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March 22, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-22

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Generally fair today and

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Russia Keeps
Her Promises . .
With The Technic .p



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Student Senate
Demands State
Defeat Kipke
For Regency
All-Campus Representative
Body O Goes Ex-Coach
For Administrative Post
Petitions Still Taken
For 16 Senate Seats
A demand that voters of the state
unconditionally repudiate" the can-
didacy of former head football coach
Harry G. Kipke, for the Board of
Regents in the April election last
night received the unanimous ap-
proval. of the Student Senate.
Notified of the action, Kipke seemed'
little perturbed. "I regard the resolu-
tion as a thoughtless, not to say in-
discreet student action," he declared.
"I am quite sure that if given the
opportunity of talking with the boys,
I could quickly change their minds."
When informed of Mr. Kipke's
statment, Robert Perlman, '39, intro-
ducer of the resolution said:
"I shall introduce a resolution next
week asking that Mr. Kipke be given
the opportunity to change the Senate's
mind. But I'm quite sure that if
given the opportunity he'll have to
do a lot of talking to convince the
boys that he is fitted either by train-
ing or by political affiliations to help
decide educational questions at the
University of Michigan."
Twenty-Two Present
Twenty-two o1 the 22 Senators
were represented at the meeting.
The statement declared:
"Whereas: It has come to the at-
tention of the Student Senate that
many statements have been made on
behalf. of Mr. Harry Kipke's candi-
dacy for the Board of Regents which
claim the support of the students and
other University groups. We hereby
go on record as opposing these un-
warranted representations.
"Whereas: Mr. Kipke's background
as discharged football coach does not
indicate the necessary qualifications
for a Regentof the University.
"Whereas: The candidacy of Mr.
Harry Kipke is detrimental to the
best interest of the general student
body, faculty and administration of
the University of Michiga-, we,
representing the student body of the
University, call upon the voters of
the state to repudiate unconditional-
ly Mr. Kipke's candidacy at the polls."
Myers Opposes Kipke
Kipke is one of the two Republican
candidates nominated at the recent
Flint convention of the party. His
running mate is Joseph Herbert of
the Upper Peninsula. Opposing the
former head football coach whose
connection with the University was
severed by the Board for which he
is now running is Dr. Dean W. My-
ers of Ann Arbor, former faculty
member. Charles Lockwood of De-
troit is the other Democratic can-
The Senate's action had been pre-
saged by student comment for some
At the same meeting the Senate
tabled a resolution demanding in-
vestigation of subsidization of ath-
letes. A measure amending the rules
to limit the number of permissible
proxies was adopted.
Meanwhile the list of candidates
for the March 31 Senate election,
continued to grow, Edward Magdol,
'39, director of elections, announced.
Petitions, he said, are accepted from
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. each day this week

at Lane Hall.
Applications must include the fol-
lowing material: signatures of five
student backers, a short political
designation for the ballot, a -Univer-
sity certificate of scholastic eligibility
and a .50 cent filng fee.
Platform Deadline Set
Would-be candidates have also
been reminded fhat platforms will
also be received a the Lane Hall Sen-
ate office' or 'at the Student Publica-
tions Building for The Daily "Senate
Battle Page"' which will appear two
days before the election. The dead-
line on all platform copy has been
set at 1 p.m. Monday, March 27 by
Magdol and The Daily Battle Page
An explanation of the voting and
counting system of proportionalrep-
resentation systems to be used will
also be included on the special page.
A. E. Miller To Discuss
Editorial Page Of Future

