0 TR E :I'-C. LGIAN DAIL.Y WEDNESDAY, MARCH-29, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sunr * Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republica'tion of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this 4ewspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONA.,OOV ERTSIN by National Advertising Service TIc. College Pbis.ers Reprcscvi~ve 420 MAODSON AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BosToN,- Los ANGELES - SAN FRACIxCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Editors Managing Editor . Robert D. Mitchell Editorial Director . . . Albert P. May10 City Editor . . . Horace W. Gilmore Associate Editor . . . . Robert Z. itzhenry Associate Editor . . . . . S. R. Kleiman Associate Editor . . . . . Robert Perman Associate Editor . . . . . Earl Oilman Associate Editor . . . .. William Elvin Associate Editor . . . , . Joseph P'reedman Book Editor . . . . . . . Joseph Gies Women's Editor . . . . . Dorothea Staeber Sports Editor. . . . . . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . eonard P. segelmaxi Adverising Manager . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Peace Or War In Bloody Harlan?... HE AGREEMENT between mine owners and operators, which brought -an end to the labor wars in Harlan County, Ken- tucky after 20 years of violence, expires this week. On the acceptance or rejection of a new agreement by the operators hinges the question: Will it be peace or war in Harlan? The Harlan coal fields have been one of the last frontiers in labor's fight to organize. The resistance of the Harlan capitalists to unionisa- tion is based not only on the mountaineer's aver- sion to outside interference, but also on the belief that to permit unionization is to invite destruc- tion. The situation is basically this; The rich veins of coal underlying the mountains, together with the inherent poverty of the people, made it easy for the industrialists to exploit the Harlan coal field and gain enormous profits. The cheap labor available in Harlan permitted the operators to undersell the unionized mines elsewhere, to steal Northern markets. Harlan operators realized that as long as they could hold this advantage, Harlan coal would sell as fast as it could be mined. There- fore, they would brook no interference by labor unions; they feared that standardization with other coal fields meant the killing of their golden goose. The mine owners fought 'unionization with every method they knew. Organizers were gassed in their hotels and clubbed when they ran into the streets; they were thrown into jail on false pretenses; their automobiles were dynamited; a woman was offered $100 to serve as bait to lure them to crime. The operators of Harlan contributed one cent for each ton of coal they mined to a "war chest" used in fighting the unions. The organizers persisted. Armed deputies, who were nothing more than henchmen of the opera- tors, roamed the countryside. At the threat of an uprising of the miners in May, 1931, a carload of deputies headed toward the town :of Evarts. The miners met them with shotguns and squirrel rifles and when the shooting was over, five men had been killed. From the "Battle of Evarts" sprang a war of' violence probably as vicious as any ever fought on the labor front. It is the old struggle in the South-the fight. to keep an advantage over Northern industry by shoving the wage scale down o coolie .levels. The methods of the Harlan industrialists succeeded for 20 years. Their'nethod& kept labor in a-de- fenseless, serf-like state so that the profits of the mines would be insured. They made the miner apathetic in the face of the most appalling pov- erty and ignorance. They rietained for the Har- lan capitalists an absolutism that was relin- quished elsewhere when the Industrial Revolu- tion was still young. Probably unionism never would have triumphed in Harlan if the federal government hadnot stepped in. Aroused 'by the #fin'dings of novelist Theodore Dreiser, the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee hurried to Harlan in 1935. It was not difficult to% find startling facts in I;arlan. The report of the committee reveals the shock of its writers. The tales of war chests, black-lists, am- bush murders, bombings and kidnatpings that The World As Seen By Student Editors When The Drums Beat Loudly We picked up the papers and read headlines of what's happening off the campus, about econom- ic war, and French preparation for war, and- Russian preparation for war, and Rumanian de- bate about war. We hear what Dartmouth is thinking about war and we're a little afraid that Dartmouth thinks something like this: "He's got to be stopped sooner or later and if they won't do it over there, why it's going to be up to us whether we like it or not." And we got to thinking about what we would do if there should be a war, about what all of us would say who have talked about peace for so long, who have said that we didn't want war, and wouldn't go to war, that we would have only peace. We got to thinking about what Dart- mouth would be like if there should be a war. Then we found another newspaper, The Dart- mouth of April 26, 1917: "To the slackers-those few who have neglect- ed the opportunities offered them to be of some material service to their country-The Dartmouth and all true Dartmouth men have but little to say. These few shirkers who