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March 21, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-03-21

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Fair and warmer today.


,flltr4t g.an


American Fascism
And Civil Liberty .



Hitler's Czech Coup,
Scored By U.S. Note;
Democracies Unite


U.S. Refuses Recognition
Of Nazi Advance; Orders
Prague Legation Closed
Soviet Asks Meeting

Boyd To Talk
On Research

To Stop


WASHINGTON, March 20.-(P)-
The United States, in a note to Ger-
many, refused tonight to recognize
Hitler's coup in Czecho-Slovakia.
Sumner Welles, Acting Secretary of
State, sent the note to the German
embassy a few hours after ordering
the American legation in Prague
closed. He called back to Washing-
ton Wilbur J. Carr, the American
Minister to Czecho-Slovakia.
Contents of the document will be
made public tomorrow. It acknowl-
edges receipt of the German note of
last Friday announcing Hitler's pro-
tectorate over Bohemia and Moravia.
It was understood %he American
note was in the spirit of Welles' em-
phtic statement last Friday in which
he referred to Germany's absorption
of Czecho-Slovakian territory as
The dispatch of the note and the
closing of the Prague legation were
the outstanding events in a day filled
with developments here over the
Czech situation and national defense.
Nine Countries
To Stop Hitler
LONDON, March 20.-()-Joint
efforts by Britain, France, Soviet
Russia and any other willing nation
to unite in a common front against
any German aggression were regard-
ed in diplomatic quarters tonight as
a virtual certainty.
The "Stop Hitler" drive, which may
involve nine European powers, was
expected to take the form either of an
international confernce or an anti-
aggression declaration by Britain,
France and Russia,
The Soviet Union was said to have
proposed an international conference
of democratic powers to draft a com-
mon policy in the face of Germany's
expanding empire.
Reliable quarters said Britain had
countered with a proposal for a
three-power declaration in which
other states might join and predicted
that either one or the other plan
would be adopted.
Emergence of the two suggestions
as a likely course of European opposi-
tion to Reichsfuehrer Hitler's east-
ward expansion followed British ef-
forts to weld a European front and
her independent steps against Ger-
man imperialism.
Prime Minister Chamberlain told
the House of Commons that Britain's
huge rearmament program, which
started as a plan to spend $7,500,000,-
000 in five years and already has
been expanded as a result of German
conquests, again would be reviewed:
Rumania Receivesj
English Trade Offer
BUCHAREST, March 20.-tA --Ru-
manian official quarters received
with enthusiasm tonight the news
that Britain would send a trade mis-
sion to Bucharest.
Amid indications that Rumania was'
ready to make economic concessions
'to Germany while standing farm
against surrender of any politica'l
rights, the Rumanian Foreign Office
was stimulated by the lively concern
for this country shown by France and
Dr. Helmuth Wohlthat, German
trade expert, and the Rumanian Fin-
ance Ministry were putting finishing
touches on amendments to Grman-
Rumania trade treaties. These amend-
ments were described as "minor
The Foreign Office, which has said
repeatedly that it did not regard the
German economic proposals as con-
stituting an ultimatum, described the
trade negotiations as proceedng in a
friendly atmosphere.
The chief change said, to be sought
by Germany was an increase in the
amount of petroleum she may buy.
The prevailing agreement is that

