0 Weather Increasing cloudiness, sonmc what warmer today. i e Si zan ~Iaitv Editorial Armaments For What . VOL. XLIX. No. 127 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Clamor Spurs Chamberlain To New Pleas For Polish Aid Beck Refuses To Approve British Anti-Hitler Front Despite Promised Aid Conscription Urged By Conservatives LONDON, March 24.-(UP)-Grow- ing Conservative clamor forapeace- time military conscription. and an all-party government for Britain to- night spurred Prime Minister Cham- berlain to fresh efforts for Polish sup- port of his European "Halt Hitler" front. Ten days after the German coup in Czecho-Slovakia the Prime Min- ister still held h6pes of persuading Foreign Minister Joseph Beck of Po- land to approve an anti-Hitler declar- ation by promises of British military aid despite discouraging reports from Warsaw. In Warsaw the newspaper Express Poranny, considered a mouthpiece of the Polish Foreign Office, said "Po- land does not expect anything from declarations" and would not permit herself to be dragged into any bloc -presumably against Germany-and would refrain from taking the initia- tive in forming any blocs herself. Warsaw political circles considered this as tantamount to rejection of the British-sponsored plan. Because of long-standing friendship between France and Poland it was believed French efforts to persuade Poland to join in a declaration might be more likely toisucceed than en- treaties from Britain. A conscription-all-party demand, should the current clamor crystallize, would force on Chamberlain early decisions, possibly jeopardizing his own position as Premier, unless his drive to prevent German expansion produced concrete results soon, poli- tical sources said. The Prime Minister's opposition to conscription was believed based principally on the fact that it forms an unattractive platform on which to fight a general election, scheduled for the fall of 1940 at the latest. Conscription advocates urged, how- ever, that it would be the best answer to charges Britain hoped to fight the next war with her own liabilities limited. They also contended it would do more than weeks of diplomatic per- suasion could to bring Poland into the democratic camp. As matters now stand Britain has been successful in lining up only France and Soviet Russia in an anti- aggressor bloc, which needs pivotal Poland to give it the power Britain desires. An all-party government, political circles said, would almost certainly include Anthony Eden and Winston Churchill who were believed unwill- ing to serve under Chamberlaif. Eden resigned from Chamberlain's cabinet as foreign secretary in protest to the Prime Minister's policy of dealing with dictators and Churchill long has been a critic of the government. The increasing demand for a coali- tion government thus might mean Chamberlain's resignation. Higher Sales Tax Suggested' State Treasurer's Proposal CoollyReceived LANSING, March 24.-(i)-Leg- islators today received cooly the sug- gestion of State Treasurer Miller1 Dunckel that an additional one per cent be added to the three per cent7 State sales tax in order to pay off the deficit inherited by the presentj administration.I In letters to the chairmen of the1 Senate Finance Committee and the! House Ways and Means Committee Dunckel proposed the extra levy t i called "The Murphy Deficit Tax" and that it cease when the debt had been retired. "It would be unfair to the present administration to keep its promises' of 'no new taxes' and at the same time ask this administration to amor- tize the Murphy deficit of $25,000,- 000," he said. Varsity DPh!t rcMgtkgi Speaks Today R. A. BREWER * * * Job Parleys Close 3-Day SSeriesToday Occupational Conference Considers Advertising And Business Personnel Advertising, personnel in business, and life-career outlook discussions will climax the third session of the University's Guidance and Occupa- tional Information Conference today. Students considering careers in ad- vertising are urged by the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In- formation to attend the meeting at 2:15 p.m. in the Union at which R. A. Brewer for MacManus, John and Adams will speak. Mr. Brewer, holder of some of the nation's largest advertising accounts, is by ability and experience ideally qualified to counsel students in this vocation, according to the Bureau. Personnel in Business will be the topic of a session at 10 a.m. in the League. Shirley Williams, lauded by the Bureau as an outstanding person- nel executive, will address the au- dience. Director of Personnel for Sanders of Detroit, Mrs. Williams' career to date includes several years as a De- troit newspaper columnist, teaching and educational therapy work during the war. The morning program for guidance workers follows: 10 a.m.