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March 25, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-25

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PAeE FOIIR' SATUBX~&Y, I4Ii~RCH ~5, 1939



The Editor Gets Told.. .


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumrn r Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inn.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-3 9

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor,
Book Editor .
Women's Editor
Sports Editor .

Board of
. . 4

f Editors
tRobert D. Mitchell
* . Albert P. May10
Horace W. Gilmore
' Robert I. Fitzhenry
. . S. R. Kleiman
. . Robert Perlman
Earl Gilman
* . William Elvin
. Joseph Freedman
, . . Joseph Gies
. Dorothea Staebler
**Bud, Benjfamin
?e partment
. Philip W. Buchen
*Leonard P. Siegelman
William L. Newnan
. . Helen Jean Dean
. . Marian A. Baxter

Business ID
Business Manager.
Credit Manager.
Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Service Manager .

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
For What
T HE CURRENT controversy over
American foreign policy and re-
armament ha blossomed forth afresh in the
current issue of Harpers Magazine. The article
by Oswald Garrison Villard is on the whole a
sane analysis of what seems to be an "insane"
American defense policy.
Mr. Villard points out that "since 1933 the
Army and Navy have received a total of nearly
$5,000,000,000," while yearly appropriations have
been stepped up from $540,356,090 in 1933-34 to
$1,668,283,000 in 1939. How is this money being
used, Mr. Villard asks, and why?
"If we peek behind the defense curtains we
find on the testimony of many of the actors
themselves waste, extravagance, incompetence, a
babel of contradictory voices, confusion . . . No-
body knows whether Army and Navy are merely
to guard our coasts, or are to be prepared to
fight overseas, as in 1917-18, or are just to de-
fend all the Americas, or must protect our coasts
and also keep open our trade routes to South
America. It is not even established whether we
shall or shall not fight for the Philippines, in-
dependent or otherwise. . . . Hence the govern-
ment is demanding the impossible of Army and
Navy, since we ask them to defend us and yet
do not tell them what they shall defend."
In fact, Mr. Villard points out, the lack of co-
operation between the Army and Navy and the
absence of either a separate air force or an uni-
fied defense command makes it exceedingly
doubtful that our armed forces could efficiently
defend anything. "So far as anybody knows, the
part 'of the Navy in relation to our coast de-
fenses (manned:, by the Army) and our mine
fields, and what is to be the relation of the Army
air fleet to the Navy air fleet when the country
is attacked, have never been defined; a major-
general recently sarcastically remarked that if
war should come a collision in midair of Army
and Navy fliers would not be impossible, since
neither force would know which way the other
was going! . . . there is no adequate cooperation
between Army and Navy-nothing approaching
it; the hostility between them is so great that it
was announced on Jan. 1st that combined maneu-
vers would not be carried on in the Carribbean
this year because of thebitter feeling engendered
by the last joint war games-a situation which
must make the dictators hold their sides for
As a prologue to a remedy, Mr. Villard calls
for an investigation by an independent commis-
sion representing all points of view of "the whole
problem of military organization and of inter-
service relationship," which the Howell Board
felt demanded "extended examination by some
appropriate agency in the near future." The
urgency of such an investigation becomes in-
creasingly evident as more and more money is
poured into the bottomless container delegated
for national defense.
But it must be remembered that such an in-
vestigation could not undertake to settle the
most pressing problem connected with national
defense, a problem Mr. Villard pushes aside by'
stating that the "crux of the whole defense prob-
lem" is the question of "whether this country
can he cnesfil1v attcked" At nm 1anrth Mi