not more than 25 per cent of Rumani-
on vnnt+as VM Crmsinvol ,nv nil

FDR Names
New Justice
SEC Chairman Is Certain
Of Easy Confirmation;
Is Only_40 Years Old
Republican Leader
Praises Appointee
WASHINGTON, March 20.-()?-
William O. Douglas, whose Horatio
Alger career carried him up the lad-
der from the status of farm hand
and struggling student to the post of
chief regulator of Wall Street, was
nominated for the Supreme Court to-
day by President Roosevelt.
Just past 40 years of age, the chair-
man of the Securities Commission will
become, if confirmed, the youngest
Supreme Court Justice since Joseph
Storey of Massachusetts took his seat
on the tribunal in 1812 at the age
of 32.
Even Republicans Approve
There was no doubt tonight on
Capitol Hill that he would be con-
firmed with ease. Many Senators
hastened to express their approval.
The hardest thing said about Douglas
was that he was not a western resi-
dent. That section is now unrepre-
sented on the court and there had
been demands that this situation beI
While there was a bit of disap-
)ointment among some western Sena-
tors, they for the most part indicat-
ed approval of the choice. In fact,
Senator McNary of Oregon, the Re-
publican floor-leader, called the ap-
pointment "excellent" and said he
was "confident that confirmation will
be given without any undue delay or
Frank Informs Douglas
Douglas was at his desk in the SEC
building when the nomination was
announced. Jerome Frank, a mem-
ber of the Commission, informed him
of his promotion and told him the
"President couldn't have done bet-
ter." Douglas, himself, would make
no comment for publication, but he
yielded to the importunings of cam-
eramen and posed for pictures at
the end of the commission's long
conference table, once leaning far
back in his chair with his feet on the
table. He appeared to enjoy the in-
formality of the pose.
The appointment was rated a "vic-
tory" for the "inner circle" of more
aggressive New Dealers. But it was,
in addition, a victory for men of such
viewpoint as Senator Borah (Rep.-
Ida.), who has differed with the New
Deal on many questions.
To Borah, in fact, was entrusted
an important phase of the prelimin-
ary work some weeks ago.E

Two Anti-War
Groups Plan
Strikes Here


Occupational Conference
To Present Varied
Research, home management, so-
cial service and plant management
are the vocations which experts vill
probe today in the University's Guid-
ance and Occupational information
Designed to aquaint students with
opportunities and requirements in
leading occupations, the Conference
is open to all University students. The
Bureau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information is sponsoring
the series.
T. A. Boyd, Director of Fuel Re-
search for the General Motors Co.,
Detroit, will discuss opportunities in
the field of research at 4:10 p.m. to-
day in the Union. Co-discoverer,
along with Charles F. Kettering and
Thomas Midgly, of tetraethyl lead
to climinate "knock" in gasoline, Mr.
Boyd is considered one of the pioneers
i his field, according to the Bureau.
Home Management and Related
Occupations will be the subject of a
discussion to be carried on simultane-
ously at the League. Designed pri-
marily for women, the meeting will
feature Dr. Mary Shattuck Fisher,
professor of child study at Vassar
College, and Dr. Irma R. Gross, pro-
fessor of home management at Michi-
gan State College.
Dr. Fisher, affiliated with the As-
sociation of Consulting Psycholo-
gists, isa member of the executive
councils of the National Council of
Parent Education and the National
Committee of Maternal Health. Dr.
Gross, Regional Director in the 1936
Consumer's Purchases Study of the
United States Bureau of Home Ec-
onomics, has conducted a study tour
to Europe to observe standards of liv-
li i invarious European countries.
tContinued On Page 2)
To Show Film
Father Hubbard To Talk
On Eskimo Customs
The Rev. Fr. Bernard R. Hubbard,
geologist, explorer and missionary,
will present his moving picture, "Cliff
Dwellers of the Far North" at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium un-
der the auspices of the Newman Club.
Father Hubbard has just returned
from his eleventh Alaskan expedi-
tion, during which he spent 18 months
among the Eskimos of King Island
and explored 2,000 miles of the Bering
Sea and Arctic Ocean north of Alaska.
On his latest trip the "Glacier
Priest" departed from his geological
studies of Alaska's volcanos, moun-
tains and glaciers to turn ethnologist
for 18 months.
Audiences have acclaimed the pic-'
I tuv fnr it scintifi hbakrArunrl

