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April 02, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-04-02

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More or less cloudiness, con-
tinued cold today.


A6P 41W


To The Pight
Or The Left? . . .

yr I



U. S. Recognizes

Conservatives Gain Power
In Student Senate Election

Hitler Challenges




As Reprisals Begin

War Prisoners To Be Used
In Billion Dollar Task
Of Rebuilding Country
Embargo Is Lifted
By Pres. Roosevelt
(By Associated Press)
The United States followed the
lead of other powers today and ac-
corded formal diplomatic recogni-
tion to General Francisco Franco's
Nationalist regime as the legal gov-
ernment of war-torn Spain.
President Roosevelt a the same
time lifted a two-year embargo on
the shipment of arms to either side
in the long conflict which ended with
Tuesday's fall of Madrid and the
final collapse of the former Republi-
can government.
Meanwhile in Burgos, the nsti-
tute of Credit, Spain's Reconstruc-
tion Finance Corporation which is
tackling a billion-dollar job of re-
building the nation, has decided to
make those the Nationalists hold po-
litically responisible for the civil war
pay a large part of the bill and Re-
publican prisoners supply the labor.
Benjwmea Charges
Joaquin Benumea 60-year-old
soft-spoken director of the Bureau of
Devastated Regions charged with
financing and supervising the re-
construction, must raise at least ten
billion pesetas, about a billion dollars.
In Madrid Nationalist authorities
roundig up Republicans suspected
of crimes had 1,700 persons in Madrid
jails tonight and additional arrests
were being made hourly.
The prisoners were held on charges
of suspicion of political responsibility
for prolonging the 32-months of civil
war or for committing common
The most important prisoners were
General 8egismundo Casado, War
Minister in the fallen Republican Na-
tional Defense Council; Julian Bes-
teiro, former Interior Minister; and
Colonel Adolfo Prada, who command-
ed the Republican army in Madrid.
The recognition of Franco's victory,
forthcoming weeks after Great Bri-
ain and France had acted, apparently
was unconditional.
Hull Sends Telegram
Secretary Hull merely sent a tele-
gram to General Francisco Gomez
Jordana, Foreign Minister of the Bur-
gos regime, stating the "disposition
of this government to establish diplo-
matic relations with that of Govern-
ment Spain."
T'he proclamation lifting the arms
embargo, was signed by the Presi-
dent at Warm Springs, Ga. In it the
Chief -Executive stated that "in my
Judgment the state of civil strife in
Spain" described in a joint Senate-
House resolution of Jan. 8, 1937 had
"ceased to exist."
Only yesterday, the bearded Fer-
nando de Los Rios relinquished his
post as Spanish Ambassador here and
turned over the embassy to th Co-
lombian Envoy.
Cancer Series
To Hear Little
Program Will Be leard
Over NBC Network
Dr. Clarence Cook Little, former
president of the University. will be
one of the five principal speakers
on a series of radio talks sponsored
by the American Society for the
Control of Cancer, which will begin
at 7:45 p.m. tomorrow.
The 15-minute programs will be
broadcast over the NBC red network
coast to coast hookup, during the
next few weeks. Among the other
speakers scheduled to speak during
the series are Bishop Henry St.

George Tucker, presiding bishop of
the Episcopal church and Dr. Thom-
as Parran, surgeon-general cf the
Public Health Service. Dr. Little is
managing director of the society.
The society is at present sponsoring
a membership drive for the month
of April under the direction of - the
Women's Field Army of the organiza-
tion. The women's organization,
established two years ago, has as its
slogan "Early Cancer Is Curable.
Fight It With Knowledge."

