snow and
Yl r e
An American
Tragedy .
jX. No. 97
________________________________ I I I I
an Wagoner
rges Control
i Billboards
t ,Road Meet
ark In Safety Education
Stressed By Anderson;
kttacks Reckless Driving
nith Elected Head
f HighwayOfficials
egislaton to regulate roadside bill-
rds, vending stands and "shacks"
ag the roads as part of the pro-
n to improve safety and preserve
beauty Qf Michigan roadsides
urged yesterday by 'State High-
!Commissioner Murray D.Van
goner at the 25th annual Michi-
Highway Conference at the
he three-day conference ends to-
with a panel discussion on Farm
Resort Service Roads and a talk
he Use of Calcium Chloride for
Treatment, by Genesee County
ineer John H. Dennis.
he conference yesterday, directed
he College of Engineering in co-
ration with the State Highway
artment and the Michigan Asso-
ion of Road Commissioners and
ineers, saw the election of Frank
Smith, Montmorency County En-
0er; as president of the road com-
dioners group.
Anderson Speaks
ean Henry C. Anderson, speaking
the annual banquet last night,
ed the highway administrators
engineers to cooperate in fur-
rng a program of safety educa-
. "Despite the great advances.
Ie in highway construction, the
t improvements in automobiles,"
n Anderson dclared, "we still
certain people get behind driving
els and murder people." He urged
rersities especially to undertake
k in safety education.
he proposal by Mr. Van Wagoner
ive the State Highway Commis-
er and State Police Commissioner
er to regulate \the location and
gn of commercial roadside signs
stands is not intended as a puni-
measure, but rather as a weapon
keep ,the highways attractive in
>rd with "this modern era of
,way administration" and to
ntain "Mchigap's position as the
ing tourist state in the nation."
illboards Should Be Restricted
ammercial boards and signs along
ic or tourists routes should be
ricted to special zones adjacent
Ities and towns, and along other
iways boards and shacks should
ermitted in zones selected on the
s of highway safety and public
hp boards would be regulated un-
a nominal license plan, the Com-
ioner explained, to help defray
s of administering the act and to
note roadside beautification.
overnor Fitzgerald, who was
duled to address the banquet,
d that he was unable to attend
wished the 1939 Highway Confer-
great success.
he use of transparent pipes which
y illumination from a central
ce and which may be used to
t homes of the future was demon-
ted at the banquet by Ernest L.
i, research engineer of General
ors. This new material made from
on is "just one of dozens of new
hetics wi4ch are finding more
more commercial uses each day,"
s said. He displayed specimens
nbreakable spectacles made from
on, cloth woven from glass and
nthetic wool made from skimmed
)pportunities for the future are
ter now than ever before," Foss
(Continued on Page 2)'
Lthven To Speak
To Alumni Group
resident Ruthven and Sen. Bur-
K. Wheeler, '05L, of Montana,
address a formal dinner meeting
he University of Michigan Club
few York tonight at the Waldorf-
ria hotel.
resident Ruthven, who left here at
.m. yesterday, will talk on "The
s of Publicity." Senator Wheeler
be "guest speaker" of the eve-
yman Bryson, '10, professor of
cation at Teachers' College, Col-
ia Upiversity, and chairman of
Treasury Official Quits;
Objects To Arms Deals
Of Representatives
National Unity
By 367 To 15 Decision To Expand Defenses j
WASHINGTON4, Feb. 16 -(A)- WASHINGTON, Feb. 16-(W)-The
Wayne C. Taylor resigned from a 25-to-1 vote in the House for ex-
high Treasury post today because, it panding national defense marks an-
was reliably reported, he felt the other significant move on the chess
United States should not take sides board of internatiodal politics.
in world rivalries between totalitar- It Avas recorded against a back-
ian powers and other countries. ground of disputes and political
The fact that the Treasury facili- maneuvering that have made this
tated the recent French purchases of Congress, so far as other matters are
American-made war planes was re- concerned, an unpredictable battle-
ported to be one of the last straws ground of warring opinion on national
which prompted Taylor to quit as policy making.
