0 PAGE FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1939 TUESDAY, MARCH 21,1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Editor Gets Told Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumx r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions duringeregular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON - LOS ANGELE SA- FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . City Editor . . Associate Editor . Associate Editor. - Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor - Associate Editor Book Editor ., Women's Editor Sports Editor . Editors . Robert D, Mitchell . . Albert P. Maylo . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzhenry - . S. R. Kleiman . . Robert Perlman * Earl Gilman * . William Elvin . . Joseph F eedman . . . Joseph Gies . . Dorothea.Staebler . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Manager. . . , *Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Biegelman Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . "Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: NORMAN A. SCHORR The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Russia Keeps Her Promises * F OREIGN NEWS experts cannot be F expected to know every detail of every treaty torn up in Europe in the past five years, but a certain amount, of factual data should be on hand before a commentator starts out to sum up aggression, appeasement and surrender in a thousand glibly chosen words. Mr. Philip Adler of the Detroit News wrote a paragraph in his European article last Sunday that overstepped the bounds of superficiality into the realm of misinformation on a most important issue. Mr. Adler, discussing the Czecho-Slovak crisis with reference to the Munich capitulation, said that Russia had evaded its obligations to the Czech republic last September by a loophole in the treaty, "something about the time element." This is not only a gross injustice to Russia, but a misleading implication in connection with the whole development of fascist aggression. The Russian-Czech treaty, made in accordance with the principles of the League of Nations, called for immediate aid by either signatory when the other was tie victim of an aggression by Germany. The casus foederis, however, was only to arise for either signatory contingent upon France's entering the conflict. Since France was allied to both Russia and Czechoslovakia, the expected effect of the treaty was to bring both Russia and France to Czechoslovakia's aid if the latter were attacked by Germany. Several days before Munich, a French government iepre- sentative asked Maxim Litvinov, Soviet commis-' sar for foreign affairs, if Russia intended to ful- fill her obligations to the Czechs. The reply was an unequivocal "yes." The Czech government did not address an inquiry to the:Soviet govern- ment until two days before the Munich meeting, receiving the same reply. Litvinov, speaking in the League Council at Geneva just after the Munich pact, declared that Russia was glad.to have joined the League of Nations and to have fulfilled her obligations toward it, if only' to prevent it being said that the League had failed because of Russia's absence. Russia opposed the removal of the Spanish question in 1936 from the League to the London Non-Intervention Committee, which made pos- sible the assistance given Franco by Hitler and Mussolini. When the fraudulent nature of the Non-Intervention Committee became apparent, Russia denounced it, and openly asserted her in- tention of only abiding by the Non-Intervention agreement to the same extent that th fascist naions did. Since Republican Spain- was a mem- ber of he League of Nations, 'assistance against her aggressors was in accord with the League Covenant. Russia has always headed the group of nations in the League Assembly who have striven for ap- plication of the penalties listed in the Covenant against aggressors. Such action was repeatedly prevented by France and Great Britain, until the League machinery became moribund and aggression was awarded a blank check. At present, France and Britain are apparently at last coming round to the Soviet point of view, that treaties should be upheld and rule by force outlawed by concerted action. Russia, however, far from getting credit for being right all along, is assailed by insitnutionnd accusain for nt Some Election Figures To the Editor: We find it necessary to again examine the basis of the Spanish "democracy," the election in Feb., 1936. Those who know Spanish history realize that there is no use counting noses, be- cause the noses always have it. In the democratic process the electoral procedure is less important than the manner in which the elected accept their mandate. In our discussion, though, the former is important because it was the prelude of a great civil war. Between ourselves and our opponents there exists, we believe, an honest misunderstanding; we have to look through the propaganda and conduct an unbiased examina- tion of the facts. We all know that no civil war should have resulted from the election. The election vote was very evenly divided, but the peculiar system used in Spain gave the Left a number of seats far out of proportion to the vote they received. Had the Leftists accepted the pow- er they got and used it