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March 29, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-29

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THE M ICHI A N A ll.'s

WEDNESDAY. M r 29. 1929

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Comedy Opens
At 8:30 P.M .
(Continued from Page 1)
will supplement the play in 14 place
with musical scores and vocalization
taken chiefly from works of Mozart
Warren Foster, tenor will sing thi
famous "Who Is Sylvia," and Lor
raine Tommerson, soprano, will d
another vocalization.
James Doll, art director and sup-
ervisor of the Detroit Federal The-
atre, brought to Ann Arbor for thi
play, has designed the scenery, hun-
dreds of costume articles, and 30 full
costumes. He selected Elizabethar
costumes, rather than the Italiante
or medieval deigns which woulc
seem more appropriate to the set-
ting of "Twq Gentlemen," because it
is more suitable to the imagery, mo-
tivation, and verse of the play.
Prof. William P. I-alstead of th
speech department will play the part
of comedian Launce, servant of Val-
entine.- James Moll, '39, playing
Speed, will help him in their raucous
Other students to take part in the
play are: Duane Nelson, Arthur
Klein, '39; Samuel Sheplow, '41; Nor-
man Oxhandler, '41; Charles, Bowen,
'40 and Paul Soboroff, '39.
Edith Howell, '41, and Kathryn
Steiner, '39, will play two musicians;
Lorene Brandt, and Dorothy Barrett,
'39, two ladies in waiting.
Nat Gitlin, '39, Jack Bender, '41,
and James Barton, Grad., will com-
plete the supporting cast. Also one
dog of unknown ancestry, will play
the role of Crab, and his possible an-
tics on the stage is causing Play Pro-
duction extensive worry. ,
In addition to these students, more
than 50 members of Play Production
have .aided in the completion of the
Faculty Attends
North Central Association
Holds 44th Convention
Eleven members of the University
faculty are attending the forty-
fourth annual meeting of the North
Central Association of Colleges and
Secondary Schools being held today
through to Saturday at the Stevens
Hotel in Chicago.
Those who have left for the meet
are Dean Edward H. Kraus of the
literary college; Dean James B. Ed-
monson of the School of Education;
Ira M. Smith, registrar of the
Universitry; Robert Williams, assis-
tant registrar; Prof. Charles M. Da-
vis of the geography department;
Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer of the physics
department; Prof. Calvin O. Davis
of the School of Education, who is
editor of the Association Quarterly,
the publication of the group; Prof.
George E. Carrothers, director of the
Bureau of Cooperation with Educa-
tional Institutes; Dr. Harlan C. Koch,
assistant director of the Bureau; and
Freda Kuebler, assistant to Professor
Carrothers, who will be in charge of
registration; and Dr. Edgar G. Johns-
ton, principal of University High
School on leave this year.
Kallenhach To Speak
At Union Coffee Hour
Joseph E. Kallenbach of the po-
litical science department will be the
speaker at tomorrow's Union voca-
tional coffee hour, it was announced

yesterday by Donald Treadwell, '40E,
Union orientation chairman. Mr.
Kallenbach will speak on 'The For-
eign Service as a Career."
Mr. Kallenbach's talk will be the
latest in a series designed to ac-
quaint students planning to enter
the various fields and professions
with the nature of their chosen work.

Shakespearean Comedy In Rehearsal

Candidates In The

Student Senate

Elecikts Friday Present ilatforms

-Daily Photo By Bogle
Karl Klauser, Miriam Brous, and James Moll, (left to right) go
through a rehearsal scene in "Two Gentlemen of Verona" that opens for
a four-day run today at the Lydia Mepdelssohn Theatre. The Eliza-
bethan costumes they wear are three of 30 designed by James Doll of
Detroit especially for the play.
Publication in the Buletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.MW;
11:00 AM. on Saturday.