Assisstant Secretary of the Treasury. The unity of opinion represented
It was indicated he also objected in the 367 to 15 vote on the Defense
to buying silver from China and Bill keft little doubt, however, that
Loyalist Spain, and to the recent ex- the 'use was declaring the will of
port-import bank loan of $25,000,000 the nation to make ready by air, land
to China. and sea to defend the frontiers of
Piecemeal details of the negotia- American democracy, wherever they
tions surrounding the plane purchase lie and may be attacked. It sounded
disclosed that the transaction was a note of American solidarity on
actively promoted by President Roose- that point apt to ring louder in world
velt-to the point of over-ruling ob- capitals than do the echos of Wash-
jections expressed by the Army. ingtongdiscord over domestic policy
The Senate Committee of Military making.
Affairs heard Secretary of the Treas- Nor is that all the story. By coin-
ury Morgenthau, Secretary of War cidence, that national defense vote
Woodring and Rear Admiral Christian came on the same day that London
J. Peoples describe their part in the announced a naval building program
deal for a second time today. In ad- which, in effect, matches the known
vance of the publication of a trans- capital ship construction of Ger--
cript of their testimony Saturday, many, Italy and Japan. What that
committee members disclosed some may mean for this country, under
portions of what certain witnesses its policy of a "navy-second-to-none,"
said. is yet to be seen.
Smith Furthers
Plan To Extend
Old Age Grants
Regents Consider Clerical
And Building Employes
In Proposed Benefits
In an effort to determine the cost
of extending University old age pro-
visions for faculty members to in-
clude clerical and building employees,
Shirley W. Smith, vice-president and
secretary of the University, yesterday
requested all employes interested in
participating in any such plan to
notify the Business Office.
Under the system in which faculty
members participate, each individual
pays five per cent of his or her an-
nial compensation as premium upon
an old-age annuity with additional,
equal payment by the University for
the same purpose. In all cases premi-
um payments by the University as
well as premium payments by the
individual, plus interest, are the
permanent possession of the individ-
ual under the terms of the contract
with the Teachers Insurance and
Annuity Assoc'iation.
The Regents are considering ex-
tending these old age benefits to
clerical and building employes, Mr.
Smith said,x since there is a growing
feeling that old employes who have
worked faithfully through the years
ought to merle the same considera-
tion from the University which they
would get if they were employed by
some commercial enterprise. The
University, he declared, should not
be found lacking in humane treat-
ment of its employes.
It is to be remembered, he empha-
sized, that this announcement does
not constitute a guarantee that the
system will be adopted but is only
intended as a method of ascertaining
expenses should it be accepted
Nazi Diplomat
Asks Pope Be
'Guiding Light'
Cardinals PrepareTo Pick
New Pope; Italy Calls
For DayOfMourning
VATICAN CITY, Feb. 16 -(A')-~
Germany's Ambassador to the Holy
See conveyed to 40 cardinals today
the desire of the Diplomatic Corps
for a Pope who would light the way
of a changing world through "tem-
pestuous and fearful anxiety."
The envoy, Diego Von Berger. ad-
dressed the cardinals as dean of the
Corps when the diplomats accredit-
ed to the Holy See called for formal
presentation of condolences on the
death of Pope Pius XI.
"We are present at the develop-
ment of a new world, which is to be
erected on the ruins of the past," he
said. "We hope the new world will
be peaceful.
"And the Papacy has an essential
"On the Sacred College a most deli-
cate responsibility rests in the elec-
tion of a worthy successor to Pius XI
as a pontiff toward whom humanity
may turn its gaze as toward a search-
light which shines through tempest-
uous and fearful anxiety toward the
common goal of peace and progress."
Representatives of the Italian
State, headed by King Vittorio Einan-
uele and Premier Mussolini, will pay
tribute to the memory of the late
Pope at a funeral mass tomorrow as
the nation observes a day of mourn-
As thousands descended into the
Crypt of St. Peter's to pray at the
tomb of the late Pope, preparations
proceeded for the Conclave which will
choose his successor.
The Conclave is to start not later
than March 1.
Jap Embargo Hits
French In Hankow
SHANGHAI, Feb. 17-( P-Reports
filtering through from Japanese-held
Hankow, 585 miles up the Yangtze
River, told today of a tense situation
created by a Japanese embargo on
food for the French defense force in
the French concession.
French consular agents were said
to have failed to achieve settlement
of the quarrel through representations
to Japanese headquarters. Several
"incidents" were reported.
For some unexplained cause the
French prohibited Japanese entrance
into the concession several days ago
and the Jaapnese at once laid down
a blockade to shut off provisions for
the French force.
Persons entering the concession
were searched by the Japanese. Some
Chinese women believed to have
carried food were said to have been
mistreated by Japanese sentries.
The Japanese captured Hankow last
Oct. 26.