JGP Spectacle,
Pig In Poke,'
Opens Tonight

Job Parleys
To Consider
New Field

To speak Today


Charlie Zwick Will Play
For Performances
Of Gay Musical
"Pig In A Poke," the 1939 Junior
Girls Play, will open a four-day run
with its first performance at 8:15 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. Dorothy Shipman is general
chairman, and Richard McKelvey,
Grad., is author and director. Music
will be furnished by Charlie Zwick
and his orchestra.
The story concerns the fortunes of
an aristocratic but poor southern
family that travels north in search
of a wealthy husband for a supposed-
ly younger daughter. The young and
irresponsible son loses the family's
meager resources in a card game en
route and the family's resulting
problems form the balance of the
All roles will be played by junior
women: Betty Baldwin as Sarah, the
plain daughter; Jane Jewett, as Ali-
cia, her flirtatious sister; Barbara
Bassett as Ned, the young brother,
and Mary Jordan as Warren Kirby,
the dashing traveller. Colonel Cul-
pepper and his wife will be June
Madison and Alberta Wood respec-
tively with the remaining leads as
follows: Helen Ralston as Gwaldys,
head of the 19th century troupe of
dancers; Norma Vint as Peter Hu-
ber, the country bumpkin, and Clar-
issa Meloy as the conductor.
Sets have been designed and built
by Robert Corrigan, '39, and music
arrangements are by Zwick. The
lyrics as well as the music is original
by students in the University. The
rest of the organization and produc-
tion work was done by Miss Ship-
man, her central committee, and
over 150 women on sub-committees.
Members of the central committee
are Patricia Heaslip, assistant chair-
man; Zelda Davis, tickets; Jean Tib-
bits, finance; Harriet Sharkey, prop-
erties; Mary Minor, programs; Enora
Ferris, ushers; Jean Van Raalte,
make-up; Betty Stadelman, music;
Maxine Nelson, dances; Jane Nuss-
baum, costumes, and Katherine Mac-
Ivor, publicity.
McKelvey was assistant director of
the 1938 Junior Girls Play and of
Children's Theatre this year.

Occupational Conference
Sessions Today Discuss
Aviation And Fashions
Research Considered
In TalkYesterday
Students planning careers in avia-
tion, fashion and industrial relations
will hear authorities discuss oppor-
tunities in these fields in today's
sessions of the University's Guidance,
and Occupational Information Con-
Sponsored by the Bureau of Ap-
pointments and Occupational Infor-
mation under Dr. T. Luther Purdom,
the Conference is open to all Uni-
versity students.
Fashions In The Afternoon
William Littlewood, vice president
in charge of engineering for the
American Airlines, Inc., will address
students on aviation at 4:10 p.m. in
the Union. A top ranking graduate
of Cornell University, Mr. Littlewood
is a member of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers and the In-
stitute of Aeronautical Sciences and
is vice president of the Society of
Automotive Engineers. In 1935 he
received the Wright Brothers' Medal
Award for outstanding, contribution
to the science of automotive engineer-,
ing in the aviation field.
Fashion will be the topic of the
other afternoon meeting to be held
at 4:10 p.m. in the League. Florence
Cavanaugh, fashion adviser for the
J. L. Hudson Co., of Detroit will be
the speaker. Miss Cavanaugh entered
the fashion field as an adviser to
buyers in domestic And foreign buy-
ers in Macy's in New York.
Michigan Alumnus
Personal and Industrial Relations
in Industry will be the subject of the
evening session to be held at 7:30
p.m. in the Union. W. P. Edmunds,
Director of Industrial Relations for
the Standard Oil Company of Ohio,
will discuss opportunities in this field.
A Michigan alumnus, Mr. Edmunds
spent his first 'years out of college
coaching football at the University
of West Virginia, Washington Uni-
versity and at the University of Ver-
The other meeting scheduled for
tonight, Personnel in Business, to
have been addressed by Shirley Wil-
liams, DirectorsofsPersonnel for Fred
Sanders Co., Detroit, has been post-
poned until 10 a.m. Saturday.
College men trained in engineer-
ing schools are 10 times more likely
to become presidents of large indus-
tries than persons who receive their
education in other schools, T. A.
Boyd, Director of Fuel Research for
the General Motors Co., told a meet-
(Continued on Page 6)
German Club Hears Talk
By Islamic Arts Expert
An illustrated lecture featuring the
history and development of Oriental
rugs and their introduction from
Asia into Europe was presented yes-
terday by Prof. Richard Ettinghaus-
en of the history of Islamic arts de-
partment at a meeting of the Deut-
scher Verein.