Kipke And Political Deals
To the editor:
It is to be regretted that the dispute over the
coming Regency election has evolved into a mud-
slinging contest. The office of Regent of the
University of Michigan is one of importance and
dignity, commanding respect, honor, and loyalty.
Certainly, the present campaign has been any-
thing but in accordance with the nature of the
Mud-slinging is essentially a phase of the old
political tactics which Kipke's nomination repre-
sents. Those who seek his defeat through this
means are only emulating his supporters in re-
verting to this discredited and repugnant system.
Regardless of the outcome of this election, there
is a black-spot upon the record of the University
which can never be removed. The history of this
instiution has been one of high ideals and honor-
able action, and the Regency has always been
conducted in accordance with these standards.
In comparison, the unfortunate events of this
election seem all the darker. The stain can be
lessened only if, from this point forward, the
campaign is conducted solely upon the basic
issue, rather than on debasement of personalities.
The criticism directed at Kipke's character
must be viewed impartially. Undoubtedly, some
of the aspersions against him are well based.
Likewise, many of the virtues which Tom Har-
mon attributed to him are equally evident. In
defense of Kipke, it is only fair to recognize that
he is an average man, with no unusual ability,
but, also, with no flagrant faults. Further, be-
cause of the very nature of the Board of Regents,
Kipke personally could do nothing villainous or
destructive, even should heso desire.
However, the forces responsible for his nomina-
tion can do the Board, and, through them, the
University, great and lasting harm. Kipke's nom-
ination was a coalition forced by his influential
friends in the Republican party. Since many Re-
publican leaders have openly voiced their opposi-
tion to the nomination, it is evident that a minor-
ity group has employed old unscrupulous political
intrigue in this instance, and that the nomina-
tion does not represent the opinion of the Re-
publican party as a whole.
That an immediate Kipke election would men-
ace the welfare of the University does not neces-
sarily follow. But if an election of this nature
can carry once, it will carry again. In support
of this contention, we need only point out the
insidious growth of political maneuvering in
similar situations in the past. It is this possibility
for politial exploitation which threatens the very
structure of our institution. As has been the case
in certain other State Universities, such an oc
curance would result in discord and decadence,
and Michigan would soon lose its high position in
American education.
If this is to be avoided, Kipke's defeat is neces-
sary. The Alumni are to be congratulated on their
efforts in this direction. But Alumni support
alone is not enough. It is up to the voters of the
State to realize the things for which the Univer-
sity stands, and to act in its best interests by
defeating this political machine. The appeal is
not for the defeat of a personality, but for a
defeat of the motives and methods for which he
stands. To insure the future of the University,
Kipke must not be elected.
William Gram
Stanley Duffendack
The Technic Replies
To the Editor:
Tuesday morning one of your staff members
took it upon himself to disagree violently with
an editorial which we printed in the March
Michigan Technic. The Daily reply bears out our
contention completely and is a good example of
exactly what we were driving at.
The present administration and the labor
unions have of late been fostering this spirit of
"the world owes me a living" and have encouraged
men to do as little as possible in return for their
wages. This feeling has grown until a great many
people believe with the author of the Daily
editorial that, "No informed person today believes
that individual initiative is a guarantee of suc-
cess in America of 1939."
Right-to a certain extent. Few people will
argue that personal initiative is an absolute guar-
antee of success. Other factors such as person-
ality and "breaks" enter. However, unless you

marry the boss's daughter, it certainly is a pre-
The Daily editorial ends on a note of derision
because of the following statement from the
original editorial. "So when we get those jobs in a
few months, let's be careful to stick to'the eight-
hour day-and we'll be assured of never having
to work long hours."
Said the Daily, "And some members of this
year's graduating class will emit a hollow laugh
toward the end of- the article where they wild'
see . . ." We like to remind The Daily that this
was directed at an engineering audience. A check
of the men who handle placement in the College
of Engineering indicates that at least 90 per cent
and probably 95 per cent of last year's graduates
are now working.
Further the Daily stated that the workman
who was the original motivation of the Technic
editorial had been offered a foremanship and
had refused it. The executives of the press are
unable to verify this statement indicating that
it was purely a figment of the imagination of a
Daily staff member. We would appreciate proof
of this allegation.
-Walton A. Rodger
portions whole. If we put our arms around the
shoulders of the English and French people, line
un hbeide them and1 th a nvint UninnAnrl a + n

-by David Lawrence-

An Engineer Speaks
To the Editor:
I would like to suggest meekly that Good Bro.
Perlman take the advice offered in Robert Walk-
er's column in the Michigan Daily of Wednes-
day, March 22.
Good Fellow, the people that I have worked
for and the Profs. I have had in my College have
always appreciated any extra effort and interest
that I showed them, with the result that I have
been able to take a couple of minutes off at odd
times and have not had to account for them.
Particularly would I think that an employer
would appreciate the extra business that would
come to him from the courtesy that this man in
question could have extended to Walt (Editor of
the Technic).
It has been sort of axiomatic in the Engine
School that brains and brawn go hand in hand.
Given the brains, we are supposed to add the
brawn and make ourselves useful to our em-
ployer. It is a good old American custom to
work hard and play hard, and if a man makes
more for his company than is expected of him,
it is a custom in America today to pay him a
bonus, or to encourage him by creating more
opportunities for him. Those of us who lack
I.Q. 1.2 are counting on that extra work to put
us across, and the wry smile that you are seeing
on our faces is due to the fact that we are wonder-
ing if we shouldn't have put in that added effort
about four years sooner.
I am anxiously awaiting Bro. Perlman's next
factual article-or editorial-on "What Lies Be-
yond" OR, "Only God and Perlman - - -."
-Ye Engineer


