PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1939 PAGE FOUR TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and sumn r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVERTISING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO . oSTOI . LOS ANGELES - SAri FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor. _ook Editor . Women's Editor Sports Editor. Editors Robert D. Mitchell . . Albert P. May1o . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzhenry . . S. R. Kleiman . . Robert Perlman . . . Earl Gilmnan * . William Elvin . . Joseph Freedman . . . Joseph Gies . . Dorothea Staebler Bud Benfamin ART By K. CONRAD AUGUST Current Exhibitions Helen May A peculiarity of Helen May is the virtue of bending everything she paints into a well organ- ized, well behaved design pattern. All lier loose strings are tucked in as neatly as the ends of straw and grass in a bird's nest, and composi- tionally they hold together as well. This is especi- ally apparent in her paintings of still life, where the spaces around and behind her set-ups count as much asthesobjects themselves. Everything in them is as handsomely fitted together as a completed jig-saw puzzle. In her watercolor landscapes she displays a sureness that boasts of bold brush strokes which are at once put down and left for what they are. Naturally, in such a broad treatment she greatly simplifies her subject material, leaving only those points of interest that capture the mood Snd spirit she desires. ; Her oils are quite different in the matter of technical handling. She paints over old canvases to achieve a certain rich texture that a fresh canvas can never attain. Then she loads on heaps of color, working it along for the most part with the flat of her palette knife. To obtain change in texture, tone, and color, she merely presses hard on her knife, thus thinning the pigment and exposing some of the old color underneath. Then again, she cross-hatches the piled-up pint with the end of her knife, following the general con. tour of objects, so that she has something which -s a great deal like modeling in clay. As for color, it might be said that while much of it is unexciting because of its neutral quality t is far from being uninteresting. Very seldom are pure pigments used; all are cleverly refined and greatly varied. Blues, running to navy and Prussian are muchly favored. ,avid Fredenthal There is much of Boardman Robinson in David Wredenthal, in a more reckless and unrestrained edition. One is almost amused to see the vigorous knife slashes that produce delightful highlights in his watercolors, or the strokes of his dry-brush missing intended outlines and over-lapping by a full inch or so. There is one instance where a flesh tone forgets to stop at the collar line and trespasses far down the back of a shirt. While a certain amount of restraint is lacking in the recklessness of his very effective technique, we wander if he need temper his color with so muen sepia. The strength of his other color is almost lost by the predominance of burnt umbers and siennas, ocres, and reduced yellows. It never really startles by threatening to get out of hand. In applying his color he uses his brush dry enough to allow the whites and lighter tones to show through the texture of his strokes, creating a vibration much in the manner of a fresco painting. For subject material, Fredenthal chooses the underdog: hardened laborers, Negroes, cafe scenes. There is strife in his dramtically present- ed portrait heads trimmed to movie close-up proportions, dejection in his picture of a girl with her head in her arms, and something of mystery in the interpretation of mood in his character studies. He succeeds not only in captur- ing the real meaning lurking behind his sub- jects, but also in communicating their character to his audience in a really grand manner. TODAY i WASHINGTON --by David Lawrence-- - Business Department Business Manager. . . , . Philip W. Buchen CreditManager . . . . Leonard P. - Siegelman Advertising Manager .. William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager .. Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: JACK CANAVAN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Black-Shirt Anniversary . . S1AWDIUST Caesar, chin outthrust, bel- lowed out his usual mumbo-jumbo Sunday commemorating the twentieth annivers- ary of the founding of the first Fascist combat squads. It was an unremarkable speech, insignificant, inflated with all the bombast of which Mussolini is capable, laughable, even, if it were not for the unpleasant fact that it marked twenty years of circus hooliganism elevated into a political phil- osophy of unmitigated savagery. What was especially laughable was the sum- mation of Fascist history: "On March 23, 1919, we raised the black banner of the Fascist revolu- tion, forerunner of European renaissance . Revolution! Renaissance! The joke ?s so funny we feel like running over to some abandoned cemetery and digging up an aged skull to whom we can impart our laughter. For that is what Fascism has ,done. It has dug up the graves of man's barbarous days and held up the skulls of the past as a