-Guidance Work as We Do It, Michigan Union. 10 a.m.-Speakers: Douglas D. Blocksma, Guidance Department, Godwin Heights Public Schools, Grand Rapids. 10:20 a.m.-Mable Billington, Girls' (Continued On Page 2) Peace Terms Reach Madrid Italian Dispatches Declare Surrender imminent , MADRID, March 24.-P)-A Re-' publican peace commission returned to Madrid from Burgos tonight with Generalissimo Franco's conditions for surrender of Republican Spain. The defense government of General Jose Miaja. met immediately to consider them. Informed sources said that the negotiations were still incomplete and that the mission was expected to return in the near future to Bur- gos. ROME, March 24--(/P)-Surrendert of Madrid to Generalissimo Franco was reported imminent tonight in Italian dispatches from Burgos which said Spanish Insurgent troops might march into the Capital tomorrow. Reports of the negotiations brought Italy's territorial claims on France to the front of Europe's tense situa- tion, since consolidation of the re- maining one-fourth of Spain undert Franco might give his backer, Pre-1 mier Mussolini, the occasion to an- nounce Italy's plans of future action in a speech scheduled for Sunday. (,aibling, Liquor t Reform Planned LANSING, March 24.--A--A con- centrated campaign to drive out gam- bling and reform the liquor business was planned by Governor Dickinson tday. The 79-year-old official declared he would ask the legislature to re- peal a law which permits pari-mutuel hn-i~ 1,lntr rnc " n icr Student Senate Official Ballot Is Announced 37 Students To Vie Friday For Posts In Third Semi -AnnualElection ASU Candidates Outnumber Others Thirty-seven students will vie for the 16 seats on the Student Senate, all-campus representative body, in the third semi-annual election Fri- day. The official ballot was an- nounced yesterday byeEdward Mag- dol, '39, director of elections. The American Student Union with eight candidates, the University Coa- lition with three, the Progressive Coalition with three, the Neutrality- Progressive Party with two, and the Human Rightists with two, make up the party ailgnments for the election. The official list of candidates fol- lows: Blaz Lucas, '41, Independent; Charles C. Buck, '40, Socialist; Abra- ham James Goodman, '41; James Frankel, '41, Human Rightist; John A. Houston, '41, Neutrality-Progres- sive; William Muehl, '41, Neutrality- Progressive; Clarence Sahlin, Con- servative; Maruice Hahn, '42; Arthur Peters, '39, Young Communist League; Feancis Hourigan, '41, Inde- pendentProgressive; Norma Kaphan, '41, University Coalition; Harry M. Kelsey, '41, University Coalition; Ellen F. Rea, University Coalition; Paul C. Robertson, '40E, Indepen- dent; Norman Rosefeld, '41, Liberal; Charles Sojak, '40, Independent; James W. Kehoe, '39. Other candidates are: American Student Union: Elman Service, '40; Frank Johnson, '40; Harold Oster- weil, '41; Jack Zubon, Mary Cum- mins, '42; Morris Lichtenstein, '39; Hugo Recihard, '39; Joseph Gies, '39; Independents: Robert G. Harrington, '40; Jack Grady, '41; Lee Sillin, '40; Jay Schafrann, '40; Frederick S. Reinheimer, '41L; Frank A. Dubell, '40; Raymond Dwyer, '41 and the Progressive Coalition; Elizabeth M. Shaw, '41; Robert Khrn, '41; and (Continued on Page F) Nazi Teachers Propagand ists, Cases Assert (Editor's Note: This is the last In a series of articles on German exchange students in the United States. In- formation has been furnished by a member of the U.S. Congress.) By LEONARD SCHLEIDER Additional evidence of alleged pro- Nazi propagandist activities in the United States by certain German ex- change students and visiting profes- sors was revealed in a recent Con- gressional investigation. Among the carefully-chosen savants was Dr. Klaus