WASHINGTON, March 23.-It is premature, if
not altogether inaccurate, to say that the "ap-
peasement" policy as between government and
business has been discarded or that there will be
no tax revision at this session of Congress.
So long as Congress attempts to play politics
with that $150,000,000 WPA item, no quarter can
be expected from the President. He knows that
the subtraction of $150,000,000 from the WPA
expenditures at this critical time of unemploy-
ment is not going to balance a budget already
unbalanced to the amount of $3,500,000,000, and
he thinks Congress knows this, but is trying to
put him on the spot before the country as a
spendthrift just the same because he will not
agree to the cut.
Congress Economics On WPA
Congress has been talking a great deal about
economy, but no group therein has presented a
comprehensive program for cutting Government
expenses, for the very good reason, perhaps,
that there is none which can be offered which
does not have in it political repercussions of a
serious nature for those who do the suggesting.
The Administration's case might be put this
way: If business men want tax revision, they
must not at the same time insist on cutting off
relief appropriations, and this applies to those in
Congress who have been endeavoring to reflect
what appears to be a nation-wide sentiment for
curtailment of expenses.
It will be noted that. at the President's press
conference in which he frowned on certain
changes in the tax structure, he spent most of
his time talking about those who wanted to
prune Government expenses. This was the sub-
ject uppermost in his mind, and whenever tax
changes were mentioned he kept repeating that
those who wanted to cut Government appropri-
ations could not at the same time consistently
ask the Treasury to accept a loss in revenue from
tax revision.
As usual, the right policy lies somewhere be-
tween these two extremes. Government expenses
could be cut, of course, but a ruthless curtailmerN
effected immediately, would undoubtedly bring
on a deflationary trend which might bring seri-
ous consequences to the social order, producing
more unemployment because of the sudden dim-
inution of government stimulus to purchasing
Spending Depends On Business
To achieve a balanced budget and to cut off
Government spending, there must be private
spending in its place. This requires careful plan-
ning and some extension of intermediate credit
on the same insurance principle as that on which
the Federal Housing Administration loans were
made through private banks. Unless business can
offer a program that will insure a substantial
increase in private spending in the next 24
months, Mr. Roosevelt isn't going to permit, if
he can possibly avoid it, aty substantial change
in his public spending policies.
Business men, on the other hand, have a per-
fectly good case for tax revision, and not as a
means either of restoring methods of tax avoid-
ance or for the purpose of loading small busi-
nesses with extra taxes that are lopped off big
businesses. The latter argument is merely part
of the political claptrap of the hour and is bandied
back and forth in the effort to fight back at the
Administration's opponents.
There are unquestionably many changes in
the tax laws which, far from reducing revenues,
would actually increase them materially. The
Treasury Department knows this and wants it
done. But Mr. Roosevelt isn't ready to yield un-

VOL. XLIX. No. 127
To The Householders: Many of our
students are in need of part-time
work. If you have any odd jobs, such
as housecleaning, yard or garden
work, that the students can do, will
you please call the Student Employ-
ment Bureau, Ext. 2121, Room 2
University Hall? We will endeavor to
send you satisfactory help.
J. A. Bursley, Dean of Students.
To All Campus Departments: No-
tices of deaths of alumni which may
come to the various campus depart-
ments should be reported to the
Alumni Catalog Office. The courtesy
will be greatly appreciated. Please
report by letter or by phone. Phone
422 Univ.
Lunette Hadley, Director.
Women Students: Application
blanks for the Lucy Elliott Fellow-
ship of $500 and the Cleveland Mem-
orial Scholarship of $100 are now
available in the Alumnae Council
Office and the Office of the Dean of
Women. All applications must be
turned in before April 1. Winners
will be announced following Spring
Academic Noticesa
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped
after today by students othersthanj
freshmen will be recorded E. Fresh-1
men (students with less than 24
hours of credit) may drop courses<
without penalty through the eighth
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean.
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts may ob-
tain their five week progress reports
in the Academic Counselors' Office,
108 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12 a.m.
and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according to
the following schedule.
Surnames beginning M through Z,
Thursday, March 23.
Surnames beginning F through L,
Friday, March 24.
Surnames beginning A through E,
Saturday, March 25. 8-12.1
Psychology 122. Examination will bei
held in Room 2054 NS. Monday at 9c
Student Recital. Miss Grace Eliza-f
beth Wilson, pianist, of Detroit,
Michigan, will give a recital in the
School of Music Auditorium, Tues-
day evening, March 28, at 8:15 o'clock,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments of the Bachelor of Music de-
gree. The general publc 1s nvited
to attend.,
Botanical Photographic Exhibit:
Mock Courts
Much is said today about practical
education. Critics of our present edu-
cational system are constantly harp-
ing on the impracticality of it, its'
failure tohadjust study and teaching7
along lines that'are of some later use
to the student.
The law school is one department of
the university that is taking definite
steps to eliminate the possibility of
that type of criticism by its so-called
"mock trials," one of which was
opened Wednesday evening. The suc-
cesses of the trials held in previous
years has warranted repetition of
this kind of teaching.

