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March 29, 1939 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-29

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, DNESDAY, BfARCH 29, 1939

_.....ESAY M RC ,,93
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Schola rships
Are Announced
Awards Are Given To 21;
Many Previous Winners
Get Reappointments
Announcement of the 21 Barbour
Scholars for 1939-1940 was made yes-
terday by Prof. W. Carl Rufus, execu-
tive secretary to the Barbour Schol-
arship Committee.
Of the new appointees, 11 were
Scholars this year, one is a former
Scholar and now teaching in a Chi-
riese University, and three others are
studying on campus at present.
Reappointed are Esperanza Castro,
Grad., Gloria Cortes, Grad., and
Primitiva Demandante, '41M, all of
the Philippine Islands; Kamala Kos-
ambi, Grad., of India; Choon-cha Lee,
'42SM, of Korea; Sada Kato, Grad.,
and Kikue Oshima, Grad, both of
Japan; and Louise Chang, Grad.,
Yao Shen, Grad., Ming-chen Wang,
Grad., and Su-Hsuen Wu, Grad., all
of China. Ruth Ciu, MS ,30, who was
here from 1929 to 1931 when she was
recalled to faculty duties at Ginling
College, was also reappointed. Jean
Chu, Grad., Celia Chao, '40SM, and
Yen-hoong Loo, Grad., all of China
and now students at the University,
have also been named Barbour Schol-
ars for next year.
The new appointees are Estefania
Aldabra, MA, University of the Phil..
ippines, and Solita Camara, MD, from
the. same institution; Mary Thivy of'
India, a graduate of and at present
a member of the faculty of the Uni-
versity of Madras, India; Hisako
Fujiwara, MA, Mills College and Chi-
eko Otsuki, MS, Oregon State Col-
lege, both girls from Japan; and
Dzun-mei Hwang, graduate of and
now a member of the faculty of Gin-
ling College in China.
This represents the selections made
from 83 applications by the Barbour
Scholarship Committee consisting of.
President Ruthven, Dean Edward H.
Kraus of the literary college, Dean
Clarence S. Yoakum of the Graduate
School, Dean Albert C. Furstenburg
of the College of Medicine, Dean Alice
C. Lloyd, dean of women and Pro-
fessor Rufus.
Union Tryouts To Meet
There will be an important meeting
or all freshman tryouts for the
Union at 5 p.m. tOday in Room 302,

Cook's Gift Of Over 12 Millions
Made Law Quadran le Possible
...1i. la t J '-.. .
Law Quadrangle represents largest donation ever given to a state uni-
versity . . . William C. Cook, '82L, gave over 12 millions to the University
Lawyer's Club was first building of group, constructed in 1924; followed
by John Cook dornitory in 1930 and the Legal Research Library in '31 . . .
Hutchins Hall, completed in '34, brings the structure up to date, with the
southeast corner still open for any necessary addition . . . Cook never
returned to see the results of his philanthropy; said Cook: "It might spoil
my dream" . . . directed every bit of construction from New York . - .
University was forced to comply with his every wish fot, without the re-
mainder of the gift, the Law Quad would stand as a colossal white elephant
most strenuous dissenter: former President Clarence Cook Little, who
left Universityshortly afte he dissented . . . famous people at dedication
in '34: Associate Supreme Court Justice Harlan F. Stone and former Secre-
tary of State Newton D. Baker . . six grotesque, gnomelike figures at base
of main tower carry heads of former University Presidents . . . two origin-
ally were likenesses of members of the faculty, but were smashqd when
Cook decided he didn't want them on his building . . . library has capacity
for 250,000 volumes

