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March 30, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-30

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Snow flurries today; continued
cold tomorrow.

fit r tg


United States
And Human Rights
And Strike-Breaking



Regency Poll,
Student Senate
Election Spirit
Reaches Peak
Polling Places Announced
By Director; Results Are
ExpectedFriday Night
Kipke-Myers Battle
Predicted As Close1
The campus became a miniature
political battlefield yesterday, as
handbills and posters were circulated
in closing attempts to swing votes for
the combined Student Senate election
and Board of Regents straw poll to-
In the field of 37 candidates for the
16 vacant seats in the Senate, the
American Student Union leads with
eight, and the University and Pro-
gressive Coalitions have entered three
apiece. The Neutrality-Progressives
and the Human Rightists have two
each and the Nationalist Party and
The Young Communist Party one
Regent's Battle
An unprecedented feature of cam-
pus voting will be this probe of Uni-
versity students on the coming State-
wide battle for the Board of Regents
April 3. The poll was voted at the
Senate meeting Tuesday, following
unfavorable criticism of its action of
the preceding week condemning Harry
G. Kipke's candidacy.
Candidates for the Board of Re-
gents are: Republicans, Harry G.
Kipke and Joseph Herbert; Demo-
crats, Dr. Dean Myers and Charles
Lockwood; Socialists, Harold Chalk
and Francis King.
Polling places, announced by Ed-
ward Magdol, '39, director of elec-
tions, will be open from 9 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. at the following points:
University Hall, the General Library,
the lobby of the E'gineering Arch,
the Union and the League. Identifi-
cation cards will be necessary in order
to secure ballots.
Third Year Of Vote
This is the thira eii-annual elec
A .~f the all-campus representative
body. The election of 16 Senators last
fall drew more than 2,000 to the polls.
Sanmple ballots will be available
for all candidates and students at
5 p.m. today in the Student Senate
office of Lane Hall, Magdol said. He
reminded students who plan to serve
as election clerks and counters to
contact him immediately.
Counting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in
Room 304 of the Union, the election
head said, and he predicted that for
the first time, complete results would
be ready for Saturday's Daily follow-
ing the Friday vote.
Kiphe Declines
Senate Request
To Speak Here
Harry G. Kipke, Republican Regent
candidate, yesterday declined the. in-
vitation of the Student Senate to ad-
dress the student body.
Pointing to the short length of time
before the election, Kipke told a
Senate committee which had been
organized to consult him, "I regret
deeply that I will not be able to ac-
cept the Senate invitation. I would
have readily accepted the invitation
had an earlier request been made.

However, because of such short notice
and because of other previously 'ar-
ranged speaking engagements, I can-
not speak to the Senate at this time."
Kipke declared further that he
would be glad to speak at some later
Fay Bennett To Talk
To Anti-War Group
In preparation or the April 20
"strike against war," Fay Bennet of
the 'Youth Committee Against War
will speak at a rally at 8 p.m. today
at Lane Hall.
Sponsored by the Anti-War Com-
mittee, Miss Bennett will speak on
"This Year's Strike Against War."
Formerly field secretary of the Ameri-
can Student Union, Miss Bennett left
the ASU on the adoption of its pres-
ent peace policy to become financial
secretary of the Youth Committee
Against War.
Deputies Find Suicide
Me a -ijie In Parker1 Car

Britain Increases Military
In Halt Hitler' Movement
Chamberlain Informs House Of Commons Territorial
Army Of 170,000 Men Will Be Doubled; Claims
No Conscription To Be Used In Program
LONDON, March 29.-(JP)-Prime This statement was received jubi-
Minister Chamberlain today advanced lantly In French diplomatic quarters,
his "Halt Hitler" movement by an- kwhere it was hailed as a step which
nouncing a vast increase in Britain's might give the two democratic pow-
military manpower, but ruled out ers the lead necessary in European
conscription to obtain this gain. politics.
He told the House of Commons that Chamberlain told the House that
the nation's territorial army, simi- compulsory national service in Bri-
lar to the United States' National tain had been discussed with French
Guard, would be doubled to a total leaders, but refused to deny reports
of 340,000 men and indicated the he had promised France he would
territorial army. henceforth would be introduce such service.
on a wartime basis. The plan for increasing the terri-
Then,in a significant phrase, he re- torial army calls for increasing its
jected conscription for the time be- present actual strength of 130,0001
ing at least, saying: "We believe we men to the wartime strength of 170,-
can demonstrate the possibilities of 000 and then doubling it.
voluntary service to meet all our War Office informants said this
needs." Conscription has become one would bring the total of Britain's land
of the country's major issues. forces under arms to about 793,000
Some members of Chamberlain's men.
own Conservative Party had wanted This includes the regular army of
conscription, but the announcement 204,287 men, fully trained and
that the government had decided equipped with modern weapons which
against it was welcomed by the oppo4 critics have asserted are lacking in
sition, which promised support for many territorial divisions. In addi-
the recruiting campaign necessary tion a War Office spokesman listed a
to swell the territorial army. reserve of 139,312, a supplementary
The Prime Minister also announced reserve of 35,037 and anti-aircraft
that 38 divisions would be made ready units totalling 74,799.
to fight in any war involving Bri- The expansion of the territorials is
tain on the continent instead of the to be effected by formation of a re-
19 divisions the War Office previously serve battalion for each existing bat-
had announced would be sent. talion._

