W.,eather c ntiiied cootansi 'dfair, Y -.dgL-.LA&M. I A6P 4hr xti Editorial Peace Or War In Bloody Harlan? . . VOL. XLIX. No 130 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Dorothy Shipman Is Named 1939-40 League President Ship Building PlanAccepted By Roosevelt Britain Seeks Definite Pact To Stop Nazis, Insurgents Seize Madrid To End Spanish Civil War; Loyalist Leaders Flee City Senate Backs Regent Poll;ist Sym"blOResistance L ais General Franco Will Build Two Ton Battleships As The World's 45,000 Classed Largest England Also I To For Expand Use In s Planning Its Forces Wartime Alberta Wood Treasurer; Mary Honecker Wins Position As Secretary Betty Slee Heads Judiciary Council D~orothy Shipman, '40, was appoint- ed president of the League for the coming year by the League executive committee yesterday. Alberta Wood, '40, was named treasurer, and Mary' Honecker, '40, secretary. Betty Slee, '40, was appointed chairman of Judi- ciary Council by the out-going chair- man, Sybil Swartout, '39. Miss Shipman, of Oak Park, Ill., was recently voted president of Pan- hellenic Association. She will resign to accept the League presidency. A member of Pi Beta Phi and Wy- vern, junior women's honor society, Miss Shipman was general chairman of the 1939 Junior Girls Play. She worked on the music and finance committees for Freshman Project in 1937, and the ticket and finance committees for the 1938 Sophomore Cabaret. Miss Shipman was also a member of the editorial staff of the Michiganensian in 1937-38, and the social committee of the League. A member of Delta Gamma and president of Wyvern, Miss Wood is from Anchorage, Ky. She was general chairman of Freshman Project in 1937, and the originator for the theme of the Sophomore Cabaret last year. She has worked on the candy booth, social, transfer Orientation and Theatre Arts committees of the League. As Mrs. Culpepper, she took one of the leading parts in the 1939 Junior Girls Play. Miss Honecker, of Grand Rapids, transferred from Grand Rapids Junior College this year. She was general chairman of Assembly Banquet, a ._emberov412e- Theatre Arts, merit and social committees of the League and the J.G.P. program committee. Miss Slee, "the new chairman of Judiciary Council, is from Toledo, O. She has been a member of the Coun- cil for two years. Miss Slee, a mem- ber of WYVelin, was assistant chair- man of last year's Sophomore Caba- ret, and she has worked for the The- atre Arts committee of the League and the Michigras ticket committee. She was also a member of the busi-' ness staff 'of the Michiganensian last year. The remaining appointments to the new Undergraduate Council of the League will be made at Installation Banquet at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the ballroom and Grand Rapids Room of the League. The three League vice presidents and the chairmen of League committees will be introduced following the banquet when installa- tion will be held. Plan To Lower Allen - Rumsey Room Charge Erection Of New Units Reduces Rates To $80; Students Eat In Dorms Completion of the new dormitory units will result in lower prices for dormitory rooms and cause the cost of Allen-Rumsey rooms to be lowered from $90 to $80 a semester, Prof. Charles T. Olmstead, assistant dean of students, declared yesterday. Speaking before residents of Allen- Rumsey, Professor Olmstead revealed that single rooms and suites consist- ing of a study and bedroom will be featured in the new units along with double rooms such as are contained in Allen-Rumsey. Charges in the new dormitories, he said, would be $75 and $80 for double rooms; $85 and $95 for single rooms and $85 and $95 for suites. Residents of the new buildings, Dean Olmstead declared, will be re- quired to eat in specially provided dining rooms. A limited number of upper-classmen will be residents. Bursley Seeks Applicants For Orientation Positions Students interested in applying for DOROTHY SHIPMAN . * * Assures Supremacy Over Japan's Fleet WASHINGON, March 28.-()- President Roosevelt has approved the construction of two battleships of 45,000 tons, expected to be the world's mightiest, to assure continued Ameri- can naval supremacy over Japan. The White House announced to- day that the Chief Executive had given~the Navy authority to proceed with its plans, in accordance with provisions of last year's billion-dollar fleet-expansion act. Will Start This Year The floating fortresses, faster and more heavily armed than the six capital craft of 35,000 tons each al- ready building, are to be started this year, under Navy plans. A request for initial funds was in- cluded in the Navy's $758,000,000 budget for the forthcoming fiscal year, on which a House appropria- tions subcommittee started hearings yesterday. It is expected that funds for the third 45,000-ton vessel authorized in the expansion act, and others of the same magnitude, will be sought from subsequent Congresses, in the absence of a new treaty curbing arms. Has Authority To Build The Navy already has authority to replace battleships as they pass the age of maximum military usefulness. Nine thus will become over age by the end of 1946. Inasmuch as the former London Treaty limit of 35,000 tons was increased by 10,000 tons last year by joint action of the United States, Great Britain and France, some of- ficials believe the replacements may be of the new maximum size with- out further