Supreme Court
Tax becision
Seen Desirable
Law School Dean Declares
Importance Of O'Keefe
Ruling Over - Estimated
(Continued from Page 1)
thinking from 1787 to a much later
date. I do not think, therefore, that
Mr. Justice Frankfurter's smart re-
mark that it is 'the ultimate duty
of this Court to uphold the Constitu-
tion, not to uphold erroneous de-
cisions,' was entirely justified. It
begs, the whole question. It is, of
course, the duty of the Court to up-
hold the Constitution, but I do not
believe it can be said, unqualifiedly,
that the earlier decisions on this tax-
ing matter were erroneous.
Bates Notes Changes
Since these decisions times and
conditions have changed radically,
Dean Bates pointed out. State pride
and the doctrine of state sovereignty
have become dim almost to the point
of being extinguished. Moreover,
there have been many abuses of the
reciprocal immunity of the salaries
of Federal and state employes, and
particularly the immunities of gov-
ernmental securities from taxation.
But, and this is more important,
he continued, the states will certainly
exercise every form of ingenuity to
tax Federal officers in return. This
will lead, unquestionably, to many
undesirable situations, and to a great
deal of litigation. It will lead to an
increase in tax revenue and likewise'
to an increase in the number of of-
ficeholders, a result which may seem
degirable to some people.
Tax Abuses Possible
"It is possible, but perhaps not
probable, that the power to tax will
be pushed to ruinous lengths," Dean
Bates declared. "But Mr. Justice
Frankfurter, in commenting on this
case, stated that Marshall's remark
-'The power to tax is the power to
destroy'-was a seductive cliche. It
seems to me he did not state the
whole case. As a matter of fact, the
power to tax has been used to de-
stroy, has destroyed, and the de-
structive tax has been held valid by,
the Court. United States vs. McGray
is perhaps the best known case in'
this class. However, we can prob-
ably rely upon the good sense of the
American people and of legislatures,
not to indulge in reckless pastime of
this kind.
"Finally, while there will be some
confusion and less gain than is ex-
pected, probably, on the whole, this is
merely one of those readjustments in-
evitable in the growth of institu-
tions, and the net result may be for
the best."

i'MCA Director

CBS To Carry
Sunday Feature
Dr. Ruthven Will Speak
On Tolerance
The University of Michigan and the
Columbia Broadcasting System will
collaborate once again, on next Sun-
day morning )t nine o'clock, when
the regular Sunday morning feature
of the University Broadcasting Serv-
ice, entitled "Join the Choir," is
broadcast ov ,r a coast to coast net-
work as a special Palm Sunday feat-
President Ruthven will discuss tol-
erance, and selections by the Uni-
versIty Carilloneur, Sydney Giles, and
by the Men's Glee Club, directed by
Professor David Mattern, will also
be featured.
The program is under the direction
of Dr. Joseph E. Maddy, Professor of
Radio Music Instruction. Dr. Madldy
is the n;arrator and directs the regi-
lar Sunday morning quartet as well,
assisted by Dr. Kenneth Westerman.





Congress Fn
o Give Awards
Scholarship ApplIcations
Will Be Taken April 7
Applications 1or Congress Scholar-
ships are due April 7, Robert hart-
well, '39BAd., Congress president, an-
nounced yesterday. Petitions will be
received at the Union main desk.
To be eligible for the grant, Hart-
well said, :applicants must be unaffili-
ated upper classmen with at least 60
credit hours. A 2.5 scholastic aver-
age and one semester's residence at
the University are additional prerequi-
sites. Students applying for the schol-
arship must also be partly ,self-sup-
porting and in need of financial aid.
The committee in charge of the
Congress Scholarship Fund was also


