WVDNESnDAY; MAROJ 221,;,939 THE MICHIGAN NDAILY The Saddle Shoes Still Have It Among Collegiate Footwear Fi ashions Shhiy Brown And Whites In Lead As Usual Mexican Huaraches And Norwegian Brogans Add Variety To Foot Styles Saddle shoes are saddle shoes, and collegiates are collegiates, which no- body can deny. Therefore this spring will see more shiny brown saddles, atop red, red rubber soles, smartly held by white stitching, than have ever stood outside Angell-.Hall before. Put t ortunately there are those in- teetuals who refuse to cowtow to the masses, and insist on wearing sompething else. Well, while you're wearing something else, you might as ,well wear something else that is smart stuff. Ruarache Back{ .ast year a full-blooded Mexican Huarache appeared and ws grabbed at for lounging and beach wear. This year the manufacturers using the de- mand created last year as a guide produced gum sole half-huarache tlht is the smartest thing so far. It is that high yaller, has regular shoe laces, and uppers, but the lowers are interlaced strands of pigskin that al- loW plenty of freedom and foot com- fort. They're smooth and staid enough for wear from early spring right through the summer into late faJ. And they'll last too. They avoid the impracticable moccasin style yellow shoes of last spring that burst the toe stitches after several weeks wear, in that there is no stitch- ing to burst. Another popular number will be the Norwegian brogues that came this fall and failed to achieve any notable success. But this spring, we predict, will really see the Norwe- gian brogues getting stepped on, and by.more than a few Michigan men. These smoothies are almost com- pletely new in design. They have an extra thick gum or rubber sole that is g ued to another narrower sole un- derneath.. Rough-Grain Pigskin Thn the conventional lacing is abandoned for a two-hole lace job o4, the outside at the top. A rough-i grain pigskin is used and an entirely uiusual shoe is the result. The toe is, a . semi-squared, semi-turned-up af(air, that adds immeasurably to the unusualness of the shoe. ' The white-shoe boys wno also want to break from the saddle shoe hier- archy have something special wait-t ing for them: a thick red rubberi soled, all white buck shoe, that will defy .any others to surpass it for neatness and style. The rubber must be thick, the buck rough, and the toe plain.. A smart shoe can set off a mediocre outfit .and make it look good. There- fore we can not overemphasize the care needed in the selection, of foot- wear. The three shoes described above will go well with anything you can think of. Saddle shoes just go, well or not, with anything you can think of.- ,or real informal wehr white moc- casins with white rubber soles have yet to be beaten. A bush coat or beer jacket, light slacks and white moc- casins make a completely careless and neat relaxing outfit. q, 'Snap Brims 0Amern Collegians on 20 eastern campuses pay more than $1,000,00 annually for their 'haberdashery, reports a well known hatter, and such expenditures will almost double after the new Spring fashions sweep the nation. Current favorite of the college man is the well known hat with a snap brim, kicked up in back. This type has kept -its popularity since the early days following the now legendary stock market crash of '29. Light weight felts for Spring and Summer wear have been appearing with narrow welt edges and ribbon bands. The very light weight models go to the extremes with narrow tubu- lar bands and raw edges. Colors Are Gay Spring colors tend to be gay, pre- dominently dusty green, dusty tan, dusty gray and dusty blue. Brighter colors such as blue green. light tan and light gray are being used to satis- fy the ego of those collegians who want to stand out. Dusty green -as shown by advance Are.AgainIn The Van. ican Collegiate Chapeai utx in mind is the larger the man, the larger the brim. In the East large wide brims have been enjoying a vogue, Slowly, the wide brim is invading the Middle West ,nd proving very popular. Tyrolea . For Sport Only Tyrolean models and porkpies, al- though very popular in the fall, have lost ground. Spring will find them being used for spectator sports by the well dressed collegian. The vexing problem of feather size is disturbing many collegians. The style wise are convinced that the big- ger and better the feather, the hand- circles about the English noblemen who order their butlers to wear their new chapeaux for a few. weks in or- der to acquire that well seasoned, comfortable look. Psychologists are at a loss to explain man's strange quirk of character which makes him go to any means in order to escape wearing a