Russel Award
To Be Made
At Talk Today
Announcement Of Awardr
Will Follow LectureI
By CampbellC. Bonner
Announcement of the 1939 winnere
of the Henry W. Russel Award willa
be made today following the annual$
Russel lecture to be delivered at 4:15e
p.m. in the Graduate School amphi-r
theatre by Prof. Campbell Bonner,a
chairman of the Greek department.
Professor Bonner will speak ona
"Sophocles, Aristotle and the Tiredr
Business Man."a
The Russel Award, which has comec
to be regarded as a local Nobel prize,f
is awarded anuually to the instruc-
tor or assistant professor whose workE
in scholarly research seems to merit
recognition. The lecture, always made
at the time of the Award, is deliveredx
by a faculty member selected by thet
Council of the Research Club of the1
The Award, amounting to $250, isr
made possible by bequest of Henry W.
Russel, '73, late of Detroit, who leftc
$10,000 to the University at the timet
of his death. His will stipulated that
the income from the bequest be usedt
to provide additional compensation
for instructors in the University. E
Glacier Priest
To Show Film
Life Of Cliff Dwellers1
Will Be Topic Tonightz
"Cliff Dwellers of the Far North,"
a picture depicting life among the
Alaskan Eskimos, will be shown by
the Rev. Fr. Bernard R. Hubbard,
geologist and missionary, at 8:15 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium under thet
auspices of the Newman Club, Cath-t
olic student organization.
From 18 months' association with
King Islanders, Father Hubbard is
said to have found many facts which
refute ideas generally accepted con-{
cerning the Eskimos.
Like most primitive peoples today,
the Eskimos believed the earth to be
flat, the glacier priest reports. How-,
ever they have more reason for as-
suming the earth to be flat than had
the Europeans of the middle ages, for
in summer the sun does not sink be-
low the horizon, but seems to revolve
about the zenith, slowly sinking to
the edge of what might easily be as-
sumed to be a circular plate.
Father Hubbard is on the teach-
ing staff at Santa Clara University.
Tickets for tonight's lecture are
still available at principal points on
Engineers Feature
Films About Steel
Two motion pictures on steel and
its alloys will highlight the meeting
of the local branch of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers at
7:30 p.m. today in the Graduate
School amphitheatre.
One of the films, done in sound and
technicolor, "Steel, Man's Servant,"
will deal with the manufacture of
steel and the other, "U.S.S. Cor-
mmten" will explain the manufac-
ture and use of the lightweight alloy
of that name widely used in trans-
portation. All engineers have been in-

vited to attend by John Stevens, '39E,
president of the organization.

Bill To Tax
War Incomes
Is Introduced
54 Congressmen Support
Proposal To Eliminate
High Wartime Profits
Washington Senator
Is Author Of Plan
WASHINGTON, March 21.-(JP)-
Legislation designed to "tax the
profits out of war" by a drastic step-
ip in income taxes was introduced in
Congress today by 50 Senators and
our Representatives.
Senator Bone (Dem., Wash.) who
offered the Senate the bill bearing'
more than enough signatures to pass
t through that chamber said the
egislation would "make it impossible
for any human being to profiteer in
case of war."
Bone explained that in case of war,
evies on individual incomes would
range as high as 93 per cent of net
ncome in excess of $20,000, with a
similar step-up in corporation in-
Personal exemptions would be low-
ered to $500 for unmarried persons
and $1,000 for married couples and
$100 for each dependent. Present ex-
emptions are $1,000 for unmarried
persons, $2,500 for married couples
and $400 for each dependent.
For corporations there would be
a tax of 15 per cent on net incomes
not in excess of 2 per cent of their
adjusted declared value; 25 per cent
n incomes not in excess of 6 per cent
of such value and 100 per cent on net
ncomes of a greater amount.
The legislation has been advocat-
ed for several years by the veterans
of foreign wars and other civic and
peace groups.
The bill was entitled a measure "to
tax the profits out of war by steep-
ly graduated income and other taxes,
in order to provide for an effective
national defense, to promote peace,
to encourage actual neutrality, to
discourage war profiteering, to dis-'
tribute the burdens of war, and to
keep democracy alive."
Those who signed the proposal in-
cluded the two Michigan Senators,
Arthur H. Vandenberg and Prentiss
M. Brown.
Rep. Van Zandt (Rep., Pa.), who
also signed, said the measure would
"avoid the necessity for any dicta-
torship control" to prevent profiteer-
President Roosevelt, asked for his
reaction to developments in Central
Europe, said he was not happy over
the situation, but would not com-
ment further.
George P. Hanson Wins
Tau Beta Pi Fellowship
George P. Hanson, '39E, tied for
top scholastic honors in the country
to win a $650 Tau Beta Pi fellowship,
Prof. A. D. Moore of the engineering
college announced yesterday.
Hanson, whose home is in Ann
Arbor, managed to win the award
despite the fact that during his en-
tire collegiate career he has been
self-supporting. He was the only
Michigan candidate to win one of the
six awards in a competition which
drew 141 entrants f