symbol for the death dance of civilization. The tone of Mussolini's message is, on the whole, meek. Parts of it suggest that I Duce is whistling in the dark to keep up the spirits of his followers. Thus he says "it might be worth- while to i emember how many times the demo- plutocratic factory of liars. announced to the now-scattered flocks of their beaten sheep the approaching, .imminent, certain ruin of Fascist Italy on the fiction that it was bled in Africa and still more iin Spain and, therefore, had ur- gent need of a loan which naturally could only come from the British. That is not true. With a strictly censored press which would not breathe the kind of treasonable "lies" that Italy is facing ruin, because of Spain and Ethiopia it would seem highly probable that Mussolini was trying to reassure Italians who had the evidence of their own eyes to make them feel uncomfort- able. His reference to the Rome-Berlin Axis as un- shaken can be interpreted as an attempt to as- suage the unspoken but powerful fear and dis- trust which Italians must feel today as Hitler marches across more and more of Europe. On the question of Tunisia, Djibouti and the Suez Canal, Mussolini's strongest statement was a mild piotest that France should not say "never" so categorically. Lastly he called for more armaments, "At whatever cost, with whatever means, even if it shoulDmean wiping out all that is called civil life." Viewed in the light of Victor Emmanuel's speech last Thursday, expressing a concilatory attitude towards France and declaring that Italy needed peace for development, Mussolini's mes- sage seems in its lukewarmness an invitation to-' France and England to wo Italy away from Germany. Such a step is certainly not inconceivable, and especially with an opportunist such as Mussolini, He has, after all, a strong Italian tradition be- hind him, a tradition of going with the strongest group, especially when it promises the better price. Albert Mayio Why Douglas?' WASHINGTON, March 27.-The country has read about the appointment of William O. Doug- las to be a member of the Supreme Court of the United States but there is one phase of the selection which has been overlooked and yet is one of the most significant aspects of President Roosevelt's decision to pick a man from inside his Administration. There are no doubt many members of the bar equally qualified for appointment, but the Presi- dent did not look beyond official Washington. Why? He has not disclosed his reasoning to any- body perhaps, but, when the President promot- ed the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, he sent a thrill of satisfaction throughout the entire body of younger men who have come here under his Administration and worked far beyond the maximum hour provisions of modern labor laws, late at night and on holi- days and weekends, trying to perform a public service. One does not have to agree with the economic philosophy or the tenets of political doctrine which these young men hold to concede that, in their zeal for work, they have boundless energy and unfailing loyalty to their respective jobs. To be the head of the Securities and Exchange. Commission in times like these is one of the big- gest tasks of both an administrative and judicial sort that the government nowadays possesses. Mr. Douglas earned the right to be considered. His promotion was a reward for faithful service. The Next Securities Head And now that the question arises as to who should fill the place vacated by Chairman Doug- las, the same principle comes up again. The present members of the Commission have given of their time and energies without stint. From among them a successor doubtless will be chosen, rather than from the outside world, because they have earned the right to be considered, and be- sides they know the work. On each separate occasion heretofore, the President has promoted a member of the Commission. It is natural that, as between Republicans and Democrats on the Commission, the President should give first consideration to Jerome Frank, Democrat. Mr. Frank is an indefatigable worker. He had experience with the laws of corporation finance bofre he came here, and, while an ardent New Dealer, he enjoys in Wall Street the reputa- tion of being fair and considerate to those with whom he may disagree. Not long ago, Mr. Frank was being prominently mentioned for a vacancy which existed on the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, and it has been suspected for some time that Mr. Roosevelt might wish to appoint him to the judiciary. The Promotion Policy But, at the moment, with the vital importance of continuity of administration in the Securities and Exchange Commission, the services of Jerome Frank are much more likely to be re- tained by the President for Chairmanship of the. Commission. It would be in line with the policy of promotion which the President has himself developed. Thus, for instance, two out of the last three appointments to the Supreme Court of the United States were given to men who had served the Administration in official positions here-Messrs. Reed and Douglas. In the case of Mr. Reed, he served as General Counsel