if PAGE SYM THE MI IIGA N DAILY TUE SDAY, MARCH 28, 19.9 Nazi Dream Of Empire Near Fulflmen Twelve Take Part In Women's Debating Rieh Seconid A,-- f Economic Pag1 (Continued from Page 1) f or d Circumstantial Evldenc #-- Nazi course of Empire has not yet been completed. Almost immediately after this declaration, the Daily Express of London reported that Hitler had called upon Poland to act on the fol- lowing three demands: the return of Danzig to the Reich, the transfer of Oderberg to Germany and per- mission for Germany to build a highway across the Polish Corridor. Poland had previously agreed to join with Great Britain and France in a common front against further German aggression on condition that the security problems in the East- the German-Polish and Slovak-Ru- thenian frontiers-are treated by the major powers with as much concern as the problems along the Rhine and the English Channel. But control of Poland's destiny has passed into the hands of the army, and European / observers are not willing to predict what action will be taken in answer to the German demands. Poland Might Help A show of strength on the part of the Western countries, it is felt, would bring Poland off the fence and into active collaboration against fur- ther German aggressions. The Bal- kans are already apparently at Hit- ler's mercy, and 'unless he is stopped by Britain the Baltic is likely to be- come a German sea. But while the Nazi drive to the East has caused the Central Euro- pean countries to suffer most of the immediate consequences of economic and political dis-memberment, great- est concern was felt last week in the chancelleries of the democracies of the West. Seek Common Front Obviously frightened by the latest German advances, London and Paris sought to build a common front con- sisting of their two countries and Poland and Russia against further aggression. Formal guarantees of military aid were lacking in the Brit- ish proposal, however, and this lack made the pact meaningless. Italy's attitude, as reported in the press, is still unfathomable despite Mussolini's recent speech. One minor school of thought thinks Italy is gen- uinely worried by the recent expan- sion of Germany's power; that it is frightened at the possibility of war and that it would remain neutral if Great Britain would offer some guar- antees. Another school suspects that the conciliatory tone of the King's speech and the relative mod- eration of the press are merely part of Mussolini's policy of bluff intended to impress Chamberlain and disarm France. Ethics Lecture Is Given Today Boe elievers lmne At long last women have admitted the true destiny of their sex. As Mary Virginia Bush, 40, de-j glared after she and three other girls had returned from a roundtablo dis- mission on the status of maarried wo-1 men held last week at Northwestern University: "The place for most nar- ried women is in the home." The public should be educated to the fact that it is a woman's personal problem to decide whether or not she should work, the assembly de- cided. Furthermore; there should be no legislation excluding them from occupations. This led to the fact that the basic problem rested in they inability of our economic system to provide a living wage for all men. The solution of this problem was ob- viously outside the bounds of the! discussion groups Janet Grace, '42, particivated in a radio discussion over WBBM Chi- cago. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Puli'ti inj the EMIitn P -i 1, Wu cti'. e tto too a iuermbers of' the University. 4X:;py rpeeived at the-(,fic& of Ih A A-d ant -to thePresident uptl3:1 0 P.M.; :1 ( LM. o0 )aIuvii day. (Continued from Page 4) ing of April 4 will be held at 8:15 in the Grand Rapids Room of the will hold its regular meeting Wed- League. The Charm Group, will nesday, March 29, at 7:30 p.m. in sponsor a "Do's and Don't's" program the Michigan Union, All upper pen- in the form of a style show. There insula men are cordially invited, will also be special entertainment. The Faculty Womens Club will be i~t,'d, ilA f LhL Uk o lcfaigL * ** 'Hypocrite' Hodge Exposed By Daily A s 'Parrot -lnd' Hypocrite is a nasty label. We hate to use it. What's more, we hate to have to apply it to Max Hodge, '39, editor of Gargoyle. Max was such a likeable fellow. The Daily, however, feels that it is its duty to expose the sordid details. We offer only facts, and here they are: Hodge devoted, in the last issue of his pseudo-humor magazine a good bit of space to the ridicule of that class of person called (by the Garg) "Parrot-hound." He intimated in his article that he would, in the words of the poet, rather see than be one. What we have now to report is that we have seen him being one. So that we would not be disbelieved, we snapped a shot of the event, which I we print here for your benefit. What have you to say for yourself now, Max? Hypocritical Hodge is now at work undermining all the good old Univer- sity traditions. He announced last night that the Gargoyle would be on campus today, despite the fact that it was scheduled to be out today. This is the first time in the history of Gargoyle, as far as The Daily is aware, that the date announced and the date of publicaiton have coin- cided. We suspect a mistake. Except in case of sabotage, then, the Garg will today bring Hedy La- marr, full-length, into the room of every man on campus. With Hedy will come cartoons and more car- toons, for this is to be an exchange cartoon issue, Yale, Harvard and Northwestern cooperating. Kay Kys- er is honorary editor-in-chief of the issue, and Al Williams is issue editor. Extra added attractions are a double page caricature of the Ensian office, candid shots of JGP and Frosh Frolic and pictures of the swimming team. Practice Is Held By Flying Club Bomb Dropping, Landing C ontests Staged The University Flying Club held a practice meet of