THE MICHIGAN DAILY r JIGAN DAILY .:I .,. ,, ' 4.3..ts' PRrob..ww.,uoa managed by students of the University of ler the authority of the Board In Control of .ications. every morning except Monday during the ar and Sumni Session. mber of the Associated Press ated Press is exclusively entitled to the blication of all >news dispatches credited to therwise credited in this newspaper. All ublication of all other matters herein also the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as mail matter. mns duringregular school year by carrier, 1, $4.50. ESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIS1NG BY tonal Advertising Service, Inc. College Publisbers Representative MADISON AVE. N ew YORK, N. Y. G0 * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Issociated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors tors has introduced a bill which if made into law will allow the people freedom to decide whether they will go to a foreign battlefield to fight a war. This war referendum bill provides that the people shall vote, before Uncle Sam's troops and guns are sent overseas to fight a war that has been called by a parley of diplomats. If our nation is to be truly democratic, it can never operate under a system that gives a few men the power to decree that all its citizens must don the khaki uniform and sacrifice their lives on the battlefields. War referendum to the people is criticized be- cause it would curtail the work of the diplomats. But that is the very intent of the proposal-to take the decision of life and death from our diplomats and place it in the hands of the fatheex and sons who are directly concerned in the matter. The referendum proposal does not apply in cases where the boundaries of our nation, or even our South American friends, are threatened. danger of attack on this continent is imminent, our appointed generals and admirals still rea tain the powers that are vested in them. It is true that the bill provides a slow process of legislative decision. This is one of its merits. It allows the American people time to decide wheth- er they want to send their guns and soldiers to Europe to fight in another nation's backyard. The referendum is deliberately designed to slow down the pace of American diplomacy abroad. It is based on the fundamental belief that twen- tieth-century war should be avoided at any cost", It assumes that we are a nation composed of people seeking individual happiness and national welfare, and not an encampment of soldiery seeking an opportunity to sacrifice our greatest sources of strength in a punitive drive against a dictator who has committed a moral wrong. The war referendum bill vitally affects every student in the United States. It should be solidly supported because: f. It offers us an opportunity to work for peace in a constructive, democratic manner. 2. It permits slow consideration of our en- trance into war, and thus will minimize the effects of the war hysteria of the' moment. 3. It does not threaten the security of the United States boundaries; it applies only to wars on other continents. -PaGyl M. Chandler feenr loe Heywood Broun Not even Franklin D. Roosevelt has had as rough a ride in magazines and newspapers as that forced upon Ben Cohen. Like other mortals, Mr. FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 132 Notices c 7 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ! . IR Cohen undoubtedly has both faults and virtues, but he is generally bawled out for igr performance in a role td which he has never been as- signed or made so much as a single appearance. There are those who be- lieve that this extremely shy young man gallops up and down Washington terrifying wr. or . for or or or or or .f.r .,, sion books drawn from the Univer- sity Library are notified that such books are due Monday, April 3rd, be- fore the impending Spring vacation, in pursuance of the Regents' regula- tion: Fredenthal and Helen May, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Alumni Memorial Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March 24 through April 7. Robert D. Mitchell . Albert P. May1o Horace W. Gilmore Robert I. Fitzhenry S. R. Kleiman - Robert Perlman Earl Gilman S William Elvin Joseph Freedman *. Joseph Giles * Dorothea Staebler Bud Benjamin Business Department ger. . . , . Philip W. Buchen r . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman anager . . . Wil4am L. Newnan ness Manager . . Helen Jean Dean lce Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter EDITOR: ,LEIOTT MARANISS torials published in The Michigan written by members of the Daily represent the views of the writers The Editor Gets Told ,note * 0 C LARA SHOULD BE ashamed of herself. ra went to Ohio State. After attending col- Clara came back to the farm and (would elieve it) pretended that she knew every- In fact, she stamped her foot and refused to Sunday School. on Wednesday, according to the Cleveland Dealer, the Ohio Senate passed a resolu- :o investigate the subversive activities at and other tax-supported universities and Is. The vote followed a debate in which Senator Pollock (Rep.