Weather Fair aria werer todaay. 'Y £fra ~Iaiti1 Editorial Student Senate And The University. . . VOL. XLIX. No. 126 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Poland Snags 'Halt Hitler' Pact; Russia Agrees To Sign U.S. Accepts Memel Deal; Welles Hints Of 'Duress' In fkatest Nazi Victory Der Fnehrer Pays Memel Quick Visit LONDON,' March 23.-(MP-Britain overcame one major obstacle, but was still confronted by another in i4s pro- gram for a European "halt Hitler" front today while Prime Minister Chamberlain pointedly reminded Ger- many of the fate met in the past by powers seeking to dominate the world. Russia agreed to signing Britain's anti-Hitler declaration providing for immediate consultation in the event of further German aggression, but Poland remained, adamant against becoming a third party to the declara- tion. Officials stressed the importance of Chamberlain's statement to the House of Commons that Britain was determined to block German domin- ation of the independent European states, but that she had no intention of crippling Germany's export trade or of settling up blocs of countries "with different ideas about their in- ternal administration.". "We are solely concerned here with the proposition that we can not sub- mit to a procedure under which in- dependent states are subjected to such pressure under threat of force as to be obliged to yield their inde- pendence, and we are resolved by all means in our power to oppose at- tempts, if they should be made, to put such a procedure into operation." Memel Acquisition 'Accepted Fact' WASHINGTON, March 23.-(P)- The State Department accepted Adolf Hitler's acquisition of Memel as a fact today, but broadly hinted that it believed the Reichsfuehrer's latest triumph was accomplished through threat or duress. The Lithuanian minister, Povik Zadeikis, notified the Department of the newest change in Europe's map. He said his government had decide to cede the territory to Germany, and that this decision had been approved by the Lithuanian Parliament. Sumner Welles, acting Secretary of State, indicated that in view of the constitutional action taken by Lithuania,it was not up to the Unit- ed States to take an active step against recognition of Germany's ac- quisition. He gave a clear idea of the government's attitude, however, by saying that its views with regard to the acquisition of territory through threat or duress had already been made clear on various occasions. Hitler Enters Memel In Tour Of Triumph MEMEL, Germany, March 23--(A') --Adolf Hitlerpaid a whirlwind visit to this Baltic port today to welcome Memelland's 150,000 citizens into his expanding realm and pledge to them that Germany was "ready and deter- mined to master its own fate." The Fuehrer sailed on the torpedo boat Leopard for an undisclosed des- ination just two hours after he had stepped ashore with the fanfare of a conqueror to deliver a speech to the jubilant Memellanders. Behind him Hitler left a mystery. A vast audience, alert to hear his welcome of Memel into his rapidly expanding nation, heard him say: "We Germans have no intention of, doing harm to the rest of the world. "The damage which that other world did to Germany, however, had to be repaired again. "I believe that now, in the main, we have arrived at an end to this unique process of reparation." But hours later, DNB (Official Ger- mn News Agency) distributed an of- ficial text with a broad change in that section. Before the official text was issued even diplomats, believing there might be implications of tremendous im- portance in Hitler's hint of a hale to German territorial acquisitions, eag- erly had sought an interpretation. Anderson To Talk Here On Cosmic Ray Study Prof. Carl Anderson of the Califor- Tutorial Plan Will Receive Tryout HereI New Program Beginning September To 0Include Only Limited Number Board Of Tutors Will Be Appointed Plans for inaugurating an Honors Degree Program for the literary col- lege, based on the tutorial system for a select group of students, were ten- tatively announced yesterday by the committee in charge. The program was approved by the faculty of the literary college in Feb- ruary, 1938, to be placed in opera- tion in September, 1939 for a trial" period before being finally adopted as a permanent part of the educa- tional policiy of the college. Not over 100 students may be in- cluded in any one time, during this trial period, with no more than 30 of these admitted from the junior classI during the first year. Admission to candidacy require that the students have completed two years of college work with an academic average of B, completion of the group require- ments, qualifying examinations in, both English composition and in one foreign language and a personal in- terview arranged by the Board of Tutors. During the first year of the pro- gram, it is expected .that five tutorst will be appointed by the Dean and the executive committee of the col-l lege. Those members of the faculty selected will be relieved of one-third of their present teaching duties. A broad, liberal education outside theirt fields of specialization and temper- mental aptitude for the work will be demanded of the tutors. The Board of Tutors will determine1 the subjects of the seminars to bec offered each year and assign stu- dents to these seminars, set and con-t duct