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February 17, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-02-17

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FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 1



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Edited and managed by students of the University of
chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
udent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
iversity year and Suxmni "r-Session.
Member of the Associated Press
['he Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
e for republication of all news dispatches credited to
or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All'
hts of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ond class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39

1 AM
L A 'N

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"" ,

aging Editor
orial Director
Editor .
ciate Editor
)ciate Editor
>ciate Editor
ciate Editor
Iciate Editor
)late Editor
k Editor
nen's Editor
ts Editor

Board of

Robert D. Mitchell
. . Albert P. May1o
. Horace W. Gilmore
* Robert I. Pitzhenry,
. S. R. Kiman
* . Robert Perlman
. . Earl Gilman
. . William Elvin
. Joseph Freedman
. . . Joseph Gies
. . Dorothea Staebler
Bud Benjamin


Business Department
lusiness Manager. . . Philip W. Buchen
redit Manager . * . Leonard P. Segeman
dvertising Manager . .William . ewnan
Vomen's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean
Vomen's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Avn American
A DANGEROUS criminal was nabbed
Tuesday night and locked up after
an abortive attempt to hold up a ticket agent in
a New York subway station. The thief was a
voman, commonly known as a "gun moll." The
'acts in the case follow."
Mrs. Mary Cusack, a mild-looking woman of
hirty-nine, wearing glasses, entered a Brook-
yn subway station at about 7 p.m. Tuesday. The
station was empty, except for the ticket agent.
MIrs. Cusack nervously dropped a nickel in the
urnstile and passed through it. But instead of
lescending to the train platform, she walked
noiselessly on the concrete floor to the side door
f the ticket booth. Suddenly, she flung the door
>pen, drew a gun, demanded the money in the
The agent, too, was a woman-Mrs. Sarah
McGrath. Faced with the gun, she dived to the
loor, pulling the telephone with her, and called
he police. Just then, a train stopped at the plat-
orm below, disgorging scores of passengers who
were returning home from work. In a moment,
hey were pouring through the exits, oblivious
o the drama under their eyes.
Mrs. Cusack was bewildered by the sudden turn
f events. She stood motionless in the door of
he change booth, her gun hanging limply at
ter side.
Before the station was empty, however, a sub-
vay collector entered the scene. As is the cus-
nom with subway employes, he did not pay a fare,
ut merely flashed his company shield. Mrs.
:usack saw the flash of the shield. She thought
le was a detective. She raised her gun to intimi,
fate him. The collector suddenly leaped at her.
rushing her arm aside, he snatched the gun
rom her grasp. Mrs. Cusack screamed in fright
nd pain. Her eyes were flooded with tears.
Spectators in the station, not realizing what
ad happened, and observing a man seemingly
ttacking a woman, sprang to her aid.Tlhecol-
ctor faced a serious struggle. Luckily for him,
radio car had already arrived at the scene in
esponse to Mrs. McGrath's call and a patrol-
'an was racing down the steps. Mrs. Cusack
Vas led off by the arm to the station house.
A little while later, the police went to her
ome, a short distance away, to inform her
hildren of her arrest. There were two sons. One
vas seven years old, the other ten.
Mrs. Cusack said she had tried crime because
hey needed food.
Oh, yes. The dangerous weapon she had waved
o bravely was a toy revolver.
-S. R. Kleiman
From the University of Kansas "Daily Kan-
an": "There can be no doubt that the National
abor Relations Board has survived a critical
st. Through the evolution of corrections that
.idicious Congressional amendment can bring
bout, the Wagner Act may emerge to guide a
itter, revengeful, suspicious industrial America
long a path of friendly cooperation, mutual

