0 FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, FEB. 16, U THE MICHIGAN DAILY Nation Loses Profound Social Engineer In Retirement Of Mr. Justice Brandeis N I t .- w , 91 . , Edited and managed by students of the University of ;ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control of student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Sumn r Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to t or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All ights of republication of all other matters herein also eserved. ;Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as' econd class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON - LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Vember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1938-39 Board of. Managing Editor . Editorial, Director. . Jity Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor. Associate Editor Associate Editor 3ook Editor - Women's Editor Sports Editor . Editors . Robert D. Mitchell * . Albert P. May10 . Horace W. Gilmore . Robert I. Fitzhenry - . S. R. Kleiman . . Robert Perlman * . .Earl Gilman William Elvin - . Joseph Freedman - . . Joseph Gies . Dorothea Staebler * . Bud Benjamin Business Department Business Managers. s . . , Philip W. Buchen Credit Manager . . . . Leonard P. Siegelman Advertising Manager . . William L. Newnan Women's Business Manager . Helen Jean Dean Women's Service Manager . . Marian A. Baxter NIGHT EDITOR: STAN M. SWINTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily ire written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Lipicoln Day Oratory From Coast To Coast .. . UT OF THE MANY Lincoln Day O7speeches made by Republican ora- tors Monday, two are of particular interest. They show, it seems to us, two trends in thought of rather considerable and significant distinc- tion. Mr. Herbert Hoover, addressing the main gath- ering in New York City, asserted that "when the great spirit of Abraham Lincoln looks through the long corridor .of time upon the party he founded he sees that from the day of his passing on the torch, until the last day of the Republican. Party in office, it held aloft the light of inalien- able liberties of men. And he knows that party never deviated from the Constitution which he fought to preserve, either in letter or in spirit." Mr. Hoover spoke at considerable further length, running into five columns of type in Tuesday's editions. He said nothing new; the speech was, in fact, a rehearsal of the same arguments that he has been using since 1932. He again denounced New Deal spending, made charges of politics in relief and accused the Roosevelt administration of radical tendencies and of aiming at dictator- ship. Across the continent, at Los Angeles, Mr. William Allen White stressed some rather less tenebrous issues. "The Grand Old Republican Party stands either on the brink of rebirth or the rim of the grave," he told his listeners. "In this new world, a world of social, economic,' political and spiritual change, it is silly to insist that we stand where we always have stood," he said. "If we keep on standing where we stood 15 years ago, we are going to be knocked into the middle of next week." Drawing a parallel between Lincoln's day and our own, Mr. White said that "our national economy cannot survive with labor as a commodity. . . Getting down to cases, sup- pose we admit frankly that labor must come into a new status, if you please. When we change the status of labor, as for instance Lincoln changed it with the scratch of a pen, we change also the status of all that labor makes. That means property. Property rights are bound to shi t and change as the rights of labor expand. 1t is inevitable." This sort of talk, candid and forthright though it may be, is not likely to find much of an echo from the gentlemen who sit behind the desks in the private offices of the nation's banking and manufacturing institutions and who furnish the checking accounts for G.O.P. campaign expenses. For the sensitive ears of these party angels, the platitudes and sophistries of Mr. Hoover are likely to possess far more charm. Mr. White's remarks, however, are more likely to impress the rank and file of the marginal vot- ing public which makes election victories. If President Roosevelt is to the left of this power- ful group, as Mr. Hoover avers, Mr. Hoover him- self is undoubtedly to the right of it. Whatever the last election results prove, they do not prove that the people are prepared to acclaim a re- turn to the governmental methods of 1932. And if the G.O.P. fals in line behind Mr. Hoover in- stead of behind Mr. 