-Canton) shed cro- tears over the sad history of the degrada- f Clara as told by a newspaper columnist d George Crane. course the Senate had other facts. Dr. H. T. ps (Rep.-Athens) disclosed to the Senate a communist named Sandbeg, who was a late for the Council in a city which he did lentify, had written to a student at a state :sity, asking his support. Dr. Phillips fur- aid that there was "a suspicion, probably, on a lot of facts" that un-American activi- ere going on. liam M. Boyd (Dem.-Cleveland) pictured >fficials of the Communist Party gathering scow and saying:N )k how powerful we are in Ohio, we created a strong organization the Senate of Ohio ompelled to investigate us." Pollock finished up by saying that any- here was a whole lot of popular interest in aerican activities. After all, without popular st who would crowd the balconies to hear nate debate? e, there was opposition to setting up a )ies committee in Ohio. Grant Ward (Rep.- bus) asserted that one of the principal: ars for the investigation was a person who failed to make the grade" at Ohio State ad been kicked out. ace S. Keifer (Rep.-Springfield) a wav n and grandson of a Civil War general, d that the resolution was "conceived in a of Fascism by Fascist-minded people, whose s to suppress free speech. The strength ;ability of the government of the United does not depend on suppression of criti- If your Americanism is not strong h to stand a free discussion of any kind of aen it is not strong enough to stand with- rce."' teen of the thirty-one Senators present for the resolution. You can't really blame considering the picture of Clara-the col- r1 who wouldn't go to Sunday school. -S. r. eleeman - Referendum To Philip Buchen "Goodyears"-hasten to resent- With our "Expert Versifier" We have always been content And the "Untermeyer Letter" "Goodyears"-hasten to resent- In our Advertising Matter The latest-we demand And our "Modernistic Rhyming" "Louis" couldn't understand- Of our type of Advertising Do not ever have a fear For REEFER-rhymes with EASTER Just as PRETZEL does with BEEF- -Goodyear's, Representatives and shaking his fist at Senators. The truth is that Ben Cohen is a recluse who seldom sees the light of day and talks volubly only to close associates. But even if this picture were put over, the attack would switch, and he would be accused of acting as a sort of Conan Doyle villain named Professor Moriarity, who used to plot va4 schemes in a subterranean den piped for lethal gas which could be administered to the unwary. Although well known to lawyers, even before he entered the government service, he has made few appearances in court. Many of the Washington newspapermen have never seen him, and if he has any particular buddy in the press, the intimacy is kept quiet. * * * Lifted Into Headlines Very probably his name would have appeared very seldombin the papers if it had not been tha he and Corcoran formed a kind of political and intellectual partnership. Corcoran gets around. He is easy, friendly and gregarious. Although he is constantly being swatted on editorial pages, the working press gets along with him very well. He is extremely low hat. The partnership was probably pleasant and from certain points of view extremely useful. But it was punishing to Ben Cohen. He might have toiled unknown and unscathed as an important but anonymous' member of the New Deal circle if his name had not become associated with that of his far more active friend. Whenever Tommy Corcoran moved into the limelight the ghost of his friend came spiritually along, although Cohen in his own slight flesh might have been home in bed, reading a good book or doing research work upon a political proposal. Corcoran & Cohen was precisely the firm name for which the anti-New Deal politicians had been looking. It was used repeatedly in all the purge campaigns in the South. This was red meat fpr both "Cotton Ed," of South Carolina, and George, of Georgia. Back in the hills the speaker could raise up both Catholic and Jewish prejudice without con- mitting himself formally to that incitement. The man on the stump would merely speak of Presi- dential advisers and say, "Of course, I refer to. Tommy Corcoran and Bennie Cohen." And the voice would linger over the name "Bennie" in a sibilant sneering manner. * * * Putting Over A Myth As a result many thousands of voters are co vinaced.that a shy recluse is actually a bumptious plotter who swaggers around the halls of Con- tress and puts pressure upon the President to do his will and bidding. The thing is unclean, un- true and monstrousbut it is easy to sell a myth to the American people. Ben Cohen took orders and acted as a cor9 'ultant. Until recently his contacts with Mr. Roosevelt were extremely rare. They see each other more at present. Franklin Delano Roose- velt is not an Executive to be frightened aw from p friendship by either a whispering or a screaming campaign. trained educator; the other is not. One is desired by the University. The other is not. The issue is clear. If the state is to know how we feel, vote and vote for Dr. Dean Myers. Student Non-Partisan Committee On The Election of Regents Sol Sobsey, Chairman Joseph Bibik Jack Sullivan Robert Emerine Max Hodge Jack Zubon Carrell Leuchtmann Robert Forsythe John Uhl Horace W. Gilmore Senate Action To the Editor: No body that claims to be liberal minded could substantiate that claim by acting as the Student Senate has at its last two meetings. 