Programs Of Both
One hundred students, who had
come to make plans for a campus
strike against war on April 20, walked
out of an Anti-War Committee meet-
ing last night in Lane Hall to hold
their own, session, after a ruling by
the committee chairman that, al-
though the meeting was open to in-
terested persons, only members of his
organization could vote. Tentative
platforms for the April 20 strikes
were approved at the Anti-War Com-
mittee meeting, attended by 19 stu-
dents some of whom reprseented
church guilds, and by the group of
100 meeting on the floor above.
Program To Halt Fascism
Advocating the use, of the "ma-
terial and financial resources" of this
country to halt fascism, the "central
threat to our peace and security,"
the group of 100 tentatively adopted
a program endorsed by the Peace
Committee of the American Student
Union. The program will be further
discussed at a campus-wide meeting
to be called'by the executive commit-
tee that was elected. Elman Service,
'40, who fought for the Loyalists in
Spain, was chosen chairman.
Calling for a referendum on war
and a stoppage of super-armament
expenditures, the Anti-War Com-
mittee program includes a pledge
that youth will refuse to support the
United States Government in "any
war it might undertake on foreign
soil." The Committee will meet next
Monday to elect a strike commit-
tee, and to plan for a general meet-
ing March 30 at which Fay Bennett,
financial secretary of the Youth
Committee Against War, will speak.
Suggest Campus Pall.
A suggestion to submit both pro-
grams to a campus poll was made
at the session of 100 students in the
auditoriuip on the second floor of
Lane Hall. The question will be
taken up at the group's next meet-
The Anti-War Committee reported
that it had written John dos Passos,
author, Senators Nye, Lundeen and
LaFollette, Norman Thomas, So-
cialist leader, and James T. Farrell
writer, to obtain one of them as a
speaker for their strike,
Endorsing the Roosevelt Good
Neighbor Policy, as a measure to
strengthen democracy in Latin
(Continued on Page 6)

Restriction Causes
Students To Leave
Original Committee

Mitchell Na Summer
ditor In Sa.rise Move
Toward ei IControl

Board To Consider Plan
Of 17 Editors To Eleci
Five-ManPolicy Group
Proposal Hearing
Is Set For April 5
A proposal signed by 17 out of 21
junior and senior editors of The Daily
to appoint a five man board of edi-
tors to have full responsibility for
the operation of The Daily next yea
will be considered by the Board ir
Control of Student Publications with
the junior and senior editorial staff
of The Daily at a special meeting
April 5 in the Union.
The plan, drawn up this semester
by Daily staff members, has as it
chief purposes the democratizing of
the operation and policies of The
Daily, and the insurance of a compe-
tent and judicious choice for manag-
ing editor, by having him elected by
his colleagues.
Under the present system, the
Board in Control at its annual May
meeting, selects one man as manag-
ing editor, and at times a city editor
and an editorial director. The Board
has used both methods, choosing at
times three editors, and on other
occasions only one.
Five-Man Board
The new proposal would have the
Board in Control select five persons
in May, not designating their specific
positions on the paper. The new edi-
torial board would meet the after-'
noon of its appointment, and choose
from among its membership a man-
aging editor, a city editor, an editorial
director, a sophomore editor and an
editorial assistant. If a seven man
board were appointed; a feature and
supplements editor and a copy edi-
tor would be added.
The board of editors, by majority
vote, would direct the policy of the
Daily, make understaff appointments
and coordinate the entire work of
The Daily. The Board of Editors
would be directly responsible to the"
Board in Control of Student Publi-
cations through the managing editor.
According to the petition, reasons
for the change are as follows:
1. Decisions by five or seven man
board, acting democratically, willj
more accurately reflect the temper'
of the staff,
2. The Board of Editors will be
familiar with the work and qualifica-
tions of its members before elections'
to specific positions.
3. Greater cooperation will exist
between and within the junior and
senior staffs.
4. The present responsibility vested
in the managing editor is too large
for one man.
5. The present break-neck compe-
tition among junior members of the
staff would be reduced.
Functions Described
The functions of the various mem-
bers of the board would be as follows:
The managing editor would repre-
sent the Daily on all official Universi-
ty Boards that he now serves on, he
would coordinate the work of the
various staffs of the Daily, and main-
tain control over the paper in the
interim when the Board does not
meet. As with other members of the
Board, he would be responsible to
the body as a whole for his actions.
The city editor would have com-
plete charge of assignment of cam-
pus news stories and features, and
maintain the rest of his other func-
tions unless a copy editor were added,
through the appointment of a seven
man board.
The editorial director would be in
charge of the editorial policy of The
Daily subject to the general outline
laid down by the Board of Editors.
The sophomore editor would have
control of the ,training of sopho-
mores and the assignment of news
stories to sophomores