legislation. Japan's refusal to assure the three democratic powers that was con- structing or had planned vessels no larger than 35,000 tons left no doubt that the President authorized the larger craft with Japan in mind. At his press conference today, how- ever, Mr. Roosevelt said Japan's at- titude was only one of a number of reasons leading to the decision. He declined to elaborate. Charles M. Shaw Wins Higbie Award Charles M Shaw '40A was award- ed the annual Jane Higbie Award in iecorative design, it was announced yesterday by Dean Wells I. Bennet of the Architectural School. The award is given each year to the sophomore student who displays greatest origi- nality and promise combined with high scholarship. Because of the exceptionally high standard of the work entered this year, three honorable mention awards have been granted to Janet Fisher, '41A, Chauncey Korten, '41A, and Margaret Whittemore, '41A. Non-Aggression Bloc Will ShowStrength LONDON, March 28. -(P)- The House of Commons cheered today Oovernment announcements t h a t Britain was "actively continuing" ne- gotiations for an Anti-Aggression Front and that "political develop- ments made further progress impos- sible" in trade talks with Germany. British diplomats, meanwhile, were reported to be seeking definite mili- tary alliances designed to halt the expansion of Nazi Gern any; the Gov- ernment planned loans' and subsidies to fit the merchant marine for pos- sible use in wartime; an increase in the British territorial army was be- ing considered, and General Viscount Gort, chief of the Army General Staff, went to France for military zonferences and inspections. Oliver Stanley, President of the Board of Trade, told the Commons, gravely worried over the Govern-I ment's delay in rallying European democracies in a United Front, that: "I have informed the Federation (of British industries) that while there can be no doubt regarding the value of the preliminary work which they have accomplished (in trade discussions with German industrial- ists), recent political developments have created a situation which while it lasts has made further progress impossible." Prime Minister Chamberlain re- fused to end the secrecy surrounding British diplomacy, but said his plans to form a bloc against aggression went "a good deal further" than mere consultation among the interested powers. Muskegon Editor Will Lecture Today Archie McCrea, editor of the Mus- kegon Chronicle, will deliver the sixth in a series of journalism lectures at 3 p.m. today in Room E Haven Hall un- der the auspices of the journalism de- partment. He will talk on "The News- paper and Public Opinion." McCrea has been a member of the University Press Club of Michigan since its inception 20 years ago and is considered one of the outstanding editors of the State. The lectures are being conducted for those interested in the field of journalism. Albaladejo Speaks Today Prof. Jose N Albaladejo of the AsksKipkeA ttend Meeting SFalls After 32 Months Regent Beal Favors Student Group Against Former Myers; Works Coach In a heated three-hour session last night, the Student Senate voted to submit the six candidates for the Uni- versity's Board of Regents to the cam- pus in a general referendum vote on the regular Student Senate elec- tion ballot Friday. Voters of the State will decide the question Monday. At the same time, the Senate " recognizing the difficulties in mak- ing a last minute appearance," em- powered a committee composed of, William Grier, '39, Robert Perlman, '39, and Martin B. Dworkis, '40, to "try to arrange with Harry Kipke to appear before an open meeting of the Stpweut Senate at his conven- ience in order to express his views. This move was taken by the Senate following a request by Mr. Kipke for such a meeting last week after he had been notified of the body's action requesting that voters of the State "unconditionally repudiate" his can- didacy. Desire for a regency straw vote was prompted by campus criticism of the Senate's action of last week, Senators explained. It was felt that all students should be given the opportunity to express their opinion on a matter of such vital importance to the Uni- versity. The candidates for the Board of Regents are: Republicans, Harry G. Kipke and Joseph Herbert; Demo- crats, Dr. Dean Myers and Charles Lockwood; Socialists, Harold Chalk and Francis King. Nine Senators, "without wishing in any way to deny the direction of the Senate's earlier acts," expressed dis- approval of the method used in the body's repudiation of Mr. Kipke. They are: John Hulbert, '40, Ethel Nor- berg, '40, William Grier, '39, Donald Counihan, '41, John O'Hara, '39, Ted Grace, '39, John Goodell, '40, Tom Adams, '40, James Tobin, '41. Eleven approved the Senate's manner of action and two abstained. Williams Leads Mo st Popular . professor' Vote BETTY SLEE Shakespearian Play Will Open Four-Day Runt Tonight the play will be the thing when Play Production opens its four- day presentation of Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona" at 8:30 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. A special matinee will be given at 2:30 Saturday. Edward Jurist, '39, who played in, "Counsellor-at-Law," and "The Pet-1 rified Forest," and Karl Klauser, '39, will portray the two gentlemen, Val- entine and Proteus. Marguerite Mink, '41, a Play Pro-' duction newcomer, will alternate' with