1± was the duty of the Student Senate, as the representatives of the students, to act on the Re- gency question; their interest in Michigan should have compelled them to act that the men that would most benefit this university would attain the Regents' posts. Their action though, was not directed against a wrong, but against a person. If their moral indignation had been justified, it would have been universal and they would have looked into all sides of the question before theX drew any conclusion. The majority made no at- tempt to do this; most of them didn't and still couldn't name the men that are running for the office and their various qualifications. Themr decision is therefore unwarranted and unjusti- fied. The Senate last night called for a "referen- dum" on their action. The poll next Friday is no referendum; the Senate is giving the students the chance to judge the qualifications of all the Faculty Tea: President and Mrs.j Ruthven will be at home to faculty members and residents of Ann Arbor today from 4 to 6 p.m. Note to Seniors, June Graduates, and Graduate Students: Please file application for degrees or any spe- cial certificates (i.e. Geology Certifi- cate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at. once if you expect to receive a de- gree or certificate at Commencement in June. We cannot guarantee that the University will confer a degree or certificate at Commencement upon ny student who fails to file such application before the close of busi- ness on Wednesday, May 17. If ap- plication is received later than May 17, your degree or certificate may not be awarded until next fall. Candidates forudegrees or certifi- cates may fill out card at once at office of the secretary or recorder of their own school or college (students enrolled in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, College of Architecture, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Fores- try and Conservation, please note that application blank may be ob- tained and filed in the Registrar's Of- fice, Room 4, University Hall). All applications for the Teacher's Cer-. tificate should be made at the office of the School of Education. Please do not delay unt the last day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and certificates must be lettered, signed, and sealed and we shall be greatly helped in this work by the early filing of applications and the resulting longer period for preparation. The filing of these applications does not involve the payment of any fee whatsoever. Shirley W. Smith. To The Householders: Many of our students are in need of part-time work. If you have any odd jobs, such as housecleaning, yard or garden work, that the students can do, will you please call the Student Employ- ment Bureau, Ext. 2121, Room 2 University Hall? We will endeavor to send you satisfactory help. J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students. To Stuaents Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their posses- Student Red Scare To the Editor: Several candidates for the Student Senate have built their platforms around assertions that the Young Communist League dominates lead- ing campus organizations. Seeming- ly these assertions are intended to raise a red-scare against us. It is not difficult to see, however, that these attacks'are made against an altogeth- er different target. The YCL has nothing to fear from such attacks, or from the "red" V5bel. rhe red-batiers themselves know this fact very well. But they hope that by crying "Communist" and attacking the Daily, the ASU, the Senate, and other organizations as "red," they can frighten the campus into relinquish- ing its rights to self-expression, stu- dent self-government, and democ- racy. The ultimate aim of such persons is the complete splitting, binding, and gagging of the student body. If their present attack meets with success, we may expect to find a number of other institutions attacked under the same pretext. This is what these per- sons hope to accomplish. But after the Dies Committee's red-baiting has been exposed as a flank attack against Murphy and the New Deal, the cam- pus must not be frightened out of its rights and security by the same tac- tic. Executive Committee Young Communist League Cheer For Mimes' To the Editor: Tuesday afternoon I went to the Union Coffee hour where I read that Mimes, the Michigan Union Drama- tic organization was presenting a skit. I had heard for a long time about Mimes and the Operas they had pre- sented with tremendous success in other years. I went prepared to -mock the feeble efforts of this dead defunct club. But when the entertainment began, when these two men in the dress and manner of girls swung into action I forgot my cynical purpose and laughed and admired with the others present. Afterwards I went immediately home and still in the mood. lapsed in- a coma of adoration. In this state I refused food and drink for forty- eight hours and when I recovered, even before taking nourishment, I sat me down and wrote this. What I want to know is: Why can't we have more nf this tvn of enter- "Students who leave Ann Ar- bor for an absence of more than a week must first return all bor- rowed books." 