As Nazis Threaten


Play Production
Will Add Music
To Shakespeare
The keynote of Play Production's
"Two Gentlemen of Verona,"-doing
something new - will be carried
through by musical scores and vocali-
zations selected by Thor Johnson,1
director of the Little Symphony. The1
play will be presented from March1
29 to April 1.
Like Shakespeare's play, the music1
is great but comparatively unknown
work. It will be integrated with the
play by the Little Symphony, which
will present 14 selections. Most of'
the music has been taken from the;
works of Mozart. ;
Schubert's music to "Who Is Syl-
via" has been discarded and that of
Roger Quilter, contemporary EnglishE
composer, taken in its place for the
song that is probably among the best
known lines of all of Shakespeare's
Warren Foster, tenor, and Lorraine
Tommerson, soprano, will sing the
The works of Mozart were select-
ed, Mr. Johnson said, because of their
fine adaptability to the Italianate
atmosphere of "Two Gentlemen of
The overture for the play was tak-
en from "Il Sogno di Scipione" and
the finale is an excerpt from the bal-
let "Les Petits Riens."
Prof. Weaver
To Address
Dean Bursley To Bestow
Scholarshilp Award At
Annual Event Tomorrow
Prof. Bennett YWeaver of the Eng-
lish department will -be the principal
speaker at the annual fraternity ini-
tiation banquet to be held at 6:15
p.m. tomorrow in the main ballroom
of the Union, it was announced yes-
terday by Robert Canning, '39, secre-
tary of the Interfraternity Council.
The banquet, which will honor re-
cent fraternity initiates, will also
! eature the presentation of the pledge
class scholarship cup to the fraterni-
ty pledge class receiving the highest
average grade during the past sem-
ester. The cup was won last year by
Phi Sigma Kappa. Dean Joseph A.
Bursley will make the presentation.
More than 500 recent initiates are
expectid to attend the banquet, Can-
ning said. Guests of honor will in-
clude Dean Bursley, Prof. Karl Litz-
enberg of the English department,
recerrtly appointed director of the
University's dormitories, Dean Henry
C. Anderson of the College of En-
gineering and Prof. Carl G. Brandt of
the speech department.

London Asks Aid Of Paris,
Russia And Poland To
Form Bloc Against Nazis
U.S. Formally Hits
Seizure Of Prague
(By Associated Press)
Germany's virtual ultimatum to
ithuania demanding cession of the
Vemel territory and Lithuania's ap-
arently imminent acquiesence took
he spotlight in the European situa-
ion today as the United States'
tinging "condemnation" of Hitler's
atest seizure of Czechoslovakia
,howed she was lining up with Eng-
land, France, Poland and Russia
gainst any further moves toward
acquisitions, by the bristling Rome-
Berlin axis.
Victor Gailius, Lithuanian Gov-
rnor of the Memel territory, said
ate last night that Germany had
riven Lithuania a virtual ultimatum
lemanding cession of the territory to
the Reich.
Gailus said Lithuania had been
old that if disturbances occurred be-
fore transfer of the Memel territory,
Jerman troops would march in to
restore order.
U.S. Hits Seizure
WASHINGTON, March 21.-(lP)-
I'he United States Government has
ormally communicated to Germany
ts stinging "condemnation" of Hit-
ler's seizure of Czecho-Slovakia as
an act of "wanton lawlessness."
A note to Germany, made public
by the State Department today, re-
fused to "recognize that any legal
asis exists" for Hitler's protectorate
ver Bohemia and Moravia.
Enclosed with the note was acting
Secretary of State Welles's public
tatement of last Friday, denoun-
ing Germany for the "temporary ex-
inguishment" of Czech liberties.
London Seeks Combine
LONDON, March 21. -(P) --Great
Britain called for a combination of
Soviet Russia, France, Poland and
herself against German aggression
tonight while clamor increased for
some form of conscription at home
o fit the nation for new European
Foreign Minister Viscount Halifax
asked the three countries to sign a
declaration with Britain announcing
a common policy of resistance to
aggression and binding themselves to
"consult as to the action they would
take "if Chancellor Hitler attempted
non-Germanic conquests.
Bucharest In Arms
BUCHAREST, March 21.-(P)-
Rumania tonight called up additional
troops of the Second Army Corps and
indicated they would be sent to the
southen frontier where it was re-
ported Bulgarian troops had been
The whole Army Corps was not be-
ing called, it was explained at the
War Department, but only artillery-
men and engineers. Portions of three
other army corps, of Rumania's sev-
en, already had been summoned fol-
lowing reported Hungarian troop con-
centrations on the western and north-
western border.
Rome Is Belligerent
ROME, March 22.-(Wednesday)-
(MP)-The Fascist Grand Council stood
firmly today behind Adolf Hitler's
newest partition of territory in Cen-
tral Europe and warned the democra-
cies that a retaliatory united front
against the totalitarian states would
be a harbinger of war.
The declaration of Fascism's su-
preme policy-forming organ made
plain that the Rome-Berlin Axis had

