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March 26, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-26

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VOL. XLIX. No. 128





Europe Quiet;
Awaits Duce's
Talk On Italy's
Hitler Assures Mussolini
Of Support Germans,
Poles Mass At Danzig
Nazis.Ask Japan's
Aid Against Russia
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, March 25.--A lull passed
over the European stage today as the
spotlight focused upon Rome whereI
Benito Mussolini is expected tomor-
row morning to introduce the next;
act in Europe's map-making drama
with fresh demands on France's
colonial empire.
Encouraged by a telegram from his
axis partner in Berlin which declared
that the German people would sup-
port Italy "against attempts to re-
strict the justified will for the destiny
of our two peoples" and by vague
rumors that Madrid would be occu-
pied in time for him to announce its
fall, Ui Duce will be able to ask for
a final showdown.
Chamberlain Wavering
Chamberlain, .until now wavering
between the "democratic" and fascist
protagonists, temporarily , withheld
negotiations today to weld the split'
"Stop Hitler" bloc until after Mus-
solini has spoken.
Meanwhile, Germany wasaconsoli-
dating her hold over new additions
and was rumored to have begun troop
movements in East Prussia and along
the Polish Corridor's western fron-
tier to counteract what they called
confirmed reports that "more than
1,000" Poles were taking position in"
the Polishseaport city of Gdynia on
Danzig's western fronier.
Danzig Worders
Danzig citizens, windering "when
does our turn come" in Adolf Hit-
ler's "Drang nach Osten," showed
little excitement over the military re-
ports. They were more concerned,
however, with Poland's order with-'
drawing surplus railway equipment
from Danzigand the Corridor which
they feared would hamper shipping]
A few weels ago Danzig's Nazis were
resigned to waiting a long time. But
the tempestuous events which brought1
Bohemia and Moravia and thens
Memel into Germany's realm and put
Slovakia under Nazi protection have
caused some to reconsider.
Japan May Sign Pact'
TOKYO, March 26. Sunday)-(P)
-An authoritative source reported
today the possibility of a German-c
Japanese defensive pact againstt
Soviet Russia.,
He said the government had re-
fused to join' an unconditional mili-1
tary alliance with Germany and Italy
but might enter an agreement byl
which Japan would support the Nazis
if Russia "attacks Germany withoutt
provocation." '
His comment followed the closing
sessions yesterday of the 74th Diet
in which minority groups, which have
106 out of 466 seats in the parliament,
presented a resolution advocating
conversion of the anti-comintern pact
into a military alliance.
The resolution, which was handed
to the Premier, Baron Kiichiro Hir-
anuma, declared "a tri-partite mili-
tary alliance between Japan, Ger-
many and Italy should be concluded
against Britain and France, who

are obstructing accomplishment of
imperial aims in the present sacred
war (in China)."
Circles close to the government
yesterday reported that Germany was
exerting powerful pressure to bring
Japan into a military alliance.
Hitler Flayed
By LaGuardia
New York Mayor Cheered
In Demonstration
NEW YORK, March 25.-(1P-New
York held a "Stop Hitler" demonstra-
tion today, climaxed by a speech in3
which Mayor F. H. La Guardia de-
nounced Germany's invasion of
Czecho-Slovakia as the "latest inter-
national outrage."
"The world' cannot be happy," the,
Mayor shouted to a vast assemblage
gather in Columbus Circle, "as long
as other countries violate the sover-
eignty of independent nations and
in.aro }hir..i nra-r.ac n irs-