Spring Parley
For April 21
Plan Creative Rather Than
A Critical Discussion
For Weekend Sessions
Publicity Committee
This year's Spring Parley will be
held the weekend of April 21-23 in
the Union, Ralph Erlewine, '39BAd,
chairman of the executive committee,
announced yesterday.
The Parley will follow the practice
of former years in holding a large
general session Friday afternoon,
April 21, followed by panel discus-
sions of topics to be announced later,
Friday evening and Saturday after-
noon and evening, with a second gen-
eral session Sunday.
"The efforts of the Parley this year'
will be creative instead of critical,"
Erlewine emphasized. In previous
years the meeting has assumed the'
character of a series of discussions
rather than a formulated program of
action. Last year an attempt was made
by the Student Senate to carry out
the mandate of the Parley, and to
some extent succeeded. The marriage
relations course offered for seniors
during both semesters of this year
was a result of the Parley's recom-
A report of the Contacts Commit-
tee, headed by Robert Rosa, '39, was
given at the last meeting of the Par-
ley group. Suggestions for topics and
for panel discussions as represented
by faculty members to the commit-
tee, and recommendations of out-
standing students in the separate de-
partments were read. This committee
consists of Rosa, Jane Krause, '41,
Grace Miller, '42, James Hammond,
'40, and Jack Schuler, '40E.
Members of the publicity commit-
tee were announced by S. R. Klei-
man, '39, chairman. They are Clar-
ence Kresin, '39, Philip Westbrook,
'40, Carl Petersen, '40, Elliott Maran-
iss, '40 and Malcolm Long, '40.
Earle Luby, '39, chairman of the
Steering Committee also announced
the me ers of- i xvonrnittee. In-
cluded are Erlewine, Joan Outhwaite,
'41, Alberta Wood, '40, Frank Rideout,
'41, Martin Dworkis, '40 and also Pet-
ersen and Maraniss.

Clarif i
Last Of Provincial Capitals
Surrender To Franco;
General Miaja Escapes
Normalcy Returns
To Besieged Madrid
MADRID, March 29.-(MP)-Spain's
32-month-old civil war came to a sud-
den and unspectacular end today
when the last of the nation's 52 pro-
vincial capitals passed into Nation-
alist Generalissimo Francisco Fran-
co's hands without resistance.
The final day of the bloody war, in
which more than 1,200,000 persons
were killed and wounded, gave the
Nationalists nearly one-fourth of
Spain's total territory-all that had
remained in Republican hands.
Final collapse began yesterday with
the surrender of Madrid, which had
b e e n regarded by Republicans
throughout the conflict as a symbol
of their courage and determination.
Other cities rushed quickly to get on
the Nationalist band-wagon,
Nine provincial capitals surrend-
ered today-Valencia, Alicante, Mur-
cia, Cuenca, Almeria, Jaen, Ciudad
Real, Albacete, and Guadalajara.
Cartagena, former Republican naval
base, also capitulated.
After the fall of Albacete, last to
give up, the Nationalists officially an-
nounced the war was over in these
words: "The war has ended-total
victory is Franco's."
Playing an important part in
breaking Republican resistance were
Nationalist sympathizers in Republi-
can territory who in many cases rose
against Republican garrisons and
forced them to surrender today.
Despite the rapidity of the last con-
quests there were few disorders. Na-
tionalist authorities apparently were
well prepared for 'just such events
and quickly took over administra-
tion of various cities.
Wild scrambles occurred in some
cities, particularly the seaport of Va-
lencia, as Republican leaders and
others who considered themselves
marked for reprisals attempted to
escape the country.
Among the few successful were
General Jose Miaja, former chief of
the Madrid national defense council,
who arrived in Algeria by plane with
his staff and some other Republicans.
In Madrid there were many signs
of returning normalcy after 28/2
months of siege.
Dog Killed By Automobile
Found To Have Rabies
A small black and white terrier,
killed Sunday by an automobile, was
said yesterday by the Pasteur Insti-
tute to have been infected by rabies.
The dog was known to have bitten-a
number of persons. Anyone bitten by
a dog of that description should noti-
fy the police department at once.