Prof. Willams
Wins 'Ens ian
Po pularit yPoll
Marcia Connell, Benjamin
And Hodge Also Gain
All-Campus Titles'
Prof. Mentor Williams of the Eng-
lish department, Marcia Connell, '39,
Bud Benjamin, '39, and Max Hodge,
39, broke the tapes in their repec-
tive divisions to win the Michiganen-
sian popularity contest which ended
Professor Williams swept the pro-
fessional popularity field coming
home almost 100 votes ahead of the
next contestant. Prof. Karl Litzen-
ber of the English department forged
ahead of Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon of
the political science department in
the closing minutes to take second
place in the final count.
Ela, the Beta dog, fell back to third
place as campus beauty queen, allow-
ing Margaret Cram, '39, leader in the
early part of the race, to finish sec-
ond under Miss Connell. Bud Ben-
jamin, Daily sports editor, despite all
his efforts to the contrary, came out
on top as the most typical Michigan
student. Second and third places
were taken by Ralph Heikkinen, '39,
and Jack Reed, '40, respectively.
With his election practically as-
sured, Jack Brennan, '39, the ice car-
nival queen, withdrew from the race
for campus clown, allowing the cov-
eted position to be taken over by Max
Hodge, '39, editor of Gargoyle. Char-
lie Zwick placed second,, and Hrry
Kipke, running for the Board of Re-
gents, third.
Local Churches
Feature Easter
Services Today
Dr. Ruthven rTo Address
Lutheran Student Class;
Unitarians Hear Todd
Holy week devotions during Lent
will be observed by Ann Arbor chur-
ches with Palm Sunday services, com-
memorating the triumphant entry of
Christ into Jerusalem. They will in-
clude communion services, cantatas
and specially arranged musical pro-
grams, in preparation for Good Friday
and the celebration of Easter.
President Ruthven will address the
Lutheran Student Association and
the Congregational Guild at a com-
bined meeting at 5:30 p.m. for which
the Lutheran students will be hosts
at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. A sacred
cantata, "Olivet to Calvary," recall-
ing some of the incidents in the last
days of Christ's life on earth will be
given by the senior choir at 7:30 pm.
at the Zion Lutheran church. The
cantata is under the direction of
Frieda Op't Holt, organist and choir
Paul H. Todd, chairman of the
Michigan Public, Utilities Commis-
sion will be guest speaker at the Uni-
tarian church. He will talk at 11 a.m.
(Continued On Page 2)
U.S.-Turkish Trade
Treaty Is Signed
WASHINGTON, April 1. -(/)--
The United States and Turkey
pledged mutual tariff cuts on num-

crous products today in a reciprocal
agreement which cut across an in-
tensive German trade drive to the
The agreement, formally concluded
at Ankara, represented the first ex-
tension of the Administration's recip-
rocal trade program into the Near
The 20th nation to sign such an
agreement with the United States,
Turkey obtained 47 per cent of all
her imports last year from Germany,
through barter arrangements, and

Representative Body Starts
New Session With Meet
Tuesday;_Public Invited
Balance of power in the Student
Senate seemed to have been won by
Conservatives after election Director
Edward Magdol, '39, and his assis-
tants completed tallying the 1985
valid ballots cast in Friday's voting.'
The Senate with the 16 new Sen-
ators will hold its first meeting of'
the session at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in
the Union, Speaker Robert Rosa, '39,
explained. The public is invited to
Meanwhile, the campus wondered
how results of the State-wide voting
for the Board of Regents tomorrow
will cope with their giving Dr. Dean
Myers, of Ann Arbor, a two-to-one
margin over former head coach Harry
Kipke, Republican candidate.
Although voting totals fell by 83
votes from the figures of the fall
election, the polling places were de-
scribed as "closely attended" through-'
out the day.
Eight candidates won their seats by
obtaining the necessary quota of 124
votes for election according to the
Hare system of proportional repre-
sentation with the single transfer-
able vote. The other eight new Sen-
ators were declared elected when all
other candidates had been eliminat-
New Senators are: in order of their
election: Clarence Sahlin, Liberal
Conservative; Joseph Gies, '39,
American Student Union; Arthur
Peters, '39, Yo u n g Communist
League; Jack Grady, '42; Paul C.
1 1
Band Concert
Tuesday Marks
Musical Unit To Celebratef
Its Growth With Special '
Program And Booklet
The University Band celebrates its
80th birthday at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday
with a free concert in Hill Auditori-
The organization, described as one
of the best in the Middle West, will
mark its growth from a group of 10
musicians, to a band of "165 strong."s
The special program will feature
classics and modern numbers, in ad-
dition to the usual selection of
marches, a trombone artist, and the
winners of the Kappa Kappa Psi so-
loist contest.
To commemorate the occassion, the
Band will issue a special 15-pages
portfolio containing a pictorial his-
tory of the organization, membership
lists and unusual photos of various
marching formations, snapped at the'
football games. It will be first in
the history of the University, accord-
ing to Gilbert Phares, '39BAd, busi-
ness mnanager.
Student bands from surrounding
high schools have been invited to at-
tend. A 'special section will be re-
served for the 100 patrons, headed by
President Ruthven, who have been
invited to the concert,
Lutheran Choir To Sing
The senior choir of 17 voices will
sing the "Crucifixation" at 8 p.m. to-
day at Trinity Lutheran Church. cor-
ner of 5th Ave. and Williams St. The
choir is under the direction of Mrs.
Robert Copp.