Social Adjustment Emphasized
In Final Vocational Conference

- _ -

New Officers
Are Appointed
To WAA Posts




'Day Of



Is Passing

;,' Predicts




Take Si


Occupational Guidance

"Success in the job-hunt of today
and tomorrow will go to the socially
adjusted and versatile student," Dr.
A. H. Edgerton, Director of Vocational
Guidance at the University of Wis-
consin, declared yesterday at the clos-
ing session of the University's Guid-
ance and Occupational Information
Warning that "the day of the nar-
row specialist is passing," he pointed
out that mere skill and knowledge no
longer suffice. Swiftly changing tech-
nological and social conditions which
abolish and create jobs overnight de-
mand ability to adopt obsolete tech-
niques to new problems.
Traditional education methods are
not fitting students for this chang-
ing world, Dr. Edgerton charged. Pro-
fessional schools today, he said, are
training graduates for conditions ob-
solete by 20 years in the field of law,
17 in engineering and nine in medi-
If students are to be moulded to
Spring Concert
To Mark Band's
165 Musicians To Appear
In Free Presentation
To Be Given On April 4
Commemorating its 80th anniver-
sary, the University Band, under
the direction of Prof. William D.
Revelli, will present its annual Spring
Concert at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday, April
4 in Hill Auditorium.
The concert will be free, and all
University students and faculty are
invited, Gilbert Phares, '39, business
manager of the band said yesterday.
Both the concert and regimental
bands in the University willbe com-
bined to celebrate the special occa-
sion. As a result, 165 musicians, one
of the largest ensembles in the na-
tion, will appear on the stage during
parts of -the program.
The anniversary program will feat-
ure Betty Correll, trombone solo-
ist from Elkhart, Ind. Widely known
throughout the Middle West as an
outstanding artist, Miss Correll is the
sister of Dick Correll, '40M.
Presentation of a loving cup to the
winners of the Kappa Psi, honorary
musical fraternity, solo and ensemble
contest will also mark the program.
The winning contestants will be feat-
ured in special numbers. -The Band
will play modern music incorporating
currently popular rhythms and melo-
dies along with classical works by
Tschaikowsky, Wagner and Bach.
Marches by Sousa, Goldman and
King will round out the program.
To mark the occasion, the Band is
planning an elaborate silver anni-
versary program portfolio which will
contain pictures of the Band and lists
of the organization's activities and
Two Student Bicyclists.
Injured In Auto Crash
Bruce M. Beyer, '41, and Mildred
A. Perkins, '41, were injured late Fri-
day night when the bicycles they were
riding were hit by an automobile near
the city limits.
Beyer suffered a possible skull frac-
ture, while Miss Perkins suffered a
fractured right elbow.

adopt themselves to new job require-
ments, he said, education must stop
simply "rehashing the views of oth-
ers" and turning out "pattern think-
ers." Socialdevelopment and emo-
tional stability, he declared, must be
Taking engineers as an example,
Dr. Edgerton stressed the need for es-
thetic development, social stability
and business administration as more
vital today than a knowledge of
"stresses and strains."
The importance of being a "like-
able person," schooled in human na-
ture, was emphasized by R. A. Brew-
er, Account Executive for MacMan-
us, John an Adams, as the prime
requisites for success in advertising.
One of the most lucrative of all
fields, advertising has produced more
nervous breakdowns and suicides than
any other, he said.
"Get a job in the advertising de-
partment of some manufacturing con-
cern if you want to break into adver-
tising," Mr. Brewer advised students.
The all-around knowledge gained will
furnish needed background for the
specialized work of a large agency,
he said.
Emphasizing t h e "tremendous
amount of politics in business," he
warned that students "must be able
diplomats" to succeed in advertising.
Situations constantly arise which de-
mand adoption to all sorts of individ-
uals and personalities.
Other qualities stressed by Mr.
Brewer as prerequisite to success in
advertising were creative imagination,
a solid but flexible ground-work in
English and appreciation of art.
Goddard Asks
Vot e rs Back
Doctor Myers
Former Law Professor
Opposes 'Party Lines
In Regency Race
The hotly contested Regency race
took another turn yesterday when
Prof.-Emeritus Edwin C. Goddard, a
member of the law faculty for over
20 years, issued a statement recom-
mending that voters of the state sup-
port Dr. Dean W. Myers, former fac-
ulty member and Democratic candi-
date for the Board.
"I am deeply interestedin the April
3 election, especially in the case of
Dr. Dean W. Myers as a candidate
for Regent," Professor Goddard de-
clared. "For years he lived next door
to me and I have known him intimate-
ly for "a long time.
"Dr. Myers' name appears in the
Democratic column, but that should
not be important for or against him.
In this election it is very unfortun-
ate that any votes should be in-
fluenced by the party column. The
personality and fitness of the candi-
date are the only important consid-
eration for this office at this time
and no candidate I have ever been
permitted to vote for as Regent
stands higher than Dean Myers in
these respects. He is a man of fine
character and of outstanding ability
both In his professional work and
in the many public activities to which
he has unselfishly devoted much of
his time and energy for the public
Professor Goddard made no men-
tion of the candidacy of Harry G.
Kipke, former head football coach.