Not only does the law student learn
something about court procedure, but
he, has some fun besides. Educators
too often take for granted that study-
ing is enjoyable merely because of
the student's "thirst for knowledge."
Constant pouring over books, how-
ever, attending lectures, and taking
examinations can become quite bor-
ing. But by combinining study with
something that resembles a game,
the act of acquiring an education be-
comes more of the pelasure it theor-
etically, should be.
The advent of applied education
has brought with it several evils
which have, as yet, not been correct-
ed. The distribution of time between
laboratory and class work is the most
apparent of these.
Some instructors have not recon-
,iled themselves to the fact that time
spent doing thisglaboratory work
will result in a greater amount of
knowledge being absorbed by the stu-
dent than would be true under a strict
lecture system.
The first step has been taken to-
ward practical education, the estab-
lishment of laboratories, but the sec-
ond step, the apportioning of time
between laboratory and lecture, will
have to be made before the plan
will achieve anything close to success.
-Southern California Daily Trojan

An exhibit of photographs of botani-
cal subjects will be on display in the
West Exhibit Room of the Rackham
Because of interest in the photo-
graphs of botanical subjects the ex-
hibit will continue to be on display
daily except Sunday from 9 a.m. to
10 p.m.
Exhibition, College of Architecture:
The premiated drawings submitted
in the national competition for the
Wheaton College Art Center are be-
ing shown in the third floor Exhibi-
tion Room, College of Architecture.
Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sundays,
through April 4. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Exhibition of Modern look Art:
Printing and Illustration, held under
the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art
Association. Rackham Building,
third floor Exhibition Room; daily
except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; on
view through Saturday, April 1.
Exhibition of Paintings tby David
Fredenthal and Helen May, shown
under the auspices of the Ann Arbor
Art Association. Alumni Memorial.
Hall, afternoons from 2 to 5, March
24 through April 7.
Lecture on "Cosmic Rays and New
Elementary Particles of Matter," Sat-
urday, March 25 at 8 p.m. in the
large auditorium of the Rackham
Building, by Prof. Carl D. Anderson,
Physics Dept. of California Institute
of Technology, winner of Nobel Prize
in 1936 and various other awards for
his research work. The lecture is,
arranged by the Society of Sigma Xi
and will be open to the public.
University Lectures: Professor Ken-'
neth J. Conant, of Harvard Univer-
sity, will give illustrated lectures on
"The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem"
on Monday, April 3, and "The Mon-
astery of Cluny" on Tuesday, April1
4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lec
ture Hall under the auspices of the
Institute of Fine Arts.a
Events Today
Chinese Students Attention: All
Chinese students in the University are
invited to meet Dr. Gail and hear
him speak at the International Cen-
ter, tonight, (Saturday), at 8 o'clock.
Dr. Gail is Assistant Director of thes
Salt Commission. He has been 'in
active government service in China
for 30 years and is specially qualified
to speak on the present situation ine
China. Knowing personally the par-
ents and grandparents of many of
our Chinese students, he has been
willing to sacrifice his personal plans
to remain over for this meeting.
Open House: Student Religious As-
sociation Open House at Lane Hall
this evening. There will be informal
games, conversations and an oppor-
tunity to Pear D'Oyley-Carte Com-
pany's recording of 'Iolanthe.' ]
The Outdoor Club will meet at Lane
Hall at 2 o'clock today for a hike,
Older. members are urged to come
and bring a friend with them. Stu-
dents will be welcome to attend.
The Delta Epsilon Pi Fraternity
will meet at 7:30 this evening, in the
Union. Members please be on time.
The Graduate Outing Club will meet
tonight at 8 p.m. in the club room.
A "Professor Quiz" program has been
arranged. There will be, as usual,
the out door program Sunday after-
noon. All graduate students are
The Roger Williams Guild will hold
its annual banquet in the parlors of
the First Baptist Church; 503
]E. Huron Street, on Saturday evening

April 1, at 6:15. The guest speaker
will be Mr. William H. Genne, Stu-
dent Secretary at Michigan State
College, East Lansing. For reserva-
tions call Guild House, Dial 7332.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday promptly at
12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of
the Michigan Union. All faculty
members interested in speaking Ger-
man are cordially invited. There will
be a brief informal talk by Dr. Erich
Husserl on, "Aus der Wekstatt des
Eastern Engineering Trip: Impor-
tant meeting for those going on the
trip Sunday, March 26, at 5 p.m. in
the Union. Room to be posted.
Physics Colloquium: Professor C.
F. Meyer will speak on "A New Grat-
ing Mounting; Scale Drawings of
Crystal Wave Surfaces; and Models
of Circle Errors' at the Physics Col-
loquium on Monday, March 27 in
Room 1041 E. Physics Bldg.

