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March 23, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-23

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Sumis r session,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it Or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mal matter
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.T .
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938.39
Board of Editors
Managing Editor . . . . Robert D. Mitchell
Editorial Director . . . . . Albert P. Mayo
City Editor . . . . Horace W.FGilmore
Associate Editor . . . . Pyobert L. Pitzhenry
Associate Editor S. R. Kelman
Associate Editor . . . . Robert Perlman
Associate Editor - . . . . . Earl oilman
Associate Editor . . William Elvin
Associate Editor . Joseph Freedman
Book Editor . . . . . Joseph~ Gies
Women's Editor . . DorotheaStaebler
Sports Editor . . Bud Benjamin
Business Department
Business Manager . . . . Philip W. Buchen
Credit Manager U .Lonard P. Siegelman
Advertising Manager . Wiliam L. Newnan
Women's Business Manager Helen Jean Dean
Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of the Daily
staff and represent the views of the writera
Propaganda Analysis
For Democracy . .
PROPAGANDA in America has be-
come a flourishing and important
business, so important in fact that a new course
has been introduced into New York high schools
to train the student in the fundamentals of
analyzing propaganda technique, in seeing "what
makes it tick."
The development of such a course has been
made inevitable by the mass of propaganda to
which the American is subjected every day. With
pressure groups placing the individual under a
barrage of "information" furthering thei'r own
ends, it is important that te citizen should know
how to distinguish the rational from the dema-
gogic, the wheat from the chaff.. The authorities
believe that the course is "not only timely but
extremely important to the future welfare of this
The course doesnot attempt to show the stu-
dent what is.good or bad; that is, an antiquated
propaganda device in itself. Its aim is to give
the student the tools by which he can diagnose
what he reads in the newspapers or hears on
the radio.
He is taught that there are seven chief ele-
ments in propaganda technique: glittering gen-
eralities, bandwagon trick, transfer device, testi-
monial trick, plain folks, name calling and card
stacking. Then he is subjected to propagandistic
information and allowed to decide. for himself
that which is acceptable to him.
The student thus learns what to expect from
propagandists and how to go about dissecting
the information. But there is a more basic touch-
stone with which he becomes acquainted: he is
taught to search for motives at every step. If an
Individual can see why a bit of information has
been passed on to him, he has gone a long way
toward evaluating its worth.
In substituting tools and methods of critical
thinking for irrationality, this course is a more
effective weapon against "un-Americanism" than
a dozen Dies committees.
-Hervie Haufler
The State
Labor Billse..

N LINE with State administrative
promises to alleviate labor difficul-
ties in industries not reached by the National
Labor Relations Act, three bills have been in-
troduced in the State legislature. Two of these,
one house and onesenate bill, are exactly the
same, being duplicated to speed action on them.
These two are exact copies of the National act
and are also prototypes of acts already passed in
five other states, which are called Little Wagner
Acts because of their likeness to the Federal act.
Another of the house bills, commonly known
as the Fitzgerald labor bill, because it was
drafted at the behest of the late governor, was
passed by the house last Thursday. This bill
proposes a five man board appointed by the
governor rather than the three man board that
the Wagner Act established, and although it
specified in its original form that two of the
board should represent labor, two should come
from thee mnilovers and one from fhe nhlic

