieze Memorial Or- gan in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public will be admitted free of charge. In response to many re- quests, the same program will be played on this occasion as has been (Continued on Page 8) r. S 44, l vwm: 'A Save 1by BUS! Going Home for, SPRING VA CATION TRAVEL IN COMFORT - by TRAIN Go the Easy, Saf mnd Dependable Way. Avoid the Dangers of Highway Traffic- LOW FARES SPECIAL STUDENT BUSES TO: Round Trip S 6-* PITTSBURG~H NEW YORK ..... ..... 15.25 BUFFALO ..................6.95 CHICAGO 5.35 YOUNGSTOWN, 0. 6.50 All buses load at Michigan Union at 12:30 Friday, April 7. Reservations must be made at Michigan Union by 6:00 p.m., Tuesday. I TICKETS & RESERVATIONS TO ALL POINTS F1'ยง7 L - r NJATr~rN 'rA'rr I