Studt Sedate election platforms fol-
lows. A second group will be published
tomorrow. Platforms were edited on a
basis of space-per-candidate allotments
because of the limited amont of space
I, is liy opillion I hat :,foteone
shoulk lrin back the St udent Senate
to the realm of sttideit Affairs. Con-
demniniig fbitleir, .ian, M issolini,
state polikeians, md capitalism may
be all right in their proper place.
but we elected the Senate to be the
students' representative for bettering
campus conditions. I, for one, feel
that there are plenty of possibilities
for improvement right here on cam-
pus without wandering far afield in
search of topics for debate.
Should I be elected, I will do my
best to bring Student Senate in-
fluence to bear on immediate campus
questions. May I add that I shall wel-
come any student at any time to give
me his reactions and opinions on any
cnampi iv sit iiation.
Jack Grady
We firmly believe in the prime re-
quisites of a good and efficient gov-
ernment, namely:
1. An attraction in our public serv-
ice for men of fine caliber, with a
high sense of duty--men who are re-
sponsible, not to a political machine,
but to a well-informed, highly inter-
ested and critical electorate.
2. An electorate that assumes a
civic responsibility with "the right
to vote."
We maintain that an embargo on
arms must prevent shipments of arms
to all nations in order to be effective.
We hold that academic freedom is
highly desirable. However, we insist
:hat any enactment, granting aca-
demic freedom, must also contain pro-
visions, adequately dealing with the
abuse of this right.
Let us all unite against any at-
tempt bymen to blind society with
passions and emotions--greed, hatred,
intolerance and bias. We insist that

society provide a proper method for
educating the masses, instead of being
left . to the whims and fancies of
This is our challenge! This is our
C'asimir F. Sojka
G.. Robert Harringto ,
Realizing t.he need for the adoption
of progressive attituds on the Uni-
versity of Michigan campus, we of the
Progressive Coalition propose:
1. To establish an all-campus dat-
ing bureau. 2. To reduce the radio
fee. 3. To equalize rights and oppor-
tunities for racial minorities. 4. To'
establish more campus cooperatives
and keep them free from university
regulation. 5. To improve the organi-
zation of independent students. 6. To
obtain 10:30 permission for freshmen
women on week nights.
7. To lower rooming costs. 8. To
produce a better freshman handbook.
9. To improve student working con-
ditions. 10. To support progressive
education as is exemplified by an in-
troductory course in marriage rela-
ion. '
Robert J. Kuhn.
Elizabeth Shaw
Frances B. Nevin
The Nationalist Party has been or-
ganized with the expectation that .it
will be able to secure the support of
those conservative and thoughtful
persons on this campus who heartily
disapprove of the attitude of the left-
ist groups, at present and to an ex-
tent unwarranted by the proportion
of their support from the student
body, directing the policies of the
Student Senate and attempting to op-
pose the program of the University
authorities in their reorganization of
the administration of the Michigan
The Nationalist Paryt views with
alarm the attitude of the American"
press, radio and theatre toward con-
temporary events on the European

M:cene. We are convinceed that aggres-
sive minority groups at home and
abroad have been and are at work to
insidiously cultivate the opinion of
the American people in the same
fashion as was done in 1914-1918.
This party is opposed to any com-
uitTnents on the European situation.
.?lI at present it would necessitatej
support of the two nations to whom
belongs tle greater part of 0be re
5P(Anfibhli Iy for the lpresent criss.
Fr derIick S. Rein ktimuer
Con servative
Regardless of world affairs, the
members of the Student Senate are
charged with the duties of represent-
ing the Student body in affairs and
reforms concerning the immediate
The increasing deliberation of the
Student Senate on world and national
problems is unjust toward the Stu-
dent body and the fundamental pur-
pose of the Student Senate-the pres-
ervation of student liberties in stu-
dent activities.
The passage and issuance of Sen-
ate measures should occur only after
a thorough and just research has
been conducted, and the assurance
that such a measure represents the
honest opinion of the Student body.
Blaz Lucas
Ray tDwyer
The American Student Union Can-
didates will work for these objectives:
1. Keep the Michigan Daily a stu-
:Ient newspaper by fulfilling the re-
organization plan sponsored by 17 out
of 21 Daily editors.
2. Bring the University curriculum
up to date by-a) giving opportunity
for student criticism of courses and
profs, b) extending the honors pro-
gram, c) setting up courses on Ameri-
can democracy in this troubled world,
on Negro culture, and on the prob-
lems of war and racism.
3. Cut down the price of being aj
Michigan student by encouraing co-i
ops and low-cost University dorms,