Dr. Silverman
Tells Audience
Of, Glass Value
Future civilization will depend far
more on glass than the present world,
prophesized Dr. Alexander Silverman,
head of the chemistry department at
the University of Pittsburgh, in a
lecture yesterday, sponsored by the
local section of the American Chemi-
cal Society.
All must realize the inestimable
value of glass to the modern world,
however, Dr. Silverman said. Lenses
of glass are one of the bases of
science, windows make our home ten-
able and glass vessels and utensils
have a thousand everyday uses. Re-
cent achievements include cloth made
of glass, building of glass-block, and
shatter-proof glass. Nevertheless,
these developments are certain to be
extended, and Dr. Silverman predicts
that we are only embarking on vast
new achievements in glass.
As an example of what might hap-
pen, Dr. Silverman humorously pre-
dicted the possible future uses of,
pure quartz tubing With proper re-
fractory treatment, quartz tubes can
be made to convey light and heat*
somewhat as a pipe conveys water.
Et may someday be possible, Dr. Sil-
verman said, to light every part of a
house by glass conduits leading from
one light, or, to allow the imagina-
tion freer scope, giant quartz' tubes
might carry the warthm of tropical
climates to Northern cities in winter.
ASU Opposes
Pilot Traiing
EnFtrance Fee
Group Votes To Register
Protest With President
And Local Authorities
Opposition to the $60 charge for
entering the student pilot training
program was voiced last night at the
American Student Union meeting in
the Union when a resolution was
passed condemning the fee as an
Representative Mahon (Dem.-
Tex.) introduced today a bill to
authorize appropriation of $10,-
000,000 for student pilot training
in cooperation with schools. The
bill provided that the Govern-
ment furnish $5,000 life insurance
policies to all student pilots.
Policy Asked
By Roosevelt
President Scores Wasting
Of Country's Resources
In Note To Congress
Stream Pollution
Abatement Sought
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16.-(A)-
President Roosevelt sent to Congress
today reports from the national re-
sources committee suggesting long-
range programs for abatement of
stream pollution and conservation of
energy ersources-coal, oil, gas and
water power.
In rmssages accompanying the re-
ports, Mr. Roosevelt made it clear
that he thought it was high time that
broad national policies in these fields
were developed.7
Federal Gov't Must Aid
"Our energy resources are not in-
exhaustible, yet we are permitting
waste in their use and production,"
he said. "In some instances,, to
achieve apparent economies today, fu-
ture generations will be forced. to'
carry the burden of unnecessarily
high costs and to substitute inferior
fuels for particular purposes."'
As to ending stream pollution, Mr.
Roosevelt said "the time is' overdue
for the Federal government to take
vigorous leadership alongthese lines,"
although he noted that much already
had been done through the public
works and work-relief programs. ;
The committee estimated that it
would require expenditure of approxi-
mately two billion dollars over a
period of 10 to 20 years to end the
more objectionable pollution and said
the needed works were chiefly treat-i
ment plants for municipal sewage and
industrial waste.
Resources Not Inexhaustible
Commenting on this, the President
said the "responsibility rests primarily
with municipal government and pri-
vate industry," but added that the
Federal government "must lend fi-
nancial support and technical stimu-
The 'report on energy resources
recommended that an advisory plan-
ning group be established. On this
point, the, President said:
"It is difficult in the long run to
envisage a national coal policy, or a
national petroleum policy, or a na-
tional water-power policy without al-
so in time a national policy directed
toward all these energy producers-
that is, a national energy resources
New, Daily Jobs
Open To Tryouts
Second semester freshman, sopho-.
more and junior women are invited
to try out at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow for a
new department of the Daily which
will be inaugurated this semester.
The department will be known as
the exchange staff of The Daily and
will handle work comparable though
on a much smaller scale, to that'done
in the "morgue" departments of
large metropolitan newspapers, com-
piling reference files, indexing The
Daily, and secretarial work /for the
editorial department of The Daily.
No previous experience is required.
British Kng Is
B~olitho Reveals
Monarchy represents to the Eng-
lish people the spirit behind their
laws, declared Hector Bolitho, bio-
grapher of Brtitain's royal family,
last night in Hill Auditorium in the
sixth lecture of the Oratorical Asso-
ciation series.