Its provision for filing of intention to strike
practically invalidates labor's sole weapon by
voiding the tactical advantage of unexpected-
ness. It also provides for mediation commis-
sions appointed by the governor to try to end
disputes should the regular board fail to do so
before the 15 day period elapses. The bill also
declares that only peaceful picketing shall be
legal, but just what connotation shall be given
the word peaceful is apparently left for the
courts to decide.
The very fact that the bill has no legal prece-
dent leaves many of the provisions open to
judicial interpretation and, unfortunately, it
also contains much material which should lie
in the realm of the rules and orders of the board
itself. It does, of course, propose more stringent
regulations, both on labor and on the employer.
It invalidates sit-down strikes which have al-
ready been pronounced illegal by the Supreme
Court in the Fansteel case under the National
On the other hand, the Little Wagner bills'are
models of an act that has already legally proven
its worth. Court decisions have been rendered
on its wording. Orders and decisions of the
NLRB and also of the boards established by
similar acts in Massachusetts, New York, Penn-
sylvania. Utah and Wisconsin are available and
would furnish much worthwhile information to
a State board. The original Wagner act is more-
over, the product of experienced bill drafters and
government lawyers..
Should the senate pass on the Fitzgerald bill,
the State would have a labor board with some
power to be sure, but it would be a green board
with no parallel experience to draw on as would
be available under the Little Wagner bill.
--William B. Elmer

The Editor
Gets Told

--by David Lawrence-

..=, ,

Raps Senate's Action
To the Editor:
As a member of the Student Senate, I want to
at this time most vigorously register my dissent-
ing opinion of the ridiculous and unwarranted
action of the Senate on Harry Kipke's candidacy
for the Regency of the University. At its meeting
last night the Senate passed a resolution which
had not previously even been discussed at any
of its meetings. I, myself, and others, had left
the meeting, unfortunately, before this matter
had been brought up; no mention had been
given to the matter on the agenda and we had
no reason to believe that such an important
issue would be decided upon and rushed through
in a single meeting.
It is high time that the student body became
aware that this organization is not, in actuality,
an "All-Campus Representative Body," as it was
originally intended.
Many and most of the Senators elected last
fall have since dropped out of the Senate for
various reasons, one of the reasons being their
disgust with such proceedings as occurred last
night. Although the published report claims 22
members were present, there were only ten mem-
bers present out of a total membership of thirty-
two. Twelve were "represented by proxies" and
one Senator held ten of these proxies! (One
person responsible for eleven votes). This is a
matter which appears to many to be ludicrous,
however, it is also extremely serious in certain
aspects. Today, practically every newspaper in
the State carries an account of the fact that
the "Student Senate, an All-Campus Representa-
tive Body of the University of Michigan, demands
that the voters of the State reject Kipke as a
candidate for Regent."
What basis or motive does this small minor-
ity (ten students) have for attempting and doing
this very undemocratic thing? Your guess is as
good as mine. And incidentally, to make matters
appear more grotesque, the same persons who
introduced the resolution to the Senate also wrote
the story for the Daily.
Whether or not the campus opinion favors
Harry Kipke is beside the point at this time, for
only an All-Campus poll could decide that, which
I don't think would be a bad procedure now in
full justice to Mr. Kipke and his supporters.
It is extremely unfortunate that all of this
has occurred, however, the student body does
have a chance to have a truly representative
body after March 31, if they will elect represen-
tatives to the Senate who are not after personal
publicity and who will be willing to remain active
and prevent such hasty and unwarranted at-
tempts to control campus opinion by a few of the
Senate's "influential members."
-Bill Grier, '39
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily reporter who
covered the meeting is not a member of the Sen-
ate and had nothing to do with introduction of
the motion whatsoever and had never even at-
tended a Senate meeting previously. Mr. Robert
Perlman did not, as is insinuated, write the Daily
report. His answer to Mr Kipke was made at the
request of a local reporter and later inserted into
the story by a staff member.
A survey of campus opinion yesterday showed
it to be in accord with the Senate's action. Out
of 27 senators who could be reached by the Daily
last night, 21 registered approval of the resolu-
tion, two disapproved and four abstained.)
1 L

THE times are out of joint and we
know why. In a world of fevered
fictioneers, dictators, Orson Welles
and H. G., Minsky and Hollywood,
nothing is left to the imagination.
Cruel inconoclasts all, they treat our
illusions and fancied heroes with the
delicacy of a stevedore, and with
pencils dripping with vitriol, bombs
Fnd all sorts of cute devices-ready
for instant bombardment-dare us
to set up anything resembling a re-
treat. Take the picture "Gunga Din."
Kipling's poem, taken from the pic-
ture of the same name, was the first
ballad we ever menmorized; that noble,
uncomplaining "regimental bhisti"
was actually the finest man we knew,
and we were so impressed that now,
14 years later, we can remember his
story word for word.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.
11:00 A.M. on Saturday.