Local Woman 's Club
Views 'Fickle Widow'
"The Fickle Widow," a short story
of China, was presented in radio
fori by students in Broadcasting
yesterday before the Ann Arbor Wo-
men's Club in the League Ballroom.
The sketch, adapted for radio by
Esther Kern, Grad., was originally
heard over the air Oct. 22 on the
Stdries of All Nations series.
Myroni Wallace, '39, directed the
dramatization which included in its
cast, Harold Gast, '39, James Barton,
Grad., Mary Rall, '39, Douglas Gra-
ham, '39E, and Ben Wampler, '39.
announceed by Hartwell. It includes
LDean Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the Fnglish Department,
Mr. Lloyd Berridge, Harold Stuart,
Douglas Tracy, '40E, William Rock-
well,_'41, and Stuart Low, '39.
CASH PAID for your discarded
clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S.
Main. 311
painting. Budget plan if desired.
Dial 7209. 181
CATERING, Sewing, Hour Work.
Good dependable work. References
furnished. Phone 7163. 583
TAN CRAVENET Raincoat taken by
'mistake at Pendleton Library Sun-
day afternoon. Please make ex-
change at Mich. Union or call Louis
Londy, 2-2243. 587
FOR SALE-9 tuibe radio-phonograph
combination, $16. Radios for rent
$1.25 per month. Stofflet's, 523 E.
Liberty St. 589

4 *
Talks Saturday
Genne Is Guest At Annual
Williams Guild Dinner
William Genne, director of men
students and Young Men's Chris-
tian Association secretary of the
Peoples' Church of East Lansing, will
be the guest speaker at the thirty-
third annual banquet of the Roger
Williams Guild at 6:30 p.m. Satur-
day in the Haunted Tavern.
Mr. Genne holds degrees from Yale
University and Bucknell University.
He attended the World Christian Stu-
dent Conference at.Rio De Janeiro in
1932 and was appointed to attend
the World Conferencesof Christian
Youth to be held this summer in
Amsterdam, Holland.
The decorations, which will carry
out the theme of, "Folly of a Fool's
Errand," are under Frances John-
son, '41. Dick Steding, '40E, presi-
dent of the Guild, is the general
chairman. Kermitt Webb, '39, will
be toastmaster. Ida Mae Stitt, '41,
chairman of the menu committee is
being assisted by Virginia Frances,
'41. Reservations may be made by
calling either the Rev. Howard R.
Chapman at 7332 or Harold Goeller,
'42E, ticket chairman, at 8004.

That's the hour every night
when long distance telephone
rates to most points are
reduced. Resultant savings
range up to 50%. And the
same reduced rates are in ef.
fect all day every Sunday!
FOR RATES to points not
listed below, see page 5 in the
telephone directory, or dial



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All Day


$ .60


Never before has
anything like it
been available.

Atlanta, Ga.
Battle Creek
Bay City'
Benton Harbor
Boston, Mass.


LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low prices. 9
WANTED-Old copies of Michigan
Daily for Sunday, April 3, 1938, and
Friday, March 18, 1938. Call Mrs.
Rogers, 2-3241. 458
WANtTED--Clothing wanted to buy.
$ u i ts, overcoats, typewriters,
watches. Sam pays the most. Phone
6304 for appointment. 388
TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M.
Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone
5689. 271

TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935
or 2-1416. 79
LOST-Hamilton Wrist Watch with
brown leather band. If found noti-
fy A. Kahn, 3604. Reward. Address
1341 Geddes. 588
LOST-Purse containing fraternity
and sorority pin, Parker Pen, Gold
Elgin watch at the League Thurs-
day night. Liberal reward. No ques-
tions asked. Call Ellen MacDonald,
2-2569. 570
HAT CLEANING and Shoe Shining
at Sanford's. Hats cleaned and
blocked; shoes dyed and shined.
Open evenings and Sundays. 121
E Ann St. Tel. 9287, Ann Arbor.
Box 343. 590,


Test Your
The Two Gentlemen1 of Verona are:
iTwo It alians who compefed in ast
year's Gold Cup Races.
l M ussolin i and Daladier.
1 Toscanini and his brother.
Li A gay, delightift comedy by W1'a.


Dallas, Tex.......
Denver, Colo.


Grand Haven
Grand Rapids

. .35









Effective as of February 14, 1939
2 per reading line (on basis of
five average words to line) for one
or two Insertions.
loc per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum of 3 lines per inser-

Los Angeles, Cal.
Minneapolis, Minn.




See Page Six For Answer



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Brown Cretan calf.

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