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March 22, 1939 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-22

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-WEDNE~tIv, I4AIII 2,l3


White Jackets
Of '39 To Be
m. d M
Linen Gives Way To White
Gabardine For Spring
Formals; Cut Is Radical
This season is witnessing a revolu-
tion. For years linen has been the
topotch spring formal jacket. Now
the subservient stylists have insti-
tuted white gabardine. The effects
of this startling change will rever-
berate in every social, politial and.
economic institution in the country.
In the old days only the filthy cap-
italist could wear white, gabardine
and take out chorus girls. Now he
can just wear white gabardine.
At any rate the new spring formals
will be made of this new material.
The broad notchless lapels, wide
shoulders, plain back, of course, and
narrow bottom will be the ranking
cut, but others will pass muster.
The outstanding feature of the
gabardine is the same that seems to
be dominating the entire sartorial
world this season : practicability. Gab-
ardine will hold its shape and cut
much better, and last longer, than
any fabric yet used.
Number two is a Palm Beach cloth
returning to the formals for the third
year. It saw its first big season last
year, and will begin to decline slight-
ly after this season. But it is still
good stuff. Its chief good feature is
that it is much cheaper than the
gabardine and the difference in price
is not quite offset by any great dif-
ference in style value. In case you
haven't heard Palm Beach is that
new cloth that looks like flannel but
isn't. It is a linen that has had some-
thing done to it, and it does things
to men who appreciate a smart jacket.
Here again the cut will be the new
notchless lapel, although the ordinary
plain-back, double-breasted number
will do in a pinch.
Then there's the question of acces-
sories. If you haven't gotten your-
self a maroon cummerbund, get one.
The cummerbund made a sly en-
trance into the style scene several
years ago, and the astute dressers
are seizing on it. But there don't
seem to be enough astute dressers. So
be astute, fellow. The slight touch of
color lends immeasurably to the en-
tire outfit, and the mai'oon stud to
go with it will be just too, too subtle.
You can wear your regular winter
formal trousers, unless it's hot. The
stores are showing special lighter
fabric trousers, but we feel that's
In formal shoes the old black pat-
ent or dull leather winter formal
shoes still go. The formal wear field
is a hard one to change. Its dogma
is practically law. But we predict that
white formal shoes are not far away.'
There is no reason why spring for-
mal shoes shouldn't be white. The
contrast with the dark trousers will
heighten the effectiveness of the en-
tire outfit, and there are any number
of white leathers that wouldn't be
out of place for formal wear.

Favored Sweaters

Garters Or No Garters: Pro And Con


top I

own above are three popular
s of spring sweaters and jac-
The sleeveless sweater at the
has come in comparatively re-
ly. Its advantage is that the
es can't wear out.
x Will Feature
Sportier Patterns

!Garters are an absoflut nce,
to the well-dressed man, Whi ch Mr
Kelsey is not. They must be worn not
only as an essential article of appar-
el, but as a badge of honor. It can be
truly declared that garters are the
true indication of a gentleman with a
noble soul, which I repeat, Mr. Kel-
sey is not.
Those who pollute our fair campus,
as does Mr. Kelsey, with the tops of
their socks rolling in the breeze and
infiltrating into their shoes, should'
be purged, I say. They lend to our
University an atmosphere of sloppi.
ness and degeneracy entirely un-
becoming to an institution of higher'
education. There is only one remedy
for the deplorable and widespread
condition: be Gartered or be Purged.
Quite, Quite
Students of Political Science 51
might be expected to have heard of
the Royal Order of the Garter. In
England when a good son of the Em-
pire has dashed off to far Budujakok
and shown the blasted natives the
might of the Emipre, he comes home
and the King, Queen, or someone
puts a garter on his leg! They surely
do not put a self-supporting sock on
his leg. Being given 'the garter by
the Queen'is a signal honor; the wis-
dom of England deems that the garter
is the only object worthy of great
deeds; the garter is held in higher
esteem than a medal or a loving cup.
If then the American male wishes to
be known as a gentleman, he must
wear the honorable garter, as do the
greats of Englaid.
It has been claimed that the wear-
ing of the garter is the mark of a
conservative. That is a dastardly lie,
propagated by the subversive agents
of the aforesaid Mr. Kelsey. The very,
color of many of the leading garter
of the present season belie that con-
tention. There is easily available a
flaming flamingo, a violent violet, and
a mutilating mustard to adorn the
gentleman's legs and prove that he
is a true liberal gentleman, which
I say Mr. Kelsey is not.
You Can Be Elite
The notion has also been advanced
that garters are the exclusive proper-
ties of the elite. But you, too, can be
elite. You, too, can wear the garter.
The garter has many other numer-
ous advantages. It can be used as a
holding place for pens, pencils, paper
and knives, by inserting these articles
between the leg and the elastic. The
garter, moreover, can be tightened or
loosened according to the size of the
gentleman's calf. But the elastic in
the self-supporting sock is constant;
if it's too tight, it resembles a tourni-
quet and can only result in paralysis
of the lower limbs. If the elastic is too
loose, the socks hang in a sloppy and
deplorable fashion. The elastic in the
sock is never "just right." They just
don't make them that way.