veteran Ellen Rothblatt, '39, on, performances of Sylvia. Bettie How-; ard, '39, will alternate with another veteran, Miriam Brous, Grad., in the role of Julia. "Two Gentlemen of Verona" is Shakespeare's first romantic comedy, and has never received a professional New York production. The oppor- tunity to present Ann Arbor with a work of the playwright that is to all intents and purposes new to theatre- goers, was taken by Play Production in selecting this play. It contains the beginnings of the characters that were later developed by Shakespeare{ in "Romeo 'and Juliet," "Twelfth Night" and "Merchant of Venice." Thor Johnson's Little Symphony (Continued on Page 6) Fay Bennett To Talk To Anti-War Group In preparation for the April 20 "strike against war," Fay Bennett of the Youth Committee Against War will speak at a rally at 8 p.m. tomor- row at Lane Hall. Sponsored by the Anti-War Com- mittee, Miss Bennett will speak on "This Year's Strike Against War." Formerly field secretary of the American Student Union, Miss Ben- nett left the ASU on the adoption of its present peace policy to become financial secretary of the Youth Committee Against War. HARRY G. KIPKE * * * Further opposition to Harry . G. Kipke, former head football coach' and storm-center of the April elec- tion, developed yesterday when Junius E. Beal, veteran Republicana member of the Board of Regents, came out in support of Dr. Dean W. Myers, and announcement was made by Sol Sobsey, '40Ed, of formation of1 a Non-Partisan Committee on the Election of Regents which will op-1 pose the former coach's candidacy., Regent Beal, a regent for 32 years1 who retires this spring, declared that3 the "irregular" method in whichl "one of the present candidates" was chosen should be "rebuked" at, thea polls. The statement was regarded1 as a slap at Kipke. "We have a good Ann Arbor man, a good businesse man, who is available," he said. "Wei can make no mistake in voting for Dean Myers."f Sobsey, who played varsity foot- ball when Kipke was coach, declared that the committee members "as stu- dents realize Kipke's contributions asj a football coach but we feel that in running for the Board of Regents he is ill-advised and only causing em- barrassment to all concerned." Members of the group's executive committee are, besides Sobsey: Jack Sullivan, '39; Max Hodge, '39; Carrell, Leuchtmann; John Uhl, '39L; Joseph T. Bibik; Robert Emerine, '39; Rob- ert Forsythe, '41, and Horace W. Gil- more, '39. In the statement the group de- clared "As Michigan men we hold the University above personal interests. We hope Mr. Kipke does the same. If he does he will certainly withdraw his candidacy. His background does not fit him for the position, the odor of machine politics could be detected in his nomination and the fact that he was discharged by the very Board for which he is now running creates an unpleasant situation." European Adviser On Cities To Speak Sir Raymond Unwin, adviser to the British Government in town plan- ning and housing will address mem- bers of landscape design classes to- morrow on the subject of the de- sign of Letchworth, England's first modern planned city. The morning talks are open to as many as can fill the space available in the classrooms. A general meeting in the afternoon on the topic of "Present Day Trends in City Plan- ning and Housing" will be open to the public. Sir Raymond was co- designer of Letchworth, which has been called revolutionary in the field of city planning. U.S. Is Prepared To Raise Embargo MADRID, March 28.-(IP)-Shell- torn Madrid, symbol of Republican resistance during 32 months of Civil War, passed today into the hands of Nationalist Generalissimo Francisco Franco. After holding Nationalist forces at the edge of the war-weary, hungering capital for nearly 29 months, the Cen- tral Army withdrew from defense lines and hoisted white flags this morning. The fall of the city was regarded as the virtual end of the savage, de- structive conflict which had fright- ened Europe for so long. Franco's triumphant troops marched into Madrid early in the afternoon. Not a shot was fired. The tired populace cheered and danced. In the early morning hours Gen- eral Jose Miaja, head of the National Defense Council and onetime "Savior of Madrid," his War Minister Segi- mundo Casado, -and all Republican leaders except Foreign Minister Ju- Ilan Besteiro fled the city. Thousands of Madrid's "fifth col- umn"-secret Franco sympathizers- swarmed into the streets then and began taking over public utilities, communications and other vital cen- ters. Nationalist authorities followed the troops into the. capital. They im- mediately assumed control of the mu- nicipal administration. One of their first acts was to free 18,000 political prisoners and Nationalist sympa- thizers held in Madrid prisons. As the troops entered, jubilant crowds thronged the streets., They gave the Nationalist salute and shout- ed, "Arriba Espana!" ("Up Spain!") and "Viva Franco!" Nationalist flags were flown everywhere. It was not known when Franco himself would arrive. In some quar- ters it was believed the Generalissimo would delay his triumphant entry two or three days, after "cleanup opera- tions" are completed. The surrender, expected for days, was ordered by Colonel Adolfo Prada, who succeeded Casado as commander of the Central Army when Casado becape a member of the National Defense Council. Believe United States Will Lift Embargo WASHINGTON, March 28.