the comprehensive examina-c tions, recommend the students for1 honors at the time of graduation andt participate in judging the senior es- says. Individually, the tutors will ar-t (Continued on Page 8) Culture Vital ' To Democracy, Weaver States 500 Fraternity Initiates Hear Talk On Ideals .At Annual__BanquetF Culture is the last and deepest necessity of Democracy, without which Democracy is a menace to man, Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Englisht department told nearly 500 fraternity men last night at the third annual interfraternity initiation banquet. Speaking on "Putting Ideals To Work," Professor Weaver noted three ideals which every man should face and live up to, the ideal of the cul- tured gentleman, the ideal of in- tellectual achievement, and the ideal of loyalty. Referring to loyalty to one's coun- try, Professor Weaver pointed out that the college man is facing an en- tirely' different situation than the youth of any other nation. It is neces- sary for American youth, he 'said, to inform itself of the principles of American Democracy. At the same time, he recommended a study of the works of such men asrWashington and Lincoln, the former whom, he. quoted as saying, "the foundation of the country will be laid in personal morality." Preceding Professor Weaver's talk, Dean Henry C. Anderson of the Col- lege of Engineering delivered a short address charging his audience with the duty of carrying on the tradi- tions of the University, and to build these traditions up to a point where destructive criticism will disappear. Detroit Artists Show Works Here Works of two Detroit artists, Helen May and David Fredenthal, will be exhibited .under the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art Association from 2 to 5 p.m. beginning today and con- tinuing through April 7, in the north and south galleries of Alumni Mem- orial Hall. Prof. Jean Paul Slusser will present a gallery talk on the exhibition at New Assembly Head MARY F. REEK Radio Expert To Talk Today In Job Parley Guidance Is Also Of Vocational Banquet Set For' Feature Series; Tonight Opportunities in radio and respon- sibilities facing guidance counselors will be discussed at todays' session of the University's Guidance and Oc- cupational Information Conference. Joseph Ries, Director of the Na- tion's School of the Air, WLW, Cin- cinnati, will address students at 4 p.m. on "Radio as a Vocation." Lee- turer, teacher, newspaper man, and world traveler, Mr. Ries is one of the top men in radio today, according to the Bureau. Edgerton To Speak Following a banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom, presided over by George E. Myers, Professor of Vo- cational Education, A. H. Edgerton, Director of Vocational Guidance at the University of Wisconsin will ad- dress a meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Union on "Guidance Responsibili- ties Counselors Must Face Together." Robert Waldron of the Hudson Mo- tor Car Company demonstrated prop- er techniques in applying for a busi- ness job to 200 students in the Union last night. Waldron Talks Mr. Waldron, industrial relations' director of the Hudson company, ,con- ducted informal mock interviews with several students. He pointed out many of the common errors made by job applicants, and offered suggestions for the correct approach. Students planning to enter an oc- cupation as a salesman should worry about how much they are willing to sacrifice for success, and not how much they will be paid, Lee D. Cos- sart, assistant sales manager of the Plymouth Motor Car Corporation, de- clared in an afternoon meeting at the Union yesterday. Almost every salesman is forced (Continued on Page 2) Debaters To Oppose Wayne Via Air Waves With a microphone for an audience and 50 miles separating the opposing speakers, members of the University varsity debate team will argue the relative merits of the Federal "pump priming" question with Wayne University of Detroit at 3 p.m. today, The University debaters, Robert Rosa, '39; and Jack Shuler, '40E; will uphold the negative from the broad- casting studios at Morris Hall, while the Wayne University team will speak from the Detroit studios of Station WJR. Mary F.Reek Named Head Of Assembly Phyllis McGeachy Elected Vice -President; Enigel And Clark Also Honored Installation Banquet Set For Thursday Mary Frances Reek, '40, was elect- ed president of Assembly, campus or- ganization of independent women, at a meeting of the executive board Yesterday. Betty Jane Mansfield, '39, is the retiring president. Other officers chosen !dere Phyllis McGeachy, '40, vice president, Janet Clark, '40, secretary and Gladys En- gel, '40, treasurer. The officers will assume their duties officially at the annual Installation Banquet to be held at the League Thursday. Miss Reek was president of the Ann Arbor Independents, one of the three major groups of Assembly, during the past year. She participated in Fresh- man Project, Sophomore Cabaret, the League dancing classes and varsity debating. Other activities incude work as an orientation advisor, secre- tary of Athena, honorary speech sor- ority, member of the League theatre arts committee. She was a member of the executive council of Assembly, member of the ticket committee of Assembly- Banquet and was chairman of the last Undergraduate Tea. Miss McGeachy