democratically, we know' there should have been no war. Our finds of election figures were attacked by Albert Mayio in an editorial on March 9. The figures were taken from Current History, May, 1936, which said of the nine millions that went to the polls the results gave: 5,051,955 for the Right and Center 4,356,559 for the Left An explanation can be made to indicate that, of the Right vote quoted, 4,570;000 of that went to the Right itself, still giving them the major- ity in the election. The total figure also in- cluded the Basque Nationalists. G. M. Gathorne-Hardy in International Af- fairs May 1937, published by the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, backs our position when he said "the left won its absolute majority of seats in the general election of Feb- ruary, 1936, on an absolute minority of votes, 4,356,000 for the Left C 4,910,817 for the Right and Centre." The Times Review of the Year 1936 says: "Of the total votes the Right obtained 49 per cent, the Left 47 per cent, and the Center a mere 4 per cent." The Washington Post, Feb. 3, 1938, says in an article: "Official returns of February, 1936, pub- lished throughout the world, showed: 4,570,744 votes of the Right 481,207 votes for the Center and Basques 4,256,559 votes for the Popular Front The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1937, says: "The Disagreeing With The Technic . . HEN AN EMPLOYE in a printing plant refuses to procure proofs for a customer ten minutes before his lunch hour is up, his attitude is "thoroughly un-American," it is stated in the latest issue of The Michigan Technic. "Granted the fellow was well within his rights," the article states. "He didn't have to go out of his way for a customer. He would have been doing something for which he would not have been paid." In addition to being un-American the work- man had the "attitude of a typical eight-hour-a- day man. Such a person," the Technic continues, "does just what he is paid for and no more-and probably always will. Yet we'll bet that he has visions of being pressroom foreman in a short time." The article continues, "The men who have accomplished things in this world have not been afraid to dig in and work, often closer to sixteen hours a day." There is nothing un-American in a workman's, desire to eat and rest during lunch hour. On the contrary, the "typical eight-hour-a-day man" who comes to an understanding with his em- ployer about when he shall and when.he shall not work is simply arranging his working con- ditions rationally-in the same way that an employer tells his secretary, "I'm going to the Club for the afternoon and I don't want to be disturbed there." Particularly interesting is the assertion that the uncooperative craftsman described by the Technic editor will probably always be doing just what he is paid for, despite his visions of advancing to the position of foreman. The fact is that the particular workman who was described in the article was offered a fore- manhhip and has refused it of his own volition. The real thesis of the article, however, is the outline of How To Get Ahead by digging in and jworking "often closer to sixteen hours a day." From the individual's point of view, this general doctrine is pernicious (even if meant half-face- tiously by the editor), for the eight hour day controversy has long ago been settled in the minds of intelligent people who believe that after eight hours of efficient labor, the worker should turn to the less material and more cultural and recreational side of life. From a technical and engineering (as well as the social) point of view, economic relationships can be arranged so that the world's work is done in less than half of the sixteen hours mentioned in the editorial, particularly if idle labor is given the-opportunity to work eight hours a day. But throughout the Technic editorial is the tacit assumption that the fellow who plugs hard will inevitably reach the top of the Golden Lad- der of Opportunity. No informed person today believes that individual initiative is a guarantee of success in America of 1939. That philosophy general election in February 1936 gave the 'Fronte Populare' of the Left an absolute major- ity in the Cortes, although they received only 47 per cent of the total Votes." Mr. Mayio presented the Leftist side of the story. As a result of rather careful study we found in his authorities some striking facts. He says, "The popular distribution of votes according to official figures quoted in Foreign Policy Re- ports of Jan. 1, 1937 and Buell's New Govern- ments in Europe was as follows: 4,206,156 for the Popular Front 681,047 for the Center 3,783,601 for the Right The source that Buell used was the Boletin de Information Bibliografica -y Parlamentaria, the Record of the Spanish Cortes. But the booklet Spain's War of Independence, published by the central propaganda office for the Loyalists in America-the Spanish Embassy at Washington, D.C., using the same source, gives the following figures: 3,423.450 Right parties 487,920 Catalon Lliga 3,911,370 total for the Right 4,255,550 Left parties 362,620 Centre 132,270 Basque Nationalists 4,751,440 total for the Left Notice that the same error of including the center with either of the parties that Mr. Mayio accused us of making is repeated by the Embassy. The Editor also referred us to "the excellent and thoroughly documented study," John Gunther's Inside Europe; the latter gave us more 'official' figures supposedly supplied by the Secretariat of the Spanish Parliament:,. 