three events Sunday at the Ann Arbor airport, in prepara- tion for the two big meets in May. George Downs, airport manager, do- nated prizes to the winner of each event. Glenn H. Brink, '39E, won the bomb dropping contest, followed by Jack McRae, '39E, Edward G. Martin, '40, Alan R. Bott, '42E, and Daniel R. Ranney, '40E, in that order. A 360 degree spot landing contest, calling for skill in landing within a comparatively small circle, was won by Lorenz W. Rinek, '40E. Close be- hind were McRae, Leslie Trigg, Grad.,, Bott and Martin. The contest in bulls-eye landing, necessitating precision in landing close to a line within a circle, was won by John A. Rinek, '39E. Brink, McRae, Trigg and Bott followed the winner in that order. The meet was held in spite of a driving rain, as the club desires to make the swiftest possible prepa'ra- tions for its first meet with the Uni- versity of Detroit and Kenyon Col- lege, May 5-6, at the latter's field. The club is also entered in the Mid- western Flying Meet later in May, competing against Purdue, Detroit Kenyon, and Akron. Twelve women have participated in varsity women's debating during the 1938-39 season. They are, left to right, front row: Rebecca Newman, '39, Janet Grace, '42, Kay Schultz, '39, Barbara Newton, '41, Betty Jane Mansfield, '39, and Jean tenofsky, '41. Back row: Mrs. Frederic O. Crandall, coach, Rosebud Scott, '42, Mary Virginia Bush, '40, Jane Krause, '41, Mary Rall, '39, and Elizabeth M. Shaw, '41. Margery Lee Leh- nor, '39Ed, is not pictured. Four of the girls recently returned from Northwcstern University, Evanston, Il1., where they took part in a round- table discussion on the status of married women. It was decided to leave this oft-quoted question up to the individual woman. "Nursing as a Proiession" will be discussed by Miss Marian Duarell March 30 at a tea at 4:30 p.m. at Couzens Hall. Individual questions will be answered following the talk, after which conducted tours will take interested persons through the facili- ties of University Hospital. Treasure Hunt: The Congregation- al and Methodist student groups will unite in an April Fool Party and Treasure Hunt Saturday night. All students are cordially invited. For details call 21679. s The Michigan Dames general meet- Phone 6300 for reservations. gusof ne organizatioD. The Two Gentlemen of Verna: The box office for this delightful Shake- spearian comedy is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening perfor- mances Wednesday thru Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Saturday matinee, 2:30. ,. i For FOUR YEARS you Wave asked for it# "" i New Series To Discussion On' Parallel Deity Following the lead of the talks on "The Existence and Nature of God," a second series on "The Development of Social Ethics" is being sponsored by the Student Religious Association, at Lane Hall, Dr. Leon Kennedy of Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit will give the second in this series at 8:30 p.m. to- day, presenting the Catholic views on social ethics. Father Kennedy is now a professor of philospohy at Sacred Heart Semi- nary, where he also, took his bache- lor's degree. He also lectures at Mary- grove College in Dertoit. He has studied at the University of Friborrg, Switzerland, earning his Ph.D. and S.T.D. degrees there. Kenneth O. Morgan of Lane Hall said of these lectures, "They are de-. signed to answer the question, 'What are the ethical principles which re- ligious groups have accepted as stand-' ards for social action?' For an under- standing of these principles, it is nec- essary to understand the historical origins of social ethics, and to face the problems of the relative impor- tance of individual and group action in attaining any kind of reform." Dr. Isaac ,Rabinowitz of Hillel Foundation gave the initial talk in the series last Tuesday evening on the place of Judaism in ethical devel- opment. The concluding talk of this series will be given next Tuesday at Lane Hall by Dr. Jacob Van Tuinen of the philosophy department. Dr. Van Tui- nen will give the views of Protestant- ism in this regard. McCown To Talk To Fund Members Dr. Albert McCown, Deputy State Health Commissioner of the State Department of Health, will address members of the Social Service Semi- nar of the Ann Arbor Community Fund at 10 a.m. today in the West Medical Building. Dr. McCown re- - g 2 u i- t - KaYER LU Phone 41'85 VA RSITY L Neatly LaunderedM oOnly . in the Student Bundle" C RISP, CLEAN SHIRTS are the first requisite, of neat personal appearance of the well - dressed University man. And at this low price, you cannot afford to go the least unkempt. Not only is the saving available on shirts, but on ALL your laundry. We strongly suggest that you use the Student "ROUGH DRY" Bundle, in which Shirts, Handkerchiefs, and Socks are completely finished to please the most criti- cal . . . Underwear and Pajamas are washed and folded ready for wear-all at the modest rate of ten cents per, pound, with charges for extra finished laundry marked ac- cordingly. Why pay for delivery charges alone in express to your home when it costs only a few cents more to make use of I C I Mimes Will Skit- At Present Coffee Hour Guests at today's Union Coffee Hour will be Alpha Chi Omega, Chi Omega and Gamma Phi Beta sorori- ties, Beta Theta Pi, Theta Xi, Zeta Psi and Hermitage fraternities,, and Assembly Zone 2, it was announced yesterday by James V. Halligan, '40F&C, Union social chairman. The Hour will be held from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the small ballroom and ter- race of the'Union. Mimes will pre- sent a short skit of a satire on girls.+ I ra-I A-. .1 DRY N D1 this highly satisfactory service. ."Wilasift. w - i TROJAN LAUNDRY Phone 9495 White Swan Laundry SAMPLE STUDENT BUNDLE Finished- 3 Shirts 6 Handkerchiefs 3 Pa irs of Socks Rough-Dry- 2 Suits Underwear I .I I 1I11111 1