"I shan't forget the night that
I dropped behind the fight, with
a bullet where my beltplate
should've been . . . 'E carried me
away to where a dooli lay, a bul-
let came and drilled the beggar
clean. 'E put me safe inside and
just before 'e died, 'I 'opes you
likes your drink,' says Gunga


(Continued from Page 2)
who have not yet handed in their
applications should do so immediately
and obtain final directions.
Interviews for Positions: All stu-
dents registered with the Bureau are
reminded of the interviews to be held
at the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday evening. Senior' students
will be interviewed, and right and
wrong types of interviews will be
demonstrated, with helpful sugges-
tions from the employers. Mr. R. G.
Waldron, Director of Industrial Re-
lations at Hudson Motor Company,
will interviewra stenographer and an
engineer. Mr. L. H. Lamb, Super-
intendent of Schools at Flint, will
interview a senior man and woman
for teaching positions. These are
two separate meetings; they will be-
gin promptly and be out early.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Summer Work: The University Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information has received the
following requests for summer work-
ers: Check requirements against
your own qualifications carefully.
Interested students who are 20 or
over with camping experience may
get complete information at 201 Ma-
son Hall.
Wisconsin Settlement Camp, life
guard-first aid, $20 month and
Wisconsin Settlement Camp, wom-
an program director, $50 month and
Wisconsin Settlement Camp, man
program director, $50 month and
Wisconsin Settlement Camp, typist,
$5 month and maintenance.
Wisconsin Settlement Camp, men
and women counselors $5 month and

his research work. The lecture is
arranged by the Society of Sigma Xi
and will be open to the public.
University Lectures: Professor Ken-
neth J. Conant, of Harvard Univer-
sity, will give illustrated lectures on
"The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem"
on Monday, April 3, and "The Mon-
astery of Cluny" on Tuesday, April
4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall under the auspices of the
Institute of Fine Arts.
Events Today
Louis Untermeyer Schedule:
4 p.m. Coffee hour at Michigan
Union (Room 308).
8.yp.m. Smoker for Engineering fac-
ulty (North Lounge).
Note. Students desiring personal
conferences with Mr. Untermeyer,
phone him at the Michigan Union
Thursday 23 between 2 and 4 p.m.
Conferences will be arranged for Fri-
day, March 24.
Geological Journal Club: The Club
will meet in Room 2054 N.S. at 7:30
p.m. tonight.
Program: Ogden Tweto, "Migmatites
and Granitization" and Dr. George
Stanley, "Kodachromes of the Sier-