3,996,631 for the Right 4,838,449 for the Left and Basques John H. Humphreys says in the Manchester Guardian that the official figures were 4,540,000 votes to the Popular Front 4,300,000 to the Centre and Right The same writer in a later article says the elec- tions returns supplied by the Secretariat of the Cortes, Senor Herrero, after the government had moved from Madrid to Valencia (months after the war had started) gave 4.838,449 to the Popular Front and Basques 449,320 to the Center Parties 3,996,931 to the Right Observation will immediately show the great variance in all these figures. It looks like one side, or both, have been doctored; the propa- gandists seemed to have no care for agreement. We must be careful to look closely at the facts before we accept the unequivocal statements of the Loyalist press. Signed: John O'Hara Jorge Carulla Cas Soka Burns Huttlinger What Price Indulgence? To the Editor: I wish to suggest that the members of The Daily editorial staff inform themselves fully on the subjects which they write on with such facil- ity, that they be sure of the implicatiofs of their statements before they go blundering into ab- surdities. For example, among other ridiculous statements in last Saturday's editorial, "Clerical- ism and Catholicism," by Albert Mayio, the fol- lowing bit of nonsense occurred: ...prior to 1931, canonical law and civil law existed side by side, and bishops and priests . . shared the political power with lay officers." Just what is this sentence intented to con- vey? Did the author know? Did he -know what canon law is? Canon law is the Church's law governing her clergy, and the religious life of her laity. It exists sided by side with civil law in the U.S. Why shouldn't it? How did it exist side by side with civil law in Spain? In any different way? If Mr. Mayio meant that the Spanish gov- ernment officially recognized the ecclesiastical courts, why shouldn't this be done in a Catholic country where the Catholic majority desires it? That is certainly no more unjust or anti-demo- cratic than the lack of recognition of such courts by the civil governments of the IUS., where there is a non-Cath~olic majority. Further in this editorial we read of some of the sources of the "wealth" of the Church: "In addition, the Church derived a great deal of its income from masses, baptisms, 'marriages, burials, an income contributed by the people because of the Church's religious monopoly." This is the height of absurdity. Such contribu- tions belong by right to the individual priest, and in Spain were pitifully small and very scarce. They are free will offerings and vary according to the financial position of the donor. Be assured that the "wealth" thus derived by the "corrupt" Spanish clergy was a great deal less than that derived by ministers of Protestant sects in th. U.S. for "baptism, marriages, burials," for even here in the U.S. where no "religious monopoly" exists, such contributions are a universal custom, in all churches. Get married some time, and find out. As for the statement quoted from Dr. Frank Manual, that "income from plenary indulgences was enough to keep thousands of inmates in con- vents and monasteries well-fed and to maintain bishops in awe-inspiring luxury," it is so ab- surd as to be funny, if it were not so serious and if so many people who do not know any better did not believe it. In the first place the Church nowhere derives any income from indulgences. Indulgences are not for sale, and cannot be ob- tained by the payment of money. Any one who knows what an indulgence is (as Dr. Manuel and Mr. Mayio obviously don't) knows this. In the second place, if indulgences were for sale, the income from them in an impoverished country like Spain would not be sufficient to "keep tthou sandsl of innia I s in coni ve'nts a~ndt nl- It By HEYWOOD BROUN MIAMI, March 20.-"We want you to be chief judge at our contest which will pick a Miss Miami and go to the World's Fair." These are the very words which came to me in an official message from the man- agement, but I ' will not be there. I'm heading home. Naturally such an offer is tempting. I did toy with the idea, and in my mind's eye I saw myself strolling into the World's Fair some afternoon and as- tonishing a close friend by remarking nonchalantly to the third lady from the left, "And how are you, Toots?" One might quite possibly be thrilled to have a Miss Miami of his own and watch her grow and flower until she became Miss Universe herself. But that would consume considerable time and entail vast responsibility. * * * I'm Coming, Park Row "Porter, put me on the train." My flight may well be ignominious, but Paris would have been wise to emulate such an example, which wiould have averted the Trojan War, and that reminds me of the Trojan Horse, much mentioned by the Dies commit- tee. I gather from various speeches of the chairman that he is not the horse's friend. Also, I now recall the real reason why I declined to act as a judge and pick a Miss Miami. In totaling up the expenditures of this holiday it