Demands Rome
Xpansion Aims;





Panhellenic President

French Premier Offers
To Negotiate; Asks Aid
Of Other Democracies
Bitterly Condemns
International Force
PARIS, March 29.-( P)-Premier
Daladier in an anxiously awaited ad-
dress to France and the world tonight
offered to negotiate France's diffi-
culties with Italy, but put it squarely
up to Rome to make the next move
by clarifying her demands.
Furthermore, he bluntly warned
that "we will not cede a foot of our
land nor one of our rights."
Daladier was replying to Premier
Mussolini's speech of Sunday list-
ing Tunisia, Djibouti and the Suez
Canal as "problems of a colonial char-
acter" standing between Italy and
Gives Long Address

Barbara Bassett.

N azi Decrees
Attempt Control
Of Protestants
Lutheran Church Leader
Will Permit Members
To Name Own Pastors
BERLIN, March 29.- () -The
sweeping orders by the president of
the Evangelical Church Council to-
day advanced the process of Nazify-
irg German Protestantism.
One decree by Dr. Friedrich Wern-
er, the president, provided that any
church member could choose some
pastor other than the regular minis-
ter for the performance of "the in-
dividual duties of his office, for re-
ligious instruction or even for his en-
tire churchly ministration."
The other provided that a pastor
could be removed from his church
against his will if it seemed desirable
to re-district parishes or "if he can
no longer conduct his office within
his congregation in an advantageous
manner or if the preservation of
order in his congregation so de-
German Protestantism long has
been split by those who favor Nazi
control of church affairs and those
who oppose it. Today's decrees opened
the way for the elimination of re-,
calcitrants and their replacement by
churchmen who will conform to Nazi
The Evangelical Church was the
state church under the Hohenzollerns
and comprises most of the Lutheran
Reformed and United Churches.
Confessional (opposition) circles
expressed the fear that Dr. Werner
might be able to achieve by this grad-
ual process what earlier attempts to
Nazify the Church had failed to

House Adopts
Bill Modifying
Civil Service
Grad Student Threatened
With Ejection As State.
GOP Pushes Measure
LANSING, March 29. -(P')- The
Republican Old Guard majority in
the House of Representatives adopt-
ed a bill tonight that would uproot
the present Civil Service Law, sup-
plants it with a radically different
measure and broaden the field of
The Democratic minority and a
sprinkling of rebellious young Repub-
licans were used roughly as the ma-
jority forces shoved the bill through
to adoption by a vote of 69 to 28. Ulti-
mately only four Republicans joined
the Democrats in voting against the
measure, and only one of them was a
young Republican.
The Republicans turned their backs
on an invitation by Rep. John F. Ham-4
ilton, Democrat, Detroit, to repeal!
Civil Service outright and return to
the spoils systems. He, asserted that
would be "more.honest and sincere"
than to adopt the measure under
Edward Litchfield of Ann Arbor
and Detroit left the hall "to avoid
embarrassment" after Rep, Frank J.
Calvert, Republican, Highland Park,
had moved that he be ejected under
a House rule forbidding the presence
of lobbyists during a session. Litch-
field had sat in a seat beside Repre-
sentative Nichols,.as his guest.
(Litchfield, The Daily learned yes-
terday, is a graduate -student in po-
litical science here and has no of-
ficial connection with the political
science department but attended the
session as an observer).