Rapids Room of the League at 6 p.m.
Monday, March 27.'
The Michigan Dames Drama Group
will meet in the Rackham Building
Monday evening at 8 o'clock. All
wives of students and their friends
are welcome.
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet Sunday at 5:30 p.m. at Zion Pa-
rish Hall for social hour and supper.
Dr. Carolies Harry, prominent in Na-
tional Lutheran Student Club work,
will be the guest speaker at 6:45 p.m.
Rabbi Charles Lesser of Jackson,
Mich., will speak on "Today's Chal-
lenge to the Jew" at the Hillel Forum
tomorrow evening at 7:30 p.m. All
are welcome.
French Lecture: The lecture on the
Cercle Francais Program which was
to be given by Professor Eugene Ro-
villain Thursday, March 30, has been
On April 28 the annual French Play
will take place in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. The title of the play is:
Ces Dames aux Chapeaux verts" by
Peace Strike: All students interest-
ed in taking part in the formation of
a program and making arrangements
for a peace strike on April 20th are
invited to a meeting of the All-Cam-
pus Peace Committee on Monday
Evening, March 27, at 8 p.m. in the
Ann Arbor Friends (Quakers). The
Study Group will meet at the 1Vichi-
gan League Sunday at 3:30 p.m. This
will be followed by the meeting for
worship at 5. All are cordially in-
Disciples Guild (Church of Christ)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, Minister.
5:30 p.m., Social Hour and Tea.
6:30 p.m., Professor Bennett Weav-
er will speak to the Guild on "The
Place of Sacrifice in Social Progress."
A forum will follow the discussion.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church,
Sunday: 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 9
a.m. Breakfast, Harris Hall for stu-
dents and members of Confirmation
Class; 9:30 a.m. Junior Church; 11
a.m. Kindergarten; 11 a.m. Morning
Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Hen-
ry Lewis (and choir awards); 7 p.m.
Student Meeting, Harris Hall, speak-
er, The Rev. H. L. Pickerill, topic,
Christian Living-A Practical Appli-
First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m.
Sunday. Dr. John Masons Wells of
Hillsdale College, will preach on the
theme, "The Christian Way of Con-
quering Evil." Church School at
9:30. Senior B. Y. at 6:00.
First Congregational Church, Rev.
Leonard A. Parr.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Dr.
Parr will preach on: "The Mirror of
Christ's Mind" V "His Idea of Salva-
6 p.m. Student Fellowship will be
held Sunday at 6 p.m. Supper fol-
lowing which Prof. A. D. Moore of
the Engineering School will address
the group on the subject "Personali-
There will be a Lenten Service at
8 p.m. on Thursday, March 30. The
pastor will speak on "How Long Dost
Thou Keep Us In Suspense?"
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 So. Division St., Sunday morn-
ing service at 10:30.
Subject: "Reality."
Golden Text: Philippians 4:8.
Sunday School at 11:45.

Reformed and Christian Reformed
church services will be held as usual
Sunday, March 26 in the Women's
League Chapel at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30
p.m. Rev. H. J. Kuiper will speak
at both services.
First Methodist Church. Morning
worship service at 10:40 o'clock. Lr.
C. W. Brashares will preach on "The
Way of the Cross."
Stalker Hall. Student Class at 9:45
a.m. at Stalker Hall. Wesleyan Guild
meeting. at 6 p.m. at the Church. A
Communion Service is planned. A
Fellowship Hour and supper follow-
ing the meeting.
First Presbyterian Church, 1432
Washtenaw Ave. 10:45 a.m., Morn-
ing Worship Service. The Rev. War-
ren E. Hall, D.D., of the First Pres-
byterian Church of Wyandotte,
Mich., will preach on the topic "An
Impetuous Judgment." Palmer Chris-
tian at the organ and directing the
The Westminster Guild: 6 p.m.,
Westminster Guild, student group,
will meet for supper and a fellowship
hour. Prof. Robert Angell of the So-
ciology Department of the University

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