Mehnert whose ap- pointment as visiting professor at the University of California's 1936 sum- mer session was arranged by Major- General Barrows of the California National Guard. His class, composed of 200 gradu- ate students, many of them school teachers, soon became aware that Mehnert "was a talented Nazi agent with none of the outward crudeness popularly associated with Nazi propa- gandists." His course in "Contemporary Euro- pean Thought," presented, as one of his students wrote in the Pacific Weekly, "the intellectual rationale of fascism with intelligence, graceland charm." He said that "National Socialism expressed Germany's inner soul." Assigned as "impartial" re- quired readings were the worksof Houston Stewart Chamberlain, from whom Hitler obtained many of his theories. Prof. Friedrich Schoeneman has lectured in the U.S. under the auspices of the Institute of International Edu- cation. Head of the American semi- nar's at the University of Berlin, Schoeneman is the author of "Ameri- ca Under a National Socialist Re- gime" and "The Art of Mass Propa- ganda" which Charles Beard describes (Continued on Page 6) Peace Conin ttee To Meet Monday Letters have been sent to more thli 50 campus organizations inviting them Shakespearian Play To Have FiveShowings By MORTON CARL JAMPEL Play Production will give five per- formances of Shakespeare's "Two Gentlemen of Verona" starting Wed- nesday, with a matinee Saturday, at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets go on sale Monday at the box office. "Two Gentlemen of Verona" is one of Shakespeare's earlier and lesser known works. Since it has never re- ceived a professional production in this country, Play Production decided it offers the opportunity to do some- thing that is not only new but good. The play promises to be much more than just another show. Thor John- son and his Little Symphony will supplement it with musical scores selected chiefly from works of Mo- zart. James Doll, brought from De- troit to design the scenery and cos- tumes for the play, has constructed properties that will permit presenta- tion with a maximum amount of ef- fectiveness. Replete Elizabethan cos- tumes have been especially designed and made for the play. "Two Gentlemen of Verona" was written during Shakespeare's youth, and its characters are the beginnings of those later seen in "Romeo and Juliet," "Twelfth Night" and "Mer- chant of Venice." Administration Would Ref or m Security Taxes Over Ohio In Nationals; Five More Finals Tonight Princeton Record Smashers In Relay -Daily Photo by Botwinik Ned Parke, Capt. Richard Hough, and Albert Vande Weghe, the three members of Princeton University's crack medley relay team, set a new N.C.A.A. record last night when they raced the distance in 2:54.5. The mark bettered the former record, also held by rinceton, by two- tenths of a second. Michigan Leads 34 To30 Treasury Head Proposes Some Of Rise Be Put Off As Aid To Business WASHINGTON, March 24.-(P)- A proposal to defer at least part of the 50 per cent increase in Social Se- curity taxes scheduled for next year and to abandon the plan for a huge reserve fund for old age pensionshwas advanced by the administration to- day as a business recovery step. Secretary Morgenthau outlined the suggestion to the House Ways and Means Committee, linking it directly to recovery by saying it would lift a burden from "American productive enterprise." Subsequently, President Roosevelt made clear at his press conference that the proposal had full adminis- tration backing and word was given out that it had approval of the Social Security Board. The proposal apparently caught members of Congress by surprise. Democratic members of the House Committee, which is studying pos- sible changes in the Social Security Act, deferred comment as did most Democrats on Capitol Hill. But Republicans, many of whom have been critical of the present So- cial Security set-up, hailed the sug- gestion with delight and were quick to point to their earlier criticisms. None of the suggested changes could be carred out without con- gressional action. Under the Social Security Act as it stands, an employe now pays one per cent of the first $3,000 of his an- nual salary and his employers pays a like amount, The tax. is scheduled