We can appoint people to make
laws and to see that they are kept, but
they are empty without the King to
back them, Bolitho asserted. The
crowds which stood before Bucking-
ham Palace during the recent Euro-
pean crisis emphasized, in the opin-
ion of Bolitho, the King's role as the
spiritual guide of the average English-
Denying that he was a propagand-
ist attempting to publicize the com-
ing visit T of ,the royal, family, Mr..
Bolitho characterized George VI as
"one of the younger rulers who sur-
vive because of their simplicity of
character, domestic happiness and
moral courage." George is not well
known in this country, he explained,
since he was always overshadowed
by the glamor and immense charm
of his elder brother.
The education of Edward VIII was
an experience in which no person
could remain calm, he said. He was
in the limelight from the day he
was born. While Prince of Wales, the
Government used him mercilessly as
an ambassador of good will, he main-
He blamed American and British
newspapers for creating "misunder-
standing between the two countries."
Before his tour throughout the United
States, Bolitho said, he had believed
that divorce was a universal Ameri-
can custom.
Senlors Named
To Committees
Conrencement Groups
Chosen By Stewart
Members of the senior class com-
mittees for Commencement were an-
nounced yesterday by Harold Stewart,
president of the senior class. The
finance committee, headed by Coburn
Cherney, includes Myron Wallace,
Allen Michelson, Margaret Thorn-
hill, Robert Olds, Vitina Scotti, and
Daniel Savanuck.
On the Swingout committee, of
which Carl Viehe is chairman, are
Hugh Copel, Marcella Mgrkland,
Mary Bell, Claire Paulson, Mar-
guerite Rabe, and Harriet Dean.
Members of the executive commit-
tee are Earl Fields chairman, Mar-
jorie Tate, William Cain, Harold
Zimmerman, Robert Sauer, and
Marybeth Jones. On the invitations
committee, headed by George Sargis,
are Peter LaDuke, Marjorie High,
Charlotte Poock, Robert Huey, D.
Philip Clark, and Betty Jane Mans-
Graduates Seek Regency
DETROIT-(N)--Mason P. Rum-
ney, vice president of the Detroit
Steel Products Co., and J. L. Mech-
em, Battle Creek attorney, were en-
tered Thursday in the race for the
two Republican nominations for
University. Regents. '
Italy To Keel
Men In Spaii
Until Franco
job Is Ende
Foreign Office Deplore
Democracies' Overtui
To Burgos Governmei
Rebels Expect Eas
Loans After Wa
ROME, Feb. 16.-(IP)-Italy's Blac
shirts fighting with the Spanish I
surgents will stay in Spain, Informi
zione Diplomatica announced toda
until Generalissimo Francisco Fra
co "makes known that their task
The foreign office service also a
serted that British and French mov
for winning favor with the Insurgen
failed to take into account the stror
Italian ties on Franco as a resut
Italy's aid in men and" war matr
in the civil war,
Diplomatic circles attributed tb
statement in part to Italian Irritatic
over French press statements th
Spaniards soon would come to real|
that "their best friends were U
In that connection, some diploma
believed Franco would not be long:
telling Premier Mussolini that his so
diers were no longer needed, once ti
war is over, since their 'continu
presence might be a cause of antagoi
ism when. Spain is trying to estabi
advantageous relations with the re
of the world.
"The noisy vociferatior. which rag
in the breasts of the so-called d
mocracies on the problem of reco
nizing the government of Burgos (Ix
surgents)," the statement said, "
followed with absolute tranquillity
responsible Roman circles."
Both British and French had bee
disturbed by the suggestion of Vi
ginio Gayda, authoritative) Fasci
editor, on Feb. ;that the Italia]
would remain in Spain until Frani
had won "comprlete ~tiictor
as well as mlitary victtry.
BURGOS, Spain, Feb. 16.-(W)-
mad scramble was foreseen among I
surgents today on the part of Euri
pean powers and the United Stat
to offer financial aid to post-wb
Spain-which Insurgents say will i
a Franco Spain.
This speculation was coupled wi
the prediction by informed sourc
that General Francisco Franco wou
not draw the line at any nation offe
ing aid, be it Britain, France, Ge
many or Italy.
Franco, it was estimated, wou
need a minimum of $10,000,000,000
long-term credit loan.