withstood the strain of its northern
member's sudden increase of power.
Berlin Studies Sanctions
Hoover On Wage Board
BERLIN, March 21. -(P)-The
German Economics Ministry today
studied the 25 per cent extra duties
which the United States has imposed
on most German goods, presumably
with a view to taking retaliatory ac-
A veiled threat that retaliatory
steps might be taken was made by

Imm inent

Memel Surrender

Reorganization Bill Is No Attempt
At Dictatorship, Says Prof. Benson

Nazi Officials Direct Activities
Of Exchange Students In U.S.

The possibility that President
Roosevelt is seeking the passage of
the Cochran-Warren Reorganization
Bill in order to gain dictatorial con-
trol over the various government
agencies and departments may be
minimized, since, if he had desired,
he could have already exerted this
control by the appointment of per-
sonal representatives to key execu-
tive positions, in the opinion of Prof.
George C. S. Benson of the Univer-
sity's Bureau of Government.
"The bill has been initiated be-
cause of the existence of pressure
groups which have blocked govern-
mental reform by their influence in
Congress," said Professor Benson,
"and not because of any desire of the
President to gain further powers. If
passed by the Senate," he said, "it
will give the President powers only
to group, coordinate and consolidate
agencies, or to abolish any not spe-
cifically exempted."
"Although Congress has always
had the power of reorganization,"
Professor Benson said, "these pres-

Compensation Bureau and Employ-
ment Service. "Though both of
these bureaus generally operate ins
the same state departments and local
offices," he said, "the Unemploy-
ment Compensation Bureau has been
under the authority of the Social Se-
curity Board and the Employment
Service under the Department of
Labor. The result of this placement
has been constant administrative
The misplacement of the Public
Health Service in the treasury de-
partment can also be cited as an ex-;
ample of inefficiency which execu-
tive reorganization could recitfy, the
government expert said.
A number of the states," he con-
tinued "have recognized this need for.
executive control of reorganization.
In Indiana and Wisconsin," he said,
"reorganization laws have already
been passed."
"In Congress, the dispute over the
bill centers principally about the
right of the legislative branch to pass
on executive reorganization decrees,"
stated Professor Benson. "As the bill

(Editor's Note: This is the second in
a series of articles on German exchange s
students in the United States. Infor-
mation has been furnished by a mem-
ber of the U.S. Congress.)1
German exchange students and vis-
iting professors in colleges and uni-
versities of the United States and oth-
er foreign countries must report per-
iodically to representatives of the.
National Socialist government, ac-
cording to Reich Education Ministry
decree revealed recently in Congress.
The decree, which was offered as
evidence that German students are
actively engaged in disseminating pro-
Nazi propaganda, was signed by Reich
Education Minister Bernard Ruse. It
has been stringently enforced in coun-
tries where Nazi propaganda is vital
and violators are denied permission
to leave Germany again.
Education Minister Rust's official
statement on the matter follows: "It
has frequently been observed of late
that Germans, especially professors
and students, when traveling abroad
for cultural or scientific purpose, have
failed to establish contact with their

office of the German Academic Ex-
ch&nge, whenever possible. If this
is done, a report of the reason must
be furnished to me.
"I take this opportunity to point
out that previous decrees regarding
foreign journeys are still not always
obeyed by all concerned. I hereby
order all controlled by my office to
obey in every detail the decrees on
foreign travel and lay before me,
through the official channels, any
applications for permission to travel
A later ruling announced that Ger-
man students studying in foreign
countries must become members of
student clubs and take an active part
in the extracurricular life of the uni-
versities to which they have been
The role which the United States
plays in, the Nazi scene is shown by
the fact that the largest number of
exchange students and visiting pro-
fessors in this country comes from
Germany. This number has steadily
increased since Hitler's accession to
power six years ago.
New York's Institute of Interna-

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