'White, it wifl indeed be By ELLIOTT MARANISS In the retirement of Mr. Justice Brandeis from the Supreme Court, the people of the United States have lost more than a distinguished jurist; from the day that the Boston "people's attorney" was appointed to the High Bench by Woodrow Wilson he has stood unchallenged as the most original and stimulating economic statesman in the national government. Never so much as in our time has there been in this country such wide-spread interest in the essentially political functions of the court. Chief Justice Hughes' laconic statement that the judges of the court are the Constitution under which we live and move, has become par't of the folklore of the country. From a study of Mr. Brandeis' written judicial opinions, his body of social thought and his own integrated per- sonal philosophy and viewpoint emerges a con- cept of constructive judicial opinion and action that brings "government by judiciary" to its point of highest development. For a complete estimate of the place of Mr. Brandeis in the liberal tradition of America, it is necessary first to remember that the forma- tive years of his life, the years when he was a practitioner of the law in the interests of the whole community, fell in the "social justice" period of American history the latter part of the nineties and the first decade of the 20th century. Born in frontier region of Kentucky, the inheri- tor through his parents of an acute sense of justice and liberty which they had carried to America from the Europe of 1848, Louis Brandeis stalked through resurgent pre-war America as the flaming humanitarian answer to "those who consider the constitutional phrases freedom of contract and due process of law as forever 'pre- venting a democratic majority from instituting the eight-hour day and a minimum wage." The years in which Mr. Brandeis was drafting Savings Bank Insurance Acts, fighting for wo- men's suffrage as a "human right," ardently de- fending civil liberties, championing the trade- union principle and battling the "money trust." were the years in which American liberalism was nearing its apotheosis. Characterized on the one hand by the rise of powerful vested interests which threatened to attain an unshakable grasp upon the resources and government of the na- tion, and on the other hand by such movements as Populism, muckraking, the Single Tax, trust- busting and the New Freedom, the perennial American struggle between the democratic and anti-democratic forces was being fought with sincere, even if somewhat romantic and naive, fervor and determination. Progressive Philosophers It was in this period of "America's-coming-of- age," the period of the Wilsoian ascendency that Steffens and Miss Tarbell and David Graham Phillips shocked naive America with their ex- poses of the machinations of the trusts and the sorry state of municipal government; that Robert La Follette was fighting the railroads; that Louis A. Post was carrying on the fight for the Single Tax and elementary civil liberties in the Public; and that witnessed the publication of Walter Weyls The New Democracy, Walter Lippman's Preface To Politics, Charles A. Beard's An Eco- nomic Interpretation Of The Constitution Of The United State," Thorstein Veblen's Theory Of Business Enterprise, and Herbert Croly's The Promise Of American Life. And it is to this list of progressive philosophers, historians and economists that Louis Brandeis belongs-a com- munion that was inalterably established in 1913 with the publication of his Other People's Money. In 1913 the Pujo Congressional committee's investigations-engendered by the public's in- dignation at the facts presented by the muck- raking crew-traced the vast concentration of money and credit made possible by inter-locking directorates, stockholdings and credit freezing. Brandeis, as the Progressive movement's most brilliant legal and statistical mind was the logical man to voice the movement's attitude. Other People's Money, his exposition of the money trust, is as Beard has called it "an accur- ate and lucid, systematic diagnosis" of the cen- tralization of credit-the life-blood of the sys- tem. Set against this background, the economic and social views that Mr. Brandeis expounded in his 22 years on the bench can be more easily understood and evaluated. Brandeis, spawned by the populism of the West, and the Jeffer- sonian spirit of the frontier has consistently stood forth as a believer in "smallness" and in compe- tition, and the preservation of these by state interference if necessary-that is the essence of his creed. Max Lerner, in an article in the Yale University Law Review in 1932 has neatly summed up Mr. Brandeis' economic principles in these terms: "Wherever monopoly has taken the place of former competitive units, he wishes to restore and maintain competition; where in a competitive situation unfair practices threaten the competitive equilibrium he wishes to curb them and so maintain the plane of competition; where competition is impossible or undesirable due to the nature of the industry, he wishes to pattern the system of control as closely as pos- sible upon putative competition." Fight For New Freedom The crucial premise in Mr. Brandeis' econom- ic thought is that the things he is fighting- "the huge and unwieldy corporation, the indus trial monopoly, the unfair competitor, the pyra- mided money trust"-are excrescences to be lopped off, "pathological diversions of energy to be brought back to their normal channels." In this respect he is still carrying the banners of the early Progressives: he and Beard and John T. Flynn are still fighting the battle for the society of the New Freedom, the land of small, competitive business units, a batttle that becomes more and more quixotic in the present stage of American and world economic develop- ment, but one that is understandable in the light of the forces and movements that influ- enced all these men. Berle and Means' The Mod- edn Corporation and Private Property has