SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1939 THE ICHIAN DAILY Official Organ Of Journalism Classes Issued Paper's Primary Purpose Is To Explore Untapped Sources, Maurer Says The bi-weekly Michigan Journalist, student laboratory newspaper pub- lished by the journalism department,j was printed Friday by the Ann Arbor News and distributed yer terday. It includes articles on Ann Arbor's pro- posed charter revision, the model town plan of Dowagiac and the pro- gressive North Bend high school. Seniors. Edit Paper Under the direction of Prof. Wesley H. Maurer a board of seniors in the journalism department are in charge of editing the paper. Those on the board for this issue were Frances Baker, Richard Forsythe, Carmena Freeman and Roland Gifford. One of the primary purposes of the Journalist, according to Professor Maurer, is to explore untapped news sources. In this issue, for example, the future development of skyscrap- ers is discussed in an interview with Prof. Ralph W. Hammet of the archi- tecture college. Another article deals with the. psychological effect of the use of military uniforms in Ger- *many. Analyses Important, Topics The Journalist features a thorough treatment of subjects of lasting. in- terest rather than a concentration on spot news. The covers of the re- ligious lectures given here recently by Bertrand Lord Russell, Reinhold Nie- buhr and Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen were written from stenographic notes taken at those meetings. The Journalist ir' printed by vari- ous newspapers Az the State. Copies are sent to -arious colleges, high schools, institutes, publishers and li- braries throughout the country. Union Travel Board To Continue Work The travel bulletin board in the Union lobby will remain in operation until Saturday, it was announced yesterday by James Wills, '40E, Union publicity chairman. The board is for the convenience of students and faculty members who wish to secure transportation or pas- sengers for automobile trips away from Ann Arbor during Spring Va- cation. There will be no charge for this service, Wills said, but identifi- cation . must be made at the Union student offices. Mayan Inspects Danner's Camera DAILY OFFIC AL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor Arthur S. Aiton. b. University Council, prepared by Professor Joseph R. Hayden. c. Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Professor Louis I. Bredvold. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, prepared by Pro- fessor Louis C. Karpinski. e. Dean's Conference, prepared by Dean Edward H. Kraus. 3. New business. The Bureau has just received'notice of a Civil Service Examination-"In- stitution Band Music Director A," ex- amination to be held on April 22, 1939 in the following Michigan cen- ters: Lansing, Detroit, Grand Rap- ids, Saginaw, Grayling, Manistique and L'Anse. Open to men and wom- en. Requirements: (1) Two years ex- perience as band or orchestra con- ductor, or (2) one year of such ex- perience following graduation from a conservatory of music or from a rec- ognized college with a major in mu- sic, or (3) any equivalent combina- tion of experience and training; age not under 21 on the date of examina- tion. Applications must be in before April 7, 1939. Further details may be found at the Bureau. Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 2-4 p.m. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational rnfor- mation. 201 Mason Hall. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following United States Civil Service Examina- tion. Last date for filing of applica- tion given. Junior Observer in Meteorology $1,- 440, April 17. The complete announcement is on file at the University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation, 201 Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Military Ball: Tickets now on sale at Regimental Council office, West Engine Annex, for Advanced Course and Reserve Officers. Office will be open 2 to 5 p.m. today and every afternoon next week. No reservation of tickets will be made. All freshmen women who are un- available by telephone please leave their dollar for Frosh Project dues in the Undergraduate Office as soon as possible. Academic Notices Economics 72: Hour examination, Fountain Pens RIDERS 302 S. State St. Typewriters Monday, April 3, rooms as follows; N.S. Aud-A-F. 348 W. Eng.-G-M. 25 A.H.