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March 21, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-21

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Birthday Party 1933 'Ensian Pilferer Country's Transition Is Cause DAILY OFFICIAL
f"ends Double Payment DAIY'OFICIA
Broadcast Gets Of Youth Problem, Haber Says' BULLETIN
1 " . I In 933 a enthsia i tfinan-
ational Praise cially embarrassed senior decided he Points To Frustration AS ing the problems they face, he sai, go
wanted an 'Ensian. He got one but . tand they find that economic inse- by theerein Students of German
Program Heard In Plane not in the usual manner. No one in ign Of Disappearng curity deays and prevents marriage and others who are interested are
Pthe 'Ensian office, however, noticed Economic Opportunities i Youth's characteristics of impa- invited to attend.
Over Arizona Desert; the book was gone. tience and confusion, which is com- -----
Revives Alumni Clubs The whole story came out yesterday The problem of American youth, mon to the whole population, make Biological Chemistry Seminar,
When the 'Ensian staff received the frustrated in its need for jobs, edu- the general economc breakdown held tonight at 319 West Medical
Letters, telegrams and telephone following letter: cation, marriage and participation in more serious in their case, he said, Building, 7:30 p.m. "Some Aspects
calls aisin the Mich Birthd "Students: community life, is merely one mani- emphasizing that clear thinking is of Amino Acid Metabolism" will be
Broacpraisg her ivrigan worday First and final payment ($10) on festation of a generally dislocated hindered today by the use of mean- discussed. All interested are invited
Broadcast, heard over a world-wide l economy that is maturing into a ingless political symbols. to attend.
radio network Saturday, 'have been ;a Michiganensian pilfered i 1933 static stage, Prof. William Haber, of

Libeke To Address
Training Institute
The morning session of the Michi-
gan Assessors' Training Institute,
meeting at the Union today, will
feature a talk.by John W. Libcke,
member of the Michiga~n State Tax
Commission, on "How to Organize
and Conduct the Field Inventory of
Mr. Albert E. Champney, director
of the Wayne County Bureau of Tax-
ation, will speak at the afternoon,
3ession on "How to Design, Use, and
Maintain Up-to-date Field and Office
Records of Improvements.


Ensian Enthusiast.- Ahe economics department said Sun-
flooding the alumni, office here for The difference between the $5 !!day night at the Hillel Forum.
the past 36 hours. These congratu- which an 'Ensian would have cost and Pointing out that university stu-
latory messages from all parts of the the $10 contributed was taken by dents provided the leadership for d'is-
United States indicate the wide in- staff members to be either interest contented people in the now-totalita-
terest the celebration attracted. or the wages of sin. rian countries of Europem Prnfeso.nr


H. Elliott Stuckey, '08L, CBS pro-
motional director, wired his con-
gratulations to the program directors
immediately following the broadcast.
Albert Chance, CBS special program
director, sent here to aid in last-min-
ute production said the broadcast
surpassed in every way many spon-
sored programs.
Alumni Clubs Interested
The broadcast- served to revive in-
terest in at least three Michigan al-
umni clubs. Aurora, Ill., Tacoma and
Chattanooga alumni organizations,
meeting again for the birthday broad-
cast after long lapses of time, have
announced interest in their respec-
tive sections has so much increased
as a result of the broadcast that they
will reorganize immediately.
Two Michigan graduates in a cross-
country airliner telegraphed that the
broadcast "came in fine" high over
the Arizona desert. Louis Elbel, '99,
composer of "The Victors," was pres-
ent at a large meeting of South Bend
alumni du'ing the broadcast.
Party In Chicago
The Upper Fingerlakes Grad Club
met Saturday afternoon at Hotel
Seneca, Geneva, N.Y., and wired that
classes from "76 to '38 were represent-
ed. The University of Michigan Club
of Chicago's last minute party at-
tracted 40 alumni to Hotel Northern.
Other messages came from alumnis
groups meeting in Detroit, Memphis,
Fort Worth, Washington, where part
of the broadcast origiiated, Dallas,
where 85 assembled, Saginaw, New
Orleans, which attracted 50 to its
gathering, and Spokane, where 34
graduates net,