Heywood Broun
WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 15-"Vandenberg
made it." This happy cry still echoes up and
down "the Hill." By tradition politicians are
jealous, but at the moment
none has expressed envy of
the modest man from Michi-
gan who has been honored
before his fellows in the
The National Association
of Merchant Tailors has
voted Senator Vandenberg
one of "the twenty best-
dressed men in America." No attempt has been
made to give individual rating to the little
group within the charmed circle. Thus it re-
mains anybody's guess as to whether the tailors
lean more to Lucius Beebe than to the legislator.
According to the old adage, it takes nine tail-
ors to make a man, but a far greater number
passed a vote of confidence in Arthur Lucius
and eighteen other distinguished citizens of the
United States' With great tact the merchants
have explained that each member of the for-
tunate fraternity was chosen "for some special
item of appeal rather than superior magnifi-
cence in all clothes."
Mr. Beebe is said to have been included be-
cause of his mink-lined overcoat. The Senator
was selected on the strength of something
pretty natty in the way of a double-breasted
blue serge suit. * * *
Which One Is Mr. America?
I suppose one cannot reasonably expect as
much candor from stylists as from statesmen.
Tailors are inclined to equivocate in a manner
which would be shocking to a Senator. But,
though the choice be difficult, the general pub-
lie cannot avoid a curiosity as to which one
among the twenty is really Mr. America. And I
suggest that Senator Vandenberg might press
his sartorial claims under the snappy slogan
"Hold that toga!"
Among the better-dressed set in the National
Press Club (a group in which I hold non-resi-
dent membership) there is, of course, an inclina-
tion to favor the claims of the Washingtonian.
The O'Donnells and the Murphys assert that
Beebe has made Brummelling a business, while
Michigan's champion of the right regards the
wearing of clothes merely as an avocation. These
journalists assert that there have been circum-
stances in which the Senator has been so hastily
summoned to the defense ofrthe republic that he
has lacked time for adequate two-toning of his
colleagues and constituents.
Gallops To The Rescue '
"Just put yourself in the place of Arthur H.
Vandenberg," said one of his newspaper admirers.
"The telephone rings at noon, and the frightened
voice of a G.O.P. whip exclaims that the New
Deal forces are attempting a sudden Treasury
raid in favor of the needy. In such a spot can
the Senator be expected to pause and cogitate
as to just which precise pastel shade will best
express his political convictions? Obviously, no.
When the iclear call comes that now is the time
for all good men to come to the aid of the party
Vandenberg pulls on his pants and gallops td
the rescue.
"The deeds he has done for his cause are
things on which he doesn't like to dwell, but I
have been present when the patriotic pressure
put upon him was so great that he felt compelled
to make the supreme sacrifice. Once, while plead-
ing the woes of the wealthy, he rose to debate,
although he realized that in his haste he had
picked up last year's cutaway and shod himself
in patent leathers designed to go only with eve-
ning attire.
"You and the Beebe set may sneer if you
please, but Arthur H. Vandenberg, of Michigan,