Is Named Head
Of Panhelenic
Election Closes Vacancy
Created By Resignation
Of Dorothy Shipman
Barbara Bassett, '40, was elected
president of Panhellenic Association
yesterday to fill the vacancy left by
Dorothy Shipman, '40, who resigned
to accept the presidency of the
Miss Bassett is affiliated with Gam-
ma Phi Beta'and held the post of
finance chairman on the committee
for Panhellenic Ball. As a freshman
she participated in Frosh Project,
both as a member of the cast and
committeeman, and was a member of
the finance committee for Soph Cab-
In addition, Miss Bassett has been
a Panhellenic delegate for two years,
and is a member of the social and
theatre arts committees of the League.
She played the part of "Ned" in the
recent Junior Girls Play, "Pig in a
Other Panhellenic posts are held
by Frances Kahrs, '40, Alpha Gamma
Delta, recording secretary; Jean
Thompson, '40, Alpha Xi Delta, treas-
urer, and Beth O'Roke, '40, Kappa
Kappa Gamma, rushing secretary.
Stephanie Parfet, '39, out-going
president, stated that Miss Bassett's
duties begin with the next meeting.'
She will be installed at Installation
Banquet which is being held at 6 p.m.
today in the League.
As president Miss Bassett will pre-
side at the annual Panhellenic Ban-
quet held early in the fall.

Glee Club To Present All-Male
Cast Tonight In Trial By Jury'

Prof. Williams
Retaining Lead
In Ensian Pdoll
Margaret Cram Is Ahead
As All-Campus Beauty;
Balloting Continues
Prof. Mentor Williams of the Eng-
lish department retained first place:
yesterday in the faculty popularity
poll conducted this week by the Michi-
Professor Williams is three votes
ahead of Prof. Paul Cuncannon of
the political science department for
the choice of the University's most
popular professor.
In first place as campus beauty
is Margaret Crain, '39, who is six
votes ahead of the two second place
holders, Marcia Connell, '39, and
Mary Minor, '40.
Struggling to the finish are Jack
Brennan, '39, and Max Hodge, '39,
who hope to (win the nomenclature
of campus clown. Brennan leads by
one vote. Burton Benjamin, '39, leads
Ralph Heikkinen, '39, by four votes
for typical Michigan student.
Voting will continue today and to-
morrow in Angell Hall lobby and in
the center of the diagonal, accord-
ing to Charles Kettler, '39E, election
head. More than 350 students voted
in the first two days, he said.
Other professorial popularity can-
didates are Prof. Karl Litzenberg of
the English department, and Prof.
Louis G. Vander Velde of the history
department. Runners-up as campus
beauty are Jenny Petersen, '39, Mari-
an Baxter, '39, Martha Jane Nuss-
baum, '40, and Sue Potter, '40.
Talk On Teachers'
Union Held Today
Harold W. Matzke, president of the
American Federation of Teachers in
Michigan will.speak at 8 p.m. today
in the Union in an open forum with
Prof. John E. Shepard of the psy-
chology department on the topic,
"Why There Should Be a Teachers'

An all-male cast will be featured
in the glee club presentation of "Trial
by Jury," a one act farce by Gilbert
and Sullivan, at 8:30 p.m. tonight in
Hill Auditorium. The annual spring
concert will be free to the public.
The score of the operetta contains
five solos to be sung by "female"
performers, but modesty and tradition
forced the Glee Club, an all-male
body, to select five of its members to
don the appropriate garb and assume
the high-pitched voices essential to
the original "feminine" roles. The'
operetta will be preceded by a for-
mal concert.
The program of the concert will in-
clude "Laudes Atque Carmina," by
Stanley; an arrangement of the aria,
"Holy Spirit, Truth Divine," from
Handel's "Berenice;" "Chorale Pre-
lude," by Homier; "None But the

di Nuka," Russian Folk song; andt
"Pilgrim's Song," by Tschaikowsky.i
Jack Ossewarde, '40SM, piano ac-
companist for the Glee Club, will pre-
sent an organ novelty in the form of
an improvisation based on Michigant
songs. The closing group of songs willI
include "The Trumpeter," by Dix;I
"The Trysting Place," by Brahms;
excerpts from "The Desert Song," by1
Romberg, featuring John Schwartz-
walder; and "We're Called Goldolieri,"1
from Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Gon-
A group of Michigan songs will be
given. The cast for the production
will be the Plaintiff, the "female"
lead, to be sung by Secrist; the Judge,
the male lead, by Harry Lusk, '39;
four "bridesmaids" by Chandler Pin-
neym, '40E, Hugh Roberts, '39, Arthur
Swann, '39, and William MacIntosh,
'40; Counsel for the Plaintiff, James
George, '41; Defendant, Robert Nel-