take refuge in cloaks of "pacifism" and "conscientiousness" will have their own consciences as their severest accusers. How any able bodied man in college can stand by and watch the regiment march along without experiencing humiliation and mortification to the nth degree is beyond the conception of the ordinary person. These few should be ignored and ostracized by those who have taken their stand with the country. "It is high time that feeling became so pre- dominant that an undergraduate would as soon admit membership in that retarding and mis- guided group tolerated under the general head- ing of pacifists as to admit being a German spy In fact most real men would much prefer the latter, as a spy usually does something for his country. And the men who spend - their time making lofty rhetorical statements about loyalty and who criticize the training provided before it has fairly started, while at the same time engag- ing in that estimable occupation of doing nothing themselves, are little better than pacifists. "Undergraduates who are dissatisfied with the drill provided are at perfect liberty to go some place where better accommodations are afford- ed. Several men have already entered some branch of the national service and provision for grant- ing them full academic credit was made in the faculty vote Saturday. "The men who remain here should enlist at once. What the College wants from every man in Hanover is ACTION. And the sooner that unholy fraternity of purposeless inactive arm chair paci- fist crabs can be eliminated the better for Dart- mouth and the nation." And so, we thought, that's the way it will be again. -The Dartmouth A Program For Prexy Although the Daily Trojan this year literallg straddles the political fence, it offers to both student presidential candidates a platform sug- gestion that would benefit the university whose student leader would adhere to its plank. The platforms for both presidential candidates seem to reflect their consciousness of problems relative to student affairs. Both candidates recognize the universal campus desire for assem- blies of greater interest, and both desire to make participation in student government available for both organized and non-organized students. One of the officers understands the need for campus development and the expansion and the pertinent need for "crime" protection of frater- nity and sorority row. But both candidates might well remember that. the breach between students and faculty and between administration and students is ever widening. For one group to be divorced from the other is to destroy the true educational spirit and the internal order of a progressive uni- versity. All three units should be integrated, and the prospective student leader might wisely take the responsibility for making them so. Perhaps the faculty and administration could use student advice on guiding its academic poli- cies. Perhaps the administration would like to know the students' angle on how a new course is taking hold or how old courses could be im-. proved. It is entirely possible that students might desire the addition of certain new courses or the employment of certain policies that have been successful at other universities and which might be applied at S.C. beneficially. Customarily both the student and faculty exist in their own distinct spheres, and too often these sphres remain independent instead of interdec pendent. Perhaps it might be a wise idea for the ambitious student leader to be the coordinating link between the instructors and the instructed, to secure a meeting of minds, an interchange of. mutually advantageous ideas and suggestions: Not infrequently is the athlete unable to rocog- nize his faults in technique or the author his artistic defects. Similarly is the educator often unable to capture the intimate reactions of his students to their training.. Therein is a plank for any platform. -Daily Trojan, Southern California permitting the UMWA to organize the Harlan miners for six months, until March 31 of this year. During its brief rule, the UMWA has tried in a dozen ways to prove that the dose of unioniza- tion is not as bad as the operators thought. Uniona officials point out, that the nearby Kentucky River and Big Sandy coal fields have been or- teeo e Heywoo.d Broun STAMFORD, Conn., March 23.-We've got pigeons. Whether or not they are homing pigeons depends on Garcia, the head bird, and he can't At v 4 14 seem to make up his mind It's going to make a lot of difference to me. You see, the original notion was that instead of telegraphing my stuff I could just intrust it to a pigeon and become the first of the carrier column- ists. The man who sold me the idea said it would be very simple. "You just strap the precious freight to the bird's leg and toss him into the air, and neither dark of night nor sleet nor storm can stay his swift messenger on his appointed rounds." It sounded a little too good to be true. Of course, there did seem to be a catch in it the moment he spoke of throwing the bird in the air. My own wing isn't what it used to be, but there have been columns of mine which anybody could toss from Stamford to the office without the help of a pigeon. A gnat would be an all-sufficient carrier. The man tried to disabuse my mind of fears. "To a pigeon," he explained, "all columns and, in fact, all columnists look alike. Remember, he's