to increase next year to 11/ per cent each on employe and employer, to go to 2 per cent in 1943, to 2% per cent in 1946 and to 3 per cent in 1949. Comic Opera Will Be Given By Glee Club Annual Spring Concert Will Feature Burlesque Of Gilbert And Sullivan "Trial by Jury," a Gilbert and Sul- livan comic operetta, will be featured in the Annual Spring Concert to be presented by the Varsity Glee Club Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Audi-, torium. The operetta will be given for the second half of the program following the formal concert. Paul Kent, '39; and Jack Secrist, Grad., collaborated in arranging the operetta for an "all male burlesque." Originally written for mixed voices with five female leads, the club refused to go outside of its own membership for the cast- ing. As a result, the five female parts will be portrayed by kowned male sopranos of the opposite sex. The cast will include all of the 45 members of the club with ten main parts and a chorus of jurymen and spectators. Announcement of the soloists will be made later. Directing the play is Secrist, with Harley Spencer, '39, in charge of cos- tumes, Harry Lusk, '39, in charge of properties, and Hugh Roberts, '39, publicity manager. Prof. David Mat- tern of the Music School is conductor of the Club. A concert trip presenting substan- tially the same program is planned during Spring Vacation. t will take the club through New York State and will be climaxed by a concert in New York City sponsored by the Michigan Alumni Club there. Nazi Minister To Investigate Border Clashes Exchange Shortage Seen In Rumania As Result Of German Agreement BUDAPEST, March 24.-(AP)-The German Minister to Budapest visit- ed the Hungarian office twice to- night and was believed to have asked an explanation of fighting on the Carpatho -Ukraine- Slovak frontier. It was believed he asked a full ac- counting of the continued Hungarian military operations against which Slovakia has protested. Germany signed an agreement with Slovakia yesterday guaranteeing the integrity of the former Czecho-Slovak territory's frontiers for 25 years. The Hungarian view, however, was that the frontier of Slovakia with Hun- garian-annexed Carpatho - Ukraine had not yet been determined. Meanwhile autonomy for Hunga- rian and Germanic minorities in Ru- mania was reported under informal preliminary discussion among the Berlin, Budapest and Bucharest gov- ernments. Hungarian hopes rose that, moving at Germany's side, she would achieve a peaceful penetration of Rumania and Slovakia as well. BUCHAREST, March 24.-(P)-A prospective shortage of foreign ex- change as a result of Rumania's new five-year trade agreement with Ger- many troubled Rumanian experts to- day. The country was expecting to be much busier as a result of the pact, but it was a little concerned about 10w it was going towhandle the in- creased business without foreign funds other than the controlled ex- change expected from Germany. In some quarters it was hoped the shortage would be met by new trade deals ,With England and other coun- tries. High School Students Visit Ann Arbor Today More than 200 high school students from all sections of the state will visit the University today in the first of a series of three "University Days" sponsored by the Union. The visitors will be entertained by a special organ concert by Palmer Christian in Hill Auditorium and vis- its to spring football practice, the League, the Union and the athletic plant. A series of conferences with vari- ous departmental heads to enable the students to determine a course of study upon entering college will also feature the day's program. Distance Event Is Captured By Stanhope In Upset; Patnik Repeats In Dive Barker Dethrones Tomski In Sprints By BUD BEMNJAMIN The Michigan swimming market was steady once more today after an Ohio State coup yesterday morning threatened to undermine Wolverine shares in the 16th annual National Collegiate swimming meet at the In- tramural Pool. After a full day of activity which began with a gruelling 1500 meter swim at 10 a.m. and concluded at 10:15 p.m. with a record breaking 300 yard medley relay, the board read as follows: Michigan 34, Ohio State 30, Prince- ton 16, Yale 7, Harvard 6, Texas 5, Southern California and Iowa 