Harriet Sharkey
Janet Homer,
Stickels Gets

Is Head;

Nat ional Co'llegiate C.

Installation Banquet
Is Set ForThursday
Harriet Sharkey, '40, has been
chosen president of the Women's Ath-
letic Association for the coming year
by the senior members of the present
board, Norma Curtis, '39, outgoing
president, announced yesterday.
Janet Homer, '41, will be the new
vice-president and Alberta Royal, '40,
was chosen secretary. Jeannette
Stickels, '40, will act as treasurer and
Elizabeth Gross, '40, as representative
to the American Federation of Col-
lege Women.
Norma Kaphan, '41, will be in
charge of publicity for the association
and June Roberts, '41, will be awards
chairman. Jane Grove, 41, was se-
lected as intramural manager. Her
three assistants will be Sally Con-
nery, '40Ed, in charge of dormitories,
Louise Keller, '42, in charge of league
houses, and Ruth Allen, '41, in charge
of sororities.
To Have Banquetj
The new officers will be introduced
at the League installation banquetj
Thursday and will take over their du-
ties at a joint meeting with the pres-
ent board Wednesday, April 4. A sup-
per will be given following the meet-
ing, Miss Curtis said.
Miss Sharkey took part in Fresh-
man Project and was on the central
committees of both Sophomore Caba-
ret and Junior Girls Play. She has
been a tryout on the Michiganensian.
staff and is a member of Wyvern,
junior women's honorary society. She
was a member of last year's Michigras
executive committee and is booth
chairman for the annual carnival this
Assistant Manager
She has been an assistant Intra-
mural manager on the WAA board
this year and was chairman of the
WAA orientation style show. She is
also a member of the League social,
merit system and theatre arts com-
mittees. She is affiliated with Kappa
Alpha Theta.
Miss Homer was chairman of en-1
tertainment for Freshman Project
last year and took part in SophomoreC
Cabaret this year. She is a memberI
of the League social committee and
tried out for the Michiganensian.I
She is a member of Pi Beta Phi.
Miss Royal has been a member of
the WAA board for two years, herI
sophomore year as basketball man-1
ager and this year as assistant in-
tramural manager. She has also
(Continued on Page 5)
Peace Strike
Meeting Called
Open Assembly To Be Held
Tomorrow In Union
More than 50 campus organizations
have been invited to participate in a
meeting of the all-campus peace
committee to be held at 8 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union to make plans
for the annual peace strike April 20.'
At the meeting, which will be open
to all interested persons, a perma-
nent chairman of the committee willr
be elected, a program adopted and1
the question of speakers discussed. A
program has been drawn up tQ serve
as a basis of discussion for Mohday's
meeting in a meeting of the continu-
ations committee, headed by Elman
Service. +
The program of the committee con-
demns fascist aggression as the main
threat to world order today and calls
upon the students of the University
to support a positive peace policy.
Praising the United States' 25 per
cent tariff on German-made goods
as a step in the direction of imposing
economic measures against aggres-
sors, it also calls for an excavation of

this policy.
Hedy And Garg Both
To Be Here Tuesday

World's Record Breaker And Rurner Up

Swimmers Swamp Ohio
As Haynie And Barker
Score Double Victories
Hough Blasts World
Breast StrokeMark
Michigan churned up a tidal wave
in the Intramural Pool last night and
rode the crest to its sixth straight
National Colleglate title.
In a traditional exhibition of power
and balance, the Wolverine flotilla
won places in all but one event, the
1500 meter swim, to amass 65 points,
seven more than Ohio State, the
second place winners.
After the Buckeyes trailed Prince-
ton with 22, chiefly through the bril-
liance of two stellar performers, Capt.
Richard R. Hough and Albert V'ande
Weghe. Hough thrilled a icapacity.
crowd last night when he smashed
Jack Kasley's world record in the 200
yard breast-stroke with a superb 2:22.
flat performance. Kasley's old mark,
set in 1936, was 2:22.5.
Field 'Far Behind
The rest of the field wound up the.
two day classic as follows: Texas,
Yale, and Harvard 8; Southern Cali-
fornia 7; Northwestern 4; Columbia;
Iowa and Iowa State 3; and Forida,
Franklin and Marshall, Illinois and
Kenyon, 2.
Crushing free-style power gave
Michigan the title they had been fav-.
ored to retain. Coach Matt Mann's
armada scored 40 points in the 440,
tahe 50 the 220, and the 400 yard
relay and seven more in the 100 yard
free style.
After six events Friday, Michigan
had held a 34 to 30 lead over Coach
Mike Peppe's determined natators,
but there was no stopping the Wolver-
ines last night as they stayed strictly
to the form book, and in some cases
even surpassed the pre-meet dope

