HTEMICHIGAN DAILY IEecture Series In Journalism Now Offered Twelve Talks On Varied Subjects Will .Publicize Newspaper Problems The series'of supplementary lec- tures being sponsored by the journal- ism department each Wednesday dur- ing the coming semester offer jour- nalism students and all others inter- ested an opportunity to hear about problems . of newspaper. policy and management and to meet and talk with men and women engaged in the profession. The series, which began this week with a talk by Lee A White, executive secretary of the Detroit News, will continue throughout the semester. Prbf. J. L. Brumm, chairman of the journalism department, is in charge of the lectures.. .. Other lecturers in the series are R. Rqy Baker of the Ann Arbor News, wht will speak -Wednesday on "Specialized Reporting," Stuart Perry of.the Adrian 'Telegram, who will talk on."The Newspaper and the Courts," Arthur W: Stace of the Ann Arbor Daily News who will discuss "Pic- tures and the Public Press," and A. L. Miller of the Battle Creek Enquirer News who.will speak on "The Editor- ial -Page of Tomorrow." Other lecturers include Archie Mc- Creasof the Michigan Chroniele, Hel- en. Bower of the Detroit Free Press, W' Webb McCall of the Isabella Tines-Herald, Louis A. Weill of the Port Huron Times-Herald, Schuyler Marshall of the Clinton County Re- publican. Ellison Young of the Border Cities Star, Ben East of the Grand Rapids Press, and Philip Adler of the Detroit News. Informal discussions will supple- ment the lectures and in some cases coffe hours will be held- i conjunc- tionay withthem. Locals Publish Liberal Paper Washtenaw Progressive Cites D.A.R._Bigotry The first in a series of editorials dealing with the fight for democrcy in America today is featured in the third issue of the Washtenaw Pro- gressive which is published by a board of ;citizens appointed by the Ann Ar- bor - Trades Council and other pro- gressive bodies of Washtenaw Coun- ty. The column "Women Also Work" includes the work of the Woman's Club of Ann Arbor in the boycott of silk stockings and the account of the D..A:R in Washington, D.C. The members of the D.A.R., according to the Washtenaw Progressive, recently banned Marian Anderson, the great colored contralto, from;a concert hall Students Write For Hopwood Wide Interest Stimulated By Generous Awards (Continued from Page 1) novels demonstrate well the notice that the contests have received in the literary world. The judges for the contest are al- most invariably widely known and respected literary figures. In years past they have included such littera- teurs as Sinclair Lewis, Dorothy Park- er, H. L. Mencken, Van Wyck Brooks, Franklin Pierce Adams, Thornton Wilder and numerous others. The headquarters of the contest is the Hopwood Room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall, which in addi- tion to its function of receiving en- tries and providing information for the contests, has been a9cquiring a respectable library of modern books and periodicals. Congresso-op Cleans House, begins Serving After a week o intensive ,cleaning, wallpapering, furniture moving afid more cleaning on the part of the 19 members of the new Congress Co- operative, the house is officially op- ened and began serving meals this week. Organized by a committee of Men's Congress under the chairmanship of Douglas Tracy, '40E, the house is organized along the Rochdale prin- ciples followed by the Robert Owen and Rochdale houses here. All the work including cooking, dishwashing, purchasing and accounting is done by the members. The three houses are working to- gether as much as possible to avoid duplication of effort and to achieve maximum efficiency. The stewards plan meals together and are doing research on foods. Purchasing is al- so centralized. The house plans to have eight boarders, in addition to the regular membership, as part of an education program for those interested in liv- ing in the house in the future. All those interested in applying as board- ers are urged to communicate with members of the cooperative. Officers of the house include Doug- las Tracy, '40E, president; Jay Rock- well, '40, treasurer; Arnold Kleiman, '40BAd., accountant; Lawrence Gluck, '42, steward and William Rockwell, '41, housemanager The popular impression of a co- operative as a cheap place to eat and sleep is an erroneous one, accord- ing to one member of the house. The -main advantages in cooperative living are to be found in the elimination of social and racial prejudice, in the development of true democracy with- in the group and the furthering of initiative in solving common