-N-Z. Juniors and Seniors of the Literary College: Students desiring to apply for candidacy for the Teacher's Cer- tificate please see a member of the Teacher's Certificate Committee as soon as possible. In the absence of Professor Thorpe students majoring in Group I, and minoring in Group II see Professor Welch, 4089 Natural i I' It's Easter Time--- Make your remembrance lasting by sending an Easter Plant C. C: Chankin, Harland Danner's Mayan host during his 60-day stay in a Lacandone Indian village in the wilderness of southern Mexico, in- spects the former Michigan athlete's camera, which graphically re- corded life among this primitive people. Danner Talk To Include Movies .of MayVan, Custom And Ritual from Chelsea 203 *East Liberty 2-2973 Complete Record Of Life In Crude Indian Village Filmed By Adventurer By HOWARD.GOLDMAN When Harland Danner, '39, shows his movies of the primitive Lacan- done Indians Wednesday night in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor will have the opportunity to see the only authentic record of one of the last remaining vestiges of ancient Mayan civilization. Danner, who will lecture on his pictures, took them during a 60-day stay with the wild tribe late last year near the Mexican-Guatemala bor- der, a spot more than 100 miles from the last outpost of civilization. The movies give a complete record of life in the crude Indian village, where Danner ate, slept and worked with the natives. Some shots show the Lacondones at work, making rough cloth from the bark of the helocin tree, preparing "balche," their only fermented drink, or chipping flint arrowheads in preparation for their numerous hunts. Films Include Religious Rites Other pictures show variu'is relig- ious rites, curious to the civilized world, but practiced zealously by these primitive people. Each man in the tribe worships from 5 to 15 deities, according to his own preference. Before beginning the perilous trek to the southern Mexican wilds, the 21-year-old Danner first took private instructions for six weeks from a Maya expert at the University of Mexico. From Mexico City, he went on foot to the capital of an outlying province, where he procured most of his supplies. After a 3-week siege of amoebic dysentary there, he left on horseback for a 3-day trip over the mountains to a small village on the fringe of civilization. From there, in order to arrive at the Lacondone region, Danner had to traverse more than 100 miles of thick, tangled jungle, over a hardly- visible trail, on which no human foot had trod for more than a year. He had two native boys as guides 'and companions, and three pack horses, all of which gave up somewhere along the trail. Films Were Almost Destroyed At times, when his packhorses sank up 'to their bellies in rivers or mud holes, Danner thought that his pre- cious films were ruined. Dense under- brush, hot and humid weather, and the terrific pace at which the party progressed, finally wore down the two Indian guides. They were ready to give up and turn back, and the food supply was about to give out, when finally signs of Lacondone trails were noticed. But even when Danner found him- self fpcing leaders of the wild tribe, his troubles were far from over, for he had the greatest difficulty in per- suading them to allow him to live in the village. However, his frantic pleas, supplemented by a generous supply of salt and crude brown sugar, fin- ally won the natives' confidence, and he lived there for the next two months,dsharing their problems, eat- ing food with them and above all taking his remarkable movies. Hillel News Staff Meets I i l r r } I I i "'InC GOIN PLACES! For S the Best in- SERVICE QUALITY EXPERT WORKMANSHIP, COLLEGE SHAOE REPAIR 611 E. William Ph. 3400 Free Call and Delivery For . . . CON VEN IENCE ECONOMY COMFORT Students interested in doingc torial and reportorial work on Hillel News will meet at 4 p.m. morrow at Hillel Foundation. edi- the to- ow Select . rI eCCESSORIES worthy to coin ple eit the smartest costime in the Easter Parade. 2I~rA$f. .~ T41P~~~ but not together! {F N : The girl is going homie .the fur coat is going to stay in Ann Arbor's ONLY REFRIGERATED vault for the summer. 11 LITTLE GIRL BLOUSES Irrestistibly feminine blouses . smartest for your Easter Suit! -Baby Blouses with 'Tiny Tucks, Lacy frills! Blouses with Frou Frou Jabots! "Soft" shirt types too! from $2.95 ~1/ COLOR-BRIGHT BAGS . e. $1.95 A "must" with your suit! D suedes- in cyclamen, pink, fuch gold, navy. Tailored, dressy. MATCHING GAY GLOVES.. $1.00 and, $1.95 Fabrics . . Classic doeskins colors to match your bag exactly! White also. All hand sewn. * .Sawdust Cleaned *'Glazed * Fumigated * Refrigerated * Insured Mfr - "I£ 11 HOSIERY...from 79c I i i ..O-Mk AO=ML r A I it ':s.. !I