just going to carry your stuff. He doesn't have to read it." However, once I got the birds complications set in. Before a pigeon becomes a carrier with a homing instinct one of them must lay an egg. As some poet almost said, "It takes a heap of hatch. ing to make a house a home." Of course, my plan necessitated a home-and.home arrangement. There would have to be a town and a country landing field, and so somebody would have to lay an egg in the city room of the paper as well as in the coop on the farm. I felt this could readily be arranged, but it re- quired more than seven weeks before the lady bird gave any hostages to fortune up in the coun- try. So I hate to take her into town and ask her to lay another egg while surrounded by rewrite men and copy readers. I doubt that it could be done. Besides, the fact that he is about to become a father has failed to anchor Garcia. At dawn he leaves the nest flying hell-bent for election. It looks a lot like desertion, but his conscience collars him at the end of two hundred yards, and he lights upon the farmhouse roof. There he sits all day, looking sometimes in the direction of the World's Fair and occasionally toward the nest. Even at a distance you can tell that he has not yet arrived at a decision. Twilight and evening star see him wending his way home, but he does so wearily and without enthusiasm. I don't think I will ever commit a column to Garcia. He's the sort of pigeon you wouldn't care to trust with anything which came from the heart. There is a glandular deficiency in his loyalty. He has a mean and hungry look, and if Garcia ever did find some little masterpiece strapped to his ankle you can bet your life he'd never fly it to the office. Instead you'd find him at some feedstore trying to trade the manuscript in for birdseed. The chances are that Garcia will be- come a pie and not a pilot. THATREl By NORMAN KIELL Shakespeare, '39 Anyone passing by the Laboratory Theatre these days wonders just when the place will come loose from its foundation and fall into the grave the dormitory builders have so appropriately dug flush against the rear wall of the theatre. And anyone going into the Lab Theatre would wonder just how rehearsals go on under the con- stant bedlam of riveting, concrete-mixing and steam-shovelling outside, and scene-building, cur- tain-painting and costume-making inside. Be that as it may, tonight the curtain goes up at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on Play Pro- duction's version of Shakespeare's "Two Gentle- men of Verona." This marks their eighth venture into the realm of the Stratford Bard. Two years ago marked their last Shakespearean offering, "Henry VIII." Prior to this, Play Production had presented "Romeo and Juliet," "The Taming of the Shrew" "A Midsummer's Night's Dream" 'Twelfth Night." "All's .Wel That Ends Well," and "Othello." "The Two Gentlemen of Verona" has been, and is so rarely done that this production will probably offer us the only opportunity to ever see it performed on a stage. The records avail- able to this reporter show that the last profes- sional presentation of the comedy in America was in 1895, with Maxine Elliot as Sylvia and Ada Rehan as Julia. The reason why "Two Gentlemen" is so rarely done is that it is one of Shakespeare's earliest as well as one of his minor comedies. Scholars al- ways delight in tracing Shakespeare's develop- ment from this play, and appropriately so. Shake- speare knew his theatre-goers as well as his theatre-technique, and being a business man as well, he pandered to his public, giving them what they wanted. He took over the routine of the Comedia del Arte and capitalized on it; we have the perverse parent who opposes the imarrage, the WEDNESDAY MARCH 29 1939 VOL. XLIX. No. 130 Notices A limited number of room or board scholarships at Betsy Barbour House, Helen Newberry Residence and Mar- tha Cook Building will be awarded for next year on the basis of need, character, and academic standing. No one with less than a B average should apply. Application blanks' may be secured- at the Office of the Dean of Women. All applications should be in that office by April 7, 1939. One of the Alice Martin schol- arships of $100 for residents of Adelia Cheever Residence Hall is also open to students living outside of the Ade- ha Cheever House. Civil Service Examination: An ex- amination will be held April 8, in 1025 Angell Hall nor Social Workers in this State. Students who are graduating this June and who think themselves qualified should take this examination. Application blanks-may be had from the local office of the County Relief Commission, 417 West Liberty, Ann Arbor. The applica- tion should be filed not later than April 1. Announcement of the quali- fications necessary is posted on the bulletin board by the Sociology Of- fice in Haven Hall. Aeronautical Engineering Seniors and Graduates: Those obtaining either bachelors or masters degrees in Aeronautical Engineering in June or August, 1939, should fill out the De- partment personnel records before leaving for spring vacation, April 7. If a student is unable to obtain his photograph by this date he should turn in his record and supply the photograph later. Blanks for this purpose may be obtained in the De- partment Office, B-47 East Engineer- ing Building. It is essential that personnel records of all students be on