Grand Illusion
It is difficult to know where to begin in re-
viewing a movie like Grand Illusion. Surely here
is a picture which fulfills the hopes of those who
dreamed of the day when the cinema would
grow to maturity as an art form. Should one
praise first the acting, or the direction, or the
photography, or the anti-war message?
Suffice it to say that Grand Illusion is a film
which must delight the heart of the most exact-
ing movie critic; it is a living example of that
unity of every aspect of technique with subject
matter which is the supreme fruition of every
art form. We have a simple story of French
aviators imprisoned in a German concentration
camp, under the command of a German aristo-
crat. The French aristocrat gives his life that the
Jew and the workingman may escape. The Ger-
man feels closer to the French aristocrat than he
does to his own men, for he says: "Regardless of
how this war may turn out, it is the end of the
von Rauffensteins and the de Boildieus." That
is the theme: the World War brings with it the
collapse of the old European aristocracy and the
birth of a new society built upon friendships
like that of the plain Jewi and the plain mechanic.
No battle scenes were necessary, no human
beings hanging in agony from barbed wire, to
show the hideous waste and futility of war, to
show the underlying common humanity of
French and Germans. The director of Grand
Illusion, Jean Renoir, is the son of the great
painter. And the cameraman, Claude Renoir, is
another son. The influence is obvious. When you
see the picture, watch the use of light and
shadow; watch the camera travel across the Ger-
man officer's room and reveal the copies of
Casanova and Heine, the white gloves; the
swords, the knouts, the pistols before you see
Eric von Stroheim; watch how the director
shows you the characters of a group of soldiers
without their speaking a single line; watch how
the magnificent scenery is used, not to prettify
the picture, but as an essential element of the
story. And the acting-Jean Gabin, as the
mechanic, is the Common Man. He is what some
people have conceived Spencer Tracy to be.
Pierre Fresnay is de Boildieu; watch how he
turns a card over while playing solitaire-you
know his station in life at once. Von Stroheim
is exact and moving as the German.
I cannot resist the "temptation to mention
the use of the sound. Here it is utilized to its
fullest capacity. The music is perfectly set, and
the speech is used sparingly and with wisdom.
Watch the simple and profound effect of the
aristocrats conversing in English.
The, next presentation of the Art Cinema
League is The Childhood Of Maxim Gorky, to be.
shown March 2, 3 and 4. It is said to be a very
fine picture, but it will have to go a long way
to equal Grand Illusion.
Always interesting are the results o,' various
polls gonducted on college and university cam-
puses.? Those seeking to gain further insight
into the way the wind of collegiate opinion is
blowing will examine with interest the results
presented here:
College of the City of New York, school of
business: President Roosevelt was selected in a
senior poll as the "most outstanding man alive,"
and 85 per cent voted they would not fight in a
war abroad.
University of Minnesota: "Students voted 3 to
1 against a third term for President Roosevelt.
At Haverford College: 60 per cent of the stu-.
dent body favors the National Labor Relations
Board, and 98 per cent opopsed going to war to
,maintain the "open door" in China.
At Hunter College: A majority of the students
favor cooperation with other nations as the best
road to peace.
"There is no such thing as a cut and dried

By Roy Heath
What the birth rate of Italy is to
Benito Mussolini, the pledging of
freshmen is to fraternities. Both pro-
cesses are in constant progress and
the loss or gain of one individual is
a matter of paramount importance
to both Benito and Rho Dammit Rho.
It follows then, that any individual
so foolhardy as to gum the works is
a bounder of the lowest order. There
is a bounder in our midst.
He is a certain Richard . His
name was among those gleaned by the
various rush chairmen from the
records of entering freshmen and his
phone number was duly buzzed all
day Tuesday. Each time the number
was answered by a business-like femi-
nine voice, which contained a trace
or two more of irritation each time
she informed the press gangs that
Mr. was neither in nor was
he likely to be.
Late in the day, irritation began to
give place to curiosity in the answer-
ing voice. Finally she managed to hold
a weary rush chairman to the mouth-
piece long enough to inquire just who
this Richard - was and why
people should call her number for
"Richard - is a freshman with
whom we are trying to get rush dates.
He gave 8887 as his phone number
and we are beginning to wonder why
he is never around," she was told.
There was silence at the feminine
end of the line then: "Gentlemen,
Burr, Patterson and Auld can furnish
you all the fraternity pins you need
but furnishing the men to hang them
on is out of our line. Good day.
(Paid Advertisement)
S * A ,
Anyone who would use Valentine's
Day for ulterior motives would suck
eggs. I have long since quit opening
my mail so I could honestly say that
I did not receive my bills. In other
attempts to trick me into looking my
creditors in the face, certain of them
have gone so far as to send me duns
in lavender scented envelopes, ad-
dressed in petite feminine hands. One
tradesman to whom I was indebted
a mere bagatele even sent me a
special delivery billet doux. It went
in the basket with the rest. But now
;he commercial entrepreneurs have'
hit the sub-stratum in collecting de-
generacy . . . Valentines.
I thought it would be safe to tear
into a little stack of square envelopes
in which I could see hearts and cupids
outlined when I held them up to the'
window. Instead I find:
The dodo's a bird
That's so rare it aint
If you'd pay us
We'd simply faint
The - Co.
For months and months
We've hounded you
If you can't give ten
Please send us a few
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
If we depended on you
Our cash register'd rust
Roses is Red
Vi'lets is Blue
Cuss the day
We gave credit to you.
You Know Who3
The Bird's in the snare
The Bear's in the trap
I think your column;