- - -- - - - -~1 V A NA t JL:,
Haber said that while palliatives such
as the CCC and NYA are necessary
Varsity Glee Club to tide youth over, the real solution
lies in providing economic and psy-
'W ill Give Concerts chological security for the wholel

The Varsity Glee Club will present
three concerts and a radio broadcastI
before Spring Vacation it was an-I
nounced yesterday.
Thursday, the Club will sing before
the North Central Association Music
Educator's Conference in Detroit. On
March 28, the Club will present a
joint concert with the Saginaw Sym-
phony Orchestra in Saginaw. Prof.
David Mattern, of the School of Mu-
sic and director of the Club, will be
guest conductor of the orchestra.
On March 30, the Annual Spring
Concert of the Glee Club will be given
in Hill Auditorium. At this time,
they will present "Trial by Jury,"
one of Gilbert and Sullivan's comic
On April 2 they will be heard on'
Prof. Joseph E. Maddy's Sunday
morning hour. Plans are also being
made for the club's annual Spring.
Vacation tour. So far, concerts are.
scheduled for Rochester, N.Y. on
April 11, Utica on April 12 and New
York City on April 14.
Dana Attends Convention
Dean Samuel T. Dana, of the
School of Forestry and Conservation
left last night for Washington to at-
tend the annual meeting of the.
American Forestry Association, lay-
man organization of foresters in;

Ipopulation. .
Work Keeps Up Moralej
A delegation .of Upper Peninsula
high school graduates told Professor
Haber, when he was Relief Adminis-
trator of Michigan, the "tragic story
of getting nowhere," he said. He
declared that young, men and women
need something more than a relief
allowance for food, clothing and
shelter. Youth must have work to
ward off demoralizing inactivity and
to provide the experience prerequisite
to regular employment, Professor,
Haber stated.}
The social and economic distress of
16 to 25-year-old "adults" became
apparent during the depression, Pro-
fessor Haber said, in the large num-
bers of transient youth "riding the
rails" and in the plight of children
in relief families.
CCC Helps
The Federal Government has at-
tempted to meet the problem, Pro-
fessor Haber pointed out, by setting
up the Civilian Conservation Corps
and the National Youth Administra-
tion. The CCC offers outdoor work
and training in the handling of na-
tural resources to its members. The
NYA furnishes work for high school
and college students and for other
young people who need work exper-
ience before they can apply for jobs.
Analyzing the needs of youth, Pro-
fessor Haber said that young people
want jobs, principally in the profes-
sions, and white-collar work. They
feel that their education is not meet-