hat that looks new. r Two English Shoemakers Ply An Ancient Trade In Ann Arbor Suggesting the proud cobbler of'i "'Ow do you loike boots?" asks the Galsworth's "Quality," two English proprietor and then you sense his true, shoemakers have settled in Ann Ar- love. Shoes are all roight, but boots, bor and offer to the connoiseur of 'unting boots there's where the true fine attire shoes that are "tailor-Icraftsman's art enter in. He brings made" to fit the feet. out plain tan riding boots that glis-} A Bloomin' Art ten with the polish of perfection, The two grizzled . craftsman are black military-style boots, white- footed English hunting boots that replicas of each other, both speaking seem out-of-place without hounds proudly of the perfection of their and the tantivy of hunting horns. handiwork, and speaking of it with r -Galsworthy's shoeman died of star- a cockney brogue that seems to have vation, but there seems to be no need come direct from limehouse. Shoe- to worry for Ann Arbor's masters. making to them is an art, and you Not while they have their boots to know that each pair of shoes they give customers salestalks.1 mare receives the same care that a painter devotes to a masterpiece. We think only of fussy old bache- lors having shoes specially made for them, and therefore for us hand- made brogans take on a context of staid and ugly comfortableness. You can find shoes like this in the local shoe shops, shoes whose only reason for being is that they are guaranteed not to rub, not to bite, not to harm the gouty foot in any way. Solid Leather Construction ' But there are youthful styles too- -pebble-grained leather sports shoes, crepe soles, the latest laceless styles. All are made of solid leather. with no linen lining to wear out, made to last the proverbial lifetime. Trace Periodical CyclesOf Styles Both Men's And Women's Fashions Repeat Both men's and women's fashions repeat themselves. There are varia- tions and improvements, of course, but nmiy of the essnt iAl features of the style will turn up periodically. Sometimes the cycle takes 25 years to repeat-sometimes only five. The covert cloth type coat which is so popular this spring was also in fa-vor 100 years ago, when it was worn by English country gentlemen. About 25 years ago it made its ap- pearance as a smart town topcoat in Vt 1 t wholesale sales is enjoying a boom because of the facility with which it blends with natural covert topcoats and suits. Together with the other dusty colors it satisfies man's strange unaccountable wish to be never seen with a new hat perched jauntily on his head. The tale is current in haberdashers' fingertip length models. These coats were cut very fully and carried large buttons. Today the covert cloth coat in trim tailored models either fly front and single breasted or double breasted is one of the smartest coats for town wear. It is also suitable for country wear when cut on country lines. Hats Are- Typed Together with the production of new and far handsomer hats than ever before, hatters are beginning a campaign to educate the buyer in the kind of hat he should buy Every man's face is different and, ideally, every man should have a different hat to suit his face. Individual measurements being im- possible, the industry has found for the majority of faces that a brim two and three eighths inches wide is sat- isfactory. A rule always to be kept somer the hat. However, other auth- orities claim that the giant size feathers in current popularity are- a passing fad, for the male of the species will soon realize how dangerously close he is making his chapeau look like a woman's when he sticks a feathered monstrosity into it and cells it fashionable, eh what? a I> I I y4We & Y3t& Lead dteei Pj04& ~ Pxv 1a-&d HI I 104 QUALITY AND STYLE AT REASONABLE RATES 11 Nunn-Bush the ankle fash- ioned shoe for well groomed! men. $8.50 up. . others $5.00 up 00 If you want something ne and different in shirts th we have it $2.00 -$2.50 - $3.00 I _ _ -I Step in Neckwear is our specialty- seilng is behlevivig, come in t your Icisure and just take a goodong look, $1,: -$1.50 = $2. witk Spring Whatever type fabric you like, you will find a I 11 Hats by Sclhobl Streanilined Yes Sir. $5. - $7.50 -$10.00 016icsn s~Ifction P . _ , 1 " 4M1 ry u <. ' _..... types sand colors - In= dividually tailored in the style best suited for you. SUITINGS and TOPCOATI NGS $34.50 up New colors in - CHEVIOTS TWEEDS COVERTS GABERDINES If it's a sweater you wish-then Saffell & Bush have it. Styles and colors galore. $2.50 .up , , - y, \ Domestic hosiery and imports (New-Smart-Different) 50c to $2.50 I I i I I I I ~ \N1!~'\~ I I I~Y/ ~J~i1 I II II I 11 11 I