WASHINGTON, March 22.-What's the mat-
ter with business in America? Many answers to
this question are being made, but it is surpris-
ing how little legislators here know of the most
cancerous growth that has become imbedded in
the economic system-namely, the payroll taxes.
Latest figures compiled show that business in
1929, when the national income was at an un-
precedented height, namely $80,000,000,000, paid
much less in taxes than today. Certainly, a tax
load of nearly twice the size of 1929 can hardly
be justified in depression years as making eco-
nomic sense.
The corporation income tax is based on capac-
ity to pay. Hence it is natural that, in 1929, the
business corporations of America should be found
paying $1,235,733,256, whereas, in the last fiscal
year, with the higher tax rates, the corporation
income tax yielded $926,000,000. This might be a
proper relationship between 1929 and 1939 if
the corporation income tax was the only levy that
had to be paid. For, in 1939, there was no payroll
tax, whereas today American business pays an
added $1,198,175,000, and this does not include
any of the employee contributions.
If the payroll tax paid by employers is added
to the corporation income tax, it will be found
that the total tax paid by American business
amounted in the last year to $2,124,175,000, which
is the biggest total direct tax ever paid by the
corporations, and it amounts to nearly twice
the total amount paid in 1929.
How can American business, with a depression
volume of sales, pay almost twice as much as it
was taxed in 1929 and survive? This question
is being answered with thousands of failures on
the part of small corporations, which, in turn,
increases the total unemployment rolls.
Although the Federal Government collects
these vast sums annually from payrolls, it ex-
pends only about one-fourth for Social Security
purposes. The same Social Security can be at-
tained by meeting the expenses out of general
taxation. In other words, by paying somewhere
between $350,000,000 and $400,0000,000 a year
out of general tax receipts, collected from those
with a capacity to pay because they have earned
a profit, thousands of little businesses could be
freed from the crushing burden of the payroll
taxes, which must be paid irrespective of wheth-
er a business is in the red or the black.
One of-the most vicious effects of the payroll
tax is that, while in businesses manufacturing
tangible articles, the tax can be passed on, there
are innumerable service businesses operating on
fixed income or commission bases which cannot
increase their income to take care of taxes. Also,
many small businesses operating with eight em-
ployesdor less are exempt, and they hesitate to
expand because they must then pay Social
Security taxes. In other words, the payroll taxes
operate as a preventive of employment.
The tax load carried by American business
today, in respect to those companies which can
pass it on in whole or in part, merely means
higher costs to some of those in the manufac-
turing industries, for instance, who are already
handicapped because they cannot compete with
plants having better equipment. The large busi-
nesses, therefore, possess an advantage over their
smaller competitors. This is one of the forms of
involuntary concentration of capital and busi-
ness volume which the payroll tax induces.
The payroll tax system started in 1936 with 1
per cent levied on payrolls, but it was not until
1937. when the tax was increased to 2 per cent,
that business began to feel the effects of the
strain. Again, in 1938, there was an increase of
another 1 per cent, so that today the total tax
on employers totals 4 per cent of their payroll
figured in dollars. If this were a profit tax, it
would be understandable, but there is absolutely
no relationship between a total payroll and
capacity to pay, because the higher the wages an
employer pays to his workers. the more taxes

Gunga Din's death was a moment
of small concern to anyone but Kip-
ling. And the picture of that heroic
native, cold on an Indian plain, we
retained through the years. Then
came the dawn . . . Hollywood
dragged in two ex-police reporters,
Ben Hecht and Charles MArthur,
and evidently told them to turn it on
and not forget England's still imper-
ialistic. So what was the result: a
wan imnitation of Flagg and Quirt,
equipped with a Scottish regiment
(bagpipes and all); an Oriental
Richard Talmadge (remember the
roof-jumper of the silent days?);
death for the Queen and her Empire;
10,000 troops, Kipling himself-and
finally Gunga Din saving an entire
regiment by blowing his trumpet from
atop a gleaming gold domed temple
and falling to a glorious death.
The high note was struck at the
end, when the Colonel made the dead
Din a corporal and turned to the poet
as if to say, "The requiem, Mr. Kip-
.ling." Things like that makes us re-
*, *, *
Huge teeth, skins, skulls invade
my dreams,
My brain with "nomenclature"
I've studied hard, but 'tis no use-
Cryptotis, Cervidae or Sus?
Perhaps it's Chlorophyceac.
Good gracious no! That's botany.
Here I believe a coin I'll toss
For Zapus, Lepus, Mus or Bos?
The skull cleft wide, incisors
Though time is up I'm still not
Cricetidae or Condylura?
Next year I'll live a life of ease-
I'll not depart from A B C's.
-Judy Wold
We don't either
UNE Provines, a Chicago columnist,
lists the modern contributions to
German philosophy. Marshall Goer-
iiig has offered the principle of simple
ostentation. Minister Goebbels has
produced the theory of suggestive
truth. And Hitler himself has created
the doctrine of voluntary compulsion.
What about the Reich's self-deter-
mination of minorities?
*} *Y
OUR agent No. 1 reports that the
human mind sometimes displays
an amazing resourcefulness in a time
of great stress. She cites an incident
that occurred in the League the other
day. A young lady stopped on her way
down the corridor and fished in her
pocketbook for a cigarette. The item
obtained, she then began to search
for a match. For several minutes, she
fingered through her purse, until fin-
ally in desperation she dumped the
contents out on the sofa nearby. Still
no matches. She explored again her
emptied purse, surveyed the objects
strewn on the sofa, and then her
brow was suddenly un-furrowed. She
stepped to the elevator, pressed the
button, and when a moment later the
operator drew the doors apart, she
solicited a match, and was promptly
* * *
For the Redundancy department:
Bennie Oosterbaan's "Thank you very
much. And what's more, I appreei-
ate it."
gambler, Kirby, is wonderfully real-
istic-the wheels even turn. The fin-
al scene, a masquerade ball of
course, is as gay and colorful a
climax as you could possibly ask
for. With a background of many-
I --.--