Is a lot of bunk
S. Terry
Keep It
A paper mill worker in Michigan,
Frank Rusoti, received word that a
sizeable fortune awaited him on re-
turn to' his native Italy. Rusoti re-
nounced his Italian fortune rather
than forfeit his United States citizen-
ship. Said Rusoti, "I would rather be
a mill worker here than king of
Italy," adding that his American
citizenship means more to him than
any other possession.
The words of this Italian emigrant
who cameto America thirty-three
years ago when he was nine years old
tell more than volumes of propaganda
for or criticism against dictator na-
What have the dictators done for
the people of their countries?
You can't find out by reading be-
cause the letters are censored and
their newspapers print what they
are told.
You can't find out by asking in-
habitants of dictator ridden coun-
tries because people are afraid for
their lives.
You can't find out by talking to
refugees because reprisals willtbe
visited on the families of persons tell-
ing the truth of what goes on within
the boundaries of dictator nations.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.;
11.:00 A.M. on Saturday.

To All Faculty Members and Staff:
Special Employment Time Reports
must be in the Business Office on
Monday, Feb. 20, to be included in
the roll for Feb. 28.
Edna Geiger Miller,
Payroll Clerk.
Certificate of Eligibility. In order
to secure eligibility certificates for the
second semester, first semester report
cards must be presented at the Of-
fice of the Dean of Students. - First
semester eligibility certificates are
valid only until March 1.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest.
at current rates. Apply Investment'
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
The Bureau of Appointments has'
received notice of the following Unit-
ed States Civil Service Examinations.
Last dateaforfiling application is
given in each case.
Junior Economist, $2,000, Feb. 27.
"Seniors and recent graduates who
can show a course in either penology
or criminology together with enough
other courses in economics, including
social economics, to make up a total
of at least 20 semester hours, will be
admitted to this examination. A num-
ber of vacancies will be filled in the
Bureau of Prisons of the Department
of Justice from established registers.
Physiotherapy Aide, $1,800, Mar. 13
Physiotherapy Pupil Aide, $1,440,
Mar. 13.k
Naval Architect, $3,800, Dec. 31
Associate Naval Architect, $3,200,
Dec. 31
Assistant Naval Architect, $2,600,,
Dec. 31
Branches of Naval Architect.
1. Ship piping and ventilation.
2. Hull structures and arrange-
3. Scientific ship calculations.-
4. General.,
5. Small boats.
Marine Engineer, $3,800, Dec. 31
Associate Marine Engineer, $3,200,
Dec. 31
Assistant Marine Engineer, $2,600,;
Dec. 31j
Fisheries Marketing Agent, $2,300,
March 13
Assistant Fisheries Marketing Agent,
$1,800, March 13 .
SeniorsConsultant in Home Ec-
onomics Education, $4,600, Mar. 13
Senior Mineral Economist (any spe-
cialized branch) $4,600, March 13
Mineral Economist (any specialized
branch), $3,800, March 13
Associate Mineral Economist (any
specialized branch), $3,200, Mar. 13
Complete announcements are on
file at the University Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall; office hours:
9-12 and 2-4.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation. a1
Academic Notices
All Students registering in the
Graduate School this semester for
the first time are required to write a
general examination. This will be
given in Room 100, Ground Floor,i
Rackham Building, Feb. 18, from 1
p.m. to 5 p.m. This is the final time,
limit; many will finish earlier. Pre-,
vious preparation is not necessary.
This is intended as an aid to your de-
partmental advisers and is one of the
general types of examinations with
which you should be' familiar. An
individual report will be made aPlease
be on time.
C. S. Yoakum.
Free Golf Instruction: Coach Court--
right is conducting golf classes at the
Intramural Building for faculty and
students. The classes come on

Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 and
4:30 and on Monday and Wednesday
at 3:30 and 4:30. Classes run for three
weeks at the end of which time new
classes start. Classes begin Wednes-
day and Thursday, Feb. 15 and 16.
English 190, Junior Honors. The
class will meet in the Michigan
Union. Bennett Weaver.. .
Math. 291, Unified Topology. Will
meet MWF at 2 beginning Friday,
room to be announced.
Math. 302, Seminar in Analysis.
Preliminary meeting for arrangement
of hours on Friday at 3 o'clock, 3201
A.H. Report on "Differential Opera-
tors" by Dr. Bartels. The probable
topic for this semester is "Modern
Theories of Integration.."
Philosophy 132, intermediate course
in metaphysics and theory of knowl-
edge, will meet MWF at 10 in 205
Mason Hall.