seemed to me that there was nothing in my record which would jiustify me in serving as selectman. It would be better for Miss Miami to have a millstone around her neck rather than the accolade of my ap- proval. My Miss Miami, if I may call her such, might well have possessed early speed, but she would be almost cer- tain to fold up in the stretch. She might even swerve to the outer rail and jump the fence. And even if she neared the finish line leading by many lengths the chance is still strong that she would break a leg and have to be destroyed. As the train begins to gather momentum I know that my decision to get back to work was wise. But wise choices as well as fool- ish ones carry with them trailing clouds of regret. I wonder who's picking her now, and generously I' wish joy to both judge and bathing beauty. Bare Facts1 Perhaps in many things I air too humble. The mere fact that success did not crown my efforts at Tropical Park nor in the selection of racing greyhounds at night is not necessar- ily a criterion. It may be that I have yet to find my proper medium and suitable field of endeavor. The two- year-olds at the track look very much alike, and even under the arc lights it would be all but impossible to dis- tinguish the dogs save by the colored blankets which they wear. But in a beauty contest one is able to strip away externals and consider person- ality itself. The man who fails la- mentably in the matter of racing re- lations might prove himself a verit- able Solomonin"dealing with duels between flesh and blood folk of his own species. Possibly I have not made a happy choice, even in my selection of 'a Biblical authority. In his judicial functions the king is best remembered for the case in which he summoned an attendant with a scimitar, and suggested that Exhibit A should be divided into two parts. That would hardly be a tactful approach at a bathing beauty contest. Still King Solomon was both wise and witty. I suppose he would have been suffici- ently inspired to remark immediate- ly after the experiment. "Shall we join the ladies?" It is true that Solomon must have loved bathing beauties, because he chose so many. But a collector who deals in carload lots might grow con- fused if under the rules of the game he is restricted to one alone. In that' respect I would have been more felici- tious and eager to plump for one for- getting all others. Colia ists should not be cowards. It is the tradition of the craft that they should give dogmatic decisions on every subject under the sun. Pondter Will 4iive Violin Recital Here Andrew Ponder, Grad., a pupil of Prof. Wessily Besekirsky of the School of Music, will present a violin recital at 8 :15 p.m. tomorrow in tile School of Music Auditorium. This recital is in partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the Master of Music degree. Ponder will present the following program: Concerto in A minor by Bach; Intrada by .Desplanes; Allegro by Fiocco; Chant de Roxane by Szy- manowski-Kochanski; Vieja Castilla and Andaluza byNin; Poem by Cha- usson and Sonata. Gis 21 by Doh- (Continued from Page 2) Ada Lou Hall Arthur Hauser James Layton John Edwin McGhee Prof. William M. Newman Merry Belle Palmer T. Graydon Patterson Mrs. John A. Pierce Dr. Fritz Redyl Helen Rohimer Ralph M. Rosenberg Kay Schurr Elinor L. Shilts Carpo C. Smith Max Stein Prof. Morris Swadesh Glen Vaughn Betty Wagonhals Arthur Wolff( or Walff) Lorraine Tommerson Seems New York State Students: There Academic Notices will be a meeting of the New York Students, College of Literature, Sci- State Club tonight, 8 p.m. at the ence, and the Arts: Courses dropped League. Dancing follows the meet- after Saturday, March 25, by students ing. other than freshmen will be recorded E. Freshmen (students with less Hiawatha Club: There will be no than 24 hours of credit) may drop meeting of the Hiawatha Club this courses without penalty through the week. Notices will be sent for the eighth week. Exception may be made )next meeting. To Me 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lec- ture Hall under the auspices of the Institute of Fine Arts. Events Today Seminar for Chemical and Metal- lurgical Engineers. Mr. W. H. Davis will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering today at 4 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is "The Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrocarbon Mixtures at Elevated Temperatures." Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Mr. Norman Bauer will speak on "Cohesion Forces and Dipole Moments in Liquqids." in as extraordinary circumstances, such severe or long continued illness. E. A. Walter, Asst. Dean. Freshmen in the College of Litera- ture, Science and the Arts may ob- tain their five week progress reports in the Academic Counselors' Office, 108 Mason Hall, from 8 to 12 a.m. and 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. according to the following schedule. Surnames beginning M through Z,I Thursday, March 23. Surnames beginning F through L, Friday, March 24. Surnames beginning A through E Saturday, March 25. 