In this reply, a 27-minute address
which was approved by the French
Cabinet this morning, Daladier com-
bined firmness and diplomacy.
He struck at Germany, declaring
that although France had made every
effort for a "lasting collaboration"
with Germany, the Nazi dismember
ment of Czecho-Slovakia had come
as a "heavy blow" to these efforts of
Of the French-Italian problem he
"Faithful to accords she signed
(with Italy) in 1935, France is ready
to pursue their complete and loyal
execution. In the spirit and equiva-
lence of these accords on the bases
that I have defined and that I have
just recalled, she would not refuse
to examine propositions that may be
made to her."
Daladier Gives Stan*.,
Daladier,had ;lust said "we cannot
accept" the "essential argument" of
Italy's stand, which he said was that
"the conquest of Ethiopia and con-
stitution of the Italian Empire creat-
ed new rights for Italy."
The Italian note said "Constitu-
tion of the (Italian) empire created
new rights and new interests of fun-
damental importance" and suggested
that a new accord be negotiated to
replace the 1935 agreement, but men-
tioned no precise concessions which
the French should make.
Daladier bitterly condemned in-
ternational force, and he appealed to
all powers "who think as we do,"
with a veiled reference to England
and the United States, to unite for
maintenance of peace but against
any further aggression. He scored
Germany's recent course.
Loyal UAW Group
Argues Internal
Disputes At Parley
CLEVELAND, March 29--M--The
COUnited Auto Workers brought
their smoldering internal diff'erences
out onto the convention floor today
and President Roland J. Thomas said,
tonight the union appeared, more in
agreement than at any time.
The delegates received the reports
they had demanded from, their offi-
cers and cross examined leaders who
had been generally considered con-
fl testants for the union presidency.
One of the reports revealed that
7,000 Ford Motor company workers
had been signed as union members
at one time but that only two dele-
gates representing between 200 and
300 Ford workers are attending this
week's convention.
Vice President Richard T. Frank-
Sensteen told the session "I readily ad-
~mit I have not been free of factional

If Hitler violates Polish territorial,
integrity, Poland will fight, either to
perish or to save Europe from com-
plete Nazi domination, Prof. Felix
Pawlowski of the aeronautical engi-
neering department declared in an
interview yesterday.
Professor Pawlowski, a native of'
Poland, declared that the only prac-
ticable route for Hitler to the Uk-
raine, because of the natural barrier
of the Carpathian Mountains, is
across the plains of Poland. But, he
said, if Hitler tries to consummate his
'Drang Nach Osten' at the expense of
Poland, he will find the 700,000-man
Polish army ready to meet the Nazi
threat to Poland's territorial integ-
The Poles are a nation of'wariers
who have fought for the safety of
Poland and Europe ever since the
twelfth century when they defeated
the Tartars and Turks who were men-
acing European civilization. "Many
Poles pray that Hitler will fight,"
Professor Pawlowski said, "for the
sooner he is stopped, the less it will
cost." He asserted that Poland has

that "the Poles, like the French, are
more afraid of Chamberlain than they

are of Hitler."
Professor Pawlowski emphasized
the great threat to Russia that Hit-
ler's desire for the Ukraine consti-
tutes, declaring that its fertile ground
supplies food for more than one-half
of Russia and its mineral wealth
supports more than 80 per cent of
Russia's industries.
If Hitler should succeed in invading
the Ukraine, Professor Pawlowski
said, he wouldn't be able to maintain
his position in Europe. It would take
an army of at least one million men
to maintain order within the Ukraine
and to fight the Russians on the
northern border, and Hitler doesn't
havehenough men to keep Poland sub-
jugated, without taking into consider-
ation at all the threat to Germany of
other democratic countries.
The boast of Hitler that his an-
nexations of Sudetenland, Bohemia,
Moravia and Slovakia have beer
steps toward the final seizure of the
Ukraine is but propaganda for inter-
nal consumption, Professor Pawlow-


Poland Is Barrier To 'Drang
Nach Osten,' Pawlowski Claims


City Planning Head
SpeaksHere Today
Sir Raymond Unwin, adviser to
the'British Government on town plan-
ning and housing, will speak to the
students and public at 4:30 today in
the auditorium of the Architecture
building. His topic will be "Present
Day Trends in City Planning and

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