prob- lems. Mussolini 'Co nrusa tes' Orphan- A kiss for a life! That was the exchange made by Mussolini who thus greeted the orphan of an Italian soldier killed in the Spanish war. Kiss was given at Rome ceremonies marking 16th anniversary of the founding of Fascist militia. Swing Is Merely HoL Jazz,' Vallee Tells Roving Reporter While the majority of students triedIterest. At this crucial moment, he to rest from the arduous labors in- hopped the plane for New York, leav- volved in passing examinations. Uhe jing your correspondent with an im- members of The Daily spent their va- pression of a Yale accent and not cation between semesters unearthing ( much sense of humor which might news stories. have been due to a little item in the' Our foreign correspondent pene-f trated the wilds of Miami, Fla.. to bring back this interview with Rudy Valee, the band leader. 8 On being asked his opinions of Swing, he re- vealed that bands have been playing "hot jazz," (Mr. Valee's definition of swing) for years. Mr. Valee declared however that while young people liked swing, he fpund older pedple pre- ferred the waltz. Asked whether he thought students should take part in politics, he believed that it was a good sign of the times to see students interested in politics and he hoped that more students would show an in- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Miami Herald that day :n Win- chell's colun-"Rudy Vfilee Socks Bus Boy." S"One of the All-T Great Pictures" -archer Y nstre Friday, Saturday - 8:15 P.M. Saturday Matinee - 2:30 - 25c MENDELSSOHN THEATRE -- -Last Day GAIL PATRICK "DISBARRED" -- and "YOUR STATE POLICE" Starting Saturday! ! Y __j I THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ffective as of February 14, 1939 CASH ONLY! 12c per reading line (on basis of re average words to line) for one two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or ore insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per insert- en. We have a Quick Delivery Serv- e at your disposal if you wish to we your ad picked up (10c tra). For further informations call -24-1, or stop in at 420 Maynard reet. FOR RENT RENT-Single roop for gradu- t girl in apartment: Shower ad- 'ining. Two blocks from campus. el. 2-2139 between 5 and 6:30 or aturday afternoon. I RENT-Single rooms and suite. ght, clean and warm. First house I State. 615 Monroe. 393 Z RENT-For furnished houses or }artments for second semester- hone Mrs. Giefel 2-2571 or 2-2102 enings. 403 Z RENT--Newly decorated double om. Also single room with a.d- ining lavatory. Steam heat, ower bath. Phone 8544. 422 E. ashington. 381 Z RENT-Pleasant front room in ague house. Close to camnus. up the tan knitting bag containing knitting and pair of glasses on Hill St. near Berkshire at 6 o'clock last night return same to Daily office or call6423. LOST-Sunburst diamond ring two weeks ago at the Michigan League. Reward. Call 2-2547. 400 LOST-Pair of glasses in Intramural Bldg. last week. Phone 3786. 411 WANTED - TYPING TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. 5th Avenue. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 79 TYPING-Reasonable rates. L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St., phone 5689. 271 TYPING at reasonable rates. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St., dial 5244. 176 LAVNDRIES LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 9 STUDENT LAUNDRY for men and women. No extra charge for mend- ing. Call for and deliver. Phone 7398. 408 SILVER LAUNDRY 807 Hoover Phone 5594 Free pickups and deliveries Price List Allarticles washed and ironed. Shirts ..................... .14 Undershirts.................04 Shorts .....................04 Pajama Suits ............... .10 Socks, pair ......... ........03 Handkerchiefs................02 Bath Towels ................ .03 All Work Guaranteed A1so special prices on Coed's laun- dries. All bundles done separately. N markings. mRilkm_ n cm. clothing. Claude Brown, 512 S. Main. 311 PAPERHANGER-Craftsman, cap- able fine paper work. Dial,7209. 181 i WANTED-Clothing wanted to buy. S u i ts, overcoats, typewriters, watches. Sam pays the most. Phone 6304 for appointment. 388 WANTED-Second hand set of para- gon drawing instruments. Center wheel type preferred. Phone 9524. 409 WANTED-Caller to assist in teach- ing and conducting square dancing classes. Please address box. 407 H. W. CLARK English Boot and Shoe Maker Our new repair department, the best in the city. Prices are right. 438 South State and Factory on South Forest Avenue. 9- lk ---- I.. . 'v2IHII7"rlYi t 11 I- 1 1 i.4A IaaL 1 &1 _ , '. 1I I ~~$'i ' '' Iii