Signjtors Listed
The editorial assistant would aid
the editorial director in the mainten-
ance of the editorial page.
If a seven man board were appoint-
ed, the copy editor would be in
charge of makeup, cuts and photo-
graphic work and advise the junior
night editors on editing news. Most
of these functions are now performed
by th ite nQr.im.

ire DamAa'gesAlumE Ehu
SiX Occupanits Escap-e Unhurt

Eight Students
Enter Petitions
Ine / tce
Campus Body To Discuss
Dorms, Mid hignensian
And Subsidizltion issuest
Eight students entered the Studentr
Senate election race yesterday in the
first day of petitioning at Lane Hall.
Applications of candidacy will be ac-
cepted from 4 to 6 p.m. each day this
week until Friday, Edward Magdol,
'39, director of elections anneunced.
In the next-to-last meeting be-1
fore the March 31 election at 8 p.m.
tonight in the Union the Student Sen-
ate will consider problems of dormi-
tory rents, Michiganensian prices and
subsidization of (oleP athletes.
Campus cricles that have indicated1
an interest in the proposed programr
of student criticism of teachingt
methods and curiculm, await a
report tonight by Education Commit-
tee Chairman Robert Kahn, '39, whol
has been in charge of ihe work.
At the same time Magdol an-
nounced the celca ion board', which{
will have the fial woid in the ad-
ministration of the lotng: Hor-
ace Gilmore, '39, Robert Perlman,
'39, Robert Rosa, '29 Norman A.
Schorr, '40, and Mgdol.
Nazi c1U /
Student Sen
(Editor's Note: Thi:s u e ifst in a
series of artl,; c rmni excFange
tuden1t3S i;2;;Tliv 'teefl States Jfor-
Inat~i~flihas bef ir ie by a mnern.
her of U. S. Conress.)
Interchange of grundua e students and
professors between countries, carried
on for many years to advance inter-
national am ityand culture, has be-
come an official mcans of dissemin-
ating Nazi prop giinda, recent investi-
gations show.
Charges have buen ade on the
floor of Congrea>. that the Hitler re-
gime "delhe rately and dishonestly"
uses its exc'hangfe stdents and pro-
fessors as "am bassad rs of intoler-
ance," especally those assigned to
study in the United States.
All German students wishing to
study in a foreign country must ob-
tain certificates of "political respon-
sibility" from the National Socialist
Party. These certificates attest to
their enthusiaam for National Social-
ims and their loyalty to the Fuehrer
and must be submitted to the Reich
Minister of Education. Once accepted,
candidates receive special training
at National Sociaist Students League
groups in Goebbel's propaganda tech-
niques as adapted for use on college
Formed to study "immediate foreign
questions and Germany's border prob-
lems" and directed by party leaders,
these groups concentrate on particu-
lar countries, one of which is known
as a "study grou for the United