3, Flor- ida and Kenyon 2 and Iowa State and Illinois 1. Records were smashed, hopes crumbled, favoritesupset, and pre- dictions violated as the class of the collegiate swimming world clashed in six events, leaving five to be fought out tonight. One National Collegiate meet record and pool mark was broken in the finals while the myriad of prelimi- naries in the afternoon saw one N.C.A.A. mark equalled and three pool standards bettered. But not in the record breaking, which had been expected, did the day provide surprises. The two day tour- nament opened with a crushing up- set, finagled by genialMike Peppe of Ohio State, which gave the Buckeyes unexpected points in the 1500 meter swim, and it was not until the final rounds that Matt Mann could partial- ly recoup his losses. Harold "Curly" Stanhope, the husky backstroker who had been "railroaded" into the distance event when Peppe scratched him from the backstroke, proceeded to capture first place in the event, finishing ahead of Eric Cutter of Harvard and the tout- ed Adolph Kiefer of Texas. The ambitious sophomore was home in 19:53.8 to set a new pool record. The old mark, of 20:03.2 was set in 1932 by Austin Clapp of Stanford. Stanhope went to an early lead and withstood Cutler's late spurt to win by two yards. Jimmy Welsh of Michi- gan, never a factor, finished sixth behind Elwood Woodling of Ohio and George Lowe of Illinois, fourth and fifth place winners. Another Michi- gan entry, Blake Thaxter, won his heat, but his time was too slow to gain him a final place. But Michigan in the evening began to match unexpeqted points with Ohio State's fattened total as Wolverine free-stylers in the 50 and 220 yard sprints amassed 20 points to give the Wolverines some recompense for the morning's disappointment. The 50 yard dash found "Good- Time" Charley Barker, the man who never worries, upsetting his teammate and defending champion Walt Tom- ski, who had equalled the N.C.A.A. record in the semi-finals, by a nar- (Continuied on Page 3)' 'Ensian Price Rise Slated ForApril 17 Only two weeks remain in which to get the Michiganensian for $4.50 ac- cording to Charles L. Kettler, '39E, business manager. Following Spring Vacation, the price will be raised to $5. Subscriptions will be taken at the Student Publications Building. A greater number of colors will be used in the 1939 issue of the Year- book than in previousyears, accord- ing to David Laing, '39, editor. Cari- catures and serious spot drawings in color will replace the usual printer's line, while humorous cartoons by Al- fred Williams, '40A, will decorate the feature pages. Broadcasting Service's History Is Unearthed By Daily Reporter By ETHEL NORBERG In a one-room studio atop Univer- sity Hall, with scarcely any equip- ment to its name, the University Broadcasting Service came into ex- istence 14 years ago. Two years prior to this time, in 1923, faculty and students in the En- gineering College built a radio trans- mitter, deceiving a federal license to operate it in the following year. How- ever, the equipment was experimen- tal and inefficient and a request was made to the University for funds to build a broadcasting station. This request the University re- fused, believing that cooperation with a commercial station would be bet- ter. When the license for the experi- mental station expired, no applica- tion was made for renewal and in 1925, Prof. Waldo M. Abbot was ap- pointed director of broadcasting to1 make arrangements. with Detroit commercial stations for broadcasts. The broadcasting studio, located in a classroom on the top floor of Uni- versity Hall was anything but an ideal situation. To decrease the reverbera- tion period, a painter's dropcloth was stretched above the microphone. In this first year of its existence 10 one-hour broadcasts were made over Station WJR. Three years later, however, the Broadcasting Service moved down from its perch in "U" Hall and settled in its new studios in Morris Hall where it is still located. Here it has an announcer's booth, control room, small ensemble room and a large room for broadcasting the band and other large groups. From its beginning of 10 programs 'Shady' Garg To Lamarr And Feature Cartoons The March issue of Gargoyle, ac- cording to its staff, will receive close