more scholarships and NYA, better
student labor conditions. Extension
of the Aeronautics program on a tul-
f 1thv' ~iari s t '!"i~i P ti of the
.eep the unity' uf te c'ampus
necessary to achieve theseand larger
ends by exposing tihe groups foment-
ing anti-semitism and other minority
6. The student's stake in peace, in
a worldthreatened by war and the
march of fascism, demands that the
voice of the campus be heard.
7. That voice must, speak out at the
campuls-wid annual Peace Strike on
April 20.
8. America's peace and integrity
can best be preserved by a program
such as adopted by the All-Campus
Peace Committee.
a) Recognizing that fascist aggres-
sion is the real war danger today, and
that "appeasement" and isolation
mean selling out to the fascists.
b) American leadership in the
struggle for world peace, through dis-
tinction in our foreign policy and
trade relations between aggressor na-
tions and victims.
c) The Good Neighbor program
for continental solidarity.
d) Strengthening and democratiz-
ing our armed forces.
e) Forwarding social and economic
security as a part of defense as basic
as armaments themselves.
Bud Dober
Frank Johnson
Harold Ostereil
Jack Zubon
Mary Cummins
Morris Uchtensteln
Hugo Reichard
Joseph Gies
English Boot and Shoe Maker
. Our new repair department, the
best in the city. Prices are right.
438 South State and Factory on
South Forest Avenue.
Vote Vote
James Vi1cary
Vote Vote

(Continued from Page 4)
day, March 31, at 4:30 p.m., Room
1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper by Dr. Fried-
rich Oelkers "The Physiology of
The Annual Meeting of the Alpha
Chapter of Michigan of Phi Beta
Kappa will be held in Room 2116
Natural Science Building Friday eve-
ning, March 31 at 7:30 p.m. AllI
members are urged to attend this
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet in the lecture room of the Ob-
servatory Thursday at 4:15 p.m. Miss
Marjorie Williams will review "Va-
riable Stars" by Gaposchkin. Tea will
be served at 4 p.m. All interested are
cordially invited to attend.
The Graduate History Club will
meet at 8 p.m., Thursday, March 30,
in the East Conference Room of the
Rackham Buildi1ng. Mr. Kooker will
speak on "The National Archives."
"Nursing as -a Profession" will be
discussed by Miss Marian Dtwell
March 30 at a tea at 4:30 p.m. at
Couzens Hall. Individual questions
will be answered following the talk,
after which conducted tours will take
interested persons through the facili-
ties of University Hospital.
The Michigan Dames general meet-
ing of April 4 will be held at 8:15
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
League. The Charm Group will

sponsor a "Do's and Don't's" program
in the form of a style show. There
will also be special entertainment.
The Faculty Womens Club will be
guests of the organization.
The Two Gentlemen of Verona: The
box office for this delightful Shake-
spearian comedy is open daily from
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening perfor-
mances Wednesday thru Saturday at
8:30 p.m. Saturday matinee, 2:30.
Phone 6300 for reservations.
J.G.P. costumes will be sold in
Room 5 from 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesday
and Thursday, March 29 and 30.
Tickets for the Third All-Campus
Bridge Tournament to be held April
4 at the Union, may be procured at
the League Desk.
YCL To {Study Soviet
The first of a series of study classes
on the history of the Communist
Party will be presented at 7:30 p.m.
today in Unity Hall, Joe Clark, secre-
tary of The Young Communist League,
said yesterday. The class will study
the development of the government
in the USSR.


ops and low-cost University dorms,1




- m .___ _.._

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Saturday Matinee - 2:30


75c - 50c - 35c

Ip -- 1

_- _ _ _ _ __ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - ~ - - T r = r - - - .~


are invited

to attend the annual

Thursday, March 30,



Featuring ... "TRIAL BY JURY"

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