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'Gloves Of Lighter
WeightsComing In
Lighter weight gloves will be com-
ing in this month with the return



BHAiRRY (01N) nam E-
uer lemen. the garter fIF a thing of
the past. In three years, it will be as
Extinct as the bustle was before it
came back. Children of the present
collegiate generation will lift inquir-
ing faces to their fathers and moth-
ers and innocently inquire, "Please
tell me. what is a garter? It says here
in the paper that a man named Mas-
cott was found wearing garters, a rare
freak. What's a garter?"
The garter is rapidly falling into
decline under the influence of the
self-supporting sock, one of the most
wonderful inventions of the present
century. The man who invented this
wonderful device had the soul of a
genius and the inspiration of God.
Confer BMOC's
Even at such an early date in the
history of this revolutionized sock as
the Spring of 1939, a campus poll
would reveal that the majority of
BMOC's preferred the limb sans gar-
ter. Also a majority of the BWOC's
prefer their BMOC's with limbs sans
garter. Mr. Mascott, though he won't
admit it, has run up against that fact
more than once in failing to get a
date with campus belles.
I was speaking with Lord Chawn-
cey de Chawfawpawphew-Smith the
other fortnight, and he said to me,
"Yes, old man, you're awbsolutely
correct. The bloody gawtaw is tawp-
peling on its bally decadent pins.
Why, even in the Awdaw (ed. note:
he meant the Order. He didn't know
there were ah's in the word) we jolly
well rush right home awfter the beast-
ly ceremony the quicker to free ouah
See Noah Webster
One may point with pride to Noah.
Webster as a precursor of the garter-
less movement. In his famous diction-
ary, which Mr. Mascott has never
used, he defines the garter as "a
band or supporting strap worn to
hold up a stocking." There you are.
How long, has it been since men
stopped wearing stockings?
We may here record the fact that
the main reason that Mr. Mascott
so fanatically supports the garter is
because he was given a pair for
Christmas and wants to get his gift's
worth out of them. Finding it not the
fashion to wear garters, he has been
afraid to do so (I inspected his leg

Elent lemen

a .

only a moment ago to make sure) so Arbor. The measure was sure totbe
he has written an article in a vain passed, the merchant said, as the
attempt to argue his fellow students only opposition would come from
Alderman Clare Griffin of the sixth
into conceding him the riiht to wear ward, an opposition from habit rat -
the contraptions without being kldd- er than principle, It is said, the mber-
ed. Mr. Mascott i s uch a sensitive chant told me, that Aid. Griffin, who
lad. ;mokes Barking Dog tobacco, wears
Wili Power Needed tio garters either.
'There is only one good reason why Since he is a perverse fellow, I am
a man should care to wear garters. looking forward to visiting Mr. Mas-
That is, if he is too weak-minded cott during his residence in the Coun-
to keep his socks up by sheer will ty Jail for disobeying the coming
power. Such men are to be pitied. ruling. Never mind, Laurie, they serve
A local merchant confided in me good food there, but Sheriff Andres
yesterday, telling me that he had wears no garters (they say).
only a few dozen pairs of garters left
in stock, and that they were left over SOCKS FOR EVENING WEAR
from a consignment he ordered three Frfra vnn ok hr r
years ago. He told me he would order For formal evening socks there are
no more of the useless things, espec- :he customary English rib, the black
ially since he had heard rumors that flat silk and -the black ribbed silk.
Alderman Arthur Shepard of the first Coming into favor to brighten up the
ward was planning to bring up a dark attire and atone for the suf-
measure in the next meeting of the fering under the collar is the black
City Council banning the wearing of flat silk with a blue clock and the
garters within the city limits of Ann black ribbed silk with a white clock.


We know that whether you buy one suit a year or twenty-
one-it's always quite an important event! -and as a general
rule you have a pretty definite idea of what you want in style
and fabric.
Taking this into consideration we feel justified in saying
there is no finer equipped shop in Ann Arbor to cater to
you and to men of your type.
We have everything in quality clothes-from the least
expensive to the finest made-starting at 30 dollars.

' ^: :;.
.. .,
,. f .

smart furnishings

exclusive suitings

(Continued from Page 10)
and tan horizontal stripes, green lisle
with a white clock or fawn lisle with
a fancy green, red and gold clock
One can't help but pick the winning
horse while watching the races in
those racy combinations.
Still in the.sports line is the grey,
white and scarlet all wool plaid with
white buckskin shoes and a gray
slack and jacket combine.
For the blue suit date with the
black calf shoes you can't go wrong
with blue-lisle socks, maroon ribbed
wool, or blue silk with light blue or
white clock. With brown calf shoes,
red and blue silks, blue lisle with a
red or blue clock or blue wool with
clock set the lower portions of one's
stylistic anatomy distinctively apart.

334 South State - second floor



of milder weather. Shown here is a
group of three gloves popular for
spring wear.
Lightweight pigskin, suede, cape-
skin and other similar materials are
the favorites for the new season. Pig-
skin has long held a premier place in
men's wardrobes because of its com-
bination of high quality and style
with durability.






.. .for Spring

HICKEY-FREEMAN Suits of flannel
In plain grey .and chalk stripes. $55.
in the new long skirted, three-button style.
$29.50 - $35
in camel mixtures - green or natural.. $22.50
PORK PIE CAMPUS HAT of cravenetted

Mnw"r'+ w



TO ARGUE in favor of a Camel Hair Coat is much like arguing

for the automobile.

Neither one needs justification this day

gabardine, stitched brim.


MIXTURE 79 TOBACCO and other exclusive
Sutliff mixtures.
in all grades and shapes.

and age. Stroock Camel Hair is the finest the world produces,
and coats of this fabric are tailored in classic natural tan.
Also they may be had in several weights . . . and in handsome
sport jackets. Inspection of these garments is cordially invited
... and we are sure that once you slip one on, you'll never
be content until you own it.
available in a variety of -models.
$ 5O

new ventilated styles.





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