re- placed Other People's Money: the problem is no longer one of "bigness" but the social control and utility of the large units of production. But if Mr. Brandeis' economic concepts have been outmoded by the advance of the times, the permanence and tistinctiveness of his concep- tion of the "living law" is a valid and universal contribution to American institutional life. The Brandeis that stands out as a unique and heroic figure in the continuous development of Ameri- can liberalism is the man who insisted upon the necessity of the "persistent application of social intelligence to social problems," and upon the inadequacy of any solution which did not have behind it "the creative will of the people." Brandeis is the pioneer in the development of a jurisprudence built about social change; his method of adjusting a body of legal rules to the changing needs of' changing conditions and social experiences, and the humanitarian and ethical motivation of his judgments place him in the front ranks of the body of men who have contributed to the preservation and extension of American democracy. dy 9C £ THE fraternal bonds of one of the ultra ultra frat clubs were serious- ly tested one day this week when a copy of the leftist Midwest Daily Record was found in its gilded par- lor. The alarmists mobilized and! began a loud inquisition of the broth- ers, to expose the tinted one among them who was burrowing from with-! in. Without avail the miniature Dies Committee questioned several sus-' pects, especially those lads who had often expressed mild enthusiasm for the New Deal and one in particular who had visited Russia last summer and who had uncautiously observed' that "I think they've got something there." In the midst of the investigation it was discovered that the paper had been brought in by a member of the kitchen help, circulated accidentally by the porter, whose social conscious- ness hasn't developed to the extent that he can yet distinguish betweenj the Record and the Chicago Tribune.l Incidentally, the only "ism" found by the committee was a surprisingly weak manifestation of fraternalism -which made the house regret its hasty inquiry. In the desk of one frater was a list of his pet peeves, and heading it were the names of three dorm mates, two of whom were among the snoopers. * * * - PRETTY BOY (Dedicated to the hero of the current movie at the Mich.) There's hair on your chest galore; In fact, there's room for no more-_' But you'll never be a he-man, Pretty boy. 1 Pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy, With your classic nose so lovely And your devastating smile, You couldn't be bad-could you? It isn't quite your style. You'll never be a he-man, Oh, you'll NEVER be a he-man, Pretty boy. 2 Pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy, You have tried in recent pictures To be rough and tough and bad (Why, you've even grown full whis- kers!) But you're still a dear, sweet lad.t Oh, I'm so SORRY for you, Pretty boy. So sorry, oh, SO sorry. Oh, I'm SO sorry for you, Pretty boy. 3 Pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy, In the Yankee Boy at Oxford- My, that jungle on your chest! And the way you ran those races! (Are you sure you did your best?) You'll never be a he-man, Pretty boy. Oh, YOU'LL never be a he-man, Pretty boy. 4 Pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy- Boy! and how you slugged the villain When you dared to Stand and Fight, 'Tho your head was bowed and bloody My goodness! what a sight! Why don't you stay in love-scenes, Pretty boy? You're MUCH better when in love- scenes, Pretty boy. 5 Pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy, Won't you leave the rugged male-roles To McLaglen, Alan Hale, Wallace B., McLane and Bickford? (Beside them you look SO frail!) For you'll never be a he-man- No, you'll never be a HE-manr-- Pretty boy. -Ito * * $ THE pioneer spirit, despite recent lamentations, is not dead. Two Michigan men were hitch-hiking from Detroit to Ann Arbor last Wed- nesday, scheduled to classify on Thursday. If we knew their attitude toward education we might, by the power of sympathetic insight, imagine the thoughts assailing them when an obvious Westerner, with a drawl and ten-gallon sombbreror, picked them up and complained of the loneliness he was sure to feel on his long journey back home. Home was New Mexico. He'd sure welcome company; the boys looked at each other, and in that mutual exchange of glances must have been the gleam of the founding fathers, sometlging adventurous, en- thralling, seductive. They are now on a cattle ranch near the Rio Grande, "eating steaks cut out of a steer encountered on their way back to the ranch house from a morning of horseback rid- ing;" and as guests of a gracious rancher, whistling "I'm An Old Cow- hand," and enjoying the uncontam- inated open air-their spontaneous vacation spoiled only by thoughts of returning to this weather forecast' er's enigma. Osborn Supports DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30 P.M.; 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. (Continued from Page 2) Sets. Will meet Mondays and Fridays from 3 to 4:30, in 3011 A.H. Math. 302, Seminar in Analysis. Preliminary meeting for arrangement of hours on Friday at 3 o'clock, 3201 A.H. Report on "Differential Opera- tors" by Dr. Bartels. The