FRIDAY, FEB. 17, 1939
VOL. XLIX. No. 97

orable The Earl Russell, Fellow of
Trinity College, Cambridge, will lec-
ture on "Space in Modern Philosophy
and Physics" on Saturday, Feb. 18, at
11 a.m., in the Rackham Lecture Hall
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Philosophy. The public is
cordially invited.
Lecture: Three lectures on "The Ex-
istence and Nature of God" are being
sponsored by the Student Religious
Association. The first lecture will be
given by Lord Russell, Saturday, Feb.
18, at the Rackham Auditorium, 8:15
Events Today
Fraternity Rushing Notice: All
those interested in registering for
rushing may do so at the Interfra-
ternity Council Office, third floor,
Michigan Union, any weekday, ex-
cept Saturday, between the hours of
three and five p.m. Fraternity Rush-
ing chairmen may obtain the names
of registrants by coming to the Coun-
cil office at the hours stated above.
The Suomi Club will meet tonight
at eight o'clock in Lane Hall.
All students of Finnish descent are
cordially invited. Refreshments will
be served.
Delta Epsilon Pi will meet today
at the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m.
Graduate Coffee Hour: There will
be a coffee hour for all graduate
students today, from 4 until 6 o'clock
in the Rackham Building. . At 4 p.m.
Professor J. K. Yamagiwa will give
a short talk in the amphitheatre, af-
ter which coffee and tea will be served
and there will be dancing in the 'as-
semblyshall. All graduate students
are cordially invited, and members of
the International Center are espe-
cially urged to be present.
Choir: The regular rehearsal of the
University Choir will be held at Lane
Hall tonight from 7 to 8 o'clock. All
those who are interested in singing
the best of religious music are wel-
Disciples Guild: There will be a
Friday Night Frolic in the recreation
rooms of the Church of Christ, Hill
and Tappan Streets this evening from
8 to 11 o'clock. All students are wel-
Stalker Hall. Class in "Through the
New Testament" led by Dr. Bra-
shares at the Methodist Church at
7:30 p.m.. All Methodist students and
their friends are cordially invited. A
party for all Methodist students at
Stalker Hall at 9 p.m.
Westminster Guild will hold Open
House this evening from 8 to 1S
There will be an ice skating party for
thohse interested.
Friday Services at the Hillel Foun-
dation: 8 p.m., Reform Services. Ser-
mon: "My Jewish Auto-Biography,'
Ronald Freedman. Social following
the services. Phi Delta Epsilon fra-
ternity will act as host.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m in
the Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members inter-
ested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited. There will be a brief
informal talk by Dr. Erich Schiff on,
"Probleme der Terminologie der Volk-
1939 Mechanical Engineers: Mr.
John F. Luhrs, Director of Education
of the Bailey Meter Co., Cleveland,
will give a detailed talk regarding
this company and its opportunities
for June graduates, at 8 p.m., Mon-
day, Feb. 20, in Room 348. Lantern

slides will be included. Appointments
will be taken immediately thereafter
for individual interviews to be sched-
uled on-Tuesday.
Others interested, particularly jun-
iors in this department, are invited to
attend the lecture.
Women students interested in en-
tering the table tennis tournament
should sign up before Saturday in
Barbour Gymnasium or with Louise
Keller at 7132.
University Oratorical Contest. Pre-
liminary tryout, Wednesday, March
8, 4 p.m., Room 4003 A.H., five min-
ute talk on oration subject. Final
contest, Wednesday, March 15, 4 p.m.,
Room 4003 A.H. Those not yet reg-
istered should do so in the Speech
Office, Room 3211 A.H.
Fencing. All students who are in-
terested in entering an all-campus
fencing tournament are asked to sign
up at the Intramural Building office.
The tournament will start Monday,

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