of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation under the Hoover regime, as well as under the Roosevelt Administration, and served, too, as Solicitor Gen- eral. Every one of these men, including Jerome Frank, could be earning many times the salary paid by the Government if engaged in the prac- tice of law or in some position with large cor- porations. The fact that these men without large incomes prefer to give themselves to the govern- ment service, emphasizing the service motive, is an essential counterpart of the demand that has been growing for some time concerning the importance of a highly trained personnel in government. Prerequisite, of course, to the success of such, a system is that there shall be adequate promo- tions and rewards, and that's why President Roosevelt, in watching for opportunities to give promotions to the men who render honorable service at relatively little pay, is blazing a new trail which is giving incalculable encouragement to the younger men in government. of all the American trade unions. His foreman and all persons who give him orders are required to be members of that union. Informed persons, especially competent engineers, can readily see the chaos and confusion which would be caused if all the customers in any given printing plant were to be allowed to run at large in the build- ing issuing orders and having them obeyed. The Technic admits the incident occurred dur- ing lunch period, but it errs when it says "a mat- ter of two or three minutes work." Now proofs in the plural are mentioned and it would be im- possible for any printer to start finding the particular pages to be proofed, clear the proof press, ink the page, roll the proof, wash the page, and return it to its proper place in less time than five or ten minutes, and if there were more thart one page, it would take much longer. The Technic editor in his article in Saturday's Daily questions the accuracy of the statement concerning the workman's opportunity to become a foreman. It may be well to noint out that all 4 c " Harry Kip e, Regent? - THERE IS a nasty insinuation going the rounds that Tom Harmon C wasn't honestly motivated in his de- I fense of Harry Kipke's candidacy for the regency in a 722-word letter int t last Friday's Daily. Lest the brazen notion prevail, permit us to disagreep with anyone receptive to it. Tom wast as sincere in his support of Kipke as p he can possibly be on any score, hold- ing genuine respect for the man and feeling that the former Michigan h coach was unjustly censured by theu Student Senate. It is his wisdom, rath-t er than sincerity that, in our opinion, may be open to question. e In the first place, as the center ofS a subsidization expose that died abornin' during Kipke's last year as the Wolverine head coach, the young football player should have been at least cautious in committing himself. b For there are those indiscriminate N souls-the kind who seize upon theS slightest rumor and transmit it as the gospel truth-who will see in Tom's n advocacy of Kipke and the 1937 m "scandal" an unsavory relationship. 1 In the second place, Harmon be- t longs to the same fraternity as Kipke- did. Although it is recognized that thew limits to which fraternal bonds some- times drive a brother exceed even the nepotic efforts of a movie producer, the shrewd politician can make capi-4 tal of such an endorsement. Again weL repeat, Tommay have been unwise, but he certainly wasn't insincere or P motivated by anything beyond the fact that he likes Kipke and feels hon- estly that the man was wronged. Speak For Yourself, Harry T Our simple point is that it isn't for i either Harmon or anyone else to speak for Harry Kipke. The latter gentle- i man can defend himself, and by all i the rules of even so unpredictable a C game as politics, he should answer his t critics. Harmon stated in his letter, d "If any of the members of the Sen- ate had been around at any of the times that Harry Kipke talked of p Michigan, they surely would hide their faces in shame now." Why thenp shouldn't Kipke come before the stu- t dent body and "talk of Michigan?" From personal experiences we canv testify to the man's tremendous ap- peal before Michigan men. We have seen Kipke enter a room of skepticalF Michigan alumni, who were vaguelyu uneasy because of rumors, and after A a few moments of talking quietly 1 about Michigan, have the whole group2 vith him. On one occasion we remem- ber, his warm, frendly remarks in- spired a dignified alumnus, who re- sembled anything but a cheerleader, 1 to rise and disport himself like a campus cut-up in leading the willing group in three rousing cheers for "Harry." It was a spontaneous dis- play evoked by Kipke's personality. The campus wil surely not be imper- vious to such magnetism. r ,Kipke himself suggested the chances to reply to his critics. When informed" of the Student Senate's action inc asking the voters to repudiate his2 candidacy, for a regent's post, Kip4 said, "I am quite sure that if givent an opportunity of talking with theI boys, I could quickly change their minds." We doubt that there is any personal antipathy involved in the ris- ing opposition