probable topic for this semester is "Modern Theories of Integration." Philosophy 132, intermediate course in metaphysics and theory of knowl- edge, will meet MWF at 10 in 205 Mason Hall. Psychology, English 228. Class will meet to fix schedule Thursday at 5 in 3126 N.S. instead of date given in catalog. J. F. Shepard, A. R. Morris. Speech 31: All sections and hours closed except MWF at 9, 4003 A.H.; MWF at 11, 302 M.H.; T THS at 9, 4208 A.H. Speech 32: All sections closed ex- cept M W F at 10, 4003 A.H. Exhibitions Exhibition of Water Colors by Ar- thur B. Davies and Drawings by Boardman Robinson, shown under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. North and South Gal- leries of Alumni Memorial Hall; daily from 2 to 5 p.m.; Feb. 15 through March 1. Lectures University Lecture. Dr. Alexander Silverman, of the University of Pitts- burgh, will speak on "Glass and the Modern World" in the Chemistry Amphitheatre at 4:15 p.m. today. This lecture is sponsored by the U. of M. Section of the American Chemical Society. French Lecture: The fourth lecture on the Cercle Francais program will take place today at 4:15 p.m., Room 103, Romance Language Building. Prof. Michael Pargment will speak on: "Les Ecoles Francaises." Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured from the Secretary of the Romance Language Depart- ment (Room 112, Romance Lan- guage Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture. Oratorical Association Course: Hector Bolitho, noted Eng- lish biographer, will appear in Hill auditorium tonight at 8:15 p.m. Tick- ets rae available at Wahrs. The sea- son ticket coupons for the Lord Stra- bolgi lecture will admit. University Lecture: The Right Hon- orable The Earl Russell, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, will lec- ture on "Space in Modern Philosophy and Physics" on Saturday, Feb. 18, at 11 a.m., in the Rackham Lecture Hall under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Philosophy. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The English Journal Club will meet this evening at 8 o'clock in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. H. T. Price will speak on "The . Methods of Textual Criti- cism. Faculty members and graduate students are invited to attend. The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 p.m. this afternoon, Feb. 16, in the, Observatory lecture room. Dr. Heber D. Curtis, recently returned from a semester abroad, will talk on "Impressions of English Ob- servatories." Tea will be served at 4:00. Scimitar meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. this evening at the Michigan Union. All members are urged to be present, for plans are to be completed for an all-campus tour- nament. Varsity Glee Club: Regular rehears- al tonight at 7:30. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: The University of Michigan Student Branch of the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences will hold its first meeting of the second semester this evening at 7:30, in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. Professor E. A. Stalker will give an illustrated talk on the Boeing 314 and the Cur- tiss-Wright 20 ships. All members are urged to attend, since important plans will be discussed. All persons interested in the Society are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Re- freshments will be served. Zeta Phi Eta: The first regular meeting of the year will be held in the Portia Room in Angell Hall to- night at 7:15. It is imperative that all pledges be prseent and on time to discuss the pledge project. University Girls' Glee Club: Re- hearsal tonight at 7:15 in Game Room of the League. Spanish play tryouts will continue today and Friday at 3 p.m. in 302 R.L. American Country Dancing: The first in a series of lessons in American Country Dancing for faculty and graduate men and women will be held at the Women's AthleticnBuilding to- night at 7:30 p.m. Those attending are asked to wear rubber soled shoes. Modern Dance Club: The Modern Dance Club will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. instead of Wednesday eve- ning because of the concert. The Class in Current Jewish Prob- lems vill resume its meetings this evening at 8 p.m. at the Hillel Foun- dation. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz will speak on "The Problem of the Syna- gogue as an Institution." All are wel- come. The Interior Decoration Group of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at three o'clock this afternoon in the Michigan League Building. Professor Harlow O. Whittemore, Chairman of the Landscape Design Department, will give an illustrated lecture regard- ing "Landscape Gardening on the Home Grounds." Coming Events Fraternity Rushing Notice: All those interested in registering for rushing may do so at the Interfra- ternity Council Office, third floor, Michigan Union, any weekday, ex- cept Saturday, between the hours of three and five p.m. Fraternity Rush- ing chairmen may obtain the names of registrants by coming to the Coun- cil 'office at the hours stated above. The Suomi Club will meet Friday, Feb. 17 at 8 o'clock in Lane Hall. All students of Finnish descent are cordially invited. Refreshments will be served. Dance Class Committee: All girls interested in assisting with thebe- ginning and intermediate