-(P)- Now that the Spanish War is over, the Administration is preparing to do something it refused several times to do in the face of great pressure- lift the Embargo on shipment of arms to Spain. With Madrid in the hands of Gen- eral Franco, officials said today that lifting the embargo need not await American recognition of they Franco regime, since it would take account solely of the state of fact and not the legal situation. Secretary of State Cordell Hull made known today that he was col- lecting information on the Spanish question before deciding on recog- nition of the victorious regime. However, officials have expressed the opinion that President Roosevelt has power to end the embargo im- mediately after he finds that the war is over. First enforced following a joint resolution of Congress of .Jan. 8, 1937, the embargo eventually became the target of vigorous campaigns both in and out of Congress when it appeared that the Loyalists were losing and needed American arms. The State Department has just cal- culated that up to and including Feb. 11, 167,105 telegrams, letters, post- cards and printed forms poured into the White House and State Depart- ment, beginning in March, 1938, when the agitation for lifting the embargo started. Of this number only 15,888 opposed the lifting of the embargo. Many more have flooded the State Department and White House since Effects Of Supre Decision Disc By WILLIAM ELMER While the decision of the Supreme Court Monday in the O'Keefe Vs. New York State income tax case is a desirable one, the consequences will not be as important or as wholly de- sirable as seems to be populary sup- posed, Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School, declared yesterday. "The abuse of tax-exempt securi- ties should be prohibited, of course, but that is involved only by implica- tion in the present decision," Dean Bates said. "It is obvious that taxa- tion by each government of the oth- er government's official salaries will not only create no wealth, but will not add, for many years, very greatly to the income of the Federal Gov- ernment. Insofar as a Federal tax of state salaries takes money out of the states, less money will be spent therein, and the total of taxable property and salaries may be slight- ly diminished in amount. "In all probability, moreover, grad- ual and piecemeal readjustment of salaries, to meet the loss incident to I 7 t i 7 i 1 Spanish department will be the ' I I speaker at a Spanish lecture spon- Prof. Mentor Williams of the Eng- sored by La Sociedad Hispanica at lish department leads by a large mar- 4:15 p.m. today in Room 108 Ro- gin in the first day of the race for mance Language Building. His sub- most popular professor on campus ject will be "El Cid-in History and as revealed by the Michiganensian Legend." all-campus election. More than 200 votes were cast in the election yesterday, according to the Court Tax Charles L. Kettler, '39E, business manager of the 'Ensian. The poll, which will also decide the campus clown, campus beauty and typical sdBstudent, will be conducted through Friday. and is not a decision that the Federal In first place for campus beauty is Government may tax the salaries of Mary Minor, '40, three votes ahead of state officials or employes, Dean the next contender, Jenny Petersen, Bates explained. But the Court, in '39, with Marcia Connell relegated to other recent decisions, had gone far third place. Jack Reed, '39, and to destroy the immunity of state of- Ralph Heikkinen, '39, are running a ficials from Federal taxation of their close race for typical Michigan stu- salaries. The nature of the prob- dent. The title of campus clown thus lem, which involves reciprocal rela- far is in the hands of Charlie Zwick, tions, and the implications in Justice '39SM, with Bob Canning, '39, five Stone's opinion, would seem to leave votes behind. no room for doubt that when and if In second place for most popular called upon to do so, the Supreme professor is Prof. Bennett Weaver of Court would sustain the validity of the English department. Others near Federal taxation of state salaries. the top include Prof. Karl Litzenberg "If this question had arisen with- of the English department, Prof. Nor- in the last few years, for the first man Maier of the psychology depart- time, unaffected by historical con-- ment, Prof. Paul M. Cuncannon of siderations and prior decision of the the political science department, Dr. Court, I would say that the conclu- William M. Brace of Health Service sion reached in this case would be an and Prof. Vincent A. Scanio of the entirely permissible and logical one," romance languages department. he said. "But the case did not so Rating high for campus beauty are arise. In the historical aspect, I Margaret Cram, '39, Marion Baxter, think it quite clear that in the early '39, and Jane Nussbaum, '39 in fourth, days of the republic such a decision fifth and sixth places respectively. would not have been reached, for For campus clown, Max Hodge, '39, the belief in so-called 'state sov- and Jack Brennan, '39, are running Front Doors Of Union Now Opened To Women The PWA and industrial progress have collaborated to increase equality of the sexes, according to the an- nouncement made yesterday by Stan- ley Waltz, manager of the Union, that women will be allowed to use the