to Kip. Resentment may have developed because of thet political machinations which thrustI him into his present postion. Buta whatever the case, he owes it to hisd record, his supporters and himself toT pursue the normal democratic pro-i cess of coming before the student body, defending himself and then sub- mitting to questions which will natur-e ally occur to his audience as het speaks.r The election is April 3, next Mon-c day, and not much time is left. Sure-I ly the Union ballroom would be avail-" able within the next few days; if not" there should be means of hiring a local hall. But it is imperative that Harry Kipke present his case before the students who, through their sup- posed representatives, have con-r demned him. Pride alone should dic- tate that course. Harmon said further, "I am willing to bet that not more1 than three members of the Senate, know Harry Kipke porsonally." Now, then, is the time to get acquainted. This apathetic campus has stirred for1 the first time since it heatedly peti- tioned the University to grant special Thanksgiving leave two years ago. Andt it is a healthy interest, which Harry Kipke ought to utilize. Four Proceed To Law Finals Four law students, John Adams, Roy Steinheimer, Robert Solomon and John Rubsam, survived the Jun- ior Case Club semi-finals and will compete in the finals on Founder's Day, April 21, for the Campbell award. (Continued from Page 2) r 4 Arbor residential property. Interest it current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, b University Hall. f E Foreign students who will change heir address for the spring vacation, please register vacation address at 7 he International Center as soon as 1 ossible. This is important. Michigan Dames: Members who have a copy of Byers' "Designing t Women" and who would be willing d o lend it for Dames' use for a short ime please call Mrs. Shilling, 26031 t venings. One copy of "Fashion is Spinach" is also needed. I Concerts Student Recital. Miss Grace Eliza- o beth Wilson, pianist, of Detroit, e Michigan, will give a recital in the chool of Music Auditorium, Tues- ay evening. March 28, at 8:15 o'clock, n partial fulfillment of the require- nents of the Bachelor of Music de- ree. The general public is invited o attend. Organ Recital. Palmer Christian will give the fifth in the present series )f organ recitals in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday afternoon, March 29, at :15 o'clock. He will present a pro- gram of music by Bach, Sowerby, De- bamater and Vierne. The general public is cordially invited to attend. .w Exhibitions g Exhibition, College of Architecture: E The premiated drawings submitted S n the national competition for the t: Wheaton College Art Center are be- e ng shown in the third floor Exhibi- o tion Room, College of Architecture- a Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sundays, b hrough April 4. The public is cor-m dially invited. D t Exhibition of Modern Book Art: s Printing and Illustration, held under w the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art w Association. Rackham Building, g third floor Exhibition Room; daily except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; on view through Saturday, April 1. n Exhibition of Paintings by David Fredenthal and Helen May, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor s Art Association. Alumni Memorial M Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March e 24 through April T7 Museum of Classical Archaeology: Special exhibit of terracotta figurines, baskets, harness and rope from the w University of Michigan Excavations in Egypt. h Lectures University Lectures: Professor Ken-d neth J. Conant, of Harvard Univer- sit , will give illustrated lectures on A "The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem" on Monday, April 3, and "The Mon- f astery of Cluny" on Tuesday, April 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts. R University Lecture: Dr. Friedrich Oehlkers, Visiting Professor at Co-n lumbia University, will give an illus- trated lecture on "Cytoplasmic In- heritance" on Thursday, March 30,' at 4:15 p.m. in Natural Science Au-~ ditorium under the auspices of thes Department of Botany. The public is cordially invited to attend. 4 A.E, McCrea, editor and publisher of the Muskegon Chronicle, will give the sixth in the Journalism Supple-! mentary Lecture Series on Wednes- day at 3 o'clock in Room E, Haven Hall. Mr. McCrea's subject will be "The Newspaper and Public Opinion. The public is invited, Events Today The Political Scince Round Table will meet this evening in the Eastj Conference Room of the Graduate School. Subject: Present-Day As- pects of the Philippine Problem. Open Forum: "The Development of Social Ethics" will be discussed by Father Kennedy of the Sacred Heart Seminary, at the Student Religious Association Open Forum, Lane Hall, tonight at eight o'clock. Biological Chemistry Seminar: tonight at 7:30 p.m., Room 319 West Medical Bldg., "Denaturation of ,Pro- tein" will be discussed. All interested arc invited. Graduate Coffee Hour for all gradu- ate students this afternoon from 4 until 6 o'clock in the Rackham Building. Coffee and tea