dance classes to be held in the League ball- room on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings respectively from 7:30 to 8:30 please meet Saturday, Feb. 18 Lecturel TODAY by David N WASHINGTON Lawrence WASHINGTON, Feb. 15-Whatever else the political parties may have learned from each other in recent years, it is apparent that Lincoln Day and Jackson Day dinners, besides being a new means of replenishing campaign chests, now have become instrumentalities for the release of invective and criticism. Time was when the birthdays of these two great American Presidents were honored by recollection of their individual achievements. Now the custom is to use the birthdays as a vehicle for mutual attack by the major parties. What is .particularly absent in these party gatherings is a constructive note. The Jackson Day dinners were occupied, to be sure, with a call to harmony inside the Democratic Party, but the principal tirades were against the Re- publicans. Similarly, this week, the Republicans answer back with all the barrages of which their orators are capable. As for the innocent bystanders-the public- who have little interest in politics as a game or the devices used to arouse followers to party banners, there is disappointment over the fail- ure of either major party to develop a program of hope and encouragement in these days of national and international doldrums. Economic Stagnation Whether it is the Democratic criticism that the Republicans have no sense of social responsibility or the Republican counter-attack that an un- balanced budget is creating economic stagna- tion, the average observer does not see on the horizon any statesmanship which is bold enough to throw overboard the party recriminations and point the way to national progress. were eliminated as arguments through revised policies by the Administration, there are few here in either party who would then venture to underwrite the nation's prosperity and guarantee the immediate restoration of 10,000,000 persons in jobs. No Concrete Program Even the relatively simple problem of finding jobs for the 3,000,000 on WPA has brought no plan from anybody inside or outside the Govern- ment. The belief that these 3,000,000 human be- ings can be turned out of the relief rolls and that they will somehow find jobs is held by some legislators, to be sure, but nobody with a know- ledge of economic trends is ready to predict that any such number of workers can be absorbed in the next six months or even a year or two. This has nothing to do, of course, with the desirable logic of starting a cut-down so as to cause some of the WPA workers to take jobs that may be offered them and with other reme- dial influences which would flow from a start in the direction of real economy. But it has every- thing to do with the fact that neither the Re- publicans nor the Democrats have thought through the major problems involved in the economic disturbances through which America is now passing. He Was Right Then It is significant that political circumstances alter points of view. Former President Hoover knows world economics about as well as anybody in public life. His thesis in 1932 was that a world-wide upheaval had upset American eco- nomic stability. He was right then, in the view of many of us. But today his principal grievances THEATRE] By NORMAN A. SCHORR 'Innocent Merriment' Gilbert and Sullivan's "Mikado" in swingcopated form is the. all-Negroj offering at the Great Northern The- atre in Chicago that continues to play to packed houses, with a road tour and professional backing in pros-J pect. The original libretto by W. S. Gilbert remains practically untouched in this brainchild of Harry Minturn, Illinois director of the Federal The- atre, but the catchy musical numbers of Sir Arthur Sullivan are rescored3 in Count Basie style and the chorus girls and nobles are all jitterbugs and do everything but tear the roof down with a Lindy Hop routine to the tune of "The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring." The swing music does not run rampant throughout the produc- tion and dialogue is straight except when Ko-Ko (Herman Greene) breaks through occasionally ashe does when he closes the "Here's a How-de-do" routine with "What a, helluva mess this is." The scene of this famous comic opera has been moved from Gil-: bert's Japanese townl of Titipu to, an unidentified "coral island in the Pacific" with a combination of Afri- can and Japanese motifs. Clive Rick- abaugh's sets feature weeping palm trees and undulating waves of the sea as background and are very ef- fective in their simplicity. The individual star of the show is wholesomely funny Greene as Ko- Ko, who has little or no singing voice, but reads his lines in a honky- tonk comic style and gets a great laugh in his "Titwillow" rendition. He is a gaping grinning Ko-Ko that would amuse even Gilbert himself. Singing honors go to Pooh-Bah (Wil- liam Franklin) a solid baritone, and- handsome Nanki-Poo (Maurice Coop- er) a well-trained lyric tenor. Yum- Yum (Gladys Boucree) sings well and the Mikado (Edward Fraction) attired in a flowing robe of red and yellow stripes and a tall silk topper bedecked with towering feathers, looks very impressive but just mumbles his hit tune, "I'm the Emperor of Japan" and "Never a More Humane Mikado Did Exist."