file in the office, in order to supply the manufacturers with ac- curate and complete information. A sample form indicating the kind of information desired is posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board. For The Attention of Iowa Stu- dents: The Iowa Emergency Relief Administration sends word that they would like to make contact with the. students from that State who might be eligible upon graduation for a po- sition in Social Work in Iowa. A. E. Wood. Retirement Incomes: A suggestion has been made that questions con- cerning various phases of retire- ment incomes as they affect members of the Faculties be submitted to the Business Office, with the understand- ing that the questions are to be an- swered in the University Record. This arrangement might serve to clear up any misunderstandings or problems on this subject. Will you please, therefore, send to me any such prob- lems and I will try to answer them or will refer them to the Carnegie Foun- dation for the Advancement of Teaching or The Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association for solution. Herbert G. Watkins. Aeronautical Engineering Students: There will be available in the De- partment of Aeronautical Engineer- ing two Frank P. Sheehan Scholar- ( ships and probably three assistant- ships for the year 1939-40. These scholarships and assistantships are in general restricted to upperclass- men and graduate students and the selection is made very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. Appli- cations for these positions will be re- ceived up to April 1. Students wish- ing to make application should ad- dress them to Professor E. A. Stalk- er, B-47 East Engineering Building, and should give a brief statement of their qualifications and experience in regard to both their scholastic work and any outside experience they may have had. A statement should also be made giving their plans for fur- ther study in Aeronautical Engineer- ing. Applications may be made for both the schoilarshins alnd the as- sistantships. Foreign students who will change their address for the spring vacation, please register vacation address at the Internationail Centerc as soon asi. possible. This is important. Michigan Dames: Members who have a copy of Byers' "Designing Women" and who would be willing to lend it for Dames' use for a short time please call Mrs. Shilling. 2-3061 evenings. One copy of "Fashion is Spinach" is also needed. Students living in the Chicago area interested in registering with the Camp Placement Department of the Illinois State Employment Service and who would be available for a per- sonal interview in Chicago during Spring Vacation may call at the University Burenu of Apointment ad 'OcgaiontIn.f1rmni-attion, 201 week prior to date of examination. Water System Helper. Salary: "pre- vailing rate" April 10. Roller Operator. Salary: "prevail- ing rate" April 12. Plumbing Inspector. Salary: $2,640, April 14. Complete announcements are on file at the University Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall; Office Hours 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Hisory 48: Midsem'eser exaraina- ion, Thursday, March 30, 10 a.m.: A-F. Room D, Haven, G-Z, Room C, Haven. V. W. Crane. case. Applications must be filed a I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Friday, April 7. More cards if needed can be had at my office. These reports should name those students, freshman and upperclass, whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called midsemester examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University, should be reported to the school or college in which they are registered. A. A. Walter, Assistant Dean. Juniors and Seniors of the Literary College: Students desiring to apply for candidacy for the Teacher's Cer- tificate please see a member of the Teacher's Certificate Committee as soon as possible. In the absence of Professor Thorpe students majoring in Group I, and minoring in Group II see Professor Welch, 4089 Natural Science (Univ.-591), hours Tu-Th, 11-12; those minoiing in Group III see Professor Wheeler,321GHaven Hall (Univ.-598), hours Tu-Th, 3-4, Wed., 8:30-10. Biological Station: Application for admission for the coming summer session should be in my office before April 15 when dll applications will be considered. An announcement de- scribing courses offered can be ob- tained at the Office of the Summer Session or from the Director. Appli- cations should be made on forms which can be secured at Room 1119 N.S. from 4 to 6 p.m., daily, or at Room 3089 N.S. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily. George R. La Rue, Director. det Skating Classes, Women Stu- dents. The 'women's ice skating classes will meet at 3:20 on Wednes- day and Thursday, respectively, at Barbour Gymnasium dressed for bi- cycle riding instead of skating. 35 cents will cover the cost of riding for two hours. Concerts Organ Recital. Palmer Christian will give the fifth in the present series of organ recitals in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday afternoon, March 29, at 4:15 o'clock. He will present a pro- gram of music by Bach, Sowerby, De- Lamater and Vierne. The general public is cordially invited to attend. Organ Recital. Thomas Lyles, Spartanburg, South Carolina, pupil of Palmer Christian, University or- ganist, will give an organ recital in Hill Auditorium, Thursday afternoon, March 30, at 4:15 o'clock, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master Of Music degree. The genera-I public is invited to attend. Glee Club Concert. The University of Michigan Glee Club, under the di- rection of Professor David Mattern, will present an interesting and va- ried program of music in Hill Au- ditorium, Thursday evening, March 30, at 8:30 o'clock. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited to attend. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture: The premiated drawings submitted in the national competition for the Wheaton College Art Center are be- ing shown in the third floor Exhibi- tion Room, College of Architecture, Open daily, 9 to 5, excet Sundays, through April 4. The public is cor dially invited. Exhibition of Modern Book Art; Printing and Illustration, held under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Rackham Building third floor Exhibition Room; dail3 except Sunday. 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; on view through Saturday, April 1. Exhibition of Paintings by Davic Fredenthal and Helen May, showr under the auspices of the Ann Arbon Art Association. Alumni Memoria Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March 24 through April 7. Lectures University Lectures: Professor Ken- s teth J, Conant, of Harvard Univer- S ty, will give i iustrated lectures ok heritance" on Thursday, March 30, at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Au- ditorium under the auspices of the Department of Botany. The public is cordially invited to attend. A.E. McCrea, editor and publisher of the Muskegon Chronicle, will give the sixth in the Journalism Supple- mentary Lecture Series on Wednes- day at 3 o'clock in Room E, Haven Hall. Mr. McCrea's subject will be "The Newspaper and Public Opinion." The public is invited. French Lecture: The lecture on the Cercle Francais program which was -to be given by Professor Eugene Ro- villain tomorrow, Thursday, has been postponed. On April 28 the annual French Play will take place in Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. The title of the play is: Ces Dames aux Chapeaux verts" by Acremant. Events Today Students, School of Dentistry: There will be an Assembly in the Upper Amphitheatre at 4:15 this afternoon. Mr. Louis Untermeyer will be the speaker. All dental students and hygienists are requested to be in their seats in the Amphitheatre promptly at 4:10 p.m. International Center: Music hour at the International Center: The regular Wednesday music hour has been changed from 7 to 7:30 this week, and will hereafter be held at this later time. The program this week is an orchestra synthesis of Wagner's Tristan and Isolde by Leo- pold Stokowski played by the Phila- delphia Orchestra. Chemical and Metallurgical Engi- neering Seminar. Mr. W. I. Wilcox will be the speaker at the Seminar today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is, "Natural Gas Hydrates." La Sociedad Hispanica: The fifth lecture of the series sponsored by La Sociedad Hispanica will be pre- sented by Professor Jose M. Albala- dejo today, at 4:15 p.m., in 108 R.L. The subject will be "El Cid en la his- toria y en la: epica." Admission by ticket only. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Mr. W. H. Sullivan will speak on Precision methods in the mass spectrographic investigation of isotopes." Phi Tau Alpha: There will be a meeting tonight at 8 p.m. in the League. Professor Meinecke Will speak. All members are urged to be present. Graduate Luncheon: There will be a graduate luncheon, March 29 at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the League, cafeteria style. Prof. Roy W. Sellars of the Phi- losophy Department will discuss "Free Will." All graduate students are crdially invited. The Michigan Christian Fellowship will have its monthly social tonight at the Fireplace Room, Lane Hall. Games, singing, and refreshments starting at 7:15 will feature the eve- ning. Remember the crazy ping pong tournament at the last social? A special invitation is extended to al lthose students who have attended any of the M.C.F. meetings. All other students who are interested are welcome. Hiawatha Club: Hiawatha Club will hold its regular meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Discussion will center around the proposals for arousing student and alumni interest in the University dur- ing Spring Vacation. All interested upper peninsula students are cordial- ly invited to attend. Union Tryouts, Freshmen. There will be an important meeting of all Freshmen on the Union Council staff today at 5 p.m. Please make every effort to be there. Coming Events Mr. Louis Untermeyer. Schedule for week of March 27-April 3. Wednesday, March 29. 4:15 p.m. Lecture to dental students. Upper Amphitheatre, Dental Bldg. 'Thursday, March 30. 4 p.m. Cof- fee hour. Room 308 Michigan Union. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a meeting at . 7:30 p.m., Thursday, March 30, in Room 1042 East Engineering Build- ing. Professor M. J. Thompson will 1 present a summary of papers given Sat the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Institute o fthe Aeronautical Sci- ences, held in New York. These pa- pers deal with airplane structures, instruments, areonautical symposium, power plants, meteorology, air trans- port, aerodynamics, and airplane de- in 4 ..