{R eco4 r.dsA o.V oV G nt .
" Women's Varsity Debate: There will The topic of this year's Institute is
Iwo Anti -W ar be a debate at the Michigan League Urban Building Valuation, supple-
at 1:30 this afternoon between the - menting the first Institute last year
women's debating teams of Ohio which offered instruction in urban
Gro w s . Plan Weslyan (affirmative) and Michigan land valuation. The Institute is spon-
(negative) on the question: "Resolved sored by the Extension Service.
Strikes H ere That the United States shall cease to -
use public funds including credit for at 7:30 p.m. at the Hillel Founda-
the purpose of stimulating business." tion.
Voting RestrictionCa e Attention Freshmen Women: There The Newman Club Executive Coun-
100 Students To Leave3will be a mass meeting of all fresh- cil will meet at 4 p.m. today in the
The Original Committee men women today at 5 p.m. in the Committee Room of St. Mary's Chap-
League Ballroom to discuss plans for el. Attendance is compulsory.
(continued from Page 1) the Freshman Project. All girls who _
------- - are interested are urged to attend. Bookshelf and Stage Section of the
America, the ASU program pro- Faculty Women's Club will meet
visionally accepted by the group of Christian Science Organization: today at 2:45 p.m. at the home of'
100 asks that victims of aggression 8:15 p.m. League Chapel. Students, Mrs. Arthur W. Smith, 1008 Oak-
be exempted from the ban on sale of alumni and faculty are invited to at- land Ave. Mrs. Ralph H. Upson is as-
arms to belligerents. Declaring. its tend the services. sisting hostess.
suport of the United States' "ec- _
onomic retaliation" against the Hit- The Student Senate will meet at The Music Section of the Faculty
ler regime, the platform demand the 73
litn ofgm, the emarom ond oy t 7:30 p.m. today, in Room 302 Michi- Women's Club will meet tonight at
lifting of the embargo on Loyalist 1ganUnion. All Senators must bring 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. John
Spain. their eligibility cards Johnstone, 904 Oakland Ave.
Recognizing the necessity for; ____ ___
armed forces "adequate to re- The American Student Union will CE
sist fascist aggression," the program hold the first in a series of faculty Coming Events
states the need for "democratic con- and thent rndabeis cu ty
trol and selection of our defense and student round-table discussionsThursday March 23.
forces," as well as a program of social tonight, at 8 p.m. at the Union. The 4 p.m. Coffee hour at Michigan
and economic reform. discussion will center about the re- Union (Room 308).
cent talk by John L. Spivak on Nazi 8 p.m. Smoker for Engineering fac-
Protesting the "diversion of funds activity in the United States. ulty (North Lounge).
from sorely needed WPA, conserva- Note.Studentsdesiringpersonal
tion and education projects" to a --Noe Suetdsing peroa
"superi-armaments program," the Freshman Handbook: Meeting this conferences with Mr. Untermeyer,
Anti - War Committee's platform evening, 7:15, Lane Hall, for those phone him at the Michigan Union
warns that "an armaments economy interested in revising the Freshman Thursday 23 between 2 and 4 p.m.
will be the first step toward the col- Handbook, Conferences will be arranged for Fri-
lapse of what democracy and well- day, March 24.
being we now enjoy." The Development of Social Ethids
Opposition to the "ROTC, CAA in Judaism will be discussed by Dr. Attention Engineers: The A.S.M.E.
flight training, CMTC, and militari- I-aac Rabinowitz at the Association will present Wednesday evening,
zation of CCC and NYA" is voiced Open Forum, Lane Hall, eight o'clock March 22, at 7:30 in the Rackham
in the Anti-War Committee program. tonight. This is the first of a series Amphitheatre the outstanding in-
Advocating "real internationalism," of three Open Forums dealing with dustrial film of the year, "Steel-
the Committee describes the anti-war The Development of Social Ethics. Man's Servant," a sound, technicolor
strike as a "pledge" to aid all peoples I picture on the manufacture of steel.
in their "fight against fascism and The Avukah, National Student Zi- With this, a second film, "U.S.S. Cor-
all oppression." onist organization, will meet tonight Ten" dealing with the recent ad-

vances made in the building of light-
weight streamlined trains and other
transportation equipment, will be
American Association of University
Women will hold regular March meet-'
ing on Wednesday, March 22 at 3 p.m.
at the Michigan League. Discussion
of "Cooperation" in Ann Arbor by
professors and laymen interested in
the various phases of the subject.
The Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha will
hold its regular monthly meeting on
Thursday evening, March 23, 1939, at
8 p.m. in the West Conference Room
of the Horace Rackham Graduate
School Building.
The speaker for the evening ' Dr.
S. A. Courtis, of Detroit, whose lopic
is "Responsibility of The Engineer
for Cultural Progress."
Dr. Courtis is a speaker of excep-
tional ability and will have something
definite to offer to all who hear him,
It is hoped that every member on
campus will make a special effort to
be present.
A Flying Meet will be conducted by
The University Flying Club at the
Ann Arbor Airport Sunday, March
26. University students with solo
ratings or better are encouraged to
participate. Others are invited to at-
tend the meet.
All eligibles interested in partici-
pating in the meet must sign their
names on the notice next to the Aero
Department bulletin board in the East
Engin. Bldg.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build-
ing at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday,
March 22. 'Mr. Norman Bauer will
speak on 'Cohesion Forces and Dipole
Moments in Liquids."
New York State Students: There
will be a meeting of the New York
State Club on Wednesday, March 22,
Eight p.m. at the League. Dancing
follows the meeting.
Hiawatha Club: There will be no
meeting of the Hiawatha Club this
week. Notices will be sent for the
next meeting.
American Student Union: Regular
membership meeting on Wednesday,
March 22, at 7:30 p.m. at the Union.
University Oratorical Contest: The
University Oratorical Contest will be
held Wednesday, March 22, 4 p.m. in
Room 4003 A.H.




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