includes on her list of extra-curricular activities work on Sophomore Cabaret, the editorial staff of the Michiganensian and the League social committee. She was an orientation advisor, program chair- man of the Assembly Banquet and member of the executive board of Assembly. Miss Clrk has participated in the candy booth committee, Sophomore Cabaret, the editorial staff of the Michiganensian, League social com- mittee, theatre-arts committee, Tag Day, music chairman of the Assembly Ball and has served as an Assembly representative. Miss Engel's projects include Fresh- man Project, theatre-arts committee, president of her League House for two years, Alpha Lambda Delta, hon- orary freshman society, finance com- mittee chairman of Assembly Ball, chairman of the faculty reception given by the league housewomen, and a member of the Assembly executive1 board. Petitions Due In Senate Race Expect Flood Of Entries; Ballots Out Saturday Today is the last day of petitioning for the Student Senate election Fri- day, March 31, Edward Magdol, '39, director of elections announced yes- terday. Fifteen petitions have already been returned and a flood of additional petitions are expected in tomorrow, Magdol said. The voting will be con- ducted according to the Hare system of proportional representation with the single transferable vote. Polling places will be as previously announced with one exception: the one announced for Angell Hal which will be supplanted by one' in Uni- versity Hall. Counting will take place in the Publications building. Aiding Magdol in his administra- tion of the election will be Horace Gilmore, '39, Robert Perlman, '39, Robert Rosa, '39 and Norman A. Schorr, '40. Texas Backstroke Ace Bids For Honors -Daily Photo by Lakatos ADOLPH KIEFER Do uglasHailed As. Ideal Judge ToRepresentPublic Interest Wolverine Natators Seek Sixth Straight Collegiate Tank Crown Here Today Corporate Experience Fits Him For High Bench, I Prof. Durfee Declares By WILLIAM ELMER William O. Douglas, appointed byt President Roosevelt to the Supreme l Court last week, will bring to the tri-f bunal the fruits of long study of cor-r porate finance, capped by his experi- ence on the Securities and Exchangee Commission, Prof. Edgar N. Durfeea of the Law School, declared yester-c day. His experience was said to par-t ticuarly fit him to represent the pub-t lic. Prof. Laylin K. James, who workedr with Douglas for two years in a New York law firm, declared he was one of the most capable men that Roose- velt has yet appointed to the bench in spite of the fact that he is but 40 years old, the youngest man to be appointed since Justice Story. Douglas was chosen, Professor James said, to satisfy the clamor for a justice who would represent the West and because in his career as teacher of law at Columbia and Yale he has shown marked tendencies ap- pealing to the New Dealers. The knowledge of corporate finance that Douglas has acquired, Profes- sor Durfee said, "is accompanied by a particular orientation. He has of necessity-viewed corporate financel with his attention- centered on the in- terest of the public. ' Since most of the problems which come before the Supreme Court have at least two sides, Douglas' approach will be a val- Italian-French Accord Looms King Victor Emanuel Bids For Peace Negotiations ROME, March 23.-(AP)-King Vit- torio Emanuele declared Italy's de- sire for peace in troubled Europe to- day with words which diplomats said left the way open for a negotiated settlement of her quarrel with France. The sovereign of the Italian em- pire, in a speech to the Senate and newly-formed Chamber of Fasces and Guilds, recalled a note which Premier Mussolini's government sent to France last Dec. 17. The note, its complete contents never divulged, denounced a 1935 settlement of long-standing claims against France in Africa and called for a new colonial deal. Italians considered the King's speech, marking Fascism's 20th birth- day, an invitation to France to make Italy an offer. "The French government knows uable supplement to thattof members of the Court whose past experience "n finance has made them peculiarly aware of the needs of business en- terprise." Douglas will also contribute an in- timate understanding of the problems1 of the administrative tribunal, Pro-r fessor Durfee declared, and will rep- resent the views of members of such commissions. "From the inside, Doug- las' experience will supplement the experience of those judges who know administrative agencies only from the outside. It gives needed assurance that the Court, in its essentially benevolent efforts to hold administra- tion to standards of due process, will not cripple administration." Martin Elected. National Flying Club President, Michigan Group Awarded Second Place In Race For Collegiate Trophy Edward Martin, '41E, head of the University Flying Club, was elected president of the National Intercol- legiate Flying Club Wednesday at the annual Washington, D.C. flying rally, held jointly with the National Aero- nautic Association. The Michigan Flying Club was' awardedrsecond place in the compe- tition for the Loening Trophy, won by Stanford University. The award was based on the Universities' rec- ords in the National Intercollegiate Flying Meet and on the clubs' flying activity. Although Michigan fin- ished third in the flying