Rebels Drive South
Downfall Of Barcelona Causes
Uneasiness Throughout France
Generous Prizes Draw Wide
Interest- In Hopwood Contest
During the next two months stu- er semester of the current school year.
dents with a literary turn of mind will The qualifications for graduate stu-,
be increasing their creative efforts in dents differ slightly, but are essen-
order to meet the deadline of the Hop- tially the same.
wood Contest on April 19. In the Sophomores and juniors are only
spring the more fortunate of these en- eligible to enter the minor division of
trants will be awarded prizes totaling the contest, while seniors and gradu-
nearly $10,000, judging by contests of ate students may enter, either the
previous years. minor division or the major, in which
At his death in 1928, Avery Hop- the awards have been as high as $2,
wood, University graduate and well- 500. Manuscripts must be entered
known dramatist, provided the im- i- one of these divisions, and under
petus and backing for the contests by one of the classifications of dramatic
leaving one-fifth of his large fortune writing, fiction, poetry, or the essay.
to his alma mater with the stipu- There is an additional contest for the
lation that the income from his be- benefit of freshmen, which was re-
quest be given away each year "to cently concluded
students . . . who perform the best The contests, which are known to
creative work in the fields of dramatic be the largest of their tiype in the
writing, fiction, poetry and the essay" United States, have stimulated stu-
In the 11 years since Hopwood's death dent writing to such an extent that a
hip hp nnap t h.pi.p,7wvvmra number of prizewinning novels have
undemocratic measure that excludes
students unable to meet the expense.
The necessity of sending material
aid to the Loyalists in Spain frdm
the democratic nations of the world
and the need for organizing the
people in the democracies to fight
fascism at home were stressed in a
talk by Edward Magdol, '39, on the
post-Barcelona world situation.
Despite the fall of Barcelona be-
cause of lack of supplies to defend
it and because of a superabundance
of German and Italian assistance to
Franco, the people of Republican
Spain and their leaders are prepared
to fight on, Magdol said.
The ASU chapter voted to send
letters to local officials administer-
ing the student air training and to
the Civil Aeronautics Authority and
President Roosevelt protesting the
imposition of the $60 entrance charge.
Hope That Franco Victory
Would Lead To Peace
With ItalySeen Blasted.
(This is the third, in a series of
articles written in cooperation with
the political science faculty.)
The situation in France, after
Barcelona, according to reports re-
ceived here, can be generalized in
these terms-: intense bitterness is felt
by many, a strange embarrassment,
by others, and anxiety, by all,
There are two main factors making
for this conflict of opinion and emo-
tion. Critics of the present regime
are bitter over the abandonment of
the Spanish'Government, when, they
say, it would have been so easy to
help and when it should have been
apparent that the fall of Barcelona
would become a menace to the safety
of France herself.
On the other hand, the embarrass-
clear the road for an understandingP
with Italy, and it is significant that
in the last two months he has con-
centrated on smoothing out the dif-
ferences between the two countries.
In this regard, there is a wide-
spread impression that M. Bonnet
represents a policy different from M.
Daladier's. In opposition to M. Bon-
net's plan of securing Italian friend-
ship by means of concessions, Dala-
dier, no longer believing that Italy
can be won over in this way, has
uttered a categorical "No. Not an.
inch of territory and not one of our
The most serious charge that has
been made against M. Daladier in the
Chamber is that, while determined to
defend "every inch of the French'
Empire," he has allowed the Spanish
Government to be destroyed. The'
great danger, it is said, is not so
much the presence of Italian troops
in Spain as the possible extension of
the Rome-Berlin axis to Madrid and
PERPIGNAN, France, (Near tl
Spanish Frontier), Feb. 16.-( P)-
Insurgent Generalissimo Francis(
Franco was reported tonight to has
assigned three of his best divisions-
including two of Italians-directly
the task of assaulting the ma;
strongholds of government Spain.
Insurgent dispatches said Franco
fourth infantry division had bee
sent to the Madrid front, and ti
Blackshirt Littorio and "23 of Marcy
divisions toward Valencia for a coa
tal drive in an Insurgent campaiE
to wipe out the Government's resi
tance in the last one-fourth of Spa
it holds,
In all, seven of Franco's best am
corps were reported moving towa:
the Government's Madrid-Valenci
Alicante triangle from conquer
Catalonia. The Insurgents left on
civil guards along the French-Spas
ish frontier in the northeast.
R ussll Known
For Diversty
Of Capabilitie
Lord Bertrand Russell, wio a
deliver two lectures here Saturd
has turned his attention. to su
diversified pursuits that it is alm(
impossible to say in which Alies I
greatest attraction. Yet it can be so
that he is noted almost as much I
the excellence of. his prose style
for the contributions he has ma
to the advancement of philosophic
After beginning his philosophic
career at the turn of the cents