Robertson, '40E, Independent; James
Frankel, '41, Human Rightist; Har-
old Osterweil, '41, American Student
Union; and G. Robert Harrington,
The eight new Senators who did
not receive the qugota are: Eliza-
beth Shaw, '41, Progressive Coali-
tion, with 110 votes; Frederick S.
Reinheimer, '41L, Nationalistk108
votes; Raymond Dwyer, '41, 107 votes;
Casimir Soka, '40, 106; Abrham
James Goodman, '41, Independent
Liberal, 96 votes; Frank Bubell, '40,
94 votes; Blaz A. Lucas, 94, votes;
and James Kehoe, 90 votes.
Incumbants in the Senate are:
Robert Perlman, '39; John Hulbert,
'40; James E. Tobin, '41; Harry
Stutz, '39; Alberta Wood, '40; Wil-
liam Kramer, '41; Richard Jeffreys,
Grad.; John P. O'Hara, '39; Wil-
liam Grier, '39; Ted Grace, '39; Jack
Session, '40; Donald Counihan, '41;
James Hammond, '40A; John Goodell,
'40; Ethel Norberg, '40 and Martin B.
Dworkis, '40.
Conant TO Give
TWO Lectures
On Architecture
Harvard Man Will Speak
On Medieval Buildings;
First Talk Tomorrow
Prof. Kenenth J. Conant of Har-
vard University will deliver two
University lectures on buildings of
architectural significance at 4:15
p.m. tomorrow and Tuesday in the
Graduate School Auditorium under
the auspices of the Institute of Fine
Professor Conant, who is professor
of architecture in the Graduate
School of Design at Harvard, will
speak tomorrow on "The Holy Sepul-
chre in Jerusalem" and Tuesday on
the "Monastery at Cluny." Both lec-
tures will be illustrated with lantern
slides and are free to the general
Professor Conant has travelled
widely in the Near East as well as in
Europe and is research associate of
the Medieval Academy for excava-
tions at Cluny, a city in the East Cen-
tral part of France famous for its
medieval architecture, especially its
monastery, on which Professor Con-
ant has published a monograph.
The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem,
on which he will speak Monday, has
been destroyed and rebuilt ever since
the original structure was erected in
the fourth century. Fires and demoli-
tions by the Sasanian Persians and
the Moslem Egyptians have de-
stroyed older structures which have
been replaced by larger and more
beautiful ones, according to Prof.
Richard Ettinghausen of the Islamic
Art department.
The monastery at Cluny, Profes-
sor Conant's subject Tuesday, was
founded in 910 A.D.
FDR 'Third Term' Club
Is Organized Here
Formation of a campus "Third
Term" club to campaign in the Uni-
versity and throughout this area for
the reelection in 1940 of President
Roosevelt was announced yesterday.
Founders of the club are Elias R.
Stoller, '40, Carol Rockwell, Grad.,
and Newton Burroughs, '39. The time
and place of its first meeting will be
announced soon.

Duce Asks

Anglo-Reich Naval Pact;

'More Space'

v4 \iI

British Remain Unruffled;
Boast Of Anglo-French
Vast Naval Superiority
French Maintain
ROME, April 1. -(P)- Premier
Mussolini returned to Rome today
from a three-day trip to test the tem-
per of his people in southern Italy
after telling a crowd of peasants that
somebody had to give them more
Speaking at the dedication of a big
land reclamation project at Capua,
Il Duce declared that since Italian
families lacked space "somebody will
have to provide it."
Whether he meant land reclama-
tion projects or Italy's demands on
France for colonial concessions was
not clear, but his hearers shouted
"Tunisia!" and "Expansion!"
Mussolini was expected to study
further British and French promises
of aid to Poland which, although
ridiculed in the Fascist press, may
create an embarrassing situation for
Should major friction develop be-
tween Berlin and Warsaw, Italy
would have to choose between friends,
between her German axis partner
and Poland for whom Italian friend-
ship often has been voiced.
London Smiles
LONDON, April 1. ---P(R-- British
naval authorities smiled disdainfully
tonight at Adolf Hitler's threat to
denounce the British-German Naval
Treaty and said there was no indica-
tion that he had swerved Britain from
her joint pledge with France to de-
fend Polish independence.
, High naval experts pointed out not
only that Britain had tremendous
superiority over Germany in naval
power but also that the combined
British-French fleets were stronger
than the combined German-Italian
fleets by a margin or more than two
to one.
Britain reassured Poland of the
breadth of her pledge and sought to
rally Rumania another German
neighbor in the path of possible Nazi
expansion, to similar solidarity with
the Anglo-French front as a second
step toward building a wide "halt Hit-
ler" bloc in Europe.
Paris Hopes
PARIS, April 1.-(P)-Belief the
Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy now
may be backing down from their cam-
paigns of expansion in the face of a
stronger French and British stand
was expressed in diplomatic quarters
Chancellor Hitler's speech at Wil-
helmshaven today was interpreted as
a gesture for at least temporary con-
ciliation with the democracies.