competition, it merited second place due to the fact that eight student members gained licences during the past year. Martin, who attended the rally along with Glenn Brink, '39E, and Dave Margold, '42, announced a fly- ing meet to be held Sunday in prep- aration for the National Flying Meet to be held the last week in June at Kenyon College. In addition to this practice meet Sunday, Michigan will compete in the Midwestern Meets in May at the University of Detroit and Kenyon College. Kipke Defeat Urged By Alumni Group A demand that voters of the state defeat Harry G. Kipke, former head football coach and candidate for Re- gent, because of the political afflia- tions which won him nomination was urged yesterday by a group of alumni headed by James K. Watkins, Princeton Stars Threaten National Marks; Olympic Champions To Compete Mike Peppe Juggles Ohio State Entries By MEL FINEBERG What Olympic Coach Bob Kiphuth calls "the finest field of collegiate swimmers ever assembled" will meet today and tomorrow at the Intramur- al Pool as Michigan attempts to march to its sixth consecutive title under as peculiar circumstances as have ever attended any of the 15 previous National Collegiate meets. The pre-meet dope became almost inexplicably garbled as Mike Peppe master-minded his entries into un- foreseen combinations at a drawn- out coaches meeting last night that lasted three and a half hours. Entries Submitted At the meeting each coach submit- ted his entries without being cogni- ant of the choices of other coaches. Peppe, thinking that Adolph'-Kiefer, Olympic back stroke champion from Texas, would enter the dorsal event, withdrew his Big Ten champion and co-record holder, Harold "Curly" Stanhope from this event and placed him in the 1500 meters and 440-yard free style. Peppe's motive was that Kiefer and Al Vande Weghe, Prince- on's defending champion, could both beat Stanhope while Michigan's Char- ley Barker, who whipped Stanhope in Big Ten preliminaries in record time, would fight him all the way. But Barker is not entered in the back stroke and when Texas' Bob Tarlton was withdrawn because of "poor condition," second place in the event becomes a toss-up between Michigan's Bill Beebe and Yale's Joe Burns. Quayle Withdrawn Then Billy Quayle was withdrawn from the medley to enter the 220. Quayle just failed to qualify for the 1936 Olympics in this event. But the story is still Michigan against the field and in spite of its four Olympic stars and a plethora of other material, the field is rated on the short end. Although Mike Peppe still retains vestiges of the pessimism he showed two days ago when he conceded the title to Michigan he has hopes that other teams may cut into Wolverine free style strength much as Ohio's strength was cut down last year when the Wolverines nosed them out by one point. For a few hours yesterday after- noon Buckeye hopes hit a new low when Earl Clark, counted on for second places in both diving events, (Continued on Page 3) Nazi Students Propagandists, Cases .Indicate (Editor's Note: This is the third in a series of articles on German exchange students in the United States. Infor- mation has been furnished by a mem- ber of the U.S. Congress.) . By LEONARD SCHLEIDER Specific cases which prove that certain German exchange students and visiting professors have dissem- inated pro-Nazi propaganda in the United States, as alleged in a recent Congressional investigation, can be offered in reply to the "denial" pub- lished in yesterday's Daily. Outstanding among "promoters of better understanding among na- tions" was Dr. Dietrich Zwicker, a German exchange student at the University of Kansas in 1936. Zwicker, who wore. a swastika pin in his lapel, made an extra-curricu- lar visit to St. Joseph, Kansas, dur- ing the school year. In a speech be- fore a local German-American or- ganization, reported by the St. Jo- seph Gazette, he compared "Hitler the house painter to Lincoln the rail splitter." Nazi atrocities, according to Zwicker, "were an inevitable occur- rence in transition." Attending Columbia University as an exchange student, Dellef Sahm, son of the mayor of Berlin, delivered Japanese Occupation Of Hainan Seen Threat To Foreign Interests (Editor's Note: This article was writ-I ten in consultation with members of the geography department.) By LAURIE MASCOTT Japan's recent occupation of the island of Hainan off the coast of ex. - treme South China was not only an attempt by the Japanese to complete the Chinese blockade, but has also been construed in some quarters as a direct threat to French, British, Dutch and American interests in the Far East. Of the Occidental interests in- volved, France was most dangered by the Japanese occupation. Although Hainan's political status is unques- tionably Chinese, the French have France's protest, however, was pri- marily motivated by -two highly im- portant factors. First, Hainan lies directly on the Gulf of Tonkin within easy striking distance of French Indo- China. The second consideration of the French government is that Jap- an's position in Hainan could enable her to cut the key Hanoi-Yunan rail- road over which Japanese claim the French are sending munitions frorn Indo-China to the Chiang-Kai-Shek forces. Hainan is also located in easy position to cut the highly important British trade route from Singapore