will be served in the West Conference Room and dancing in the Assembly Hall. There will be no lecture this week. Faculty Women's Club: The play ,,.cinv -Mn l n p m et tist eviewed by Kenneth Morgan, today, p.m., Lane Hall Library. Ann Arbor Independents: There will e a meeting for the election of of- icers, 4:30 p.m. today at the League. veryone should be there. Botanical Journal Club, tonight at :30 p.m. Room N.S. 1139, March 28, 939. Reports by- LeRoy Harvey, Some recent papers n root nodules. Nancy Hollister, Morphology, par- icularly spore formation, of Vibrio esulfuricans. William Gilbert, Thermophilic ac- inomycetes and fungi in soils. Gretchen Beardsley, "Alice in Vi- usland." Chairman: Professor K. L. Jones. Glee Club: Bus leaves Union at 4 'clock for Saginaw. Full dress nec- ssary. The following men will go: Weller Brennan Marschak MacIntosh Heininger Kelly Tibbitts Viehe Jacobson Whitney George Fromm Gibson Lovell Peterson Roberts Spencer Steere Vandenberg Fink Lefinson Swann Ossewarde . O'Toole Sorenson Sklarsky Richards All the baritones and everyone else ho can possiblye make it. Students and Faculty in the En- ineering College: All engineers ,ould attend the first annual All- ngineering Smoker which is being ponsored by the four classes through he Engineering Council. The Smok- r will be held in the main ballroom f the Union tonight at 8:00. This is n excellent opportunity not only to ecome acquainted with your class- nates and professors but also to hear )r. Clover's account of her hazardous rip through the Grand Canyon and ee her technicolor pictures. There ill be cigarettes and refreshments as eil as a varied entertainment pro- ram. . The Student Senate will meet to- ight at 7:30 p.m., in Room 306, dichigan Union. Michigan Dames' cast of fashion how should report for practice at vrs. Shilling's, 531 Forest Ave., this vening, 7:30 o'clock. Coming Events Mr. Louis Untermeyer. Schedule for veek of March 27-April 3. Tuesday, March 28. 4 p.m. Coffee ou. Room 308 Michigan Union. 7 p.m. Poetry Class. -Room 319 Michigan Union. Open to all stu- ents. Wednesday, March 29. 4:15 p.m. lecture to dental students. Upper Amphitheatre, Dental Bldg. Thursday, March 30. 4 p.m. Cof- ee hour. Room 308 Michigan Union. Biological Chemistry Seminar, Wed- nesday, April 5, 1939, 7:30 p.m., Room 319 West Medical Bldg. "The Utilization of Carbohydrate-Inter- mediary Metabolism" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. La Sociedad Hispanica: The fifth lecture of the series sponsored by La Sociedad Hispanica will be pre- sented by Professor Jose M. Albala- dejo on Wednesday, March 29, at 4:15 p.m., in 108 R.L. The subject will be "El Cid en la historia y en la epica." Admission by ticket only. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29. Mr. W. H. Sullivan will speak on "Precision methods in, the mass spectrographic investigation of isotopes." Phi Tau Alpha: There will be a meeting Wednesday, March 29, at 8 p.m. in the League. Professor Meinecke will speak. All members are urged to be present. A.S.M.E. will meet Wednesday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Mr. Oscar J. Horger, Head of Re- search of the Timken Roller-Bearing Company will speak. His talk deals with the dynamics of high speed trains. By means of motion pictures, he will show that the locomotives ac- tually leave the rails. Engineering Mechanics and Civil Engineers are invited. A.S.M.E. members are reminded of the Western Conference meeting at Chicago. See M.E. bulletin board for details. The Graduate History Club will meet at 8 p.m., Thursday, March 30, in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Mr. Kooker will speak on "The National Archives." Refreshments. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. The Editor Gets Told On K i p e To the Editor: Up to the present issue of the election of Harry Kipke to the Board of Regents I have always considered the University of Michigan an impar- tial and fair-minded institution. Imagine my dis- gust upon turning to page eight of this Sunday's Daily and reading that the "Student Non-Parti- san (ironical, isn't it?) Committee On the Elec- tion of Regents" feels it necessary to offer cash prizes to someone who will write a good letter on "Why I Object To The Election of Harry Kipke to the Board of Regents," Fellow students, we are all vitally interested in just who may or may not be elected to our Board of Regents. The voters of this state are very interested in our opinion on this matter also. Therefore, we must not be influenced by offers of money or by the action of certain stu- dent organizations, such as the Senate, who claim to represent the Michigan students as a whole. I am not arguing for or against the elec- tion of Mr. Kipke, I am merely suggesting that Michigan students cease blindly accepting other's views and form their own opinions free from prejudice. -A Michigan Student Ihat Technic Editorial To the Editor: I compliment the writer of the article "Dis- agreeing With The Technic" which appeared in the editorial columns of the Daily last Wednes- day. I read the ludicrous dissertation on the the Fo% rHour eek ints hi-Technind waAme eplyo