Broadcast Of Hitler's
Address Cut Off Air
BERLIN, April 1. - (Il) -Ar-
rangements were,.made to broad-
cast Chancellor Hitler's Wilielms-
haven address today to the United
States but the program suddenly
ceased after the Fuehrer had
spoken only two sentences.
Tonight it was understood that
a countermanding order cut off
the broadcast of the speech. That
order was executed after Hitler
had started speaking, and it re-
versed a last-minute grant for
such transmission. Previously it
had been announced there Awould
be no broadcast at all as Hitler
Broadcasting officials here had
laid the trouble to "technical rea-
For reasons unexplained, the
speech was not broadcast in Ger-
many while Hitler spoke, although
an hour later a recording of the
address was broadcast in full
along with a description of the
day's events at Wilhelmshaven.
Polis Believe
London Treaty
Is Threatened
WARSAW, April 1.-(IP)-Adolf
Hitler's Wilhelmshaven speech was
interpreted in Poland tonight as a
bid for time in which to split this na-
tion from her new-found solidarity
with Britain.
Authoritative sources reiterated,
however, that Poland was willing to
discuss the future of Danzig with
Germany as an equal but that Poles
would resist forcibly any German at-
tempt to take Danzig by' arms.
The British ambassador, Sir How-
ard William Kennard, conferred with
Foreign Minister Joseph Beck, who is
to leave for London tomorrow noon.
In London, Beck is expected to pre-
pare for any contingency despite the
comparative mildness of Hitler's
After considering Hitler's words in-
formed quarters declared he was
playing for time in which to recast
German demands.
They contended that by mobilizing
last May Czecho-Slovakia balked
Hitler but the Nazis, by biding their
tiem, got what they wanted in Sep-
tember when the Munich Accord ar-
ranged the first Czecho-Slovakia
Debaters Meet

Fuehrer Threatens Poles;
Boasts Of Nazi Power
To Crowd Of 50,000
Proclaims Strength
Of Italian Alliance
WILHELMSHAVEN, G e r m a n y,
April 1.-(A)-Adolf Hitler replied to-
day to Anglo-French pledges of aid
to Poland by delivering a threat from
his North Sea naval base to denounce
the 1935 pact which pledged him to
maintain his navy in a state of "per-
manent" inferiority to Britain's.
The Fuehrer's challenge to Britain
was declamed to a crowd of 50,000
cheering followers a few hours after
he had launched the second of the
35,000-ton battleships he is adding to
his fleet.

Poland Warned
Poland he warned-without nam-
ing her-thus:
"He who is willing to pull chestnuts
out of the fire for others must expect
o get burned."
He denounced the "devilish plan of
encircling and attacking us"; de-
clared "no power in the world can
ever again force us to our knees;"
and bitterly derided Britain and
France and democracies generally.
But he made no threats more defi-
nite than this passage on the 1935
Anglo-German naval treaty:
"I once concluded a naval agree-
ment with Britain. I was animated
by the fervent desire that we might
never again have a war with Eng-
* "If, however, that wish does not ex-
ist on the other side, then the practi-
cal preconditions for concluding such
a treaty have vanished."
Extols Axis
He proclaimed the strength and
durability of his alliance with Italy
-"the state with which we shall
march now and in all the future:"
"If. any nation wants to measure
its strength with ours (the Rome-
Berlin Axis) in any other way than
a peaceful one, we are ready for that
The Fuehrer spoke from a platform
in the City Hall Square opposite to
and facing the hall. He stood behind a
bullet-proof glass arrangement like
a bank teller's window which some
said was to prevent any cold breeze
from striking his chest.
The world was kept in anxious sus-
pense for more than an hour after
the Chancellor had finished speak-
ing. A short-wave radio broadcast
intended primarily for the United
States failed in the first two minutes
of the speech and there was no other
communication from Wlhelmshaven
until he had finished.
Sets Out For Helgoland
From the square Hitler went direct-
ly to the Robert Ley steamer of the
"power through joy" organization,
to become a passenger on the vessel's
maiden voyage to Helgoland, the Nazi
naval fortress in the North Sea, re-
fortified in defiance of the Versailles
At noon the Fuehrer had watched
the launching of Germany's second
35,000-ton battleship, the Von Tirpitz
named for the late Grand Admiral
Alfred Von Tirpitz, war naval com-
mander, who advocated unrestricted
submarine warfare.
There also was an indirect refer-
ence interpreted as aimed at either
President Roosevelt or Secretary of
State Cordell Hull when the Fuehrer,
in describing Germany's efforts at
economic expansion, asserted:
"We won't take orders in this mat-
ter from any European or extra-
European statesman."
Hitler insisted that the Czechs, who
have become subjects of the Reich
in the dismemberment of their re-
public, "will have more freedom than
the suppressed peoples of virtueless
nations have."
Defends Czech Seizure
He defended his course in Czecho-
Slovakia by asserting that state had
been created only as a base for at-
tacking Germany.
"We have no hatred against the
Czechs," he said.
Germany he insisted once again,
"is not thinking of making war upon
anybody, provided others leave :us