Cercle Francais: There
meeting tonight at 7:30 in

and crafts.

will be a
Roomf 408

Settlement Camp, music.
Settlement Camp, arts
Settlement Camp, dra-
Setlement Camp, nature
Settlement Camp, danc-


'Pig In A Poke'
For the harassed headline reader who is accus-
tomed to finding a bombshell with his daily cup
of coffee, this year's Junior Girls' Play affords
an insurpassable opportunity to get away from
it all. In Richard McKelvey's drama of the old but
impoverished Culpepper family following the old
southern tradition of trying to marry off their
eligible daughters, the most serious battle is a
family quarrel, the only financial crisis, a gamb-
ling debt and the nearest thing to shady diplo-
macy, a case of mistaken identity.
Snappy dance routines, singing choruses, color-
ful costuming, unique sets in addition to the
characterizations of the oldsouthern Culpepper
'family made the "Pig in a Poke" a musical
comedy for which the junior girls can justifiably
pat themselves on the back. ,
Betty Baldwin as Sarah the ugly duckling, who,
in the accepted fairy tale manner, frees her
family from their trials and marries the hand-
some prince, gives a pleasantly pert performance
while June Madison as the choleric father blus-
ters through the play in true southern colonel
style. Jane Jewitt portraying Alicia shows us a
southern belle well versed in the art of man-
catching while Barbara Bassett as Ned, the in-
corrigible but well meaning son and Alberta Wood
as the fluttery mother work together to impress
us with the tempestuous family life of the CuP-
peppers. Mary Jordan playing Warren Kirby is
a hero that would make any feminine heart skip
a beat or two.
Outstanding in the song and dance routines are
the three old maid porch sitters, Ann Vicary,
Beth O'Roke and Ruth Driggs, and the Can-Can
girls who stopped the show by a judicious use
of limb throwing. The vocal solos of Carolyn Ray-
Ray horn and 1n3rbara elling nfermtl fficir Pv-_