-Daily Photo, by Gurriston
Dick Hough of Princeton (right) and Johnny Higgins of Ohio State
just before the former set a new world record of 2:2, for the 204-yard
breast stroke at the Intramural Pool last night. He was. pushed hard by

Higgins, the Big Ten champion.


Local Churches Student Senate
Offer Varie d Race Attracts
Services Today 37 Candidates
Methodist Church Offers Platforms Of Entrants
Pre-Easter Services; In Race To Be Printed
Missionaries To Talk In Wednesday's Daily
Special pre-Easter services to- Campaigning for votes in the Stu-
gether with musical progr'ams and dent Senate election Friday came out
talks by faculty members will be in full force yesterday, as the official
offered today by Ann Arbor's ballot and political designations were
churches in addition to the usual announced for the first time.
morning programs. Platforms of the 37 prospective
The Rev. Harold P. Marley, cele- Senators will be printed in Wednes-
brating his tenth year in the Unitari- day's Daily, and all candidates were
an church, will read a sermon on deyisdday ard ados'39
"Liberalism, Today and Yesterday" reminded by Edward Magdol, '39,
in which he will attempt to analyze director of elections, that copy for
the "Reflection of the University the Senate Battle Page must be sub-
Mind" drawn up 10 years ago by a mitted ay 5 p.m. tomorrow at Lane
group of professors. This sermon
marks Rev. Marley's last appearance Hall or at the Student Publications
here until next fall. Prof. Leonard Buldin--
Gregory of the music school offers an Informed campus circles awaited
illustrated lecture on "Music Appre- announcement of platforms which
ciation" at 7:30 p.m. today in Unity they said would revolve about academ-
Hall at the Liberal Students' meet- ic freedom, the isolation-collective
ing. security controversy and campus in-
Pre-Easter services will be inaugu- ternal improvements.
rated by the Rev. Charles W. Bra- Polling places at the Union, League,
shares at 11 a.m. with a sermon en- General Library, University Hall and.
titled The Way of the Cross" in the the lobby of . the engineering arch
First Methodist Church. At 6 p.m. will be open from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
the Reverend Brashares will con- Friday for this third semi-annual
duct communion, services during the all-campus election. Last fall more
Wesleyan Guild meeting. than 2,000 students voted. Identifica-
The Rev. Leonard D. Parr will of- tion cards will be necessary to cast
fer the fifth in a series of sermons on ballots.)
"The Mirror of Christ's Mind" at 11 The name of Robert Ulmer, '41,
a.m. in the First Congregational Human Rightist, was omitted from
Church. The Ariston League will the list of candidates published in
meet at 5 p.m. in Pilgrim Hall prep- I yesterday's Daily. The complete list
paratory to leaving for Clinton. will reappear Wednesday, together
Dr. Warren Hall, pastor of the with an explanation of the Hare sys-
Wyandotte Presbyterian Church, will tem of proportional representation!
address the First Presbyterian with the single transferable vote, by.
(Continued on Page 8) which the polling will be conducted.}