2. Faliure to return books before the vacation will render the student liable to an extra fine. 3. Students who have special need for certain books between April 3rd and the beginning of the vacation may retain such books by applying at the Charging Desk on April 3lNd. 4. Students, who have urgent need for certain books during the vacation, will be given permission tondraw these books, provided they are not in gen- eral demand, on application at the Charging Desk after April 3rd. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The sixth regular meet-" ing of the faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1938-39 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Monday, April 3, at 4:10 p.m. Agenda- 1. Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of March 6, which have been distributed by campus mail. 2. Discussion of reports submit- ted with this call to the meeting: a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor Arthur S. Aiton. b. University Council, prepared by Professor Joseph R. Hayden. c. Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Professor Louis I. Bredvold d. Senate Advisory committee on University Affairs, prepared by Pro- fessor Louis C. Karpinski. e. Dean's Conference, prepared by Dean Edward H. Kraus. 3. New business.' 1939 Mechanical Engineers and Graduates: Your attention is called to the notice on the bulletin board regarding the visit of the representa- tive of the Saginaw Steering Gear Division of General Motors. The Cap and Gown Committee has chosen Moe's 711 N. University, as its headquarters. It advises fittings be- fore spring vacation. No deposit is necessary. $1.50 is required when the cap and gown are picked up. Publicity Committee for Frosh Project: All freshmen women on this and all other committees must have their eligibility cards handed in at the Undergraduate Office of the Michigan League on or before March 31. The Michigan Wolverine building may be rented by any campus group for social purposes. The Wolverine is in no way affiliated with any group to whom the building may be rented. The Directors assume no responsibili- ty for programs presented by any group. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations: Institution Band Music. Director, salary range: $130-150, April 7. Housekeeper, salary range $95-110, April 7. Highway Electrical Engineer, sal- ary range, $325-385, April 13. Complete announcements are on file atthe University Bureau of Ap- pointments and Occupational Infor- mation, 201 Mason Hall; office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Juniors and Seniors of the Literary College: Students desiring to apply for candidacy for the Teacher's Cer- tificate please see a member of the Teacher's Certificate Committee as soon as possible. In the absence of Professor Thorpe students majoring in Group I, and minoring in Group II see Professor Welch, 4089 Natural- Science (Univ.-591), hours Tu-Th, 11-12; those minoring in Grqup III see Professor Wheeler, 321 Haven Hall (Univ.-598), hours Tu-Th, 3-4, Wed., 8:30-10. English 150 and 298 (Playwriting). Mr. Loughran will read his play at the meeting next Monday night, April 3. Kenneth Rowe. Master's Candidates in History: The language examination will be given at 4 p.m., Friday, March 31, in Room B, Haven. Please bring your own dictionaries. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: The premiated drawings submitted in the national competition for the Wheaton College Art Center are be- ing shown in the third floor Exhibi- tion Room. College of Architecture. Lectures University Lectures: Professor Ken- neth J. Conant, of Harvard Univer- sity, will give illustrated lectures on "The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem" on Monday, April 3, and "The Mon- astery of Cluny" on Tuesday, April 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lee- ture Hall under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts. Harland Danner, Michigan athlete, will present a lecture on "Life with the Lacandones" at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre, Wednesday, April 5, at 8:15 p.m. This lecture will be illustrated with motion pictures tak- en during Danner's recent visit among the primitive Lacandone In- dian tribe of southern Mexico. Tick- ets will be on reserve at the box of- fice Monday, Tuesday, and Wednes- :ay. This lecture, sponsored by La Sociedad Hispanica, will be in Eng- lish. Events Today Botanical Seminar will meet to- day at 4:30 p.m., Room 1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by Dr. Friedrich Oelkers "The Physiology of Meiosis." The Annual Meeting of the Alpha Chapter of Michigan of Phi Beta Kappa will be held in Room 2116 Natural Science Building this eve- ning at 7:30 p.m. All members are urged to attend this meeting. 'The Suomi Club will sponsor a so- cial evening at Lane Hall tonight at 8:00. All Finnish students are invited to attend. Stalker Hall. Class in "Through the New Testament" led by Dr. Brashares at 7:30 p.m. at the Church. The par- ty this week will be Saturday night when we join with the Congrega- tional group at their meeting place at 8 o'clock. Services at the Hillel Foundtion tonight at 8 p.m. 'Dr. Isaac Rabino- witz will speak on "An American- Jewish Literature." Mrs. Hirsch Hootkins will be the hostess at the Social-Hour following services. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Facul- ty on Monday, April 3, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering Bldg. The program for this meeting in- cludes the consideration of a recom- mendation from the Committee on Scholastic Standing as to Honor Points for graduation and for the Home List; a report from the Stand- ing Committee, and routine business. Coming Events Faculty, School of Education: The regular luncheon meeting of the fac- ulty will be held Monday noon, April 3, at 12:15, 'Michigan Union. Junior Research Club. The April Physics, will speak on "Auditory Fa- 4, at 7:30 p.n. in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. Mr. R. H. Nichols,dDepartment of hysics, will speak on "Auditory Fa- tigue with Reference to Measurement of Subjective Harmonics," and Pro- fessor H. L. Kohler, Department of Mechanical Engineering, will speak on "Recent Advances in Piston Ring Design." The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 8 to 10 on Saturday evening, April 1. The moon and selected stars will be shown through the telescopes. Children must be accompanied by adults. The Graduate EducationClub will meet Monday, April 3, at 4 o'clock in the Graduate Education Library, University Eelementary School. Dr. Fritz Redl and Dr. George Myers will speak on Guidance. All graduate students taking work in Education are cordially invited to attend. Re- freshments will be served. Eta Kappa Nu: Meeting in the Union on Sunday, April 2, 7 p.m. for actives and 7:30 p.m. for pledges, Room will be posted. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at the northwest door of the Rackham Building Sunday afternoon. They will leave promptly at 2:30 p.m. for Camp Newkirk. The pro- gram includes an Easter Egg Hunt, baseball and other outdoor games. Supper will be served around a camp- fire or indoors if the weather does not permit. They will return before 9 p.m. Faculty and all graduate students are invited. Roger Williams Guild, Saturday, 6:15 p.m. at Haunted Tavern; 33rd U.S. And World Peace To the Editor: That Mussolini should declare his stand with Hitler is but natural and was to be expected. By threatening war--that is,. by bluffing--he- hopes to get from France Tunis, Corsica, Nizza and what not. If the western powers are taken in by the new bluffing they will have to make more and more concessions to be finally over- whelmed by the ever-growing strength of thp axis. If they are willing to resist and if war comes Hitler and Mussolini will be defeated, because the western powers have everything to make them victorious-man-power, resources, money. The question is whether the western powers are will- ing to stand up against the Fascists. As for the United States, we must stay out of any European war for the reason that we cannoL save the European democracies. They must save themselves. They have the power to do it. Our first and foremost duty is to save our own democracy by making it a more genuine democ- racy than it is. As the result of a new world war in which we might participate, there is the strongest possibility that our democracy would come to an end. Let us do our nearest duty before launchinV out into a European war which will accomplish nothing, cause incalculable damage and make this a worse world than it is now. -M. Levi Regent Poll To the Editor: An event of great importance takes place to- day-the Student Senate referendum on the election of Regents. It is vital because in large measure the people of the state will vote Monday the way the students do today. Publicity on the result will be tremendous-it will show, once and for all, who the students want as regent. The answer is known, of course, to those on campus. There can be little comparison between a man who served for 15 years on the Medical School faculty; who was president of the Ann Arbor U. of M. Club, president of the Community Fund; member of the Board of the American College of Surgeons, and president of the Ann Arbor City Council, and a man whose sole quali- )* . " I EUROPE this week the diplomats are sorrowfully nodding their heads, ng that before many more weeks longer be able to "tolerate" the ctics of the twin dictatorships.