Procedure Unprecedented
As Board Names Editor
In 'Closed Appointment'
Adviser To Serve
Only For Summer
In an unexpected and unprecedent-
°d move last night, the Board in Con-
rol of Student Publications appoint-
d Robert D. Mitchell, '39BAd., man-
iging editor of the 1939 Summer Daily
rnd assured the appointment of a
"professional" adviser under whom
the new editor will work.
Mitchell is the present managing
editor of The Daily. The announce-
ment was made by Prof. Edson R.
Sunderland of the Law School, busi-
ness manager of the Board.
Mitchell's appointment came as a
complete surprise to the Daily staff.
In past years the appointment of
the Summer Daily editor had been
made in May at approximately the
game time as the appointment of the
editors and business managers of
the other student publications.
No Petition
The appointment in the past fol-
lowed petitions to the Board from
interested applicants, usually the out-
going senior editors of The Daily,
after a public announcement by the
Board that the position was open. In
this case there were neither petitions
nor announcement. Consternation
was rife last night among prospective
applicants for the position, none of
whom had been told a change in pro-
cedure would be made this year.
The appointment of an "adviser"
was assured by the Board's action in
referring back to Prof. Louis A. boP-
kins, director of the Summer Session,
his recommendation that such pro-
vision be made. Professor Hopkins'
recommendation was based upon his
report that in the past, relations be-
tween the editor of the Summer
Daily and the Director of the Sum-
mer Session have been "unsatisfac-
tory," Professor Sunderland said.
The Board's reply to Professor
Hopkins stated that since the re-
organization of the Summer Daily
a number of years ago, the director
of the Summer Session has been in
sole and complete control of the Sum-
mer Daily. For this reason, Profes-
sor Sunderland pointed out, the deci-
sion to appoint an "adviser" remains
with Professor Hopkins.
Hopkins Announces Advisers
Professor Hopkins told The Daily
last night that such an "adviser"
would be appointed. He rf used to
state, however, whether the adviser"
would be a faculty man or news-
paperman brought in from outside,
or whether his job would be full or
part time. He said: "I haven't made
up my mind yet."
Professor Sunderland said last
night that Mitchell was selected for
the summer editorship at the recom-
mendation of Professor Hopkins, who
felt, he said, that they would be able
to "cooperate."
The Board passed a resolution last
night providing for the public an-
nouncement in the future of the
vacancy existing in the editorship of
the Summer Daily. Petitions will be
presented to Professor Hopkins who
will, in turn, present his recommenda-
tion to the Board. The selection, he
said, will probably be made in Janu-
ary. But he pointed out that although
the Board will make the selection,
the director of the Summer Session
will possess complete authority over
him, including the power of removal.,
Present Editor Chosen
Surprise among prospective appli-
cants for the position was increased
by the fact that the outgoing editor
of The Daily was chosen for the sum-
mer editorship. Professor Sunder-
land stated'last night that this has

been the tradition of the past. How-
ever, a check of The Daily files back
until 1920 revealed that only in one
case was the same man selected. That
was in 1933 when Frank Gilbreth,
'33, held both positions.
The appointment precedes by ap-
proximately seven weeks the appoint-
ments to the other student publica-
tions which are slated for the middle
of May. These selections will prob-
nh c ieneea kk Seeav-ica n~nrn s

Firemen battle( for more than an
hour yesterday afternoon to extin-
guish a fire which drove five women
students and Mrs. Florence L. Pres-
ton, director, from Alumnae House.
No one was injured in the blaze
although the 16 residents were forced
to move into other dormitories. In an
incomplete appraisal of damage, Uni-
versity officials estimated the loss at
$3,000 with insurance covering it
The blaze was discovered shortly
after 3 p.m. by Agnes Hippen, '39,
when she smelled smoke on the third
floor. Other residents were immedi-

tracted by the smoke and flashes of
Fire department officials believed
the blaze was caused by defective wir-
ing. University authorities placed the
blame upon sparks from the chimney.
Those who fled from the fire be-
sides Agnes Hippen and Zenovia Skon-
atko were Tenho Sihvonnen, '41E;
Betty Lou Witters, '41Ed, and Anne
Schaeffer, '40SM.
The fire, officers said, began in
the attic and worked down to the
third floor. Little damage was done
to the lower floor except by water.
Building and Grounds employees
worked methodically removing every-
thno nnccihln nihi fha h m- ino

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