Michigani Qualifies Eight
Michigan qualified eight men in ti
finals yesterday plus their victorlo
400 yard relay team, in which eve
a qualifying round was waived, an
six of the eight won places in la
night's hotly contested final roun
Pandemonium was rife after t
final event, the free style relay, h
been completed, in which Char]
Barker, Ed Hutchens, Capt. To
Haynie, and Walt Tomski adde
"gravy" points by winning in 3:33
breaking Ohio's pool record by .or
tenth of a second.
Matt Mann, clothes and all, w
sailed into the cool, green waters
the pool by his exuberant proteg
who had clinched for him the ti
of America's number one collegia
swimming coach. Remarked Mi
after his bath:
"It was worth it., That's six Nj
tional titles in a row. I guess the ki
must be pretty good after all."
.Crowd Packs Hall
The capacity crowd, which hi
packed every inch of the none-to
spacious natatorium, gave vocifero
approval to the assertion.
While championship honors agi
went to Michigan, the N.C.A.J
coveted "outstanding swimmer of I
year" award deservedly went to ros
cheeked, scholarly Hough, Princeto
handsome captain.
After winning his afternoon. h
.inder wraps in 2:29.5, Hough open
the throttle last night to leave his t
chief-rivals, John Higgins of 0
State and Justin Callahan of Colu
bia, trailing in his wake.
Swimming under water a good p
of the distance, the defending cha
pion paced himself beautifully, us
(Continued on Page 6)

Penal Code Defenders Convene
To Thwart Legislative Attacks

Jurist, Klauser To Play Leads'
In Two Gentlemen Of Veron


The first meeting of the Michigan
State Corrections Associations was
held yesterday at the Union when a
group of sociologists and penal ex-
perts convened to provide support for
the present penal statute which is
now under fire in the State legisla-
The group, temporary chairman of
which is Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the
sociology department, has been or-
ganized to combat bills in the Senate
and house which provide for the re-
peal of sections of the present cor-
rections law.
The text of the resolutions ap-
proved by the body and offered by
the resolutions committee, headed by
Caroline Parker, former chairman
of the Governor's study commission
for the new penal statute, stated the
nt m. .-ncfnofheAniafnn fn in-

mission authority to divide the State
into districts for administration of,
probation work.
The members of the Association
gave their approval to the progres-
sive work done in the administration
of our prisons and the administra-
tion of the parole and probations;
system. Adequate financial support
for these functions was asked. The
resolutions will be sent to the gover-
nor and heads of judiciary and fin-
ance committees.
Experts at the first meeting of the
organization which will attempt to
enlist the services of others inter-
ested in its program included Prof.
William Haber of the economics de-
partment, Prof. R. C. Fuller of the
sociology department, Pliny W. Marsh,
former judge in the Detroit Record-
ers Court, Stuart Lottier, of the De-
un.. Rlnnr,.ci. rt*,.f nnant n

The complete cast for Play Produc-
tion's- "Two Gentlemen of Verona,"
opening a four-day run Wednesday
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
was announced yesterday by Valen-
tine B. Windt, director of the group.
Edward Jurist, '39, and Karl
Klauser, '39, will portray the two
gentlemen -of Verona, Valentine and
Proteus. Margeurite Mink, '41, and
Ellen Rothblatt, '39, will alternate
performances of the famous Sylvia.
Bettie Howard, '42, and Miriam
Brous, Grad, will alternate in the role
of Julia.
Prof. William P. Halstead of the
speech department will take role of

Bowen, '40, and Paul Soboroff, '39,1
will portray his companions.
Edith Howell, '41, and Kathryn
Steiner, '39, will be two musicians,
and Lorene Brandt, and Dorothy
Barrett, '39, will take the part of
Nat Gitlin, '39, will be the host,
and JackftBender, '41, will have the
part of Thurio, the rich noble. James
Barton, Grad, will play Edlamoor.
The character that will undoubted-
ly receive most attention is , a dog,
pedigree unknown, imported from the
local pound especially for the play.
He will take the part of Crab, ana
thus far has done a fine job of dis-
rupting rehearsals.
Tn aAArliw. 4i n h at i 1a,. fair

Japanese Balked
In Latest Of fens:
SHANGHAI, March 25.-(P)-
panese tod4y reported recent bE
along the Han river's east sho:
Hupeh province had cost Ch
forces 4,740 dead but Japanese ac
ted they had been unable to cros
river in their drive northwes
Fierce hand - to - hand figb
raged on the Slao River froni
miles south of Hankow, where I
Japanese forces are attempting t
circle Nanciang, Kiangsi pro

- ., i

The gorgeous, glorious, exotic Hedy
Lamarr will make her first full-length
appearance on campus Tuesday (in
the Gargoyle) Max Hodge, '39, editor,
announced yesterday.
Co-starring with the ecstatic La-
marr in the campus humor publicar
inn will h a n i o ,.ra .frt.n


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