8-12. ' Red Cross Senior Life-Saving Class will not be held Thursday, March 23," but will meet the following Thursday.E Concerts Organ Recital. Palmer Christian, University organist, will give a re- cital in Hill Auditorium, Wednesday afternoon, March 22, at 4:15 o'clock, to !which the general public is In- vited. On this occasion Mr. Chris- tian will be assisted by the Choir of the First Presbyterian Church. The general public is cordially invited to attend without admission charge-. Student Recital. Andrew Ponder, violinist, of Farmington, Mo., will give a recital in partial fulfillmentX of the requirements for the Master of Music degree, in the School of Music Auditorium, Thursday e ve n ing, i March 23, at 8:15 o'clock. The gen- eral public is invited to attend. Exhibitions Exhibition of Modern Book Art:I Printing and Illustration, held under1 the sponsorship of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Rackham Building, third floor Exhibition Room; daily except Sunday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; through March 25. Botanical Photographic Exhibit: An exhibit of photographs of botani- cal subjects will be on display in the1 West Exhibit Room of the Rackham Building.t Because of interest in the photo- graphs of botanical subjects the ex- hibit will continue to be on displayi daily except Sunday from 9 a.m. to 10 n.m.t Exhibition, College of Architecture: The premiated drawings submitted in the national competition for the Wheaton College Art Center are be- ing shown in the third floor Exhibi- tion Room, College of Architecture; Open daily, 9 to 5, except Sundays, through April 4. The public is cor- dially invited. Lectures Henry Russel Lecture for 1938-39: Professor Campbell Bonner, Chair- man of the Department of Greek, will deliver the Henry Russel Lecture for 1938-39, on the subject, "Sophocles, Aristotle, and the Tired Business Man,' at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The announcement of the Henry Russel Award for 1938-39 will be made at this time. The public is cordially invited. Lecture on "Cosmic Rays and New Elementary Particles of Matter," Sat- urday, March 25 at 8 p.m. in the fdrge auditorium of the Rackham Building, by Prof. Carl D. Anderson, Physics Dept. of California Institute of Technology, winner of Nobel Prize in 1936 and various other awards for his research work. The lecture is arranged by the Society of Sigma Xi and will be open to the public. A. E. Miller, editor and publisher of the Battle Creek Enquirer and News, will give the fifth of the Jour- Congress District Presidents: Im- portant meeting of the District Council today at 5 p.m. Robert F. May. American Student Union: Regular membership meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. University Oratorical Contest: The University Oratorical Contest will be held today, 4 p.m. in Room 4003 A.H. Roonm 4003 A.H. A.S.C.E. There will be a meeting tonight at 7:30. Coach Wally Weber will speak, and refreshments will be served. Something very interesting is planned, so, all old and new mem- bers be sure and be present. American Student Union Members: There will be a general membership meeting Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Union, instead of at 7:30 as previously announced. Can- didates will be elected, and a plat- form drawn up for the Student Sen- ate Elections. Marian Wellington, See'y. Graduate Luncheon: There will be a graduate luncheon, today at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the League, cafeteria style. Prof. Raleigh Schorling, of the De- partment of Education will discuss "Germany: Youth in the Saddle." All graduate students are cordially invited. American Association of University Women wlil hold regular March meet- ing today at 3 p.m. at the Michigan League. Discussion of "Cooperation" in Ann Arbor by professors and lay- men interested in the various phases of the subject. Coming Events Louis Untermeyer Schedule: Thursday, March 23. 4 p.m. Coffee hour at Michigan Union (Room 308). 8 p.m. Smoker for Engineering fac- ulty (North Lounge). Note. Students desiring personal conferences with Mr. Untermeyer, phone him at the Michigan Union Thursday 23 between 2 and 4 p.m. Conferences will be arranged for Fri- day, March 24. Geological Journal Club: The Club will meet in Room 2054 N.S. at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 23. Pro- gram: Ogden Tweto, "Migmtites and Granitization" and Dr. George Stanley, "Kodachromes of the Sier- ras." Cercle Francais: There will be a meeting on Thursday, March 23 at 7:30 in Room 408 R.L. The Men's Physical Education Club will meet on Thursday, March 23, at 9 p.m. in the Michigan Union. A delegate to the coming Physical Education Convention will be select- ed at this time. Kansas Unit ersi y Alumni: An- nual meeting of forier students and other Kansans at dinner at the Mich- igan Union Friday, March 24 at 6:30 p.m. Talks by Professors H. E. Riggs and W. C. Hoad and recent motion pictures of K. U. Scenes. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, March 26, at the Northwest door of the Rackham Building. From here the group, if the weather permits, will motor to Cavanaugh Lake. In case of rain the club will go roller skating indoors. As usual the group will have supper together. Saturday, March 25, at 8 p.m. the club will hold an Opent House to all DAILY OFFICIAL BULLET IN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to al m embers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday.