L Sir igrnz ~Iai j mer So Should Ohio's Senate... War Referendumi Bill: Pro... XLIX. No. 132 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1939 PRICE V !_U Senior Honor Societies Tap Junior Women In Ceremony Spanish Nationalist Police Rout Lingering Opposition Total Captives Number 600,000, As Martial LawI Reigns In Madrid; Republican Defense Council Taken After Miaja Escapes To Algeria N y Council NamedI tallation Banquet; e Officers Chosen piored Initiates Varied Talent oard and Senior Society inior women for member- League Installation Ban- ght, and three new Judi- il members, the three vice ind the chairmen of the ng committees of the e named. inior women in the order apped by Mortar Board, nor society for seniors, Haislip, Ellen Redner, e, Alberta Wood, Roberta n McKay, Phyllis Mc- n Vicary, Dorothy Nich- Shipman, Betty Brooks, Zenovia Skoratko, An- ge, Roberta Leete, Mary ek, Frances Kahrs, Flor- rton and Mary Honeck- MADRID, March .30.-(P)-Nation- alist authorities imposed stern meas- ures today to crush any lingering Re- publican, opposition to the Civil War victors. A technical state of war (in effect, martial law) was decreed in Madrid for a transitory period and military courts were given jurisdiction over all crimes committed during the 32- month conflict,. Police began rounding up persons listed in a huge card index compiled by "the fifth column"-Nationalist agents and sympathizers-through- out the war. More than 100,000 prisoners have been taken during the last two days, swelling the Nationalists' total num- ber of captives to 600,000. They in- cluded all members of the Republican National Defense Council except General Jose Miaja. General Miaja escaped by flying to Algeria. His. defense minister, Gen. Segismundo Casado, who was arrested in Valencia, and his Foreign Min- ister, Julian Besteiro, were taken to Burgos. Madrilenos were warned by posters that failure to surrender firearms, explosives and incendiary and poison- ous materials within 24 hours would mean summary court martial and possibly death. The advocate general ordered every civilian having knowledge of crimes committed "during or after the Red Senior Society List Senior Society, honor society for' independent senior women, chose the following junior -women for member- ship: Maxine Baribeau, Janet Clark, Jane Dunbar, Gladys Engel, Roslyn Fellman, Betty Gross, Mary Honeck- er, Ellen Krieghoff,, Patricia Mat- thews, Phyllis McGeachy, Roberta Moore, Jane Mowers, Dorothy Nichols, Suzanne Potter, Ellen Redner, Mary Frances Reek, Alberta Royal, Miss Skoratko and Betty Slee. Membership in both societies is on the basis of scholarships leadership and service. Mortar Board requires a .3 scholastic average above the all campus average, bringing the stand- ard this year to 1.82 by the old sys-, tem and 2.82 by the new. The three vice presidents of the League were announced by Miss Ship- man, presiden~t: They are Ela .Stowe,, '40, who will be in charge of dancing classes; Miss O'Roke, '40, head of the ballroom; and Phyllis McGeachy, '40, chairman of the League candy booths. Vice Presidents Chosen Miss Stowe, a member of Delta Gamma, was dance chairman of Sophomore Cabaret, assistant dance chairman of Junior Girls Play, a dance a s for F an Pro- e social the League. if Kappa Kappa Gam- ern, Miss O'Roke was c Banquet chairman in nember of the central last year's Lantern ok part in J.G.P., and W.A.A. sports manager. chy has acted as Ori- or. She was a member f Sophomore Cabaret, .ssembly Banquet, and J.P. She is a staff mem- Iichiganensian, and a League social commit- s was named senior liciary Council by Miss i She was a member of staff of the Gargoyle Sbooth committee last nued on Page 5) Women 6n Awards Economy Bloc Attacks House Relief Measure Need For $150,000,000 AdditionalAppropriation Shown ByRep. Cannon WASHINGTON, March 30.-P)-(gp A crucial fight on the question of additional relief funds for this year began today on the House floor, where critics raked WPA with charges of "waste and extravagance" and de- fenders of the agency declared it must have $150,000,000 to put "more food on the tables of the undernourished." At first leaders believed they might' obtain a vote on the question tonight, \but later decided to recess the House and put the showdown over until to- morrow. The President had asked $150,000,- 000 to carry WPA through June but the House appropriations committtee cut the figure to $100,000,000. While most democratic members of the "economy bloc" appeared ready to vote for the $100,000,000, Representa- tive Taber (Aep.-N.Y.) declared that if WPA would eliminate waste no further appropriation for this year would be needed. Debate on the bill was preceded by a stormy battle over the procedure to. be followed. The Rules Committee, proposed that there be four hours general debate and that amendments be restricted to changes in the amount of the appropriation. Representative Martin (Rep-Mass.), the Republican leader, spoke angrily of "arrogant gag-rule." New Dealers also objected vigorously to certain phases of the suggested procedure on the ground it would not permit a record vote on the question of in- creasing the appropriation. From Representative Woodrum (Dem.-Va.), a leader of the economy bloc, came a frank admission that the procedure was "stringent" and might even be termed "gag rule,'" but he said that such procedure frequent- ly was good for the country. In the end the Rules Committee suggestions were approved. Entries Still Accepted For Last Bridge Tourney Entries for 'the last of a series of three all-campus bridge tournaments held during the current school year are still being accepted at the League and Union main desks, it was an-, nounced yesterday by James Wills, '40E, Union publicity chairman. The tournament will be held from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Tuesday in the main ball- room of the Union. (Republican) Regime" to report im- mediately to military tribunals on pain of punishment provided by the State of War edict. Gen. Espinosa De Los Monteros, who proclaimed the state of war, told Madrid that Generalissimo Francisco Franco's forces brought "peace, 'order, pardon and affection" and persons rigorously observing the terms of the proclamation had no reason to be frightened. He gave a list of offenses which he said would be punished by death: ,Possession of unauthorized radio transmitters or receivers and receipt of news adverse to the Nationalist cause. Firing from a house; the porter or occupants of the floor from which shots are fired will be responsible unless proved innocent. Robbing, sacking and pillaging. , Sabotage of mails, telegraphs, tele-, phones, railways, street cars, sub-'; ways, factories, and electricity, water; service and industrial installations. Those charge with the following crimes are to be tried by military courts: Insulting the armed forces, spread- ing reports or subversive propaganda against the Nationalists, publishing, possession or distributing tendentious propaganda, interrupting the normal functioning of labor through strikes or otherwise, false accusations and meeting without authorization in groups of more than three persons. Ruthven Talks On Tolerance, Quartet Sings Over CBS; Choir Series Ends The question of tolerance will be reviewed from a religious aspect by President Ruthven on a national hook-up of the Columbia Broadcast- ing System at 9 a.m. Sunday. President Ruthven's speech will mark the final broadcast of the Join; the Choir series for the current sea-E son. In addition to the tolerance dis-; cussion will be the regular Sunday morning quartet, the Men's Varsity Glee Club under the direction ofJ Prof. David Mattern of the School of Music, and the Carillon. Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, professor of radio music instruction, director of, the program, points out, the timeli- ness of Dr. Ruthven's topic in view of the activities of the Student Re- ligous Association and the Student Senate in this field. Hymns, sung by the quartet, will{ be accompanied by Sydney F. Giles, University guest carillonneur, by means of a special wire from the. Carillon tower. Members of the quar- tet' are Jean Westerman, Miriamn Westerman, '41, Donn Chown; Grad, and ,Warren Foster. 11 Duce Hurls Defiant Threat Of Expansion Gayda Attacks Daladier's Speech On Italo-French Colonial Disagreement France Signs Trade Pact With Rumania ROME, March 30.-(P)--Prehier Mussolini served notice today that Italy "does not intend to remain a prisoner in the Mediterranean" bt failed to indicate how far she in- tended to expand. Fascism's newspaper spokesman, Virginio Gayda, meanwhile sounded the keynote of Italian reaction to French Premier Daladier's address of last night by declaring Daladier tend- ed to "shut tight the half-closed door" to negotiations over Italo- French differences. Il Duce spoke briefly in Cosenza, where he laid the cornerstone of a new normal school, during an in- spection, trip in the southern end of the Italian mainland. Gayda, whose editorial reaction to Daladier's speech appeared in Il Giornale d'Italia, declared that de- spite the fading hopes for Italo- French negotiations, "Italy is not im- patient." "She can wait and she waits," he wrote. He went on to suggest that such patience might well be decisive in showing the justice of the Italian claims. "It is very clear by now," he con- tinued, "that the French govern- ment does not wish to discuss further either territories or rights. It wishes to separate itself from Italy and stif- fen itself with its 'never."'~ The editor accused France of a "wave of hard persecutions" of Itali- ans in Tunisia, French North African protectorate, contradicting Daladier's declaration that they were well treat- ed and happy. French-Rumanian Trade Pact Aids Anti Hitler Bloc PARIS, March 31.-(Friday)-() -France, working with Britain to stop Adolf Hitler in eastern Europe, early today initialled a commercial accord with Rumania and was re- ported to have invited Foreign Min- ister Joseph'Beck of Poland to Paris after his London talks next week. The commercial accord, initialled at the foreign office by leaders of the French and Rumanian trade delega- tions, doubled French purchases of Rumanian oil and slashed 60 per cent off French import duties on Rumani- an agricultural products. The French-Eumanian trade ac- cord was considered here as a check against trade expansion in Rumania by Germany, which gained major concessions through a five-year com- mercial accord with the Bucharest government last Wednesday. Sources close to the foreign office said Beck had been invited to Pars immediately after his trip to London and had accepted. He is scheduled to reach London Monday night. Students' Cabaret Tonight To Raise Magazine Money Dramatics, music of all types and shagging that will content the jitteri- est of the jitterbugs are only a few of the items on the program for the New Masses Cabaret to be held at 9 p.m. tonight at 209 S. State St. Run for the purpose of raising money for New Masses magazine, the cabaret will utilize talent from De- troit and from the campus in offering the most unique evening's entertain- ment that this University community has seen in many a day. 1 Members of the Contemporary Theatre in Detroit will present four skits-"Romeo from Tokia," "Brit- tania Waives the Rules," "Physical Culture" and "Joe Worker Gets Gypped.'' Margaret Mattews, '39SM, whose voice, according to a "reliable source" is very hot indeed will offer a bit of "The Swing Mikado" and one Shep- low will do a Dwight Fiske piano number "If Gilbert and Sulliva ~ Were Elinor Glyn." Edward Jurist, '39, of Play Pro- duction fame, will do a Robert Ben- chley number "Aristotle and the Mod-' ern Theatre" while Karl Klauser and Art Klein will offer selections from Louis Macneice's "Out of the Pic- ture." Iri addition there will be offered a "from spirituals to swing" con- cert including records and programs from the famous Carnegie Hall Con- cert and an exhibition of automatic paintings by a certain Henri who "never took a lesson in my life." The cabaret is sponsored by the Save the New Masses Committee. Tickets can be obtained at the Book Room, 308 State Street. Campus Votes Kiphe Fourth In Clown Poll Two dark horses appeared on the scene of yesterday's Michiiganensian popularity election when Harry Kip-' te, erstwhile Regency candidate, took fourth place in the race for campusj clown and Eli, Beta's dog, received 12 votes to put it in fifth place as campus beauty. With nearly twice the number of votes of the second contesting candi-t date, Prof. Mentor Williams of the English department remained far in the lead in the third day of voting for the most popular professor. Marcia Connell, '39, in the meantime nosed her way up from third place to first for campus beauty with a substantial margin of 9 votes ahead of Margaret Cram, '40. In the race for campus clown Jack Brennan, '39, and Max Hodge, '39, are literally running neck and neck with Brennan only two votes in the lead. Bud Benjamin, '39, still retains his lead over Ralph Heikkinen, '39, for typical Michigan student. Final results for the mnost popular professor, campus clown, campus beauty and typical student will be de- cided today,"the last day for voting. Balloting is taking place in Angell Hall' Lobby and in the center of the diagonal. Second, third and fourth places for most popular professor remained in the hands of Prof. Paul Cuncannon of the political science department, Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English de- partment and Prof. Louis G. Vander Velde of the history department. Margaret Cram, '39, fell back to second place in the contest for cam- pus beauty queen with Jenny Peter- sen, '39, and Mary Minor, third and fourth respectively. Jack Reed and Bob Reid, '39, remained in third and fourth places as typical students. Bruce Elected Head Of Physicians Group NEW ORLEANS, March 30.-(P)- Dr. James D. Bruce of Ann Arbor, vas designated president-elect of the American College of Physicians here oday. He will assume office at the next ,nnual convention. Meanwhile, Dr. U. H. Perry Pepper of Philadelphia assumed the presidency today for the oming year, succeeding Dr. William J. Kerr, of Berkeley, Calif. Anti-Wair trike Policies Outlined By Pay Bennett War will surely bring totalitari- an government to this country, warned Miss Fay Bennett, of the American Youth Committee Against War, to 50 students last night at Lane Hall. Outlining the history of the anti-war strike movement durir4 the last five years, Miss Bennett said that about 1,000,000 students on 500 campuses are expected to participate in this year's strike. She outlined a plan for an anti- war strike, set forth the objectives of the Committee Against War, and branded France and Great Britain as "the real aggressors" in the colonial struggles. She re-3 vealed also that a new strike song had been written to the tune of "F.D.R. Jones."7 Roosevet Holds South Must Be Self-Supporting . z . - President Begins 10-Day Warm springs Sojourn After Four Speeches WARM SPRINGS, Ga., March 30. -(P)-President 'Roosevelt began a ten-day vacation at his Pine Moun- tain cottage here today after assert- ing in one of four speeches in nearby Alabama that the South faced the economic problem of getting "out of hock to the.North." From an automobile rostrum before gray-clad cadets on Alabama, Poly- technic Institute's Bullard Field, the Chief Executive again took cogni- zance of affairs in this part of the country, which was termed in a New Deal report the "Nation's economic problem number one," and asserted: "I don't believe that the South is so broke that it cannot put its ownF capital into the establishment of its own enterprises." Declaring when he first came to Warm Springs nearly 16 years' ago he had to buy milk and cream, apples, meat and shoes thathoriginated in the North and West, he went on to say there "wasn't very much change in that system of economy until about six years ago. It was then we began to ask ourselves, 'Why is all this necessary?' 1h 'T think that we have done more in those six years than in the previous sixty years all through these southern states to make them self-supporting, to give them a balanced economy that will spell a higher wage scale, a greater purchasing power and a more abundant life than they have had in alk their history." But, said the President, speaking informally as in all his talks in east- ern Alabama during the day, much remained to be done. Nazis Criticize'{ Outflow Of Gold Funk Calls For New Law On 'Fuehrer Principle' BERLIN, March 30.-(P)-Spirited criticism of financial conditions which permit a vast flow of gold to the United States marked a speech today in which Reichsbank President Wal- ther Funk announced that a new law would be promulgated soon making "the Fuehrer principle" the driving force of Germany's financial system. Funk said the world was standing at the parting of the ways-either it must "surrender to the gold power of America or accept the new methods of young, strong, progressive nations" -meaning Italy and Germany. "Is a new dance around the golden calf to begin?" Funk asked. "Will the world immolate itself on the altar of the American golden moloch?" Funk, who also is minister of eco- nomics, said the new law would give Relchsfuehrer Hitler supreme author- itv over the reichsbank. Student Senate Pr Regene StrawV More Than 2,500 Ballots Are Expected To Be Cast In Third Annua Election Polls Open 9 A.M. Through Afternoon More than 2,500 students are e - pected to vote today in t'e cor- bined Student Senate ,third semi- annual election an the regency straw vote. Names of the six candidates for the University's Board of Regents were,, added to the ballot in an unprece- dented move following adverse criti- cism of the Senate's condemnation of candidate Harry G. Kpke, M4ichi- gan's former head football coach. A polling place in the lobby of An- gell Hall ha been added to the orig- inal list, and will be open for voters from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., while the scheduled booth at the League has been cancelled. Originally announced polling places, in the corridors of University Hall, the Engineering Arch, the Union and the General Li- brary will be open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Identification cards will be necessary in order to vote. Instructions Given Instructions for marking ballots were issued by Magdol as follows: "Put the number 1 in the square before the name of the candidate who is your first choice for the Student Senate. "Put the number 2 before your sec- ond choice, the number 3 before your third choice, the number 4 before your fourth choice and so on, mark- ing as many as you wish. "Mark your choices with numbers only. Do not use an X-mark or your ballot will not be counted." Counting will start at 7 p.m. today in the Publications Building and fin- al :results are expected to be ready for tomorrow's Daily. All persons in- terested in watching. the election count will be admitted, Magdol said. Thirty-seven candidates are in the race for the 16 vacant seats In the Senate. They are, in the order: they appear on the ballot: Candidates Listed Charles Buck, Socialist; Abraham James Goodmhan, Independenib- eral; James Frankel, Human Right- ist; Robert Ulmer, Human Rightist; E. William Muehl, Neutrality Pro- gressive; John A. Huston, Neutrality Progressive; Clarence Sahlin, Con- servative; Maurice Hahn; Paul G. Robertson, Independent; Norman Rosenfeld, Liberal; Casmir Sojka; Norma Kaphan, University Coaltion;' Harry M. Kelsey, University Coali- tion; Ellen F. Rhea, University Coali- tion; James W. Kehoe; Arthur Peters, Young Communist League; Francis Hourigan, Independent Progressive; and William R. Beasley, Liberal Con- servative./ Bud Dober, American Student Union; Frank Johnson, American Student Union; Harold Osterweil, American Student Union; Jack Zu- bon, American Student Union; Mary Cummins, American Student Union; Morris Lichtenstein, American Stu- dent Union; Hugo Reichard Ameri- can Student Union; Joseph Gies American Student Union; Lee Sillin; Jay Schafrann; Frederick S. Rein- heimer, Nationalist; Frank A. Dubell; Blaz A. Lucas, Conservative; Ray- mond Dwyer, Conservative; Eza. beth Shaw, Progressive Coalition; Robert J. Kuhn, Progressive Coali- tion; Frances Nevin, Progressive Co- alition; Robert G. Harrington and Jack Grady, Band To Give Sprng Concert Betty Corell Is Featured At 80th Anniversary Betty Corell, well-known trombone soloist and the presentation of a lov- ing cup to the winner of the Kappa Psi musical honor society contest will highlight the Celebration of'the 80th anniversary of the University Band on Truesday at their annual Spring Concert in Hill Auditorium. No admission will behaMd to the U. S. -Argentinian Trade Relations Hit. By Phelps Scholarships Are Awarded To Three At Banquet The three Ethel McCormick schol- arships of $100 each which are awarded annually to junior women were received by Mary Frances Reek,- '40Ed, Ann Vicary, '40, and Ellen Red- ner, '40 at the Installation Banquet held at the League last night. The scholarships, which are award- ed on the basis of activities, scholar- ship, and need, require a scholastic average of at'least 1.7. The presen- tation of the scholarships was made by Sybil Swartout, '39, chairman of Judiciary Council. Last year's recipients of the awards were Jean Holland, '39, Flor- ence Michlinski, '39, and Grace Wil- son, '398M. Lack Of Complementary Product Needs Allows Germans To Penetrate By CARL PETERSEN The five million dollar trade agree- ment reached early this week by Ar- gentina and Germany brings into re- lief the unsatisfactory trade relations between the United States and Ar- gentina which allow Nazi commercial penetration into the powerful South American republic, Prof. Dudley M. Phelps of the business administra- tion school declared in an interview yesterday.' Commercial agreement between the United States and Argentina is blocked primarily by a lack at com- plementary product needs, he said. While Argentina needs the manufac- tured goods which the United States produces, she can pay for them only in cereals and meat products. In the United States, however, cereal and though Argentina and Germany have reached satisfactory trade / agree- ments, there is no ideological similar- ity between them since the leaders of the country have the democratic ideal firmly implanted in their po- litical philosophy. A second contributory factor in blocking Argentine-American trade, he asserted, is the sanitary embargo which the United States has main- tained for many years on Argentine meats. This embargo was put into effect when the hoof and mouth dis- ease appeared in Argentine cattle, but it has long since died out except in isolated regions. In 1935 a Sanitary Convention, made up of delegates from both countries, proposed th t the embargo be maintained only on, products from the infected regions. Aregentina ratified the agreement, but it was blocked in the United States Congress by legislators from the cattle-producing areas. This sore-spot in Argentine-Ameri-