Wisconsin Settlement Camp, sports.
Community Camp, Northern Mich.
man-Waterfront Examiner's Badge,
man-Sports, 4 weeks $20.
Girl Scout Camp, woman (25 yrs.
old) supervise older girls. Knowledge
of boating, canoeingi swimming.
Girl Scout Camp, woman-or man
Riding Instructor (22-23 yrs. old).
Girl Scout Camp. Foreign women
students, 21 years old or over.
Ohio Settlement Camp, counselor-
ships on volunteer basis.
Jewish girls camp (Southern Mich.)
Horseback riding instructor, tennis,
dramatics, swimming, riflery, ath-
Girl Scout Camp, woman gradu-
ate student 21 or over with teach-
ing experience, Red Cross Examin-
ers, ability to instruct rowing, canoe-
College Camp, Wisconsin, men and
women for kitchen, clerking, tent
and cottage. At least 18. $10 month
and maintenance.
University Bureau of Appointments.
and Occupational Information.
Academic Notices
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped
after Saturday, March 25, by students
other than freshmen will be recorded
E. Freshmen (students with less
than 24 hours of credit) may drop
courses without penalty through the
eighth week. Exception may be made
in extraordinary circumstances, such
as severe or long continued illness.
E. A. Walter, Asst. Dean.
Freshmen in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts may ob-
tain their five week progress repogts
in the Academic Counselors' Office,
108 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12 a.m.
and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according to
the following schedule,
Surnames beginning M through Z,
Thursday, March 23.
Surnames beginningw F through L,
Friday, March 24.
Surnames beginning A through E,
Saturday, March 25. 8-12.
Red Cross Senior Life-Saving Class
will not be held Thursday, March 23,
but will meet the following Thursday.
History 12: Lecture Group I. Mid-
semester examination at 2 p.m.,
Monday, March 27. Mr. Weir's sec-
tions will meet in Room C, Haven;
all other sections in Natural Science
Pharmacy Lecture: Dr. Frank B.
Kirby, Director of Education of Ab-
bott Laboratories, will address stu-
dents of pharmacy and others in-
terested, in Room 300, Chemistry and
Pharmacy Building, today at 10 a.m.,

The Men's Physical Education
Club will meet tonight at 9 p.m. in
the Michigan Union.
A delegate to the coming Physical
Education Convention will be select-
ed at this time.
The Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha will
hold its regularmonthly meeting on
this evening, at 8 p.m. in the West
Conference Room of the Horace
Rackham Graduate School Building.
The speaker for the evening is Dr.
S. A. Courtis, of Detroit, whose topic
is Responsibility of The Engineer
for Cultural Progress."
Faculty, College of Engineering:
Members of the staff are cordially
invited to attend the smoker for Mr.
Louis Untermeyer in the North
Lounge of the Michigan Union at
9 p.m. tonight.
Scimitar meeting will be held to-
night at 7:30 at the Union. Officers
for the coming year are to be elected,
and other impotant business is to
be taken care of, so all members
should be present.
Men's Glee Club: Concert in De-
troit this afternoon. Everyone who
can possibly be there is needed ur-
gently. Bus will leave the Union at
one o'clock sharp. Dark suits and
white shirts are mandatory.
Assembly Representatives: There
will be a regular meeting of all rep-
resentatives from dormitories, league
houses, and Ann Arbor Independents
at 5 p.m. in the League. Attendance
will be taken at the beginning of the
meeting. The main business for the
meeting is the election of the Execu-
tive Officers which includes the Pres-
ident, Vice-President, Secretary, and
Treasurer. Everyone must be present.
The Current Jewish Problems Class
will meet tonight at the Hillel Foun-
dation at 8 p.m. Dr. Rabinowitz will
speak on "The Problem of Zionism."
Coming Events
Forestry. Assembly: There will be
an assembly of the School of For-
estry and Conservation at 10 a.m.-
Friday, March 24, in the amphithe-
tre of the Rackham Building, at
which Mr. Seth Gordon, Executive
Director of the Pennsylvania Game
Commission and former Secretary of
the Izaac Walton League and Pres-
ident of the American Game As-
sociation, will speak. All students in
the School of Forestry and Conser-
vation are expected to attend and
others interested cordially invited to
do so.
Eastern Engineering Trip: Impor-
tant meeting for those going on the
trip Sunday, March 26, at 5 p.m. in
the Union. Room to be posted.
Kansas University Alumni: An-
nual meeting of former students and
other Kansans at dinner at the Mich-
igan Union Friday, March 24 at 6:30
p.m. Talks by Professors H. E. Riggs
and W. C. Hoad and recent motion
pictures of K. U. Scenes.
A Flying Meet will be conducted by
The University Flying Club at the
Ann Arbor Airport Sunday, March
26. University students with solo
ratings or better are encouraged to
participate. Others are invited to
attend the meet.
All elgibiles interested in partici-
pating in the meet must sign their
names on the notice next to the Aero

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