Europea1 Youth Believes War
Is Inevitable, Miss Curie Says

The most disturbing factor in the
present European situation is the
pessimistic attitude of the post-war
generations, Eve Curie, daughter of
the famous French Curies, declared,
in an interview Friday, following her
lecture in Detroit.
"European youth makes no plans
for the future since they are firmly
convinced that the future holds no
certainty but war. The world can
stand only so much of Hitler's dom-
ination before it will be forced to
fight for the preservation of his basic
liberties." This was the statement
of a women of both French and Po-
lish descent.
In a little less than a month in
America, Miss Curie has traveled from
New York to San Francisco and back

for a United Europe similar to the
union of states in America, Miss
Curie smiled and shook her head. "It
seems improbable, doesn't it?", she
If Miss Curie receives the Nobel
Prize for her biography of her mother,
which is thought a strong possibility,
it will be the fifth Nobel award in the
family. In 1903 it was awarded to
her mother and father in 1924 again
to her mother, an din 1935 to her sis-
ter, Irene, for her work in chemistry.
Miss Curie herself presents a queer
contrast to the popular concept of
a daughter of scientists. One of the
most exquisite and best-dressed wom-
en in Europe, she is an expert pianist
as well. At one time she hoped to do
concert work, but gave it up when
she found that the fame of her name

Closing Broadcast
of 'Join The Choir'
To BeHeard Today
President Ruthven, the Men's Var-
sity Glee Club, the Carillon and the
Sunday morning quartet will end the
current season of the "Join the Choir"
program at 9 a.m. today over a na-
tional hookup of the Columbia
Broadcasting System. The broad-
cast is under the direction of Dr.
Joseph E. Maddy.
President Ruthven will discuss tol-
erance as a necessary criterion for the
individual in religion and education
today. Two Tschaikowsky selections,
"Pilgrims Song" and "Praise Ye the
Lord" will be sung by the Varsity Glee
Club under the direction of Prof. Da-
vid Mattern of the music school.
The quartet, directed by Dr. Ken-
neth Westerman will sing hymns ac-
companied on the Carillon played by
Sydney F. Giles, guest carillonneur.
A special wire will be relayed from
the Carillon Tower to the Broad-
casting Studio at Morris Hall.
Student announcer will be Myron
Wallace, '39, and technical director,
Jerome Wiesner, assistant director of
the University Broadcasting Service.

Pump Priming Is Subject
Of Contest In Union
Varsity debaters will meet a Dart-
mouth College team at 8 p.m. Tues-
day in the North Lounge of the
Union in the first major contest here
of the second semester.
Robert Rosa, '39, and Jack Shuler,
'40E, will uphold the negative of the
question, "Resolved, That the United
States Should Cease To Use Gov-
ernment Funds, Including Credit, For
the Stimulation of Business." Louis
Oberdorfer and John R. Willetts of
Dartmouth will present the affirma-
tive case.
The question is the same one which
will be used in the Big Ten meet
which will take place the last of this
month. It was also used by the wom-
en's team in a contest with Ohio
Wesleyan here and a radio debate
with the Michigan State Normal
College of Yspilanti.
No decision will be awarded follow-
ing the debate. As part of the regu-
lar Union student forums, a group
discussion will follow the contest.
Spring Parley Heads
Will Convene Today
Election of faculty panels for the
separate discussion sections and a
general chairman for the 1939 Spring
Parley will be held at a meeting at

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